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Stock Portfolio Tracker

Queries and Feedback

Stock Portfolio Tracker is Investment Moats attempt at creating an online spread
sheet that will let a stock investor
1) Monitor your stocks in a portfolio
2) Track stock purchase by transactions
3) Transactions compatible includes purchase, sale, dividend and stock splits
4) Aggregate transactions to individual stocks
5) Aggregate individual stocks to portfolio
6) Calculate each stock's XIRR
7) Factors in Bonus, Rights Issue

September 21, 2019 07:46:36 +0800

If you appreciate this spreadsheet and would like to donate to the effort, donate
How to use this
Click and read this article which teaches you how to Get Started and Use
this Stock Portfolio Tracker
Note: To Use do not click SHARE but go to FILE > Make a Copy... to make a copy for yourself
Field that needs to be specify by user
Field that contains formula. Do not fill in this field with user's own values
Version History
Yahoo Finance API Seems to be taken down after being bought by Verizon. I did a workaround where I
would upload and process SGX end of day data, and convert into a CSV

You can linked this CSV using import data.

At "Yahoo Data Ref", Replace

s="&LEFT(CONCATenate('Stock Summary'!F2:F),LEN(CONCATenate('Stock Summary'!F2:F))-
1)&"&f=snp2l1jkm3m4"&"&"&'Read This First'!$B$5))

With =arrayformula(ImportData(""&'Read This First'!

Added getYahooFinanceData(string) to Script Editor.Change the way stock data is retrieved from
Yahoo. Implemented getYahooFinanceData(string) in YahooDataRef, YahooDataRef USD,
YahooDataRef HKD

- also added a "--" in front of index, to force convert text to numbers in Yahoo Price in Stock Summary,
Stock Summary USD, Stock Summary HKD
Change Yahoo Last Price column from Vlookup to Index-Filter for performance
Added Cash Register Sheet to help keep track of cash portion. The Cash Register sheet adds up to the
Cash Register section of Stock Summary sheet.
- also added Money Flow, Sub Money Flow, Currency Named List in Ref

Added Capital Reduction to Transactions

- added "CapReduct" type as Transaction Type
- insert if(B2="CapReduct",I2,0) into Cumulative units
- insert if(B2="CapReduct",L2-K2,"Error") into Cumulative costs
Amend Transactions, Transactions USD and Transactions HKD. Under Cumulative Cost, if Previous
Cost is <= 0, it will not show "ERROR. NO PREVIOUS UNITS". It will show 0.

This is to cater to the cases, where a user highlighted that in some cases shares can be purchase at
zero cost due to it being gifts
Removed Mthly Sheet as it is not really very useful
Change the formula for Transactions, Transactions USD, Transactions HKD to one which i feel is less
complex so that the spreadsheet will not be bogged down as data becomes larger.

We changed the "Previous Units" and "Previous Costs" Columns in each of the three sheets. We also
add a "Prev Row" to them. Previous Units and Costs now computes based on Prev Row, which is the
last row of the unique stock, e.g China Merchant Pacific, previous row is XXX

1) Add a column to the left of "Previous Units" for the three sheets
2) Name the column "Prev Row"
3) In row 2 of Prev Row, append this function in (without the " "):
4) Drag row 2 all the way till the last row
5) Under "Previous Units", in row 2, change the function to:"=if(H2=0,0,INDIRECT("J"&H2))"
6) Drag row 2 all the way till the last row
7) Under "Previous Costs", in row 2, change the function to:"=if(H2=0,0,INDIRECT("O"&H2))"
8) Drag row 2 all the way till the last row
9) Verify that the change in formula did not cause miscalculations
10) RepeatPortfolio
Reformat the following for "Transactions
Summary (13 May 2013)USD" and "Transactions HKD" if you are using them
1) Added Secton to fill in unlisted equities, cash
Take out XIRR formula for individual stocks in Stock Summary and Stock Summary USD because it is
too intensive! Specifically, QUERY and VLOOKUP are intensive formulas

Formula is at right side.

For users who are interested in implementing XIRR on individual stocks can
1) at Stock Summary or Stock Summary USD, create a column after column U (Market Value).
2) copy the formula to the right in Reference Links into the first cell (cell row 2)
3) drag the row
Functionality 2 downwards
- XIRR to propagate
for individual stocks at to the summary
stock rest of the other rows.
- added column Cash Flow to Transactions and Transactions USD
- added column XIRR to Stock Summary and Stock Summary USD

Note: XIRR takes the following example. Buy transactions are negative, Div and Sell are positive. Div is
taken into account assuming there are no reinvestment
-added a Remarks column in Transactions to help users take note of each transactions
-added "Yield on Transaction" in Transactions to reflect the yield on individual sell and dividend
- Fixed bug in Mthly and Yrly worksheet where #NUM was shown in values that is working previously.
What it boils down to is that a bug with MONTH() and YEAR() has been apparently fixed, whereby if
these functions were referencing a blank cell, they would return 12 and 1899 respectively, as if the cell
they were referencing was actually zero. Now it seems they are (correctly) returning a #NUM! error
when this is done.
-The solution is to append an IFERROR(YEAR(Transactions!$A$2:$A)=$A2)) around the YEAR and the
MONTH formulas. If you have taken the sheet before this please do the update accordingly

- Added Mthly worksheet that profiles dividends and stock gains/losses by month so that you can
- Added Yrly worksheet that profiles dividends and stock gains/losses by year so that you can review
- Added Last Price Yield to Stock Summary to let user compare against yield on cost
-Added Yahoo Data Ref Sheet. This is to store data pull from Yahoo Finance. This is because
importData function is limited to 50 times per sheet
-Data is thus pulled via VLookup in Stock Summary from Yahoo Data Ref
- Added Total Gain/Loss to Stock Summary
- Added Last Price Automation by getting prices from yahoo finance using yahoo CSV file and
importdata function
- Added Portfolio Summary Sheet
- Added Stock Split.
- Add Split Ratio column.
- Change Data Validation for B column in Stock Summary to include "Split"
- Add Conditional Formating Rule for B column to include "Split"
- Add Split formula to Cumulative Cost if(B2="Split",K2,"Error")
- Change Cumulative Stock formula. Retiring
- New Cumulative Stock formula. =if(B2="Buy",H2+D2,if(B2="Sell",H2-D2,if(B2="Div",H2,if(B2="Split",H2*G2,0))))

Created first draft of stock portfolio tracker

Reference Links

=iferror(--index(FILTER('Yahoo Data Ref'!

D$2:D,'Yahoo Data Ref'!A$2:A=E2)),"--")




Previous Cumulative cost formula:

L2<=0,"Error.No Previous units.",L2-

Previous Units Formula:

C1:$C$2=C2,row($C1:$C$2),0)))) ;1),0),0)

Previous Cost Formula:

$C1:$C$2=C2,row($C1:$C$2),0)))) ;1),0),0)

iferror(XIRR( SPLIT ( JOIN ("&" ,

QUERY(Transactions!A$2:R,"SELECT R WHERE
(B = 'Buy' OR B = 'Sell' OR B='Div') AND C = '" &
B2 & "'"), U2, "&" ) , "&") , SPLIT ( JOIN
("&" , QUERY(Transactions!A$2:R,"SELECT A
WHERE( B = 'Buy' OR B = 'Sell' OR B='Div') AND
C = '" & B2 & "'"), TODAY(), "&" ) , "&") ),0)
Yearly and Monthly Dividends Report Fixed
Cost % Current Value %
Cash Register $348,121.88 57.81% $348,121.88 55.05% $0.00
Unlisted Securities $0.00 0.00% $0.00 0.00% $0.00
Base Currency Securities $248,931.17 41.34% $283,205.00 44.79% $34,273.83
USD Securities in Base Currency $4,869.36 0.81% $945.87 0.15% -$3,923.49
HKD Securities in Base Currency $237.33 0.04% $56.89 0.01% -$180.44
Total $602,159.74 100.00% $632,329.63 100.00% $30,169.90

Cells users fill in own values Portfolio By Cost
Cells Stock Portfolio Tracker Cash Register Unlis
Base Currency Auto home
Your Calculates
currency Secu
Cash Undeployed Liquid Asset
Class Base Currency USD
Unlisted Securities Assets and instruments
that are not listed, or hard Securities in Ba
to frequently update. They Curre
form your Wealth Portfolio
HKD Securities
so its best you manually
track them in Base
Realised Dividends Expected Annual
% Annual
Gains/Losses Collected Dividend Yield
0.00% $0.00 $0.00 Dividends
$2,300.00 0.66%
0.00% $1,995.00 $1,780.98 $0.00 4.00%
13.77% $142,410.47 $75,836.83 $18,944.23 7.61%
-80.58% -$2,608.55 $633.84 $0.00 0.00%
-76.03% $0.00 $0.00 $15.52 6.54%
5.01% $141,796.92 $78,251.65 $21,259.75 3.53%

