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1. LAW ENFORCER - body of government employees trained in methods of law
enforcement and crime prevention and detection
2. LAW ENFORCEMENT - the activity of some members of government who act in
an organized manner to enforce the law
3. PATROL - commonly a group of personnel, such as law enforcement officers
4. POLICE PATROL - one or more police officer making round in order to guard or
inspect property and to protect lives
5. ARREST - the taking of a person into custody in order that he may be bound to
answer for the commission of an offense.
6. WARRANT OF ARREST – issued by a competent authority, directing the
arrest of a person or persons upon grounds stated therein
7. SEARCH WARRANT - is an order in writing issued in the name of the People of
the Philippines, signed by a judge and directed to a peace officer,
commanding him to search for personal property described therein and bring
it before the court.
8. INQUEST PROCEEDING - is an informal and summary investigation conducted
by the public prosecutor in a criminal case involving persons
9. CRIME MAPPING - is used by analysts in law enforcement agencies to map,
visualize, and analyze crime incident patterns
10. CRIME CLOCK - signifies what time crime is often or frequently committed
11. HAZARD - refers to any person, place, thing, situation or condition which, if
allowed to exist may induce an accident or cause of the commission of a crime.
12. POLICE HAZARD - anything that possesses a high potential for criminal attack
that may induce incidents
13. SPAN OF CONTROL - refers to the number of officers or subordinates that a
superior supervises
14. CHAIN OF COMMAND - the arrangement of officers from top to bottom
15. COMMAND RESPONSIBILITY - dictates that immediate commanders shall be
responsible for the effective supervision
16. CRIME – an act or omission punishable by law.
17. MOTIVE - is the basis why people will commit crime
18. OPPORTUNITY - it is the physical possibility that criminals could have executed
the crime
19. INSTRUMENTALITY - it is the means used in executing the crime.
20. POLICE CHECKPOINT - it is a location where the search, which is duly
authorized by the PNP
21. CRIME PREVENTION - is to eliminate or reduce the desire to commit crime.
22. CRIME SUPPRESION - the actual prevention of the commission of crime.
23. CRIME SCENE – where the physical evidence can be found.
24. FIRST RESPONDER – main purpose is to save life.
25. FOOT PATROL - the most common and best known methods of patrol.
26. AUTOMOBILE PATROL - It is the most effective means of transport for police
27. PAT-DOWN SEARCH - a “frisk or external feeling of the outer garments of an
individual for weapons only.
28. PUBLIC ASSEMBLY - means any rally, demonstration, march, parade,
procession or any other form of mass or concerted action held in public place
29. FREEDOM PARK - the venue or place established or designated by local
government units within their respective jurisdictions

1. SECURITY - the degree of protection to safeguard a nation union of nations or
2. PHYSICAL SECURITY - The broadest type of security
3. BARRIER - any structure or physical device capable of restriction
4. NATURAL BARRIER - geographical features, such as rivers, lakes
5. HUMAN BARRIER - security guards and employee of the establishment
6. SOLID FENCE - kind of fence the is constructed in such a way that visual access
7. FULL VIEW FENCE - kind of fence that provides visual access through the
8. TOP GUARD - additional overhead of barbed wire on vertical perimeter fences
9. INCANDESCENT LAMP - These are common light bulbs that are found in every
10. GASEOUS-DISCHARGE LAMP - protective lighting is limited since they
required a period of two to five minutes to light
11. LOCKS - are one of the most widely used physical security devices in the
protection of facilities
12. LOCK - mechanical, electrical, hydraulic or electronic device designed to prevent
13. PADLOCK - portable and detachable lock with or sliding hasp
14. PETERMAN - term used in England for lock picker
15. WARDED LOCK - is incorporation of wards or obstructions
16. KEY CONTROL - management of keys in a plant or business organization to
prevent unauthorized individual access to the keys.
17. FALSE KEY - keys other than those intended by the owner for use in lock
forcibly opened by the offender.
18. COMPLETE BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION - a type of BI which is more
comprehensive, particularly all the circumstances of his personal life.
19. HUMAN HAZARD - act or condition affecting the safe operation of the facility
cause by human action
20. NATURAL HAZARD - act or situation caused by natural phenomenon, like
floods, typhoons, earthquakes, etc.
21. PRIVATE DETECTIVE - Any natural person, not a member of the regular police
force, the AFP, who does detective work for hire, reward or commission.
22. COMPANY SECURITY - security guard recruited and employed by the company
23. PRIVATE SECURITY - security guard hired by client belonging to private
security agency.
24. SECURITY GUARD - any natural person who offers or render personal service
to watch or guard residential or business premises
25. PADPAO - Philippine Association of Detective and Protective Agency Operation,
Inc. (Organized in May 1958)
26. PNP SAGSD - Philippines National Police Security Agency and Guard
Supervision Division
27. R.A 5487 – The Private Security Agency Law
28. VAULT - It is bigger than safe but smaller than file room.

1. SPECIAL CRIME - importance is on physical evidence rather than an extra-
judicial confession
2. CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION - the act/process of careful inquiry or research
3. CRIME – an act or omission punishable by law.
4. INVESTIGATOR – also known as “Prober.” The one who conduct investigation.
5. PARRICIDE - any person who shall kill his father, mother, or child whether
legitimate or illegitimate, or any of his legitimate ascendants or descendants, or
his spouse.
6. MURDER - Any person who, not falling within the provisions of Article 246, shall
kill another, shall be guilty of murder and shall be punished by reclusion perpetua
to death
7. TRACHERY - means that offender party was not given opportunity to make a
8. HOMICIDE - shall kill another without the attendance of any of the circumstances
enumerated in art. 248 (murder) shall be deemed guilty of homicide.
9. INFANTICIDE - any person who shall kill any child less than three days of age
(less than 27 hours).
10. ALGOR MORTIS - Cooling of the body
11. RIGOR MORTIS - Stiffening of the body
12. LIVOR MORTIS - Discoloration of the body
13. STAB WOUND - produces by the forcible application and penetration of a sharp
14. PUNCTURED WOUND - penetration of sharp pointed weapon
15. DEFENSE WOUND - result of a person’s instinctive reaction of self-protection
16. ROBBERY - Any person who, with intent to gain, shall take any personal
property belonging to another by means of violence or intimidation
17. SEDUCTION - crime has been modified by rape committed by means of
fraudulent machination or by grave abuse of authority.
18. ACTS OF LASCIVIOUSNESS - contact may be by the body of the accused such
as by the lips, hands, foot; or by means of any object or instrument
19. RAPE - committed by a man who shall have carnal knowledge of a woman
20. STATUTORY RAPE – sexual intercourse of 12 years old below woman
21. R.A 8353 – Anti Rape Law of 1997
22. KIDNAPPING - offender is a private individual who shall kidnaps or detains
another, or in any other manner deprives the latter of his liberty
23. RANSOM DEMAND - may range from 1 million to 100 million, depending on the
paying capacity of the victim and the operational capability of the KFR group.
24. TRAFFICKING IN PERSON - refers to the recruitment, transportation, harboring,
or receipt of people for the purpose of slavery or prostitution
25. R.A 9208 - Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003
26. MONEY LAUNDERING - the practice of disguising illegally funds so that they
may seem legal.
27. R.A 9160 - Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2001
28. CYBERCRIME - crimes performed or resorted to by abuse of electronic media
29. R.A 10364 - Expanded Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2012
30. PLACEMENT - the initial stage of money laundering

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