io By Cost
Register Unlisted
Currency USD Securities
rities in Base
Date Time Portfolio Cost Portfolio Value Cash Unrealized Gains / Realized Gains / Dividends
Losses Losses Collected
2016 Dec 01 $551,939.40 $553,347.29 $277,687.04 $1,407.88 $77,915.94 $60,106.16
2016 Dec 02 $551,924.41 $554,117.37 $277,687.04 $2,192.96 $77,920.82 $60,101.45
2016 Dec 03 $551,894.51 $554,670.07 $277,687.04 $2,775.56 $77,930.01 $60,091.59
2016 Dec 04 $551,891.97 $554,671.11 $277,687.04 $2,779.14 $77,931.88 $60,091.71
2016 Dec 05 $551,891.97 $554,671.11 $277,687.04 $2,779.14 $77,931.88 $60,091.71
2016 Dec 06 $551,902.42 $555,500.49 $274,075.04 $3,598.07 $77,928.39 $60,094.91
2016 Dec 07 $551,889.67 $554,491.95 $274,075.04 $2,602.28 $77,932.64 $60,090.99
2016 Dec 08 $551,888.21 $555,868.81 $274,075.04 $3,980.60 $77,933.02 $60,090.45
2016 Dec 09 $551,911.29 $555,447.92 $274,075.04 $3,536.63 $77,925.45 $60,097.64
2016 Dec 10 $551,937.05 $555,761.31 $274,075.04 $3,824.26 $77,916.21 $60,104.99
2016 Dec 11 $551,932.67 $555,757.06 $274,075.04 $3,824.39 $77,917.69 $60,103.66
2016 Dec 12 $551,932.67 $555,757.06 $274,075.04 $3,824.39 $77,917.69 $60,103.66
2016 Dec 13 $551,916.93 $555,167.53 $274,075.04 $3,250.60 $77,923.13 $60,099.00
2016 Dec 14 $551,908.81 $554,326.18 $274,075.04 $2,417.37 $77,925.87 $60,096.53
2016 Dec 15 $551,905.67 $554,130.28 $274,075.04 $2,224.61 $77,927.14 $60,095.77
2016 Dec 16 $552,327.62 $551,371.26 $284,169.04 -$956.36 $78,248.16 $60,118.20
2016 Dec 17 $552,344.29 $551,961.10 $284,169.04 -$383.19 $78,241.67 $60,122.50
2016 Dec 18 $552,329.22 $551,951.80 $284,169.04 -$377.42 $78,247.09 $60,118.22
2016 Dec 19 $552,329.22 $551,951.80 $284,169.04 -$377.42 $78,247.09 $60,118.22
2016 Dec 20 $552,340.08 $551,294.30 $284,169.04 -$1,045.78 $78,243.09 $60,121.22
2016 Dec 21 $554,460.79 $554,444.41 $286,297.24 -$16.39 $78,245.72 $60,119.04
2016 Dec 22 $554,456.51 $554,806.98 $286,297.24 $350.48 $78,247.69 $60,118.20
2016 Dec 23 $554,473.34 $554,863.18 $282,785.24 $389.84 $78,241.91 $60,123.22
2016 Dec 24 $554,469.09 $553,725.83 $282,785.24 -$743.26 $78,243.84 $60,122.37
2016 Dec 25 $554,470.38 $553,724.50 $282,785.24 -$745.88 $78,243.39 $60,122.74
2016 Dec 26 $554,470.38 $553,724.50 $282,785.24 -$745.88 $78,243.39 $60,122.74
2016 Dec 27 $554,469.97 $553,724.46 $282,785.24 -$745.52 $78,243.37 $60,122.47
2016 Dec 28 $554,475.57 $553,697.42 $282,785.24 -$778.16 $78,241.62 $60,124.30
2016 Dec 29 $554,486.35 $554,709.90 $282,785.24 $223.55 $78,238.12 $60,127.69
2016 Dec 30 $555,585.14 $554,361.17 $283,889.54 -$1,223.97 $78,240.52 $61,230.79
2016 Dec 31 $555,569.14 $557,178.46 $280,302.54 $1,609.32 $78,246.11 $61,226.11
2017 Jan 01 $555,573.54 $557,162.38 $280,302.54 $1,588.85 $78,244.39 $61,227.23
2017 Jan 02 $555,573.54 $557,162.38 $280,302.54 $1,588.85 $78,244.39 $61,227.23
2017 Jan 03 $555,585.41 $557,172.72 $280,302.54 $1,587.30 $78,240.40 $61,230.85
2017 Jan 04 $555,589.76 $557,610.92 $280,302.54 $2,021.16 $78,238.73 $61,231.99
2017 Jan 05 $555,548.24 $558,336.64 $279,250.54 $2,788.40 $78,252.87 $61,219.51
2017 Jan 06 $555,506.30 $559,842.22 $263,046.54 $4,335.92 $78,267.10 $61,206.84
2017 Jan 07 $555,532.15 $560,646.31 $257,283.54 $5,114.16 $78,258.29 $61,214.62
2017 Jan 08 $555,542.91 $560,653.82 $257,283.54 $5,110.92 $78,254.64 $61,217.87
2017 Jan 09 $555,542.91 $560,653.82 $257,283.54 $5,110.92 $78,254.64 $61,217.87
2017 Jan 10 $555,533.63 $560,653.00 $257,283.54 $5,110.92 $78,257.76 $61,215.04
2017 Jan 11 $555,516.89 $561,327.12 $250,838.51 $5,810.23 $78,261.62 $61,211.77
2017 Jan 12 $555,562.23 $561,253.52 $250,838.51 $5,691.29 $78,254.55 $61,218.01
2017 Jan 13 $555,446.14 $561,786.89 $250,838.51 $6,340.75 $78,272.08 $61,202.01
2017 Jan 14 $555,495.13 $561,912.00 $250,838.51 $6,416.87 $78,264.80 $61,208.76
2017 Jan 15 $555,478.00 $561,918.16 $250,853.32 $6,440.15 $78,267.48 $61,206.34
2017 Jan 16 $555,478.00 $561,918.16 $250,853.32 $6,440.15 $78,267.48 $61,206.34
2017 Jan 17 $555,485.32 $561,166.77 $250,853.32 $5,681.45 $78,266.24 $61,207.34
2017 Jan 18 $555,390.79 $562,021.81 $244,188.32 $6,631.02 $78,280.44 $61,194.31
2017 Jan 19 $555,417.89 $563,032.37 $244,188.32 $7,614.48 $78,276.22 $61,198.04
2017 Jan 20 $555,480.67 $562,864.43 $244,188.32 $7,383.76 $78,266.55 $61,206.70
2017 Jan 21 $555,453.70 $561,506.63 $244,188.32 $6,052.93 $78,270.15 $61,202.97
2017 Jan 22 $557,585.13 $563,635.49 $246,316.52 $6,050.36 $78,269.91 $61,203.42
2017 Jan 23 $557,672.45 $563,722.81 $246,403.84 $6,050.36 $78,269.91 $61,203.42
2017 Jan 24 $557,617.99 $564,529.52 $246,403.84 $6,911.53 $78,278.59 $61,195.91
2017 Jan 25 $557,594.52 $564,845.72 $246,403.84 $7,251.20 $78,282.01 $61,192.67
2017 Jan 26 $557,601.20 $564,257.67 $246,403.84 $6,656.47 $78,280.66 $61,193.59
2017 Jan 27 $557,667.04 $565,632.32 $246,403.84 $7,965.27 $78,270.70 $61,202.67
2017 Jan 28 $557,678.30 $564,552.88 $246,403.84 $6,874.59 $78,268.87 $61,204.22
2017 Jan 29 $557,714.71 $565,162.33 $246,403.84 $7,447.62 $78,263.15 $61,209.24
2017 Jan 30 $557,714.71 $565,162.33 $246,403.84 $7,447.62 $78,263.15 $61,209.24
2017 Jan 31 $557,712.84 $565,172.03 $246,470.28 $7,459.20 $78,273.94 $61,266.26
2017 Feb 01 $557,593.37 $564,374.17 $241,748.28 $6,780.80 $78,291.67 $61,249.78
2017 Feb 02 $557,652.40 $564,871.09 $241,748.28 $7,218.69 $78,282.65 $61,257.92
2017 Feb 03 $557,594.24 $565,185.24 $241,748.28 $7,591.00 $78,291.59 $61,249.90
2017 Feb 04 $557,579.18 $564,771.04 $241,748.28 $7,191.86 $78,294.51 $61,247.84
2017 Feb 05 $557,598.96 $565,405.34 $241,748.28 $7,806.38 $78,291.29 $61,250.56
2017 Feb 06 $557,598.96 $565,405.34 $241,748.28 $7,806.38 $78,291.29 $61,250.56
2017 Feb 07 $557,614.60 $564,514.56 $236,274.28 $6,899.97 $78,288.74 $61,252.72
2017 Feb 08 $557,659.66 $564,620.40 $236,274.28 $6,960.75 $78,282.10 $61,258.93
2017 Feb 09 $557,642.57 $572,401.14 $236,274.28 $14,758.57 $78,284.29 $61,256.57
2017 Feb 10 $557,972.84 $572,682.46 $245,155.28 $14,709.62 $78,575.37 $61,261.30
2017 Feb 11 $557,987.16 $574,848.13 $245,155.28 $16,860.98 $78,572.70 $61,263.26
2017 Feb 12 $557,988.00 $574,852.78 $245,155.28 $16,864.78 $78,573.02 $61,263.39
2017 Feb 13 $557,988.00 $574,852.78 $245,155.28 $16,864.78 $78,573.02 $61,263.39
2017 Feb 14 $558,011.65 $576,276.18 $224,403.28 $18,264.53 $78,570.44 $61,266.53
2017 Feb 15 $558,001.09 $574,871.69 $224,403.28 $16,870.61 $78,570.70 $61,265.05
2017 Feb 16 $558,004.74 $578,578.61 $224,403.28 $20,573.87 $78,570.19 $61,265.55
2017 Feb 17 $557,964.98 $577,194.25 $224,403.28 $19,229.27 $78,576.20 $61,260.07
2017 Feb 18 $557,966.60 $577,348.28 $224,403.28 $19,381.68 $78,575.87 $61,260.29
2017 Feb 19 $557,969.77 $577,357.36 $224,403.28 $19,387.59 $78,575.12 $61,260.72
2017 Feb 20 $557,969.77 $577,357.36 $224,403.28 $19,387.59 $78,575.12 $61,260.72
2017 Feb 21 $560,094.74 $578,027.37 $226,531.48 $17,932.63 $78,575.65 $61,260.28
2017 Feb 22 $560,121.09 $581,368.86 $226,531.48 $21,247.77 $78,571.65 $61,263.91
2017 Feb 23 $560,088.53 $581,575.11 $226,531.48 $21,486.58 $78,576.80 $61,259.43
2017 Feb 24 $559,998.19 $582,600.10 $226,531.48 $22,601.90 $78,590.87 $61,246.98
2017 Feb 25 $560,075.32 $581,737.81 $226,618.10 $21,662.49 $78,591.68 $61,245.65
2017 Feb 26 $560,072.64 $581,750.28 $226,618.10 $21,677.64 $78,592.26 $61,245.29
2017 Feb 27 $561,117.64 $582,795.28 $227,663.10 $21,677.64 $78,592.26 $62,290.29
2017 Feb 28 $561,093.65 $582,997.26 $227,663.10 $21,903.61 $78,595.81 $62,286.98
2017 Mar 01 $561,063.70 $582,555.89 $227,663.10 $21,492.19 $78,599.79 $62,282.84
2017 Mar 02 $562,841.09 $584,966.43 $229,347.60 $22,125.34 $78,585.74 $63,980.15
2017 Mar 03 $562,853.93 $584,722.18 $229,347.60 $21,868.25 $78,583.95 $63,981.92
2017 Mar 04 $562,888.78 $586,623.75 $229,347.60 $23,734.97 $78,578.43 $63,986.72
2017 Mar 05 $562,922.94 $586,575.55 $226,043.60 $23,652.61 $78,662.80 $63,980.72
2017 Mar 06 $562,922.94 $586,575.55 $226,043.60 $23,652.61 $78,662.80 $63,980.72
2017 Mar 07 $562,929.26 $588,906.56 $226,043.60 $25,977.30 $78,661.53 $63,981.59
2017 Mar 08 $562,929.47 $589,915.88 $226,043.60 $26,986.41 $78,661.56 $63,981.62
2017 Mar 09 $562,978.37 $591,268.90 $226,043.60 $28,290.52 $78,653.32 $63,988.35
2017 Mar 10 $563,006.21 $591,798.32 $226,043.60 $28,792.11 $78,649.55 $63,992.20
2017 Mar 11 $579,394.87 $597,268.62 $276,803.36 $17,873.74 $95,094.40 $63,985.49
2017 Mar 12 $579,375.55 $597,247.57 $276,803.36 $17,872.02 $95,097.47 $63,982.83
2017 Mar 13 $579,375.55 $597,247.57 $276,803.36 $17,872.02 $95,097.47 $63,982.83
2017 Mar 14 $579,379.39 $599,732.65 $276,803.36 $20,353.26 $95,096.81 $63,983.35
2017 Mar 15 $579,382.70 $598,724.61 $276,803.36 $19,341.91 $95,095.47 $63,983.79
2017 Mar 16 $579,372.85 $598,504.06 $276,803.36 $19,131.21 $95,096.79 $63,982.43
2017 Mar 17 $579,288.71 $600,295.92 $276,803.36 $21,007.21 $95,111.89 $63,970.88
2017 Mar 18 $579,293.41 $601,613.34 $276,803.36 $22,319.93 $95,110.69 $63,971.51
2017 Mar 19 $579,290.94 $601,607.67 $276,803.36 $22,316.74 $95,110.77 $63,971.17
2017 Mar 20 $579,290.94 $601,607.67 $276,803.36 $22,316.74 $95,110.77 $63,971.17
2017 Mar 21 $581,370.95 $605,513.74 $278,931.56 $24,142.79 $95,117.57 $63,964.51
2017 Mar 22 $581,384.33 $606,832.27 $278,931.56 $25,447.94 $95,115.20 $63,966.35
2017 Mar 23 $587,908.46 $606,133.26 $300,251.56 $18,224.80 $101,634.58 $63,966.92
2017 Mar 24 $587,914.59 $608,125.96 $300,251.56 $20,211.38 $101,633.43 $63,967.76
2017 Mar 25 $587,914.39 $608,780.90 $300,251.56 $20,866.51 $101,633.53 $63,967.73
2017 Mar 26 $587,909.72 $608,762.55 $300,251.56 $20,852.83 $101,634.32 $63,967.09
2017 Mar 27 $587,909.72 $608,762.55 $300,251.56 $20,852.83 $101,634.32 $63,967.09
2017 Mar 28 $587,861.33 $608,734.49 $300,251.56 $20,873.15 $101,641.57 $63,960.42
2017 Mar 29 $590,389.31 $614,590.43 $302,775.41 $24,201.12 $101,640.82 $66,484.83
2017 Mar 30 $590,406.82 $615,249.45 $302,775.41 $24,842.63 $101,637.76 $66,487.88
2017 Mar 31 $590,394.10 $614,866.43 $302,775.41 $24,472.33 $101,639.33 $66,485.58
2017 Apr 01 $590,414.45 $615,848.05 $302,775.41 $25,433.60 $101,636.09 $66,489.17
2017 Apr 02 $590,416.95 $615,850.44 $302,775.41 $25,433.49 $101,635.83 $66,489.63
2017 Apr 03 $590,416.95 $615,850.44 $302,775.41 $25,433.49 $101,635.83 $66,489.63
2017 Apr 04 $590,419.62 $616,352.23 $302,775.41 $25,932.61 $101,635.48 $66,490.11
2017 Apr 05 $590,429.23 $617,553.55 $294,985.51 $27,124.32 $101,633.95 $66,491.80
2017 Apr 06 $590,450.99 $621,322.85 $294,985.51 $30,871.87 $101,631.00 $66,495.70
2017 Apr 07 $590,460.46 $619,289.83 $294,985.51 $28,829.37 $101,629.46 $66,497.37
2017 Apr 08 $590,459.93 $619,985.69 $294,985.51 $29,525.75 $101,629.59 $66,497.28
2017 Apr 09 $590,484.62 $619,987.45 $294,985.51 $29,502.82 $101,626.62 $66,501.75
2017 Apr 10 $590,484.62 $619,987.45 $294,985.51 $29,502.82 $101,626.62 $66,501.75
2017 Apr 11 $590,479.22 $620,364.34 $294,985.51 $29,885.12 $101,626.58 $66,500.69
2017 Apr 12 $590,465.84 $621,069.30 $294,985.51 $30,603.46 $101,628.30 $66,498.28
2017 Apr 13 $590,440.20 $624,725.99 $294,985.51 $34,285.79 $101,632.14 $66,493.73
2017 Apr 14 $590,418.91 $624,436.87 $294,985.51 $34,017.96 $101,634.91 $66,489.90
2017 Apr 15 $590,416.18 $624,413.07 $294,985.51 $33,996.89 $101,635.48 $66,489.43
2017 Apr 16 $590,421.83 $624,418.52 $294,985.51 $33,996.69 $101,634.59 $66,490.43
2017 Apr 17 $590,421.83 $624,418.52 $294,985.51 $33,996.69 $101,634.59 $66,490.43
2017 Apr 18 $590,403.87 $624,275.64 $294,985.51 $33,871.77 $101,637.59 $66,487.28
2017 Apr 19 $590,411.65 $625,916.88 $294,985.51 $35,505.23 $101,635.81 $66,488.59
2017 Apr 20 $590,683.91 $628,172.84 $295,240.84 $37,488.93 $101,633.16 $66,491.58
2017 Apr 21 $592,795.60 $630,659.69 $297,369.04 $37,864.09 $101,635.39 $66,488.62
2017 Apr 22 $592,794.09 $634,051.86 $297,369.04 $41,257.77 $101,635.65 $66,488.36
2017 Apr 23 $592,793.36 $634,041.53 $297,369.04 $41,248.18 $101,635.79 $66,488.23
2017 Apr 24 $592,793.36 $634,041.53 $297,369.04 $41,248.18 $101,635.79 $66,488.23
2017 Apr 25 $592,761.44 $634,603.11 $297,369.04 $41,841.67 $101,639.57 $66,482.44
2017 Apr 26 $592,756.59 $634,743.00 $297,369.04 $41,986.41 $101,640.10 $66,481.55
2017 Apr 27 $592,799.52 $637,413.40 $297,369.04 $44,613.87 $101,633.52 $66,489.16
2017 Apr 28 $592,796.02 $637,885.35 $297,369.04 $45,089.33 $101,634.24 $66,488.56
2017 Apr 29 $592,793.72 $640,940.98 $297,369.04 $48,147.25 $101,635.13 $66,488.22
2017 Apr 30 $592,797.32 $640,945.62 $297,369.04 $48,148.30 $101,634.43 $66,488.84
2017 May 01 $592,820.61 $640,968.91 $297,392.33 $48,148.30 $101,634.43 $66,500.08
2017 May 02 $592,811.62 $640,968.91 $297,392.33 $48,148.30 $101,636.05 $66,498.51
2017 May 03 $595,458.00 $639,933.92 $296,283.53 $44,475.92 $104,291.11 $66,496.88
2017 May 04 $595,454.48 $639,930.92 $296,292.93 $44,476.44 $104,291.91 $66,496.08
2017 May 05 $595,500.69 $641,013.32 $296,292.93 $45,512.63 $104,284.74 $66,504.30
2017 May 06 $595,526.36 $639,020.91 $296,292.93 $43,494.55 $104,280.25 $66,508.80
2017 May 07 $595,530.78 $639,020.91 $296,292.93 $43,494.55 $104,279.60 $66,509.59
2017 May 08 $595,530.78 $639,030.63 $296,292.93 $43,499.85 $104,279.60 $66,509.59
2017 May 09 $595,535.88 $640,820.49 $296,292.93 $45,284.62 $104,278.64 $66,510.47
2017 May 10 $595,585.00 $640,518.60 $296,292.93 $44,933.59 $104,271.42 $66,519.26
2017 May 11 $595,572.95 $640,487.14 $296,292.93 $44,914.19 $104,272.57 $66,517.02
2017 May 12 $595,557.00 $642,776.29 $296,292.93 $47,219.28 $104,274.17 $66,514.08
2017 May 13 $595,520.18 $640,212.75 $296,292.93 $44,692.57 $104,278.60 $66,507.37
2017 May 14 $595,516.94 $640,208.80 $296,292.93 $44,691.86 $104,279.35 $66,506.82
2017 May 15 $595,516.94 $640,208.80 $296,292.93 $44,691.86 $104,279.35 $66,506.82
2017 May 16 $595,472.86 $641,120.95 $296,292.93 $45,648.09 $104,287.37 $66,499.14
2017 May 17 $595,431.71 $636,701.43 $296,292.93 $41,269.71 $104,293.68 $66,491.81
2017 May 18 $598,282.63 $636,433.35 $305,229.93 $38,150.72 $107,160.18 $66,489.48
2017 May 19 $598,290.70 $637,950.28 $305,229.93 $39,659.58 $107,159.96 $66,491.04
2017 May 20 $599,790.64 $636,306.88 $316,600.93 $36,516.23 $108,709.24 $66,483.35
2017 May 21 $601,999.91 $638,520.37 $318,815.43 $36,520.46 $108,710.18 $66,482.44
2017 May 22 $601,994.33 $638,495.52 $311,867.73 $36,501.19 $108,710.60 $66,481.39
2017 May 23 $602,015.53 $638,966.60 $305,100.45 $36,951.07 $108,706.77 $66,485.09
2017 May 24 $602,017.83 $640,147.88 $305,100.45 $38,130.05 $108,705.99 $66,485.45
2017 May 25 $601,983.50 $639,834.18 $292,342.27 $37,850.67 $108,710.85 $66,479.13
2017 May 26 $601,955.98 $638,579.24 $292,342.27 $36,623.26 $108,714.63 $66,474.17
2017 May 27 $601,955.84 $639,793.30 $292,342.27 $37,837.46 $108,714.46 $66,474.12
2017 May 28 $601,955.84 $639,793.30 $292,342.27 $37,837.46 $108,714.46 $66,474.12
2017 May 29 $601,984.26 $640,074.88 $292,342.27 $38,090.63 $108,709.92 $66,479.16
2017 May 30 $601,985.38 $639,749.41 $284,647.63 $37,764.03 $108,710.12 $66,479.40
2017 May 31 $601,967.36 $641,423.82 $284,647.63 $39,456.47 $108,713.42 $66,476.26
2017 Jun 01 $604,319.32 $643,785.92 $286,996.95 $39,466.60 $108,712.49 $68,826.03
2017 Jun 02 $604,346.20 $645,495.89 $286,996.95 $41,149.69 $108,708.93 $68,831.34
2017 Jun 03 $604,303.42 $645,537.71 $286,996.95 $41,234.28 $108,715.40 $68,823.03
2017 Jun 04 $604,302.17 $645,536.82 $286,996.95 $41,234.64 $108,716.24 $68,822.89
2017 Jun 05 $604,302.17 $645,536.82 $286,996.95 $41,234.64 $108,716.24 $68,822.89
2017 Jun 06 $605,539.91 $646,510.29 $241,952.80 $40,970.38 $109,843.20 $68,824.08
2017 Jun 07 $605,518.45 $647,130.28 $241,952.80 $41,611.83 $109,846.19 $68,819.87
2017 Jun 08 $606,632.38 $651,003.10 $248,062.12 $44,370.72 $110,936.95 $68,823.72
2017 Jun 09 $606,628.36 $650,597.27 $248,062.12 $43,968.91 $110,936.87 $68,822.82
2017 Jun 10 $606,644.95 $644,462.90 $248,062.12 $43,968.91 $110,934.16 $68,826.01
2017 Jun 11 $606,654.18 $644,483.29 $248,062.12 $43,968.91 $110,933.81 $68,827.98
2017 Jun 12 $606,654.18 $651,187.99 $239,782.12 $44,533.81 $110,933.81 $68,827.98
2017 Jun 13 $606,645.67 $652,144.32 $239,782.12 $45,498.65 $110,933.47 $68,826.06
2017 Jun 14 $606,625.52 $652,758.36 $239,782.12 $46,132.83 $110,936.95 $68,822.22
2017 Jun 15 $606,548.49 $651,011.03 $239,782.12 $44,462.54 $110,948.92 $68,807.31
2017 Jun 16 $606,640.35 $650,494.62 $239,782.12 $43,854.27 $110,933.81 $68,824.95
2017 Jun 17 $606,726.53 $651,384.00 $238,966.66 $44,659.00 $111,022.74 $68,824.57
2017 Jun 18 $606,724.79 $651,384.00 $238,966.66 $44,659.00 $111,023.13 $68,824.25
2017 Jun 19 $606,724.79 $651,383.22 $238,966.66 $44,658.43 $111,023.13 $68,824.25
2017 Jun 20 $606,747.58 $651,773.39 $238,966.66 $45,025.80 $111,019.71 $68,828.69
2017 Jun 21 $606,870.59 $651,882.14 $239,055.83 $45,011.55 $111,014.39 $68,835.22
2017 Jun 22 $606,881.29 $650,112.20 $239,055.83 $43,230.90 $111,012.78 $68,837.30
2017 Jun 23 $606,876.65 $649,622.62 $239,055.83 $42,745.97 $111,013.80 $68,836.45
2017 Jun 24 $606,840.35 $649,629.64 $239,055.83 $42,789.29 $111,019.26 $68,829.40
2017 Jun 25 $606,849.58 $649,631.56 $239,055.83 $42,781.98 $111,017.67 $68,831.16
2017 Jun 26 $606,849.58 $649,631.56 $239,055.83 $42,781.98 $111,017.67 $68,831.16
2017 Jun 27 $606,857.24 $649,608.62 $239,055.83 $42,751.38 $111,016.89 $68,832.71
2017 Jun 28 $606,849.91 $648,384.70 $239,055.83 $41,534.79 $111,017.73 $68,831.24
2017 Jun 29 $606,800.45 $649,140.89 $237,416.65 $42,340.43 $111,024.46 $68,821.51
2017 Jun 30 $606,786.89 $651,295.50 $206,832.65 $44,508.61 $111,026.39 $68,818.86
2017 Jul 01 $610,901.19 $655,879.07 $210,977.05 $44,977.88 $111,030.56 $72,957.35
2017 Jul 02 $610,901.71 $655,874.72 $210,977.05 $44,973.02 $111,030.15 $72,957.39
2017 Jul 03 $610,901.71 $655,874.72 $210,977.05 $44,973.02 $111,030.15 $72,957.39
2017 Jul 04 $611,680.06 $653,386.71 $205,737.14 $41,706.65 $111,655.64 $72,966.38
2017 Jul 05 $613,689.40 $652,921.56 $214,913.59 $39,232.16 $113,668.57 $72,966.09
2017 Jul 06 $613,688.28 $654,992.76 $204,712.69 $41,304.48 $113,668.46 $72,965.91
2017 Jul 07 $613,689.41 $655,398.65 $204,712.69 $41,709.24 $113,667.19 $72,965.94
2017 Jul 08 $613,686.96 $657,469.36 $204,712.69 $43,782.40 $113,667.80 $72,965.51
2017 Jul 09 $613,683.74 $657,474.48 $204,712.69 $43,790.73 $113,668.19 $72,964.87
2017 Jul 10 $613,683.74 $657,474.48 $204,712.69 $43,790.73 $113,668.19 $72,964.87
2017 Jul 11 $613,845.33 $659,286.42 $235,432.69 $45,441.09 $113,799.99 $72,969.78
2017 Jul 12 $613,834.80 $661,312.58 $235,432.69 $47,477.78 $113,801.63 $72,967.74
2017 Jul 13 $613,785.80 $659,749.18 $235,432.69 $45,963.38 $113,810.43 $72,958.46
2017 Jul 14 $613,782.45 $658,711.41 $226,540.03 $44,928.95 $113,810.73 $72,957.63
2017 Jul 15 $613,686.34 $661,020.67 $226,509.69 $47,334.34 $113,816.92 $72,949.97
2017 Jul 16 $613,680.28 $661,022.01 $226,509.69 $47,341.72 $113,818.31 $72,949.84
2017 Jul 17 $613,680.28 $661,022.01 $226,509.69 $47,341.72 $113,818.31 $72,949.84
2017 Jul 18 $613,650.40 $661,587.60 $223,201.23 $47,937.20 $113,820.80 $72,946.56
2017 Jul 19 $613,691.91 $662,051.45 $219,918.93 $48,359.54 $113,824.43 $72,941.59
2017 Jul 20 $613,714.28 $663,739.78 $219,918.93 $50,025.50 $113,821.97 $72,943.68
2017 Jul 21 $623,797.11 $667,910.27 $240,039.00 $44,113.17 $119,676.31 $72,939.42
2017 Jul 22 $623,755.21 $670,126.87 $237,432.76 $46,371.66 $119,680.09 $72,935.00
2017 Jul 23 $623,746.58 $670,122.58 $237,432.76 $46,376.01 $119,680.77 $72,934.03
2017 Jul 24 $623,746.58 $670,122.58 $237,432.76 $46,376.01 $119,680.77 $72,934.03
2017 Jul 25 $623,752.96 $671,090.38 $237,432.76 $47,337.42 $119,680.68 $72,935.00
2017 Jul 26 $628,700.96 $672,801.32 $292,529.26 $44,100.36 $124,650.24 $72,932.69
2017 Jul 27 $628,702.36 $672,938.56 $292,529.26 $44,236.20 $124,649.45 $72,932.44
2017 Jul 28 $628,681.06 $676,057.67 $292,529.26 $47,376.61 $124,651.97 $72,930.55
2017 Jul 29 $628,638.31 $678,670.83 $292,529.26 $50,032.53 $124,655.32 $72,925.74
2017 Jul 30 $628,637.02 $678,669.82 $292,529.26 $50,032.80 $124,655.46 $72,925.62
2017 Jul 31 $631,452.43 $681,485.23 $295,344.67 $50,032.80 $124,655.46 $75,741.03
2017 Aug 01 $631,443.20 $680,641.65 $295,344.67 $49,198.45 $124,656.08 $75,739.93
2017 Aug 02 $635,941.90 $680,517.60 $317,291.87 $44,575.70 $129,135.64 $75,741.63
2017 Aug 03 $638,745.09 $680,113.42 $334,405.67 $41,368.34 $131,934.49 $75,741.47
2017 Aug 04 $641,799.36 $680,816.49 $356,483.52 $39,017.13 $134,868.84 $75,743.23
2017 Aug 05 $641,813.79 $681,248.84 $356,483.52 $39,435.05 $134,867.31 $75,744.62
2017 Aug 06 $641,847.85 $681,188.36 $352,732.76 $39,340.51 $134,899.98 $75,744.65
2017 Aug 07 $641,847.85 $681,188.36 $352,732.76 $39,340.51 $134,899.98 $75,744.65
2017 Aug 08 $647,670.29 $679,888.05 $353,811.93 $32,217.76 $140,678.64 $75,748.61
2017 Aug 09 $647,663.29 $680,742.04 $353,811.93 $33,078.76 $140,679.19 $75,747.83
2017 Aug 10 $647,693.33 $680,777.36 $353,811.93 $33,084.03 $140,677.78 $75,751.77
2017 Aug 11 $647,671.99 $680,385.77 $353,811.93 $32,713.78 $140,679.75 $75,749.55
2017 Aug 12 $647,158.02 $679,271.21 $363,991.32 $32,113.20 $140,200.37 $75,745.75
2017 Aug 13 $647,162.29 $679,274.38 $363,991.32 $32,112.08 $140,200.08 $75,746.26
2017 Aug 14 $647,162.29 $679,274.38 $363,991.32 $32,112.08 $140,200.08 $75,746.26
2017 Aug 15 $647,169.15 $680,392.54 $363,991.32 $33,223.39 $140,198.93 $75,746.66
2017 Aug 16 $647,431.07 $676,014.81 $366,512.89 $28,583.74 $140,029.43 $75,754.25
2017 Aug 17 $647,439.21 $674,735.70 $366,512.89 $27,296.49 $140,029.23 $75,755.42
2017 Aug 18 $647,396.40 $675,324.75 $366,512.89 $27,928.35 $140,032.59 $75,750.61
2017 Aug 19 $647,379.92 $673,390.24 $366,512.89 $26,010.32 $140,034.05 $75,748.85
2017 Aug 20 $647,379.11 $673,379.86 $366,512.89 $26,000.75 $140,034.05 $75,748.73
2017 Aug 21 $650,243.11 $676,243.86 $369,376.89 $26,000.75 $140,034.05 $76,469.42
2017 Aug 22 $650,208.43 $674,579.38 $369,376.89 $24,370.95 $140,036.72 $76,464.13
2017 Aug 23 $651,308.66 $676,332.64 $375,312.89 $25,023.97 $141,133.76 $76,464.24
2017 Aug 24 $651,314.86 $678,378.89 $375,312.89 $27,064.03 $141,133.38 $76,465.27
2017 Aug 25 $651,313.90 $678,728.05 $375,312.89 $27,414.15 $141,133.92 $76,465.57
2017 Aug 26 $651,176.05 $678,721.03 $356,780.89 $27,544.98 $141,141.41 $76,453.60
2017 Aug 27 $651,179.15 $678,721.33 $356,780.89 $27,542.19 $141,141.90 $76,454.78
2017 Aug 28 $651,179.15 $678,721.33 $356,780.89 $27,542.19 $141,141.90 $76,454.78
2017 Aug 29 $651,137.79 $680,895.23 $356,780.89 $29,757.45 $141,143.51 $76,449.40
2017 Aug 30 $651,108.49 $680,795.01 $356,780.89 $29,686.51 $141,145.13 $76,446.20
2017 Aug 31 $651,191.88 $682,681.86 $356,780.89 $31,489.98 $141,140.05 $76,454.70
2017 Sep 01 $651,718.10 $684,874.01 $357,294.69 $33,155.91 $141,139.20 $77,017.65
2017 Sep 02 $652,134.78 $685,282.22 $357,738.63 $33,147.44 $141,141.14 $77,409.01
2017 Sep 03 $652,130.25 $685,280.55 $357,738.63 $33,150.30 $141,141.19 $77,408.26
2017 Sep 04 $652,130.25 $685,280.55 $357,738.63 $33,150.30 $141,141.19 $77,408.26
2017 Sep 05 $652,139.32 $685,534.38 $357,738.63 $33,395.06 $141,140.45 $77,408.95
2017 Sep 06 $652,058.53 $686,411.77 $357,738.63 $34,353.24 $141,145.37 $77,400.71
2017 Sep 07 $651,631.16 $685,401.56 $361,940.73 $33,770.40 $140,803.77 $77,392.45
2017 Sep 08 $653,887.51 $684,984.53 $370,462.08 $31,097.01 $143,104.00 $77,380.94
2017 Sep 09 $653,859.59 $685,271.88 $370,462.08 $31,412.29 $143,106.49 $77,379.09
2017 Sep 10 $653,890.66 $685,307.35 $370,462.08 $31,416.68 $143,104.03 $77,381.53
2017 Sep 11 $653,890.66 $685,307.02 $370,462.08 $31,416.36 $143,104.03 $77,381.53
2017 Sep 12 $653,978.10 $685,987.13 $370,462.08 $32,009.03 $143,098.88 $77,390.67
2017 Sep 13 $654,020.02 $686,757.39 $370,462.08 $32,737.37 $143,096.54 $77,395.23
2017 Sep 14 $654,067.33 $686,865.05 $370,462.08 $32,797.72 $143,093.56 $77,399.92
2017 Sep 15 $654,058.79 $685,942.64 $370,462.08 $31,883.85 $143,094.00 $77,398.95
2017 Sep 16 $655,085.75 $685,950.98 $361,326.25 $30,865.23 $144,147.92 $77,388.02
2017 Sep 17 $655,080.39 $685,945.32 $361,326.25 $30,864.93 $144,148.08 $77,387.22
2017 Sep 18 $655,080.39 $685,945.32 $361,326.25 $30,864.93 $144,148.08 $77,387.22
2017 Sep 19 $655,141.41 $686,832.10 $350,275.25 $31,690.68 $144,146.44 $77,396.45
2017 Sep 20 $655,085.89 $685,618.28 $346,941.55 $30,532.40 $144,109.60 $77,396.08
2017 Sep 21 $673,194.00 $705,205.10 $365,549.46 $32,011.09 $143,773.31 $78,748.30
2017 Sep 22 $673,281.87 $705,161.05 $361,489.96 $31,879.18 $143,769.18 $78,759.38
2017 Sep 23 $673,205.12 $705,881.33 $356,309.86 $32,676.21 $143,771.35 $78,747.91
2017 Sep 24 $723,219.05 $755,897.58 $406,309.86 $32,678.53 $143,770.74 $78,749.73
2017 Sep 25 $723,219.05 $755,897.58 $406,309.86 $32,678.53 $143,770.74 $78,749.73
2017 Sep 26 $723,298.48 $758,266.68 $406,309.86 $34,968.20 $143,767.58 $78,760.45
2017 Sep 27 $723,362.13 $757,792.99 $400,235.62 $34,430.86 $143,765.62 $78,769.76
2017 Sep 28 $723,396.77 $761,555.18 $400,235.62 $38,158.41 $143,764.93 $78,775.30
2017 Sep 29 $723,412.46 $759,590.37 $400,235.62 $36,177.91 $143,764.58 $78,777.76
2017 Sep 30 $725,122.91 $761,414.12 $401,968.86 $36,291.21 $143,764.93 $80,507.23
2017 Oct 01 $725,127.07 $761,410.37 $401,968.86 $36,283.30 $143,764.87 $80,507.92
2017 Oct 02 $725,127.07 $761,410.37 $401,968.86 $36,283.30 $143,764.87 $80,507.92
2017 Oct 03 $725,186.10 $763,241.73 $397,361.92 $38,055.62 $143,763.47 $80,524.26
2017 Oct 04 $725,195.72 $762,906.66 $389,944.52 $37,710.94 $143,763.05 $80,525.52
2017 Oct 05 $725,202.94 $762,823.98 $389,944.52 $37,621.05 $143,763.20 $80,527.04
2017 Oct 06 $725,216.15 $762,823.98 $381,374.52 $37,621.05 $143,762.63 $80,528.78
2017 Oct 08 $725,359.07 $764,891.12 $381,472.41 $39,532.05 $143,761.61 $80,535.84
2017 Oct 09 $725,359.07 $764,891.12 $381,472.41 $39,532.05 $143,761.61 $80,535.84
2017 Oct 10 $725,309.76 $764,372.44 $374,095.21 $39,062.68 $143,763.27 $80,528.77
2017 Oct 11 $725,036.82 $764,663.64 $379,972.21 $39,626.82 $143,580.42 $80,514.20
2017 Oct 12 $725,037.12 $765,893.04 $379,972.21 $40,855.92 $143,580.07 $80,513.23
2017 Oct 14 $724,976.69 $767,426.92 $377,110.51 $42,450.23 $143,583.69 $80,500.64
2017 Oct 15 $724,979.71 $767,434.96 $377,110.51 $42,455.24 $143,583.56 $80,501.45
2017 Oct 16 $724,979.71 $767,434.96 $377,110.51 $42,455.24 $143,583.56 $80,501.45
2017 Oct 17 $725,000.07 $768,117.49 $377,110.51 $43,117.42 $143,582.23 $80,505.31
2017 Oct 18 $725,048.46 $768,191.56 $361,924.91 $43,143.10 $143,579.38 $80,515.57
2017 Oct 19 $725,050.94 $768,186.29 $361,924.91 $43,135.36 $143,579.21 $80,515.99
2017 Oct 21 $727,315.90 $771,419.06 $355,581.21 $44,103.16 $143,577.52 $80,526.02
2017 Oct 22 $727,319.04 $771,428.62 $355,581.21 $44,109.58 $143,576.99 $80,525.60
2017 Oct 23 $727,319.04 $771,428.62 $355,581.21 $44,109.58 $143,576.99 $80,525.60
2017 Oct 24 $727,328.25 $772,129.94 $355,581.21 $44,801.70 $143,576.59 $80,528.01
2017 Oct 25 $727,335.30 $773,915.69 $355,581.21 $46,580.39 $143,575.96 $80,528.81
2017 Oct 26 $730,252.50 $779,376.62 $355,581.21 $49,124.11 $143,577.19 $80,525.66
2017 Oct 27 $730,297.73 $780,511.73 $355,581.21 $50,214.00 $143,575.08 $80,533.82
2017 Oct 28 $730,274.07 $782,193.20 $349,752.28 $51,919.13 $143,573.31 $80,538.66
2017 Oct 29 $730,248.44 $782,168.78 $349,752.28 $51,920.33 $143,574.63 $80,534.43
2017 Oct 30 $730,248.44 $782,168.78 $349,752.28 $51,920.33 $143,574.63 $80,534.43
2017 Nov 01 $730,222.74 $786,960.96 $349,752.28 $56,738.22 $143,576.10 $80,530.62
2017 Nov 02 $727,246.30 $785,044.25 $348,121.88 $57,797.94 $143,577.30 $80,504.81
2017 Nov 03 $727,229.04 $782,247.79 $348,121.88 $55,018.75 $143,578.14 $80,501.79
2017 Nov 04 $727,290.24 $783,823.30 $348,121.88 $56,533.06 $143,575.09 $80,512.25
2017 Nov 04 $727,293.62 $783,825.08 $348,121.88 $56,531.46 $143,574.88 $80,512.69
2017 Nov 05 $727,296.83 $783,825.91 $348,121.88 $56,529.08 $143,574.75 $80,513.33
2017 Nov 06 $727,296.83 $783,825.91 $348,121.88 $56,529.08 $143,574.75 $80,513.33
2017 Nov 07 $727,264.80 $785,122.17 $348,121.88 $57,857.38 $143,576.38 $80,507.97
2017 Nov 08 $727,291.45 $784,995.09 $348,121.88 $57,703.64 $143,574.96 $80,512.22
2017 Nov 09 $727,252.08 $784,767.01 $348,121.88 $57,514.93 $143,577.52 $80,507.41
2017 Nov 10 $727,224.20 $781,136.29 $348,121.88 $53,912.08 $143,578.66 $80,501.87
2017 Nov 11 $727,241.50 $765,255.23 $348,121.88 $38,013.73 $143,577.73 $80,504.59
2017 Nov 12 $727,239.52 $780,526.94 $348,121.88 $53,287.42 $143,577.62 $80,503.60
2017 Nov 13 $727,239.52 $780,526.94 $348,121.88 $53,287.42 $143,577.62 $80,503.60
2017 Nov 14 $727,260.68 $781,436.34 $348,121.88 $54,175.66 $143,576.63 $80,507.42
2017 Nov 15 $727,228.98 $780,956.95 $348,121.88 $53,727.97 $143,577.98 $80,501.26
2017 Nov 16 $727,202.76 $778,150.57 $348,121.88 $50,947.81 $143,579.02 $80,495.97
2017 Nov 17 $727,186.45 $777,226.28 $348,121.88 $50,039.84 $143,579.51 $80,492.16
2017 Nov 18 $727,165.62 $778,146.33 $348,121.88 $50,980.71 $143,580.39 $80,488.10
2017 Nov 19 $727,184.37 $778,173.34 $348,121.88 $50,988.98 $143,579.49 $80,491.40
2017 Nov 20 $727,184.37 $778,173.34 $348,121.88 $50,988.98 $143,579.49 $80,491.40
2017 Nov 21 $727,200.37 $777,814.47 $348,121.88 $50,614.10 $143,578.62 $80,493.91
2017 Nov 22 $727,156.02 $778,184.38 $348,121.88 $51,028.37 $143,580.90 $80,486.56
2017 Nov 23 $727,100.14 $778,115.46 $348,121.88 $51,015.32 $143,583.59 $80,476.73
2017 Nov 24 $727,057.39 $776,274.13 $348,121.88 $49,216.74 $143,585.78 $80,469.63
2017 Nov 25 $727,050.00 $778,268.65 $348,121.88 $51,218.65 $143,586.33 $80,468.96
2017 Nov 26 $727,057.48 $778,275.02 $348,121.88 $51,217.54 $143,586.04 $80,470.48
2017 Nov 27 $727,057.48 $778,275.02 $348,121.88 $51,217.54 $143,586.04 $80,470.48
2017 Nov 28 $727,060.14 $776,582.32 $348,121.88 $49,522.19 $143,586.48 $80,472.75
2017 Nov 29 $727,045.99 $775,754.93 $348,121.88 $48,708.95 $143,587.07 $80,469.98
2017 Nov 30 $727,068.21 $776,360.13 $348,121.88 $49,291.91 $143,585.53 $80,472.40
2017 Dec 01 $727,087.62 $776,416.58 $348,121.88 $49,328.95 $143,584.37 $80,475.10
2017 Dec 02 $727,040.94 $776,912.14 $348,121.88 $49,871.20 $143,586.45 $80,466.34
2017 Dec 03 $727,058.61 $776,942.98 $348,121.88 $49,884.37 $143,585.68 $80,469.72
2017 Dec 04 $727,070.91 $776,955.86 $348,121.88 $49,884.95 $143,585.00 $80,471.61
2017 Dec 05 $727,093.68 $775,542.32 $348,121.88 $48,448.63 $143,583.39 $80,473.98
2017 Dec 06 $727,086.69 $775,570.94 $348,121.88 $48,484.25 $143,583.84 $80,473.10
2017 Dec 07 $727,100.54 $774,691.53 $348,121.88 $47,590.99 $143,583.63 $80,477.00
2017 Dec 08 $727,106.75 $774,630.94 $348,121.88 $47,524.20 $143,583.47 $80,478.51
2017 Dec 09 $727,147.82 $774,585.65 $348,121.88 $47,437.83 $143,581.85 $80,486.89
2017 Dec 10 $727,139.00 $774,582.09 $348,121.88 $47,443.09 $143,582.46 $80,485.93
2017 Dec 11 $727,139.00 $774,582.09 $348,121.88 $47,443.09 $143,582.46 $80,485.93
2017 Dec 12 $727,119.19 $774,855.21 $348,121.88 $47,736.02 $143,583.18 $80,481.69
2017 Dec 13 $727,154.54 $775,188.87 $348,121.88 $48,034.32 $143,581.36 $80,487.53
2017 Dec 14 $727,111.87 $776,549.35 $348,121.88 $49,437.49 $143,583.77 $80,481.15
2017 Dec 15 $727,071.04 $776,364.28 $348,121.88 $49,293.24 $143,585.36 $80,472.77
2017 Dec 16 $727,086.17 $777,398.08 $348,121.88 $50,311.91 $143,584.14 $80,473.89
2017 Dec 17 $727,092.69 $765,284.18 $348,121.88 $38,191.49 $143,584.14 $80,476.04
2017 Dec 18 $727,097.94 $765,285.61 $348,121.88 $38,187.67 $143,583.38 $80,475.34
2017 Dec 19 $727,071.64 $777,260.82 $348,121.88 $50,189.18 $143,584.57 $80,470.47
2017 Dec 20 $727,085.30 $776,966.30 $348,121.88 $49,881.00 $143,583.80 $80,472.54
2017 Dec 21 $727,034.47 $776,292.37 $348,121.88 $49,257.90 $143,585.86 $80,462.35
2017 Dec 22 $727,035.49 $776,129.56 $348,121.88 $49,094.07 $143,586.25 $80,463.94
2017 Dec 23 $727,041.27 $775,199.42 $348,121.88 $48,158.15 $143,586.29 $80,465.96
2017 Dec 24 $727,036.25 $775,199.06 $348,121.88 $48,162.81 $143,586.28 $80,464.26
2017 Dec 25 $727,036.30 $775,199.14 $348,121.88 $48,162.83 $143,586.44 $80,464.80
2017 Dec 26 $727,038.72 $775,201.70 $348,121.88 $48,162.99 $143,586.16 $80,464.70
2017 Dec 27 $727,028.92 $775,688.74 $348,121.88 $48,659.81 $143,586.85 $80,463.69
2017 Dec 28 $726,980.90 $777,329.95 $348,121.88 $50,349.05 $143,589.39 $80,455.93
2017 Dec 29 $726,954.92 $777,331.12 $348,121.88 $50,376.20 $143,590.42 $80,450.69
2017 Dec 30 $726,942.66 $777,700.38 $348,121.88 $50,757.72 $143,591.23 $80,449.22
2017 Dec 31 $726,943.46 $777,690.63 $348,121.88 $50,747.17 $143,590.25 $80,446.38
2018 Jan 01 $726,956.26 $777,704.32 $348,121.88 $50,748.06 $143,590.67 $80,451.90
2018 Jan 02 $726,956.17 $778,619.11 $348,121.88 $51,662.94 $143,590.39 $80,450.99
2018 Jan 03 $726,852.58 $780,994.97 $348,121.88 $54,142.39 $143,595.42 $80,432.90
2018 Jan 04 $726,842.85 $784,416.34 $348,121.88 $57,573.49 $143,595.94 $80,431.34
2018 Jan 05 $726,840.95 $785,643.99 $348,121.88 $58,803.04 $143,595.88 $80,430.56
2018 Jan 06 $726,821.81 $789,412.89 $348,121.88 $62,591.09 $143,596.72 $80,426.93
2018 Jan 07 $726,825.63 $789,432.39 $348,121.88 $62,606.76 $143,596.54 $80,427.59
2018 Jan 08 $726,817.98 $789,424.06 $348,121.88 $62,606.07 $143,596.91 $80,426.28
2018 Jan 09 $726,891.88 $789,842.99 $348,121.88 $62,951.11 $143,593.05 $80,438.29
2018 Jan 10 $726,931.38 $792,095.30 $348,121.88 $65,163.91 $143,591.25 $80,445.57
2018 Jan 11 $726,913.31 $791,146.06 $348,121.88 $64,232.74 $143,591.93 $80,441.80
2018 Jan 12 $726,858.43 $789,468.27 $348,121.88 $62,609.83 $143,594.59 $80,432.19
2018 Jan 13 $726,836.37 $789,475.27 $348,121.88 $62,638.90 $143,595.68 $80,428.42
2018 Jan 14 $726,806.80 $791,057.94 $348,121.88 $64,251.14 $143,597.20 $80,423.51
2018 Jan 15 $726,806.80 $791,057.94 $348,121.88 $64,251.14 $143,597.20 $80,423.51
2018 Jan 16 $726,761.17 $789,877.21 $348,121.88 $63,116.04 $143,599.40 $80,415.51
2018 Jan 17 $726,779.65 $790,194.50 $348,121.88 $63,414.85 $143,598.47 $80,418.63
2018 Jan 18 $726,770.28 $790,642.20 $348,121.88 $63,871.92 $143,599.30 $80,418.18
2018 Jan 19 $726,755.14 $790,104.50 $348,121.88 $63,349.36 $143,600.11 $80,415.76
2018 Jan 20 $726,746.53 $791,101.66 $348,121.88 $64,355.13 $143,600.61 $80,414.51
2018 Jan 21 $726,749.67 $791,108.86 $348,121.88 $64,359.19 $143,600.61 $80,415.55
2018 Jan 22 $726,749.67 $791,108.86 $348,121.88 $64,359.19 $143,600.61 $80,415.55
2018 Jan 23 $726,734.19 $793,353.75 $348,121.88 $66,619.56 $143,601.16 $80,412.22
2018 Jan 24 $726,717.24 $793,118.51 $348,121.88 $66,401.27 $143,602.20 $80,409.94
2018 Jan 25 $726,596.13 $794,183.82 $348,121.88 $67,587.69 $143,608.04 $80,388.67
2018 Jan 26 $726,539.46 $793,914.73 $348,121.88 $67,375.26 $143,610.99 $80,379.39
2018 Jan 27 $726,577.68 $793,566.62 $348,121.88 $66,988.94 $143,609.09 $80,385.94
2018 Jan 28 $726,589.35 $793,588.25 $348,121.88 $66,998.90 $143,608.38 $80,387.51
2018 Jan 29 $726,589.35 $793,588.25 $348,121.88 $66,998.90 $143,608.38 $80,387.51
2018 Jan 30 $726,646.29 $793,755.77 $348,121.88 $67,109.49 $143,605.51 $80,397.12
2018 Jan 31 $726,637.88 $790,803.43 $348,121.88 $64,165.55 $143,605.85 $80,395.44
2018 Feb 01 $726,624.35 $788,563.84 $348,121.88 $61,939.49 $143,606.25 $80,392.28
2018 Feb 02 $726,617.45 $788,221.81 $348,121.88 $61,604.36 $143,606.62 $80,391.17
2018 Feb 03 $726,725.74 $782,752.49 $348,121.88 $56,026.75 $143,601.38 $80,410.14
2018 Feb 04 $726,734.10 $782,728.05 $348,121.88 $55,993.95 $143,600.90 $80,411.37
2018 Feb 05 $726,734.08 $782,728.02 $348,121.88 $55,993.94 $143,600.85 $80,411.20
2018 Feb 06 $726,732.84 $776,105.09 $348,121.88 $49,372.26 $143,600.89 $80,410.91
2018 Feb 07 $726,753.46 $767,225.08 $348,121.88 $40,471.62 $143,599.98 $80,414.80
2018 Feb 08 $726,781.08 $767,236.11 $348,121.88 $40,455.02 $143,598.99 $80,420.74
2018 Feb 09 $726,871.96 $773,294.84 $348,121.88 $46,422.87 $143,594.19 $80,435.38
2018 Feb 10 $726,863.60 $764,069.67 $348,121.88 $37,206.08 $143,594.66 $80,434.11
2018 Feb 11 $726,855.04 $764,072.55 $348,121.88 $37,217.51 $143,595.30 $80,433.32
2018 Feb 12 $726,855.04 $764,072.55 $348,121.88 $37,217.51 $143,595.30 $80,433.32
2018 Feb 13 $726,798.28 $763,181.17 $348,121.88 $36,382.89 $143,597.95 $80,423.07
2018 Feb 14 $726,769.80 $763,151.59 $348,121.88 $36,381.80 $143,598.98 $80,416.99
2018 Feb 15 $726,709.37 $763,581.26 $348,121.88 $36,871.90 $143,601.91 $80,406.43
2018 Feb 16 $726,629.34 $763,762.09 $348,121.88 $37,132.75 $143,606.19 $80,393.70
2018 Feb 17 $726,622.54 $763,784.80 $348,121.88 $37,162.26 $143,606.46 $80,392.33
2018 Feb 18 $726,641.56 $763,792.13 $348,121.88 $37,150.57 $143,605.27 $80,394.81
2018 Feb 19 $726,641.60 $763,792.18 $348,121.88 $37,150.58 $143,605.37 $80,395.15
2018 Feb 20 $726,660.71 $763,812.78 $348,121.88 $37,152.07 $143,604.43 $80,398.43
2018 Feb 21 $726,727.84 $770,243.89 $348,121.88 $43,516.05 $143,600.94 $80,409.44
2018 Feb 22 $726,747.97 $772,613.71 $348,121.88 $45,865.74 $143,600.03 $80,413.17
2018 Feb 23 $726,729.06 $765,377.90 $348,121.88 $38,648.85 $143,600.83 $80,409.48
2018 Feb 24 $726,754.37 $769,881.02 $348,121.88 $43,126.65 $143,599.69 $80,414.18
2018 Feb 25 $726,737.72 $769,865.99 $348,121.88 $43,128.26 $143,600.51 $80,411.32
2018 Feb 26 $726,737.72 $769,865.99 $348,121.88 $43,128.26 $143,600.51 $80,411.32
2018 Feb 27 $726,705.67 $770,563.17 $348,121.88 $43,857.50 $143,602.08 $80,405.76
2018 Feb 28 $726,765.48 $770,959.58 $348,121.88 $44,194.10 $143,598.82 $80,415.07
2018 Mar 01 $726,775.84 $772,227.40 $348,121.88 $45,451.56 $143,598.33 $80,416.93
2018 Mar 02 $726,799.84 $769,223.26 $348,121.88 $42,423.42 $143,597.02 $80,420.65
2018 Mar 03 $726,746.14 $767,387.50 $348,121.88 $40,641.36 $143,599.46 $80,410.75
2018 Mar 04 $726,736.28 $767,363.10 $348,121.88 $40,626.82 $143,599.95 $80,409.05
2018 Mar 05 $726,736.30 $767,363.12 $348,121.88 $40,626.83 $143,600.00 $80,409.22
2018 Mar 06 $726,718.89 $763,567.88 $348,121.88 $36,848.99 $143,600.79 $80,406.00
2018 Mar 07 $726,691.81 $765,565.94 $348,121.88 $38,874.14 $143,601.88 $80,400.58
2018 Mar 08 $726,692.04 $764,879.07 $348,121.88 $38,187.03 $143,601.46 $80,399.30
2018 Mar 09 $726,710.84 $764,189.90 $348,121.88 $37,479.06 $143,600.34 $80,401.95
2018 Mar 10 $726,678.15 $767,102.96 $348,121.88 $40,424.80 $143,602.28 $80,397.36
2018 Mar 11 $726,700.37 $767,151.51 $348,121.88 $40,451.14 $143,601.25 $80,401.38
2018 Mar 12 $726,700.37 $767,151.51 $348,121.88 $40,451.14 $143,601.25 $80,401.38
2018 Mar 13 $726,665.46 $768,245.03 $348,121.88 $41,579.57 $143,602.57 $80,394.10
2018 Mar 14 $726,615.17 $769,175.06 $348,121.88 $42,559.89 $143,605.08 $80,385.55
2018 Mar 15 $726,600.61 $769,332.25 $348,121.88 $42,731.63 $143,605.77 $80,382.95
2018 Mar 16 $726,650.04 $768,208.12 $348,121.88 $41,558.09 $143,603.28 $80,391.28
2018 Mar 17 $726,703.15 $769,914.63 $348,121.88 $43,211.47 $143,600.60 $80,400.23
2018 Mar 18 $726,710.01 $769,927.87 $348,121.88 $43,217.85 $143,600.14 $80,401.03
2018 Mar 19 $726,710.01 $769,927.87 $348,121.88 $43,217.85 $143,600.14 $80,401.03
2018 Mar 20 $726,702.68 $769,145.06 $348,121.88 $42,442.38 $143,600.68 $80,400.35
2018 Mar 21 $726,722.10 $769,618.58 $348,121.88 $42,896.48 $143,599.55 $80,403.15
2018 Mar 22 $726,706.24 $768,517.73 $348,121.88 $41,811.49 $143,600.09 $80,399.63
2018 Mar 23 $726,694.47 $768,497.21 $348,121.88 $41,802.74 $143,600.50 $80,397.07
2018 Mar 24 $726,661.14 $763,241.02 $348,121.88 $36,579.88 $143,602.40 $80,392.15
2018 Mar 25 $726,684.05 $763,234.96 $348,121.88 $36,550.91 $143,601.21 $80,395.90
2018 Mar 26 $726,684.06 $763,234.96 $348,121.88 $36,550.91 $143,601.21 $80,395.91
2018 Mar 27 $726,615.01 $763,204.04 $348,121.88 $36,589.03 $143,604.61 $80,384.02
2018 Mar 28 $726,594.05 $760,797.25 $348,121.88 $34,203.21 $143,605.62 $80,380.32
2018 Mar 29 $715,323.03 $748,820.00 $348,121.88 $33,496.97 $142,583.95 $80,382.38
2018 Mar 30 $715,329.02 $752,160.61 $348,121.88 $36,831.58 $142,581.90 $80,386.35
2018 Mar 31 $715,327.07 $752,104.88 $348,121.88 $36,777.82 $142,582.30 $80,384.31
2018 Apr 01 $715,327.35 $752,105.17 $348,121.88 $36,777.82 $142,581.91 $80,383.71
2018 Apr 02 $715,327.40 $752,105.23 $348,121.88 $36,777.84 $142,582.04 $80,384.12
2018 Apr 03 $715,335.19 $751,921.43 $348,121.88 $36,586.24 $142,579.12 $80,388.56
2018 Apr 04 $715,329.64 $750,901.06 $348,121.88 $35,571.42 $142,581.25 $80,385.54
2018 Apr 05 $715,334.85 $750,908.63 $348,121.88 $35,573.78 $142,579.35 $80,388.64
2018 Apr 06 $715,349.13 $746,808.07 $348,121.88 $31,458.94 $142,574.00 $80,396.81
2018 Apr 07 $715,351.55 $746,762.71 $348,121.88 $31,411.17 $142,573.11 $80,398.23
2018 Apr 08 $715,345.96 $749,114.13 $348,121.88 $33,768.17 $142,575.13 $80,394.85
2018 Apr 09 $715,345.96 $749,114.13 $348,121.88 $33,768.17 $142,575.13 $80,394.85
2018 Apr 10 $715,330.95 $751,103.66 $348,121.88 $35,772.71 $142,580.79 $80,386.38
2018 Apr 11 $715,323.57 $751,430.84 $348,121.88 $36,107.27 $142,583.57 $80,382.19
2018 Apr 12 $715,318.35 $753,438.99 $348,121.88 $38,120.63 $142,585.10 $80,378.06
2018 Apr 13 $715,333.70 $751,063.95 $348,121.88 $35,730.25 $142,579.68 $80,387.73
2018 Apr 14 $715,332.21 $751,623.81 $348,121.88 $36,291.60 $142,580.20 $80,386.77
2018 Apr 15 $715,332.98 $751,568.19 $348,121.88 $36,235.21 $142,580.00 $80,387.44
2018 Apr 16 $715,332.97 $751,568.18 $348,121.88 $36,235.21 $142,579.98 $80,387.37
2018 Apr 17 $715,329.86 $750,697.67 $348,121.88 $35,367.81 $142,581.17 $80,385.70
2018 Apr 18 $715,328.68 $750,231.45 $348,121.88 $34,902.77 $142,581.53 $80,384.78
2018 Apr 19 $715,324.99 $751,838.11 $348,121.88 $36,513.12 $142,583.57 $80,384.49
2018 Apr 20 $715,328.58 $754,413.74 $348,121.88 $39,085.17 $142,581.70 $80,385.08
2018 Apr 21 $715,346.60 $754,433.62 $348,121.88 $39,087.02 $142,575.36 $80,396.49
2018 Apr 22 $715,349.45 $753,012.18 $348,121.88 $37,662.73 $142,574.34 $80,398.24
2018 Apr 23 $715,349.44 $753,012.16 $348,121.88 $37,662.73 $142,574.29 $80,398.09
2018 Apr 24 $715,381.72 $753,029.00 $348,121.88 $37,647.28 $142,562.21 $80,416.54
2018 Apr 25 $715,371.60 $751,453.48 $348,121.88 $36,081.88 $142,565.66 $80,409.84
2018 Apr 26 $715,395.68 $750,033.46 $348,121.88 $34,637.77 $142,557.16 $80,425.00
2018 Apr 27 $715,387.97 $751,925.55 $348,121.88 $36,537.58 $142,559.70 $80,419.65
2018 Apr 28 $715,379.33 $751,505.09 $348,121.88 $36,125.75 $142,562.76 $80,414.25
2018 Apr 29 $715,376.40 $751,505.23 $348,121.88 $36,128.83 $142,563.79 $80,412.40
2018 Apr 30 $715,376.34 $751,505.15 $348,121.88 $36,128.81 $142,563.62 $80,411.81
2018 May 01 $715,376.58 $750,056.73 $348,121.88 $34,680.15 $142,563.72 $80,412.48
2018 May 02 $715,408.66 $750,067.28 $348,121.88 $34,658.62 $142,551.66 $80,430.65
2018 May 03 $715,419.62 $749,963.75 $348,121.88 $34,544.14 $142,547.60 $80,437.05
2018 May 04 $715,416.42 $749,215.74 $348,121.88 $33,799.33 $142,548.71 $80,434.99
2018 May 05 $715,410.81 $747,491.42 $348,121.88 $32,080.61 $142,551.46 $80,433.55
2018 May 06 $715,414.21 $747,501.68 $348,121.88 $32,087.46 $142,549.54 $80,433.74
2018 May 07 $715,414.21 $747,501.68 $348,121.88 $32,087.46 $142,549.54 $80,433.74
2018 May 08 $715,418.65 $745,702.87 $348,121.88 $30,284.23 $142,547.82 $80,436.10
2018 May 09 $715,436.82 $746,584.54 $348,121.88 $31,147.72 $142,541.01 $80,446.48
2018 May 10 $715,456.10 $748,016.84 $348,121.88 $32,560.74 $142,533.51 $80,456.70
2018 May 11 $715,431.64 $765,490.03 $348,121.88 $50,058.39 $142,542.99 $80,443.62
2018 May 12 $715,419.35 $753,340.01 $348,121.88 $37,920.66 $142,547.44 $80,436.20
2018 May 13 $715,423.42 $753,329.71 $348,121.88 $37,906.29 $142,545.87 $80,438.39
2018 May 14 #N/A #N/A $348,121.88 #N/A #N/A #N/A
2018 May 15 $715,412.13 $752,399.41 $348,121.88 $36,987.28 $142,550.19 $80,432.19
2018 May 16 $715,448.14 $750,033.01 $348,121.88 $34,584.87 $142,536.77 $80,452.90
2018 May 17 $715,437.00 $744,549.99 $348,121.88 $29,112.99 $142,540.91 $80,446.49
2018 May 18 $715,443.53 $745,509.35 $348,121.88 $30,065.83 $142,539.19 $80,452.19
2018 May 19 $715,446.28 $745,498.86 $348,121.88 $30,052.58 $142,537.45 $80,451.80
2018 May 20 $715,447.89 $745,494.95 $348,121.88 $30,047.06 $142,536.67 $80,452.25
2018 May 21 $715,447.93 $745,495.00 $348,121.88 $30,047.07 $142,536.78 $80,452.63
2018 May 22 $715,445.74 $745,122.34 $348,121.88 $29,676.60 $142,537.70 $80,451.64
2018 May 23 $715,432.40 $743,330.87 $348,121.88 $27,898.47 $142,542.77 $80,444.23
2018 May 24 $715,454.60 $740,383.06 $348,121.88 $24,928.46 $142,534.85 $80,457.98
2018 May 25 $715,434.60 $741,245.98 $348,121.88 $25,811.38 $142,541.85 $80,445.22
2018 May 26 $715,441.01 $740,071.55 $348,121.88 $24,630.53 $142,539.80 $80,449.85
2018 May 27 $715,442.84 $740,079.23 $348,121.88 $24,636.39 $142,539.02 $80,450.63
2018 May 28 $715,442.86 $740,079.26 $348,121.88 $24,636.40 $142,539.09 $80,450.83
2018 May 29 $715,447.32 $735,727.22 $348,121.88 $20,279.90 $142,537.43 $80,453.43
2018 May 30 $715,464.00 $765,325.67 $348,121.88 $49,861.67 $142,531.15 $80,462.87
2018 May 31 $715,432.76 $734,086.12 $348,121.88 $18,653.36 $142,542.72 $80,444.66
2018 Jun 01 $715,434.31 $737,905.87 $348,121.88 $22,471.55 $142,542.49 $80,446.50
2018 Jun 02 $715,432.48 $735,672.69 $348,121.88 $20,240.21 $142,542.99 $80,444.94
2018 Jun 03 $715,431.40 $735,671.26 $348,121.88 $20,239.86 $142,543.51 $80,444.67
2018 Jun 04 $715,431.39 $735,671.24 $348,121.88 $20,239.86 $142,543.47 $80,444.53
2018 Jun 05 $715,425.30 $739,378.91 $348,121.88 $23,953.61 $142,546.34 $80,442.66
2018 Jun 06 $715,419.64 $739,076.64 $348,121.88 $23,657.00 $142,547.67 $80,437.26
2018 Jun 07 $715,408.32 $765,291.16 $348,121.88 $49,882.84 $142,552.31 $80,431.89
2018 Jun 08 $715,413.92 $738,156.30 $348,121.88 $22,742.38 $142,549.91 $80,434.28
2018 Jun 09 $715,418.95 $765,326.38 $348,121.88 $49,907.43 $142,548.11 $80,437.38
2018 Jun 10 $715,420.24 $737,199.65 $348,121.88 $21,779.41 $142,547.58 $80,437.99
2018 Jun 11 $715,420.24 $737,199.65 $348,121.88 $21,779.41 $142,547.58 $80,437.98
2018 Jun 12 $715,418.02 $765,325.99 $348,121.88 $49,907.97 $142,548.44 $80,436.79
2018 Jun 13 $715,417.86 $736,227.26 $348,121.88 $20,809.39 $142,548.47 $80,436.64
2018 Jun 14 $715,417.57 $736,250.27 $348,121.88 $20,832.70 $142,548.34 $80,435.80
2018 Jun 15 $715,441.29 $734,081.49 $348,121.88 $18,640.19 $142,539.40 $80,449.19
2018 Jun 16 $715,477.31 $734,119.71 $348,121.88 $18,642.41 $142,525.88 $80,469.68
2018 Jun 17 $715,477.66 $734,084.65 $348,121.88 $18,606.99 $142,525.82 $80,470.06
2018 Jun 18 $715,477.63 $734,084.61 $348,121.88 $18,606.98 $142,525.72 $80,469.73
2018 Jun 19 $715,482.08 $729,911.18 $348,121.88 $14,429.11 $142,524.04 $80,472.25
2018 Jun 20 $715,503.22 $728,292.15 $348,121.88 $12,788.94 $142,516.10 $80,484.24
2018 Jun 21 $715,504.19 $728,566.52 $348,121.88 $13,062.32 $142,515.90 $80,485.27
2018 Jun 22 $715,504.42 $765,279.75 $348,121.88 $49,775.32 $142,515.96 $80,485.80
2018 Jun 23 $715,504.81 $729,258.76 $348,121.88 $13,753.95 $142,515.87 $80,486.16
2018 Jun 24 $715,505.14 $765,294.12 $348,121.88 $49,788.98 $142,515.61 $80,485.97
2018 Jun 25 $715,505.14 $728,183.60 $348,121.88 $12,678.46 $142,515.61 $80,485.97
2018 Jun 26 $715,526.46 $727,026.56 $348,121.88 $11,500.10 $142,507.58 $80,498.03
2018 Jun 27 $715,521.41 $727,119.07 $348,121.88 $11,597.66 $142,509.34 $80,494.79
2018 Jun 28 $715,525.13 $727,108.80 $348,121.88 $11,583.66 $142,507.98 $80,497.01
2018 Jun 29 $715,538.73 $726,863.05 $348,121.88 $11,324.33 $142,503.07 $80,505.26
2018 Jun 30 $715,521.14 $728,594.53 $348,121.88 $13,073.39 $142,509.77 $80,495.54
2018 Jul 01 $715,522.17 $765,287.14 $348,121.88 $49,764.97 $142,509.12 $80,495.39
2018 Jul 02 $715,522.18 $765,287.15 $348,121.88 $49,764.97 $142,509.13 $80,495.42
2018 Jul 03 $715,552.30 $765,322.19 $348,121.88 $49,769.89 $142,498.08 $80,513.26
2018 Jul 04 $715,534.52 $725,738.01 $348,121.88 $10,203.49 $142,504.83 $80,503.35
2018 Jul 05 $715,530.48 $765,286.51 $348,121.88 $49,756.03 $142,506.49 $80,501.45
2018 Jul 06 $715,529.62 $725,939.10 $348,121.88 $10,409.47 $142,506.43 $80,499.94
2018 Jul 07 $715,504.91 $726,419.34 $348,121.88 $10,914.44 $142,515.53 $80,485.40
2018 Jul 08 $715,501.40 $726,394.99 $348,121.88 $10,893.59 $142,516.91 $80,483.57
2018 Jul 09 $715,501.38 $726,394.96 $348,121.88 $10,893.58 $142,516.86 $80,483.40
2018 Jul 10 $715,498.79 $729,233.08 $348,121.88 $13,734.28 $142,517.85 $80,481.97
2018 Jul 11 $715,496.92 $730,049.42 $348,121.88 $14,552.49 $142,518.56 $80,480.94
2018 Jul 12 $715,518.02 $728,476.24 $348,121.88 $12,958.23 $142,511.65 $80,495.70
2018 Jul 13 $715,521.02 $729,943.29 $348,121.88 $14,422.28 $142,509.41 $80,494.33
2018 Jul 14 $715,535.51 $731,316.57 $348,121.88 $15,781.06 $142,504.06 $80,502.82
2018 Jul 15 $715,533.26 $731,275.42 $348,121.88 $15,742.16 $142,504.82 $80,501.33
2018 Jul 16 $715,533.26 $731,275.43 $348,121.88 $15,742.16 $142,504.84 $80,501.37
2018 Jul 17 $715,519.51 $730,204.33 $348,121.88 $14,684.82 $142,509.89 $80,493.25
2018 Jul 18 $715,528.47 $730,012.11 $348,121.88 $14,483.65 $142,506.72 $80,498.87
2018 Jul 19 $715,528.07 $730,866.54 $348,121.88 $15,338.47 $142,506.78 $80,498.41
2018 Jul 20 $715,560.80 $730,863.18 $348,121.88 $15,302.38 $142,494.43 $80,516.84
2018 Jul 21 $715,523.34 $731,941.91 $348,121.88 $16,418.57 $142,508.55 $80,495.71
2018 Jul 22 $715,520.65 $765,312.75 $348,121.88 $49,792.10 $142,509.57 $80,494.19
2018 Jul 23 $715,520.65 $731,948.65 $348,121.88 $16,428.00 $142,509.57 $80,494.19
2018 Jul 24 $715,529.27 $733,143.91 $348,121.88 $17,614.64 $142,506.61 $80,499.84
2018 Jul 25 $715,527.77 $733,069.65 $348,121.88 $17,541.88 $142,507.12 $80,498.85
2018 Jul 26 $715,519.66 $734,241.83 $348,121.88 $18,722.16 $142,510.28 $80,494.56
2018 Jul 27 $715,519.21 $733,182.85 $348,121.88 $17,663.64 $142,510.23 $80,493.71
2018 Jul 28 $715,517.96 $732,581.95 $348,121.88 $17,063.99 $142,510.02 $80,491.15
2018 Jul 29 $715,518.43 $732,582.71 $348,121.88 $17,064.28 $142,510.42 $80,493.00
2018 Jul 30 $715,518.46 $732,582.75 $348,121.88 $17,064.29 $142,510.51 $80,493.28
2018 Jul 31 $715,514.16 $732,944.11 $348,121.88 $17,429.95 $142,512.12 $80,490.83
2018 Aug 01 $715,512.72 $765,315.08 $348,121.88 $49,802.35 $142,512.69 $80,490.10
2018 Aug 02 $715,519.59 $732,220.60 $348,121.88 $16,701.01 $142,510.02 $80,493.76
2018 Aug 03 $715,535.49 $728,559.19 $348,121.88 $13,023.70 $142,504.00 $80,502.63
2018 Aug 04 $715,529.31 $728,546.78 $348,121.88 $13,017.47 $142,506.37 $80,499.27
2018 Aug 05 $715,534.41 $729,455.23 $348,121.88 $13,920.82 $142,504.51 $80,502.30
2018 Aug 06 $715,534.39 $729,455.20 $348,121.88 $13,920.81 $142,504.46 $80,502.13
2018 Aug 07 $715,540.89 $730,543.92 $348,121.88 $15,003.02 $142,502.06 $80,505.94
2018 Aug 08 $715,525.75 $765,392.94 $348,121.88 $49,867.18 $142,507.60 $80,496.96
2018 Aug 09 $715,527.46 $732,702.47 $348,121.88 $17,175.01 $142,506.85 $80,497.63
2018 Aug 10 $715,531.99 $732,707.08 $348,121.88 $17,175.09 $142,505.28 $80,500.55
2018 Aug 11 $715,558.07 $731,606.50 $348,121.88 $16,048.42 $142,495.64 $80,515.80
2018 Aug 12 $715,559.93 $731,610.35 $348,121.88 $16,050.42 $142,494.69 $80,516.17
2018 Aug 13 $715,559.93 $731,610.36 $348,121.88 $16,050.42 $142,494.71 $80,516.23
2018 Aug 14 $715,574.42 $730,163.85 $348,121.88 $14,589.43 $142,489.40 $80,524.80
2018 Aug 15 $715,577.39 $730,648.74 $348,121.88 $15,071.36 $142,488.23 $80,526.33
2018 Aug 16 $715,585.35 $730,045.44 $348,121.88 $14,460.09 $142,485.21 $80,530.77
2018 Aug 17 $715,571.43 $728,564.84 $348,121.88 $12,993.41 $142,490.50 $80,523.05
2018 Aug 18 $715,557.74 $729,937.05 $348,121.88 $14,379.31 $142,495.65 $80,515.31
2018 Aug 19 $715,553.18 $729,937.53 $348,121.88 $14,384.35 $142,496.98 $80,511.65
2018 Aug 20 $715,553.16 $729,937.51 $348,121.88 $14,384.35 $142,496.94 $80,511.52
2018 Aug 21 $715,549.55 $731,796.41 $348,121.88 $16,246.86 $142,498.73 $80,510.64
2018 Aug 22 $715,538.08 $731,966.04 $348,121.88 $16,427.96 $142,503.03 $80,504.12
2018 Aug 23 $715,538.07 $731,964.46 $348,121.88 $16,426.39 $142,502.99 $80,503.99
2018 Aug 24 $715,557.19 $735,209.59 $348,121.88 $19,652.40 $142,495.81 $80,514.85
2018 Aug 25 $715,530.09 $735,188.61 $348,121.88 $19,658.52 $142,506.08 $80,499.69
2018 Aug 26 $715,529.91 $733,941.43 $348,121.88 $18,411.52 $142,506.04 $80,499.31
2018 Aug 27 $715,529.91 $733,941.43 $348,121.88 $18,411.52 $142,506.04 $80,499.31
2018 Aug 28 $715,519.34 $733,461.59 $348,121.88 $17,942.25 $142,510.00 $80,493.28
2018 Aug 29 $715,518.21 $734,804.31 $348,121.88 $19,286.10 $142,510.38 $80,492.53
2018 Aug 30 $715,532.52 $733,868.73 $348,121.88 $18,336.21 $142,505.12 $80,500.97
2018 Aug 31 $715,538.83 $733,272.79 $348,121.88 $17,733.96 $142,502.76 $80,504.58
2018 Sep 01 $715,558.51 $733,455.15 $348,121.88 $17,896.65 $142,495.43 $80,515.92
2018 Sep 02 $715,556.29 $733,456.40 $348,121.88 $17,900.11 $142,496.29 $80,514.74
2018 Sep 03 $715,556.26 $733,456.36 $348,121.88 $17,900.10 $142,496.21 $80,514.46
2018 Sep 04 $715,554.78 $732,432.35 $348,121.88 $16,877.57 $142,496.77 $80,513.63
2018 Sep 05 $715,567.71 $733,394.35 $348,121.88 $17,826.64 $142,491.74 $80,520.50
2018 Sep 06 $715,570.46 $731,479.00 $348,121.88 $15,908.54 $142,490.92 $80,522.65
2018 Sep 07 $715,568.12 $730,984.18 $348,121.88 $15,416.07 $142,491.72 $80,521.11
2018 Sep 08 $715,580.39 $729,840.23 $348,121.88 $14,259.83 $142,487.24 $80,528.42
2018 Sep 09 $715,581.48 $729,846.96 $348,121.88 $14,265.48 $142,486.73 $80,528.75
2018 Sep 10 $715,581.47 $729,846.95 $348,121.88 $14,265.48 $142,486.72 $80,528.73
2018 Sep 11 $715,582.57 $726,873.90 $348,121.88 $11,291.33 $142,486.26 $80,529.21
2018 Sep 12 $715,575.17 $728,109.13 $348,121.88 $12,533.95 $142,489.10 $80,525.18
2018 Sep 13 $715,559.60 $727,268.72 $348,121.88 $11,709.12 $142,494.96 $80,516.38
2018 Sep 14 $715,550.53 $726,706.30 $348,121.88 $11,155.77 $142,498.41 $80,511.35
2018 Sep 15 $715,562.84 $728,667.98 $348,121.88 $13,105.15 $142,494.02 $80,518.98
2018 Sep 16 $715,564.10 $728,657.54 $348,121.88 $13,093.45 $142,493.43 $80,519.37
2018 Sep 17 $715,564.10 $728,657.54 $348,121.88 $13,093.45 $142,493.43 $80,519.37
2018 Sep 18 $715,551.13 $728,483.36 $348,121.88 $12,932.23 $142,498.58 $80,512.75
2018 Sep 19 $715,554.96 $765,497.57 $348,121.88 $49,942.60 $142,497.31 $80,515.39
2018 Sep 20 $715,544.89 $729,519.93 $348,121.88 $13,975.04 $142,500.90 $80,509.14
2018 Sep 21 $715,535.78 $765,525.87 $348,121.88 $49,990.09 $142,504.59 $80,504.72
2018 Sep 22 $715,531.10 $765,501.15 $348,121.88 $49,970.05 $142,509.51 $80,510.69
2018 Sep 23 $715,527.11 $727,814.36 $348,121.88 $12,287.25 $142,511.31 $80,509.25
2018 Sep 24 $715,527.06 $727,802.68 $348,121.88 $12,275.62 $142,511.18 $80,508.81
2018 Sep 25 $715,532.04 $728,862.51 $348,121.88 $13,330.47 $142,509.16 $80,511.24
2018 Sep 26 $715,534.45 $728,668.95 $348,121.88 $13,134.50 $142,508.30 $80,512.72
2018 Sep 27 $715,530.73 $728,572.32 $348,121.88 $13,041.60 $142,509.85 $80,511.03
2018 Sep 28 $715,535.84 $730,661.05 $348,121.88 $15,125.22 $142,507.46 $80,512.66
2018 Sep 29 $715,537.28 $731,311.95 $348,121.88 $15,774.67 $142,505.57 $80,509.77
2018 Sep 30 $715,536.52 $731,299.03 $348,121.88 $15,762.50 $142,505.81 $80,509.22
2018 Oct 01 $715,536.51 $731,299.00 $348,121.88 $15,762.50 $142,505.75 $80,509.05
2018 Oct 02 $715,554.56 $732,015.88 $348,121.88 $16,461.32 $142,499.18 $80,519.87
2018 Oct 03 $715,560.78 $732,711.70 $348,121.88 $17,150.91 $142,495.97 $80,521.02
2018 Oct 04 $715,577.49 $732,646.94 $348,121.88 $17,069.45 $142,489.52 $80,530.02
2018 Oct 05 $715,592.79 $732,070.45 $348,121.88 $16,477.66 $142,483.94 $80,539.17
2018 Oct 06 $715,595.45 $729,855.50 $348,121.88 $14,260.05 $142,482.81 $80,540.35
2018 Oct 07 $715,596.01 $765,555.23 $348,121.88 $49,959.22 $142,482.72 $80,540.96
2018 Oct 08 $715,596.01 $729,867.18 $348,121.88 $14,271.17 $142,482.72 $80,540.97
2018 Oct 09 $715,605.56 $726,116.81 $348,121.88 $10,511.26 $142,479.55 $80,547.54
2018 Oct 10 $715,599.51 $727,716.84 $348,121.88 $12,117.33 $142,481.57 $80,543.41
2018 Oct 11 $715,589.27 $726,306.48 $348,121.88 $10,717.21 $142,485.03 $80,536.54
2018 Oct 12 $715,579.19 $720,832.08 $348,121.88 $5,252.90 $142,488.91 $80,531.07
2018 Oct 13 $715,580.23 $724,743.08 $348,121.88 $9,162.85 $142,488.59 $80,531.85
2018 Oct 14 $715,578.20 $724,770.96 $348,121.88 $9,192.76 $142,489.39 $80,530.81
2018 Oct 15 $715,578.20 $724,770.96 $348,121.88 $9,192.76 $142,489.39 $80,530.81
2018 Oct 16 $715,570.01 $721,393.23 $348,121.88 $5,823.22 $142,492.37 $80,525.90
2018 Oct 17 $715,560.96 $765,526.28 $348,121.88 $49,965.31 $142,495.70 $80,520.56
2018 Oct 18 $715,568.10 $726,433.32 $348,121.88 $10,865.22 $142,492.89 $80,524.26
2018 Oct 19 $715,588.31 $726,054.53 $348,121.88 $10,466.22 $142,485.29 $80,535.71
2018 Oct 20 $715,574.15 $723,006.42 $348,121.88 $7,432.27 $142,490.39 $80,527.07
2018 Oct 21 $715,575.80 $765,525.86 $348,121.88 $49,950.07 $142,489.70 $80,527.82
2018 Oct 22 $715,575.80 $723,014.96 $348,121.88 $7,439.17 $142,489.70 $80,527.82
2018 Oct 23 $715,587.34 $765,504.20 $348,121.88 $49,916.86 $142,485.53 $80,534.85
2018 Oct 24 $715,580.14 $722,242.82 $348,121.88 $6,662.68 $142,488.34 $80,531.03
2018 Oct 25 $715,586.96 $722,389.12 $348,121.88 $6,802.16 $142,485.50 $80,534.13
2018 Oct 26 $715,587.86 $721,507.87 $348,121.88 $5,920.01 $142,485.20 $80,534.76
2018 Oct 27 $715,586.34 $721,440.10 $348,121.88 $5,853.76 $142,485.77 $80,533.90
2018 Oct 28 $715,585.74 $721,447.92 $348,121.88 $5,862.17 $142,485.75 $80,532.89
2018 Oct 29 $715,585.72 $721,447.89 $348,121.88 $5,862.16 $142,485.69 $80,532.69
2018 Oct 30 $715,597.26 $765,532.31 $348,121.88 $49,935.06 $142,481.48 $80,539.56
2018 Oct 31 $715,601.49 $718,046.22 $348,121.88 $2,444.73 $142,479.79 $80,541.71
2018 Nov 01 $715,608.83 $718,133.67 $348,121.88 $2,524.84 $142,477.38 $80,546.82
2018 Nov 02 $715,573.15 $719,894.02 $348,121.88 $4,320.87 $142,491.13 $80,527.52
2018 Nov 03 $715,567.79 $721,345.47 $348,121.88 $5,777.69 $142,494.42 $80,527.95
2018 Nov 04 $715,564.60 $721,369.57 $348,121.88 $5,804.97 $142,496.13 $80,527.55
2018 Nov 05 $715,564.60 $721,369.57 $348,121.88 $5,804.97 $142,496.13 $80,527.55
2018 Nov 06 $715,567.69 $720,062.14 $348,121.88 $4,494.45 $142,494.14 $80,527.04
2018 Nov 07 $715,565.95 $720,077.96 $348,121.88 $4,512.00 $142,494.57 $80,525.45
2018 Nov 08 $715,547.96 $723,474.36 $348,121.88 $7,926.40 $142,501.30 $80,515.13
2018 Nov 09 $715,558.33 $722,586.15 $348,121.88 $7,027.82 $142,497.61 $80,521.58
2018 Nov 10 $715,581.82 $723,233.07 $348,121.88 $7,651.25 $142,488.34 $80,533.72
2018 Nov 11 $715,583.12 $723,233.25 $348,121.88 $7,650.14 $142,487.85 $80,534.44
2018 Nov 12 $715,583.12 $723,233.25 $348,121.88 $7,650.14 $142,487.85 $80,534.44
2018 Nov 13 $715,595.30 $721,140.39 $348,121.88 $5,545.10 $142,483.09 $80,540.84
2018 Nov 14 $715,585.65 $721,103.51 $348,121.88 $5,517.86 $142,487.06 $80,536.32
2018 Nov 15 $715,583.12 $721,861.28 $348,121.88 $6,278.17 $142,487.85 $80,534.45
2018 Nov 16 $715,571.93 $722,364.37 $348,121.88 $6,792.44 $142,491.85 $80,527.53
2018 Nov 17 $715,557.96 $723,386.17 $348,121.88 $7,828.21 $142,497.51 $80,520.74
2018 Nov 18 $715,557.61 $723,383.94 $348,121.88 $7,826.32 $142,497.72 $80,520.76
2018 Nov 19 $715,557.61 $723,383.94 $348,121.88 $7,826.32 $142,497.72 $80,520.74
2018 Nov 20 $715,554.57 $721,800.74 $348,121.88 $6,246.17 $142,498.60 $80,518.30
2018 Nov 21 $715,561.62 $719,294.05 $348,121.88 $3,732.44 $142,496.08 $80,522.65
2018 Nov 22 $715,557.50 $719,234.10 $348,121.88 $3,676.60 $142,497.40 $80,519.70
2018 Nov 23 $715,559.48 $718,916.53 $348,121.88 $3,357.05 $142,497.06 $80,521.93
2018 Nov 24 $715,568.90 $720,134.35 $348,121.88 $4,565.45 $142,494.02 $80,528.65
2018 Nov 25 $715,568.85 $720,115.57 $348,121.88 $4,546.72 $142,493.87 $80,528.17
2018 Nov 26 $715,568.80 $720,115.49 $348,121.88 $4,546.69 $142,493.71 $80,527.61
2018 Nov 27 $715,567.42 $719,549.70 $348,121.88 $3,982.28 $142,494.56 $80,527.75
2018 Nov 28 $715,582.07 $719,048.54 $348,121.88 $3,466.47 $142,488.47 $80,534.46
2018 Nov 29 $715,577.79 $720,636.76 $348,121.88 $5,058.97 $142,490.38 $80,532.86
2018 Nov 30 $715,554.83 $721,684.94 $348,121.88 $6,130.11 $142,499.37 $80,520.81
2018 Dec 01 $715,550.40 $723,020.98 $348,121.88 $7,470.58 $142,501.11 $80,518.51
2018 Dec 02 $715,557.41 $723,034.46 $348,121.88 $7,477.05 $142,498.35 $80,522.16
2018 Dec 03 $715,557.41 $723,034.46 $348,121.88 $7,477.05 $142,498.35 $80,522.14
2018 Dec 04 $715,537.37 $724,336.57 $348,121.88 $8,799.20 $142,506.69 $80,512.98
2018 Dec 05 $715,528.21 $723,017.03 $348,121.88 $7,488.83 $142,511.22 $80,510.75
2018 Dec 06 $715,540.00 $723,081.91 $348,121.88 $7,541.91 $142,506.05 $80,515.43
2018 Dec 07 $715,551.86 $722,901.20 $348,121.88 $7,349.34 $142,501.71 $80,522.48
2018 Dec 08 $715,549.60 $724,555.67 $348,121.88 $9,006.08 $142,502.42 $80,520.82
2018 Dec 09 $715,549.48 $724,548.37 $348,121.88 $8,998.89 $142,502.08 $80,519.71
2018 Dec 10 $715,549.48 $724,548.37 $348,121.88 $8,998.89 $142,502.08 $80,519.71
2018 Dec 11 $715,563.41 $721,704.77 $348,121.88 $6,141.36 $142,497.05 $80,528.16
2018 Dec 12 $715,567.11 $722,018.06 $348,121.88 $6,450.95 $142,495.51 $80,529.85
2018 Dec 13 $715,556.20 $724,848.30 $348,121.88 $9,292.10 $142,499.71 $80,523.93
2018 Dec 14 $715,554.14 $722,956.16 $348,121.88 $7,402.02 $142,500.65 $80,523.23
2018 Dec 15 $715,574.87 $723,113.17 $348,121.88 $7,538.30 $142,493.10 $80,535.62
2018 Dec 16 $715,575.53 $723,112.39 $348,121.88 $7,536.86 $142,492.60 $80,535.33
2018 Dec 17 $715,575.53 $723,112.39 $348,121.88 $7,536.86 $142,492.60 $80,535.33
2018 Dec 18 $715,564.04 $721,810.03 $348,121.88 $6,245.98 $142,496.93 $80,528.85
2018 Dec 19 $715,555.31 $719,122.78 $348,121.88 $3,567.46 $142,499.56 $80,522.11
2018 Dec 20 $715,545.12 $721,589.74 $348,121.88 $6,044.62 $142,502.79 $80,514.67
2018 Dec 21 $715,551.60 $719,854.89 $348,121.88 $4,303.30 $142,499.95 $80,517.26
2018 Dec 22 $715,561.42 $717,653.37 $348,121.88 $2,091.94 $142,496.01 $80,522.15
2018 Dec 23 $715,566.41 $717,623.86 $348,121.88 $2,057.45 $142,494.08 $80,524.83
2018 Dec 24 $715,566.41 $717,623.86 $348,121.88 $2,057.45 $142,494.08 $80,524.83
2018 Dec 25 $715,560.48 $717,607.49 $348,121.88 $2,047.01 $142,496.30 $80,521.45
2018 Dec 26 $715,560.78 $717,585.68 $348,121.88 $2,024.90 $142,495.96 $80,520.99
2018 Dec 27 $715,551.68 $716,264.62 $348,121.88 $712.94 $142,499.95 $80,517.40
2018 Dec 28 $715,553.90 $715,967.48 $348,121.88 $413.58 $142,499.11 $80,518.64
2018 Dec 29 $715,534.58 $716,471.58 $348,121.88 $937.00 $142,506.23 $80,507.28
2018 Dec 30 $715,536.06 $716,472.26 $348,121.88 $936.20 $142,505.68 $80,508.16
2018 Dec 31 $715,536.06 $716,472.26 $348,121.88 $936.20 $142,505.68 $80,508.16
2019 Jan 01 $715,521.05 $717,751.43 $348,121.88 $2,230.38 $142,511.34 $80,499.67
2019 Jan 02 $715,541.95 $717,806.64 $348,121.88 $2,264.69 $142,502.09 $80,507.73
2019 Jan 03 $715,530.79 $717,698.75 $348,121.88 $2,167.96 $142,507.40 $80,504.44
2019 Jan 04 $715,526.40 $718,649.21 $348,121.88 $3,122.81 $142,509.24 $80,502.47
2019 Jan 05 $715,510.15 $720,128.02 $348,121.88 $4,617.87 $142,514.96 $80,492.20
2019 Jan 06 $715,509.23 $720,127.62 $348,121.88 $4,618.38 $142,515.33 $80,491.75
2019 Jan 07 $715,509.23 $720,127.62 $348,121.88 $4,618.38 $142,515.33 $80,491.75
2019 Jan 08 $715,496.98 $723,797.14 $348,121.88 $8,300.17 $142,519.88 $80,484.63
2019 Jan 09 $715,504.70 $724,438.77 $348,121.88 $8,934.07 $142,516.76 $80,488.40
2019 Jan 10 $715,488.36 $726,304.55 $348,121.88 $10,816.19 $142,522.82 $80,478.93
2019 Jan 11 $715,482.41 $727,603.65 $348,121.88 $12,121.24 $142,525.02 $80,475.44
2019 Jan 12 $715,484.60 $727,954.80 $348,121.88 $12,470.20 $142,524.06 $80,476.33
2019 Jan 13 $715,486.46 $727,966.80 $348,121.88 $12,480.34 $142,523.39 $80,477.45
2019 Jan 14 $715,486.46 $727,966.80 $348,121.88 $12,480.34 $142,523.39 $80,477.45
2019 Jan 15 $715,487.06 $727,179.14 $348,121.88 $11,692.08 $142,522.83 $80,476.89
2019 Jan 16 $715,498.23 $728,552.59 $348,121.88 $13,054.36 $142,518.64 $80,483.25
2019 Jan 17 $715,489.31 $729,469.10 $348,121.88 $13,979.79 $142,521.94 $80,478.04
2019 Jan 18 $715,498.45 $730,596.61 $348,121.88 $15,098.16 $142,518.56 $80,483.37
2019 Jan 19 $715,503.77 $730,318.29 $348,121.88 $14,814.52 $142,516.62 $80,486.56
2019 Jan 20 $715,506.74 $730,326.17 $348,121.88 $14,819.44 $142,515.38 $80,487.90
2019 Jan 21 $715,506.74 $730,326.17 $348,121.88 $14,819.44 $142,515.38 $80,487.90
2019 Jan 22 $715,508.95 $730,036.39 $348,121.88 $14,527.44 $142,514.50 $80,489.02
2019 Jan 23 $715,510.38 $729,519.09 $348,121.88 $14,008.70 $142,513.81 $80,489.41
2019 Jan 24 $715,509.28 $728,531.26 $348,121.88 $13,021.99 $142,514.24 $80,488.82
2019 Jan 25 $715,509.62 $729,707.12 $348,121.88 $14,197.50 $142,514.02 $80,488.79
2019 Jan 26 $715,487.76 $728,356.39 $348,121.88 $12,868.62 $142,522.32 $80,476.60
2019 Jan 27 $715,490.02 $728,346.32 $348,121.88 $12,856.30 $142,525.23 $80,488.15
2019 Jan 28 $715,490.02 $728,346.32 $348,121.88 $12,856.30 $142,525.23 $80,488.15
2019 Jan 29 $715,485.15 $730,313.17 $348,121.88 $14,828.01 $142,523.25 $80,474.98
2019 Jan 30 $715,482.92 $730,314.98 $348,121.88 $14,832.06 $142,524.07 $80,473.68
2019 Jan 31 $715,480.55 $730,616.53 $348,121.88 $15,135.97 $142,525.09 $80,472.69
2019 Feb 01 $715,458.43 $732,140.80 $348,121.88 $16,682.38 $142,533.21 $80,459.60
2019 Feb 02 $715,473.62 $733,124.65 $348,121.88 $17,651.03 $142,527.46 $80,468.11
2019 Feb 03 $715,474.56 $733,129.75 $348,121.88 $17,655.19 $142,527.14 $80,468.72
2019 Feb 04 $715,474.74 $733,129.95 $348,121.88 $17,655.21 $142,527.06 $80,468.80
2019 Feb 05 $715,485.65 $733,128.22 $348,121.88 $17,642.57 $142,523.00 $80,475.10
2019 Feb 06 $715,482.55 $733,985.23 $348,121.88 $18,502.68 $142,524.19 $80,473.41
2019 Feb 07 $715,491.63 $733,977.28 $348,121.88 $18,485.65 $142,520.76 $80,478.50
2019 Feb 08 $715,496.62 $733,339.42 $348,121.88 $17,842.80 $142,518.83 $80,481.17
2019 Feb 09 $715,497.59 $735,200.92 $348,121.88 $19,703.33 $142,518.49 $80,481.81
2019 Feb 10 $715,498.46 $735,220.16 $348,121.88 $19,721.70 $142,518.10 $80,482.14
2019 Feb 11 $715,498.46 $735,220.16 $348,121.88 $19,721.70 $142,518.10 $80,482.14
2019 Feb 12 $715,515.50 $735,267.03 $348,121.88 $19,751.53 $142,511.62 $80,491.59
2019 Feb 13 $715,499.54 $734,293.55 $348,121.88 $18,794.01 $142,517.58 $80,482.44
2019 Feb 14 $715,505.09 $734,305.52 $348,121.88 $18,800.43 $142,515.46 $80,485.50
2019 Feb 15 $715,507.37 $735,250.04 $348,121.88 $19,742.67 $142,514.79 $80,487.30
2019 Feb 16 $715,503.64 $736,554.38 $348,121.88 $21,050.73 $142,516.13 $80,485.01
2019 Feb 17 $715,499.56 $736,558.74 $348,121.88 $21,059.19 $142,517.63 $80,482.60
2019 Feb 18 $715,499.56 $736,558.74 $348,121.88 $21,059.19 $142,517.63 $80,482.60
2019 Feb 19 $715,499.57 $735,270.02 $348,121.88 $19,770.45 $142,517.67 $80,482.72
2019 Feb 20 $715,488.40 $735,780.93 $348,121.88 $20,292.53 $142,521.73 $80,476.00
2019 Feb 21 $715,475.35 $736,334.36 $348,121.88 $20,859.01 $142,526.40 $80,467.97
2019 Feb 22 $715,488.08 $736,300.51 $348,121.88 $20,812.42 $142,522.03 $80,476.32
2019 Feb 23 $715,477.29 $737,606.10 $348,121.88 $22,128.81 $142,525.95 $80,469.84
2019 Feb 24 $715,478.77 $737,608.95 $348,121.88 $22,130.18 $142,525.39 $80,470.68
2019 Feb 25 $715,478.77 $737,608.95 $348,121.88 $22,130.18 $142,525.39 $80,470.68
2019 Feb 26 $715,473.26 $736,904.48 $348,121.88 $21,431.22 $142,527.38 $80,467.31
2019 Feb 27 $715,467.52 $739,531.59 $348,121.88 $24,064.06 $142,529.58 $80,464.18
2019 Feb 28 $715,471.29 $737,009.01 $348,121.88 $21,537.71 $142,528.11 $80,466.18
2019 Mar 01 $715,479.66 $737,065.52 $348,121.88 $21,585.86 $142,524.92 $80,470.80
2019 Mar 02 $715,491.89 $736,804.38 $348,121.88 $21,312.50 $142,520.48 $80,478.15
2019 Mar 03 $715,493.59 $736,816.57 $348,121.88 $21,322.98 $142,519.78 $80,478.96
2019 Mar 04 $715,493.60 $736,816.58 $348,121.88 $21,322.98 $142,519.79 $80,479.00
2019 Mar 05 $715,492.07 $738,992.04 $348,121.88 $23,499.97 $142,520.34 $80,478.06
2019 Mar 06 $715,498.52 $738,643.44 $348,121.88 $23,144.92 $142,517.85 $80,481.54
2019 Mar 07 $715,502.32 $739,001.24 $348,121.88 $23,498.91 $142,516.42 $80,483.69
2019 Mar 08 $715,509.68 $739,991.74 $348,121.88 $24,482.06 $142,513.65 $80,487.87
2019 Mar 09 $715,506.64 $738,453.42 $348,121.88 $22,946.78 $142,514.92 $80,486.48
2019 Mar 10 $715,508.01 $738,463.40 $348,121.88 $22,955.39 $142,514.21 $80,486.72
2019 Mar 11 $715,508.03 $738,463.43 $348,121.88 $22,955.40 $142,514.26 $80,486.90
2019 Mar 12 $715,508.70 $738,915.00 $348,121.88 $23,406.30 $142,514.02 $80,487.31
2019 Mar 13 $715,496.53 $739,869.69 $348,121.88 $24,373.16 $142,518.57 $80,480.34
2019 Mar 14 $715,489.85 $739,463.09 $348,121.88 $23,973.24 $142,521.06 $80,476.50
2019 Mar 15 $715,495.70 $740,679.65 $348,121.88 $25,183.95 $142,518.90 $80,479.91
2019 Mar 16 $715,485.49 $739,913.72 $348,121.88 $24,428.23 $142,522.76 $80,474.18
2019 Mar 17 $715,475.78 $739,892.22 $348,121.88 $24,416.44 $142,526.42 $80,468.71
2019 Mar 18 $715,475.78 $739,892.22 $348,121.88 $24,416.44 $142,526.43 $80,468.74
2019 Mar 19 $715,481.75 $740,249.07 $348,121.88 $24,767.33 $142,524.12 $80,471.93
2019 Mar 20 $715,478.82 $741,334.27 $348,121.88 $25,855.45 $142,525.23 $80,470.30
2019 Mar 21 $715,475.63 $742,691.50 $348,121.88 $27,215.87 $142,526.42 $80,468.47
2019 Mar 22 $715,476.57 $743,276.32 $348,121.88 $27,799.75 $142,526.29 $80,469.60
2019 Mar 23 $715,485.36 $744,322.07 $348,121.88 $28,836.70 $142,523.06 $80,474.82
2019 Mar 24 $715,484.03 $765,448.93 $348,121.88 $49,964.91 $142,523.50 $80,473.88
2019 Mar 25 $715,484.03 $744,322.39 $348,121.88 $28,838.36 $142,523.52 $80,473.94
2019 Mar 26 $715,474.64 $744,167.98 $348,121.88 $28,693.34 $142,527.19 $80,468.99
2019 Mar 27 $715,480.24 $746,234.39 $348,121.88 $30,754.15 $142,524.74 $80,471.24
2019 Mar 28 $715,493.59 $746,221.07 $348,121.88 $30,727.47 $142,519.78 $80,478.96
2019 Mar 29 $715,500.97 $747,040.90 $348,121.88 $31,539.94 $142,516.86 $80,482.74
2019 Mar 30 $715,492.83 $746,930.07 $348,121.88 $31,437.24 $142,519.94 $80,478.20
2019 Mar 31 $715,493.93 $746,936.31 $348,121.88 $31,442.39 $142,519.53 $80,478.82
2019 Apr 01 $715,493.87 $746,936.21 $348,121.88 $31,442.34 $142,519.35 $80,478.24
2019 Apr 02 $715,492.76 $748,157.94 $348,121.88 $32,665.18 $142,520.03 $80,478.32
2019 Apr 03 $715,497.64 $748,976.52 $348,121.88 $33,478.88 $142,518.14 $80,480.93
2019 Apr 04 $715,485.79 $749,073.92 $348,121.88 $33,588.12 $142,522.67 $80,474.44
2019 Apr 05 $715,491.71 $749,659.57 $348,121.88 $34,167.86 $142,520.39 $80,477.64
2019 Apr 06 $715,493.57 $748,747.72 $348,121.88 $33,254.14 $142,519.72 $80,478.78
2019 Apr 07 $715,491.69 $748,747.01 $348,121.88 $33,255.32 $142,520.33 $80,477.44
2019 Apr 08 $715,491.67 $748,746.98 $348,121.88 $33,255.30 $142,520.29 $80,477.29
2019 Apr 09 $715,490.19 $750,249.21 $348,121.88 $34,759.02 $142,521.39 $80,477.95
2019 Apr 10 $715,487.10 $751,239.12 $348,121.88 $35,752.02 $142,522.88 $80,477.08
2019 Apr 11 $715,481.50 $753,098.42 $348,121.88 $37,616.93 $142,525.46 $80,475.20
2019 Apr 12 $715,495.81 $751,651.76 $348,121.88 $36,155.95 $142,519.48 $80,481.69
2019 Apr 13 $715,486.35 $752,935.93 $348,121.88 $37,449.58 $142,523.01 $80,476.24
2019 Apr 14 $715,485.24 $752,945.90 $348,121.88 $37,460.66 $142,523.49 $80,475.77
2019 Apr 15 $715,485.24 $752,945.92 $348,121.88 $37,460.67 $142,523.51 $80,475.86
2019 Apr 16 $715,483.86 $752,443.14 $348,121.88 $36,959.28 $142,524.41 $80,476.11
2019 Apr 17 $715,491.49 $752,616.23 $348,121.88 $37,124.73 $142,521.05 $80,479.08
2019 Apr 18 $715,486.15 $751,585.10 $348,121.88 $36,098.95 $142,523.04 $80,476.02
2019 Apr 19 $715,497.55 $752,131.13 $348,121.88 $36,633.58 $142,518.57 $80,481.97
2019 Apr 20 $715,494.45 $752,121.76 $348,121.88 $36,627.31 $142,519.84 $80,480.49
2019 Apr 21 $715,491.15 $752,118.24 $348,121.88 $36,627.10 $142,521.19 $80,478.90
2019 Apr 22 $715,491.12 $752,118.21 $348,121.88 $36,627.08 $142,521.13 $80,478.71
2019 Apr 23 $715,498.40 $752,126.73 $348,121.88 $36,628.34 $142,518.34 $80,482.68
2019 Apr 24 $715,501.90 $751,887.25 $348,121.88 $36,385.35 $142,517.21 $80,485.18
2019 Apr 25 $715,516.77 $752,607.55 $348,121.88 $37,090.78 $142,511.75 $80,493.98
2019 Apr 26 $715,523.78 $753,220.96 $348,121.88 $37,697.18 $142,508.93 $80,497.44
2019 Apr 27 $715,516.00 $753,613.63 $348,121.88 $38,097.63 $142,511.87 $80,493.07
2019 Apr 28 $715,519.67 $753,631.70 $348,121.88 $38,112.04 $142,511.59 $80,498.15
2019 Apr 29 $715,519.67 $753,631.70 $348,121.88 $38,112.04 $142,511.59 $80,498.15
2019 Apr 30 $715,517.24 $753,876.42 $348,121.88 $38,359.18 $142,511.46 $80,493.93
2019 May 01 $715,512.84 $754,605.33 $348,121.88 $39,092.49 $142,512.84 $80,490.68
2019 May 02 $715,507.84 $754,612.66 $348,121.88 $39,104.82 $142,514.80 $80,488.06
2019 May 03 $715,520.93 $753,662.65 $348,121.88 $38,141.71 $142,510.02 $80,495.88
2019 May 04 $715,514.32 $752,679.91 $348,121.88 $37,165.59 $142,512.28 $80,491.51
2019 May 05 $715,512.99 $752,676.19 $348,121.88 $37,163.20 $142,512.85 $80,490.95
2019 May 06 $715,512.99 $752,676.20 $348,121.88 $37,163.21 $142,512.87 $80,490.99
2019 May 07 $715,523.30 $733,608.78 $348,121.88 $18,085.48 $142,508.99 $80,496.83
2019 May 08 $715,525.91 $736,054.26 $348,121.88 $20,528.35 $142,507.82 $80,497.80
2019 May 09 $715,519.93 $735,292.19 $348,121.88 $19,772.26 $142,509.90 $80,493.96
### 715528.49498 733398.076456 348121.876 17869.58147507 142506.7412314 80498.9763675
2019 May 11 $715,521.41 $734,252.52 $348,121.88 $18,731.12 $142,509.38 $80,494.90
2019 May 12 $715,522.17 $734,273.07 $348,121.88 $18,750.90 $142,509.10 $80,495.34
2019 May 13 $715,522.16 $734,273.06 $348,121.88 $18,750.90 $142,509.08 $80,495.28
2019 May 14 $715,550.43 $733,850.75 $348,121.88 $18,300.32 $142,498.43 $80,511.22
2019 May 15 $715,542.42 $735,204.42 $348,121.88 $19,662.00 $142,501.40 $80,506.59
2019 May 16 $715,542.95 $735,186.51 $348,121.88 $19,643.55 $142,501.17 $80,506.80
2019 May 17 $715,553.39 $734,884.71 $348,121.88 $19,331.33 $142,497.29 $80,512.84
2019 May 18 $715,575.90 $734,032.28 $348,121.88 $18,456.38 $142,488.71 $80,525.28
2019 May 19 $715,575.93 $734,020.33 $348,121.88 $18,444.40 $142,488.86 $80,525.73
2019 May 20 $715,575.93 $734,020.33 $348,121.88 $18,444.40 $142,488.86 $80,525.73
2019 May 21 $715,571.10 $734,013.50 $348,121.88 $18,442.41 $142,490.64 $80,522.90
2019 May 22 $715,576.27 $733,241.71 $348,121.88 $17,665.44 $142,488.70 $80,525.85
2019 May 23 $715,581.72 $733,815.31 $348,121.88 $18,233.59 $142,486.66 $80,528.95
2019 May 24 $715,582.22 $729,919.58 $348,121.88 $14,337.35 $142,486.53 $80,529.41
2019 May 25 $715,569.50 $730,729.53 $348,121.88 $15,160.03 $142,491.30 $80,522.16
2019 May 26 $715,568.94 $730,734.47 $348,121.88 $15,165.53 $142,492.90 $80,525.65
2019 May 27 $715,568.47 $730,733.71 $348,121.88 $15,165.23 $142,491.54 $80,521.18
2019 May 28 $715,566.65 $731,772.23 $348,121.88 $16,205.58 $142,492.34 $80,520.46
2019 May 29 $715,579.64 $732,586.32 $348,121.88 $17,006.68 $142,487.47 $80,527.85
2019 May 30 $715,591.12 $732,571.26 $348,121.88 $16,980.13 $142,483.12 $80,534.29
2019 May 31 $715,580.75 $730,789.36 $348,121.88 $15,208.61 $142,487.37 $80,529.36
2019 Jun 01 $715,567.69 $729,223.10 $348,121.88 $13,655.41 $142,492.92 $80,523.70
2019 Jun 02 $715,563.60 $729,214.00 $348,121.88 $13,650.39 $142,494.43 $80,521.31
2019 Jun 03 $715,563.81 $729,214.56 $348,121.88 $13,650.75 $142,496.26 $80,526.64
2019 Jun 04 $715,542.20 $730,521.91 $348,121.88 $14,979.71 $142,502.82 $80,510.13
2019 Jun 05 $715,543.17 $731,301.38 $348,121.88 $15,758.22 $142,501.85 $80,509.01
2019 Jun 06 $715,534.40 $731,310.74 $348,121.88 $15,776.34 $142,505.28 $80,504.41
2019 Jun 07 $715,522.87 $735,039.21 $348,121.88 $19,516.34 $142,509.62 $80,497.86
2019 Jun 08 $715,519.58 $734,205.34 $348,121.88 $18,685.75 $142,510.79 $80,495.84
2019 Jun 09 $715,518.28 $734,201.21 $348,121.88 $18,682.93 $142,511.19 $80,494.83
2019 Jun 10 $715,518.28 $734,201.21 $348,121.88 $18,682.93 $142,511.19 $80,494.83
2019 Jun 11 $715,532.98 $736,890.08 $348,121.88 $21,357.10 $142,505.55 $80,502.88
2019 Jun 12 $715,526.52 $737,540.85 $348,121.88 $22,014.34 $142,508.61 $80,500.94
2019 Jun 13 $715,535.60 $738,384.10 $348,121.88 $22,848.51 $142,506.46 $80,509.53
2019 Jun 14 $715,536.25 $738,825.29 $348,121.88 $23,289.05 $142,505.79 $80,508.74
2019 Jun 15 $715,555.23 $739,705.26 $348,121.88 $24,150.04 $142,498.94 $80,520.29
2019 Jun 16 $715,552.50 $739,706.96 $348,121.88 $24,154.45 $142,496.24 $80,508.56
2019 Jun 17 $715,552.50 $739,706.96 $348,121.88 $24,154.45 $142,496.24 $80,508.56
2019 Jun 18 $715,550.44 $741,302.55 $348,121.88 $25,752.11 $142,499.94 $80,515.38
2019 Jun 19 $715,540.07 $740,758.67 $348,121.88 $25,218.60 $142,504.07 $80,510.13
2019 Jun 20 $715,532.33 $743,321.63 $348,121.88 $27,789.30 $142,507.75 $80,507.85
2019 Jun 21 $715,499.00 $745,074.53 $348,121.88 $29,575.54 $142,521.33 $80,491.81
2019 Jun 22 $715,500.35 $743,968.51 $348,121.88 $28,468.16 $142,521.00 $80,493.06
2019 Jun 23 $715,494.64 $743,947.29 $348,121.88 $28,452.65 $142,522.84 $80,489.01
2019 Jun 24 $715,494.62 $743,947.25 $348,121.88 $28,452.63 $142,522.78 $80,488.79
2019 Jun 25 $715,487.93 $744,026.57 $348,121.88 $28,538.64 $142,525.85 $80,486.54
2019 Jun 26 $715,492.10 $744,466.36 $348,121.88 $28,974.27 $142,524.02 $80,488.18
2019 Jun 27 $715,486.25 $744,020.43 $348,121.88 $28,534.19 $142,526.62 $80,485.96
2019 Jun 28 $715,488.55 $744,439.60 $348,121.88 $28,951.05 $142,525.05 $80,485.33
2019 Jun 29 $715,488.21 $744,449.74 $348,121.88 $28,961.53 $142,525.52 $80,486.06
2019 Jun 30 $715,485.75 $746,813.15 $348,121.88 $31,327.40 $142,526.22 $80,484.06
2019 Jul 01 $715,485.75 $746,813.15 $348,121.88 $31,327.40 $142,526.22 $80,484.06
2019 Jul 02 $715,500.16 $748,012.13 $348,121.88 $32,511.96 $142,520.82 $80,492.29
2019 Jul 03 $715,496.88 $748,006.17 $348,121.88 $32,509.29 $142,523.26 $80,493.71
2019 Jul 04 $715,498.66 $750,400.96 $348,121.88 $34,902.31 $142,522.90 $80,495.56
2019 Jul 05 $715,498.07 $743,866.63 $348,121.88 $28,368.56 $142,524.29 $80,498.44
2019 Jul 06 $715,515.31 $747,097.48 $348,121.88 $31,582.17 $142,516.95 $80,505.87
2019 Jul 07 $715,512.10 $747,089.35 $348,121.88 $31,577.24 $142,518.83 $80,505.90
2019 Jul 08 $715,512.10 $747,089.35 $348,121.88 $31,577.24 $142,518.83 $80,505.90
2019 Jul 09 $715,511.80 $746,555.89 $348,121.88 $31,044.09 $142,517.95 $80,503.00
2019 Jul 10 $715,519.55 $742,713.31 $348,121.88 $27,193.76 $142,513.99 $80,504.52
2019 Jul 11 $715,502.23 $743,339.27 $348,121.88 $27,837.03 $142,519.65 $80,492.40
2019 Jul 12 $715,499.96 $743,536.43 $348,121.88 $28,036.46 $142,520.05 $80,489.87
2019 Jul 13 $715,506.83 $743,531.11 $348,121.88 $28,024.29 $142,517.18 $80,492.95
2019 Jul 14 $715,502.50 $743,538.41 $348,121.88 $28,035.92 $142,518.89 $80,490.74
2019 Jul 15 $715,502.51 $743,538.44 $348,121.88 $28,035.93 $142,518.93 $80,490.86
2019 Jul 16 $715,498.33 $739,461.93 $348,121.88 $23,963.59 $142,520.18 $80,487.61
2019 Jul 17 $715,504.38 $739,475.23 $348,121.88 $23,970.85 $142,518.82 $80,493.54
2019 Jul 18 $715,513.99 $741,061.51 $348,121.88 $25,547.52 $142,515.78 $80,500.54
2019 Jul 19 $715,514.58 $741,045.79 $348,121.88 $25,531.21 $142,515.06 $80,499.53
2019 Jul 20 $715,511.54 $741,014.04 $348,121.88 $25,502.51 $142,517.24 $80,500.62
2019 Jul 21 $715,514.05 $742,852.25 $348,121.88 $27,338.19 $142,515.97 $80,501.19
2019 Jul 22 $715,514.05 $742,852.25 $348,121.88 $27,338.19 $142,515.97 $80,501.19
2019 Jul 23 $715,515.10 $740,826.80 $348,121.88 $25,311.70 $142,515.53 $80,501.65
2019 Jul 24 $715,532.02 $740,848.40 $348,121.88 $25,316.37 $142,509.17 $80,511.23
2019 Jul 25 $715,527.27 $742,399.95 $348,121.88 $26,872.68 $142,510.69 $80,507.83
2019 Jul 26 $715,539.88 $742,836.28 $348,121.88 $27,296.40 $142,505.60 $80,514.01
2019 Jul 27 $715,548.27 $739,082.96 $348,121.88 $23,534.68 $142,502.22 $80,518.17
2019 Jul 28 $715,547.59 $739,094.42 $348,121.88 $23,546.83 $142,502.66 $80,518.27
2019 Jul 29 $715,547.59 $739,094.42 $348,121.88 $23,546.83 $142,502.66 $80,518.27
2019 Jul 30 $715,550.57 $741,005.76 $348,121.88 $25,455.19 $142,501.22 $80,519.07
2019 Jul 31 $715,553.89 $740,993.71 $348,121.88 $25,439.82 $142,499.68 $80,520.18
2019 Aug 01 $715,546.75 $738,820.81 $348,121.88 $23,274.06 $142,501.92 $80,514.90
2019 Aug 02 $715,552.52 $738,031.87 $348,121.88 $22,479.35 $142,499.83 $80,518.38
2019 Aug 03 $715,569.92 $738,798.76 $348,121.88 $23,228.84 $142,493.32 $80,528.33
2019 Aug 04 $715,574.31 $738,816.00 $348,121.88 $23,241.69 $142,491.46 $80,530.27
2019 Aug 05 $715,574.31 $738,816.00 $348,121.88 $23,241.69 $142,491.46 $80,530.27
2019 Aug 06 $715,593.98 $734,646.73 $348,121.88 $19,052.75 $142,482.92 $80,538.29
2019 Aug 07 $715,591.16 $730,630.47 $348,121.88 $15,039.31 $142,484.09 $80,536.98
2019 Aug 08 $715,595.20 $730,622.54 $348,121.88 $15,027.34 $142,482.51 $80,539.10
2019 Aug 09 $715,590.37 $728,807.14 $348,121.88 $13,216.78 $142,484.34 $80,536.40
2019 Aug 10 $715,607.74 $728,811.52 $348,121.88 $13,203.78 $142,477.63 $80,545.78
2019 Aug 11 $715,606.74 $728,818.45 $348,121.88 $13,211.71 $142,478.00 $80,545.18
2019 Aug 12 $715,606.92 $728,818.63 $348,121.88 $13,211.71 $142,477.91 $80,545.23
2019 Aug 13 $715,610.76 $728,813.55 $348,121.88 $13,202.79 $142,476.10 $80,546.41
2019 Aug 14 $715,594.78 $726,908.42 $348,121.88 $11,313.64 $142,482.19 $80,537.58
2019 Aug 15 $715,624.69 $726,898.24 $348,121.88 $11,273.55 $142,470.89 $80,554.36
2019 Aug 16 $715,617.38 $725,804.11 $348,121.88 $10,186.73 $142,474.11 $80,551.51
2019 Aug 17 $715,602.93 $725,783.77 $348,121.88 $10,180.84 $142,479.35 $80,542.79
2019 Aug 18 $715,602.40 $725,777.99 $348,121.88 $10,175.58 $142,479.39 $80,542.07
2019 Aug 19 $715,602.40 $725,777.98 $348,121.88 $10,175.58 $142,479.38 $80,542.02
2019 Aug 20 $715,609.40 $728,286.06 $348,121.88 $12,676.66 $142,476.61 $80,545.62
2019 Aug 21 $715,603.57 $729,053.69 $348,121.88 $13,450.12 $142,479.12 $80,543.19
2019 Aug 22 $715,596.13 $729,840.07 $348,121.88 $14,243.93 $142,481.87 $80,538.84
2019 Aug 23 $715,607.51 $728,434.34 $348,121.88 $12,826.83 $142,477.76 $80,545.75
2019 Aug 24 $715,611.97 $729,627.33 $348,121.88 $14,015.36 $142,475.91 $80,547.80
2019 Aug 25 $715,614.01 $729,620.97 $348,121.88 $14,006.96 $142,481.52 $80,566.41
2019 Aug 26 $715,614.01 $729,620.97 $348,121.88 $14,006.96 $142,481.52 $80,566.41
2019 Aug 27 $715,614.61 $728,245.64 $348,121.88 $12,631.03 $142,474.71 $80,548.73
2019 Aug 28 $715,618.68 $726,535.03 $348,121.88 $10,916.36 $142,473.13 $80,550.91
2019 Aug 29 $715,616.13 $728,786.47 $348,121.88 $13,170.34 $142,474.24 $80,549.89
2019 Aug 30 $715,613.47 $729,149.32 $348,121.88 $13,535.84 $142,475.05 $80,547.87
2019 Aug 31 $715,616.28 $730,839.39 $348,121.88 $15,223.11 $142,474.44 $80,550.65
2019 Sep 01 $715,613.55 $730,829.27 $348,121.88 $15,215.72 $142,475.27 $80,548.59
2019 Sep 02 $715,613.56 $730,829.28 $348,121.88 $15,215.72 $142,475.29 $80,548.65
2019 Sep 03 $715,626.93 $730,847.22 $348,121.88 $15,220.29 $142,470.35 $80,556.46
2019 Sep 04 $715,626.21 $730,953.54 $348,121.88 $15,327.33 $142,470.69 $80,556.24
2019 Sep 05 $715,601.49 $733,526.66 $348,121.88 $17,925.17 $142,480.38 $80,543.31
2019 Sep 06 $715,599.28 $735,500.06 $348,121.88 $19,900.78 $142,481.27 $80,542.22
2019 Sep 07 $715,587.95 $734,075.16 $348,121.88 $18,487.21 $142,485.46 $80,535.61
2019 Sep 08 $715,590.59 $734,077.54 $348,121.88 $18,486.95 $142,484.02 $80,535.88
2019 Sep 09 $715,590.59 $734,077.54 $348,121.88 $18,486.95 $142,484.02 $80,535.88
2019 Sep 10 $715,582.30 $732,330.83 $348,121.88 $16,748.53 $142,487.55 $80,532.31
2019 Sep 11 $715,583.22 $733,632.31 $348,121.88 $18,049.09 $142,486.94 $80,532.11
2019 Sep 12 $715,582.68 $734,470.11 $348,121.88 $18,887.43 $142,487.32 $80,532.31
2019 Sep 13 $715,566.55 $734,896.63 $348,121.88 $19,330.08 $142,494.74 $80,526.85
2019 Sep 14 $715,560.86 $737,170.04 $348,121.88 $21,609.18 $142,496.99 $80,523.94
2019 Sep 15 $715,561.95 $737,172.28 $348,121.88 $21,610.33 $142,496.95 $80,525.57
2019 Sep 16 $715,561.95 $737,172.28 $348,121.88 $21,610.33 $142,496.95 $80,525.57
2019 Sep 17 $715,571.18 $736,392.66 $348,121.88 $20,821.48 $142,493.76 $80,531.57
2019 Sep 18 $715,565.45 $734,421.59 $348,121.88 $18,856.14 $142,495.55 $80,527.30
2019 Sep 19 $715,559.78 $733,208.81 $348,121.88 $17,649.03 $142,496.76 $80,521.58
2019 Sep 20 $715,580.97 $734,764.45 $348,121.88 $19,183.48 $142,488.85 $80,533.73
2019 Sep 21 $715,571.82 $734,733.92 $348,121.88 $19,162.10 $142,491.55 $80,526.54
Expected Annual
$18,843.72 This sheet consolidates the daily data from Portfolio Summary and archive
$18,843.67 it here. You don't have to key in anything. A script will grab the data from
Portfolio Summary. If you would like to edit the script go to Data > Script
Editor... and you can see the script. Note that by default, the update is DAILY
$18,843.58 12 AM and with 5000 rows, we can have almost 13 years of data. If you are
$18,843.58 using this after 13 years, do extend the number of rowws and edit the
charts accordingly.
Unrealized Gains / Losses of Portfolio
$ Gains | Losses

$18,843.69 $60,000.00
$18,843.62 $20,000.00
1899 Dec 30
$18,651.34 -$20,000.00
$18,651.39 Portfolio Value | Cost | Cash not Used
$18,651.39 $1,000,000.00
$ Value | Cost

$18,651.40 $600,000.00
$18,651.43 $400,000.00
$18,651.39 $200,000.00
1899 Dec 30
Portfolio Cost Portfolio Value Cash
$19,926.30 Cumulative Realized Gains/Losses & Dividends
ains Losses | Dividends

$19,926.27 Collected



$ Gains Losses | Divid


$21,724.87 $50,000.00
$21,725.03 $.00
$22,123.08 1899 Dec 30
Realized Gains / Losses Dividends Collected
$22,124.55 Forecasted Annual Dividend Based on Portfolio
$22,122.80 $ Annual Dividends $25,000.00
$22,124.67 $15,000.00
$22,125.48 $10,000.00
$22,412.02 $.00
$22,413.35 1899 Dec 30
$22,411.73 Date
$22,412.17 Expected Annual Dividends


Amount (Base Cumulative
Date Money Flow Sub Money Flow
Currency) Total
2015-06-30 Inflow Money Injection $185,073.00 $185,073.00
2015-07-21 Inflow Dividend Income $29.61 $185,102.61
2015-07-31 Inflow Dividend Income $49.00 $185,151.61
2015-08-04 Inflow Dividend Income $110.00 $185,261.61
2015-08-05 Inflow Dividend Income $2,070.00 $187,331.61
2015-08-06 Inflow Dividend Income $14.00 $187,345.61
2015-08-06 Inflow Dividend Income $14.00 $187,359.61
2015-08-11 Inflow Dividend Income $15.00 $187,374.61
2015-08-21 Inflow Dividend Income $200.00 $187,574.61
2015-08-20 Inflow Money Injection $2,118.67 $189,693.28
2015-08-24 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $24,936.00 $214,629.28
2015-08-24 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $3,856.41 $218,485.69
2015-08-24 Inflow Dividend Income $2,094.75 $220,580.44
2015-08-24 Inflow Dividend Income $56.14 $220,636.58
2015-08-25 Inflow Dividend Income $176.00 $220,812.58
2015-08-25 Outflow Purchase of Asset $9,796.50 $211,016.08
2015-08-26 Outflow Purchase of Asset $4,962.67 $206,053.41
2015-09-03 Inflow Dividend Income $128.00 $206,181.41
2015-09-07 Inflow Dividend Income $331.50 $206,512.91
2015-09-17 Outflow Purchase of Asset $3,804.71 $202,708.20
2015-09-17 Outflow Purchase of Asset $4,987.73 $197,720.47
2015-09-17 Outflow Purchase of Asset $4,962.67 $192,757.80
2015-09-18 Inflow Dividend Income $7.84 $192,765.64
2015-09-20 Inflow Money Injection $2,118.67 $194,884.31
2015-09-21 Outflow Purchase of Asset $1,224.62 $193,659.69
2015-09-21 Outflow Purchase of Asset $1,734.42 $191,925.27
2015-09-25 Inflow Dividend Income $0.55 $191,925.82
2015-09-30 Outflow Purchase of Asset $4,979.50 $186,946.32
2015-10-02 Outflow Purchase of Asset $1,220.00 $185,726.32
2015-10-08 Outflow Purchase of Asset $3,599.19 $182,127.13
2015-10-08 Outflow Purchase of Asset $1,789.56 $180,337.57
2015-10-20 Inflow Money Injection $2,118.67 $182,456.24
2015-10-20 Inflow Dividend Income $48.75 $182,504.99
2015-10-23 Inflow Dividend Income $186.00 $182,690.99
2015-10-28 Inflow Dividend Income $57.20 $182,748.19
2015-11-02 Outflow Purchase of Asset $3,488.90 $179,259.29
2015-11-04 Outflow Purchase of Asset $5,839.00 $173,420.29
2015-11-04 Inflow Dividend Income $112.00 $173,532.29
2015-11-05 Inflow Dividend Income $11.06 $173,543.35
2015-11-09 Outflow Purchase of Asset $1,744.45 $171,798.90
2015-11-11 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $6,482.37 $178,281.27

2015-11-12 Outflow Purchase of Asset $1,724.40 $176,556.87

2015-11-13 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $5,019.12 $181,575.99
2015-11-13 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $4,309.00 $185,884.99
2015-11-13 Inflow Dividend Income $200.00 $186,084.99
2015-11-13 Inflow Dividend Income $15.00 $186,099.99
2015-11-20 Outflow Purchase of Asset $1,684.30 $184,415.69
2015-11-20 Inflow Money Injection $2,118.67 $186,534.36
2015-12-02 Outflow Purchase of Asset $5,744.66 $180,789.70
2015-12-07 Outflow Purchase of Asset $3,920.00 $176,869.70
2015-12-15 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $7,899.73 $184,769.43
2015-12-20 Inflow Money Injection $2,118.67 $186,888.10
2015-12-30 Outflow Purchase of Asset $3,849.83 $183,038.27
2016-01-04 Inflow Dividend Income $76.84 $183,115.11
2016-01-07 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $1,745.62 $184,860.73
2016-01-07 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $3,660.61 $188,521.34
2016-01-07 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $1,486.00 $190,007.34
2016-01-21 Inflow Money Injection $2,118.67 $192,126.01
2016-01-27 Inflow Dividend Income $48.42 $192,174.43
2016-01-29 Inflow Dividend Income $187.00 $192,361.43
2016-01-29 Outflow Purchase of Asset $3,749.57 $188,611.86
2016-01-29 Outflow Purchase of Asset $5,859.96 $182,751.90
2016-01-29 Inflow Dividend Income $51.00 $182,802.90
2016-02-01 Outflow Purchase of Asset $5,930.14 $176,872.76
2016-02-04 Inflow Dividend Income $114.80 $176,987.56
2016-02-17 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $3,561.00 $180,548.56
2016-02-17 Inflow Dividend Income $525.00 $181,073.56
2016-02-18 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $10,712.50 $191,786.06
2016-02-18 Outflow Purchase of Asset $5,524.00 $186,262.06
2016-02-20 Inflow Money Injection $2,118.67 $188,380.73
2016-02-25 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $12,687.44 $201,068.17
2016-02-26 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $15,360.58 $216,428.75
2016-03-03 Outflow Purchase of Asset $7,529.00 $208,899.75
2016-03-07 Outflow Purchase of Asset $5,880.00 $203,019.75
2016-03-07 Outflow Purchase of Asset $4,030.29 $198,989.46
2016-03-17 Inflow Dividend Income $454.50 $199,443.96
2016-03-10 Outflow Purchase of Asset $5,001.24 $194,442.72
2016-03-16 Outflow Purchase of Asset $2,932.49 $191,510.23
2016-03-16 Outflow Purchase of Asset $1,864.76 $189,645.47
2016-03-17 Outflow Purchase of Asset $6,239.00 $183,406.47
2016-03-20 Inflow Money Injection $2,118.67 $185,525.14
2016-03-21 Inflow Money Injection $100,000.00 $285,525.14
2016-03-30 Inflow Dividend Income $429.00 $285,954.14
2016-04-11 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $18,002.00 $303,956.14
2016-04-15 Outflow Purchase of Asset $3,782.00 $300,174.14
2016-04-15 Outflow Purchase of Asset $5,320.00 $294,854.14
2016-04-15 Outflow Purchase of Asset $5,819.00 $289,035.14
2016-04-20 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $6,721.00 $295,756.14
2016-04-20 Inflow Money Injection $2,118.67 $297,874.81
2016-04-20 Inflow Dividend Income $46.71 $297,921.52
2016-04-27 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $2,094.62 $300,016.14
2016-04-27 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $3,716.46 $303,732.60
2016-04-27 Outflow Purchase of Asset $12,836.00 $290,896.60
2016-04-27 Outflow Purchase of Asset $7,279.00 $283,617.60
2016-04-27 Outflow Purchase of Asset $12,482.00 $271,135.60
2016-04-27 Inflow Dividend Income $35.88 $271,171.48
2016-04-27 Inflow Dividend Income $1.00 $271,172.48
2016-04-28 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $673.27 $271,845.75
2016-04-28 Inflow Dividend Income $126.00 $271,971.75
2016-04-28 Inflow Dividend Income $4.00 $271,975.75
2016-05-03 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $18,143.43 $290,119.18
2016-05-03 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $5,072.54 $295,191.72
2016-05-03 Inflow Dividend Income $1,160.25 $296,351.97
2016-05-04 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $6,503.30 $302,855.27
2016-05-04 Inflow Dividend Income $178.50 $303,033.77
2016-05-06 Inflow Dividend Income $250.00 $303,283.77
2016-05-06 Inflow Dividend Income $118.00 $303,401.77
2016-05-10 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $3,102.00 $306,503.77
2016-05-10 Inflow Dividend Income $210.00 $306,713.77
2016-05-20 Inflow Money Injection $2,118.67 $308,832.44
2016-05-23 Outflow Purchase of Asset $9,474.20 $299,358.24
2016-05-27 Outflow Purchase of Asset $1,604.09 $297,754.15
2016-06-06 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $1,747.52 $299,501.67
2016-06-06 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $1,795.40 $301,297.07
2016-06-06 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $678.26 $301,975.33
2016-06-06 Outflow Purchase of Asset $3,428.76 $298,546.57
2016-06-10 Outflow Purchase of Asset $10,035.00 $288,511.57
2016-06-20 Inflow Money Injection $2,118.67 $290,630.24
2016-06-20 Outflow Purchase of Asset $13,350.00 $277,280.24

2016-06-24 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $7,571.00 $284,851.24

2016-06-24 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $6,493.00 $291,344.24
2016-06-27 Outflow Purchase of Asset $7,469.00 $283,875.24
2016-06-30 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $11,311.00 $295,186.24
2016-06-30 Outflow Purchase of Asset $6,992.85 $288,193.39
2016-06-30 Outflow Purchase of Asset $6,366.25 $281,827.14
2016-06-30 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $22,491.00 $304,318.14
2016-07-01 Inflow Dividend Income $37.84 $304,355.98
2016-07-08 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $340.00 $304,695.98
2016-07-19 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $8,927.09 $313,623.07
2016-07-19 Outflow Purchase of Asset $1,305.33 $312,317.74
2016-07-20 Inflow Money Injection $2,128.20 $314,445.94
2016-07-21 Inflow Dividend Income $152.00 $314,597.94
2016-07-21 Inflow Dividend Income $211.00 $314,808.94
2016-07-26 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $14,064.00 $328,872.94
2016-07-27 Outflow Purchase of Asset $14,800.00 $314,072.94
2016-07-28 Inflow Dividend Income $506.12 $314,579.06
2016-07-29 Inflow Dividend Income $42.00 $314,621.06
2016-07-30 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $161.47 $314,782.53
2016-07-30 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $1,240.34 $316,022.87
2016-08-03 Inflow Dividend Income $247.50 $316,270.37
2016-08-04 Outflow Purchase of Asset $9,215.00 $307,055.37
2016-08-05 Outflow Purchase of Asset $9,185.00 $297,870.37
2016-08-10 Outflow Purchase of Asset $3,553.00 $294,317.37
2016-08-10 Outflow Purchase of Asset $6,737.00 $287,580.37
2016-08-10 Inflow Dividend Income $1,000.00 $288,580.37
2016-08-11 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $1,550.00 $290,130.37
2016-08-11 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $6,131.00 $296,261.37
2016-08-12 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $13,465.44 $309,726.81
2016-08-12 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $7,181.00 $316,907.81
2016-08-17 Inflow Dividend Income $188.00 $317,095.81
2016-08-20 Inflow Money Injection $2,128.20 $319,224.01
2016-08-26 Outflow Purchase of Asset $3,110.00 $316,114.01
2016-08-29 Inflow Dividend Income $1,494.60 $317,608.61
2016-09-01 Outflow Purchase of Asset $5,909.00 $311,699.61

2016-09-01 Outflow Purchase of Asset $5,614.00 $306,085.61

2016-09-02 Inflow Dividend Income $1,295.00 $307,380.61
2016-09-02 Inflow Capital Return $1,295.00 $308,675.61
2016-09-08 Outflow Purchase of Asset $12,080.00 $296,595.61
2016-09-13 Outflow Purchase of Asset $3,010.00 $293,585.61
2016-09-13 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $13,465.00 $307,050.61
2016-09-13 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $7,002.03 $314,052.64
2016-09-15 Outflow Purchase of Asset $5,684.50 $308,368.14

2016-09-15 Outflow Purchase of Asset $6,737.20 $301,630.94

2016-09-20 Inflow Money Injection $2,128.20 $303,759.14
2016-09-22 Outflow Purchase of Asset $5,995.30 $297,763.84
2016-10-06 Outflow Purchase of Asset $6,466.50 $291,297.34
2016-10-07 Inflow Dividend Income $250.00 $291,547.34
2016-10-12 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $8,079.31 $299,626.65
2016-10-20 Inflow Money Injection $2,128.20 $301,754.85
2016-10-25 Inflow Dividend Income $212.00 $301,966.85
2016-10-26 Inflow Dividend Income $140.75 $302,107.60
2016-10-28 Inflow Dividend Income $515.15 $302,622.75
2016-11-01 Outflow Purchase of Asset $14,750.00 $287,872.75
2016-11-02 Inflow Dividend Income $577.60 $288,450.35

2016-11-04 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $14,440.00 $302,890.35

2016-11-04 Inflow Dividend Income $880.00 $303,770.35
2016-11-04 Inflow Dividend Income $357.50 $304,127.85
2016-11-07 Inflow Dividend Income $496.80 $304,624.65

2016-11-09 Outflow Purchase of Asset $3,870.00 $300,754.65

2016-11-09 Outflow Purchase of Asset $1,390.00 $299,364.65

2016-11-10 Outflow Purchase of Asset $7,549.00 $291,815.65

2016-11-11 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $4,389.00 $296,204.65

2016-11-11 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $4,009.00 $300,213.65
2016-11-15 Outflow Purchase of Asset $3,631.00 $296,582.65

2016-11-15 Outflow Purchase of Asset $5,674.51 $290,908.14

2016-11-15 Outflow Purchase of Asset $3,811.00 $287,097.14

2016-11-17 Outflow Purchase of Asset $4,227.00 $282,870.14

2016-11-18 Outflow Purchase of Asset $4,227.00 $278,643.14
2016-11-18 Outflow Purchase of Asset $4,152.00 $274,491.14
2016-11-20 Inflow Money Injection $2,128.20 $276,619.34
2016-11-21 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $6,404.00 $283,023.34
2016-11-22 Outflow Purchase of Asset $4,482.00 $278,541.34
2016-11-29 Inflow Dividend Income $250.00 $278,791.34
2016-12-05 Outflow Purchase of Asset $3,612.00 $275,179.34
2016-12-15 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $10,094.00 $285,273.34
2016-12-20 Inflow Money Injection $2,128.20 $287,401.54
2016-12-22 Outflow Purchase of Asset $3,512.00 $283,889.54
2016-12-30 Outflow Purchase of Asset $3,587.00 $280,302.54
2017-01-03 Inflow Dividend Income $66.44 $280,368.98
2017-01-04 Outflow Purchase of Asset $1,042.00 $279,326.98
2017-01-05 Outflow Purchase of Asset $8,900.00 $270,426.98
2017-01-05 Outflow Purchase of Asset $8,585.00 $261,841.98
2017-01-06 Outflow Purchase of Asset $4,482.00 $257,359.98
2017-01-10 Outflow Purchase of Asset $6,440.22 $250,919.76
2017-01-11 Inflow Interest Income $87.32 $251,007.08
2017-01-16 Outflow Purchase of Asset $6,665.00 $244,342.08
2017-01-20 Inflow Money Injection $2,128.20 $246,470.28
2017-01-24 Inflow Dividend Income $213.00 $246,683.28
2017-01-26 Inflow Dividend Income $144.50 $246,827.78
2017-01-27 Inflow Dividend Income $700.00 $247,527.78
2017-01-31 Inflow Dividend Income $992.00 $248,519.78
2017-01-31 Outflow Purchase of Asset $4,722.00 $243,797.78
2017-02-01 Inflow Dividend Income $104.88 $243,902.66
2017-02-02 Inflow Dividend Income $53.00 $243,955.66
2017-02-06 Outflow Purchase of Asset $5,474.00 $238,481.66
2017-02-08 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $8,881.00 $247,362.66
2017-02-09 Inflow Interest Income $86.62 $247,449.28
2017-02-13 Inflow Dividend Income $840.00 $248,289.28
2017-02-13 Outflow Purchase of Asset $10,326.00 $237,963.28
2017-02-13 Outflow Purchase of Asset $10,426.00 $227,537.28
2017-02-15 Inflow Dividend Income $277.00 $227,814.28
2017-02-15 Inflow Dividend Income $448.47 $228,262.75
2017-02-20 Inflow Money Injection $2,128.20 $230,390.95
2017-03-03 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $1,383.00 $231,773.95
2017-03-03 Outflow Purchase of Asset $4,687.00 $227,086.95

2017-03-06 Inflow Dividend Income $1,480.50 $228,567.45

2017-03-09 Inflow Interest Income $78.20 $228,645.65
2017-03-10 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $13,315.83 $241,961.48
2017-03-10 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $11,191.30 $253,152.78
2017-03-10 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $26,252.63 $279,405.41
2017-03-20 Inflow Money Injection $2,128.20 $281,533.61
2017-03-21 Inflow Dividend Income $11.20 $281,544.81
2017-03-22 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $21,320.00 $302,864.81
2017-04-03 Inflow Interest Income $90.51 $302,955.32
2017-04-04 Outflow Purchase of Asset $7,789.90 $295,165.42
2017-04-11 Inflow Interest Income $86.62 $295,252.04
2017-04-20 Inflow Money Injection $2,128.20 $297,380.24
2017-04-21 Inflow Dividend Income $214.00 $297,594.24
2017-04-27 Inflow Dividend Income $851.94 $298,446.18
2017-04-28 Outflow Purchase of Asset $4,455.00 $293,991.18
2017-04-28 Outflow Purchase of Asset $2,646.00 $291,345.18
2017-04-28 Outflow Purchase of Asset $2,726.00 $288,619.18
2017-04-30 Inflow Interest Income $12.09 $288,631.27
2017-05-02 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $86.30 $288,717.57
2017-05-02 Inflow Dividend Income $103.96 $288,821.53
2017-05-02 Inflow Dividend Income $152.00 $288,973.53
2017-05-03 Inflow Dividend Income $746.00 $289,719.53
2017-05-08 Inflow Dividend Income $102.00 $289,821.53
2017-05-11 Inflow Interest Income $8,727.60 $298,549.13
2017-05-12 Inflow Dividend Income $1,675.20 $300,224.33

2017-05-15 Inflow Dividend Income $179.42 $300,403.75

2017-05-17 Inflow Dividend Income $2,013.20 $302,416.95
2017-05-17 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $8,937.00 $311,353.95
2017-05-18 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $11,371.00 $322,724.95
2017-05-18 Inflow Dividend Income $2,790.00 $325,514.95
2017-05-20 Inflow Money Injection $2,128.20 $327,643.15
2017-05-22 Outflow Purchase of Asset $6,947.70 $320,695.45

2017-05-23 Outflow Purchase of Asset $6,767.28 $313,928.17

2017-05-24 Inflow Dividend Income $456.00 $314,384.17
2017-05-25 Outflow Purchase of Asset $7,919.00 $306,465.17
2017-05-25 Outflow Purchase of Asset $3,518.18 $302,946.99
2017-05-30 Outflow Purchase of Asset $7,694.64 $295,252.35
2017-05-31 Outflow Purchase of Asset $9,865.20 $285,387.15
2017-05-31 Outflow Purchase of Asset $9,945.40 $275,441.75
2017-06-01 Outflow Purchase of Asset $21,437.00 $254,004.75
2017-06-02 Inflow Interest Income $101.15 $254,105.90
2017-06-05 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $6,144.30 $260,250.20
2017-06-05 Outflow Purchase of Asset $10,042.00 $250,208.20
2017-06-07 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $6,109.32 $256,317.52
2017-06-09 Outflow Purchase of Asset $8,280.00 $248,037.52
2017-06-09 Inflow Interest Income $89.17 $248,126.69
2017-06-16 Outflow Purchase of Asset $932.38 $247,194.31
2017-06-16 Inflow Purchase of Asset $6,533.30 $253,727.61
2017-06-16 Outflow Purchase of Asset $6,416.38 $247,311.23
2017-06-20 Inflow Money Injection $2,128.20 $249,439.43
2017-06-28 Outflow Purchase of Asset $1,639.18 $247,800.25
2017-06-28 Outflow Purchase of Asset $30,584.00 $217,216.25
2017-06-30 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $2,782.90 $219,999.15
2017-06-30 Outflow Purchase of Asset $8,120.70 $211,878.45
2017-07-03 Inflow Interest Income $97.89 $211,976.34
2017-07-03 Inflow Dividend Income $25.41 $212,001.75
2017-07-03 Inflow Dividend Income $1,012.00 $213,013.75

2017-07-04 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $9,176.45 $222,190.20

2017-07-05 Outflow Purchase of Asset $8,421.50 $213,768.70
2017-07-05 Outflow Purchase of Asset $1,779.40 $211,989.30
2017-07-07 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $30,720.00 $242,709.30
2017-07-11 Inflow Interest Income $86.30 $242,795.60
2017-07-13 Outflow Purchase of Asset $8,923.00 $233,872.60
2017-07-17 Outflow Purchase of Asset $3,308.46 $230,564.14
2017-07-18 Outflow Purchase of Asset $3,368.60 $227,195.54
2017-07-20 Inflow Money Injection $2,140.00 $229,335.54
2017-07-20 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $15,851.87 $245,187.41
2017-07-21 Outflow Purchase of Asset $2,606.24 $242,581.17
2017-07-21 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $960.24 $243,541.41
2017-07-21 Inflow Dividend Income $342.40 $243,883.81
2017-07-25 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $22,665.50 $266,549.31
2017-07-25 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $32,431.00 $298,980.31
2017-07-28 Inflow Dividend Income $150.00 $299,130.31
2017-07-28 Inflow Dividend Income $48.00 $299,178.31
2017-08-01 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $21,947.20 $321,125.51

2017-08-01 Inflow Interest Income $262.50 $321,388.01

2017-08-02 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $20,201.40 $341,589.41
2017-08-02 Outflow Purchase of Asset $3,087.40 $338,502.01
2017-08-02 Inflow Interest Income $101.15 $338,603.16
2017-08-02 Inflow Dividend Income $214.08 $338,817.24
2017-08-03 Outflow Purchase of Asset $896.00 $337,921.24
2017-08-03 Inflow Dividend Income $69.70 $337,990.94
2017-08-03 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $2,671.10 $340,662.04
2017-08-03 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $20,201.40 $360,863.44
2017-08-04 Outflow Purchase of Asset $4,711.00 $356,152.44
2017-08-07 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $15,782.83 $371,935.27
2017-08-07 Outflow Purchase of Asset $1,152.20 $370,783.07
2017-08-07 Outflow Purchase of Asset $3,894.10 $366,888.97
2017-08-07 Outflow Purchase of Asset $2,355.20 $364,533.77
2017-08-07 Outflow Purchase of Asset $3,057.16 $361,476.61
2017-08-07 Outflow Purchase of Asset $4,245.00 $357,231.61
2017-08-07 Inflow Dividend Income $110.00 $357,341.61
2017-08-09 Inflow Dividend Income $8.86 $357,350.47
2017-08-10 Outflow Purchase of Asset $4,711.00 $352,639.47
2017-08-10 Outflow Purchase of Asset $6,114.30 $346,525.17
2017-08-10 Outflow Purchase of Asset $5,613.16 $340,912.01
2017-08-10 Inflow Interest Income $89.17 $341,001.18
2017-08-11 Inflow Dividend Income $471.24 $341,472.42
2017-08-11 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $3,890.90 $345,363.32
2017-08-11 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $8,301.45 $353,664.77
2017-08-11 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $14,425.50 $368,090.27
2017-08-15 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $120.72 $368,210.99
2017-08-15 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $109.74 $368,320.73
2017-08-15 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $1,939.44 $370,260.17
2017-08-16 Inflow Dividend Income $1,358.30 $371,618.47
2017-08-18 Inflow Dividend Income $724.00 $372,342.47
2017-08-20 Inflow Money Injection $2,140.00 $374,482.47
2017-08-22 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $5,936.00 $380,418.47
2017-08-24 Inflow Dividend Income $250.00 $380,668.47
2017-08-25 Outflow Purchase of Asset $5,713.00 $374,955.47
2017-08-25 Outflow Purchase of Asset $4,610.00 $370,345.47
2017-08-25 Outflow Purchase of Asset $8,209.00 $362,136.47
2017-08-31 Inflow Interest Income $2.16 $362,138.63
2017-09-04 Inflow Interest Income $101.15 $362,239.78
2017-09-06 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $4,202.10 $366,441.88
2017-09-07 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $8,420.20 $374,862.08
2017-09-09 Inflow Interest Income $89.17 $374,951.25
2017-09-14 Outflow Purchase of Asset $18,348.00 $356,603.25
2017-09-15 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $9,123.00 $365,726.25
2017-09-18 Outflow Purchase of Asset $11,051.00 $354,675.25
2017-09-19 Outflow Purchase of Asset $3,708.70 $350,966.55
2017-09-19 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $375.00 $351,341.55
2017-09-20 Inflow Money Injection $2,140.00 $353,481.55
2017-09-20 Inflow Money Injection $15,000.00 $368,481.55
2017-09-20 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $663.00 $369,144.55
2017-09-20 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $6,864.00 $376,008.55
2017-09-20 Outflow Purchase of Asset $7,417.39 $368,591.16
2017-09-21 Outflow Purchase of Asset $4,059.50 $364,531.66
2017-09-22 Outflow Purchase of Asset $5,180.10 $359,351.56
2017-09-23 Inflow Money Injection $50,000.00 $409,351.56
2017-09-25 Outflow Purchase of Asset $6,074.24 $403,277.32
2017-09-25 Outflow Purchase of Asset $2,930.00 $400,347.32
2017-10-02 Outflow Purchase of Asset $4,615.80 $395,731.52
2017-10-03 Outflow Purchase of Asset $7,417.40 $388,314.12
2017-10-03 Inflow Interest Income $97.89 $388,412.01
2017-10-05 Outflow Purchase of Asset $8,570.00 $379,842.01
2017-10-09 Outflow Purchase of Asset $7,377.20 $372,464.81
2017-10-10 Inflow Proceeds from Sale $5,877.00 $378,341.81
2017-10-10 Inflow Interest Income $86.30 $378,428.11
2017-10-13 Outflow Purchase of Asset $2,861.70 $375,566.41
2017-10-16 Outflow Purchase of Asset $15,185.60 $360,380.81
2017-10-20 Inflow Money Injection $2,140.00 $362,520.81
2017-10-20 Outflow Purchase of Asset $8,570.00 $353,950.81
2017-10-26 Outflow Purchase of Asset $5,773.53 $348,177.28
2017-10-27 Outflow Money Withdrawal $55.40 $348,121.88
Currency Conversion
Corresponding Asset Remarks
1 First injection into wealth fund
Soilbuild Trust 1
Aims Amp Ind Trust 1
Singapore Shipping Corp 1
Oaktree 1.4
Apple 1.4
Singapore Post 1
Starhub 1
1 August 2015 injection to wealth fund
Singapore Shipping Corp 1 Liquidating my fixed deposit
Apple 1.39
China Merchant Pacific 1
HKT Trust 5.42
Nordic Group 1
IREIT Global 1
SBS Transit 1
Kingsmen 1
IREIT Global 1
SBS Transit 1
Mapletree Log Trust 1
Mapletree Log Trust 1
Riverstone 1
1 September 2015 injection to wealth fund
SBS Transit 1
SBS Transit 1
VT 1.4
Croesus Retail Trust 1
Croesus Retail Trust 1
SBS Transit 1
SBS Transit 1
1 October 2015 injection to wealth fund
Soilbuild Business Trust 1
Mapletree Logistic Trust 1
Frasers Centerpoint Trust 1
First Ship Lease Trust 1
Croesus Retail Trust 1
Aims Amp Industrial Trust 1
Oaktree 1.4
First Ship Lease Trust 1
China Merchant Pacific Holdings 1

First Ship Lease Trust 1

Kingsmen Creative 1
Kingsmen Creative 1
Starhub 1
Singapore Post 1
First Ship Lease Trust 1
1 November 2015 Injection to wealth fund
SBS Transit 1
SBS Transit 1
Nordic Group 1
1 December 2015 Injection to wealth fund
SBS Transit 1
Nikko STI ETF 1
HKT Trust 0.185
Frasers Centerpoint Trust 1
Singapore Post 1
1 January 2016 injection to wealth fund
Soilbuild Business REIT 1
Mapletree Log Trust 1
Mapletree Log Trust 1
Aims Amp Industrial REIT 1
Starhub 1
Croesus Retail Trust 1
Starhub 1
Croesus Retail Trust 1
1 February 2016 injection to wealth fund
Straco 1
China Merchant Pacific 1
Starhill Global REIT 1
Ho Bee 1
Transit Mixed Concrete 1
IREIT Global 1
Transit Mixed Concrete 1
Mapletree Log Trust 1
IREIT Global 1
1 March 2016 inijection to wealth fund
1 Excess from Emergency Buffers
Croesus Retail Trust 1
Croesus Retail Trust 1
IREIT Global 1
IREIT Global 1
1 April 2016 injection to wealth fund
Soilbuild 1
Soilbuild 1
Transit Mixed Concrete 1
Frasers Commercial Trust 1
IREIT Global 1
First REIT 1
Riverstone 1
Sing Investment 1
Transit Mixed Concrete 1
Starhill Global REIT 1
Pteris 1
Mapletree Logistics Trust 1
Transit Mixed Concrete 1
China Merchant Pacific 1
China Merchant Pacific 1
SBS Transit 1
Straco 1
Aims Amp Industrial REIT 1
China Merchant Pacific 1
Ho Bee 1
1 May 2016 injection to wealth fund
Singapore Shipping Corp 1
Singapore Shipping Corp 1
Nikko STI ETF 1
Riverstone 1
Transit Mixed Concrete 1
Global Testing 1
Frasers Centerpoint Trust 1
1 Jun 2016 injection to wealth fund
Frasers Logistics and Industrial 1 IPO
Starhill Global REIT 1
Ho Bee 1
Frasers Commercial Trust 1
Singapore Shipping Corp 1
Aims Amp Industrial Trust 1
Frasers Commercial Trust 1
China Merchant Pacific 1
Nikko STI ETF 1
Pteris 1
FSL Trust 1
Colex 1
1 Jul 2016 injection to wealth fund
Frasers Centerpoint Trust 1
First REIT 1
SBS Transit 1
Frasers Commercial Trust 1
VT 1.34
Oaktree 1.34
Aims Amp Industrial Trust 1
Frasers Centerpoint Limited 1
Frasers Centerpoint Limited 1
Global Testing 1
Singapore Shipping Corp 1
Straco 1
Straco 1
Singapore Shipping Corp 1
SBS Transit 1
SBS Transit 1
1 Aug 2016 injection to wealth fund
Global Testing 1
IREIT Global 1
Frasers Logistic & Industrial Trust 1

Aims Amp Industrial Trust 1

Global Testing 1
Global Testing 1
Micro Mechanics 1
Singapore Shipping Corp 1
SBS Transit 1
Frasers Logistic & Industrial Trust 1

Micro Mechanics 1
1 Sep 2016 injection to wealth fund
Frasers Centerpoint Limited 1
1 Oct 2016 injection to wealth fund
First REIT 1
Frasers Centrepoint Trust 1
Frasers Commercial Trust 1
M1 1
Mapletree Greater China 1
Commercial Trust
M1 1
Micro Mechanics 1
Aims Amp Industrial REIT 1
Frasers Logistic & Industrial Trust 1

Frasers Logistic & Industrial Trust 1

Hotung 1
Frasers Logistic & Industrial Trust 1

SBS Transit 1
Aims Amp Industrial REIT 1
Frasers Logistic & Industrial Trust 1

Hotung 1
Mapletree Greater China 1
Commercial Trust
Hotung 1
Hotung 1
Boustead Projects 1
1 Nov 2016 injection to wealth fund
SBS Transit 1
Boustead Projects 1
Boustead Projects 1
1 Dec 2016 injection to wealth fund
Boustead Projects 1
Boustead Projects 1
Nikko STI ETF 1
Global Testing 1
Frasers Commercial Trust 1
China Aviation Oil 1
Hotung 1
Power Assets Holdings 0.185
1 OCBC 360 Bonus
Mapletree Commercial Trust 1
1 Jan 2017 injection to wealth fund
First REIT 1
Frasers Centerpoint Trust 1
Frasers Commercial Trust 1
Frasers Centerpoint Limited 1
Frasers Centerpoint Limited 1
Mapletree Commercial Trust 1
Micro Mechanics 1
China Aviation Oil 1
1 OCBC 360 Bonus
Micro Mechanics 1
AEM Holdings 1
AEM Holdings 1
Aims Amp Industrial Trust 1
Power Assets 5.58
1 Feb 2017 injection to wealth fund
Colex 1
Frasers Logistics and Industrial 1
IREIT Global 1
1 OCBC 360
Aims Amp Industrial Trust 1
AEM Holdings 1
AEM Holdings 1
1 Mar 2017 injection to wealth fund
HKT Trust 5.58
1 UOB One
Frasers Commercial Trust 1
1 OCBC 360
1 Apr 2017 injection to wealth fund
First REIT 1
Frasers Commercial Trust 1
1 SCB, UOB and OCBC Interest
Micro Mechanics 1
Mapletree Commercial Trust 1
Frasers Centerpoint Trust 1
Mapletree Greater China 1
Commercial Trust
1 OCBC 360
Frasers Logistics and Industrial 1
Power Assets 5.62
Hotung 1
Micro Mechanics 1
iFast 1
Global Testing 1
1 May 2017 injection to wealth fund
Frasers Logistics and Industrial 1
Frasers Commercial Trust 1
Frasers Centerpoint Limited 1
First REIT 1
Koda 1
Mapletree Commercial Trust 1
K1 Ventures 1
K1 Ventures 1
K1 Ventures 1
1 UOB One
Boustead Projects 1
EC World REIT 1
Boustead Projects 1
Hotel Grand Central 1
1 OCBC 360
Koda 1
K1 Ventures 1
EC World REIT 1
1 Jun 2017 injection to wealth fund
CDL Hospitality Trust 1
Singtel 1
Boustead Projects 1
EC World REIT 1
1 UOB One
Nikko STI ETF 1
Frasers Logistics and Industrial 1
Boustead Projects 1
Straco 1
Straco 1
Singtel 1
1 OCBC 360
Manulife US REIT 1.38
Koda 1
Koda 1
1 Jul 2017 injection to wealth fund
Hotung 1
Global Testing 1
Straco 1
First REIT 1
Frasers Commercial Trust 1
Frasers Commercial Trust 1
Frasers Centerpoint Trust 1
Mapletree Greater China 1
Commercial Trusts
Feb17 SSB 1
K1 Ventures 1
Singapore Shipping Corp 1
1 UOB One
Mapletree Commercilal Trust 1
CDL Hospitality Trust 1
CDL Hospitality Trust 1
CDL Hospitality Trust 1
K1 Ventures 1
Sinwa 1
Hotung 1
Kingsmen Creatives 1
Global Testing 1
Sinwa 1
Kingsmen Creatives 1
Kingsmen Creatives 1
Singapore Shipping Corp 1
HKT Trust 5.71
Sinwa 1
Kingsmen Creatives 1
Singapore Shipping Corp 1
1 OCBC 360
EC World REIT 1
EC World REIT 1
EC World REIT 1
Kingsmen Creatives 1
Global Testing 1
Global Testing 1
Global Testing 1
IREIT Global 1
Power Assets 5.71
1 Aug 2017 injection to wealth fund
Koda 1
Sinwa 1
Singapore Shipping Corp 1
Sinwa 1
Man Oriental USD 1.365
UOB One 1
UOB One 1
Global Testing 1
Frasers Centerpoint Limited 1
1 OCBC 360
Singtel 1
Man Oriental USD 1.342
GL Limited 1
GL Limited 1
Hotel Grand Central 1
1 Sep 2017 injection to wealth fund
1 Excess Buffer Cash
Hotel Grand Central 1
Hotel Grand Central 1
GL Limited 1
GL Limited 1
Mapletree Commercial Trust 1
1 Redeployment of Capital
Mapletree Commercial Trust 1
Manulife US REIT 1.359 Rights Issue
Mapletree Commercial Trust 1
Singtel 1
1 UOB One
Vicom 1
Singtel 1
Power Assets 5.74
1 OCBC 360
Vicom 1
Yangijiang 1
1 Oct 2017 injection to wealth fund
Straco 1
Vicom 1
Manulife US REIT 1.359 FX Losses due to rights issues
Google Google Yahoo Yahoo Manual Last Last
Category Stock Name
Quote Price Quote Price Price Price DPU

Dividend Starhub SGX:CC3 #N/A CC3 CC3+ 1.320 3.330 1.320 0.200

Dividend SIA Engineering SGX:S59 #N/A S59 S59+ 2.570 1.045 2.570 0.200

Dividend Singapore Post SGX:S08 #N/A S08 S08+ 0.945 1.150 0.945 0.063

Dividend First REIT #N/A AW9U AW9U+ 1.060 1.340 1.060 0.085
Dividend Aims Amp Industrial REIT #N/A O5RU O5RU+ 1.440 1.350 1.440 0.114
Soilbuild Business Space SGX:SV3
Dividend #N/A SV3U SV3U+ 0.525 0.215 0.525 0.062
Dividend Frasers Centerpoint Trust #N/A J69U J69U+ 2.750 2.200 2.750 0.120
Dividend Frasers Commercial Trust #N/A ND8U ND8U+ 1.640 1.340 1.640 0.097
Frasers Logistics and SGX:BUO
Dividend #N/A BUOU BUOU+ 1.200 1.110 1.200 0.069
Industrial Trust U
Dividend IREIT Global #N/A UD1U UD1U+ 0.760 0.760 0.760 0.058
Dividend Mapletree Commercial Trust #N/A N2IU N2IU+ 2.290 1.550 2.290 0.090
Dividend Mapletree Logistic Trust #N/A M44U M44U+ 1.630 0.855 1.630 0.069
Dividend Starhill Global REIT #N/A P40U P40U+ 0.750 0.780 0.750 0.053
Dividend Croesus Retail Trust #N/A S6NU S6NU+ -- 0.785 0.785 0.081

Dividend Boustead Projects SGX:AVM #N/A AVM AVM+ 0.940 0.860 0.940 0.015

Dividend China Merchant Pacific SGX:C22 #N/A C22 C22+ -- 1.010 1.010 0.070

Dividend Singapore Shipping Corp SGX:S19 #N/A S19 S19+ 0.285 0.290 0.285 0.010

Dividend Transit Mixed Concrete SGX:570 #N/A 570 570+ 0.105 0.600 0.105 0.040

Dividend Second Chance Properties SGX:528 #N/A 528 528+ 0.240 0.365 0.240 0.035

Dividend Kingsmen Creatives SGX:5MZ #N/A 5MZ 5MZ+ 0.500 0.550 0.500 0.025

Dividend UMS SGX:558 #N/A 558 558+ 0.620 0.620 0.620 0.060

Dividend Sinwa SGX:5CN #N/A 5CN 5CN+ 0.031 0.240 0.031 0.012

Dividend Micro Mechanics SGX:5DD #N/A 5DD 5DD+ 1.680 1.730 1.680 0.070

Dividend Frasers Centerpoint Limited SGX:TQ5 #N/A TQ5 TQ5+ 1.750 2.060 1.750 0.086

Dividend GL Limited SGX:B16 #N/A B16 B16+ 0.785 0.850 0.785 0.022

Dividend Hotung SGX:BLS #N/A BLS BLS+ 1.540 1.660 1.540 0.110

Dividend Hotel Grand Central SGX:H18 #N/A H18 H18+ 1.290 1.660 1.290 0.060

Dividend Stamford Land SGX:H07 #N/A H07 H07+ 0.480 0.370 0.480 0.030

Dividend Karin Technology SGX:k29 #N/A k29 k29+ 0.330 0.290 0.330 0.026
Dividend Boustead SGX:F9D #N/A F9D F9D+ 0.735 0.800 0.735 0.050

Dividend APTT #N/A S7OU S7OU+ 0.172 0.780 0.172 0.082

Dividend Valuetronics SGX:BN2 #N/A bn2 bn2+ 0.630 0.210 0.630 0.013

Dividend Mapletree Industrial Trust #N/A me8u me8u+ 2.490 1.150 2.490 0.097
Dividend Ascendas REIT #N/A A17U A17U+ 3.130 1.990 3.130 0.155
Dividend EC World REIT #N/A BWCU BWCU+ 0.735 0.780 0.735 0.062
Mapletree Greater China SGX:RW0
Dividend #N/A RW0U RW0U+ 1.340 1.045 1.340 0.072
Commercial Trust U
Macquarie International
Dividend SGX:M41 #N/A M41 M41+ -- 0.490 0.490 0.055
Infrastructure Fund

Dividend Neratel SGX:N01 #N/A n01 n01+ 0.275 0.290 0.275 0.040

Dividend Singtel SGX:Z74 #N/A Z74 Z74+ 3.170 3.680 3.170 0.175

Dividend Vicom SGX:v01 #N/A v01 v01+ 7.360 5.700 7.360 0.260

Dividend Parkway Life REIT #N/A C2PU C2PU+ 3.060 1.950 3.060 0.094

Dividend M1 SGX:B2F #N/A B2F B2F+ -- 2.420 2.420 0.130

Dividend Singapore Press Holdings SGX:T39 #N/A T39 T39+ 2.110 3.800 2.110 0.240

Lippo Malls Indonesia Retail SGX:D5I

Dividend #N/A D5IU D5IU+ 0.230 0.350 0.230 0.044
Trust U

Dividend Global Investments Limited SGX:B73 #N/A B73 B73+ 0.137 0.160 0.137 0.015

Dividend Asia Enterprise Holdings SGX:A55 #N/A A55 A55+ 0.145 1.045 0.145 0.011

Dividend CH Offshore SGX:C13 #N/A C13 C13+ 0.064 0.370 0.064 0.028

Dividend Adampak SGX:5EZ #N/A 5EZ 5EZ+ -- 0.250 0.250 0.020

Dividend CapitaCommercial Trust #N/A C61U C61U+ 2.120 1.010 2.120 0.077
Dividend CDL Hospitality Trust SGX:J85 #N/A J85 J85+ 1.630 1.430 1.630 0.097
Dividend Sabana REIT #N/A M1GU M1GU+ 0.455 0.925 0.455 0.087

Dividend GRP SGX:G18 #N/A G18 G18+ -- 0.200 0.200 0.000

Dividend Cache Logistic Trust #N/A K2LU K2LU+ 0.740 0.960 0.740 0.000

Dividend Keppel Corp SGX:BN4 #N/A BN4 BN4+ 6.080 8.620 6.080 0.430

Growth Sarin Technologies SGX:U77 #N/A U77 U77+ 0.270 0.890 0.270 0.032

Growth Straco SGX:S85 #N/A S85 S85+ 0.755 0.880 0.755 0.020

Health Management
Growth SGX:588 #N/A 588 588+ 0.725 0.187 0.725 0.000

Growth Pertama SGX:P22 #N/A P22 P22+ -- 0.480 0.480 0.038

Growth Kian Ann SGX:K04 #N/A K04 K04+ -- 0.205 0.205 0.012
Growth Riverstone SGX:Ap4 #N/A ap4 ap4+ 0.930 1.000 0.930 0.024

Growth Nordic Group SGX:MR7 #N/A MR7 MR7+ 0.265 0.137 0.265 0.008

Growth UPP SGX:U09 #N/A U09 U09+ 0.179 0.137 0.179 0.010

Growth Global Testing SGX:AYN #N/A AYN AYN+ 0.490 1.100 0.490 0.000

Growth Koda SGX:BJZ #N/A BJZ BJZ+ 0.605 1.330 0.605 0.000

Growth LHN SGX:41O #N/A 41O 41O+ 0.120 1.050 0.120 0.004

Growth iFAST SGX:AIY #N/A AIY AIY+ 1.040 0.765 1.040 0.027

Growth First Ship Lease Trust #N/A D8DU D8DU+ 0.057 0.137 0.057 0.000

Growth SBS Transit SGX:S61 #N/A S61 S61+ 4.120 2.150 4.120 0.034

Growth Colex SGX:567 #N/A 567 567+ 0.230 0.520 0.230 0.006

Growth AEM Holdings #N/A AWX AWX+ 1.170 1.040 1.170 0.015

Growth China Aviation Oil SGX:G92 #N/A G92 G92+ 1.200 1.505 1.200 0.030

Growth Ho Bee SGX:H13 #N/A H13 H13+ 2.330 1.650 2.330 0.070

Growth Nam Lee Pressed Metal SGX:G0I #N/A G0I G0I+ 0.375 0.250 0.375 0.015

Growth K1 Ventures SGX:BLT #N/A BLT BLT+ -- 0.640 0.640 0.000

Growth STI ETF SGX:ES3 #N/A ES3 ES3+ 3.200 3.180 3.200 0.080

Growth Nikko STI ETF SGX:G3B #N/A G3B G3B+ 3.290 3.180 3.290 0.095

Growth Yangzijiang SGX:BS6 #N/A BS6 BS6+ 1.000 1.600 1.000 0.040

Growth Wheelock Properties SGX:M35 #N/A M35 M35+ -- 1.600 1.600 0.060

Growth Olam SGX:O32 #N/A O32 O32+ 1.890 2.630 1.890 0.000

Growth SembCorp Industries SGX:U96 #N/A U96 U96+ 2.180 4.000 2.180 0.150

Growth ARA SGX:D1R #N/A D1R D1R+ -- 0.170 0.170 0.050

Growth Golden Agri SGX:E5H #N/A E5H E5H+ 0.245 0.680 0.245 0.000

Cold Storage Food Junction SGX:529 #N/A 529 529+ -- 0.220 0.220 0.008

Cold Storage Pteris SGX:ud3 #N/A ud3 ud3+ -- 0.100 0.100 0.000

Cold Storage Plato Capital SGX:5PI #N/A 5PI 5PI+ 0.110 0.190 0.110 0.000
Cold Storage IFS SGX:I49 #N/A I49 I49+ 0.220 0.350 0.220 0.018

Cold Storage Sing Investments SGX:S35 #N/A S35 S35+ 1.410 1.400 1.410 0.070

Growth PEC SGX:IX2 #N/A IX2 IX2+ 0.580 1.045 0.580 0.000
Yield on Cost (Per Unrealised Unrealised Realised Dividends Total
Price Units Cost
Cost Unit) Gain/Loss Gain/Loss (%) Gain/Loss Collected Gain/Loss
0.00% 15.15% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $6,241.25 $4,950.00 $11,191.25

0.00% 7.78% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% -$194.00 $740.00 $546.00

0.00% 6.61% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $866.15 $425.00 $1,291.15

6.67% 8.02% 16000 $20,401.00 1.275 -$3,441.00 -16.87% $16,687.10 $8,621.60 $21,867.70

0.00% 7.92% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% -$401.63 $3,338.05 $2,936.42

0.00% 11.81% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% -$137.33 $495.21 $357.88

5.98% 4.36% 5000 $10,035.00 2.007 $3,715.00 37.02% -$93.53 $1,707.35 $5,328.82

0.00% 5.91% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $4,968.07 $2,573.21 $7,541.28

7.35% 5.75% 55000 $51,628.20 0.939 $14,371.80 27.84% $0.00 $3,184.00 $17,555.80

8.35% 7.58% 47000 $32,416.50 0.690 $3,303.50 10.19% $0.00 $5,119.40 $8,422.90

5.95% 3.93% 20000 $30,229.78 1.511 $15,570.22 51.51% $0.00 $422.92 $15,993.14

0.00% 4.23% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $2,437.91 $1,126.30 $3,564.21

0.00% 7.07% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $42.00 $126.00 $168.00

0.00% 10.29% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $416.50 $954.00 $1,370.50

0.00% 1.60% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $5,430.53 $0.00 $5,430.53

0.00% 6.93% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $6,211.62 $11,087.50 $17,299.12

3.54% 3.51% 51000 $14,413.96 0.283 $121.04 0.84% $1,811.24 $4,330.00 $6,262.28

0.00% 38.10% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $1,109.01 $0.00 $1,109.01

0.00% 14.58% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% -$358.40 $497.00 $138.60

0.00% 5.00% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% -$1,283.65 $1,008.00 -$275.65

0.00% 9.68% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $12,299.20 $2,295.00 $14,594.20

5.13% 38.71% 70000 $16,388.32 0.234 -$14,218.32 -86.76% $0.00 $250.00 -$13,968.32

8.07% 4.17% 14000 $12,145.60 0.868 $11,374.40 93.65% $5,519.00 $1,720.00 $18,613.40

5.61% 4.91% 15000 $22,987.34 1.532 $3,262.66 14.19% $2,290.24 $1,448.00 $7,000.90

2.93% 2.80% 35000 $26,236.59 0.750 $1,238.41 4.72% $0.00 $0.00 $1,238.41

0.00% 7.14% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $11,634.19 $2,013.20 $13,647.39

0.00% 4.65% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% -$378.00 $0.00 -$378.00

0.00% 6.25% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $8.29 $120.00 $128.29

0.00% 7.88% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $55.39 $79.62 $135.01

0.00% 6.80% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $1,138.62 $380.00 $1,518.62

0.00% 47.67% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $130.74 $123.80 $254.54

0.00% 2.10% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $409.33 $0.00 $409.33

0.00% 3.90% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% -$63.64 $49.40 -$14.24

0.00% 4.95% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $957.69 $697.50 $1,655.19

7.67% 8.38% 15000 $12,048.88 0.803 -$1,023.88 -8.50% -$338.49 $471.24 -$891.13

0.00% 5.37% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $5,679.34 $1,323.80 $7,003.14

0.00% 11.22% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% -$1,147.45 $1,573.50 $426.05

0.00% 14.55% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% -$6.24 $0.00 -$6.24

4.75% 5.52% 9000 $33,142.60 3.683 -$4,612.60 -13.92% $3,029.40 $438.00 -$1,145.20

4.53% 3.53% 3000 $17,205.23 5.735 $4,874.77 28.33% $0.00 $0.00 $4,874.77

0.00% 3.07% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $970.85 $134.40 $1,105.25

0.00% 5.37% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $40.47 $480.00 $520.47

0.00% 11.37% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $694.48 $70.00 $764.48

0.00% 19.13% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $153.75 $48.80 $202.55

0.00% 10.95% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $721.58 $600.00 $1,321.58

0.00% 7.24% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $294.00 $73.50 $367.50

0.00% 42.97% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $142.16 $15.00 $157.16

0.00% 8.00% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $577.35 $40.00 $617.35

0.00% 3.63% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $84.86 $0.00 $84.86

0.00% 5.95% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% -$33.17 $177.90 $144.73

0.00% 19.12% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% -$474.00 $543.80 $69.80

0.00% 0.00% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% -$350.00 $240.00 -$110.00

0.00% 0.00% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% -$315.00 $480.82 $165.82

0.00% 7.07% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $2,425.00 $260.00 $2,685.00

0.00% 11.67% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% -$151.91 $95.16 -$56.75

2.35% 2.65% 21000 $17,843.22 0.850 -$1,988.22 -11.14% $12,131.81 $1,547.50 $11,691.09

0.00% 0.00% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $3,404.52 $0.00 $3,404.52

0.00% 7.92% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $158.78 $31.70 $190.48

0.00% 5.61% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $887.83 $42.70 $930.53

0.00% 2.56% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $1,339.24 $111.83 $1,451.07

0.00% 3.02% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $945.97 $316.00 $1,261.97

0.00% 5.59% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $2,514.81 $0.00 $2,514.81

0.00% 0.00% 13050 $15,220.39 1.166 -$8,825.89 -57.99% -$509.25 $4,085.00 -$5,250.14

0.00% 0.00% 13000 $6,289.97 0.484 $1,575.03 25.04% $1,097.56 $0.00 $2,672.59

0.00% 2.92% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $346.80 $0.00 $346.80

0.00% 2.62% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $1,542.95 $102.00 $1,644.95

0.00% 0.00% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $285.04 $0.00 $285.04

0.00% 0.83% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $8,410.97 $366.50 $8,777.47

0.00% 2.39% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $77.67 $0.00 $77.67

0.00% 1.28% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $16,690.95 $0.00 $16,690.95

0.00% 2.50% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $296.00 $0.00 $296.00

0.00% 3.00% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $613.34 $210.00 $823.34

0.00% 4.00% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% -$80.57 $0.00 -$80.57

0.00% 0.00% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $5,688.37 $0.00 $5,688.37

2.30% 2.50% 1000 $3,478.88 3.479 -$278.88 -8.02% -$150.50 $376.00 -$53.38

2.86% 2.88% 1100 $3,639.97 3.309 -$20.97 -0.58% -$278.54 $528.17 $228.67

2.63% 4.00% 10000 $15,185.60 1.519 -$5,185.60 -34.15% -$140.49 $90.00 -$5,236.09

0.00% 3.75% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $6.74 $60.00 $66.74

0.00% 0.00% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% -$218.00 $0.00 -$218.00

0.00% 6.88% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $938.00 $0.00 $938.00

0.00% 29.41% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $119.39 $27.00 $146.39

0.00% 0.00% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $19.37 $0.00 $19.37

0.00% 3.41% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% -$1,364.36 $705.00 -$659.36

0.00% 0.00% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% -$1,257.00 $34.00 -$1,223.00

0.00% 0.00% 2600 $1,067.00 0.410 -$781.00 -73.20% $0.00 $0.00 -$781.00
2.46% 7.95% 420 $299.21 0.712 -$206.81 -69.12% -$631.79 $245.55 -$593.05

3.35% 4.96% 20 $41.80 2.090 -$13.60 -32.54% $0.00 $9.90 -$3.70

0.00% 0.00% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% -$226.00 $0.00 -$226.00

52 Wk 52 Wk 50 Day 200 Day
Mkt Value
Low High MA MA

$0.00 Err:502 Err:502 #REF! #REF!

$0.00 Err:502 Err:502 #REF! #REF!

$0.00 Err:502 Err:502 #REF! #REF!

$16,960.00 Err:502 Err:502 #REF! #REF!

$0.00 Err:502 Err:502 #REF! #REF!

$0.00 Err:502 Err:502 #REF! #REF!

$13,750.00 Err:502 Err:502 #REF! #REF!

$0.00 Err:502 Err:502 #REF! #REF!

$66,000.00 Err:502 Err:502 #REF! #REF!

$35,720.00 Err:502 Err:502 #REF! #REF!

$45,800.00 Err:502 Err:502 #REF! #REF!

$0.00 Err:502 Err:502 #REF! #REF!

$0.00 Err:502 Err:502 #REF! #REF!

$0.00 Err:502 Err:502 #REF! #REF!

$0.00 Err:502 Err:502 #REF! #REF!

$0.00 Err:502 Err:502 #REF! #REF!

$14,535.00 Err:502 Err:502 #REF! #REF!

$0.00 Err:502 Err:502 #REF! #REF!

$0.00 Err:502 Err:502 #REF! #REF!

$0.00 Err:502 Err:502 #REF! #REF!

$0.00 Err:502 Err:502 #REF! #REF!

$2,170.00 Err:502 Err:502 #REF! #REF!

$23,520.00 Err:502 Err:502 #REF! #REF!

$26,250.00 Err:502 Err:502 #REF! #REF!

$27,475.00 Err:502 Err:502 #REF! #REF!

$0.00 Err:502 Err:502 #REF! #REF!

$0.00 Err:502 Err:502 #REF! #REF!

$0.00 Err:502 Err:502 #REF! #REF!

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$0.00 Err:502 Err:502 #REF! #REF!

Transacted Stock
Transacted Prev Previous Cumulative
Date Type Stock Price (per Fees Split
Units Row Units Units
unit) Ratio
2004-11-24 Buy Ascendas REIT 1000.0 $1.6000 $25.00 1.0 0 0.0 1000.00
2005-01-28 Buy Food Junction 3000.0 $0.6800 $25.39 1.0 0 0.0 3000.00
2005-02-19 Div Food Junction 3000.0 $0.0200 $0.00 1.0 3 3000.0 3000.00
2005-02-25 Div Ascendas REIT 1000.0 $0.0240 $0.00 1.0 2 1000.0 1000.00
2005-05-30 Div Ascendas REIT 1000.0 $0.0270 $0.00 1.0 5 1000.0 1000.00
2005-05-31 Buy Macquarie International 1000.0 $1.1400 $24.00 1.0 0 0.0 1000.00
2005-06-15 Div Infrastructure
Food JunctionFund 3000.0 $0.0200 $0.00 1.0 4 3000.0 3000.00
2005-08-30 Div Ascendas REIT 1000.0 $0.0284 $0.00 1.0 6 1000.0 1000.00
2005-09-10 Div Macquarie International 1000.0 $0.0220 $0.00 1.0 7 1000.0 1000.00
2005-10-07 Buy Infrastructure
Ascendas REITFund 1000.0 $2.1300 $1.00 1.0 9 1000.0 2000.00
2005-11-08 Div Ascendas REIT 2000.0 $0.0152 $0.00 1.0 11 2000.0 2000.00
2006-02-10 Buy Macquarie International 2000.0 $0.9750 $27.43 1.0 10 1000.0 3000.00
2006-02-20 Div Infrastructure
Food JunctionFund 3000.0 $0.0200 $0.00 1.0 8 3000.0 3000.00
2006-02-23 Buy Singapore Press Holdings 450.0 $4.4000 $11.70 1.0 0 0.0 450.00
2006-02-24 Div Ascendas REIT 2000.0 $0.0289 $0.00 1.0 12 2000.0 2000.00
2006-03-29 Div Macquarie International 3000.0 $0.0310 $0.00 1.0 13 3000.0 3000.00
2006-04-29 Sell Infrastructure
Singapore PressFund
Holdings 450.0 $4.3200 $31.00 1.0 15 450.0 0.00
2006-05-17 Div Ascendas REIT 2000.0 $0.0292 $0.00 1.0 16 2000.0 2000.00
2006-05-18 Sell Ascendas REIT 2000.0 $2.1400 $27.00 1.0 19 2000.0 0.00
2006-06-09 Div Food Junction 3000.0 $0.0200 $0.00 1.0 14 3000.0 3000.00
2006-06-20 Buy Food Junction 2000.0 $0.6000 $26.97 1.0 21 3000.0 5000.00
2006-08-21 Div Macquarie International 3000.0 $0.0395 $0.00 1.0 17 3000.0 3000.00
2006-08-31 Sell Infrastructure Fund
Macquarie International 3000.0 $0.9150 $27.00 1.0 23 3000.0 0.00
2006-08-31 Div Infrastructure
Food JunctionFund 5000.0 $0.0200 $0.00 1.0 22 5000.0 5000.00
2006-12-29 Buy Plato Capital 13000.0 $0.0800 $27.00 1.0 0 0.0 13000.00
2007-02-15 Div Food Junction 5000.0 $0.0200 $0.00 1.0 25 5000.0 5000.00
2007-03-07 Buy Sing Investments 10.0 $2.0300 $10.50 1.0 0 0.0 10.00
2007-03-19 Div Food Junction 5000.0 $0.0150 $0.00 1.0 27 5000.0 5000.00
2007-04-19 Buy Aims Amp Industrial REIT 1000.0 $1.2000 $1.00 1.0 0 0.0 1000.00
2007-06-03 Buy Sing Investments 10.0 $1.1000 $0.00 1.0 28 10.0 20.00
2007-06-13 Div Food Junction 5000.0 $0.0100 $0.00 1.0 29 5000.0 5000.00
2007-07-19 Buy IFS 2000.0 $0.8000 $27.00 1.0 0 0.0 2000.00
2007-09-02 Div Aims Amp Industrial REIT 1000.0 $0.0152 $0.00 1.0 30 1000.0 1000.00
2007-09-11 Div Food Junction 5000.0 $0.0100 $0.00 1.0 32 5000.0 5000.00
2007-09-19 Div IFS 2000.0 $0.0246 $0.00 1.0 33 2000.0 2000.00
2007-10-03 Sell Food Junction 2000.0 $0.5950 $27.00 1.0 35 5000.0 3000.00
2007-10-25 Buy Pteris 2000.0 $0.7850 $27.00 1.0 0 0.0 2000.00
2007-12-05 Div Aims Amp Industrial REIT 1000.0 $0.0186 $0.00 1.0 34 1000.0 1000.00
2007-12-20 Div Pteris 2000.0 $0.0100 $0.00 1.0 38 2000.0 2000.00
2008-01-21 Buy Sarin Technologies 3000.0 $0.4500 $27.45 1.0 0 0.0 3000.00
2008-01-31 Buy Sarin Technologies 3000.0 $0.3650 $27.45 1.0 41 3000.0 6000.00
2008-02-16 Buy Macquarie International 2000.0 $0.8850 $27.65 1.0 24 0.0 2000.00
2008-02-20 Div Infrastructure
Food JunctionFund 3000.0 $0.0100 $0.00 1.0 37 3000.0 3000.00
2008-02-21 Div Aims Amp Industrial REIT 1000.0 $0.0192 $0.00 1.0 39 1000.0 1000.00
2008-03-11 Div Macquarie International 2000.0 $0.0425 $0.00 1.0 43 2000.0 2000.00
2008-05-25 Div Infrastructure Fund
IFS 2000.0 $0.0325 $0.00 1.0 36 2000.0 2000.00
2008-05-25 Div Pteris 2000.0 $0.0050 $0.00 1.0 40 2000.0 2000.00
2008-05-25 Div Sing Investments 20.0 $0.0600 $0.00 1.0 31 20.0 20.00
2008-07-03 Div Aims Amp Industrial REIT 1000.0 $0.0222 $0.00 1.0 45 1000.0 1000.00
2008-07-08 Buy Macquarie International 2000.0 $0.7800 $27.54 1.0 46 2000.0 4000.00
2008-08-26 Div Infrastructure
Macquarie Fund
International 4000.0 $0.0425 $0.00 1.0 51 4000.0 4000.00
2008-09-17 Div Infrastructure Fund
Sarin Technologies 6000.0 $0.0103 $0.00 1.0 42 6000.0 6000.00
2008-09-19 Div IFS 2000.0 $0.0100 $0.00 1.0 47 2000.0 2000.00
2008-09-24 Div Aims Amp Industrial REIT 1000.0 $0.0235 $0.00 1.0 50 1000.0 1000.00
2008-09-25 Buy Aims Amp Industrial REIT 2000.0 $0.5250 $27.00 1.0 55 1000.0 3000.00
2008-09-25 Buy Macquarie International 2000.0 $0.4800 $27.00 1.0 52 4000.0 6000.00
2008-10-10 Buy Infrastructure
STI ETF Fund 1000.0 $2.0300 $28.00 1.0 0 0.0 1000.00
2008-10-22 Sell STI ETF 1000.0 $1.8700 $27.50 1.0 58 1000.0 0.00
2008-12-19 Div Aims Amp Industrial REIT 3000.0 $0.0235 $0.00 1.0 56 3000.0 3000.00
2009-03-10 Div Macquarie International 6000.0 $0.0300 $0.00 1.0 57 6000.0 6000.00
2009-03-21 Div Infrastructure Fund REIT
Aims Amp Industrial 3000.0 $0.0235 $0.00 1.0 60 3000.0 3000.00
2009-05-12 Buy IFS 200.0 $0.4850 $0.00 1.0 54 2000.0 2200.00
2009-05-20 Div IFS 2000.0 $0.0100 $0.00 1.0 63 2200.0 2200.00
2009-05-20 Div Sing Investments 20.0 $0.0250 $0.00 1.0 49 20.0 20.00
2009-06-11 Div Food Junction 3000.0 $0.0050 $0.00 1.0 44 3000.0 3000.00
2009-06-30 Div Aims Amp Industrial REIT 3000.0 $0.0188 $0.00 1.0 62 3000.0 3000.00
2009-08-26 Div Macquarie International 6000.0 $0.0150 $0.00 1.0 61 6000.0 6000.00
2009-09-16 Div Infrastructure
Food JunctionFund 3000.0 $0.0025 $0.00 1.0 66 3000.0 3000.00
2009-09-20 Div Aims Amp Industrial REIT 3000.0 $0.0151 $0.00 1.0 67 3000.0 3000.00
2009-10-08 Sell Sarin Technologies 5000.0 $0.3250 $27.00 1.0 53 6000.0 1000.00
2009-11-02 Sell Aims Amp Industrial REIT 3000.0 $0.4200 $30.00 1.0 70 3000.0 0.00
2010-01-09 Buy Singapore Post 6000.0 $1.0200 $29.85 1.0 0 0.0 6000.00
2010-01-09 Buy M1 3000.0 $1.9400 $29.85 1.0 0 0.0 3000.00
2010-01-28 Sell Macquarie International 6000.0 $0.4850 $30.00 1.0 68 6000.0 0.00
2010-02-03 Buy Infrastructure
Ascendas REITFund 5000.0 $1.9400 $29.00 1.0 20 0.0 5000.00
2010-02-04 Buy First REIT 5000.0 $0.8250 $29.00 1.0 0 0.0 5000.00
2010-02-04 Buy China Merchant Pacific 5000.0 $0.6000 $29.00 1.0 0 0.0 5000.00
2010-02-11 Buy Starhub 2000.0 $2.1100 $29.00 1.0 0 0.0 2000.00
2010-03-01 Div Ascendas REIT 5000.0 $0.0458 $0.00 1.0 76 5000.0 5000.00
2010-03-02 Sell Ascendas REIT 5000.0 $1.9300 $29.00 1.0 80 5000.0 0.00
2010-03-06 Div Singapore Post 6000.0 $0.0125 $0.00 1.0 73 6000.0 6000.00
2010-03-15 Buy Starhub 2000.0 $2.1800 $29.00 1.0 79 2000.0 4000.00
2010-04-05 Buy Singapore Post 3000.0 $1.0700 $30.00 1.0 82 6000.0 9000.00
2010-04-23 Buy Starhub 1000.0 $2.3700 $29.00 1.0 83 4000.0 5000.00
2010-05-05 Div M1 3000.0 $0.0720 $0.00 1.0 74 3000.0 3000.00
2010-05-09 Div Starhub 4000.0 $0.0500 $0.00 1.0 85 5000.0 5000.00
2010-05-11 Div First REIT 5000.0 $0.0190 $0.00 1.0 77 5000.0 5000.00
2010-05-11 Div China Merchant Pacific 5000.0 $0.0200 $0.00 1.0 78 5000.0 5000.00
2010-05-12 Sell First REIT 5000.0 $0.8250 $29.00 1.0 88 5000.0 0.00
2010-05-14 Buy Parkway Life REIT 2000.0 $1.3400 $30.00 1.0 0 0.0 2000.00
2010-05-17 Split IFS 0.0 $0.0000 $0.00 1.1 64 2200.0 2420.00
2010-05-19 Div IFS 2200.0 $0.0150 $0.00 1.1 92 2420.0 2420.00
2010-05-23 Div Food Junction 3000.0 $0.0050 $0.00 1.0 69 3000.0 3000.00
2010-05-26 Sell M1 3000.0 $2.0500 $30.00 1.0 86 3000.0 0.00
2010-05-28 Div Sarin Technologies 1000.0 $0.0101 $0.00 1.0 71 1000.0 1000.00
2010-05-28 Div Sing Investments 20.0 $0.0800 $0.00 1.0 65 20.0 20.00
2010-05-31 Buy Starhub 1000.0 $2.1200 $29.00 1.0 87 5000.0 6000.00
2010-05-31 Sell Singapore Post 8000.0 $1.1000 $30.00 1.0 84 9000.0 1000.00
2010-05-31 Sell China Merchant Pacific 5000.0 $0.6300 $29.00 1.0 89 5000.0 0.00
2010-06-03 Buy First REIT 5000.0 $0.8200 $29.00 1.0 90 0.0 5000.00
2010-06-03 Buy Cache Logistic Trust 2000.0 $0.9500 $28.80 1.0 0 0.0 2000.00
2010-06-14 Buy First REIT 4000.0 $0.8400 $28.80 1.0 101 5000.0 9000.00
2010-06-16 Div Starhub 5000.0 $0.0500 $0.00 1.0 98 6000.0 6000.00
2010-06-21 Buy Cache Logistic Trust 2000.0 $0.9600 $28.80 1.0 102 2000.0 4000.00
2010-07-22 Div Singapore Post 1000.0 $0.0250 $0.00 1.0 99 1000.0 1000.00
2010-08-13 Div Parkway Life REIT 2000.0 $0.0209 $0.00 1.0 91 2000.0 2000.00
2010-08-28 Div First REIT 9000.0 $0.0192 $0.00 1.0 103 9000.0 9000.00
2010-09-05 Div Starhub 6000.0 $0.0500 $0.00 1.0 104 6000.0 6000.00
2010-09-05 Div Singapore Post 1000.0 $0.0125 $0.00 1.0 106 1000.0 1000.00
2010-09-11 Div Sarin Technologies 1000.0 $0.0152 $0.00 1.0 96 1000.0 1000.00
2010-09-11 Buy GRP 8000.0 $0.2150 $27.00 1.0 0 0.0 8000.00
2010-09-24 Div Food Junction 3000.0 $0.0025 $0.00 1.0 94 3000.0 3000.00
2010-10-11 Buy Aims Amp Industrial REIT 10000.0 $0.2150 $27.00 1.0 72 0.0 10000.00
2010-10-17 Split Plato Capital 0.0 $0.0000 $0.00 0.2 26 13000.0 2600.00
2010-10-26 Buy Aims Amp Industrial REIT 10000.0 $0.2200 $27.00 1.0 114 10000.0 20000.00
2010-11-12 Div Parkway Life REIT 2000.0 $0.0225 $0.00 1.0 107 2000.0 2000.00
2010-11-28 Div GRP 8000.0 $0.0100 $0.00 1.0 112 8000.0 8000.00
2010-11-30 Div Cache Logistic Trust 4000.0 $0.0365 $0.00 1.0 105 4000.0 4000.00
2010-11-30 Div First REIT 9000.0 $0.0194 $0.00 1.0 108 9000.0 9000.00
2010-12-08 Div Singapore Post 1000.0 $0.0125 $0.00 1.0 110 1000.0 1000.00
2010-12-13 Buy First REIT 11250.0 $0.5000 $2.00 1.0 120 9000.0 20250.00
2010-12-14 Buy GRP 8000.0 $0.2100 $28.00 1.0 118 8000.0 16000.00
2010-12-18 Div Starhub 6000.0 $0.0500 $0.00 1.0 109 6000.0 6000.00
2010-12-19 Div Aims Amp Industrial REIT 20000.0 $0.0040 $0.00 1.0 116 20000.0 20000.00
2010-12-31 Buy First REIT 2750.0 $0.5000 $28.00 1.0 122 20250.0 23000.00
2011-01-04 Buy Singtel 5000.0 $3.0700 $53.80 1.0 0 0.0 5000.00
2011-01-21 Buy Cache Logistic Trust 3000.0 $0.9800 $28.00 1.0 119 4000.0 7000.00
2011-01-25 Buy Starhub 1000.0 $2.5700 $29.00 1.0 124 6000.0 7000.00
2011-01-28 Div Parkway Life REIT 2000.0 $0.0238 $0.00 1.0 117 2000.0 2000.00
2011-02-07 Buy Cache Logistic Trust 3000.0 $0.9700 $27.00 1.0 128 7000.0 10000.00
2011-02-12 Sell Cache Logistic Trust 6000.0 $0.9700 $30.00 1.0 131 10000.0 4000.00
2011-02-12 Sell Singtel 3000.0 $3.0500 $31.00 1.0 127 5000.0 2000.00
2011-03-01 Sell Parkway Life REIT 2000.0 $1.6900 $29.00 1.0 130 2000.0 0.00
2011-03-01 Div Singapore Post 1000.0 $0.0125 $0.00 1.0 121 1000.0 1000.00
2011-03-01 Div First REIT 23000.0 $0.0087 $0.00 1.0 126 23000.0 23000.00
2011-03-01 Sell First REIT 21000.0 $0.7200 $52.00 1.0 136 23000.0 2000.00
2011-03-01 Div Cache Logistic Trust 4000.0 $0.0339 $0.00 1.0 132 4000.0 4000.00
2011-03-01 Sell Starhub 4000.0 $2.6000 $37.00 1.0 129 7000.0 3000.00
2011-03-01 Buy Singtel 1000.0 $2.8700 $29.00 1.0 133 2000.0 3000.00
2011-03-04 Div GRP 16000.0 $0.0100 $0.00 1.0 123 16000.0 16000.00
2011-03-04 Buy Cache Logistic Trust 3000.0 $0.9400 $28.80 1.0 138 4000.0 7000.00
2011-03-04 Buy Yangzijiang 3000.0 $1.8400 $28.80 1.0 0 0.0 3000.00
2011-03-09 Buy Singtel 2000.0 $3.0000 $29.80 1.0 140 3000.0 5000.00
2011-03-16 Sell Yangzijiang 3000.0 $1.6900 $30.00 1.0 143 3000.0 0.00
2011-03-16 Sell Cache Logistic Trust 3000.0 $0.9250 $28.80 1.0 142 7000.0 4000.00
2011-03-16 Sell Starhub 1000.0 $2.6000 $29.00 1.0 139 3000.0 2000.00
2011-03-16 Sell Singtel 2000.0 $2.8900 $30.00 1.0 144 5000.0 3000.00
2011-03-18 Div Aims Amp Industrial REIT 20000.0 $0.0051 $0.00 1.0 125 20000.0 20000.00
2011-03-24 Buy Singapore Press Holdings 1000.0 $3.8300 $29.00 1.0 18 0.0 1000.00
2011-03-24 Buy Singtel 2000.0 $2.9400 $31.00 1.0 148 3000.0 5000.00
2011-03-29 Div Aims Amp Industrial REIT 20000.0 $0.0029 $0.00 1.0 149 20000.0 20000.00
2011-03-29 Buy Cache Logistic Trust 3000.0 $0.9350 $28.80 1.0 146 4000.0 7000.00
2011-03-29 Buy First REIT 4000.0 $0.7400 $28.00 1.0 137 2000.0 6000.00
2011-03-29 Buy Sabana REIT 3000.0 $0.9400 $28.00 1.0 0 0.0 3000.00
2011-04-05 Buy First REIT 4000.0 $0.7400 $28.00 1.0 154 6000.0 10000.00
2011-04-05 Buy First REIT 4000.0 $0.7350 $28.00 1.0 156 10000.0 14000.00
2011-04-05 Buy Yangzijiang 2000.0 $1.8100 $28.00 1.0 145 0.0 2000.00
2011-04-09 Buy Sabana REIT 3000.0 $0.9300 $28.00 1.0 155 3000.0 6000.00
2011-04-14 Buy First REIT 6000.0 $0.7300 $28.00 1.0 157 14000.0 20000.00
2011-04-19 Div Starhub 2000.0 $0.0500 $0.00 1.0 147 2000.0 2000.00
2011-04-26 Buy STI ETF 2000.0 $3.2500 $30.00 1.0 59 0.0 2000.00
2011-04-26 Div Aims Amp Industrial REIT 20000.0 $0.0026 $0.00 1.0 152 20000.0 20000.00
2011-04-27 Div First REIT 20000.0 $0.0158 $0.00 1.0 160 20000.0 20000.00
2011-04-29 Buy First REIT 5000.0 $0.7400 $28.63 1.0 164 20000.0 25000.00
2011-04-29 Buy Golden Agri 5000.0 $0.6650 $28.63 1.0 0 0.0 5000.00
2011-05-03 Div Food Junction 3000.0 $0.0025 $0.00 1.0 113 3000.0 3000.00
2011-05-03 Div Singapore Press Holdings 1000.0 $0.0700 $0.00 1.0 150 1000.0 1000.00
2011-05-03 Div Cache Logistic Trust 7000.0 $0.0195 $0.00 1.0 153 7000.0 7000.00
2011-05-03 Div IFS 2420.0 $0.0150 $0.00 1.0 93 2420.0 2420.00
2011-05-03 Div Sing Investments 20.0 $0.1000 $0.00 1.0 97 20.0 20.00
2011-05-04 Div Sarin Technologies 1000.0 $0.0083 $0.00 1.0 111 1000.0 1000.00
2011-05-04 Buy Straco 8000.0 $0.1700 $27.00 1.0 0 0.0 8000.00
2011-05-06 Buy Sabana REIT 4000.0 $0.9350 $27.00 1.0 159 6000.0 10000.00
2011-05-10 Div Sabana REIT 10000.0 $0.0304 $0.00 1.0 174 10000.0 10000.00
2011-05-12 Buy Sabana REIT 3000.0 $0.9150 $27.00 1.0 175 10000.0 13000.00
2011-05-18 Div Starhub 2000.0 $0.0500 $0.00 1.0 161 2000.0 2000.00
2011-05-23 Sell STI ETF 2000.0 $3.1800 $27.00 1.0 162 2000.0 0.00
2011-05-23 Div Yangzijiang 2000.0 $0.0450 $0.00 1.0 158 2000.0 2000.00
2011-05-23 Sell Yangzijiang 2000.0 $1.6000 $27.00 1.0 179 2000.0 0.00
2011-05-23 Sell Golden Agri 5000.0 $0.6800 $27.00 1.0 166 5000.0 0.00
2011-05-25 Sell Singtel 2000.0 $3.1100 $28.00 1.0 151 5000.0 3000.00
2011-05-25 Sell Cache Logistic Trust 4000.0 $0.9400 $28.00 1.0 169 7000.0 3000.00
2011-05-27 Sell GRP 8000.0 $0.2000 $27.00 1.0 141 16000.0 8000.00
2011-06-08 Sell First REIT 8000.0 $0.7750 $28.00 1.0 165 25000.0 17000.00
2011-06-16 Sell Sabana REIT 5000.0 $0.9200 $28.00 1.0 176 13000.0 8000.00
2011-06-16 Sell First REIT 5000.0 $0.7700 $28.00 1.0 185 17000.0 12000.00
2011-06-16 Sell Singtel 2000.0 $3.0500 $28.00 1.0 182 3000.0 1000.00
2011-06-20 Buy Starhub 3000.0 $2.6900 $28.00 1.0 177 2000.0 5000.00
2011-06-21 Buy Singtel 2000.0 $3.0500 $28.00 1.0 188 1000.0 3000.00
2011-06-22 Buy Singtel 3000.0 $3.0700 $30.00 1.0 190 3000.0 6000.00
2011-06-28 Buy Singtel 1000.0 $3.0700 $14.00 1.0 191 6000.0 7000.00
2011-06-28 Buy Singtel 1000.0 $3.0800 $14.00 1.0 192 7000.0 8000.00
2011-07-05 Buy Sabana REIT 3000.0 $0.9350 $28.00 1.0 186 8000.0 11000.00
2011-07-20 Buy ARA 1000.0 $1.4450 $27.00 1.0 0 0.0 1000.00
2011-07-21 Buy PEC 3000.0 $1.0570 $27.00 1.0 0 0.0 3000.00
2011-07-27 Buy Global Investments Limited 11000.0 $0.1600 $27.65 1.0 0 0.0 11000.00
2011-07-28 Div First REIT 12000.0 $0.0158 $0.00 1.0 187 12000.0 12000.00
2011-08-02 Div Cache Logistic Trust 3000.0 $0.0209 $0.00 1.0 183 3000.0 3000.00
2011-08-02 Div Sabana REIT 11000.0 $0.0218 $0.00 1.0 194 11000.0 11000.00
2011-08-02 Div Aims Amp Industrial REIT 20000.0 $0.0053 $0.00 1.0 163 20000.0 20000.00
2011-08-03 Sell Sabana REIT 10000.0 $0.9300 $32.00 1.0 200 11000.0 1000.00
2011-08-03 Sell Singtel 4000.0 $3.3600 $40.50 1.0 193 8000.0 4000.00
2011-08-03 Sell Singtel 3000.0 $3.3700 $40.50 1.0 203 4000.0 1000.00
2011-08-03 Sell Cache Logistic Trust 3000.0 $0.9700 $28.00 1.0 199 3000.0 0.00
2011-08-03 Sell PEC 3000.0 $1.0000 $28.00 1.0 196 3000.0 0.00
2011-08-03 Sell ARA 1000.0 $1.5150 $28.00 1.0 195 1000.0 0.00
2011-08-03 Sell Singapore Press Holdings 1000.0 $3.9500 $29.00 1.0 168 1000.0 0.00
2011-08-03 Sell Aims Amp Industrial REIT 20000.0 $0.2150 $28.00 1.0 201 20000.0 0.00
2011-08-04 Buy SIA Engineering 3000.0 $3.9500 $41.00 1.0 0 0.0 3000.00
2011-08-05 Div Singtel 1000.0 $0.1900 $0.00 1.0 204 1000.0 1000.00
2011-08-05 Sell SIA Engineering 3000.0 $3.6900 $41.00 1.0 210 3000.0 0.00
2011-08-05 Sell First REIT 8000.0 $0.7900 $30.00 1.0 198 12000.0 4000.00
2011-08-05 Sell Sarin Technologies 1000.0 $0.9100 $30.00 1.0 172 1000.0 0.00
2011-08-05 Sell IFS 2000.0 $0.4100 $27.00 1.0 170 2420.0 420.00
2011-08-08 Buy Asia Enterprise Holdings 7000.0 $0.2100 $27.00 1.0 0 0.0 7000.00
2011-08-08 Buy Sabana REIT 5000.0 $0.9030 $29.00 1.0 202 1000.0 6000.00
2011-08-08 Buy Singtel 1000.0 $2.9600 $28.00 1.0 211 1000.0 2000.00
2011-08-10 Buy Singtel 1000.0 $2.9800 $28.00 1.0 218 2000.0 3000.00
2011-08-10 Buy First REIT 8000.0 $0.7750 $29.00 1.0 213 4000.0 12000.00
2011-08-11 Div Singapore Post 1000.0 $0.0125 $0.00 1.0 135 1000.0 1000.00
2011-08-11 Sell Starhub 3000.0 $2.6500 $32.00 1.0 189 5000.0 2000.00
2011-08-11 Sell Sabana REIT 2000.0 $0.8650 $28.00 1.0 217 6000.0 4000.00
2011-08-11 Sell Singtel 2000.0 $2.9500 $30.00 1.0 219 3000.0 1000.00
2011-08-11 Sell GRP 8000.0 $0.1950 $28.00 1.0 184 8000.0 0.00
2011-08-12 Buy Singtel 2000.0 $2.8700 $28.00 1.0 224 1000.0 3000.00
2011-08-12 Buy Starhub 3000.0 $2.6730 $32.00 1.0 222 2000.0 5000.00
2011-08-16 Buy Sabana REIT 5000.0 $0.8950 $29.00 1.0 223 4000.0 9000.00
2011-08-18 Div Starhub 5000.0 $0.0500 $0.00 1.0 227 5000.0 5000.00
2011-08-18 Sell First REIT 10000.0 $0.7750 $30.00 1.0 220 12000.0 2000.00
2011-08-18 Sell Starhub 3000.0 $2.6800 $30.00 1.0 229 5000.0 2000.00
2011-08-24 Split Aims Amp Industrial REIT 0.0 $0.0000 $0.00 0.2 209 0.0 0.00
2011-08-25 Buy First REIT 6000.0 $0.7650 $30.00 1.0 230 2000.0 8000.00
2011-08-25 Buy Keppel Corp 1000.0 $8.6100 $30.00 1.0 0 0.0 1000.00
2011-08-29 Buy SembCorp Industries 2000.0 $4.0300 $30.00 1.0 0 0.0 2000.00
2011-08-31 Div Global Investments Limited 11000.0 $0.0075 $0.00 1.0 197 11000.0 11000.00
2011-09-01 Sell Keppel Corp 1000.0 $9.3000 $30.00 1.0 234 1000.0 0.00
2011-09-01 Sell SembCorp Industries 2000.0 $4.3000 $30.00 1.0 235 2000.0 0.00
2011-09-01 Sell Sabana REIT 9000.0 $0.9000 $30.00 1.0 228 9000.0 0.00
2011-09-13 Buy Keppel Corp 2000.0 $8.6400 $60.00 1.0 237 0.0 2000.00
2011-09-13 Sell Keppel Corp 2000.0 $8.5200 $60.00 1.0 240 2000.0 0.00
2011-09-14 Buy China Merchant Pacific 3000.0 $0.5900 $29.00 1.0 100 0.0 3000.00
2011-09-15 Buy Keppel Corp 1000.0 $8.6200 $30.00 1.0 241 0.0 1000.00
2011-09-16 Buy First REIT 6000.0 $0.7700 $30.00 1.0 233 8000.0 14000.00
2011-09-16 Buy Singtel 1000.0 $3.0600 $30.00 1.0 226 3000.0 4000.00
2011-09-22 Sell Keppel Corp 1000.0 $8.5300 $30.00 1.0 243 1000.0 0.00
2011-09-27 Buy ARA 2000.0 $1.1450 $5.73 1.0 207 0.0 2000.00
2011-09-27 Buy Macquarie International 1000.0 $0.4800 $1.20 1.0 75 0.0 1000.00
2011-09-29 Sell Infrastructure
ARA Fund 2000.0 $1.1700 $5.80 1.0 247 2000.0 0.00
2011-10-03 Sell First REIT 4000.0 $0.7350 $27.00 1.0 244 14000.0 10000.00
2011-10-04 Sell Singtel 2000.0 $3.1700 $27.00 1.0 245 4000.0 2000.00
2011-10-04 Buy Second Chance Properties 1000.0 $0.3650 $0.91 1.0 0 0.0 1000.00
2011-10-05 Buy Keppel Corp 1000.0 $7.2000 $30.00 1.0 246 0.0 1000.00
2011-10-05 Buy First REIT 1000.0 $0.7350 $1.76 1.0 250 10000.0 11000.00
2011-10-06 Buy CapitaCommercial Trust 1000.0 $1.0150 $2.44 1.0 0 0.0 1000.00
2011-10-06 Buy Macquarie International 1000.0 $0.4800 $1.20 1.0 248 1000.0 2000.00
2011-10-07 Buy Infrastructure
First REIT Fund 1000.0 $0.7550 $1.81 1.0 254 11000.0 12000.00
2011-10-10 Buy First REIT 1000.0 $0.7550 $1.81 1.0 257 12000.0 13000.00
2011-10-11 Buy First REIT 1000.0 $0.7700 $1.84 1.0 258 13000.0 14000.00
2011-10-11 Buy Macquarie International 2000.0 $0.4850 $2.33 1.0 256 2000.0 4000.00
2011-10-11 Buy Infrastructure FundTrust
CapitaCommercial 1000.0 $1.0500 $2.52 1.0 255 1000.0 2000.00
2011-10-11 Buy SembCorp Industries 2000.0 $3.7800 $30.00 1.0 238 0.0 2000.00
2011-10-12 Buy CDL Hospitality Trust 1000.0 $1.5100 $3.62 1.0 0 0.0 1000.00
2011-10-17 Buy Macquarie International 1000.0 $0.4950 $1.19 1.0 260 4000.0 5000.00
2011-10-17 Buy Infrastructure
Yangzijiang Fund 1000.0 $0.9650 $2.32 1.0 180 0.0 1000.00
2011-10-18 Sell CapitaCommercial Trust 2000.0 $1.0800 $5.18 1.0 261 2000.0 0.00
2011-10-18 Sell CDL Hospitality Trust 1000.0 $1.4550 $3.49 1.0 263 1000.0 0.00
2011-10-18 Sell Yangzijiang 1000.0 $0.9350 $2.24 1.0 265 1000.0 0.00
2011-10-24 Buy China Merchant Pacific 1000.0 $0.5800 $1.39 1.0 242 3000.0 4000.00
2011-10-24 Buy SIA Engineering 1000.0 $3.6600 $27.00 1.0 212 0.0 1000.00
2011-10-24 Buy Ascendas REIT 3000.0 $1.9950 $29.00 1.0 81 0.0 3000.00
2011-10-25 Buy China Merchant Pacific 1000.0 $0.5800 $1.39 1.0 269 4000.0 5000.00
2011-10-27 Buy Mapletree Logistic Trust 1000.0 $0.8550 $2.05 1.0 0 0.0 1000.00
2011-10-28 Buy Macquarie International 2000.0 $0.5050 $2.53 1.0 264 5000.0 7000.00
2011-10-28 Buy Infrastructure FundTrust
Mapletree Logistic 2000.0 $0.8600 $4.30 1.0 273 1000.0 3000.00
2011-10-28 Buy Yangzijiang 2000.0 $1.0200 $4.90 1.0 268 0.0 2000.00
2011-10-28 Buy SIA Engineering 1000.0 $3.7200 $28.00 1.0 270 1000.0 2000.00
2011-10-28 Buy Keppel Corp 1000.0 $9.6900 $33.00 1.0 253 1000.0 2000.00
2011-10-28 Buy Olam 2000.0 $2.6400 $29.00 1.0 0 0.0 2000.00
2011-10-28 Div First REIT 14000.0 $0.0192 $0.00 1.0 259 14000.0 14000.00
2011-10-31 Sell Olam 2000.0 $2.5600 $29.00 1.0 279 2000.0 0.00
2011-11-01 Sell Keppel Corp 1000.0 $9.3300 $33.00 1.0 278 2000.0 1000.00
2011-11-02 Buy Keppel Corp 1000.0 $9.1300 $33.00 1.0 282 1000.0 2000.00
2011-11-03 Sell Keppel Corp 1000.0 $9.0300 $33.00 1.0 283 2000.0 1000.00
2011-11-04 Div China Merchant Pacific 5000.0 $0.0250 $0.00 1.0 272 5000.0 5000.00
2011-11-04 Buy China Merchant Pacific 1000.0 $0.5900 $1.48 1.0 285 5000.0 6000.00
2011-11-04 Buy Aims Amp Industrial REIT 1000.0 $0.9750 $2.44 1.0 232 0.0 1000.00
2011-11-08 Div Second Chance Properties 1000.0 $0.0320 $0.00 1.0 252 1000.0 1000.00
2011-11-08 Buy Second Chance Properties 2000.0 $0.3550 $1.78 1.0 288 1000.0 3000.00
2011-11-09 Buy Macquarie International 1000.0 $0.5150 $1.29 1.0 274 7000.0 8000.00
2011-11-11 Div Infrastructure
SIA EngineeringFund 2000.0 $0.0600 $0.00 1.0 277 2000.0 2000.00
2011-11-11 Div Singapore Post 1000.0 $0.0125 $0.00 1.0 221 1000.0 1000.00
2011-11-14 Buy China Merchant Pacific 1000.0 $0.5750 $1.44 1.0 286 6000.0 7000.00
2011-11-14 Buy Second Chance Properties 1000.0 $0.3450 $0.86 1.0 289 3000.0 4000.00
2011-11-15 Div Starhub 2000.0 $0.0500 $0.00 1.0 231 2000.0 2000.00
2011-11-18 Sell SIA Engineering 1000.0 $3.6400 $28.00 1.0 291 2000.0 1000.00
2011-11-18 Sell Ascendas REIT 2000.0 $2.0000 $28.00 1.0 271 3000.0 1000.00
2011-11-21 Sell SembCorp Industries 2000.0 $4.0400 $32.00 1.0 262 2000.0 0.00
2011-12-01 Buy Aims Amp Industrial REIT 2000.0 $0.9650 $4.83 1.0 287 1000.0 3000.00
2011-12-01 Buy Yangzijiang 1000.0 $0.9050 $2.26 1.0 276 2000.0 3000.00
2011-12-01 Buy Mapletree Logistic Trust 3000.0 $0.8450 $6.34 1.0 275 3000.0 6000.00
2011-12-05 Sell Mapletree Logistic Trust 2000.0 $0.8450 $4.23 1.0 301 6000.0 4000.00
2011-12-05 Buy Boustead 1000.0 $0.8100 $2.03 1.0 0 0.0 1000.00
2011-12-06 Buy Adampak 1000.0 $0.2400 $0.60 1.0 0 0.0 1000.00
2011-12-06 Buy Lippo Malls Indonesia Retail 6000.0 $0.3500 $0.60 1.0 0 0.0 6000.00
2011-12-08 Sell Trust
Lippo Malls Indonesia Retail 2000.0 $0.3600 $1.80 1.0 305 6000.0 4000.00
2011-12-08 Sell Trust
Mapletree Logistic Trust 1000.0 $0.8350 $2.09 1.0 302 4000.0 3000.00
2011-12-09 Sell First REIT 4000.0 $0.7600 $7.60 1.0 280 14000.0 10000.00
2011-12-21 Buy Adampak 1000.0 $0.2500 $0.63 1.0 304 1000.0 2000.00
2011-12-28 Buy Pertama 1000.0 $0.4900 $1.23 1.0 0 0.0 1000.00
2012-01-04 Buy Adampak 1000.0 $0.2750 $0.69 1.0 309 2000.0 3000.00
2012-01-04 Buy First REIT 5000.0 $0.7650 $9.56 1.0 308 10000.0 15000.00
2012-01-09 Buy Kingsmen Creatives 1000.0 $0.5650 $1.41 1.0 0 0.0 1000.00
2012-01-13 Buy First REIT 4000.0 $0.7700 $7.70 1.0 312 15000.0 19000.00
2012-01-18 Buy Yangzijiang 2000.0 $1.0350 $5.18 1.0 300 3000.0 5000.00
2012-01-18 Buy China Merchant Pacific 2000.0 $0.6450 $3.23 1.0 293 7000.0 9000.00
2012-01-20 Buy Starhub 1000.0 $2.8100 $7.03 1.0 295 2000.0 3000.00
2012-01-20 Buy Kingsmen Creatives 1000.0 $0.5700 $1.43 1.0 313 1000.0 2000.00
2012-01-25 Div Ascendas REIT 1000.0 $0.0348 $0.00 1.0 297 1000.0 1000.00
2012-01-27 Div Mapletree Logistic Trust 3000.0 $0.0170 $0.00 1.0 307 3000.0 3000.00
2012-02-01 Div First REIT 19000.0 $0.0193 $0.00 1.0 314 19000.0 19000.00
2012-02-01 Buy Starhub 1000.0 $2.8300 $7.08 1.0 317 3000.0 4000.00
2012-02-03 Div Aims Amp Industrial REIT 3000.0 $0.0260 $0.00 1.0 299 3000.0 3000.00
2012-02-09 Buy Wheelock Properties 1000.0 $1.6450 $4.11 1.0 0 0.0 1000.00
2012-02-10 Div Singapore Post 1000.0 $0.0125 $0.00 1.0 292 1000.0 1000.00
2012-02-14 Buy Starhub 1000.0 $2.8600 $7.15 1.0 322 4000.0 5000.00
2012-02-16 Div Pertama 1000.0 $0.0080 $0.00 1.0 310 1000.0 1000.00
2012-02-20 Buy Kian Ann 1000.0 $0.2250 $0.56 1.0 0 0.0 1000.00
2012-02-22 Div Lippo Malls Indonesia Retail 4000.0 $0.0053 $0.00 1.0 306 4000.0 4000.00
2012-02-28 Div Trust
Global Investments Limited 11000.0 $0.0075 $0.00 1.0 236 11000.0 11000.00
2012-03-05 Buy CH Offshore 2000.0 $0.3650 $1.83 1.0 0 0.0 2000.00
2012-03-06 Sell Yangzijiang 2000.0 $1.2500 $6.25 1.0 315 5000.0 3000.00
2012-03-06 Div CH Offshore 2000.0 $0.0075 $6.25 1.0 331 2000.0 2000.00
2012-03-06 Buy CH Offshore 1000.0 $0.3600 $0.90 1.0 333 2000.0 3000.00
2012-03-07 Div Macquarie International 8000.0 $0.0275 $0.00 1.0 290 8000.0 8000.00
2012-03-08 Buy Infrastructure
Boustead Fund 1000.0 $0.8600 $2.15 1.0 303 1000.0 2000.00
2012-03-09 Buy Adampak 1000.0 $0.2950 $0.74 1.0 311 3000.0 4000.00
2012-03-13 Buy Kian Ann 1000.0 $0.2200 $0.55 1.0 328 1000.0 2000.00
2012-03-14 Buy CH Offshore 1000.0 $0.4000 $1.02 1.0 334 3000.0 4000.00
2012-03-20 Buy Kian Ann 1000.0 $0.2200 $0.55 1.0 338 2000.0 3000.00
2012-04-09 Div Kian Ann 3000.0 $0.0033 $0.00 1.0 340 3000.0 3000.00
2012-04-10 Buy Kian Ann 1000.0 $0.2050 $0.51 1.0 341 3000.0 4000.00
2012-04-16 Buy Global Investments Limited 5500.0 $0.1280 $0.00 1.0 330 11000.0 16500.00
2012-04-16 Buy Global Investments Limited 11500.0 $0.1280 $0.00 1.0 343 16500.0 28000.00
2012-04-16 Div Starhub 5000.0 $0.0500 $0.00 1.0 326 5000.0 5000.00
2012-04-23 Div Ascendas REIT 1000.0 $0.0350 $0.00 1.0 319 1000.0 1000.00
2012-04-25 Div Keppel Corp 1000.0 $0.2600 $0.00 1.0 284 1000.0 1000.00
2012-04-25 Div Mapletree Logistic Trust 3000.0 $0.0170 $0.00 1.0 320 3000.0 3000.00
2012-04-26 Div First REIT 19000.0 $0.0193 $0.00 1.0 321 19000.0 19000.00
2012-04-27 Div Wheelock Properties 1000.0 $0.0600 $0.00 1.0 324 1000.0 1000.00
2012-04-30 Div Food Junction 3000.0 $0.0025 $0.00 1.0 167 3000.0 3000.00
2012-05-02 Div Asia Enterprise Holdings 7000.0 $0.0105 $0.00 1.0 216 7000.0 7000.00
2012-05-02 Div Aims Amp Industrial REIT 3000.0 $0.0270 $0.00 1.0 323 3000.0 3000.00
2012-05-04 Div Straco 8000.0 $0.0075 $0.00 1.0 173 8000.0 8000.00
2012-05-07 Sell Yangzijiang 3000.0 $1.1400 $8.55 1.0 332 3000.0 0.00
2012-05-07 Div Lippo Malls Indonesia Retail 4000.0 $0.0069 $0.00 1.0 329 4000.0 4000.00
2012-05-08 Div Trust
Adampak 4000.0 $0.0100 $0.00 1.0 337 4000.0 4000.00
2012-05-08 Div Kingsmen Creatives 2000.0 $0.0250 $0.00 1.0 318 2000.0 2000.00
2012-05-09 Div China Merchant Pacific 9000.0 $0.0300 $0.00 1.0 316 9000.0 9000.00
2012-05-09 Div Ascendas REIT 1000.0 $0.0173 $0.00 1.0 346 1000.0 1000.00
2012-05-10 Div Starhub 5000.0 $0.0500 $0.00 1.0 345 5000.0 5000.00
2012-05-11 Div IFS 420.0 $0.0175 $0.00 1.0 215 420.0 420.00
2012-05-14 Sell Adampak 4000.0 $0.4100 $0.00 1.0 357 4000.0 0.00
2012-05-16 Sell Keppel Corp 1000.0 $10.1600 $33.00 1.0 347 1000.0 0.00
2012-05-16 Sell Wheelock Properties 1000.0 $1.6600 $4.15 1.0 350 1000.0 0.00
2012-05-20 Div Sing Investments 20.0 $0.0700 $0.00 1.0 171 20.0 20.00
2012-05-29 Buy UMS 2000.0 $0.4000 $2.00 1.0 0 0.0 2000.00
2012-06-04 Sell UMS 2000.0 $0.3850 $1.93 1.0 367 2000.0 0.00
2012-06-04 Sell Macquarie International 1000.0 $0.5050 $1.26 1.0 335 8000.0 7000.00
2012-06-11 Sell Infrastructure
CH Offshore Fund 4000.0 $0.4100 $4.10 1.0 339 4000.0 0.00
2012-06-11 Buy M1 2000.0 $2.4400 $12.20 1.0 95 0.0 2000.00
2012-06-11 Buy STI ETF 2000.0 $2.8500 $29.00 1.0 178 0.0 2000.00
2012-06-13 Sell Lippo Malls Indonesia Retail 4000.0 $0.3850 $3.85 1.0 356 4000.0 0.00
2012-06-13 Buy Trust
M1 1000.0 $2.4600 $6.15 1.0 371 2000.0 3000.00
2012-06-21 Buy China Merchant Pacific 1000.0 $0.6700 $1.68 1.0 359 9000.0 10000.00
2012-06-25 Buy Singapore Press Holdings 1000.0 $3.7800 $9.45 1.0 208 0.0 1000.00
2012-06-25 Buy Singapore Press Holdings 1000.0 $3.7900 $9.48 1.0 376 1000.0 2000.00
2012-06-28 Buy Singapore Press Holdings 1000.0 $3.8100 $9.53 1.0 377 2000.0 3000.00
2012-07-03 Div Singapore Post 1000.0 $0.0250 $0.00 1.0 325 1000.0 1000.00
2012-07-03 Buy M1 1000.0 $2.5300 $6.33 1.0 374 3000.0 4000.00
2012-07-10 Buy China Merchant Pacific 2000.0 $0.6800 $3.40 1.0 375 10000.0 12000.00
2012-07-20 Div M1 4000.0 $0.0660 $3.40 1.0 380 4000.0 4000.00
2012-07-20 Sell M1 4000.0 $2.5000 $25.00 1.0 382 4000.0 0.00
2012-07-23 Div SIA Engineering 1000.0 $0.1500 $0.00 1.0 296 1000.0 1000.00
2012-07-23 Div Ascendas REIT 1000.0 $0.0180 $0.00 1.0 360 1000.0 1000.00
2012-07-24 Sell STI ETF 2000.0 $3.0100 $29.00 1.0 372 2000.0 0.00
2012-07-25 Div Mapletree Logistic Trust 3000.0 $0.0170 $0.00 1.0 348 3000.0 3000.00
2012-07-30 Div First REIT 19000.0 $0.0193 $0.00 1.0 349 19000.0 19000.00
2012-07-30 Div Aims Amp Industrial REIT 3000.0 $0.0250 $0.00 1.0 353 3000.0 3000.00
2012-07-31 Sell Singapore Press Holdings 3000.0 $4.0500 $30.38 1.0 378 3000.0 0.00
2012-07-31 Div Second Chance Properties 4000.0 $0.0300 $0.00 1.0 294 4000.0 4000.00
2012-08-01 Buy China Merchant Pacific 1000.0 $0.6950 $1.73 1.0 381 12000.0 13000.00
2012-08-02 Div Boustead 2000.0 $0.0300 $0.00 1.0 336 2000.0 2000.00
2012-08-06 Div Singtel 2000.0 $0.0900 $0.00 1.0 251 2000.0 2000.00
2012-08-07 Buy China Merchant Pacific 1000.0 $0.7200 $1.80 1.0 392 13000.0 14000.00
2012-08-14 Div Singapore Post 1000.0 $0.0125 $0.00 1.0 379 1000.0 1000.00
2012-08-15 Div Starhub 5000.0 $0.0500 $0.00 1.0 361 5000.0 5000.00
2012-08-15 Buy Frasers Centerpoint Trust 2000.0 $1.7400 $8.70 1.0 0 0.0 2000.00
2012-08-16 Buy China Merchant Pacific 2000.0 $0.7200 $3.60 1.0 395 14000.0 16000.00
2012-08-17 Buy Frasers Centerpoint Trust 1000.0 $1.7650 $4.41 1.0 398 2000.0 3000.00
2012-08-22 Sell Singtel 1000.0 $3.3100 $29.00 1.0 394 2000.0 1000.00
2012-08-23 Div Macquarie International 7000.0 $0.0275 $0.00 1.0 369 7000.0 7000.00
2012-08-28 Sell Infrastructure
Starhub Fund 1000.0 $3.5900 $29.00 1.0 397 5000.0 4000.00
2012-08-29 Div Global Investments Limited 28000.0 $0.0075 $0.00 1.0 344 28000.0 28000.00
2012-09-04 Div Kingsmen Creatives 2000.0 $0.0150 $0.00 1.0 358 2000.0 2000.00
2012-09-14 Buy Parkway Life REIT 3000.0 $1.9500 $14.63 1.0 134 0.0 3000.00
2012-09-21 Buy Sarin Technologies 2000.0 $1.0200 $5.10 1.0 214 0.0 2000.00
2012-09-26 Buy Kingsmen Creatives 1000.0 $0.7450 $1.86 1.0 405 2000.0 3000.00
2012-10-05 Buy Ascendas REIT 3000.0 $2.3800 $17.85 1.0 385 1000.0 4000.00
2012-10-05 Buy China Merchant Pacific 7000.0 $0.7350 $12.86 1.0 399 16000.0 23000.00
2012-10-09 Sell Parkway Life REIT 3000.0 $2.0700 $15.53 1.0 406 3000.0 0.00
2012-10-09 Sell Ascendas REIT 3000.0 $2.4600 $18.45 1.0 409 4000.0 1000.00
2012-10-17 Buy Kingsmen Creatives 1000.0 $0.7300 $1.87 1.0 408 3000.0 4000.00
2012-10-19 Div China Merchant Pacific 23000.0 $0.0275 $0.00 1.0 410 23000.0 23000.00
2012-10-22 Sell China Merchant Pacific 7000.0 $0.7200 $12.90 1.0 414 23000.0 16000.00
2012-10-23 Div Ascendas REIT 1000.0 $0.0353 $0.00 1.0 412 1000.0 1000.00
2012-10-24 Div Mapletree Logistic Trust 3000.0 $0.0171 $0.00 1.0 387 3000.0 3000.00
2012-10-31 Div Kian Ann 4000.0 $0.0082 $0.00 1.0 342 4000.0 4000.00
2012-10-31 Div First REIT 19000.0 $0.0168 $0.00 1.0 388 19000.0 19000.00
2012-10-31 Div Frasers Centerpoint Trust 3000.0 $0.0271 $0.00 1.0 400 3000.0 3000.00
2012-11-01 Div Pertama 1000.0 $0.0152 $0.00 1.0 327 1000.0 1000.00
2012-11-01 Sell Sarin Technologies 2000.0 $0.9600 $4.91 1.0 407 2000.0 0.00
2012-11-02 Buy Ascendas REIT 2000.0 $2.3200 $11.88 1.0 416 1000.0 3000.00
2012-11-02 Div Aims Amp Industrial REIT 3000.0 $0.0250 $0.00 1.0 389 3000.0 3000.00
2012-11-05 Div SIA Engineering 1000.0 $0.0700 $0.00 1.0 384 1000.0 1000.00
2012-11-08 Div Starhub 4000.0 $0.0500 $0.00 1.0 403 4000.0 4000.00
2012-11-12 Div Singapore Post 1000.0 $0.0125 $0.00 1.0 396 1000.0 1000.00
2012-11-21 Div First REIT 19000.0 $0.0102 $0.00 1.0 419 19000.0 19000.00
2012-11-23 Div Boustead 2000.0 $0.0200 $0.00 1.0 393 2000.0 2000.00
2012-11-30 Buy China Merchant Pacific 2000.0 $0.7100 $3.63 1.0 415 16000.0 18000.00
2012-12-17 Sell Ascendas REIT 2000.0 $2.3700 $12.13 1.0 423 3000.0 1000.00
2012-12-21 Buy Frasers Centerpoint Trust 1000.0 $1.9500 $4.88 1.0 420 3000.0 4000.00
2013-12-24 Div Singtel 1000.0 $0.0680 $0.00 1.0 401 1000.0 1000.00
2013-01-02 Buy Second Chance Properties 1000.0 $0.4050 $1.07 1.0 391 4000.0 5000.00
2013-01-03 Buy Straco 1000.0 $0.2600 $0.67 1.0 354 8000.0 9000.00
2013-01-03 Buy Riverstone 1000.0 $0.4550 $1.16 1.0 0 0.0 1000.00
2013-01-18 Buy Kingsmen Creatives 2000.0 $0.7200 $3.69 1.0 413 4000.0 6000.00
2013-01-21 Div Ascendas REIT 1000.0 $0.0362 $0.00 1.0 431 1000.0 1000.00
2013-01-23 Buy UMS 4000.0 $0.4400 $4.51 1.0 368 0.0 4000.00
2013-01-23 Buy First REIT 5000.0 $1.0700 $13.70 1.0 428 19000.0 24000.00
2013-01-23 Div Mapletree Logistic Trust 3000.0 $0.0172 $0.00 1.0 417 3000.0 3000.00
2013-01-28 Div Frasers Centerpoint Trust 4000.0 $0.0240 $0.00 1.0 432 4000.0 4000.00
2013-01-29 Div First REIT 24000.0 $0.0070 $0.00 1.0 440 24000.0 24000.00
2013-01-29 Buy UMS 3000.0 $0.4650 $3.57 1.0 439 4000.0 7000.00
2013-01-31 Buy UMS 2000.0 $0.4550 $2.33 1.0 444 7000.0 9000.00
2013-01-31 Buy UMS 1000.0 $0.4600 $1.18 1.0 445 9000.0 10000.00
2013-02-01 Div Macquarie International 7000.0 $0.0575 $0.00 1.0 402 7000.0 7000.00
2013-02-04 Buy Infrastructure Fund
Karin Technology 3000.0 $0.2900 $2.23 1.0 0 0.0 3000.00
2013-02-07 Div Singapore Post 1000.0 $0.0125 $0.00 1.0 427 1000.0 1000.00
2013-02-07 Div Aims Amp Industrial REIT 3000.0 $0.0258 $0.00 1.0 424 3000.0 3000.00
2013-02-07 Buy UMS 1000.0 $0.4650 $1.19 1.0 446 10000.0 11000.00
2013-02-08 Buy UMS 1000.0 $0.4600 $1.18 1.0 451 11000.0 12000.00
2013-02-13 Sell Kian Ann 4000.0 $0.4400 $0.00 1.0 418 4000.0 0.00
2013-02-16 Buy Nam Lee Pressed Metal 3000.0 $0.3750 $2.88 1.0 0 0.0 3000.00
2013-02-18 Div Pertama 1000.0 $0.0050 $0.00 1.0 421 1000.0 1000.00
2013-02-18 Buy Global Investments Limited 2000.0 $0.1770 $0.91 1.0 404 28000.0 30000.00
2013-02-21 Buy UMS 4000.0 $0.4650 $4.76 1.0 452 12000.0 16000.00
2013-02-21 Buy UMS 2000.0 $0.4600 $2.36 1.0 457 16000.0 18000.00
2013-02-22 Buy UMS 2000.0 $0.4600 $2.36 1.0 458 18000.0 20000.00
2013-02-25 Div Global Investments Limited 30000.0 $0.0075 $0.00 1.0 456 30000.0 30000.00
2013-02-25 Sell Global Investments Limited 30000.0 $0.1690 $29.86 1.0 460 30000.0 0.00
2013-02-25 Sell Asia Enterprise Holdings 7000.0 $0.2600 $29.00 1.0 352 7000.0 0.00
2013-02-25 Sell Singtel 1000.0 $3.5000 $29.00 1.0 433 1000.0 0.00
2013-02-26 Buy Straco 3000.0 $0.2900 $2.22 1.0 435 9000.0 12000.00
2013-03-04 Sell UMS 5000.0 $0.4400 $5.63 1.0 459 20000.0 15000.00
2013-03-05 Div Karin Technology 3000.0 $0.0116 $0.00 1.0 448 3000.0 3000.00
2013-03-06 Sell UMS 2000.0 $0.4450 $2.28 1.0 465 15000.0 13000.00
2013-03-06 Buy Mapletree Greater China 12000.0 $0.9300 $2.00 1.0 0 0.0 12000.00
2013-03-06 Sell Commercial Trust China
Mapletree Greater 6000.0 $1.0200 $30.00 1.0 468 12000.0 6000.00
2013-03-14 Div Commercial Trust
Ascendas REIT 1000.0 $0.0269 $0.00 1.0 438 1000.0 1000.00
2013-03-15 Sell Mapletree Greater China 6000.0 $1.0500 $30.00 1.0 469 6000.0 0.00
2013-03-25 Buy Commercial
Straco Trust 2000.0 $0.3100 $1.59 1.0 464 12000.0 14000.00
2013-03-25 Buy Straco 5000.0 $0.3050 $3.90 1.0 472 14000.0 19000.00
2013-04-16 Sell Macquarie International 7000.0 $0.6050 $10.84 1.0 447 7000.0 0.00
2013-04-17 Div Infrastructure
Starhub Fund 4000.0 $0.0500 $0.00 1.0 426 4000.0 4000.00
2013-04-19 Div Ascendas REIT 1000.0 $0.0037 $0.00 1.0 470 1000.0 1000.00
2013-04-23 Div Mapletree Logistic Trust 3000.0 $0.0173 $0.00 1.0 441 3000.0 3000.00
2013-04-25 Div IFS 420.0 $0.0200 $0.00 1.0 362 420.0 420.00
2013-04-25 Div Frasers Centerpoint Trust 4000.0 $0.0270 $0.00 1.0 442 4000.0 4000.00
2013-04-26 Div Aims Amp Industrial REIT 3000.0 $0.0399 $0.00 1.0 450 3000.0 3000.00
2013-04-29 Div First REIT 24000.0 $0.0174 $0.00 1.0 443 24000.0 24000.00
2013-04-29 Buy China Merchant Pacific 1000.0 $0.9200 $2.35 1.0 430 18000.0 19000.00
2013-04-30 Buy China Merchant Pacific 1000.0 $0.9200 $2.35 1.0 482 19000.0 20000.00
2013-04-30 Buy China Merchant Pacific 1000.0 $0.9150 $2.34 1.0 483 20000.0 21000.00
2013-04-30 Buy China Merchant Pacific 1000.0 $0.9100 $2.32 1.0 484 21000.0 22000.00
2013-04-30 Buy UMS 1000.0 $0.4700 $1.20 1.0 467 13000.0 14000.00
2013-05-02 Div Sing Investments 20.0 $0.0500 $0.00 1.0 366 20.0 20.00
2013-05-03 Div Straco 19000.0 $0.0125 $0.00 1.0 473 19000.0 19000.00
2013-05-06 Buy UMS 2000.0 $0.4700 $2.40 1.0 486 14000.0 16000.00
2013-05-06 Buy China Merchant Pacific 2000.0 $0.9150 $4.68 1.0 485 22000.0 24000.00
2013-05-07 Div Riverstone 1000.0 $0.0157 $0.00 1.0 436 1000.0 1000.00
2013-05-07 Div UMS 16000.0 $0.0200 $0.00 1.0 489 16000.0 16000.00
2013-05-10 Div China Merchant Pacific 24000.0 $0.0275 $0.00 1.0 490 24000.0 24000.00
2013-05-10 Buy China Merchant Pacific 1000.0 $0.9000 $2.30 1.0 493 24000.0 25000.00
2013-05-15 Buy STI ETF 1000.0 $3.4700 $8.88 1.0 386 0.0 1000.00
2013-05-15 Div Starhub 4000.0 $0.0500 $0.00 1.0 475 4000.0 4000.00
2013-05-17 Div First REIT 24000.0 $0.0099 $0.00 1.0 481 24000.0 24000.00
2013-05-28 Buy China Merchant Pacific 1000.0 $0.8900 $2.28 1.0 494 25000.0 26000.00
2013-05-30 Div Kingsmen Creatives 6000.0 $0.0250 $0.00 1.0 437 6000.0 6000.00
2013-06-04 Buy China Merchant Pacific 2000.0 $0.8900 $4.56 1.0 498 26000.0 28000.00
2013-06-04 Buy Aims Amp Industrial REIT 3000.0 $1.6100 $12.36 1.0 480 3000.0 6000.00
2013-06-05 Sell Aims Amp Industrial REIT 3000.0 $1.6400 $12.59 1.0 501 6000.0 3000.00
2013-06-07 Buy Nikko STI ETF 300.0 $3.2500 $2.49 1.0 0 0.0 300.00
2013-06-17 Buy UMS 2000.0 $0.4900 $2.50 1.0 492 16000.0 18000.00
2013-06-17 Buy Neratel 2000.0 $0.6100 $3.12 1.0 0 0.0 2000.00
2013-06-21 Sell Neratel 2000.0 $0.6100 $3.12 1.0 505 2000.0 0.00
2013-06-24 Sell China Merchant Pacific 3000.0 $0.8800 $6.75 1.0 500 28000.0 25000.00
2013-06-26 Buy Frasers Centerpoint Trust 1000.0 $1.8400 $4.71 1.0 479 4000.0 5000.00
2013-06-27 Buy Frasers Centerpoint Trust 2000.0 $1.8600 $9.52 1.0 508 5000.0 7000.00
2013-06-27 Buy Frasers Centerpoint Trust 1000.0 $1.8550 $4.75 1.0 509 7000.0 8000.00
2013-07-02 Buy UMS 2000.0 $0.5150 $2.63 1.0 504 18000.0 20000.00
2013-07-02 Div Singapore Post 1000.0 $0.0250 $0.00 1.0 449 1000.0 1000.00
2013-07-03 Buy Frasers Centerpoint Trust 1000.0 $1.8850 $4.83 1.0 510 8000.0 9000.00
2013-07-08 Sell Frasers Centerpoint Trust 2000.0 $1.8350 $9.40 1.0 513 9000.0 7000.00
2013-07-09 Div Second Chance Properties 5000.0 $0.0170 $0.00 1.0 434 5000.0 5000.00
2013-07-09 Div UMS 20000.0 $0.0100 $0.00 1.0 511 20000.0 20000.00
2013-07-10 Buy China Merchant Pacific 1000.0 $0.8700 $2.23 1.0 507 25000.0 26000.00
2013-07-10 Buy CDL Hospitality Trust 2000.0 $1.6800 $8.60 1.0 267 0.0 2000.00
2013-07-10 Sell Nam Lee Pressed Metal 3000.0 $0.3500 $2.69 1.0 454 3000.0 0.00
2013-07-10 Buy Frasers Centerpoint Trust 1000.0 $1.8650 $4.77 1.0 514 7000.0 8000.00
2013-07-10 Buy UMS 1000.0 $0.5000 $1.28 1.0 516 20000.0 21000.00
2013-07-15 Buy Nikko STI ETF 300.0 $3.3000 $2.53 1.0 503 300.0 600.00
2013-07-15 Buy Nikko STI ETF 1500.0 $3.3000 $29.00 1.0 522 600.0 2100.00
2013-07-17 Sell Nikko STI ETF 400.0 $3.2800 $29.00 1.0 523 2100.0 1700.00
2013-07-22 Div Ascendas REIT 1000.0 $0.0355 $0.00 1.0 476 1000.0 1000.00
2013-07-23 Div SIA Engineering 1000.0 $0.1500 $0.00 1.0 425 1000.0 1000.00
2013-07-24 Div Mapletree Logistic Trust 3000.0 $0.0180 $0.00 1.0 477 3000.0 3000.00
2013-07-24 Buy China Merchant Pacific 1000.0 $0.8450 $2.16 1.0 517 26000.0 27000.00
2013-07-26 Sell Ascendas REIT 1000.0 $2.3600 $29.00 1.0 525 1000.0 0.00
2013-07-29 Div Frasers Centerpoint Trust 8000.0 $0.0285 $0.00 1.0 520 8000.0 8000.00
2013-07-31 Div Boustead 2000.0 $0.0500 $0.00 1.0 429 2000.0 2000.00
2013-08-01 Div CDL Hospitality Trust 2000.0 $0.0541 $0.00 1.0 518 2000.0 2000.00
2013-08-02 Div First REIT 24000.0 $0.0086 $0.00 1.0 497 24000.0 24000.00
2013-08-02 Div Aims Amp Industrial REIT 3000.0 $0.0165 $0.00 1.0 502 3000.0 3000.00
2013-08-07 Sell Food Junction 3000.0 $0.2550 $0.00 1.0 351 3000.0 0.00
2013-08-13 Buy Valuetronics 2000.0 $0.2050 $1.05 1.0 0 0.0 2000.00
2013-08-14 Div Starhub 4000.0 $0.0500 $0.00 1.0 496 4000.0 4000.00
2013-08-14 Sell Frasers Centerpoint Trust 2000.0 $1.9000 $9.72 1.0 530 8000.0 6000.00
2013-08-14 Buy Valuetronics 2000.0 $0.2100 $1.08 1.0 536 2000.0 4000.00
2013-08-14 Buy Valuetronics 3000.0 $0.2050 $1.57 1.0 539 4000.0 7000.00
2013-08-15 Div STI ETF 1000.0 $0.0450 $0.00 1.0 495 1000.0 1000.00
2013-08-16 Sell Frasers Centerpoint Trust 1000.0 $1.8700 $4.78 1.0 538 6000.0 5000.00
2013-08-19 Div Singapore Post 1000.0 $0.0125 $0.00 1.0 512 1000.0 1000.00
2013-08-20 Sell Frasers Centerpoint Trust 1000.0 $1.8300 $4.68 1.0 542 5000.0 4000.00
2013-08-23 Buy Aims Amp Industrial REIT 1000.0 $1.3900 $3.55 1.0 534 3000.0 4000.00
2013-08-28 Sell Aims Amp Industrial REIT 1000.0 $1.3850 $3.54 1.0 545 4000.0 3000.00
2013-08-28 Sell Frasers Centerpoint Trust 2000.0 $1.7600 $9.00 1.0 544 4000.0 2000.00
2013-09-03 Div Kingsmen Creatives 6000.0 $0.0150 $0.00 1.0 499 6000.0 6000.00
2013-09-13 Buy Valuetronics 1000.0 $0.2150 $0.55 1.0 540 7000.0 8000.00
2013-09-13 Div Riverstone 1000.0 $0.0089 $0.00 1.0 491 1000.0 1000.00
2013-09-16 Buy Valuetronics 1000.0 $0.2150 $0.55 1.0 549 8000.0 9000.00
2013-09-19 Buy Soilbuild Business Space 2000.0 $0.7400 $3.79 1.0 0 0.0 2000.00
2013-09-19 Buy REIT
Soilbuild Business Space 4000.0 $0.7350 $7.52 1.0 552 2000.0 6000.00
2013-10-08 Div REIT
UMS 21000.0 $0.0100 $0.00 1.0 521 21000.0 21000.00
2013-10-09 Sell Soilbuild Business Space 3000.0 $0.7350 $5.64 1.0 553 6000.0 3000.00
2013-10-09 Sell REIT
CDL Hospitality Trust 2000.0 $1.6350 $8.37 1.0 532 2000.0 0.00
2013-10-10 Div Nikko STI ETF 1700.0 $0.0450 $0.00 1.0 524 1700.0 1700.00
2013-10-11 Buy Mapletree Industrial Trust 2000.0 $1.3450 $6.88 1.0 0 0.0 2000.00
2013-10-18 Div China Merchant Pacific 27000.0 $0.0275 $0.00 1.0 528 27000.0 27000.00
2013-10-23 Div Mapletree Logistic Trust 3000.0 $0.0182 $0.00 1.0 527 3000.0 3000.00
2013-10-28 Div Mapletree Industrial Trust 2000.0 $0.0247 $0.00 1.0 558 2000.0 2000.00
2013-10-29 Div Frasers Centerpoint Trust 2000.0 $0.0298 $0.00 1.0 547 2000.0 2000.00
2013-10-31 Div First REIT 24000.0 $0.0196 $0.00 1.0 533 24000.0 24000.00
2013-11-01 Div Pertama 1000.0 $0.0035 $0.00 1.0 455 1000.0 1000.00
2013-11-01 Div Aims Amp Industrial REIT 3000.0 $0.0275 $0.00 1.0 546 3000.0 3000.00
2013-11-01 Buy China Merchant Pacific 2000.0 $0.8600 $4.40 1.0 559 27000.0 29000.00
2013-11-06 Div Soilbuild Business Space 3000.0 $0.0076 $0.00 1.0 555 3000.0 3000.00
2013-11-07 Div REIT
Karin Technology 3000.0 $0.0150 $0.00 1.0 466 3000.0 3000.00
2013-11-12 Buy Singapore Shipping Corp 23000.0 $0.2250 $13.24 1.0 0 0.0 23000.00
2013-11-13 Div Singapore Post 1000.0 $0.0125 $0.00 1.0 543 1000.0 1000.00
2013-11-13 Div Starhub 4000.0 $0.0500 $0.00 1.0 537 4000.0 4000.00
2013-11-18 Div SIA Engineering 1000.0 $0.0700 $0.00 1.0 526 1000.0 1000.00
2013-11-25 Div Boustead 2000.0 $0.0200 $0.00 1.0 531 2000.0 2000.00
2013-11-26 Sell Mapletree Industrial Trust 1000.0 $1.3500 $3.46 1.0 561 2000.0 1000.00
2013-11-26 Buy APTT 1000.0 $0.7650 $1.96 1.0 0 0.0 1000.00
2013-11-26 Sell Pertama 1000.0 $0.6500 $0.00 1.0 564 1000.0 0.00
2013-11-28 Buy China Merchant Pacific 1000.0 $0.9050 $2.32 1.0 566 29000.0 30000.00
2013-12-03 Div UMS 21000.0 $0.0100 $0.00 1.0 554 21000.0 21000.00
2013-12-09 Sell Mapletree Industrial Trust 1000.0 $1.2900 $3.30 1.0 574 1000.0 0.00
2013-12-19 Buy Singapore Shipping Corp 5000.0 $0.2200 $2.82 1.0 569 23000.0 28000.00
2013-12-24 Buy Straco 5000.0 $0.4300 $5.50 1.0 488 19000.0 24000.00
2013-12-30 Buy Singapore Shipping Corp 9000.0 $0.2250 $5.18 1.0 580 28000.0 37000.00
2013-12-30 Buy Singapore Shipping Corp 15000.0 $0.2200 $8.45 1.0 582 37000.0 52000.00
2014-01-03 Div Second Chance Properties 5000.0 $0.0170 $0.00 1.0 515 5000.0 5000.00
2014-01-23 Div First REIT 24000.0 $0.0197 $0.00 1.0 563 24000.0 24000.00
2014-01-24 Div Mapletree Logistic Trust 3000.0 $0.0184 $0.00 1.0 560 3000.0 3000.00
2014-01-27 Div Frasers Centerpoint Trust 2000.0 $0.0250 $0.00 1.0 562 2000.0 2000.00
2014-01-29 Div Soilbuild Business Space 3000.0 $0.0151 $0.00 1.0 567 3000.0 3000.00
2014-02-04 Sell REIT
Valuetronics 9000.0 $0.2550 $5.87 1.0 551 9000.0 0.00
2014-02-04 Div STI ETF 1000.0 $0.0430 $0.00 1.0 541 1000.0 1000.00
2014-02-06 Div Aims Amp Industrial REIT 3000.0 $0.0277 $0.00 1.0 565 3000.0 3000.00
2014-02-07 Buy Singapore Shipping Corp 2000.0 $0.2200 $1.12 1.0 583 52000.0 54000.00
2014-02-11 Buy Singapore Shipping Corp 2000.0 $0.2200 $1.12 1.0 592 54000.0 56000.00
2014-02-17 Div Singapore Post 1000.0 $0.0125 $0.00 1.0 570 1000.0 1000.00
2014-02-18 Sell Karin Technology 3000.0 $0.3100 $2.38 1.0 568 3000.0 0.00
2014-02-20 Buy Singapore Shipping Corp 2000.0 $0.2250 $1.15 1.0 593 56000.0 58000.00
2014-02-21 Buy ARA 1000.0 $1.7400 $4.45 1.0 249 0.0 1000.00
2014-02-21 Buy Stamford Land 4000.0 $0.5700 $5.83 1.0 0 0.0 4000.00
2014-02-25 Buy Singapore Shipping Corp 10000.0 $0.2300 $5.88 1.0 596 58000.0 68000.00
2014-02-27 Buy Singapore Shipping Corp 10000.0 $0.2300 $5.88 1.0 599 68000.0 78000.00
2014-02-28 Buy China Merchant Pacific 2000.0 $0.9250 $4.74 1.0 577 30000.0 32000.00
2014-02-28 Buy China Merchant Pacific 2000.0 $0.9300 $4.76 1.0 601 32000.0 34000.00
2014-03-05 Buy China Merchant Pacific 1000.0 $0.9500 $2.43 1.0 602 34000.0 35000.00
2014-03-05 Buy Singapore Shipping Corp 10000.0 $0.2350 $6.02 1.0 600 78000.0 88000.00
2014-03-19 Div APTT 1000.0 $0.0413 $0.00 1.0 575 1000.0 1000.00
2014-03-21 Buy Aims Amp Industrial REIT 1000.0 $1.0800 $0.00 1.0 591 3000.0 4000.00
2014-04-04 Div Second Chance Properties 5000.0 $0.0200 $0.00 1.0 584 5000.0 5000.00
2014-04-08 Buy Singapore Shipping Corp 10000.0 $0.2350 $6.02 1.0 604 88000.0 98000.00
2014-04-16 Div Starhub 4000.0 $0.0500 $0.00 1.0 571 4000.0 4000.00
2014-04-21 Div First REIT 24000.0 $0.0199 $0.00 1.0 585 24000.0 24000.00
2014-04-25 Div Mapletree Logistic Trust 3000.0 $0.0189 $0.00 1.0 586 3000.0 3000.00
2014-04-28 Div Frasers Centerpoint Trust 2000.0 $0.0288 $0.00 1.0 587 2000.0 2000.00
2014-05-02 Div ARA 1000.0 $0.0270 $0.00 1.0 597 1000.0 1000.00
2014-05-06 Div Straco 24000.0 $0.0200 $0.00 1.0 581 24000.0 24000.00
2014-05-06 Div UMS 21000.0 $0.0350 $0.00 1.0 578 21000.0 21000.00
2014-05-06 Div Soilbuild Business Space 3000.0 $0.0156 $0.00 1.0 588 3000.0 3000.00
2014-05-07 Div REIT
Riverstone 1000.0 $0.0174 $0.00 1.0 550 1000.0 1000.00
2014-05-08 Sell ARA 1000.0 $1.8150 $4.64 1.0 613 1000.0 0.00
2014-05-09 Buy Singapore Shipping Corp 12000.0 $0.2350 $7.21 1.0 608 98000.0 110000.00
2014-05-12 Div China Merchant Pacific 35000.0 $0.0425 $0.00 1.0 603 35000.0 35000.00
2014-05-14 Div Starhub 4000.0 $0.0500 $0.00 1.0 609 4000.0 4000.00
2014-05-14 Div Aims Amp Industrial REIT 4000.0 $0.0251 $0.00 1.0 606 4000.0 4000.00
2014-05-19 Div Kingsmen Creatives 6000.0 $0.0250 $0.00 1.0 548 6000.0 6000.00
2014-06-05 Buy UMS 5250.0 $0.0000 $0.00 1.0 615 21000.0 26250.00
2014-06-05 Div Frasers Centerpoint Trust 2000.0 $0.0240 $0.00 1.0 612 2000.0 2000.00
2014-06-10 Sell UMS 6000.0 $0.6500 $9.90 1.0 624 26250.0 20250.00
2014-06-10 Sell UMS 4000.0 $0.6550 $6.70 1.0 626 20250.0 16250.00
2014-06-10 Sell UMS 4000.0 $0.6550 $6.70 1.0 627 16250.0 12250.00
2014-06-16 Buy Health Management 10000.0 $0.1870 $4.79 1.0 0 0.0 10000.00
2014-06-24 Buy International
Health Management 3000.0 $0.1830 $1.41 1.0 629 10000.0 13000.00
2014-06-25 Buy International
China Merchant Pacific 1000.0 $0.9300 $2.38 1.0 620 35000.0 36000.00
2014-07-01 Div Nikko STI ETF 1700.0 $0.0465 $0.00 1.0 557 1700.0 1700.00
2014-07-07 Sell UMS 250.0 $0.5400 $0.35 1.0 628 12250.0 12000.00
2014-07-07 Buy Singapore Shipping Corp 5000.0 $0.2500 $3.20 1.0 619 110000.0 115000.00
2014-07-07 Buy China Merchant Pacific 1000.0 $0.9150 $2.34 1.0 631 36000.0 37000.00
2014-07-08 Div Singapore Post 1000.0 $0.0250 $0.00 1.0 594 1000.0 1000.00
2014-07-11 Div UMS 12000.0 $0.0100 $0.00 1.0 633 12000.0 12000.00
2014-07-21 Buy China Merchant Pacific 3000.0 $0.9150 $7.02 1.0 635 37000.0 40000.00
2014-07-21 Div First REIT 24000.0 $0.0200 $0.00 1.0 610 24000.0 24000.00
2014-07-22 Sell UMS 12000.0 $0.5500 $16.89 1.0 637 12000.0 0.00
2014-07-22 Buy China Merchant Pacific 4000.0 $0.9300 $9.52 1.0 638 40000.0 44000.00
2014-07-22 Buy China Merchant Pacific 3000.0 $0.9250 $7.10 1.0 641 44000.0 47000.00
2014-07-24 Div SIA Engineering 1000.0 $0.1800 $0.00 1.0 572 1000.0 1000.00
2014-07-25 Div Mapletree Logistic Trust 3000.0 $0.0190 $0.00 1.0 611 3000.0 3000.00
2014-07-29 Div Frasers Centerpoint Trust 2000.0 $0.0063 $0.00 1.0 625 2000.0 2000.00
2014-07-30 Buy Health Management 5000.0 $0.2650 $3.29 1.0 630 13000.0 18000.00
2014-07-31 Div International
Boustead 2000.0 $0.0500 $0.00 1.0 573 2000.0 2000.00
2014-08-01 Div Singapore Shipping Corp 115000.0 $0.0100 $0.00 1.0 634 115000.0 115000.00
2014-08-01 Div Stamford Land 4000.0 $0.0300 $0.00 1.0 598 4000.0 4000.00
2014-08-04 Buy Health Management 5000.0 $0.2450 $3.13 1.0 646 18000.0 23000.00
2014-08-04 Buy International
Singapore Shipping Corp 10000.0 $0.2450 $6.27 1.0 648 115000.0 125000.00
2014-08-04 Div Soilbuild Business Space 3000.0 $0.0150 $0.00 1.0 616 3000.0 3000.00
2014-08-05 Div REIT
Aims Amp Industrial REIT 4000.0 $0.0255 $0.00 1.0 622 4000.0 4000.00
2014-08-07 Div STI ETF 1000.0 $0.0450 $0.00 1.0 590 1000.0 1000.00
2014-08-11 Div Starhub 4000.0 $0.0500 $0.00 1.0 621 4000.0 4000.00
2014-08-18 Buy Singapore Shipping Corp 10000.0 $0.2400 $6.14 1.0 651 125000.0 135000.00
2014-08-18 Div Singapore Post 1000.0 $0.0125 $0.00 1.0 636 1000.0 1000.00
2014-08-22 Split Pteris 2000.0 $0.0000 $0.00 0.2 48 2000.0 400.00
2014-08-22 Buy Singapore Shipping Corp 10000.0 $0.2400 $6.14 1.0 656 135000.0 145000.00
2014-08-22 Buy China Merchant Pacific 5000.0 $0.9450 $12.00 1.0 642 47000.0 52000.00
2014-09-04 Div Kingsmen Creatives 6000.0 $0.0150 $0.00 1.0 623 6000.0 6000.00
2014-09-09 Buy Singapore Shipping Corp 20000.0 $0.2500 $12.80 1.0 659 145000.0 165000.00
2014-09-11 Buy Singapore Shipping Corp 20000.0 $0.2550 $13.05 1.0 662 165000.0 185000.00
2014-09-17 Div APTT 1000.0 $0.0412 $0.00 1.0 605 1000.0 1000.00
2014-09-18 Div Riverstone 1000.0 $0.0092 $0.00 1.0 617 1000.0 1000.00
2014-09-23 Sell Stamford Land 4000.0 $0.5750 $5.88 1.0 649 4000.0 0.00
2014-09-23 Buy Singapore Shipping Corp 10000.0 $0.2550 $6.53 1.0 663 185000.0 195000.00
2014-10-16 Div China Merchant Pacific 52000.0 $0.0350 $0.00 1.0 660 52000.0 52000.00
2014-10-24 Div First REIT 24000.0 $0.0202 $0.00 1.0 639 24000.0 24000.00
2014-10-27 Div Mapletree Logistic Trust 3000.0 $0.0188 $0.00 1.0 644 3000.0 3000.00
2014-10-28 Div Soilbuild Business Space 3000.0 $0.0155 $0.00 1.0 652 3000.0 3000.00
2014-10-30 Div REIT
Frasers Centerpoint Trust 2000.0 $0.0279 $0.00 1.0 645 2000.0 2000.00
2014-11-03 Buy Straco 2000.0 $0.7200 $3.68 1.0 614 24000.0 26000.00
2014-11-05 Sell SIA Engineering 1000.0 $4.5200 $29.00 1.0 643 1000.0 0.00
2014-11-05 Div Aims Amp Industrial REIT 4000.0 $0.0277 $0.00 1.0 653 4000.0 4000.00
2014-11-07 Buy China Merchant Pacific 3000.0 $0.9250 $7.10 1.0 668 52000.0 55000.00
2014-11-07 Buy China Merchant Pacific 2000.0 $0.9150 $4.68 1.0 676 55000.0 57000.00
2014-11-11 Div Starhub 4000.0 $0.0500 $0.00 1.0 655 4000.0 4000.00
2014-11-18 Div Singapore Post 1000.0 $0.0125 $0.00 1.0 657 1000.0 1000.00
2014-12-08 Div Boustead 2000.0 $0.0200 $0.00 1.0 647 2000.0 2000.00
2014-12-10 Div APTT 1000.0 $0.0200 $0.00 1.0 664 1000.0 1000.00
2015-01-02 Div Nikko STI ETF 1700.0 $0.0495 $0.00 1.0 632 1700.0 1700.00
2015-01-08 Div Second Chance Properties 5000.0 $0.0150 $0.00 1.0 607 5000.0 5000.00
2015-01-14 Sell Health Management 1000.0 $0.2850 $0.73 1.0 650 23000.0 22000.00
2015-01-15 Sell International
Health Management 22000.0 $0.2850 $16.05 1.0 684 22000.0 0.00
2015-01-19 Buy International
Kingsmen Creatives 6000.0 $0.9400 $14.43 1.0 661 6000.0 12000.00
2015-01-22 Div First REIT 24000.0 $0.0204 $0.00 1.0 669 24000.0 24000.00
2015-01-23 Div Mapletree Logistic Trust 3000.0 $0.0187 $0.00 1.0 670 3000.0 3000.00
2015-01-26 Buy Kingsmen Creatives 800.0 $0.9400 $1.93 1.0 686 12000.0 12800.00
2015-01-27 Div Soilbuild Business Space 3000.0 $0.0159 $0.00 1.0 671 3000.0 3000.00
2015-01-29 Div REIT
Frasers Centerpoint Trust 2000.0 $0.0275 $0.00 1.0 672 2000.0 2000.00
2015-02-04 Div Aims Amp Industrial REIT 4000.0 $0.0283 $0.00 1.0 675 4000.0 4000.00
2015-02-13 Div Singapore Post 1000.0 $0.0125 $0.00 1.0 679 1000.0 1000.00
2015-02-17 Buy Health Management 17000.0 $0.2900 $12.72 1.0 685 0.0 17000.00
2015-03-18 Div International
APTT 1000.0 $0.0213 $0.00 1.0 681 1000.0 1000.00
2015-03-31 Buy Nordic Group 28000.0 $0.1420 $10.18 1.0 0 0.0 28000.00
2015-04-09 Buy Health Management 10000.0 $0.3300 $8.45 1.0 694 17000.0 27000.00
2015-04-17 Div International
Soilbuild Business Space 3000.0 $0.0163 $0.00 1.0 690 3000.0 3000.00
2015-04-20 Div REIT
First REIT 24000.0 $0.0206 $0.00 1.0 687 24000.0 24000.00
2015-04-24 Div Mapletree Logistic Trust 3000.0 $0.0185 $0.00 1.0 688 3000.0 3000.00
2015-04-27 Div IFS 420.0 $0.0150 $0.00 1.0 478 420.0 420.00
2015-04-28 Div Riverstone 1000.0 $0.0169 $0.00 1.0 665 1000.0 1000.00
2015-04-28 Div Sing Investments 20.0 $0.0600 $0.00 1.0 487 20.0 20.00
2015-04-28 Div Frasers Centerpoint Trust 2000.0 $0.0296 $0.00 1.0 691 2000.0 2000.00
2015-04-29 Div Soilbuild Business Space 3000.0 $0.0063 $0.00 1.0 698 3000.0 3000.00
2015-04-30 Div REIT
Starhub 4000.0 $0.0500 $0.00 1.0 678 4000.0 4000.00
2015-04-30 Buy Boustead Projects 600.0 $0.0000 $0.00 1.0 0 0.0 600.00
2015-05-04 Buy Global Testing 28000.0 $0.1390 $9.96 1.0 0 0.0 28000.00
2015-05-05 Div Straco 26000.0 $0.0200 $0.00 1.0 673 26000.0 26000.00
2015-05-06 Div Nordic Group 28000.0 $0.0050 $0.00 1.0 696 28000.0 28000.00
2015-05-06 Div Aims Amp Industrial REIT 4000.0 $0.0292 $0.00 1.0 692 4000.0 4000.00
2015-05-06 Buy Global Testing 21000.0 $0.1410 $7.58 1.0 708 28000.0 49000.00
2015-05-06 Buy Nordic Group 16000.0 $0.1850 $7.58 1.0 710 28000.0 44000.00
2015-05-12 Div China Merchant Pacific 57000.0 $0.0350 $0.00 1.0 677 57000.0 57000.00
2015-05-13 Sell Boustead 2000.0 $1.4100 $7.21 1.0 680 2000.0 0.00
2015-05-13 Sell Boustead Projects 600.0 $0.9400 $1.44 1.0 707 600.0 0.00
2015-05-15 Div Kingsmen Creatives 12800.0 $0.0250 $0.00 1.0 689 12800.0 12800.00
2015-05-19 Buy Singapore Shipping Corp 12000.0 $0.3300 $10.13 1.0 667 195000.0 207000.00
2015-05-21 Div Starhub 4000.0 $0.0500 $0.00 1.0 706 4000.0 4000.00
2015-05-22 CapRed Global Testing 49000.0 $0.0750 $0.00 1.0 712 49000.0 49000.00
2015-05-22 uct Global Testing
Split 49000.0 $0.0000 $0.00 0.1 720 49000.0 2450.00
2015-05-27 Buy Global Testing 2000.0 $1.2800 $6.55 1.0 721 2450.0 4450.00
2015-05-28 Sell APTT 1000.0 $0.9000 $2.30 1.0 695 1000.0 0.00
2015-05-28 Sell Mapletree Logistic Trust 3000.0 $1.1800 $9.06 1.0 700 3000.0 0.00
2015-06-03 Buy China Merchant Pacific 2850.0 $0.0000 $0.00 1.0 714 57000.0 59850.00
2015-06-08 Sell First REIT 10000.0 $1.4450 $49.48 1.0 699 24000.0 14000.00
2015-06-09 Sell First REIT 100.0 $1.4450 $0.37 1.0 726 14000.0 13900.00
2015-06-09 Sell First REIT 6900.0 $1.4100 $24.90 1.0 727 13900.0 7000.00
2015-06-09 Sell Health Management 17000.0 $0.3750 $16.32 1.0 697 27000.0 10000.00
2015-06-10 Sell International
Health Management 10000.0 $0.3750 $9.60 1.0 729 10000.0 0.00
2015-06-10 Sell International
First REIT 7000.0 $1.4200 $25.44 1.0 728 7000.0 0.00
2015-07-01 Div Nikko STI ETF 1700.0 $0.0482 $0.00 1.0 682 1700.0 1700.00
2015-07-13 Div Singapore Post 1000.0 $0.0325 $0.00 1.0 693 1000.0 1000.00
2015-07-21 Div Soilbuild Business Space 3000.0 $0.0099 $0.00 1.0 705 3000.0 3000.00
2015-07-31 Div REIT
STI ETF 1000.0 $0.0490 $0.00 1.0 654 1000.0 1000.00
2015-08-04 Div Aims Amp Industrial REIT 4000.0 $0.0275 $0.00 1.0 711 4000.0 4000.00
2015-08-05 Div Singapore Shipping Corp 207000.0 $0.0100 $0.00 1.0 718 207000.0 207000.00
2015-08-11 Div Singapore Post 1000.0 $0.0150 $0.00 1.0 733 1000.0 1000.00
2015-08-12 Sell Second Chance Properties 5000.0 $0.2950 $3.78 1.0 683 5000.0 0.00
2015-08-13 Div Starhub 4000.0 $0.0500 $0.00 1.0 719 4000.0 4000.00
2015-08-24 Sell Singapore Shipping Corp 100000.0 $0.2500 $64.00 1.0 737 207000.0 107000.00
2015-08-24 Div China Merchant Pacific 59850.0 $0.0350 $0.00 1.0 725 59850.0 59850.00
2015-08-25 Buy IREIT Global 11500.0 $0.6500 $29.00 1.0 0 0.0 11500.00
2015-08-25 Buy IREIT Global 3500.0 $0.6550 $0.00 1.0 743 11500.0 15000.00
2015-08-25 Div Nordic Group 44000.0 $0.0040 $0.00 1.0 713 44000.0 44000.00
2015-08-31 Buy SBS Transit 3000.0 $1.6500 $12.67 1.0 0 0.0 3000.00
2015-09-03 Div Kingsmen Creatives 12800.0 $0.0100 $0.00 1.0 717 12800.0 12800.00
2015-09-07 Div IREIT Global 15000.0 $0.0221 $0.00 1.0 744 15000.0 15000.00
2015-09-17 Buy SBS Transit 2300.0 $1.6500 $9.71 1.0 746 3000.0 5300.00
2015-09-17 Buy Mapletree Logistic Trust 5000.0 $0.9950 $12.73 1.0 724 0.0 5000.00
2015-09-17 Buy Mapletree Logistic Trust 5000.0 $0.9900 $12.67 1.0 750 5000.0 10000.00
2015-09-18 Div Riverstone 1000.0 $0.0078 $0.00 1.0 702 1000.0 1000.00
2015-09-21 Buy SBS Transit 700.0 $1.7450 $3.12 1.0 749 5300.0 6000.00
2015-09-21 Buy SBS Transit 1000.0 $1.7300 $4.42 1.0 753 6000.0 7000.00
2015-09-30 Buy Croesus Retail Trust 6000.0 $0.8250 $29.50 1.0 0 0.0 6000.00
2015-10-02 Buy Croesus Retail Trust 2000.0 $0.6100 $0.00 1.0 755 6000.0 8000.00
2015-10-08 Buy SBS Transit 2000.0 $1.7950 $9.19 1.0 754 7000.0 9000.00
2015-10-08 Buy SBS Transit 1000.0 $1.7850 $4.56 1.0 757 9000.0 10000.00
2015-10-20 Div Soilbuild Business Space 3000.0 $0.0163 $0.00 1.0 734 3000.0 3000.00
2015-10-23 Div REIT
Mapletree Logistic Trust 10000.0 $0.0186 $0.00 1.0 751 10000.0 10000.00
2015-10-28 Div Frasers Centerpoint Trust 2000.0 $0.0286 $0.00 1.0 704 2000.0 2000.00
2015-11-02 Buy First Ship Lease Trust 20000.0 $0.1740 $8.90 1.0 0 0.0 20000.00
2015-11-04 Buy Croesus Retail Trust 7000.0 $0.8300 $29.00 1.0 756 8000.0 15000.00
2015-11-04 Div Aims Amp Industrial REIT 4000.0 $0.0280 $0.00 1.0 736 4000.0 4000.00
2015-11-09 Buy First Ship Lease Trust 10000.0 $0.1740 $4.45 1.0 762 20000.0 30000.00
2015-11-11 Sell China Merchant Pacific 6700.0 $0.9700 $16.63 1.0 742 59850.0 53150.00
2015-11-12 Buy First Ship Lease Trust 10000.0 $0.1720 $4.40 1.0 765 30000.0 40000.00
2015-11-13 Sell Kingsmen Creatives 6800.0 $0.7400 $12.88 1.0 747 12800.0 6000.00
2015-11-13 Sell Kingsmen Creatives 6000.0 $0.7200 $11.00 1.0 768 6000.0 0.00
2015-11-13 Div Starhub 4000.0 $0.0500 $0.00 1.0 740 4000.0 4000.00
2015-11-13 Div Singapore Post 1000.0 $0.0150 $0.00 1.0 738 1000.0 1000.00
2015-11-20 Buy First Ship Lease Trust 10000.0 $0.1680 $4.30 1.0 767 40000.0 50000.00
2015-12-02 Buy SBS Transit 3000.0 $1.9100 $14.66 1.0 758 10000.0 13000.00
2015-12-07 Buy SBS Transit 2000.0 $1.9550 $10.00 1.0 773 13000.0 15000.00
2015-12-15 Sell Nordic Group 44000.0 $0.1800 $20.27 1.0 745 44000.0 0.00
2015-12-30 Buy SBS Transit 2000.0 $1.9200 $9.83 1.0 774 15000.0 17000.00
2016-01-04 Div Nikko STI ETF 1700.0 $0.0452 $0.00 1.0 732 1700.0 1700.00
2016-01-07 Sell Frasers Centerpoint Trust 2000.0 $1.8350 $9.39 1.0 761 2000.0 0.00
2016-01-07 Sell Singapore Post 1000.0 $1.5150 $29.00 1.0 771 1000.0 0.00
2016-01-21 Buy Riverstone 1000.0 $0.0000 $0.00 1.0 752 1000.0 2000.00
2016-01-27 Div Soilbuild Business Space 3000.0 $0.0161 $0.00 1.0 759 3000.0 3000.00
2016-01-29 Div REIT
Mapletree Logistic Trust 10000.0 $0.0187 $0.00 1.0 760 10000.0 10000.00
2016-01-29 Buy Mapletree Logistic Trust 4000.0 $0.9350 $9.57 1.0 782 10000.0 14000.00
2016-01-29 Buy Mapletree Greater China 7000.0 $0.8350 $14.96 1.0 471 0.0 7000.00
2016-01-29 Div Commercial
STI ETF Trust 1000.0 $0.0510 $0.00 1.0 735 1000.0 1000.00
2016-02-01 Buy Mapletree Greater China 7000.0 $0.8450 $15.14 1.0 784 7000.0 14000.00
2016-02-04 Div Commercial Trust
Aims Amp Industrial REIT 4000.0 $0.0287 $0.00 1.0 764 4000.0 4000.00
2016-02-17 Sell Starhub 1000.0 $3.5900 $29.00 1.0 770 4000.0 3000.00
2016-02-17 Div Croesus Retail Trust 15000.0 $0.0350 $0.00 1.0 763 15000.0 15000.00
2016-02-18 Sell Starhub 3000.0 $3.5800 $27.50 1.0 788 3000.0 0.00
2016-02-18 Buy Croesus Retail Trust 7000.0 $0.7850 $29.00 1.0 789 15000.0 22000.00
2016-02-25 Sell Straco 16000.0 $0.7950 $32.56 1.0 709 26000.0 10000.00
2016-02-26 Sell China Merchant Pacific 20000.0 $0.7700 $39.42 1.0 766 53150.0 33150.00
2016-03-03 Buy Starhill Global REIT 10000.0 $0.7500 $29.00 1.0 0 0.0 10000.00
2016-03-07 Buy Ho Bee 3000.0 $1.9550 $15.00 1.0 0 0.0 3000.00
2016-03-07 Buy Transit Mixed Concrete 6700.0 $0.6000 $10.29 1.0 0 0.0 6700.00
2016-03-07 Div IREIT Global 15000.0 $0.0303 $0.00 1.0 748 15000.0 15000.00
2016-03-10 Buy Transit Mixed Concrete 8300.0 $0.6000 $21.24 1.0 796 6700.0 15000.00
2016-03-16 Buy Mapletree Logistic Trust 3000.0 $0.9750 $7.49 1.0 783 14000.0 17000.00
2016-03-16 Buy Mapletree Greater China 2000.0 $0.9300 $4.76 1.0 786 14000.0 16000.00
2016-03-18 Buy Commercial
IREIT Global Trust 9000.0 $0.6900 $29.00 1.0 797 15000.0 24000.00
2016-03-30 Div Croesus Retail Trust 22000.0 $0.0195 $0.00 1.0 791 22000.0 22000.00
2016-04-11 Sell Croesus Retail Trust 22000.0 $0.8200 $61.00 1.0 802 22000.0 0.00
2016-04-15 Buy IREIT Global 5400.0 $0.6950 $29.00 1.0 801 24000.0 29400.00
2016-04-15 Buy IREIT Global 7600.0 $0.7000 $0.00 1.0 804 29400.0 37000.00
2016-04-15 Buy UPP 30000.0 $0.1930 $29.00 1.0 0 0.0 30000.00
2016-04-20 Sell UPP 30000.0 $0.2250 $29.00 1.0 806 30000.0 0.00
2016-04-20 Div Soilbuild Business Space 3000.0 $0.0156 $0.00 1.0 781 3000.0 3000.00
2016-04-27 Sell REIT
Soilbuild Business Space 3000.0 $0.7000 $5.38 1.0 808 3000.0 0.00
2016-04-27 Sell REIT
Transit Mixed Concrete 5400.0 $0.6900 $9.54 1.0 798 15000.0 9600.00
2016-04-27 Buy Frasers Commercial Trust 10000.0 $1.2800 $36.00 1.0 0 0.0 10000.00
2016-04-27 Buy IREIT Global 10000.0 $0.7250 $29.00 1.0 805 37000.0 47000.00
2016-04-27 Buy First REIT 10000.0 $1.2450 $32.00 1.0 731 0.0 10000.00
2016-04-27 Div Riverstone 2000.0 $0.0179 $0.00 1.0 780 2000.0 2000.00
2016-04-27 Div Sing Investments 20.0 $0.0500 $0.00 1.0 703 20.0 20.00
2016-04-28 Div Pteris 400.0 $0.0100 $0.00 1.0 658 400.0 400.00
2016-04-28 Sell Transit Mixed Concrete 1000.0 $0.6750 $1.73 1.0 810 9600.0 8600.00
2016-04-28 Div Starhill Global REIT 10000.0 $0.0126 $0.00 1.0 794 10000.0 10000.00
2016-05-03 Sell Mapletree Logistic Trust 17000.0 $1.0700 $46.57 1.0 799 17000.0 0.00
2016-05-03 Sell Transit Mixed Concrete 7600.0 $0.6700 $19.46 1.0 817 8600.0 1000.00
2016-05-03 Div China Merchant Pacific 33150.0 $0.0350 $0.00 1.0 793 33150.0 33150.00
2016-05-04 Sell China Merchant Pacific 8000.0 $0.8150 $16.70 1.0 821 33150.0 25150.00
2016-05-04 Div SBS Transit 17000.0 $0.0105 $0.00 1.0 776 17000.0 17000.00
2016-05-06 Div Straco 10000.0 $0.0250 $0.00 1.0 792 10000.0 10000.00
2016-05-06 Div Aims Amp Industrial REIT 4000.0 $0.0295 $0.00 1.0 787 4000.0 4000.00
2016-05-10 Sell China Merchant Pacific 3100.0 $1.0100 $29.00 1.0 822 25150.0 22050.00
2016-05-10 Div Ho Bee 3000.0 $0.0700 $0.00 1.0 795 3000.0 3000.00
2016-05-23 Buy Singapore Shipping Corp 30000.0 $0.3150 $24.20 1.0 741 107000.0 137000.00
2016-05-27 Buy Singapore Shipping Corp 5000.0 $0.3200 $4.09 1.0 828 137000.0 142000.00
2016-06-06 Sell Nikko STI ETF 600.0 $2.9200 $4.48 1.0 777 1700.0 1100.00
2016-06-06 Sell Riverstone 2000.0 $0.9000 $4.60 1.0 814 2000.0 0.00
2016-06-06 Sell Transit Mixed Concrete 1000.0 $0.6800 $1.74 1.0 820 1000.0 0.00
2016-06-06 Buy Global Testing 3000.0 $1.1400 $8.76 1.0 722 4450.0 7450.00
2016-06-10 Buy Frasers Centerpoint Trust 5000.0 $2.0000 $35.00 1.0 778 0.0 5000.00
2016-06-20 Buy Frasers Logistics and 15000.0 $0.8900 $0.00 1.0 0 0.0 15000.00
2016-06-24 Sell Industrial TrustREIT
Starhill Global 10000.0 $0.7600 $29.00 1.0 818 10000.0 0.00
2016-06-24 Sell Ho Bee 3000.0 $2.1700 $16.66 1.0 827 3000.0 0.00
2016-06-27 Buy Frasers Commercial Trust 6000.0 $1.2400 $29.00 1.0 811 10000.0 16000.00
2016-06-30 Sell Singapore Shipping Corp 42000.0 $0.2700 $29.00 1.0 829 142000.0 100000.00
2016-06-30 Buy Aims Amp Industrial REIT 5000.0 $1.3950 $17.85 1.0 825 4000.0 9000.00
2016-06-30 Buy Frasers Commercial Trust 5000.0 $1.2700 $16.25 1.0 838 16000.0 21000.00
2016-06-30 Sell China Merchant Pacific 22050.0 $1.0200 $0.00 1.0 826 22050.0 0.00
2016-07-01 Div Nikko STI ETF 1100.0 $0.0344 $0.00 1.0 830 1100.0 1100.00
2016-07-08 Sell Pteris 400.0 $0.8500 $0.00 1.0 816 400.0 0.00
2016-07-19 Sell First Ship Lease Trust 50000.0 $0.1790 $22.91 1.0 772 50000.0 0.00
2016-07-19 Buy Colex 3100.0 $0.4200 $3.33 1.0 0 0.0 3100.00
2016-07-21 Div Frasers Centerpoint Trust 5000.0 $0.0304 $0.00 1.0 834 5000.0 5000.00
2016-07-21 Div First REIT 10000.0 $0.0211 $0.00 1.0 813 10000.0 10000.00
2016-07-26 Sell SBS Transit 6000.0 $2.3500 $36.00 1.0 823 17000.0 11000.00
2016-07-27 Buy UMS 25000.0 $0.5900 $50.00 1.0 640 0.0 25000.00
2016-07-28 Div Frasers Commercial Trust 21000.0 $0.0241 $0.00 1.0 841 21000.0 21000.00
2016-07-29 Div STI ETF 1000.0 $0.0420 $0.00 1.0 785 1000.0 1000.00
2016-08-03 Div Aims Amp Industrial REIT 9000.0 $0.0275 $0.00 1.0 840 9000.0 9000.00
2016-08-04 Buy Frasers Centerpoint Limited 6000.0 $1.5300 $35.00 1.0 0 0.0 6000.00
2016-08-05 Buy Frasers Centerpoint Limited 6000.0 $1.5250 $35.00 1.0 854 6000.0 12000.00
2016-08-10 Buy Global Testing 3000.0 $1.1800 $13.00 1.0 833 7450.0 10450.00
2016-08-10 Buy LHN 40000.0 $0.1680 $17.20 1.0 0 0.0 40000.00
2016-08-10 Div Singapore Shipping Corp 100000.0 $0.0100 $0.00 1.0 839 100000.0 100000.00
2016-08-11 Sell Straco 2000.0 $0.7800 $10.00 1.0 824 10000.0 8000.00
2016-08-11 Sell Straco 8000.0 $0.7700 $29.00 1.0 859 8000.0 0.00
2016-08-12 Sell Singapore Shipping Corp 50000.0 $0.2700 $34.56 1.0 858 100000.0 50000.00
2016-08-12 Sell SBS Transit 3000.0 $2.4000 $18.40 1.0 849 11000.0 8000.00
2016-08-17 Div SBS Transit 8000.0 $0.0235 $0.00 1.0 862 8000.0 8000.00
2016-08-26 Buy Global Testing 2500.0 $1.2400 $10.00 1.0 856 10450.0 12950.00
2016-08-29 Div IREIT Global 47000.0 $0.0318 $0.00 1.0 812 47000.0 47000.00
2016-09-01 Buy Frasers Logistics and 6000.0 $0.9800 $29.00 1.0 835 15000.0 21000.00
2016-09-01 Buy Industrial
Aims AmpTrust
Industrial REIT 4000.0 $1.4000 $14.30 1.0 853 9000.0 13000.00
2016-09-02 Div Global Testing 12950.0 $0.1000 $0.00 1.0 864 12950.0 12950.00
2016-09-02 CapRed Global Testing 12950.0 $0.1000 $0.00 1.0 868 12950.0 12950.00
2016-09-08 uct Micro Mechanics
Buy 14000.0 $0.8600 $40.00 1.0 0 0.0 14000.00
2016-09-13 Buy LHN 15000.0 $0.2000 $10.00 1.0 857 40000.0 55000.00
2016-09-13 Sell Singapore Shipping Corp 50000.0 $0.2700 $34.56 1.0 861 50000.0 0.00
2016-09-13 Sell SBS Transit 3000.0 $2.3400 $17.97 1.0 863 8000.0 5000.00
2016-09-15 Buy Frasers Logistics and 6000.0 $0.9450 $14.50 1.0 866 21000.0 27000.00
2016-09-15 Buy Industrial Trust
Micro Mechanics 8000.0 $0.8400 $17.20 1.0 870 14000.0 22000.00
2016-09-22 Buy Frasers Centerpoint Limited 4000.0 $1.4950 $15.30 1.0 855 12000.0 16000.00
2016-10-06 Buy UPP 30000.0 $0.2150 $16.50 1.0 807 0.0 30000.00
2016-10-07 Div UMS 25000.0 $0.0100 $0.00 1.0 850 25000.0 25000.00
2016-10-12 Sell UPP 30000.0 $0.2700 $20.69 1.0 877 30000.0 0.00
2016-10-25 Div First REIT 10000.0 $0.0212 $0.00 1.0 848 10000.0 10000.00
2016-10-26 Div Frasers Centerpoint Trust 5000.0 $0.0282 $0.00 1.0 847 5000.0 5000.00
2016-10-28 Div Frasers Commercial Trust 21000.0 $0.0245 $0.00 1.0 851 21000.0 21000.00
2016-11-01 Buy M1 7000.0 $2.1000 $50.00 1.0 383 0.0 7000.00
2016-11-02 Div Mapletree Greater China 16000.0 $0.0361 $0.00 1.0 800 16000.0 16000.00
2016-11-04 Sell Commercial
M1 Trust 7000.0 $2.0700 $50.00 1.0 883 7000.0 0.00
2016-11-04 Div Micro Mechanics 22000.0 $0.0400 $0.00 1.0 875 22000.0 22000.00
2016-11-04 Div Aims Amp Industrial REIT 13000.0 $0.0275 $0.00 1.0 867 13000.0 13000.00
2016-11-07 Div Frasers Logistics and 27000.0 $0.0184 $0.00 1.0 874 27000.0 27000.00
2016-11-09 Buy Industrial Trust and
Frasers Logistics 4000.0 $0.9650 $10.00 1.0 888 27000.0 31000.00
2016-11-09 Buy Industrial
Hotung Trust 1000.0 $1.3800 $10.00 1.0 0 0.0 1000.00
2016-11-10 Buy Frasers Logistics and 8000.0 $0.9400 $29.00 1.0 889 31000.0 39000.00
2016-11-11 Sell Industrial
SBS TransitTrust 2000.0 $2.2000 $11.00 1.0 873 5000.0 3000.00
2016-11-11 Sell Aims Amp Industrial REIT 3000.0 $1.3400 $11.00 1.0 887 13000.0 10000.00
2016-11-15 Buy Frasers Logistics and 4000.0 $0.9050 $11.00 1.0 891 39000.0 43000.00
2016-11-15 Buy Industrial
Hotung Trust 4000.0 $1.4150 $14.51 1.0 890 1000.0 5000.00
2016-11-15 Buy Mapletree Greater China 4000.0 $0.9500 $11.00 1.0 884 16000.0 20000.00
2016-11-17 Buy Commercial
Hotung Trust 3000.0 $1.4050 $12.00 1.0 895 5000.0 8000.00
2016-11-18 Buy Hotung 3000.0 $1.4050 $12.00 1.0 897 8000.0 11000.00
2016-11-18 Buy Boustead Projects 6000.0 $0.6900 $12.00 1.0 716 0.0 6000.00
2016-11-21 Sell SBS Transit 3000.0 $2.1400 $16.00 1.0 892 3000.0 0.00
2016-11-22 Buy Boustead Projects 6000.0 $0.7450 $12.00 1.0 899 6000.0 12000.00
2016-11-29 Div UMS 25000.0 $0.0100 $0.00 1.0 878 25000.0 25000.00
2016-12-05 Buy Boustead Projects 5000.0 $0.7200 $12.00 1.0 901 12000.0 17000.00
2016-12-15 Sell LHN 55000.0 $0.1840 $26.00 1.0 871 55000.0 0.00
2016-12-22 Buy Boustead Projects 5000.0 $0.7000 $12.00 1.0 903 17000.0 22000.00
2016-12-30 Buy Boustead Projects 5000.0 $0.7150 $12.00 1.0 905 22000.0 27000.00
2017-01-03 Div Nikko STI ETF 1100.0 $0.0604 $0.00 1.0 843 1100.0 1100.00
2017-01-04 Buy Global Testing 1000.0 $1.0400 $2.45 1.0 869 12950.0 13950.00
2017-01-05 Buy Frasers Commercial Trust 7000.0 $1.2650 $45.00 1.0 882 21000.0 28000.00
2017-01-05 Buy China Aviation Oil 6000.0 $1.4250 $35.00 1.0 0 0.0 6000.00
2017-01-06 Buy Hotung 3000.0 $1.4900 $12.00 1.0 898 11000.0 14000.00
2017-01-16 Buy Mapletree Commercial Trust 4600.0 $1.4450 $18.00 1.0 0 0.0 4600.00
2017-01-24 Div First REIT 10000.0 $0.0213 $0.00 1.0 880 10000.0 10000.00
2017-01-26 Div Frasers Centerpoint Trust 5000.0 $0.0289 $0.00 1.0 881 5000.0 5000.00
2017-01-27 Div Frasers Commercial Trust 28000.0 $0.0250 $0.00 1.0 909 28000.0 28000.00
2017-01-31 Div Frasers Centerpoint Limited 16000.0 $0.0620 $0.00 1.0 876 16000.0 16000.00
2017-01-31 Buy Frasers Centerpoint Limited 3000.0 $1.5700 $12.00 1.0 916 16000.0 19000.00
2017-02-01 Div Mapletree Commercial Trust 4600.0 $0.0228 $0.00 1.0 912 4600.0 4600.00
2017-02-02 Div STI ETF 1000.0 $0.0530 $0.00 1.0 852 1000.0 1000.00
2017-02-06 Buy Micro Mechanics 6000.0 $0.9100 $14.00 1.0 886 22000.0 28000.00
2017-02-08 Sell China Aviation Oil 6000.0 $1.4850 $29.00 1.0 910 6000.0 0.00
2017-02-13 Div Micro Mechanics 28000.0 $0.0300 $29.00 1.0 920 28000.0 28000.00
2017-02-13 Buy AEM Holdings 10000.0 $1.0300 $26.36 1.0 0 0.0 10000.00
2017-02-13 Buy AEM Holdings 10000.0 $1.0400 $26.62 1.0 923 10000.0 20000.00
2017-02-15 Div Aims Amp Industrial REIT 10000.0 $0.0277 $0.00 1.0 893 10000.0 10000.00
2017-03-03 Sell Colex 3100.0 $0.4500 $12.00 1.0 846 3100.0 0.00
2017-03-03 Buy Frasers Logistics and 5000.0 $0.9350 $12.00 1.0 894 43000.0 48000.00
2017-03-06 Div Industrial Trust
IREIT Global 47000.0 $0.0315 $0.00 1.0 865 47000.0 47000.00
2017-03-10 Sell Aims Amp Industrial REIT 10000.0 $1.3350 $34.17 1.0 925 10000.0 0.00
2017-03-10 Sell AEM Holdings 6000.0 $1.8700 $28.70 1.0 924 20000.0 14000.00
2017-03-10 Sell AEM Holdings 14000.0 $1.8800 $67.37 1.0 930 14000.0 0.00
2017-03-22 Sell UMS 25000.0 $0.8550 $55.00 1.0 902 25000.0 0.00
2017-04-04 Buy Frasers Commercial Trust 6000.0 $1.2950 $19.90 1.0 915 28000.0 34000.00
2017-04-21 Div First REIT 10000.0 $0.0214 $0.00 1.0 913 10000.0 10000.00
2017-04-27 Div Frasers Commercial Trust 34000.0 $0.0251 $0.00 1.0 933 34000.0 34000.00
2017-04-28 Buy iFAST 7000.0 $0.6350 $10.45 1.0 0 0.0 7000.00
2017-04-28 Buy iFAST 4000.0 $0.6600 $6.21 1.0 936 7000.0 11000.00
2017-04-28 Buy iFAST 4000.0 $0.6800 $6.39 1.0 937 11000.0 15000.00
2017-05-02 Sell Micro Mechanics 7000.0 $1.2500 $22.40 1.0 922 28000.0 21000.00
2017-05-02 Div Mapletree Commercial Trust 4600.0 $0.0226 $0.00 1.0 918 4600.0 4600.00
2017-05-02 Div Frasers Centerpoint Trust 5000.0 $0.0304 $0.00 1.0 914 5000.0 5000.00
2017-05-03 Div Mapletree Greater China 20000.0 $0.0373 $0.00 1.0 896 20000.0 20000.00
2017-05-08 Div Commercial
iFAST Trust 15000.0 $0.0068 $0.00 1.0 938 15000.0 15000.00
2017-05-12 Div Frasers Logistics and 48000.0 $0.0349 $0.00 1.0 927 48000.0 48000.00
2017-05-17 Div Industrial
Hotung Trust 14000.0 $0.1438 $0.00 1.0 911 14000.0 14000.00
2017-05-17 Sell Micro Mechanics 7000.0 $1.2800 $23.00 1.0 939 21000.0 14000.00
2017-05-18 Div Global Testing 13950.0 $0.2000 $0.00 1.0 908 13950.0 13950.00
2017-05-18 Sell iFAST 15000.0 $0.7600 $29.00 1.0 943 15000.0 0.00
2017-05-22 Buy Frasers Logistics and 7000.0 $0.9900 $17.70 1.0 944 48000.0 55000.00
2017-05-23 Buy Industrial Trust
Frasers Commercial Trust 5000.0 $1.3500 $17.28 1.0 935 34000.0 39000.00
2017-05-24 Div Frasers Centerpoint Limited 19000.0 $0.0240 $0.00 1.0 917 19000.0 19000.00
2017-05-25 Buy First REIT 6000.0 $1.3150 $29.00 1.0 934 10000.0 16000.00
2017-05-25 Buy Koda 3000.0 $1.1700 $8.98 1.0 0 0.0 3000.00
2017-05-30 Buy Mapletree Commercial Trust 5000.0 $1.5350 $19.64 1.0 940 4600.0 9600.00
2017-05-31 Buy K1 Ventures 16000.0 $0.6150 $25.20 1.0 0 0.0 16000.00
2017-05-31 Buy K1 Ventures 16000.0 $0.6200 $25.40 1.0 955 16000.0 32000.00
2017-06-01 Buy K1 Ventures 32000.0 $0.6682 $54.73 1.0 956 32000.0 64000.00
2017-06-01 Buy Koda 1500.0 $0.0000 $0.00 1.0 953 3000.0 4500.00
2017-06-05 Sell Boustead Projects 7000.0 $0.8800 $15.70 1.0 906 27000.0 20000.00
2017-06-05 Buy EC World REIT 12600.0 $0.7950 $25.64 1.0 0 0.0 12600.00
2017-06-07 Sell Boustead Projects 7000.0 $0.8750 $15.68 1.0 959 20000.0 13000.00
2017-06-09 Buy Hotel Grand Central 6000.0 $1.3750 $30.00 1.0 0 0.0 6000.00
2017-06-16 Buy Koda 1000.0 $0.9300 $2.38 1.0 958 4500.0 5500.00
2017-06-16 Sell K1 Ventures 10000.0 $0.6550 $16.70 1.0 957 64000.0 54000.00
2017-06-16 Buy EC World REIT 8000.0 $0.8000 $16.38 1.0 960 12600.0 20600.00
2017-06-28 Buy CDL Hospitality Trust 1000.0 $1.6350 $4.18 1.0 556 0.0 1000.00
2017-06-28 Buy Singtel 8000.0 $3.8100 $104.00 1.0 463 0.0 8000.00
2017-06-30 Sell Boustead Projects 3000.0 $0.9300 $7.10 1.0 961 13000.0 10000.00
2017-06-30 Buy EC World REIT 10000.0 $0.8100 $20.70 1.0 965 20600.0 30600.00
2017-07-03 Div Nikko STI ETF 1100.0 $0.0231 $0.00 1.0 907 1100.0 1100.00
2017-07-03 Div Frasers Logistics and 55000.0 $0.0184 $0.00 1.0 949 55000.0 55000.00
2017-07-04 Sell Industrial
Boustead Trust
Projects 10000.0 $0.9200 $23.55 1.0 968 10000.0 0.00
2017-07-05 Buy Straco 10000.0 $0.8400 $21.50 1.0 860 0.0 10000.00
2017-07-05 Buy Straco 2100.0 $0.8450 $4.54 1.0 973 10000.0 12100.00
2017-07-07 Sell Singtel 8000.0 $3.8500 $80.00 1.0 967 8000.0 0.00
2017-07-17 Buy Koda 3000.0 $1.1000 $8.45 1.0 963 5500.0 8500.00
2017-07-18 Buy Koda 3000.0 $1.1200 $8.60 1.0 976 8500.0 11500.00
2017-07-20 Sell Hotung 7000.0 $2.2700 $38.13 1.0 945 14000.0 7000.00
2017-07-21 Buy Global Testing 2000.0 $1.3000 $6.24 1.0 947 13950.0 15950.00
2017-07-21 Sell Straco 1100.0 $0.8750 $2.26 1.0 974 12100.0 11000.00
2017-07-21 Div First REIT 16000.0 $0.0214 $0.00 1.0 952 16000.0 16000.00
2017-07-25 Sell Frasers Commercial Trust 16000.0 $1.4200 $54.50 1.0 950 39000.0 23000.00
2017-07-25 Sell Frasers Commercial Trust 23000.0 $1.4150 $114.00 1.0 982 23000.0 0.00
2017-07-28 Div Frasers Centerpoint Trust 5000.0 $0.0300 $0.00 1.0 941 5000.0 5000.00
2017-07-28 Div STI ETF 1000.0 $0.0480 $0.00 1.0 919 1000.0 1000.00
2017-08-01 Sell Mapletree Greater China 20000.0 $1.1000 $52.80 1.0 942 20000.0 0.00
2017-08-02 Sell Commercial
K1 Ventures Trust 27000.0 $0.7500 $48.60 1.0 964 54000.0 27000.00
2017-08-02 Buy Singapore Shipping Corp 11000.0 $0.2800 $7.40 1.0 872 0.0 11000.00
2017-08-02 Div Mapletree Commercial Trust 9600.0 $0.0223 $0.00 1.0 954 9600.0 9600.00
2017-08-03 Buy CDL Hospitality Trust 700.0 $1.2800 $0.00 1.0 966 1000.0 1700.00
2017-08-03 Div CDL Hospitality Trust 1700.0 $0.0410 $0.00 1.0 990 1700.0 1700.00
2017-08-03 Sell CDL Hospitality Trust 1700.0 $1.5750 $6.40 1.0 991 1700.0 0.00
2017-08-03 Sell K1 Ventures 27000.0 $0.7500 $48.60 1.0 987 27000.0 0.00
2017-08-04 Buy Sinwa 20000.0 $0.2350 $11.00 1.0 0 0.0 20000.00
2017-08-07 Sell Hotung 7000.0 $2.2600 $37.17 1.0 978 7000.0 0.00
2017-08-07 Buy Kingsmen Creatives 1900.0 $0.6050 $2.70 1.0 769 0.0 1900.00
2017-08-07 Buy Global Testing 3000.0 $1.2950 $9.10 1.0 979 15950.0 18950.00
2017-08-07 Buy Sinwa 10000.0 $0.2350 $5.52 1.0 994 20000.0 30000.00
2017-08-07 Buy Kingsmen Creatives 5000.0 $0.6100 $7.16 1.0 996 1900.0 6900.00
2017-08-07 Buy Kingsmen Creatives 7000.0 $0.6050 $10.00 1.0 999 6900.0 13900.00
2017-08-07 Div Singapore Shipping Corp 11000.0 $0.0100 $0.00 1.0 988 11000.0 11000.00
2017-08-10 Buy Sinwa 20000.0 $0.2350 $11.00 1.0 998 30000.0 50000.00
2017-08-10 Buy Kingsmen Creatives 10000.0 $0.6100 $14.30 1.0 1000 13900.0 23900.00
2017-08-10 Buy Singapore Shipping Corp 20000.0 $0.2800 $13.16 1.0 1001 11000.0 31000.00
2017-08-11 Div EC World REIT 30600.0 $0.0154 $0.00 1.0 969 30600.0 30600.00
2017-08-11 Sell EC World REIT 5000.0 $0.7800 $9.10 1.0 1005 30600.0 25600.00
2017-08-11 Sell EC World REIT 10600.0 $0.7850 $19.55 1.0 1006 25600.0 15000.00
2017-08-11 Sell Kingsmen Creatives 23900.0 $0.6050 $34.00 1.0 1003 23900.0 0.00
2017-08-15 Sell Global Testing 100.0 $1.2100 $0.28 1.0 997 18950.0 18850.00
2017-08-15 Sell Global Testing 100.0 $1.1000 $0.26 1.0 1009 18850.0 18750.00
2017-08-15 Sell Global Testing 1800.0 $1.0800 $4.56 1.0 1010 18750.0 16950.00
2017-08-16 Div IREIT Global 47000.0 $0.0289 $0.00 1.0 928 47000.0 47000.00
2017-08-22 Sell Koda 5000.0 $1.1900 $14.00 1.0 977 11500.0 6500.00
2017-08-24 Div Sinwa 50000.0 $0.0050 $0.00 1.0 1002 50000.0 50000.00
2017-08-25 Buy Singapore Shipping Corp 20000.0 $0.2850 $13.40 1.0 1004 31000.0 51000.00
2017-08-25 Buy Sinwa 20000.0 $0.2300 $10.80 1.0 1014 50000.0 70000.00
2017-09-06 Sell Global Testing 3900.0 $1.0800 $9.90 1.0 1011 16950.0 13050.00
2017-09-07 Sell Frasers Centerpoint Limited 4000.0 $2.1100 $19.80 1.0 951 19000.0 15000.00
2017-09-14 Buy Singtel 5000.0 $3.6600 $48.00 1.0 975 0.0 5000.00
2017-09-18 Buy GL Limited 15000.0 $0.7350 $26.00 1.0 0 0.0 15000.00
2017-09-19 Buy GL Limited 5000.0 $0.7400 $8.70 1.0 1020 15000.0 20000.00
2017-09-19 Sell Hotel Grand Central 300.0 $1.3400 $27.00 1.0 962 6000.0 5700.00
2017-09-20 Sell Hotel Grand Central 500.0 $1.3300 $2.00 1.0 1022 5700.0 5200.00
2017-09-20 Sell Hotel Grand Central 5200.0 $1.3200 $0.00 1.0 1023 5200.0 0.00
2017-09-20 Buy GL Limited 10000.0 $0.7400 $17.39 1.0 1021 20000.0 30000.00
2017-09-21 Buy GL Limited 5000.0 $0.8100 $9.50 1.0 1025 30000.0 35000.00
2017-09-22 Buy Mapletree Commercial Trust 3400.0 $1.5200 $12.10 1.0 989 9600.0 13000.00
2017-09-25 Buy Mapletree Commercial Trust 4000.0 $1.5150 $14.24 1.0 1027 13000.0 17000.00
2017-10-02 Buy Mapletree Commercial Trust 3000.0 $1.5350 $10.80 1.0 1028 17000.0 20000.00
2017-10-03 Buy Singtel 2000.0 $3.7000 $17.40 1.0 1019 5000.0 7000.00
2017-10-05 Buy Vicom 1500.0 $5.7000 $20.00 1.0 0 0.0 1500.00
2017-10-09 Buy Singtel 2000.0 $3.6800 $17.20 1.0 1030 7000.0 9000.00
2017-10-13 Buy Vicom 500.0 $5.7100 $6.70 1.0 1031 1500.0 2000.00
2017-10-16 Buy Yangzijiang 10000.0 $1.5150 $35.60 1.0 355 0.0 10000.00
2017-10-20 Buy Straco 10000.0 $0.8550 $20.00 1.0 980 11000.0 21000.00
2017-10-26 Buy Vicom 1000.0 $5.7600 $13.53 1.0 1033 2000.0 3000.00
2017-10-31 Buy Koda 6500.0 $0.0000 $0.00 1.0 1013 6500.0 13000.00
Cost of Yield on
Transacted Previous Cost of Cumulative Gains/Losses
Transaction Transactio Cash Flow
Value Cost Transaction Cost from Sale
(per unit) n
$1,625.00 $0.00 - - $1,625.00 $0.00 0.00% -$1,625.00
$2,065.39 $0.00 - - $2,065.39 $0.00 0.00% -$2,065.39
$60.00 $2,065.39 - - $2,065.39 $60.00 2.91% $60.00
$24.00 $1,625.00 - - $1,625.00 $24.00 1.48% $24.00
$27.00 $1,625.00 - - $1,625.00 $27.00 1.66% $27.00
$1,164.00 $0.00 - - $1,164.00 $0.00 0.00% -$1,164.00
$60.00 $2,065.39 - - $2,065.39 $60.00 2.91% $60.00
$28.40 $1,625.00 - - $1,625.00 $28.40 1.75% $28.40
$22.00 $1,164.00 - - $1,164.00 $22.00 1.89% $22.00
$2,131.00 $1,625.00 - - $3,756.00 $0.00 0.00% -$2,131.00
$30.30 $3,756.00 - - $3,756.00 $30.30 0.81% $30.30
$1,977.43 $1,164.00 - - $3,141.43 $0.00 0.00% -$1,977.43
$60.00 $2,065.39 - - $2,065.39 $60.00 2.91% $60.00
$1,991.70 $0.00 - - $1,991.70 $0.00 0.00% -$1,991.70
$57.80 $3,756.00 - - $3,756.00 $57.80 1.54% $57.80
$93.00 $3,141.43 - - $3,141.43 $93.00 2.96% $93.00
$1,913.00 $1,991.70 $1,991.70 $4.4260 $0.00 $78.70 -3.95% $1,913.00
$58.40 $3,756.00 - - $3,756.00 $58.40 1.55% $58.40
$4,253.00 $3,756.00 $3,756.00 $1.8780 $0.00 $497.00 13.23% $4,253.00
$60.00 $2,065.39 - - $2,065.39 $60.00 2.91% $60.00
$1,226.97 $2,065.39 - - $3,292.36 $0.00 0.00% -$1,226.97
$118.50 $3,141.43 - - $3,141.43 $118.50 3.77% $118.50
$2,718.00 $3,141.43 $3,141.43 $1.0471 $0.00 $423.43 -13.48% $2,718.00
$100.00 $3,292.36 - - $3,292.36 $100.00 3.04% $100.00
$1,067.00 $0.00 - - $1,067.00 $0.00 0.00% -$1,067.00
$100.00 $3,292.36 - - $3,292.36 $100.00 3.04% $100.00
$30.80 $0.00 - - $30.80 $0.00 0.00% -$30.80
$75.00 $3,292.36 - - $3,292.36 $75.00 2.28% $75.00
$1,201.00 $0.00 - - $1,201.00 $0.00 0.00% -$1,201.00
$11.00 $30.80 - - $41.80 $0.00 0.00% -$11.00
$50.00 $3,292.36 - - $3,292.36 $50.00 1.52% $50.00
$1,627.00 $0.00 - - $1,627.00 $0.00 0.00% -$1,627.00
$15.20 $1,201.00 - - $1,201.00 $15.20 1.27% $15.20
$50.00 $3,292.36 - - $3,292.36 $50.00 1.52% $50.00
$49.20 $1,627.00 - - $1,627.00 $49.20 3.02% $49.20
$1,163.00 $3,292.36 $1,316.94 $0.6585 $1,975.42 $153.94 -11.69% $1,163.00
$1,597.00 $0.00 - - $1,597.00 $0.00 0.00% -$1,597.00
$18.60 $1,201.00 - - $1,201.00 $18.60 1.55% $18.60
$20.00 $1,597.00 - - $1,597.00 $20.00 1.25% $20.00
$1,377.45 $0.00 - - $1,377.45 $0.00 0.00% -$1,377.45
$1,122.45 $1,377.45 - - $2,499.90 $0.00 0.00% -$1,122.45
$1,797.65 $0.00 - - $1,797.65 $0.00 0.00% -$1,797.65
$30.00 $1,975.42 - - $1,975.42 $30.00 1.52% $30.00
$19.20 $1,201.00 - - $1,201.00 $19.20 1.60% $19.20
$85.00 $1,797.65 - - $1,797.65 $85.00 4.73% $85.00
$65.00 $1,627.00 - - $1,627.00 $65.00 4.00% $65.00
$10.00 $1,597.00 - - $1,597.00 $10.00 0.63% $10.00
$1.20 $41.80 - - $41.80 $1.20 2.87% $1.20
$22.20 $1,201.00 - - $1,201.00 $22.20 1.85% $22.20
$1,587.54 $1,797.65 - - $3,385.19 $0.00 0.00% -$1,587.54
$170.00 $3,385.19 - - $3,385.19 $170.00 5.02% $170.00
$61.56 $2,499.90 - - $2,499.90 $61.56 2.46% $61.56
$20.00 $1,627.00 - - $1,627.00 $20.00 1.23% $20.00
$23.50 $1,201.00 - - $1,201.00 $23.50 1.96% $23.50
$1,077.00 $1,201.00 - - $2,278.00 $0.00 0.00% -$1,077.00
$987.00 $3,385.19 - - $4,372.19 $0.00 0.00% -$987.00
$2,058.00 $0.00 - - $2,058.00 $0.00 0.00% -$2,058.00
$1,842.50 $2,058.00 $2,058.00 $2.0580 $0.00 $215.50 -10.47% $1,842.50
$70.50 $2,278.00 - - $2,278.00 $70.50 3.09% $70.50
$180.00 $4,372.19 - - $4,372.19 $180.00 4.12% $180.00
$70.50 $2,278.00 - - $2,278.00 $70.50 3.09% $70.50
$97.00 $1,627.00 - - $1,724.00 $0.00 0.00% -$97.00
$20.00 $1,724.00 - - $1,724.00 $20.00 1.16% $20.00
$0.50 $41.80 - - $41.80 $0.50 1.20% $0.50
$15.00 $1,975.42 - - $1,975.42 $15.00 0.76% $15.00
$56.25 $2,278.00 - - $2,278.00 $56.25 2.47% $56.25
$90.00 $4,372.19 - - $4,372.19 $90.00 2.06% $90.00
$7.50 $1,975.42 - - $1,975.42 $7.50 0.38% $7.50
$45.30 $2,278.00 - - $2,278.00 $45.30 1.99% $45.30
$1,598.00 $2,499.90 $2,083.25 $0.4167 $416.65 $485.25 -23.29% $1,598.00
$1,230.00 $2,278.00 $2,278.00 $0.7593 $0.00 $1,048.00 -46.01% $1,230.00
$6,149.85 $0.00 - - $6,149.85 $0.00 0.00% -$6,149.85
$5,849.85 $0.00 - - $5,849.85 $0.00 0.00% -$5,849.85
$2,880.00 $4,372.19 $4,372.19 $0.7287 $0.00 $1,492.19 -34.13% $2,880.00
$9,729.00 $0.00 - - $9,729.00 $0.00 0.00% -$9,729.00
$4,154.00 $0.00 - - $4,154.00 $0.00 0.00% -$4,154.00
$3,029.00 $0.00 - - $3,029.00 $0.00 0.00% -$3,029.00
$4,249.00 $0.00 - - $4,249.00 $0.00 0.00% -$4,249.00
$228.90 $9,729.00 - - $9,729.00 $228.90 2.35% $228.90
$9,621.00 $9,729.00 $9,729.00 $1.9458 $0.00 $108.00 -1.11% $9,621.00
$75.00 $6,149.85 - - $6,149.85 $75.00 1.22% $75.00
$4,389.00 $4,249.00 - - $8,638.00 $0.00 0.00% -$4,389.00
$3,240.00 $6,149.85 - - $9,389.85 $0.00 0.00% -$3,240.00
$2,399.00 $8,638.00 - - $11,037.00 $0.00 0.00% -$2,399.00
$216.00 $5,849.85 - - $5,849.85 $216.00 3.69% $216.00
$200.00 $11,037.00 - - $11,037.00 $200.00 1.81% $200.00
$95.00 $4,154.00 - - $4,154.00 $95.00 2.29% $95.00
$100.00 $3,029.00 - - $3,029.00 $100.00 3.30% $100.00
$4,096.00 $4,154.00 $4,154.00 $0.8308 $0.00 $58.00 -1.40% $4,096.00
$2,710.00 $0.00 - - $2,710.00 $0.00 0.00% -$2,710.00
$0.00 $1,724.00 - - $1,724.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00
$33.00 $1,724.00 - - $1,724.00 $33.00 1.91% $33.00
$15.00 $1,975.42 - - $1,975.42 $15.00 0.76% $15.00
$6,120.00 $5,849.85 $5,849.85 $1.9500 $0.00 $270.15 4.62% $6,120.00
$10.05 $416.65 - - $416.65 $10.05 2.41% $10.05
$1.60 $41.80 - - $41.80 $1.60 3.83% $1.60
$2,149.00 $11,037.00 - - $13,186.00 $0.00 0.00% -$2,149.00
$8,770.00 $9,389.85 $8,346.53 $1.0433 $1,043.32 $423.47 5.07% $8,770.00
$3,121.00 $3,029.00 $3,029.00 $0.6058 $0.00 $92.00 3.04% $3,121.00
$4,129.00 $0.00 - - $4,129.00 $0.00 0.00% -$4,129.00
$1,928.80 $0.00 - - $1,928.80 $0.00 0.00% -$1,928.80
$3,388.80 $4,129.00 - - $7,517.80 $0.00 0.00% -$3,388.80
$250.00 $13,186.00 - - $13,186.00 $250.00 1.90% $250.00
$1,948.80 $1,928.80 - - $3,877.60 $0.00 0.00% -$1,948.80
$25.00 $1,043.32 - - $1,043.32 $25.00 2.40% $25.00
$41.80 $2,710.00 - - $2,710.00 $41.80 1.54% $41.80
$172.80 $7,517.80 - - $7,517.80 $172.80 2.30% $172.80
$300.00 $13,186.00 - - $13,186.00 $300.00 2.28% $300.00
$12.50 $1,043.32 - - $1,043.32 $12.50 1.20% $12.50
$15.23 $416.65 - - $416.65 $15.23 3.66% $15.23
$1,747.00 $0.00 - - $1,747.00 $0.00 0.00% -$1,747.00
$7.50 $1,975.42 - - $1,975.42 $7.50 0.38% $7.50
$2,177.00 $0.00 - - $2,177.00 $0.00 0.00% -$2,177.00
$0.00 $1,067.00 - - $1,067.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00
$2,227.00 $2,177.00 - - $4,404.00 $0.00 0.00% -$2,227.00
$45.00 $2,710.00 - - $2,710.00 $45.00 1.66% $45.00
$80.00 $1,747.00 - - $1,747.00 $80.00 4.58% $80.00
$146.00 $3,877.60 - - $3,877.60 $146.00 3.77% $146.00
$174.60 $7,517.80 - - $7,517.80 $174.60 2.32% $174.60
$12.50 $1,043.32 - - $1,043.32 $12.50 1.20% $12.50
$5,627.00 $7,517.80 - - $13,144.80 $0.00 0.00% -$5,627.00
$1,708.00 $1,747.00 - - $3,455.00 $0.00 0.00% -$1,708.00
$300.00 $13,186.00 - - $13,186.00 $300.00 2.28% $300.00
$79.60 $4,404.00 - - $4,404.00 $79.60 1.81% $79.60
$1,403.00 $13,144.80 - - $14,547.80 $0.00 0.00% -$1,403.00
$15,403.80 $0.00 - - $15,403.80 $0.00 0.00% -$15,403.80
$2,968.00 $3,877.60 - - $6,845.60 $0.00 0.00% -$2,968.00
$2,599.00 $13,186.00 - - $15,785.00 $0.00 0.00% -$2,599.00
$47.60 $2,710.00 - - $2,710.00 $47.60 1.76% $47.60
$2,937.00 $6,845.60 - - $9,782.60 $0.00 0.00% -$2,937.00
$5,790.00 $9,782.60 $5,869.56 $0.9783 $3,913.04 $79.56 -1.36% $5,790.00
$9,119.00 $15,403.80 $9,242.28 $3.0808 $6,161.52 $123.28 -1.33% $9,119.00
$3,351.00 $2,710.00 $2,710.00 $1.3550 $0.00 $641.00 23.65% $3,351.00
$12.50 $1,043.32 - - $1,043.32 $12.50 1.20% $12.50
$200.10 $14,547.80 - - $14,547.80 $200.10 1.38% $200.10
$15,068.00 $14,547.80 $13,282.77 $0.6325 $1,265.03 $1,785.23 13.44% $15,068.00
$135.60 $3,913.04 - - $3,913.04 $135.60 3.47% $135.60
$10,363.00 $15,785.00 $9,020.00 $2.2550 $6,765.00 $1,343.00 14.89% $10,363.00
$2,899.00 $6,161.52 - - $9,060.52 $0.00 0.00% -$2,899.00
$160.00 $3,455.00 - - $3,455.00 $160.00 4.63% $160.00
$2,848.80 $3,913.04 - - $6,761.84 $0.00 0.00% -$2,848.80
$5,548.80 $0.00 - - $5,548.80 $0.00 0.00% -$5,548.80
$6,029.80 $9,060.52 - - $15,090.32 $0.00 0.00% -$6,029.80
$5,040.00 $5,548.80 $5,548.80 $1.8496 $0.00 $508.80 -9.17% $5,040.00
$2,746.20 $6,761.84 $2,897.93 $0.9660 $3,863.91 $151.73 -5.24% $2,746.20
$2,571.00 $6,765.00 $2,255.00 $2.2550 $4,510.00 $316.00 14.01% $2,571.00
$5,750.00 $15,090.32 $6,036.13 $3.0181 $9,054.19 $286.13 -4.74% $5,750.00
$102.00 $4,404.00 - - $4,404.00 $102.00 2.32% $102.00
$3,859.00 $0.00 - - $3,859.00 $0.00 0.00% -$3,859.00
$5,911.00 $9,054.19 - - $14,965.19 $0.00 0.00% -$5,911.00
$57.00 $4,404.00 - - $4,404.00 $57.00 1.29% $57.00
$2,833.80 $3,863.91 - - $6,697.71 $0.00 0.00% -$2,833.80
$2,988.00 $1,265.03 - - $4,253.03 $0.00 0.00% -$2,988.00
$2,848.00 $0.00 - - $2,848.00 $0.00 0.00% -$2,848.00
$2,988.00 $4,253.03 - - $7,241.03 $0.00 0.00% -$2,988.00
$2,968.00 $7,241.03 - - $10,209.03 $0.00 0.00% -$2,968.00
$3,648.00 $0.00 - - $3,648.00 $0.00 0.00% -$3,648.00
$2,818.00 $2,848.00 - - $5,666.00 $0.00 0.00% -$2,818.00
$4,408.00 $10,209.03 - - $14,617.03 $0.00 0.00% -$4,408.00
$100.00 $4,510.00 - - $4,510.00 $100.00 2.22% $100.00
$6,530.00 $0.00 - - $6,530.00 $0.00 0.00% -$6,530.00
$51.00 $4,404.00 - - $4,404.00 $51.00 1.16% $51.00
$316.00 $14,617.03 - - $14,617.03 $316.00 2.16% $316.00
$3,728.63 $14,617.03 - - $18,345.66 $0.00 0.00% -$3,728.63
$3,353.63 $0.00 - - $3,353.63 $0.00 0.00% -$3,353.63
$7.50 $1,975.42 - - $1,975.42 $7.50 0.38% $7.50
$70.00 $3,859.00 - - $3,859.00 $70.00 1.81% $70.00
$136.64 $6,697.71 - - $6,697.71 $136.64 2.04% $136.64
$36.30 $1,724.00 - - $1,724.00 $36.30 2.11% $36.30
$2.00 $41.80 - - $41.80 $2.00 4.78% $2.00
$8.32 $416.65 - - $416.65 $8.32 2.00% $8.32
$1,387.00 $0.00 - - $1,387.00 $0.00 0.00% -$1,387.00
$3,767.00 $5,666.00 - - $9,433.00 $0.00 0.00% -$3,767.00
$304.00 $9,433.00 - - $9,433.00 $304.00 3.22% $304.00
$2,772.00 $9,433.00 - - $12,205.00 $0.00 0.00% -$2,772.00
$100.00 $4,510.00 - - $4,510.00 $100.00 2.22% $100.00
$6,333.00 $6,530.00 $6,530.00 $3.2650 $0.00 $197.00 -3.02% $6,333.00
$90.00 $3,648.00 - - $3,648.00 $90.00 2.47% $90.00
$3,173.00 $3,648.00 $3,648.00 $1.8240 $0.00 $475.00 -13.02% $3,173.00
$3,373.00 $3,353.63 $3,353.63 $0.6707 $0.00 $19.37 0.58% $3,373.00
$6,192.00 $14,965.19 $5,986.08 $2.9930 $8,979.12 $205.92 3.44% $6,192.00
$3,732.00 $6,697.71 $3,827.26 $0.9568 $2,870.45 $95.26 -2.49% $3,732.00
$1,573.00 $3,455.00 $1,727.50 $0.2159 $1,727.50 $154.50 -8.94% $1,573.00
$6,172.00 $18,345.66 $5,870.61 $0.7338 $12,475.05 $301.39 5.13% $6,172.00
$4,572.00 $12,205.00 $4,694.23 $0.9388 $7,510.77 $122.23 -2.60% $4,572.00
$3,822.00 $12,475.05 $3,669.13 $0.7338 $8,805.91 $152.87 4.17% $3,822.00
$6,072.00 $8,979.12 $5,986.08 $2.9930 $2,993.04 $85.92 1.44% $6,072.00
$8,098.00 $4,510.00 - - $12,608.00 $0.00 0.00% -$8,098.00
$6,128.00 $2,993.04 - - $9,121.04 $0.00 0.00% -$6,128.00
$9,240.00 $9,121.04 - - $18,361.04 $0.00 0.00% -$9,240.00
$3,084.00 $18,361.04 - - $21,445.04 $0.00 0.00% -$3,084.00
$3,094.00 $21,445.04 - - $24,539.04 $0.00 0.00% -$3,094.00
$2,833.00 $7,510.77 - - $10,343.77 $0.00 0.00% -$2,833.00
$1,472.00 $0.00 - - $1,472.00 $0.00 0.00% -$1,472.00
$3,198.00 $0.00 - - $3,198.00 $0.00 0.00% -$3,198.00
$1,787.65 $0.00 - - $1,787.65 $0.00 0.00% -$1,787.65
$189.60 $8,805.91 - - $8,805.91 $189.60 2.15% $189.60
$62.58 $2,870.45 - - $2,870.45 $62.58 2.18% $62.58
$239.80 $10,343.77 - - $10,343.77 $239.80 2.32% $239.80
$106.00 $4,404.00 - - $4,404.00 $106.00 2.41% $106.00
$9,268.00 $10,343.77 $9,403.43 $0.9403 $940.34 $135.43 -1.44% $9,268.00
$13,399.50 $24,539.04 $12,269.52 $3.0674 $12,269.52 $1,129.98 9.21% $13,399.50
$10,069.50 $12,269.52 $9,202.14 $3.0674 $3,067.38 $867.36 9.43% $10,069.50
$2,882.00 $2,870.45 $2,870.45 $0.9568 $0.00 $11.55 0.40% $2,882.00
$2,972.00 $3,198.00 $3,198.00 $1.0660 $0.00 $226.00 -7.07% $2,972.00
$1,487.00 $1,472.00 $1,472.00 $1.4720 $0.00 $15.00 1.02% $1,487.00
$3,921.00 $3,859.00 $3,859.00 $3.8590 $0.00 $62.00 1.61% $3,921.00
$4,272.00 $4,404.00 $4,404.00 $0.2202 $0.00 $132.00 -3.00% $4,272.00
$11,891.00 $0.00 - - $11,891.00 $0.00 0.00% -$11,891.00
$190.00 $3,067.38 - - $3,067.38 $190.00 6.19% $190.00
$11,029.00 $11,891.00 $11,891.00 $3.9637 $0.00 $862.00 -7.25% $11,029.00
$6,290.00 $8,805.91 $5,870.61 $0.7338 $2,935.30 $419.39 7.14% $6,290.00
$880.00 $416.65 $416.65 $0.4167 $0.00 $463.35 111.21% $880.00
$793.00 $1,724.00 $1,424.79 $0.7124 $299.21 $631.79 -44.34% $793.00
$1,497.00 $0.00 - - $1,497.00 $0.00 0.00% -$1,497.00
$4,544.00 $940.34 - - $5,484.34 $0.00 0.00% -$4,544.00
$2,988.00 $3,067.38 - - $6,055.38 $0.00 0.00% -$2,988.00
$3,008.00 $6,055.38 - - $9,063.38 $0.00 0.00% -$3,008.00
$6,229.00 $2,935.30 - - $9,164.30 $0.00 0.00% -$6,229.00
$12.50 $1,043.32 - - $1,043.32 $12.50 1.20% $12.50
$7,918.00 $12,608.00 $7,564.80 $2.5216 $5,043.20 $353.20 4.67% $7,918.00
$1,702.00 $5,484.34 $1,828.11 $0.9141 $3,656.23 $126.11 -6.90% $1,702.00
$5,870.00 $9,063.38 $6,042.25 $3.0211 $3,021.13 $172.25 -2.85% $5,870.00
$1,532.00 $1,727.50 $1,727.50 $0.2159 $0.00 $195.50 -11.32% $1,532.00
$5,768.00 $3,021.13 - - $8,789.13 $0.00 0.00% -$5,768.00
$8,051.00 $5,043.20 - - $13,094.20 $0.00 0.00% -$8,051.00
$4,504.00 $3,656.23 - - $8,160.23 $0.00 0.00% -$4,504.00
$250.00 $13,094.20 - - $13,094.20 $250.00 1.91% $250.00
$7,720.00 $9,164.30 $7,636.92 $0.7637 $1,527.38 $83.08 1.09% $7,720.00
$8,010.00 $13,094.20 $7,856.52 $2.6188 $5,237.68 $153.48 1.95% $8,010.00
$0.00 $0.00 - - $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00
$4,620.00 $1,527.38 - - $6,147.38 $0.00 0.00% -$4,620.00
$8,640.00 $0.00 - - $8,640.00 $0.00 0.00% -$8,640.00
$8,090.00 $0.00 - - $8,090.00 $0.00 0.00% -$8,090.00
$82.50 $1,787.65 - - $1,787.65 $82.50 4.61% $82.50
$9,270.00 $8,640.00 $8,640.00 $8.6400 $0.00 $630.00 7.29% $9,270.00
$8,570.00 $8,090.00 $8,090.00 $4.0450 $0.00 $480.00 5.93% $8,570.00
$8,070.00 $8,160.23 $8,160.23 $0.9067 $0.00 $90.23 -1.11% $8,070.00
$17,340.00 $0.00 - - $17,340.00 $0.00 0.00% -$17,340.00
$16,980.00 $17,340.00 $17,340.00 $8.6700 $0.00 $360.00 -2.08% $16,980.00
$1,799.00 $0.00 - - $1,799.00 $0.00 0.00% -$1,799.00
$8,650.00 $0.00 - - $8,650.00 $0.00 0.00% -$8,650.00
$4,650.00 $6,147.38 - - $10,797.38 $0.00 0.00% -$4,650.00
$3,090.00 $8,789.13 - - $11,879.13 $0.00 0.00% -$3,090.00
$8,500.00 $8,650.00 $8,650.00 $8.6500 $0.00 $150.00 -1.73% $8,500.00
$2,295.73 $0.00 - - $2,295.73 $0.00 0.00% -$2,295.73
$481.20 $0.00 - - $481.20 $0.00 0.00% -$481.20
$2,334.20 $2,295.73 $2,295.73 $1.1479 $0.00 $38.47 1.68% $2,334.20
$2,913.00 $10,797.38 $3,084.97 $0.7712 $7,712.42 $171.97 -5.57% $2,913.00
$6,313.00 $11,879.13 $5,939.56 $2.9698 $5,939.56 $373.44 6.29% $6,313.00
$365.91 $0.00 - - $365.91 $0.00 0.00% -$365.91
$7,230.00 $0.00 - - $7,230.00 $0.00 0.00% -$7,230.00
$736.76 $7,712.42 - - $8,449.18 $0.00 0.00% -$736.76
$1,017.44 $0.00 - - $1,017.44 $0.00 0.00% -$1,017.44
$481.20 $481.20 - - $962.40 $0.00 0.00% -$481.20
$756.81 $8,449.18 - - $9,205.99 $0.00 0.00% -$756.81
$756.81 $9,205.99 - - $9,962.80 $0.00 0.00% -$756.81
$771.84 $9,962.80 - - $10,734.64 $0.00 0.00% -$771.84
$972.33 $962.40 - - $1,934.73 $0.00 0.00% -$972.33
$1,052.52 $1,017.44 - - $2,069.96 $0.00 0.00% -$1,052.52
$7,590.00 $0.00 - - $7,590.00 $0.00 0.00% -$7,590.00
$1,513.62 $0.00 - - $1,513.62 $0.00 0.00% -$1,513.62
$496.19 $1,934.73 - - $2,430.92 $0.00 0.00% -$496.19
$967.32 $0.00 - - $967.32 $0.00 0.00% -$967.32
$2,154.82 $2,069.96 $2,069.96 $1.0350 $0.00 $84.86 4.10% $2,154.82
$1,451.51 $1,513.62 $1,513.62 $1.5136 $0.00 $62.12 -4.10% $1,451.51
$932.76 $967.32 $967.32 $0.9673 $0.00 $34.56 -3.57% $932.76
$581.39 $1,799.00 - - $2,380.39 $0.00 0.00% -$581.39
$3,687.00 $0.00 - - $3,687.00 $0.00 0.00% -$3,687.00
$6,014.00 $0.00 - - $6,014.00 $0.00 0.00% -$6,014.00
$581.39 $2,380.39 - - $2,961.78 $0.00 0.00% -$581.39
$857.05 $0.00 - - $857.05 $0.00 0.00% -$857.05
$1,012.53 $2,430.92 - - $3,443.44 $0.00 0.00% -$1,012.53
$1,724.30 $857.05 - - $2,581.35 $0.00 0.00% -$1,724.30
$2,044.90 $0.00 - - $2,044.90 $0.00 0.00% -$2,044.90
$3,748.00 $3,687.00 - - $7,435.00 $0.00 0.00% -$3,748.00
$9,723.00 $7,230.00 - - $16,953.00 $0.00 0.00% -$9,723.00
$5,309.00 $0.00 - - $5,309.00 $0.00 0.00% -$5,309.00
$268.80 $10,734.64 - - $10,734.64 $268.80 2.50% $268.80
$5,091.00 $5,309.00 $5,309.00 $2.6545 $0.00 $218.00 -4.11% $5,091.00
$9,297.00 $16,953.00 $8,476.50 $8.4765 $8,476.50 $820.50 9.68% $9,297.00
$9,163.00 $8,476.50 - - $17,639.50 $0.00 0.00% -$9,163.00
$8,997.00 $17,639.50 $8,819.75 $8.8198 $8,819.75 $177.25 2.01% $8,997.00
$125.00 $2,961.78 - - $2,961.78 $125.00 4.22% $125.00
$591.48 $2,961.78 - - $3,553.26 $0.00 0.00% -$591.48
$977.44 $0.00 - - $977.44 $0.00 0.00% -$977.44
$32.00 $365.91 - - $365.91 $32.00 8.75% $32.00
$711.78 $365.91 - - $1,077.69 $0.00 0.00% -$711.78
$516.29 $3,443.44 - - $3,959.73 $0.00 0.00% -$516.29
$120.00 $7,435.00 - - $7,435.00 $120.00 1.61% $120.00
$12.50 $1,043.32 - - $1,043.32 $12.50 1.20% $12.50
$576.44 $3,553.26 - - $4,129.69 $0.00 0.00% -$576.44
$345.86 $1,077.69 - - $1,423.55 $0.00 0.00% -$345.86
$100.00 $5,237.68 - - $5,237.68 $100.00 1.91% $100.00
$3,612.00 $7,435.00 $3,717.50 $3.7175 $3,717.50 $105.50 -2.84% $3,612.00
$3,972.00 $6,014.00 $4,009.33 $2.0047 $2,004.67 $37.33 -0.93% $3,972.00
$8,048.00 $7,590.00 $7,590.00 $3.7950 $0.00 $458.00 6.03% $8,048.00
$1,934.83 $977.44 - - $2,912.26 $0.00 0.00% -$1,934.83
$907.26 $2,044.90 - - $2,952.16 $0.00 0.00% -$907.26
$2,541.34 $2,581.35 - - $5,122.69 $0.00 0.00% -$2,541.34
$1,685.78 $5,122.69 $1,707.56 $0.8538 $3,415.13 $21.79 -1.28% $1,685.78
$812.03 $0.00 - - $812.03 $0.00 0.00% -$812.03
$240.60 $0.00 - - $240.60 $0.00 0.00% -$240.60
$2,100.60 $0.00 - - $2,100.60 $0.00 0.00% -$2,100.60
$718.20 $2,100.60 $700.20 $0.3501 $1,400.40 $18.00 2.57% $718.20
$832.91 $3,415.13 $853.78 $0.8538 $2,561.34 $20.87 -2.44% $832.91
$3,032.40 $10,734.64 $3,067.04 $0.7668 $7,667.60 $34.64 -1.13% $3,032.40
$250.63 $240.60 - - $491.23 $0.00 0.00% -$250.63
$491.23 $0.00 - - $491.23 $0.00 0.00% -$491.23
$275.69 $491.23 - - $766.91 $0.00 0.00% -$275.69
$3,834.56 $7,667.60 - - $11,502.16 $0.00 0.00% -$3,834.56
$566.41 $0.00 - - $566.41 $0.00 0.00% -$566.41
$3,087.70 $11,502.16 - - $14,589.86 $0.00 0.00% -$3,087.70
$2,075.18 $2,952.16 - - $5,027.33 $0.00 0.00% -$2,075.18
$1,293.23 $4,129.69 - - $5,422.92 $0.00 0.00% -$1,293.23
$2,817.03 $5,237.68 - - $8,054.71 $0.00 0.00% -$2,817.03
$571.43 $566.41 - - $1,137.84 $0.00 0.00% -$571.43
$34.80 $2,004.67 - - $2,004.67 $34.80 1.74% $34.80
$51.00 $2,561.34 - - $2,561.34 $51.00 1.99% $51.00
$366.70 $14,589.86 - - $14,589.86 $366.70 2.51% $366.70
$2,837.08 $8,054.71 - - $10,891.78 $0.00 0.00% -$2,837.08
$78.00 $2,912.26 - - $2,912.26 $78.00 2.68% $78.00
$1,649.11 $0.00 - - $1,649.11 $0.00 0.00% -$1,649.11
$12.50 $1,043.32 - - $1,043.32 $12.50 1.20% $12.50
$2,867.15 $10,891.78 - - $13,758.93 $0.00 0.00% -$2,867.15
$8.00 $491.23 - - $491.23 $8.00 1.63% $8.00
$225.56 $0.00 - - $225.56 $0.00 0.00% -$225.56
$21.20 $1,400.40 - - $1,400.40 $21.20 1.51% $21.20
$82.50 $1,787.65 - - $1,787.65 $82.50 4.61% $82.50
$731.83 $0.00 - - $731.83 $0.00 0.00% -$731.83
$2,493.75 $5,027.33 $2,010.93 $1.0055 $3,016.40 $482.82 24.01% $2,493.75
$15.00 $731.83 - - $731.83 $15.00 2.05% $15.00
$360.90 $731.83 - - $1,092.73 $0.00 0.00% -$360.90
$220.00 $3,959.73 - - $3,959.73 $220.00 5.56% $220.00
$862.15 $812.03 - - $1,674.18 $0.00 0.00% -$862.15
$295.74 $766.91 - - $1,062.65 $0.00 0.00% -$295.74
$220.55 $225.56 - - $446.11 $0.00 0.00% -$220.55
$401.02 $1,092.73 - - $1,493.75 $0.00 0.00% -$401.02
$220.55 $446.11 - - $666.66 $0.00 0.00% -$220.55
$9.90 $666.66 - - $666.66 $9.90 1.49% $9.90
$205.51 $666.66 - - $872.18 $0.00 0.00% -$205.51
$704.00 $1,787.65 - - $2,491.65 $0.00 0.00% -$704.00
$1,472.00 $2,491.65 - - $3,963.65 $0.00 0.00% -$1,472.00
$250.00 $13,758.93 - - $13,758.93 $250.00 1.82% $250.00
$35.00 $2,004.67 - - $2,004.67 $35.00 1.75% $35.00
$260.00 $8,819.75 - - $8,819.75 $260.00 2.95% $260.00
$51.00 $2,561.34 - - $2,561.34 $51.00 1.99% $51.00
$366.70 $14,589.86 - - $14,589.86 $366.70 2.51% $366.70
$60.00 $1,649.11 - - $1,649.11 $60.00 3.64% $60.00
$7.50 $1,975.42 - - $1,975.42 $7.50 0.38% $7.50
$73.50 $1,497.00 - - $1,497.00 $73.50 4.91% $73.50
$81.00 $2,912.26 - - $2,912.26 $81.00 2.78% $81.00
$60.00 $1,387.00 - - $1,387.00 $60.00 4.33% $60.00
$3,411.45 $3,016.40 $3,016.40 $1.0055 $0.00 $395.05 13.10% $3,411.45
$27.60 $1,400.40 - - $1,400.40 $27.60 1.97% $27.60
$40.00 $1,062.65 - - $1,062.65 $40.00 3.76% $40.00
$50.00 $1,137.84 - - $1,137.84 $50.00 4.39% $50.00
$270.00 $5,422.92 - - $5,422.92 $270.00 4.98% $270.00
$17.30 $2,004.67 - - $2,004.67 $17.30 0.86% $17.30
$250.00 $13,758.93 - - $13,758.93 $250.00 1.82% $250.00
$7.35 $299.21 - - $299.21 $7.35 2.46% $7.35
$1,640.00 $1,062.65 $1,062.65 $0.2657 $0.00 $577.35 54.33% $1,640.00
$10,127.00 $8,819.75 $8,819.75 $8.8198 $0.00 $1,307.25 14.82% $10,127.00
$1,655.85 $1,649.11 $1,649.11 $1.6491 $0.00 $6.74 0.41% $1,655.85
$1.40 $41.80 - - $41.80 $1.40 3.35% $1.40
$802.00 $0.00 - - $802.00 $0.00 0.00% -$802.00
$768.08 $802.00 $802.00 $0.4010 $0.00 $33.93 -4.23% $768.08
$503.74 $3,959.73 $494.97 $0.4950 $3,464.76 $8.77 1.77% $503.74
$1,635.90 $1,493.75 $1,493.75 $0.3734 $0.00 $142.16 9.52% $1,635.90
$4,892.20 $0.00 - - $4,892.20 $0.00 0.00% -$4,892.20
$5,729.00 $0.00 - - $5,729.00 $0.00 0.00% -$5,729.00
$1,536.15 $1,400.40 $1,400.40 $0.3501 $0.00 $135.75 9.69% $1,536.15
$2,466.15 $4,892.20 - - $7,358.35 $0.00 0.00% -$2,466.15
$671.68 $5,422.92 - - $6,094.59 $0.00 0.00% -$671.68
$3,789.45 $0.00 - - $3,789.45 $0.00 0.00% -$3,789.45
$3,799.48 $3,789.45 - - $7,588.93 $0.00 0.00% -$3,799.48
$3,819.53 $7,588.93 - - $11,408.45 $0.00 0.00% -$3,819.53
$25.00 $1,043.32 - - $1,043.32 $25.00 2.40% $25.00
$2,536.33 $7,358.35 - - $9,894.68 $0.00 0.00% -$2,536.33
$1,363.40 $6,094.59 - - $7,457.99 $0.00 0.00% -$1,363.40
$264.00 $9,894.68 - - $9,894.68 $264.00 2.67% $264.00
$9,975.00 $9,894.68 $9,894.68 $2.4737 $0.00 $80.33 0.81% $9,975.00
$150.00 $3,717.50 - - $3,717.50 $150.00 4.03% $150.00
$18.00 $2,004.67 - - $2,004.67 $18.00 0.90% $18.00
$5,991.00 $5,729.00 $5,729.00 $2.8645 $0.00 $262.00 4.57% $5,991.00
$51.00 $2,561.34 - - $2,561.34 $51.00 1.99% $51.00
$366.70 $14,589.86 - - $14,589.86 $366.70 2.51% $366.70
$75.00 $2,912.26 - - $2,912.26 $75.00 2.58% $75.00
$12,119.63 $11,408.45 $11,408.45 $3.8028 $0.00 $711.18 6.23% $12,119.63
$120.00 $1,423.55 - - $1,423.55 $120.00 8.43% $120.00
$696.73 $7,457.99 - - $8,154.72 $0.00 0.00% -$696.73
$60.00 $1,674.18 - - $1,674.18 $60.00 3.58% $60.00
$180.00 $5,939.56 - - $5,939.56 $180.00 3.03% $180.00
$721.80 $8,154.72 - - $8,876.52 $0.00 0.00% -$721.80
$12.50 $1,043.32 - - $1,043.32 $12.50 1.20% $12.50
$250.00 $13,758.93 - - $13,758.93 $250.00 1.82% $250.00
$3,488.70 $0.00 - - $3,488.70 $0.00 0.00% -$3,488.70
$1,443.60 $8,876.52 - - $10,320.12 $0.00 0.00% -$1,443.60
$1,769.41 $3,488.70 - - $5,258.11 $0.00 0.00% -$1,769.41
$3,281.00 $5,939.56 $2,969.78 $2.9698 $2,969.78 $311.22 10.48% $3,281.00
$192.50 $3,464.76 - - $3,464.76 $192.50 5.56% $192.50
$3,561.00 $13,758.93 $2,751.79 $2.7518 $11,007.14 $809.21 29.41% $3,561.00
$210.00 $3,963.65 - - $3,963.65 $210.00 5.30% $210.00
$30.00 $1,137.84 - - $1,137.84 $30.00 2.64% $30.00
$5,864.63 $0.00 - - $5,864.63 $0.00 0.00% -$5,864.63
$2,045.10 $0.00 - - $2,045.10 $0.00 0.00% -$2,045.10
$746.86 $1,137.84 - - $1,884.70 $0.00 0.00% -$746.86
$7,157.85 $2,004.67 - - $9,162.52 $0.00 0.00% -$7,157.85
$5,157.86 $10,320.12 - - $15,477.98 $0.00 0.00% -$5,157.86
$6,194.48 $5,864.63 $5,864.63 $1.9549 $0.00 $329.85 5.62% $6,194.48
$7,361.55 $9,162.52 $6,871.89 $2.2906 $2,290.63 $489.66 7.13% $7,361.55
$731.87 $1,884.70 - - $2,616.57 $0.00 0.00% -$731.87
$632.50 $15,477.98 - - $15,477.98 $632.50 4.09% $632.50
$5,027.10 $15,477.98 $4,710.69 $0.6730 $10,767.29 $316.41 6.72% $5,027.10
$35.30 $2,290.63 - - $2,290.63 $35.30 1.54% $35.30
$51.30 $2,561.34 - - $2,561.34 $51.30 2.00% $51.30
$32.80 $872.18 - - $872.18 $32.80 3.76% $32.80
$319.20 $14,589.86 - - $14,589.86 $319.20 2.19% $319.20
$81.30 $5,258.11 - - $5,258.11 $81.30 1.55% $81.30
$15.20 $491.23 - - $491.23 $15.20 3.09% $15.20
$1,915.09 $2,045.10 $2,045.10 $1.0226 $0.00 $130.01 -6.36% $1,915.09
$4,651.88 $2,290.63 - - $6,942.51 $0.00 0.00% -$4,651.88
$75.00 $2,912.26 - - $2,912.26 $75.00 2.58% $75.00
$70.00 $3,717.50 - - $3,717.50 $70.00 1.88% $70.00
$200.00 $11,007.14 - - $11,007.14 $200.00 1.82% $200.00
$12.50 $1,043.32 - - $1,043.32 $12.50 1.20% $12.50
$193.80 $14,589.86 - - $14,589.86 $193.80 1.33% $193.80
$40.00 $1,674.18 - - $1,674.18 $40.00 2.39% $40.00
$1,423.63 $10,767.29 - - $12,190.93 $0.00 0.00% -$1,423.63
$4,727.87 $6,942.51 $4,628.34 $2.3142 $2,314.17 $99.53 2.15% $4,727.87
$1,954.88 $5,258.11 - - $7,212.99 $0.00 0.00% -$1,954.88
$68.00 $2,969.78 - - $2,969.78 $68.00 2.29% $68.00
$406.07 $1,423.55 - - $1,829.62 $0.00 0.00% -$406.07
$260.67 $1,387.00 - - $1,647.67 $0.00 0.00% -$260.67
$456.16 $0.00 - - $456.16 $0.00 0.00% -$456.16
$1,443.69 $2,616.57 - - $4,060.26 $0.00 0.00% -$1,443.69
$36.20 $2,314.17 - - $2,314.17 $36.20 1.56% $36.20
$1,764.51 $0.00 - - $1,764.51 $0.00 0.00% -$1,764.51
$5,363.70 $14,589.86 - - $19,953.56 $0.00 0.00% -$5,363.70
$51.60 $2,561.34 - - $2,561.34 $51.60 2.01% $51.60
$96.00 $7,212.99 - - $7,212.99 $96.00 1.33% $96.00
$168.00 $19,953.56 - - $19,953.56 $168.00 0.84% $168.00
$1,398.57 $1,764.51 - - $3,163.08 $0.00 0.00% -$1,398.57
$912.33 $3,163.08 - - $4,075.41 $0.00 0.00% -$912.33
$461.18 $4,075.41 - - $4,536.58 $0.00 0.00% -$461.18
$402.50 $3,464.76 - - $3,464.76 $402.50 11.62% $402.50
$872.23 $0.00 - - $872.23 $0.00 0.00% -$872.23
$12.50 $1,043.32 - - $1,043.32 $12.50 1.20% $12.50
$77.40 $2,912.26 - - $2,912.26 $77.40 2.66% $77.40
$466.19 $4,536.58 - - $5,002.77 $0.00 0.00% -$466.19
$461.18 $5,002.77 - - $5,463.95 $0.00 0.00% -$461.18
$1,760.00 $872.18 $872.18 $0.2180 $0.00 $887.83 101.79% $1,760.00
$1,127.88 $0.00 - - $1,127.88 $0.00 0.00% -$1,127.88
$5.00 $491.23 - - $491.23 $5.00 1.02% $5.00
$354.91 $3,963.65 - - $4,318.56 $0.00 0.00% -$354.91
$1,864.76 $5,463.95 - - $7,328.71 $0.00 0.00% -$1,864.76
$922.36 $7,328.71 - - $8,251.07 $0.00 0.00% -$922.36
$922.36 $8,251.07 - - $9,173.42 $0.00 0.00% -$922.36
$225.00 $4,318.56 - - $4,318.56 $225.00 5.21% $225.00
$5,040.14 $4,318.56 $4,318.56 $0.1440 $0.00 $721.58 16.71% $5,040.14
$1,791.00 $1,497.00 $1,497.00 $0.2139 $0.00 $294.00 19.64% $1,791.00
$3,471.00 $2,969.78 $2,969.78 $2.9698 $0.00 $501.22 16.88% $3,471.00
$872.22 $1,647.67 - - $2,519.89 $0.00 0.00% -$872.22
$2,194.37 $9,173.42 $2,293.36 $0.4587 $6,880.07 $98.99 -4.32% $2,194.37
$34.77 $872.23 - - $872.23 $34.77 3.99% $34.77
$887.72 $6,880.07 $917.34 $0.4587 $5,962.72 $29.62 -3.23% $887.72
$11,162.00 $0.00 - - $11,162.00 $0.00 0.00% -$11,162.00
$6,090.00 $11,162.00 $5,581.00 $0.9302 $5,581.00 $509.00 9.12% $6,090.00
$26.90 $2,314.17 - - $2,314.17 $26.90 1.16% $26.90
$6,270.00 $5,581.00 $5,581.00 $0.9302 $0.00 $689.00 12.35% $6,270.00
$621.59 $2,519.89 - - $3,141.47 $0.00 0.00% -$621.59
$1,528.90 $3,141.47 - - $4,670.37 $0.00 0.00% -$1,528.90
$4,224.16 $3,464.76 $3,464.76 $0.4950 $0.00 $759.40 21.92% $4,224.16
$200.00 $11,007.14 - - $11,007.14 $200.00 1.82% $200.00
$3.70 $2,314.17 - - $2,314.17 $3.70 0.16% $3.70
$51.90 $2,561.34 - - $2,561.34 $51.90 2.03% $51.90
$8.40 $299.21 - - $299.21 $8.40 2.81% $8.40
$108.00 $7,212.99 - - $7,212.99 $108.00 1.50% $108.00
$119.70 $2,912.26 - - $2,912.26 $119.70 4.11% $119.70
$417.60 $19,953.56 - - $19,953.56 $417.60 2.09% $417.60
$922.35 $12,190.93 - - $13,113.28 $0.00 0.00% -$922.35
$922.35 $13,113.28 - - $14,035.63 $0.00 0.00% -$922.35
$917.34 $14,035.63 - - $14,952.97 $0.00 0.00% -$917.34
$912.32 $14,952.97 - - $15,865.29 $0.00 0.00% -$912.32
$471.20 $5,962.72 - - $6,433.92 $0.00 0.00% -$471.20
$1.00 $41.80 - - $41.80 $1.00 2.39% $1.00
$237.50 $4,670.37 - - $4,670.37 $237.50 5.09% $237.50
$942.40 $6,433.92 - - $7,376.32 $0.00 0.00% -$942.40
$1,834.68 $15,865.29 - - $17,699.97 $0.00 0.00% -$1,834.68
$15.74 $456.16 - - $456.16 $15.74 3.45% $15.74
$320.00 $7,376.32 - - $7,376.32 $320.00 4.34% $320.00
$660.00 $17,699.97 - - $17,699.97 $660.00 3.73% $660.00
$902.30 $17,699.97 - - $18,602.27 $0.00 0.00% -$902.30
$3,478.88 $0.00 - - $3,478.88 $0.00 0.00% -$3,478.88
$200.00 $11,007.14 - - $11,007.14 $200.00 1.82% $200.00
$237.60 $19,953.56 - - $19,953.56 $237.60 1.19% $237.60
$892.28 $18,602.27 - - $19,494.55 $0.00 0.00% -$892.28
$150.00 $4,060.26 - - $4,060.26 $150.00 3.69% $150.00
$1,784.56 $19,494.55 - - $21,279.10 $0.00 0.00% -$1,784.56
$4,842.36 $2,912.26 - - $7,754.63 $0.00 0.00% -$4,842.36
$4,907.41 $7,754.63 $3,877.31 $1.2924 $3,877.31 $1,030.10 26.57% $4,907.41
$977.49 $0.00 - - $977.49 $0.00 0.00% -$977.49
$982.50 $7,376.32 - - $8,358.82 $0.00 0.00% -$982.50
$1,223.12 $0.00 - - $1,223.12 $0.00 0.00% -$1,223.12
$1,216.88 $1,223.12 $1,223.12 $0.6116 $0.00 $6.24 -0.51% $1,216.88
$2,633.25 $21,279.10 $2,279.90 $0.7600 $18,999.20 $353.35 15.50% $2,633.25
$1,844.71 $7,212.99 - - $9,057.70 $0.00 0.00% -$1,844.71
$3,729.52 $9,057.70 - - $12,787.22 $0.00 0.00% -$3,729.52
$1,859.75 $12,787.22 - - $14,646.97 $0.00 0.00% -$1,859.75
$1,032.63 $8,358.82 - - $9,391.45 $0.00 0.00% -$1,032.63
$25.00 $1,043.32 - - $1,043.32 $25.00 2.40% $25.00
$1,889.83 $14,646.97 - - $16,536.80 $0.00 0.00% -$1,889.83
$3,660.61 $16,536.80 $3,674.84 $1.8374 $12,861.95 $14.24 -0.39% $3,660.61
$85.00 $1,829.62 - - $1,829.62 $85.00 4.65% $85.00
$200.00 $9,391.45 - - $9,391.45 $200.00 2.13% $200.00
$872.23 $18,999.20 - - $19,871.43 $0.00 0.00% -$872.23
$3,368.60 $0.00 - - $3,368.60 $0.00 0.00% -$3,368.60
$1,047.31 $1,127.88 $1,127.88 $0.3760 $0.00 $80.57 -7.14% $1,047.31
$1,869.77 $12,861.95 - - $14,731.72 $0.00 0.00% -$1,869.77
$501.28 $9,391.45 - - $9,892.73 $0.00 0.00% -$501.28
$992.53 $977.49 - - $1,970.02 $0.00 0.00% -$992.53
$4,979.00 $1,970.02 - - $6,949.02 $0.00 0.00% -$4,979.00
$1,283.00 $6,949.02 $1,323.62 $3.3091 $5,625.40 $40.62 -3.07% $1,283.00
$35.50 $2,314.17 - - $2,314.17 $35.50 1.53% $35.50
$150.00 $3,717.50 - - $3,717.50 $150.00 4.03% $150.00
$54.00 $2,561.34 - - $2,561.34 $54.00 2.11% $54.00
$847.16 $19,871.43 - - $20,718.59 $0.00 0.00% -$847.16
$2,331.00 $2,314.17 $2,314.17 $2.3142 $0.00 $16.83 0.73% $2,331.00
$228.00 $14,731.72 - - $14,731.72 $228.00 1.55% $228.00
$100.00 $1,674.18 - - $1,674.18 $100.00 5.97% $100.00
$108.20 $3,368.60 - - $3,368.60 $108.20 3.21% $108.20
$206.40 $19,953.56 - - $19,953.56 $206.40 1.03% $206.40
$49.50 $3,877.31 - - $3,877.31 $49.50 1.28% $49.50
$765.00 $1,975.42 $1,975.42 $0.6585 $0.00 $1,210.42 -61.27% $765.00
$411.05 $0.00 - - $411.05 $0.00 0.00% -$411.05
$200.00 $11,007.14 - - $11,007.14 $200.00 1.82% $200.00
$3,790.28 $14,731.72 $3,682.93 $1.8415 $11,048.79 $107.35 2.91% $3,790.28
$421.08 $411.05 - - $832.12 $0.00 0.00% -$421.08
$616.57 $832.12 - - $1,448.70 $0.00 0.00% -$616.57
$45.00 $3,478.88 - - $3,478.88 $45.00 1.29% $45.00
$1,865.22 $11,048.79 $1,841.47 $1.8415 $9,207.33 $23.75 1.29% $1,865.22
$12.50 $1,043.32 - - $1,043.32 $12.50 1.20% $12.50
$1,825.32 $9,207.33 $1,841.47 $1.8415 $7,365.86 $16.15 -0.88% $1,825.32
$1,393.55 $3,877.31 - - $5,270.86 $0.00 0.00% -$1,393.55
$1,381.46 $5,270.86 $1,317.72 $1.3177 $3,953.15 $63.74 4.84% $1,381.46
$3,511.00 $7,365.86 $3,682.93 $1.8415 $3,682.93 $171.93 -4.67% $3,511.00
$90.00 $4,060.26 - - $4,060.26 $90.00 2.22% $90.00
$215.55 $1,448.70 - - $1,664.25 $0.00 0.00% -$215.55
$8.91 $456.16 - - $456.16 $8.91 1.95% $8.91
$215.55 $1,664.25 - - $1,879.80 $0.00 0.00% -$215.55
$1,483.79 $0.00 - - $1,483.79 $0.00 0.00% -$1,483.79
$2,947.52 $1,483.79 - - $4,431.31 $0.00 0.00% -$2,947.52
$210.00 $9,892.73 - - $9,892.73 $210.00 2.12% $210.00
$2,199.36 $4,431.31 $2,215.65 $0.7386 $2,215.65 $16.30 -0.74% $2,199.36
$3,261.63 $3,368.60 $3,368.60 $1.6843 $0.00 $106.97 -3.18% $3,261.63
$76.50 $5,625.40 - - $5,625.40 $76.50 1.36% $76.50
$2,696.88 $0.00 - - $2,696.88 $0.00 0.00% -$2,696.88
$742.50 $20,718.59 - - $20,718.59 $742.50 3.58% $742.50
$54.60 $2,561.34 - - $2,561.34 $54.60 2.13% $54.60
$49.40 $2,696.88 - - $2,696.88 $49.40 1.83% $49.40
$59.60 $3,682.93 - - $3,682.93 $59.60 1.62% $59.60
$470.40 $19,953.56 - - $19,953.56 $470.40 2.36% $470.40
$3.50 $491.23 - - $491.23 $3.50 0.71% $3.50
$82.50 $3,953.15 - - $3,953.15 $82.50 2.09% $82.50
$1,724.40 $20,718.59 - - $22,442.99 $0.00 0.00% -$1,724.40
$22.80 $2,215.65 - - $2,215.65 $22.80 1.03% $22.80
$44.85 $872.23 - - $872.23 $44.85 5.14% $44.85
$5,188.24 $0.00 - - $5,188.24 $0.00 0.00% -$5,188.24
$12.50 $1,043.32 - - $1,043.32 $12.50 1.20% $12.50
$200.00 $11,007.14 - - $11,007.14 $200.00 1.82% $200.00
$70.00 $3,717.50 - - $3,717.50 $70.00 1.88% $70.00
$40.00 $1,674.18 - - $1,674.18 $40.00 2.39% $40.00
$1,346.54 $2,696.88 $1,348.44 $1.3484 $1,348.44 $1.90 -0.14% $1,346.54
$766.96 $0.00 - - $766.96 $0.00 0.00% -$766.96
$650.00 $491.23 $491.23 $0.4912 $0.00 $158.78 32.32% $650.00
$907.32 $22,442.99 - - $23,350.31 $0.00 0.00% -$907.32
$210.00 $9,892.73 - - $9,892.73 $210.00 2.12% $210.00
$1,286.70 $1,348.44 $1,348.44 $1.3484 $0.00 $61.74 -4.58% $1,286.70
$1,102.82 $5,188.24 - - $6,291.06 $0.00 0.00% -$1,102.82
$2,155.50 $4,670.37 - - $6,825.87 $0.00 0.00% -$2,155.50
$2,030.18 $6,291.06 - - $8,321.24 $0.00 0.00% -$2,030.18
$3,308.45 $8,321.24 - - $11,629.69 $0.00 0.00% -$3,308.45
$85.00 $1,829.62 - - $1,829.62 $85.00 4.65% $85.00
$472.80 $19,953.56 - - $19,953.56 $472.80 2.37% $472.80
$55.20 $2,561.34 - - $2,561.34 $55.20 2.16% $55.20
$50.00 $3,682.93 - - $3,682.93 $50.00 1.36% $50.00
$45.30 $2,215.65 - - $2,215.65 $45.30 2.04% $45.30
$2,289.13 $1,879.80 $1,879.80 $0.2089 $0.00 $409.33 21.78% $2,289.13
$43.00 $3,478.88 - - $3,478.88 $43.00 1.24% $43.00
$83.10 $3,953.15 - - $3,953.15 $83.10 2.10% $83.10
$441.12 $11,629.69 - - $12,070.81 $0.00 0.00% -$441.12
$441.12 $12,070.81 - - $12,511.93 $0.00 0.00% -$441.12
$12.50 $1,043.32 - - $1,043.32 $12.50 1.20% $12.50
$927.62 $872.23 $872.23 $0.2907 $0.00 $55.39 6.35% $927.62
$451.15 $12,511.93 - - $12,963.08 $0.00 0.00% -$451.15
$1,744.45 $0.00 - - $1,744.45 $0.00 0.00% -$1,744.45
$2,285.83 $0.00 - - $2,285.83 $0.00 0.00% -$2,285.83
$2,305.88 $12,963.08 - - $15,268.96 $0.00 0.00% -$2,305.88
$2,305.88 $15,268.96 - - $17,574.84 $0.00 0.00% -$2,305.88
$1,854.74 $23,350.31 - - $25,205.04 $0.00 0.00% -$1,854.74
$1,864.76 $25,205.04 - - $27,069.80 $0.00 0.00% -$1,864.76
$952.43 $27,069.80 - - $28,022.23 $0.00 0.00% -$952.43
$2,356.02 $17,574.84 - - $19,930.86 $0.00 0.00% -$2,356.02
$41.30 $766.96 - - $766.96 $41.30 5.38% $41.30
$1,080.00 $3,953.15 - - $5,033.15 $0.00 0.00% -$1,080.00
$100.00 $1,829.62 - - $1,829.62 $100.00 5.47% $100.00
$2,356.02 $19,930.86 - - $22,286.87 $0.00 0.00% -$2,356.02
$200.00 $11,007.14 - - $11,007.14 $200.00 1.82% $200.00
$477.60 $19,953.56 - - $19,953.56 $477.60 2.39% $477.60
$56.70 $2,561.34 - - $2,561.34 $56.70 2.21% $56.70
$57.60 $3,682.93 - - $3,682.93 $57.60 1.56% $57.60
$27.00 $1,744.45 - - $1,744.45 $27.00 1.55% $27.00
$480.00 $6,825.87 - - $6,825.87 $480.00 7.03% $480.00
$735.00 $9,892.73 - - $9,892.73 $735.00 7.43% $735.00
$46.86 $2,215.65 - - $2,215.65 $46.86 2.11% $46.86
$17.40 $456.16 - - $456.16 $17.40 3.81% $17.40
$1,810.36 $1,744.45 $1,744.45 $1.7445 $0.00 $65.91 3.78% $1,810.36
$2,827.21 $22,286.87 - - $25,114.08 $0.00 0.00% -$2,827.21
$1,487.50 $28,022.23 - - $28,022.23 $1,487.50 5.31% $1,487.50
$200.00 $11,007.14 - - $11,007.14 $200.00 1.82% $200.00
$100.40 $5,033.15 - - $5,033.15 $100.40 1.99% $100.40
$150.00 $4,060.26 - - $4,060.26 $150.00 3.69% $150.00
$0.00 $9,892.73 - - $9,892.73 $0.00 0.00% $0.00
$47.92 $3,682.93 - - $3,682.93 $47.92 1.30% $47.92
$3,890.10 $9,892.73 $2,261.20 $0.3769 $7,631.54 $1,628.90 72.04% $3,890.10
$2,613.30 $7,631.54 $1,507.46 $0.3769 $6,124.07 $1,105.84 73.36% $2,613.30
$2,613.30 $6,124.07 $1,507.46 $0.3769 $4,616.61 $1,105.84 73.36% $2,613.30
$1,874.79 $0.00 - - $1,874.79 $0.00 0.00% -$1,874.79
$550.41 $1,874.79 - - $2,425.19 $0.00 0.00% -$550.41
$932.38 $28,022.23 - - $28,954.61 $0.00 0.00% -$932.38
$79.05 $5,625.40 - - $5,625.40 $79.05 1.41% $79.05
$134.65 $4,616.61 $94.22 $0.3769 $4,522.39 $40.44 42.92% $134.65
$1,253.20 $25,114.08 - - $26,367.28 $0.00 0.00% -$1,253.20
$917.34 $28,954.61 - - $29,871.95 $0.00 0.00% -$917.34
$25.00 $1,043.32 - - $1,043.32 $25.00 2.40% $25.00
$120.00 $4,522.39 - - $4,522.39 $120.00 2.65% $120.00
$2,752.02 $29,871.95 - - $32,623.97 $0.00 0.00% -$2,752.02
$480.00 $19,953.56 - - $19,953.56 $480.00 2.41% $480.00
$6,583.11 $4,522.39 $4,522.39 $0.3769 $0.00 $2,060.72 45.57% $6,583.11
$3,729.52 $32,623.97 - - $36,353.49 $0.00 0.00% -$3,729.52
$2,782.10 $36,353.49 - - $39,135.60 $0.00 0.00% -$2,782.10
$180.00 $3,717.50 - - $3,717.50 $180.00 4.84% $180.00
$57.00 $2,561.34 - - $2,561.34 $57.00 2.23% $57.00
$12.52 $3,682.93 - - $3,682.93 $12.52 0.34% $12.52
$1,328.29 $2,425.19 - - $3,753.48 $0.00 0.00% -$1,328.29
$100.00 $1,674.18 - - $1,674.18 $100.00 5.97% $100.00
$1,150.00 $26,367.28 - - $26,367.28 $1,150.00 4.36% $1,150.00
$120.00 $2,285.83 - - $2,285.83 $120.00 5.25% $120.00
$1,228.13 $3,753.48 - - $4,981.61 $0.00 0.00% -$1,228.13
$2,456.27 $26,367.28 - - $28,823.55 $0.00 0.00% -$2,456.27
$45.00 $2,215.65 - - $2,215.65 $45.00 2.03% $45.00
$102.00 $5,033.15 - - $5,033.15 $102.00 2.03% $102.00
$45.00 $3,478.88 - - $3,478.88 $45.00 1.29% $45.00
$200.00 $11,007.14 - - $11,007.14 $200.00 1.82% $200.00
$2,406.14 $28,823.55 - - $31,229.70 $0.00 0.00% -$2,406.14
$12.50 $1,043.32 - - $1,043.32 $12.50 1.20% $12.50
$0.00 $1,597.00 - - $1,597.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00
$2,406.14 $31,229.70 - - $33,635.84 $0.00 0.00% -$2,406.14
$4,737.00 $39,135.60 - - $43,872.60 $0.00 0.00% -$4,737.00
$90.00 $4,060.26 - - $4,060.26 $90.00 2.22% $90.00
$5,012.80 $33,635.84 - - $38,648.64 $0.00 0.00% -$5,012.80
$5,113.05 $38,648.64 - - $43,761.69 $0.00 0.00% -$5,113.05
$41.20 $766.96 - - $766.96 $41.20 5.37% $41.20
$9.21 $456.16 - - $456.16 $9.21 2.02% $9.21
$2,294.12 $2,285.83 $2,285.83 $0.5715 $0.00 $8.29 0.36% $2,294.12
$2,556.53 $43,761.69 - - $46,318.22 $0.00 0.00% -$2,556.53
$1,820.00 $43,872.60 - - $43,872.60 $1,820.00 4.15% $1,820.00
$484.80 $19,953.56 - - $19,953.56 $484.80 2.43% $484.80
$56.40 $2,561.34 - - $2,561.34 $56.40 2.20% $56.40
$46.38 $2,215.65 - - $2,215.65 $46.38 2.09% $46.38
$55.70 $3,682.93 - - $3,682.93 $55.70 1.51% $55.70
$1,443.68 $6,825.87 - - $8,269.55 $0.00 0.00% -$1,443.68
$4,491.00 $3,717.50 $3,717.50 $3.7175 $0.00 $773.50 20.81% $4,491.00
$110.80 $5,033.15 - - $5,033.15 $110.80 2.20% $110.80
$2,782.10 $43,872.60 - - $46,654.70 $0.00 0.00% -$2,782.10
$1,834.68 $46,654.70 - - $48,489.38 $0.00 0.00% -$1,834.68
$200.00 $11,007.14 - - $11,007.14 $200.00 1.82% $200.00
$12.50 $1,043.32 - - $1,043.32 $12.50 1.20% $12.50
$40.00 $1,674.18 - - $1,674.18 $40.00 2.39% $40.00
$20.00 $766.96 - - $766.96 $20.00 2.61% $20.00
$84.15 $5,625.40 - - $5,625.40 $84.15 1.50% $84.15
$75.00 $1,829.62 - - $1,829.62 $75.00 4.10% $75.00
$284.27 $4,981.61 $216.59 $0.2166 $4,765.02 $67.68 31.25% $284.27
$6,253.95 $4,765.02 $4,765.02 $0.2166 $0.00 $1,488.93 31.25% $6,253.95
$5,654.43 $4,060.26 - - $9,714.69 $0.00 0.00% -$5,654.43
$489.60 $19,953.56 - - $19,953.56 $489.60 2.45% $489.60
$56.10 $2,561.34 - - $2,561.34 $56.10 2.19% $56.10
$753.93 $9,714.69 - - $10,468.61 $0.00 0.00% -$753.93
$47.55 $2,215.65 - - $2,215.65 $47.55 2.15% $47.55
$55.00 $3,682.93 - - $3,682.93 $55.00 1.49% $55.00
$113.20 $5,033.15 - - $5,033.15 $113.20 2.25% $113.20
$12.50 $1,043.32 - - $1,043.32 $12.50 1.20% $12.50
$4,942.72 $0.00 - - $4,942.72 $0.00 0.00% -$4,942.72
$21.30 $766.96 - - $766.96 $21.30 2.78% $21.30
$3,986.18 $0.00 - - $3,986.18 $0.00 0.00% -$3,986.18
$3,308.45 $4,942.72 - - $8,251.17 $0.00 0.00% -$3,308.45
$48.99 $2,215.65 - - $2,215.65 $48.99 2.21% $48.99
$494.40 $19,953.56 - - $19,953.56 $494.40 2.48% $494.40
$55.50 $2,561.34 - - $2,561.34 $55.50 2.17% $55.50
$6.30 $299.21 - - $299.21 $6.30 2.11% $6.30
$16.85 $456.16 - - $456.16 $16.85 3.69% $16.85
$1.20 $41.80 - - $41.80 $1.20 2.87% $1.20
$59.26 $3,682.93 - - $3,682.93 $59.26 1.61% $59.26
$18.84 $2,215.65 - - $2,215.65 $18.84 0.85% $18.84
$200.00 $11,007.14 - - $11,007.14 $200.00 1.82% $200.00
$0.00 $0.00 - - $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00
$3,901.96 $0.00 - - $3,901.96 $0.00 0.00% -$3,901.96
$520.00 $8,269.55 - - $8,269.55 $520.00 6.29% $520.00
$140.00 $3,986.18 - - $3,986.18 $140.00 3.51% $140.00
$116.80 $5,033.15 - - $5,033.15 $116.80 2.32% $116.80
$2,968.58 $3,901.96 - - $6,870.54 $0.00 0.00% -$2,968.58
$2,967.58 $3,986.18 - - $6,953.76 $0.00 0.00% -$2,967.58
$1,995.00 $48,489.38 - - $48,489.38 $1,995.00 4.11% $1,995.00
$2,812.79 $1,674.18 $1,674.18 $0.8371 $0.00 $1,138.62 68.01% $2,812.79
$562.56 $0.00 $0.00 $0.0000 $0.00 $562.56 0.00% $562.56
$320.00 $10,468.61 - - $10,468.61 $320.00 3.06% $320.00
$3,970.13 $46,318.22 - - $50,288.35 $0.00 0.00% -$3,970.13
$200.00 $11,007.14 - - $11,007.14 $200.00 1.82% $200.00
$3,675.00 $6,870.54 - - $3,195.54 $0.00 0.00% $3,675.00
$0.00 $3,195.54 - - $3,195.54 $0.00 0.00% $0.00
$2,566.55 $3,195.54 - - $5,762.09 $0.00 0.00% -$2,566.55
$897.70 $766.96 $766.96 $0.7670 $0.00 $130.74 17.05% $897.70
$3,530.94 $2,561.34 $2,561.34 $0.8538 $0.00 $969.60 37.85% $3,530.94
$0.00 $48,489.38 - - $48,489.38 $0.00 0.00% $0.00
$14,400.52 $19,953.56 $8,313.98 $0.8314 $11,639.58 $6,086.54 73.21% $14,400.52
$144.13 $11,639.58 $83.14 $0.8314 $11,556.44 $60.99 73.36% $144.13
$9,704.10 $11,556.44 $5,736.65 $0.8314 $5,819.79 $3,967.45 69.16% $9,704.10
$6,358.68 $8,251.17 $5,195.18 $0.3056 $3,055.99 $1,163.50 22.40% $6,358.68
$3,740.40 $3,055.99 $3,055.99 $0.3056 $0.00 $684.41 22.40% $3,740.40
$9,914.56 $5,819.79 $5,819.79 $0.8314 $0.00 $4,094.77 70.36% $9,914.56
$81.94 $5,625.40 - - $5,625.40 $81.94 1.46% $81.94
$32.50 $1,043.32 - - $1,043.32 $32.50 3.12% $32.50
$29.61 $2,215.65 - - $2,215.65 $29.61 1.34% $29.61
$49.00 $3,478.88 - - $3,478.88 $49.00 1.41% $49.00
$110.00 $5,033.15 - - $5,033.15 $110.00 2.19% $110.00
$2,070.00 $50,288.35 - - $50,288.35 $2,070.00 4.12% $2,070.00
$15.00 $1,043.32 - - $1,043.32 $15.00 1.44% $15.00
$1,471.22 $1,829.62 $1,829.62 $0.3659 $0.00 $358.40 -19.59% $1,471.22
$200.00 $11,007.14 - - $11,007.14 $200.00 1.82% $200.00
$24,936.00 $50,288.35 $24,293.89 $0.2429 $25,994.46 $642.11 2.64% $24,936.00
$2,094.75 $48,489.38 - - $48,489.38 $2,094.75 4.32% $2,094.75
$7,504.00 $0.00 - - $7,504.00 $0.00 0.00% -$7,504.00
$2,292.50 $7,504.00 - - $9,796.50 $0.00 0.00% -$2,292.50
$176.00 $6,953.76 - - $6,953.76 $176.00 2.53% $176.00
$4,962.67 $0.00 - - $4,962.67 $0.00 0.00% -$4,962.67
$128.00 $10,468.61 - - $10,468.61 $128.00 1.22% $128.00
$331.50 $9,796.50 - - $9,796.50 $331.50 3.38% $331.50
$3,804.71 $4,962.67 - - $8,767.38 $0.00 0.00% -$3,804.71
$4,987.73 $0.00 - - $4,987.73 $0.00 0.00% -$4,987.73
$4,962.67 $4,987.73 - - $9,950.40 $0.00 0.00% -$4,962.67
$7.84 $456.16 - - $456.16 $7.84 1.72% $7.84
$1,224.62 $8,767.38 - - $9,992.00 $0.00 0.00% -$1,224.62
$1,734.42 $9,992.00 - - $11,726.42 $0.00 0.00% -$1,734.42
$4,979.50 $0.00 - - $4,979.50 $0.00 0.00% -$4,979.50
$1,220.00 $4,979.50 - - $6,199.50 $0.00 0.00% -$1,220.00
$3,599.19 $11,726.42 - - $15,325.61 $0.00 0.00% -$3,599.19
$1,789.56 $15,325.61 - - $17,115.17 $0.00 0.00% -$1,789.56
$48.75 $2,215.65 - - $2,215.65 $48.75 2.20% $48.75
$186.00 $9,950.40 - - $9,950.40 $186.00 1.87% $186.00
$57.20 $3,682.93 - - $3,682.93 $57.20 1.55% $57.20
$3,488.90 $0.00 - - $3,488.90 $0.00 0.00% -$3,488.90
$5,839.00 $6,199.50 - - $12,038.50 $0.00 0.00% -$5,839.00
$112.00 $5,033.15 - - $5,033.15 $112.00 2.23% $112.00
$1,744.45 $3,488.90 - - $5,233.35 $0.00 0.00% -$1,744.45
$6,482.37 $48,489.38 $5,428.22 $0.8102 $43,061.16 $1,054.15 19.42% $6,482.37
$1,724.40 $5,233.35 - - $6,957.75 $0.00 0.00% -$1,724.40
$5,019.12 $10,468.61 $5,561.45 $0.8179 $4,907.16 $542.33 -9.75% $5,019.12
$4,309.00 $4,907.16 $4,907.16 $0.8179 $0.00 $598.16 -12.19% $4,309.00
$200.00 $11,007.14 - - $11,007.14 $200.00 1.82% $200.00
$15.00 $1,043.32 - - $1,043.32 $15.00 1.44% $15.00
$1,684.30 $6,957.75 - - $8,642.05 $0.00 0.00% -$1,684.30
$5,744.66 $17,115.17 - - $22,859.83 $0.00 0.00% -$5,744.66
$3,920.00 $22,859.83 - - $26,779.83 $0.00 0.00% -$3,920.00
$7,899.73 $6,953.76 $6,953.76 $0.1580 $0.00 $945.97 13.60% $7,899.73
$3,849.83 $26,779.83 - - $30,629.66 $0.00 0.00% -$3,849.83
$76.84 $5,625.40 - - $5,625.40 $76.84 1.37% $76.84
$3,660.61 $3,682.93 $3,682.93 $1.8415 $0.00 $22.32 -0.61% $3,660.61
$1,486.00 $1,043.32 $1,043.32 $1.0433 $0.00 $442.68 42.43% $1,486.00
$0.00 $456.16 - - $456.16 $0.00 0.00% $0.00
$48.42 $2,215.65 - - $2,215.65 $48.42 2.19% $48.42
$187.00 $9,950.40 - - $9,950.40 $187.00 1.88% $187.00
$3,749.57 $9,950.40 - - $13,699.97 $0.00 0.00% -$3,749.57
$5,859.96 $0.00 - - $5,859.96 $0.00 0.00% -$5,859.96
$51.00 $3,478.88 - - $3,478.88 $51.00 1.47% $51.00
$5,930.14 $5,859.96 - - $11,790.10 $0.00 0.00% -$5,930.14
$114.80 $5,033.15 - - $5,033.15 $114.80 2.28% $114.80
$3,561.00 $11,007.14 $2,751.79 $2.7518 $8,255.36 $809.21 29.41% $3,561.00
$525.00 $12,038.50 - - $12,038.50 $525.00 4.36% $525.00
$10,712.50 $8,255.36 $8,255.36 $2.7518 $0.00 $2,457.14 29.76% $10,712.50
$5,524.00 $12,038.50 - - $17,562.50 $0.00 0.00% -$5,524.00
$12,687.44 $8,269.55 $5,088.96 $0.3181 $3,180.60 $7,598.48 149.31% $12,687.44
$15,360.58 $43,061.16 $16,203.64 $0.8102 $26,857.53 $843.06 -5.20% $15,360.58
$7,529.00 $0.00 - - $7,529.00 $0.00 0.00% -$7,529.00
$5,880.00 $0.00 - - $5,880.00 $0.00 0.00% -$5,880.00
$4,030.29 $0.00 - - $4,030.29 $0.00 0.00% -$4,030.29
$454.50 $9,796.50 - - $9,796.50 $454.50 4.64% $454.50
$5,001.24 $4,030.29 - - $9,031.53 $0.00 0.00% -$5,001.24
$2,932.49 $13,699.97 - - $16,632.46 $0.00 0.00% -$2,932.49
$1,864.76 $11,790.10 - - $13,654.86 $0.00 0.00% -$1,864.76
$6,239.00 $9,796.50 - - $16,035.50 $0.00 0.00% -$6,239.00
$429.00 $17,562.50 - - $17,562.50 $429.00 2.44% $429.00
$17,979.00 $17,562.50 $17,562.50 $0.7983 $0.00 $416.50 2.37% $17,979.00
$3,782.00 $16,035.50 - - $19,817.50 $0.00 0.00% -$3,782.00
$5,320.00 $19,817.50 - - $25,137.50 $0.00 0.00% -$5,320.00
$5,819.00 $0.00 - - $5,819.00 $0.00 0.00% -$5,819.00
$6,721.00 $5,819.00 $5,819.00 $0.1940 $0.00 $902.00 15.50% $6,721.00
$46.71 $2,215.65 - - $2,215.65 $46.71 2.11% $46.71
$2,094.62 $2,215.65 $2,215.65 $0.7386 $0.00 $121.03 -5.46% $2,094.62
$3,716.46 $9,031.53 $3,251.35 $0.6021 $5,780.18 $465.11 14.31% $3,716.46
$12,836.00 $0.00 - - $12,836.00 $0.00 0.00% -$12,836.00
$7,279.00 $25,137.50 - - $32,416.50 $0.00 0.00% -$7,279.00
$12,482.00 $0.00 - - $12,482.00 $0.00 0.00% -$12,482.00
$35.88 $456.16 - - $456.16 $35.88 7.87% $35.88
$1.00 $41.80 - - $41.80 $1.00 2.39% $1.00
$4.00 $1,597.00 - - $1,597.00 $4.00 0.25% $4.00
$673.27 $5,780.18 $602.10 $0.6021 $5,178.08 $71.17 11.82% $673.27
$126.00 $7,529.00 - - $7,529.00 $126.00 1.67% $126.00
$18,143.43 $16,632.46 $16,632.46 $0.9784 $0.00 $1,510.98 9.08% $18,143.43
$5,072.54 $5,178.08 $4,575.98 $0.6021 $602.10 $496.57 10.85% $5,072.54
$1,160.25 $26,857.53 - - $26,857.53 $1,160.25 4.32% $1,160.25
$6,503.30 $26,857.53 $6,481.45 $0.8102 $20,376.07 $21.85 0.34% $6,503.30
$178.50 $30,629.66 - - $30,629.66 $178.50 0.58% $178.50
$250.00 $3,180.60 - - $3,180.60 $250.00 7.86% $250.00
$118.00 $5,033.15 - - $5,033.15 $118.00 2.34% $118.00
$3,102.00 $20,376.07 $2,511.56 $0.8102 $17,864.51 $590.44 23.51% $3,102.00
$210.00 $5,880.00 - - $5,880.00 $210.00 3.57% $210.00
$9,474.20 $25,994.46 - - $35,468.66 $0.00 0.00% -$9,474.20
$1,604.09 $35,468.66 - - $37,072.75 $0.00 0.00% -$1,604.09
$1,747.52 $5,625.40 $1,985.44 $3.3091 $3,639.97 $237.92 -11.98% $1,747.52
$1,795.40 $456.16 $456.16 $0.2281 $0.00 $1,339.24 293.59% $1,795.40
$678.26 $602.10 $602.10 $0.6021 $0.00 $76.16 12.65% $678.26
$3,428.76 $5,762.09 - - $9,190.85 $0.00 0.00% -$3,428.76
$10,035.00 $0.00 - - $10,035.00 $0.00 0.00% -$10,035.00
$13,350.00 $0.00 - - $13,350.00 $0.00 0.00% -$13,350.00
$7,571.00 $7,529.00 $7,529.00 $0.7529 $0.00 $42.00 0.56% $7,571.00
$6,493.34 $5,880.00 $5,880.00 $1.9600 $0.00 $613.34 10.43% $6,493.34
$7,469.00 $12,836.00 - - $20,305.00 $0.00 0.00% -$7,469.00
$11,311.00 $37,072.75 $10,965.18 $0.2611 $26,107.57 $345.82 3.15% $11,311.00
$6,992.85 $5,033.15 - - $12,026.00 $0.00 0.00% -$6,992.85
$6,366.25 $20,305.00 - - $26,671.25 $0.00 0.00% -$6,366.25
$22,491.00 $17,864.51 $17,864.51 $0.8102 $0.00 $4,626.49 25.90% $22,491.00
$37.84 $3,639.97 - - $3,639.97 $37.84 1.04% $37.84
$340.00 $1,597.00 $1,597.00 $3.9925 $0.00 $1,257.00 -78.71% $340.00
$8,927.09 $8,642.05 $8,642.05 $0.1728 $0.00 $285.04 3.30% $8,927.09
$1,305.33 $0.00 - - $1,305.33 $0.00 0.00% -$1,305.33
$152.00 $10,035.00 - - $10,035.00 $152.00 1.51% $152.00
$211.00 $12,482.00 - - $12,482.00 $211.00 1.69% $211.00
$14,064.00 $30,629.66 $10,810.47 $1.8017 $19,819.19 $3,253.53 30.10% $14,064.00
$14,800.00 $0.00 - - $14,800.00 $0.00 0.00% -$14,800.00
$506.12 $26,671.25 - - $26,671.25 $506.12 1.90% $506.12
$42.00 $3,478.88 - - $3,478.88 $42.00 1.21% $42.00
$247.50 $12,026.00 - - $12,026.00 $247.50 2.06% $247.50
$9,215.00 $0.00 - - $9,215.00 $0.00 0.00% -$9,215.00
$9,185.00 $9,215.00 - - $18,400.00 $0.00 0.00% -$9,185.00
$3,553.00 $9,190.85 - - $12,743.85 $0.00 0.00% -$3,553.00
$6,737.20 $0.00 - - $6,737.20 $0.00 0.00% -$6,737.20
$1,000.00 $26,107.57 - - $26,107.57 $1,000.00 3.83% $1,000.00
$1,550.00 $3,180.60 $636.12 $0.3181 $2,544.48 $913.88 143.66% $1,550.00
$6,131.00 $2,544.48 $2,544.48 $0.3181 $0.00 $3,586.52 140.95% $6,131.00
$13,465.44 $26,107.57 $13,053.79 $0.2611 $13,053.79 $411.65 3.15% $13,465.44
$7,181.60 $19,819.19 $5,405.23 $1.8017 $14,413.96 $1,776.37 32.86% $7,181.60
$188.00 $14,413.96 - - $14,413.96 $188.00 1.30% $188.00
$3,110.00 $12,743.85 - - $15,853.85 $0.00 0.00% -$3,110.00
$1,494.60 $32,416.50 - - $32,416.50 $1,494.60 4.61% $1,494.60
$5,909.00 $13,350.00 - - $19,259.00 $0.00 0.00% -$5,909.00
$5,614.30 $12,026.00 - - $17,640.30 $0.00 0.00% -$5,614.30
$1,295.00 $15,853.85 - - $15,853.85 $1,295.00 8.17% $1,295.00
$1,295.00 $15,853.85 - - $14,558.85 $0.00 0.00% $1,295.00
$12,080.00 $0.00 - - $12,080.00 $0.00 0.00% -$12,080.00
$3,010.00 $6,737.20 - - $9,747.20 $0.00 0.00% -$3,010.00
$13,465.44 $13,053.79 $13,053.79 $0.2611 $0.00 $411.65 3.15% $13,465.44
$7,002.03 $14,413.96 $5,405.23 $1.8017 $9,008.72 $1,596.80 29.54% $7,002.03
$5,684.50 $19,259.00 - - $24,943.50 $0.00 0.00% -$5,684.50
$6,737.20 $12,080.00 - - $18,817.20 $0.00 0.00% -$6,737.20
$5,995.30 $18,400.00 - - $24,395.30 $0.00 0.00% -$5,995.30
$6,466.50 $0.00 - - $6,466.50 $0.00 0.00% -$6,466.50
$250.00 $14,800.00 - - $14,800.00 $250.00 1.69% $250.00
$8,079.31 $6,466.50 $6,466.50 $0.2156 $0.00 $1,612.81 24.94% $8,079.31
$212.00 $12,482.00 - - $12,482.00 $212.00 1.70% $212.00
$140.75 $10,035.00 - - $10,035.00 $140.75 1.40% $140.75
$515.15 $26,671.25 - - $26,671.25 $515.15 1.93% $515.15
$14,750.00 $0.00 - - $14,750.00 $0.00 0.00% -$14,750.00
$577.60 $13,654.86 - - $13,654.86 $577.60 4.23% $577.60
$14,440.00 $14,750.00 $14,750.00 $2.1071 $0.00 $310.00 -2.10% $14,440.00
$880.00 $18,817.20 - - $18,817.20 $880.00 4.68% $880.00
$357.50 $17,640.30 - - $17,640.30 $357.50 2.03% $357.50
$496.80 $24,943.50 - - $24,943.50 $496.80 1.99% $496.80
$3,870.00 $24,943.50 - - $28,813.50 $0.00 0.00% -$3,870.00
$1,390.00 $0.00 - - $1,390.00 $0.00 0.00% -$1,390.00
$7,549.00 $28,813.50 - - $36,362.50 $0.00 0.00% -$7,549.00
$4,389.00 $9,008.72 $3,603.49 $1.8017 $5,405.23 $785.51 21.80% $4,389.00
$4,009.00 $17,640.30 $4,070.84 $1.3569 $13,569.46 $61.84 -1.52% $4,009.00
$3,631.00 $36,362.50 - - $39,993.50 $0.00 0.00% -$3,631.00
$5,674.51 $1,390.00 - - $7,064.51 $0.00 0.00% -$5,674.51
$3,811.00 $13,654.86 - - $17,465.86 $0.00 0.00% -$3,811.00
$4,227.00 $7,064.51 - - $11,291.51 $0.00 0.00% -$4,227.00
$4,227.00 $11,291.51 - - $15,518.51 $0.00 0.00% -$4,227.00
$4,152.00 $0.00 - - $4,152.00 $0.00 0.00% -$4,152.00
$6,404.00 $5,405.23 $5,405.23 $1.8017 $0.00 $998.77 18.48% $6,404.00
$4,482.00 $4,152.00 - - $8,634.00 $0.00 0.00% -$4,482.00
$250.00 $14,800.00 - - $14,800.00 $250.00 1.69% $250.00
$3,612.00 $8,634.00 - - $12,246.00 $0.00 0.00% -$3,612.00
$10,094.00 $9,747.20 $9,747.20 $0.1772 $0.00 $346.80 3.56% $10,094.00
$3,512.00 $12,246.00 - - $15,758.00 $0.00 0.00% -$3,512.00
$3,587.00 $15,758.00 - - $19,345.00 $0.00 0.00% -$3,587.00
$66.44 $3,639.97 - - $3,639.97 $66.44 1.83% $66.44
$1,042.45 $14,558.85 - - $15,601.30 $0.00 0.00% -$1,042.45
$8,900.00 $26,671.25 - - $35,571.25 $0.00 0.00% -$8,900.00
$8,585.00 $0.00 - - $8,585.00 $0.00 0.00% -$8,585.00
$4,482.00 $15,518.51 - - $20,000.51 $0.00 0.00% -$4,482.00
$6,665.00 $0.00 - - $6,665.00 $0.00 0.00% -$6,665.00
$213.00 $12,482.00 - - $12,482.00 $213.00 1.71% $213.00
$144.50 $10,035.00 - - $10,035.00 $144.50 1.44% $144.50
$700.00 $35,571.25 - - $35,571.25 $700.00 1.97% $700.00
$992.00 $24,395.30 - - $24,395.30 $992.00 4.07% $992.00
$4,722.00 $24,395.30 - - $29,117.30 $0.00 0.00% -$4,722.00
$104.88 $6,665.00 - - $6,665.00 $104.88 1.57% $104.88
$53.00 $3,478.88 - - $3,478.88 $53.00 1.52% $53.00
$5,474.00 $18,817.20 - - $24,291.20 $0.00 0.00% -$5,474.00
$8,881.00 $8,585.00 $8,585.00 $1.4308 $0.00 $296.00 3.45% $8,881.00
$840.00 $24,291.20 - - $24,291.20 $840.00 3.46% $840.00
$10,326.36 $0.00 - - $10,326.36 $0.00 0.00% -$10,326.36
$10,426.62 $10,326.36 - - $20,752.98 $0.00 0.00% -$10,426.62
$277.00 $13,569.46 - - $13,569.46 $277.00 2.04% $277.00
$1,383.00 $1,305.33 $1,305.33 $0.4211 $0.00 $77.67 5.95% $1,383.00
$4,687.00 $39,993.50 - - $44,680.50 $0.00 0.00% -$4,687.00
$1,480.50 $32,416.50 - - $32,416.50 $1,480.50 4.57% $1,480.50
$13,315.83 $13,569.46 $13,569.46 $1.3569 $0.00 $253.63 -1.87% $13,315.83
$11,191.30 $20,752.98 $6,225.89 $1.0376 $14,527.09 $4,965.41 79.75% $11,191.30
$26,252.63 $14,527.09 $14,527.09 $1.0376 $0.00 $11,725.54 80.72% $26,252.63
$21,320.00 $14,800.00 $14,800.00 $0.5920 $0.00 $6,520.00 44.05% $21,320.00
$7,789.90 $35,571.25 - - $43,361.15 $0.00 0.00% -$7,789.90
$214.00 $12,482.00 - - $12,482.00 $214.00 1.71% $214.00
$851.94 $43,361.15 - - $43,361.15 $851.94 1.96% $851.94
$4,455.45 $0.00 - - $4,455.45 $0.00 0.00% -$4,455.45
$2,646.21 $4,455.45 - - $7,101.66 $0.00 0.00% -$2,646.21
$2,726.39 $7,101.66 - - $9,828.05 $0.00 0.00% -$2,726.39
$8,727.60 $24,291.20 $6,072.80 $0.8675 $18,218.40 $2,654.80 43.72% $8,727.60
$103.96 $6,665.00 - - $6,665.00 $103.96 1.56% $103.96
$152.00 $10,035.00 - - $10,035.00 $152.00 1.51% $152.00
$746.20 $17,465.86 - - $17,465.86 $746.20 4.27% $746.20
$102.00 $9,828.05 - - $9,828.05 $102.00 1.04% $102.00
$1,675.20 $44,680.50 - - $44,680.50 $1,675.20 3.75% $1,675.20
$2,013.20 $20,000.51 - - $20,000.51 $2,013.20 10.07% $2,013.20
$8,937.00 $18,218.40 $6,072.80 $0.8675 $12,145.60 $2,864.20 47.16% $8,937.00
$2,790.00 $15,601.30 - - $15,601.30 $2,790.00 17.88% $2,790.00
$11,371.00 $9,828.05 $9,828.05 $0.6552 $0.00 $1,542.95 15.70% $11,371.00
$6,947.70 $44,680.50 - - $51,628.20 $0.00 0.00% -$6,947.70
$6,767.28 $43,361.15 - - $50,128.43 $0.00 0.00% -$6,767.28
$456.00 $29,117.30 - - $29,117.30 $456.00 1.57% $456.00
$7,919.00 $12,482.00 - - $20,401.00 $0.00 0.00% -$7,919.00
$3,518.98 $0.00 - - $3,518.98 $0.00 0.00% -$3,518.98
$7,694.64 $6,665.00 - - $14,359.64 $0.00 0.00% -$7,694.64
$9,865.20 $0.00 - - $9,865.20 $0.00 0.00% -$9,865.20
$9,945.40 $9,865.20 - - $19,810.60 $0.00 0.00% -$9,945.40
$21,437.13 $19,810.60 - - $41,247.73 $0.00 0.00% -$21,437.13
$0.00 $3,518.98 - - $3,518.98 $0.00 0.00% $0.00
$6,144.30 $19,345.00 $5,015.37 $0.7165 $14,329.63 $1,128.93 22.51% $6,144.30
$10,042.64 $0.00 - - $10,042.64 $0.00 0.00% -$10,042.64
$6,109.32 $14,329.63 $5,015.37 $0.7165 $9,314.26 $1,093.95 21.81% $6,109.32
$8,280.00 $0.00 - - $8,280.00 $0.00 0.00% -$8,280.00
$932.38 $3,518.98 - - $4,451.36 $0.00 0.00% -$932.38
$6,533.30 $41,247.73 $6,444.96 $0.6445 $34,802.77 $88.34 1.37% $6,533.30
$6,416.38 $10,042.64 - - $16,459.02 $0.00 0.00% -$6,416.38
$1,639.18 $0.00 - - $1,639.18 $0.00 0.00% -$1,639.18
$30,584.00 $0.00 - - $30,584.00 $0.00 0.00% -$30,584.00
$2,782.90 $9,314.26 $2,149.44 $0.7165 $7,164.81 $633.46 29.47% $2,782.90
$8,120.70 $16,459.02 - - $24,579.72 $0.00 0.00% -$8,120.70
$25.41 $3,639.97 - - $3,639.97 $25.41 0.70% $25.41
$1,012.00 $51,628.20 - - $51,628.20 $1,012.00 1.96% $1,012.00
$9,176.45 $7,164.81 $7,164.81 $0.7165 $0.00 $2,011.64 28.08% $9,176.45
$8,421.50 $0.00 - - $8,421.50 $0.00 0.00% -$8,421.50
$1,779.04 $8,421.50 - - $10,200.54 $0.00 0.00% -$1,779.04
$30,720.00 $30,584.00 $30,584.00 $3.8230 $0.00 $136.00 0.44% $30,720.00
$3,308.45 $4,451.36 - - $7,759.81 $0.00 0.00% -$3,308.45
$3,368.60 $7,759.81 - - $11,128.41 $0.00 0.00% -$3,368.60
$15,851.87 $20,000.51 $10,000.26 $1.4286 $10,000.26 $5,851.62 58.51% $15,851.87
$2,606.24 $15,601.30 - - $18,207.54 $0.00 0.00% -$2,606.24
$960.24 $10,200.54 $927.32 $0.8430 $9,273.22 $32.92 3.55% $960.24
$342.40 $20,401.00 - - $20,401.00 $342.40 1.68% $342.40
$22,665.50 $50,128.43 $20,565.51 $1.2853 $29,562.92 $2,099.99 10.21% $22,665.50
$32,431.00 $29,562.92 $29,562.92 $1.2853 $0.00 $2,868.08 9.70% $32,431.00
$150.00 $10,035.00 - - $10,035.00 $150.00 1.49% $150.00
$48.00 $3,478.88 - - $3,478.88 $48.00 1.38% $48.00
$21,947.20 $17,465.86 $17,465.86 $0.8733 $0.00 $4,481.34 25.66% $21,947.20
$20,201.40 $34,802.77 $17,401.39 $0.6445 $17,401.39 $2,800.01 16.09% $20,201.40
$3,087.40 $0.00 - - $3,087.40 $0.00 0.00% -$3,087.40
$214.08 $14,359.64 - - $14,359.64 $214.08 1.49% $214.08
$896.00 $1,639.18 - - $2,535.18 $0.00 0.00% -$896.00
$69.70 $2,535.18 - - $2,535.18 $69.70 2.75% $69.70
$2,671.10 $2,535.18 $2,535.18 $1.4913 $0.00 $135.92 5.36% $2,671.10
$20,201.40 $17,401.39 $17,401.39 $0.6445 $0.00 $2,800.01 16.09% $20,201.40
$4,711.00 $0.00 - - $4,711.00 $0.00 0.00% -$4,711.00
$15,782.83 $10,000.26 $10,000.26 $1.4286 $0.00 $5,782.58 57.82% $15,782.83
$1,152.20 $0.00 - - $1,152.20 $0.00 0.00% -$1,152.20
$3,894.10 $18,207.54 - - $22,101.64 $0.00 0.00% -$3,894.10
$2,355.52 $4,711.00 - - $7,066.52 $0.00 0.00% -$2,355.52
$3,057.16 $1,152.20 - - $4,209.36 $0.00 0.00% -$3,057.16
$4,245.00 $4,209.36 - - $8,454.36 $0.00 0.00% -$4,245.00
$110.00 $3,087.40 - - $3,087.40 $110.00 3.56% $110.00
$4,711.00 $7,066.52 - - $11,777.52 $0.00 0.00% -$4,711.00
$6,114.30 $8,454.36 - - $14,568.66 $0.00 0.00% -$6,114.30
$5,613.16 $3,087.40 - - $8,700.56 $0.00 0.00% -$5,613.16
$471.24 $24,579.72 - - $24,579.72 $471.24 1.92% $471.24
$3,890.90 $24,579.72 $4,016.29 $0.8033 $20,563.43 $125.39 -3.12% $3,890.90
$8,301.45 $20,563.43 $8,514.54 $0.8033 $12,048.88 $213.09 -2.50% $8,301.45
$14,425.50 $14,568.66 $14,568.66 $0.6096 $0.00 $143.16 -0.98% $14,425.50
$120.72 $22,101.64 $116.63 $1.1663 $21,985.00 $4.08 3.50% $120.72
$109.74 $21,985.00 $116.63 $1.1663 $21,868.37 $6.89 -5.91% $109.74
$1,939.44 $21,868.37 $2,099.36 $1.1663 $19,769.01 $159.92 -7.62% $1,939.44
$1,358.30 $32,416.50 - - $32,416.50 $1,358.30 4.19% $1,358.30
$5,936.00 $11,128.41 $4,838.44 $0.9677 $6,289.97 $1,097.56 22.68% $5,936.00
$250.00 $11,777.52 - - $11,777.52 $250.00 2.12% $250.00
$5,713.40 $8,700.56 - - $14,413.96 $0.00 0.00% -$5,713.40
$4,610.80 $11,777.52 - - $16,388.32 $0.00 0.00% -$4,610.80
$4,202.10 $19,769.01 $4,548.62 $1.1663 $15,220.39 $346.52 -7.62% $4,202.10
$8,420.20 $29,117.30 $6,129.96 $1.5325 $22,987.34 $2,290.24 37.36% $8,420.20
$18,348.00 $0.00 - - $18,348.00 $0.00 0.00% -$18,348.00
$11,051.00 $0.00 - - $11,051.00 $0.00 0.00% -$11,051.00
$3,708.70 $11,051.00 - - $14,759.70 $0.00 0.00% -$3,708.70
$375.00 $8,280.00 $414.00 $1.3800 $7,866.00 $39.00 -9.42% $375.00
$663.00 $7,866.00 $690.00 $1.3800 $7,176.00 $27.00 -3.91% $663.00
$6,864.00 $7,176.00 $7,176.00 $1.3800 $0.00 $312.00 -4.35% $6,864.00
$7,417.39 $14,759.70 - - $22,177.09 $0.00 0.00% -$7,417.39
$4,059.50 $22,177.09 - - $26,236.59 $0.00 0.00% -$4,059.50
$5,180.10 $14,359.64 - - $19,539.74 $0.00 0.00% -$5,180.10
$6,074.24 $19,539.74 - - $25,613.98 $0.00 0.00% -$6,074.24
$4,615.80 $25,613.98 - - $30,229.78 $0.00 0.00% -$4,615.80
$7,417.40 $18,348.00 - - $25,765.40 $0.00 0.00% -$7,417.40
$8,570.00 $0.00 - - $8,570.00 $0.00 0.00% -$8,570.00
$7,377.20 $25,765.40 - - $33,142.60 $0.00 0.00% -$7,377.20
$2,861.70 $8,570.00 - - $11,431.70 $0.00 0.00% -$2,861.70
$15,185.60 $0.00 - - $15,185.60 $0.00 0.00% -$15,185.60
$8,570.00 $9,273.22 - - $17,843.22 $0.00 0.00% -$8,570.00
$5,773.53 $11,431.70 - - $17,205.23 $0.00 0.00% -$5,773.53
$0.00 $6,289.97 - - $6,289.97 $0.00 0.00% $0.00
Voluntary offer @ 65 cents
1 for 20 bonus shares
Bonus 1 for 2
Rights Issue
Bonus 1 for 1
Google Google IEX Manual Last Yield on
Growth Stock Name IEX Quote Last Price
Quote Price Price Price DPU Cost
iPath S&P 500 VIX Short-
Growth VXX 23.29 VXX -- 0.000 23.29 0.000 0.00%
Term Futures ETN
Growth DBXT S&P Short 10 US$ SIN:HD6 23.29 HD6 -- 0.000 23.290 0.000 0.00%
Growth SPDR Gold Trust GLD 23.29 GLD -- 0.000 23.29 0.000 0.00%
Vanguard Total World Stock
Growth VT 23.29 VT -- 0.000 23.29 0.000 0.00%
Index ETF
Growth Berkshire Hathaway BRK.B 23.29 BRK-B -- 0.000 23.29 0.000 0.00%
ProShares UltraShort S&P
Growth SDS 23.29 SDS -- 0.000 23.29 0.000 0.00%
500 ETF

Growth PowerShares QQQ Trust QQQ 23.29 QQQ -- 0.000 23.29 0.000 0.00%

Dividend Intel INTC 23.29 INTC -- 0.000 23.29 0.630 0.00%

Dividend Vodafone VOD 23.29 VOD -- 0.000 23.29 1.490 0.00%
Dividend Unilever UL 23.29 UL -- 0.000 23.29 1.200 0.00%
Dividend Telefonica TEF 23.29 TEF -- 0.000 23.29 1.746 0.00%
Dividend France Telecom FTE 23.29 FTE -- 0.000 23.290 1.867 0.00%
Growth Apple Inc AAPL 23.29 AAPL -- 0.000 23.29 0.570 0.00%
Growth Visa V 23.29 V -- 0.000 23.29 0.000 0.00%
Growth Oaktree OAK 23.29 OAK -- 0.000 23.29 3.200 0.00%
Cost (Per Unrealised Unrealised Realised Dividends Total
Price Units Cost
Unit) Gain/Loss Gain/Loss (%) Gain/Loss Collected Gain/Loss
0.00% 6.5 $590.57 90.857 -$439.18 -74.37% -$221.64 $0.00 -$660.82
0.00% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% -$1,433.60 $0.00 -$1,433.60
0.00% 15 $2,193.94 146.263 -$1,844.59 -84.08% -$85.21 $0.00 -$1,929.80

0.00% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $4.10 $4.04 $8.14

0.00% 8 $752.47 94.059 -$566.15 -75.24% $0.00 $0.00 -$566.15

0.00% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% -$766.62 $0.00 -$766.62

0.00% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% -$56.80 $0.00 -$56.80

2.71% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $117.77 $18.17 $135.94

6.40% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $120.52 $251.91 $372.44
5.15% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $19.47 $7.72 $27.19
7.50% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% -$292.55 $0.00 -$292.55
8.02% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $142.50 $0.00 $142.50
2.45% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $734.42 $91.67 $826.09
0.00% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% -$7.62 $0.00 -$7.62
13.74% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% -$169.54 $86.90 -$82.64
52 Wk 52 Wk 50 Day 200 Day
Mkt Value
Low High MA MA

$151.39 Err:504 Err:504 #REF! #REF!

$0.00 Err:504 Err:504 #REF! #REF!
$349.35 Err:504 Err:504 #REF! #REF!

$0.00 Err:504 Err:504 #REF! #REF!

$186.32 Err:504 Err:504 #REF! #REF!

$0.00 Err:504 Err:504 #REF! #REF!

$0.00 Err:504 Err:504 #REF! #REF!

$0.00 Err:504 Err:504 #REF! #REF!

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$0.00 Err:504 Err:504 #REF! #REF!
$0.00 Err:504 Err:504 #REF! #REF!
$0.00 Err:504 Err:504 #REF! #REF!
$0.00 Err:504 Err:504 #REF! #REF!
$0.00 Err:504 Err:504 #REF! #REF!
$0.00 Err:504 Err:504 #REF! #REF!
Transacted Stock
Transacted Prev Previous Cumulative
Date Type Stock Price (per Fees Split
Units Row Units Units
unit) Ratio
2011-08-15 Buy Telefonica 200.0 $20.9200 $15.00 1.0 0 0.0 200.00
2011-08-15 Buy DBXT S&P Short 10 US$ 80.0 $46.7200 $14.00 1.0 0 0.0 80.00
2011-08-18 Buy iPath S&P 500 VIX Short-Term 25.0 $36.6900 $5.00 1.0 0 0.0 25.00
2011-08-18 Buy Futures ETN
iPath S&P 500 VIX Short-Term 40.0 $38.6000 $15.00 1.0 4 25.0 65.00
2011-08-22 Sell Futures ETN
iPath S&P 500 VIX Short-Term 25.0 $40.1600 $5.00 1.0 5 65.0 40.00
2011-08-22 Sell Futures ETN
iPath S&P 500 VIX Short-Term 40.0 $40.2600 $15.00 1.0 6 40.0 0.00
2011-08-24 Buy Futures ETN
Telefonica 150.0 $20.6270 $15.00 1.0 2 200.0 350.00
2011-08-25 Sell Telefonica 350.0 $20.0900 $15.00 1.0 8 350.0 0.00
2011-08-31 Buy iPath S&P 500 VIX Short-Term 22.0 $39.0100 $5.00 1.0 7 0.0 22.00
2011-09-15 Sell Futures ETN
iPath S&P 500 VIX Short-Term 22.0 $43.6300 $5.00 1.0 10 22.0 0.00
2011-09-19 Buy Futures ETN
iPath S&P 500 VIX Short-Term 23.0 $43.5900 $5.00 1.0 11 0.0 23.00
2011-09-22 Buy Futures ETN
ProShares UltraShort S&P 500 60.0 $25.7400 $15.00 1.0 0 0.0 60.00
2011-09-26 Sell ETF
iPath S&P 500 VIX Short-Term 23.0 $49.2300 $5.00 1.0 12 23.0 0.00
2011-09-26 Buy Futures
VodafoneETN 100.0 $25.3800 $15.00 1.0 0 0.0 100.00
2011-10-04 Buy ProShares UltraShort S&P 500 35.0 $28.1100 $5.00 1.0 13 60.0 95.00
2011-10-04 Sell ETF
ProShares UltraShort S&P 500 35.0 $27.0700 $5.00 1.0 16 95.0 60.00
2011-10-10 Buy ETF
Telefonica 100.0 $20.6000 $15.00 1.0 9 0.0 100.00
2011-10-17 Sell Telefonica 100.0 $20.8900 $15.00 1.0 18 100.0 0.00
2011-10-17 Buy iPath S&P 500 VIX Short-Term 23.0 $42.7800 $5.00 1.0 14 0.0 23.00
2011-10-21 Sell Futures ETN
iPath S&P 500 VIX Short-Term 23.0 $44.5600 $5.00 1.0 20 23.0 0.00
2011-10-24 Buy Futures ETN QQQ Trust
PowerShares 16.0 $58.2000 $5.00 1.0 0 0.0 16.00
2011-10-25 Buy SPDR Gold Trust 10.0 $165.4900 $15.00 1.0 0 0.0 10.00
2011-10-26 Sell PowerShares QQQ Trust 16.0 $56.3000 $5.00 1.0 22 16.0 0.00
2011-10-27 Sell ProShares UltraShort S&P 500 60.0 $19.6200 $15.00 1.0 17 60.0 0.00
2011-10-27 Buy ETF
SPDR Gold Trust 10.0 $169.7600 $15.00 1.0 23 10.0 20.00
2011-10-27 Buy PowerShares QQQ Trust 16.0 $58.6100 $5.00 1.0 24 0.0 16.00
2011-10-31 Sell PowerShares QQQ Trust 16.0 $58.2100 $5.00 1.0 27 16.0 0.00
2011-11-01 Buy ProShares UltraShort S&P 500 100.0 $21.3900 $15.00 1.0 25 0.0 100.00
2011-11-01 Sell ETF
ProShares UltraShort S&P 500 100.0 $20.6800 $15.00 1.0 29 100.0 0.00
2011-11-10 Buy ETF
iPath S&P 500 VIX Short-Term 19.0 $46.9700 $5.00 1.0 21 0.0 19.00
2011-11-11 Sell Futures ETN
iPath S&P 500 VIX Short-Term 19.0 $45.5300 $5.00 1.0 31 19.0 0.00
2011-11-16 Div Futures
VodafoneETN 100.0 $1.1134 $0.00 1.0 15 100.0 100.00
2011-11-18 Buy iPath S&P 500 VIX Short-Term 19.0 $47.7100 $5.00 1.0 32 0.0 19.00
2011-11-28 Sell Futures ETN
iPath S&P 500 VIX Short-Term 19.0 $45.6800 $5.00 1.0 34 19.0 0.00
2011-11-28 Buy Futures ETN
France Telecom 250.0 $16.2600 $15.00 1.0 0 0.0 250.00
2011-12-07 Sell France Telecom 250.0 $16.9500 $15.00 1.0 36 250.0 0.00
2011-12-08 Buy iPath S&P 500 VIX Short-Term 21.0 $43.5700 $5.00 1.0 35 0.0 21.00
2012-01-11 Buy Futures
VodafoneETN 5.0 $27.6800 $0.35 1.0 33 100.0 105.00
2012-01-14 Buy Vodafone 2.0 $26.8200 $0.13 1.0 39 105.0 107.00
2012-01-25 Sell SPDR Gold Trust 10.0 $160.8500 $15.04 1.0 26 20.0 10.00
2012-02-01 Buy Intel 4.0 $26.5200 $0.27 1.0 0 0.0 4.00
2012-03-13 Buy Vodafone 4.0 $26.8800 $0.27 1.0 40 107.0 111.00
2012-03-14 Buy iPath S&P 500 VIX Short-Term 4.0 $21.7400 $0.22 1.0 38 21.0 25.00
2012-03-21 Buy Futures ETN
iPath S&P 500 VIX Short-Term 4.0 $18.8000 $0.19 1.0 44 25.0 29.00
2012-03-30 Buy Futures
UnileverETN 1.0 $33.0800 $0.08 1.0 0 0.0 1.00
2012-04-26 Div Unilever 1.0 $0.3100 $0.00 1.0 46 1.0 1.00
2012-05-03 Div Intel 4.0 $0.1470 $0.00 1.0 42 4.0 4.00
2012-05-29 Buy Vodafone 15.0 $27.1000 $1.02 1.0 43 111.0 126.00
2012-06-06 Div Vodafone 100.0 $0.9947 $0.00 1.0 49 126.0 126.00
2012-06-06 Div Vodafone 26.0 $0.9947 $0.00 1.0 50 126.0 126.00
2012-06-19 Buy Vodafone 4.0 $28.0499 $0.28 1.0 51 126.0 130.00
2012-06-29 Buy Unilever 2.0 $33.7200 $0.17 1.0 47 1.0 3.00
2012-06-29 Buy Intel 4.0 $26.4900 $0.26 1.0 48 4.0 8.00
2012-07-23 Buy iPath S&P 500 VIX Short-Term 15.0 $14.3500 $0.54 1.0 45 29.0 44.00
Futures ETN
2012-07-24 Buy iPath S&P 500 VIX Short-Term 7.0 $14.4600 $0.25 1.0 55 44.0 51.00
2012-07-26 Sell Futures ETN
iPath S&P 500 VIX Short-Term 22.0 $13.5300 $0.74 1.0 56 51.0 29.00
2012-07-31 Buy Futures ETN
iPath S&P 500 VIX Short-Term 15.0 $13.5300 $0.51 1.0 57 29.0 44.00
2012-08-03 Sell Futures ETN
iPath S&P 500 VIX Short-Term 18.0 $12.5100 $0.56 1.0 58 44.0 26.00
2012-08-23 Buy Futures ETNTrust
SPDR Gold 1.0 $159.1300 $0.40 1.0 41 10.0 11.00
2012-09-06 Buy SPDR Gold Trust 2.0 $165.4700 $0.83 1.0 60 11.0 13.00
2012-09-21 Buy SPDR Gold Trust 1.0 $172.3600 $0.43 1.0 61 13.0 14.00
2012-09-21 Buy Berkshire Hathaway 2.0 $89.5700 $0.45 1.0 0 0.0 2.00
2012-10-05 Split iPath S&P 500 VIX Short-Term 0.0 $0.0000 $0.00 0.3 59 26.0 6.50
2012-10-12 Sell Futures
VodafoneETN 100.0 $28.2100 $15.00 1.0 52 130.0 30.00
2012-10-12 Sell SPDR Gold Trust 10.0 $171.0000 $15.04 1.0 62 14.0 4.00
2012-10-23 Buy ProShares UltraShort S&P 500 8.0 $56.5599 $1.16 1.0 30 0.0 8.00
2012-11-05 Div ETF
Intel 8.0 $0.1103 $0.00 1.0 54 8.0 8.00
2012-11-07 Div Unilever 3.0 $0.3160 $0.00 1.0 53 3.0 3.00
2012-11-19 Buy Apple Inc 3.0 $548.1500 $4.20 1.0 0 0.0 3.00
2013-11-23 Div Vodafone 30.0 $0.5080 $0.00 1.0 65 30.0 30.00
2012-11-28 Buy Berkshire Hathaway 1.0 $87.8300 $0.24 1.0 63 2.0 3.00
2012-11-28 Buy Vodafone 37.0 $25.2200 $2.47 1.0 71 30.0 67.00
2012-11-30 Buy Vodafone 37.0 $25.7800 $2.44 1.0 73 67.0 104.00
2012-12-08 Buy Vodafone 30.0 $25.9500 $1.99 1.0 74 104.0 134.00
2012-12-13 Buy Vodafone 28.0 $25.9600 $1.86 1.0 75 134.0 162.00
2012-12-14 Sell Apple Inc 1.0 $514.0800 $1.32 1.0 70 3.0 2.00
2012-12-17 Sell Vodafone 28.0 $25.5700 $1.83 1.0 76 162.0 134.00
2013-01-02 Buy Intel 3.0 $21.1000 $0.16 1.0 68 8.0 11.00
2013-01-02 Buy Berkshire Hathaway 3.0 $92.3400 $0.71 1.0 72 3.0 6.00
2013-02-05 Div Intel 11.0 $0.1575 $0.00 1.0 79 11.0 11.00
2013-02-06 Div Unilever 3.0 $0.3237 $0.00 1.0 69 3.0 3.00
2013-02-19 Sell Vodafone 134.0 $25.2500 $8.66 1.0 78 134.0 0.00
2013-03-13 Buy SPDR Gold Trust 2.0 $154.2000 $0.79 1.0 66 4.0 6.00
2013-03-26 Buy Berkshire Hathaway 2.0 $103.2800 $0.53 1.0 80 6.0 8.00
2013-03-26 Buy SPDR Gold Trust 1.0 $154.6500 $0.40 1.0 84 6.0 7.00
2013-03-26 Buy Apple Inc 1.0 $462.5800 $1.18 1.0 77 2.0 3.00
2013-03-26 Buy Intel 2.0 $21.4800 $0.11 1.0 81 11.0 13.00
2013-04-15 Buy SPDR Gold Trust 2.0 $135.1400 $0.69 1.0 86 7.0 9.00
2013-04-18 Buy ProShares UltraShort S&P 500 20.0 $44.7100 $2.29 1.0 67 8.0 28.00
2013-04-22 Sell ETF
ProShares UltraShort S&P 500 15.0 $43.9600 $1.69 1.0 90 28.0 13.00
2013-05-01 Buy ETF
Intel 2.0 $23.8900 $0.12 1.0 88 13.0 15.00
2013-05-01 Buy Apple Inc 1.0 $439.2100 $1.12 1.0 87 3.0 4.00
2013-05-03 Div Intel 15.0 $0.1575 $0.00 1.0 92 15.0 15.00
2013-05-08 Div Unilever 3.0 $0.3494 $0.00 1.0 82 3.0 3.00
2013-05-09 Div Apple Inc 4.0 $2.1350 $0.00 1.0 93 4.0 4.00
2013-05-23 Buy Intel 5.0 $24.4350 $0.31 1.0 94 15.0 20.00
2013-06-17 Buy Visa 3.0 $182.4900 $1.40 1.0 0 0.0 3.00
2013-06-17 Buy Intel 20.0 $25.2100 $1.29 1.0 97 20.0 40.00
2013-06-20 Sell Intel 20.0 $24.3800 $1.25 1.0 99 40.0 20.00
2013-06-20 Sell Visa 3.0 $180.8800 $1.39 1.0 98 3.0 0.00
2013-07-12 Sell DBXT S&P Short 10 US$ 80.0 $29.1500 $14.00 1.0 3 80.0 0.00
2013-08-05 Div Intel 20.0 $0.1575 $0.00 1.0 100 20.0 20.00
2013-08-07 Div Unilever 3.0 $0.3545 $0.00 1.0 95 3.0 3.00
2013-08-08 Div Apple Inc 4.0 $2.1350 $0.00 1.0 96 4.0 4.00
2013-08-27 Buy SPDR Gold Trust 3.0 $137.1500 $1.05 1.0 89 9.0 12.00
2013-09-24 Buy ProShares UltraShort S&P 500 13.0 $35.7000 $1.18 1.0 91 13.0 26.00
2013-10-01 Sell ETF
ProShares UltraShort S&P 500 26.0 $36.0800 $2.40 1.0 107 26.0 0.00
2013-10-30 Buy ETF
Vanguard Total World Stock 2.0 $58.0500 $0.30 1.0 0 0.0 2.00
2013-10-30 Buy Index
Gold Trust 1.0 $130.5900 $0.33 1.0 106 12.0 13.00
2013-11-05 Div Intel 20.0 $0.1575 $0.00 1.0 103 20.0 20.00
2013-11-06 Div Apple Inc 4.0 $2.1350 $0.00 1.0 105 4.0 4.00
2013-11-06 Div Unilever 3.0 $0.3675 $0.00 1.0 104 3.0 3.00
2013-11-29 Buy SPDR Gold Trust 2.0 $120.8700 $0.62 1.0 110 13.0 15.00
2013-11-29 Buy Oaktree 2.0 $55.8900 $0.29 1.0 0 0.0 2.00
2013-12-20 Div Vanguard Total World Stock 2.0 $0.2618 $0.00 1.0 109 2.0 2.00
2014-02-05 Div Index ETF
Unilever 3.0 $0.3654 $0.00 1.0 113 3.0 3.00
2014-02-05 Div Intel 20.0 $0.1575 $0.00 1.0 111 20.0 20.00
2014-02-06 Div Apple Inc 4.0 $2.1350 $0.00 1.0 112 4.0 4.00
2014-02-20 Div Oaktree 2.0 $1.0000 $0.00 1.0 115 2.0 2.00
2014-03-25 Div Vanguard Total World Stock 2.0 $0.2338 $0.00 1.0 116 2.0 2.00
2014-04-04 Buy Index ETF
Oaktree 8.0 $57.7500 $1.18 1.0 120 2.0 10.00
2014-04-11 Buy Oaktree 10.0 $51.8600 $1.32 1.0 122 10.0 20.00
2014-05-05 Div Intel 20.0 $0.1575 $0.00 1.0 118 20.0 20.00
2014-05-07 Div Unilever 3.0 $0.3938 $0.00 1.0 117 3.0 3.00
2014-05-08 Div Apple Inc 4.0 $2.3030 $0.00 1.0 119 4.0 4.00
2014-05-08 Div Oaktree 20.0 $0.9800 $0.00 1.0 123 20.0 20.00
2014-06-09 Split Apple Inc 0.0 $0.0000 $0.00 7.0 126 4.0 28.00
2014-06-24 Div Vanguard Total World Stock 2.0 $0.3241 $0.00 1.0 121 2.0 2.00
2014-08-07 Div Index ETF
Oaktree 20.0 $0.5500 $0.00 1.0 127 20.0 20.00
2015-08-07 Div Apple Inc 28.0 $0.3329 $0.00 1.0 128 28.0 28.00
2014-09-23 Div Vanguard Total World Stock 2.0 $0.2023 $0.00 1.0 129 2.0 2.00
2014-10-15 Sell Index ETF
Unilever 3.0 $40.1800 $0.30 1.0 125 3.0 0.00
2014-10-15 Sell Intel 20.0 $31.4000 $1.60 1.0 124 20.0 0.00
2014-11-06 Div Oaktree 20.0 $0.6200 $0.00 1.0 130 20.0 20.00
2015-11-06 Div Apple Inc 28.0 $0.3320 $0.00 1.0 131 28.0 28.00
2014-12-22 Div Vanguard Total World Stock 2.0 $0.2646 $0.00 1.0 132 2.0 2.00
2015-02-05 Div Index
Apple ETF
Inc 28.0 $0.3320 $0.00 1.0 136 28.0 28.00
2015-02-17 Div Oaktree 20.0 $0.5600 $0.00 1.0 135 20.0 20.00
2015-03-25 Div Vanguard Total World Stock 2.0 $0.2198 $0.00 1.0 137 2.0 2.00
2015-05-07 Div Index ETF
Oaktree 20.0 $0.6400 $0.00 1.0 139 20.0 20.00
2015-05-07 Div Apple Inc 28.0 $0.3640 $0.00 1.0 138 28.0 28.00
2015-06-26 Div Vanguard Total World Stock 2.0 $0.3171 $0.00 1.0 140 2.0 2.00
2015-08-06 Div Index ETF
Oaktree 20.0 $0.5000 $0.00 1.0 141 20.0 20.00
2015-08-06 Div Apple Inc 28.0 $0.3640 $0.00 1.0 142 28.0 28.00
2015-08-24 Sell Apple Inc 28.0 $99.3400 $7.12 1.0 145 28.0 0.00
2015-09-25 Div Vanguard Total World Stock 2.0 $0.1953 $0.00 1.0 143 2.0 2.00
2015-11-05 Div Index ETF
Oaktree 20.0 $0.3950 $0.00 1.0 144 20.0 20.00
2016-07-30 Sell Vanguard Total World Stock 2.0 $60.4000 $0.30 1.0 147 2.0 0.00
2016-07-30 Sell Index ETF
Oaktree 20.0 $46.4000 $2.37 1.0 148 20.0 0.00
Cost of
Transacted Cost of Cumulative Gains/Losses Yield on
Previous Cost Transaction Cash Flow
Value Transaction Cost from Sale Transaction
(per unit)
$4,199.00 $0.00 - - $4,199.00 $0.00 0.00% -$4,199.00
$3,751.60 $0.00 - - $3,751.60 $0.00 0.00% -$3,751.60
$922.25 $0.00 - - $922.25 $0.00 0.00% -$922.25
$1,559.00 $922.25 - - $2,481.25 $0.00 0.00% -$1,559.00
$999.00 $2,481.25 $954.33 $38.1731 $1,526.92 $44.67 4.68% $999.00
$1,595.40 $1,526.92 $1,526.92 $38.1731 $0.00 $68.48 4.48% $1,595.40
$3,109.05 $4,199.00 - - $7,308.05 $0.00 0.00% -$3,109.05
$7,016.50 $7,308.05 $7,308.05 $20.8801 $0.00 $291.55 -3.99% $7,016.50
$863.22 $0.00 - - $863.22 $0.00 0.00% -$863.22
$954.86 $863.22 $863.22 $39.2373 $0.00 $91.64 10.62% $954.86
$1,007.57 $0.00 - - $1,007.57 $0.00 0.00% -$1,007.57
$1,559.40 $0.00 - - $1,559.40 $0.00 0.00% -$1,559.40
$1,127.29 $1,007.57 $1,007.57 $43.8074 $0.00 $119.72 11.88% $1,127.29
$2,553.00 $0.00 - - $2,553.00 $0.00 0.00% -$2,553.00
$988.85 $1,559.40 - - $2,548.25 $0.00 0.00% -$988.85
$942.45 $2,548.25 $938.83 $26.8237 $1,609.42 $3.62 0.39% $942.45
$2,075.00 $0.00 - - $2,075.00 $0.00 0.00% -$2,075.00
$2,074.00 $2,075.00 $2,075.00 $20.7500 $0.00 $1.00 -0.05% $2,074.00
$988.94 $0.00 - - $988.94 $0.00 0.00% -$988.94
$1,019.88 $988.94 $988.94 $42.9974 $0.00 $30.94 3.13% $1,019.88
$936.20 $0.00 - - $936.20 $0.00 0.00% -$936.20
$1,669.90 $0.00 - - $1,669.90 $0.00 0.00% -$1,669.90
$895.80 $936.20 $936.20 $58.5125 $0.00 $40.40 -4.32% $895.80
$1,162.20 $1,609.42 $1,609.42 $26.8237 $0.00 $447.22 -27.79% $1,162.20
$1,712.60 $1,669.90 - - $3,382.50 $0.00 0.00% -$1,712.60
$942.76 $0.00 - - $942.76 $0.00 0.00% -$942.76
$926.36 $942.76 $942.76 $58.9225 $0.00 $16.40 -1.74% $926.36
$2,154.00 $0.00 - - $2,154.00 $0.00 0.00% -$2,154.00
$2,053.00 $2,154.00 $2,154.00 $21.5400 $0.00 $101.00 -4.69% $2,053.00
$897.43 $0.00 - - $897.43 $0.00 0.00% -$897.43
$860.07 $897.43 $897.43 $47.2332 $0.00 $37.36 -4.16% $860.07
$111.34 $2,553.00 - - $2,553.00 $111.34 4.36% $111.34
$911.49 $0.00 - - $911.49 $0.00 0.00% -$911.49
$862.92 $911.49 $911.49 $47.9732 $0.00 $48.57 -5.33% $862.92
$4,080.00 $0.00 - - $4,080.00 $0.00 0.00% -$4,080.00
$4,222.50 $4,080.00 $4,080.00 $16.3200 $0.00 $142.50 3.49% $4,222.50
$919.97 $0.00 - - $919.97 $0.00 0.00% -$919.97
$138.75 $2,553.00 - - $2,691.75 $0.00 0.00% -$138.75
$53.77 $2,691.75 - - $2,745.52 $0.00 0.00% -$53.77
$1,593.46 $3,382.50 $1,691.25 $169.1250 $1,691.25 $97.79 -5.78% $1,593.46
$106.35 $0.00 - - $106.35 $0.00 0.00% -$106.35
$107.79 $2,745.52 - - $2,853.31 $0.00 0.00% -$107.79
$87.18 $919.97 - - $1,007.15 $0.00 0.00% -$87.18
$75.39 $1,007.15 - - $1,082.54 $0.00 0.00% -$75.39
$33.16 $0.00 - - $33.16 $0.00 0.00% -$33.16
$0.31 $33.16 - - $33.16 $0.31 0.93% $0.31
$0.59 $106.35 - - $106.35 $0.59 0.55% $0.59
$407.52 $2,853.31 - - $3,260.82 $0.00 0.00% -$407.52
$99.47 $3,260.82 - - $3,260.82 $99.47 3.05% $99.47
$25.86 $3,260.82 - - $3,260.82 $25.86 0.79% $25.86
$112.48 $3,260.82 - - $3,373.30 $0.00 0.00% -$112.48
$67.61 $33.16 - - $100.77 $0.00 0.00% -$67.61
$106.22 $106.35 - - $212.57 $0.00 0.00% -$106.22
$215.79 $1,082.54 - - $1,298.33 $0.00 0.00% -$215.79
$101.47 $1,298.33 - - $1,399.80 $0.00 0.00% -$101.47
$296.92 $1,399.80 $603.84 $27.4471 $795.97 $306.92 -50.83% $296.92
$203.46 $795.97 - - $999.42 $0.00 0.00% -$203.46
$224.62 $999.42 $408.86 $22.7142 $590.57 $184.24 -45.06% $224.62
$159.53 $1,691.25 - - $1,850.78 $0.00 0.00% -$159.53
$331.77 $1,850.78 - - $2,182.54 $0.00 0.00% -$331.77
$172.79 $2,182.54 - - $2,355.33 $0.00 0.00% -$172.79
$179.59 $0.00 - - $179.59 $0.00 0.00% -$179.59
$0.00 $590.57 - - $590.57 $0.00 0.00% $0.00
$2,806.00 $3,373.30 $2,594.85 $25.9485 $778.45 $211.15 8.14% $2,806.00
$1,694.96 $2,355.33 $1,682.38 $168.2382 $672.95 $12.58 0.75% $1,694.96
$453.64 $0.00 - - $453.64 $0.00 0.00% -$453.64
$0.88 $212.57 - - $212.57 $0.88 0.41% $0.88
$0.95 $100.77 - - $100.77 $0.95 0.94% $0.95
$1,648.65 $0.00 - - $1,648.65 $0.00 0.00% -$1,648.65
$15.24 $778.45 - - $778.45 $15.24 1.96% $15.24
$88.07 $179.59 - - $267.65 $0.00 0.00% -$88.07
$935.61 $778.45 - - $1,714.06 $0.00 0.00% -$935.61
$956.30 $1,714.06 - - $2,670.36 $0.00 0.00% -$956.30
$780.49 $2,670.36 - - $3,450.85 $0.00 0.00% -$780.49
$728.74 $3,450.85 - - $4,179.59 $0.00 0.00% -$728.74
$512.76 $1,648.65 $549.55 $549.5500 $1,099.10 $36.79 -6.69% $512.76
$714.13 $4,179.59 $722.40 $25.8000 $3,457.20 $8.27 -1.14% $714.13
$63.46 $212.57 - - $276.03 $0.00 0.00% -$63.46
$277.73 $267.65 - - $545.38 $0.00 0.00% -$277.73
$1.73 $276.03 - - $276.03 $1.73 0.63% $1.73
$0.97 $100.77 - - $100.77 $0.97 0.96% $0.97
$3,374.84 $3,457.20 $3,457.20 $25.8000 $0.00 $82.36 -2.38% $3,374.84
$309.19 $672.95 - - $982.14 $0.00 0.00% -$309.19
$207.09 $545.38 - - $752.47 $0.00 0.00% -$207.09
$155.05 $982.14 - - $1,137.19 $0.00 0.00% -$155.05
$463.76 $1,099.10 - - $1,562.86 $0.00 0.00% -$463.76
$43.07 $276.03 - - $319.10 $0.00 0.00% -$43.07
$270.97 $1,137.19 - - $1,408.16 $0.00 0.00% -$270.97
$896.49 $453.64 - - $1,350.13 $0.00 0.00% -$896.49
$657.71 $1,350.13 $723.28 $48.2188 $626.84 $65.57 -9.07% $657.71
$47.90 $319.10 - - $367.00 $0.00 0.00% -$47.90
$440.33 $1,562.86 - - $2,003.19 $0.00 0.00% -$440.33
$2.36 $367.00 - - $367.00 $2.36 0.64% $2.36
$1.05 $100.77 - - $100.77 $1.05 1.04% $1.05
$8.54 $2,003.19 - - $2,003.19 $8.54 0.43% $8.54
$122.49 $367.00 - - $489.49 $0.00 0.00% -$122.49
$548.87 $0.00 - - $548.87 $0.00 0.00% -$548.87
$505.49 $489.49 - - $994.98 $0.00 0.00% -$505.49
$486.35 $994.98 $497.49 $24.8745 $497.49 $11.14 -2.24% $486.35
$541.25 $548.87 $548.87 $182.9567 $0.00 $7.62 -1.39% $541.25
$2,318.00 $3,751.60 $3,751.60 $46.8950 $0.00 $1,433.60 -38.21% $2,318.00
$3.15 $497.49 - - $497.49 $3.15 0.63% $3.15
$1.06 $100.77 - - $100.77 $1.06 1.06% $1.06
$8.54 $2,003.19 - - $2,003.19 $8.54 0.43% $8.54
$412.50 $1,408.16 - - $1,820.66 $0.00 0.00% -$412.50
$465.28 $626.84 - - $1,092.12 $0.00 0.00% -$465.28
$935.68 $1,092.12 $1,092.12 $42.0048 $0.00 $156.44 -14.32% $935.68
$116.40 $0.00 - - $116.40 $0.00 0.00% -$116.40
$130.92 $1,820.66 - - $1,951.58 $0.00 0.00% -$130.92
$3.15 $497.49 - - $497.49 $3.15 0.63% $3.15
$8.54 $2,003.19 - - $2,003.19 $8.54 0.43% $8.54
$1.10 $100.77 - - $100.77 $1.10 1.09% $1.10
$242.36 $1,951.58 - - $2,193.94 $0.00 0.00% -$242.36
$112.07 $0.00 - - $112.07 $0.00 0.00% -$112.07
$0.52 $116.40 - - $116.40 $0.52 0.45% $0.52
$1.10 $100.77 - - $100.77 $1.10 1.09% $1.10
$3.15 $497.49 - - $497.49 $3.15 0.63% $3.15
$8.54 $2,003.19 - - $2,003.19 $8.54 0.43% $8.54
$2.00 $112.07 - - $112.07 $2.00 1.78% $2.00
$0.47 $116.40 - - $116.40 $0.47 0.40% $0.47
$463.18 $112.07 - - $575.25 $0.00 0.00% -$463.18
$519.92 $575.25 - - $1,095.17 $0.00 0.00% -$519.92
$3.15 $497.49 - - $497.49 $3.15 0.63% $3.15
$1.18 $100.77 - - $100.77 $1.18 1.17% $1.18
$9.21 $2,003.19 - - $2,003.19 $9.21 0.46% $9.21
$19.60 $1,095.17 - - $1,095.17 $19.60 1.79% $19.60
$0.00 $2,003.19 - - $2,003.19 $0.00 0.00% $0.00
$0.65 $116.40 - - $116.40 $0.65 0.56% $0.65
$11.00 $1,095.17 - - $1,095.17 $11.00 1.00% $11.00
$9.32 $2,003.19 - - $2,003.19 $9.32 0.47% $9.32
$0.40 $116.40 - - $116.40 $0.40 0.35% $0.40
$120.24 $100.77 $100.77 $33.5909 $0.00 $19.47 19.32% $120.24
$626.40 $497.49 $497.49 $24.8745 $0.00 $128.91 25.91% $626.40
$12.40 $1,095.17 - - $1,095.17 $12.40 1.13% $12.40
$9.30 $2,003.19 - - $2,003.19 $9.30 0.46% $9.30
$0.53 $116.40 - - $116.40 $0.53 0.45% $0.53
$9.30 $2,003.19 - - $2,003.19 $9.30 0.46% $9.30
$11.20 $1,095.17 - - $1,095.17 $11.20 1.02% $11.20
$0.44 $116.40 - - $116.40 $0.44 0.38% $0.44
$12.80 $1,095.17 - - $1,095.17 $12.80 1.17% $12.80
$10.19 $2,003.19 - - $2,003.19 $10.19 0.51% $10.19
$0.63 $116.40 - - $116.40 $0.63 0.54% $0.63
$10.00 $1,095.17 - - $1,095.17 $10.00 0.91% $10.00
$10.19 $2,003.19 - - $2,003.19 $10.19 0.51% $10.19
$2,774.40 $2,003.19 $2,003.19 $71.5426 $0.00 $771.21 38.50% $2,774.40
$0.39 $116.40 - - $116.40 $0.39 0.34% $0.39
$7.90 $1,095.17 - - $1,095.17 $7.90 0.72% $7.90
$120.50 $116.40 $116.40 $58.1985 $0.00 $4.10 3.53% $120.50
$925.63 $1,095.17 $1,095.17 $54.7583 $0.00 $169.54 -15.48% $925.63
Google Google Yahoo Yahoo Manual Last Last Yield on
Growth Stock Name
Quote Price Quote Price Price Price DPU Cost
HKG:054 0543.
Dividend Pacific Online 1.8 0543.HK -- 0.000 1.8 0.193 0.00%
3 HK+
HKG:682 6823.
Dividend HKT Trust 1.8 6823.HK -- 0.000 1.8 0.491 6.54%
3 HK+
HKG:180 1803.
Dividend ASR Holdings 1.8 1803.HK -- 0.000 1.8 0.056 0.00%
3 HK+
Power Assets HKG:000 0006.
Dividend 1.8 0006.HK -- 0.000 1.8 2.790 0.00%
Holdings 6 HK+
Last Unrealised
Cost (Per Unrealised Realised Dividends Total
Price Units Cost Gain/Loss Mkt Value
Unit) Gain/Loss Gain/Loss Collected Gain/Loss
Yield (%)
10.72% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $208.13 $0.00 $208.13 $0.00

27.28% 180 $1,351.63 7.509 -$1,027.63 -76.03% $1,926.74 $1,392.35 $2,291.46 $324.00

3.11% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% $2,888.80 $3,920.00 $6,808.80 $0.00

155.00% 0 $0.00 0.000 $0.00 0.00% -$1,073.00 $7,645.00 $6,572.00 $0.00

52 Wk 52 Wk 50 Day 200 Day
Low High MA MA





Transacted Stock
Transacted Prev Previous Cumulative
Date Type Stock Price (per Fees Split
Units Row Units Units
unit) Ratio
2013-07-24 Buy Pacific Online 1000.0 $3.3600 $8.60 1.0 0 0.0 1000.00
2013-07-31 Buy HKT Trust 1000.0 $7.6100 $19.48 1.0 0 0.0 1000.00
2013-07-31 Div HKT Trust 1000.0 $0.2100 $0.00 1.0 3 1000.0 1000.00
2013-09-09 Buy ASR Holdings 20000.0 $0.8400 $260.00 1.0 0 0.0 20000.00
2013-09-30 Div ASR Holdings 20000.0 $0.0280 $0.00 1.0 5 20000.0 20000.00
2013-12-10 Sell Pacific Online 1000.0 $3.5900 $13.27 1.0 2 1000.0 0.00
2014-03-17 Div HKT Trust 1000.0 $0.2421 $0.00 1.0 4 1000.0 1000.00
2014-05-23 Div ASR Holdings 20000.0 $0.1680 $0.00 1.0 6 20000.0 20000.00
2014-07-25 Buy HKT Trust 180.0 $6.8400 $0.00 1.0 8 1000.0 1180.00
2014-08-14 Sell ASR Holdings 20000.0 $1.0000 $51.20 1.0 9 20000.0 0.00
2014-08-25 Div HKT Trust 1180.0 $0.2100 $0.00 1.0 10 1180.0 1180.00
2015-05-11 Div HKT Trust 1180.0 $0.2330 $0.00 1.0 12 1180.0 1180.00
2015-08-24 Div HKT Trust 1180.0 $0.2579 $0.00 1.0 13 1180.0 1180.00
2016-01-07 Sell HKT Trust 1000.0 $9.4600 $24.21 1.0 14 1180.0 180.00
2017-01-10 Buy Power Assets 500.0 $69.4000 $112.00 1.0 0 0.0 500.00
2017-02-14 Div Holdings
Power Assets 500.0 $5.0000 $0.00 1.0 16 500.0 500.00
2017-03-21 Div Holdings
HKT Trust 180.0 $0.3476 $0.00 1.0 15 180.0 180.00
2017-05-15 Div Power Assets 500.0 $2.0200 $0.00 1.0 17 500.0 500.00
2017-08-09 Div Holdings
HKT Trust 180.0 $0.2812 $0.00 1.0 18 180.0 180.00
2017-08-18 Div Power Assets 500.0 $8.2700 $0.00 1.0 19 500.0 500.00
2017-10-10 Sell Holdings
Power Assets 500.0 $67.7000 $111.00 1.0 21 500.0 0.00
Cost of
Transacted Cost of Cumulative Gains/Losses Yield on
Previous Cost Transaction Cash Flow
Value Transaction Cost from Sale Transaction
(per unit)
$3,368.60 $0.00 - - $3,368.60 $0.00 0.00% -$3,368.60
$7,629.48 $0.00 - - $7,629.48 $0.00 0.00% -$7,629.48
$210.00 $7,629.48 - - $7,629.48 $210.00 2.75% $210.00
$17,060.00 $0.00 - - $17,060.00 $0.00 0.00% -$17,060.00
$560.00 $17,060.00 - - $17,060.00 $560.00 3.28% $560.00
$3,576.73 $3,368.60 $3,368.60 $3.3686 $0.00 $208.13 6.18% $3,576.73
$242.10 $7,629.48 - - $7,629.48 $242.10 3.17% $242.10
$3,360.00 $17,060.00 - - $17,060.00 $3,360.00 19.70% $3,360.00
$1,231.20 $7,629.48 - - $8,860.68 $0.00 0.00% -$1,231.20
$19,948.80 $17,060.00 $17,060.00 $0.8530 $0.00 $2,888.80 16.93% $19,948.80
$247.80 $8,860.68 - - $8,860.68 $247.80 2.80% $247.80
$274.94 $8,860.68 - - $8,860.68 $274.94 3.10% $274.94
$304.32 $8,860.68 - - $8,860.68 $304.32 3.43% $304.32
$9,435.79 $8,860.68 $7,509.05 $7.5091 $1,351.63 $1,926.74 25.66% $9,435.79
$34,812.00 $0.00 - - $34,812.00 $0.00 0.00% -$34,812.00
$2,500.00 $34,812.00 - - $34,812.00 $2,500.00 7.18% $2,500.00
$62.57 $1,351.63 - - $1,351.63 $62.57 4.63% $62.57
$1,010.00 $34,812.00 - - $34,812.00 $1,010.00 2.90% $1,010.00
$50.62 $1,351.63 - - $1,351.63 $50.62 3.74% $50.62
$4,135.00 $34,812.00 - - $34,812.00 $4,135.00 11.88% $4,135.00
$33,739.00 $34,812.00 $34,812.00 $69.6240 $0.00 $1,073.00 -3.08% $33,739.00
Symbol Name Change Last Price
#NAME? 2ndChance W200123 0 0.001
502 3Cnergy 0 0.009
1E0W 3Cnergy W200528 0 0.001
AZG 8Telecom^ 0 0.069
BQC A-Smart 0 0.335
BTJ A-Sonic Aero^ 0 0.205
5GZ AA 0 0.009
A35 ABF SG BOND ETF -0.001 1.183
533 ABR 0 0.69
K3HD ACH ADR US$ 0 13.29
AWG AEI 0 0.6
CTPW AEI W210527 0 0.005
AWX AEM -0.02 1.17
L38 AF Global 0 0.141
1A4 AGV 0 0.03
O5RU AIMS APAC Reit -0.02 1.44
BVP AIMS Property 0 1.45
RF7 AMOS 0 0.023
5AU AP Oil 0 0.18
CLN APAC Realty -0.005 0.505
XZL ARA HTrust USD -0.035 0.85
WG2W ASL M W240723 0 0.004
A04 ASL Marine -0.004 0.045
575 ASTI^ 0 0.028
O2I AVIC 0 0.146
A05 AVJennings A$ 0 0.545
L5I Abterra^ 0 0.045
541 Abundance Intl 0 0.01
1C4W AbundanceIn eW210130 0 0.009
ADQU Accordia Golf Tr 0.005 0.54
QZG Accrelist Ltd 0 0.076
A75 Ace Achieve Info^ 0 0.008
5FW Acesian Partners 0 0.016
AYV Acma^ 0 0.14
43F Acromec 0 0.098
A31 Addvalue Tech 0 0.021
5TY Advanced Systems 0 0.001
BLZ Advanced^ 0 0.1
43Q Advancer Global 0 0.145
5EF Adventus 0 0.005
S91 AliPictures HKD 0 1.59
40F Alita Resources 0 0.078
MIJ Alliance HC 0 0.185
A13 Allied Tech 0 0.011
5TS Alpha Energy 0 0.024
A34 Amara 0 0.46
AOF Amplefield Ltd 0 0.019
1G7W Amplefield Ltd W221218 0 0.002
Y35 AnAn Intl^ 0 0.004
43E Anchor Resources -0.001 0.008
BTX Anchun Intl^ 0 0.19
A52 AnnAik -0.009 0.053
GMJR AnnAik R 0 0
ZK0R AnnAik R1 0 0
5AL Annica 0 0.001
1D4 Aoxin Q & M 0.022 0.197
YYB Arion Ent 0.001 0.008
8I9W Arion Ent W200505 0 0.001
5NK Artivision Tech 0 0.005
A17U Ascendas Reit 0.02 3.13
Q1P Ascendas-hTrust 0 1.09
CY6U Ascendas-iTrust -0.02 1.46
A68U Ascott Reit 0.01 1.32
A55 Asia Enterprises 0 0.145
BQI Asia Fashion^ 0 0.064
5RE Asia Vets 0 0.136
505 AsiaMedic 0 0.013
5WV AsiaPhos 0 0.008
1C9W AsiaPhos W200323 0 0.003
1J3 Asian Healthcare 0.005 0.235
585 Asian Micro 0 0.004
S7OU Asian Pay Tv Tr 0.003 0.172
5CR Asiatic 0 0.005
5AM 0 0.027
1F3 Aspen 0 0.121
A30 Aspial 0 0.179
BEYZ AspialTrea 5.25%b200828 -0.007 0.978
BRQZ AspialTrea 5.3%b200401 0.005 1.011
42S Astaka 0 0.088
RMRB Astrea IV4.35%B280614# 0 1.074
5A1B Astrea V3.85%B290620# 0 1.043
5UL Atlantic Nav 0 0.078
5ET Attilan^ 0 0.002
5GJ AusGroup^ 0 0.022
U09 Avarga 0 0.179
CEGW Avarga W200212 0 0.001
BKY Avi-Tech -0.005 0.34
42U Axcelasia 0 0.065
1I5 Ayondo 0 0.048
BBW Azeus 0 0.825
CJN B&M Hldg 0 3.5
KJ5 BBR -0.013 0.16
BQN BH Global^ 0 0.075
BMGU BHG Retail Reit 0 0.68
K3SD BIDU ADR US$+ 0 175
CQEW BMM W210213^ 0 0.002
I9T BMM^ 0 0.007
BEC BRC Asia 0 1.33
BTP Baker Technology 0 0.385
B26 Ban Leong -0.05 0.24
B58 Banyan Tree 0 0.47
BEZ Beng Kuang^ 0 0.046
B66 Berlian LajuTank 0 0.027
CGN Best World 0 1.36
8YY Biolidics 0 0.26
41H BlackGoldNatural -0.001 0.01
A33 Blumont 0 0.002
5VI Boldtek 0 0.12
B28 Bonvests 0 1.25
F9D Boustead 0 0.735
AVM Boustead Proj 0 0.94
CTN BreadTalk 0 0.63
B69 Broadway Ind^ 0.002 0.053
AWC Brook Crompton 0 0.85
B61 Bukit Sembawang -0.19 4.91
P8Z Bumitama Agri -0.02 0.585
BTE Bund Center 0.005 0.55
D79 C&G Env Protect -0.001 0.001
J85 CDL HTrust 0 1.63
BXE CDW 0 0.19
K3CD CEA ADR US$ 0 21.4
AVV CEI -0.01 0.935
5EB CFM 0 0.023
C13 CH Offshore 0 0.064
K3ED CHA ADR US$ 0 47.35
K3PD CHL ADR US$ 0 45.47
K3ID CHU ADR US$ 0 10.23
5GC CNA^ 0 0.026
5TP CNMC Goldmine 0.005 0.285
F83 COSCO SHP SG -0.005 0.285
539 CPH 0 0.004
C06 CSC -0.001 0.02
BMNW CSC W201229 0.001 0.012
544 CSE Global 0.005 0.47
594 CWX Global 0 0.003
1G5W CWX Global W221213 0 0.001
K3JD CYOU ADR US$+ 0 31.56
K2LU Cache Log Trust 0.005 0.74
D2U Cacola^ 0 0.001
BAC Camsing Hc 0 1.07
TY6Z CapMallTrb3.08%210220 0 1.012
C61U CapitaCom Trust -0.01 2.12
C31 CapitaLand 0.02 3.53
C38U CapitaMall Trust -0.01 2.61
AU8U CapitaR China Tr 0 1.53
1D5 Capital World -0.001 0.016
SCFW CapitalaMBeCW200106 0 0.018
AWV Captii 0 0.38
C04 Casa^ 0 0.062
OU8 Centurion 0 0.405
573 Challenger 0 0.535
5QT Charisma Energy 0 0.002
1B5W Charisma W211128 0 0.001
5TW ChasWood Res 0 0.009
5NV Chasen^ -0.002 0.068
C05 Chemical Ind 0 0.72
C50 Cheung Woh 0 0.154
G92 China Aviation -0.02 1.2
5OU China Env 0 0.037
RS1 China Env Res 0 0.014
G54 China Essence^ 0 0.014
U9E China Everbright -0.005 0.31
B0Z China Fishery 0 0.076
AZZ China Gaoxian^ 0 0.003
D50 China Great Land^ 0 0.005
C92 China Haida^ 0 0.004
BR9 China Hongxing 0 0.115
BEH China Intl 0.093 0.275
BWM China Jinjiang 0 0.61
J18 China Jishan^ -0.025 0.2
BHD China Mining^ 0.001 0.081
C71 China Paper 0 0.024
42QW China RE W201119 0 0.001
1H7W China RE W230130 0 0.001
FIAW China RE W230726 0 0.001
5RA China Real Estate 0 0.002
E90 China Sky Chem 0 0.027
FQ8 China Sports^ 0 0.011
42W China Star Food 0 0.027
CH8 China Sunsine 0.01 1.1
AZW China Taisan^ 0 0.028
BCD China Yuanbang^ 0 0.275
P74 ChinaKangdaFood 0 0.136
GU5 ChinaKundaTech 0 0.009
5CJ Chinese Global 0 0.01
C29 Chip Eng Seng -0.005 0.625
42E Choo Chiang 0 0.31
C33 Chuan Hup 0 0.255
CEE Citic Envirotech -0.005 0.32
5FH Citicode 0 0.001
C09 CityDev 0.04 9.87
P9D Civmec 0.025 0.395
1H3 Clearbridge -0.001 0.141
567 Colex 0 0.23
N0Z Combine Will 0 1.03
C52 ComfortDelGro -0.01 2.44
P8A Cordlife -0.035 0.445
C41 Cortina -0.01 1.3
B9S CosmoSteel^ 0.001 0.08
CIN Courage Inv 0 0.031
C76 Creative -0.05 2.85
CNNU CromwellReit EUR 0.005 0.495
CSFU CromwellReit SGD 0.005 0.755
D05 DBS 0.15 25.15
MU7 DBS Bk 4.7% NCPS# 0 104.2
VVPW DBS MB eCW191007 0 0.017
MMVW DBS MB eCW191209 0 0.02
MWOW DBS MB eCW191230 0.003 0.118
9K9W DBS MB eCW200102 -0.045 0.21
DDQW DBS MB eCW200106 0 0.021
XLVW DBS MB eCW200109 0.002 0.071
XKLW DBS MB eCW200302 0 0.215
9Y4W DBS MB eCW200601 0.001 0.143
IBSW DBS MB ePW191202 -0.004 0.094
NYXW DBS MB ePW200109 -0.003 0.065
IBCW DBS MB ePW200207 -0.006 0.122
532 DISA 0 0.002
CISW DLC SG3xLongHSC200714 0 1.655
CIWW DLC SG3xLongHSI200714 0 2.4
CIRW DLC SG3xShortHSC200714 0 1.23
CIVW DLC SG3xShortHSI200714 0 1.23
DALW DLC SG5xLong AAC -0.04 0.26
DPWW DLC SG5xLong AIA -0.04 0.515
DXMW DLC SG5xLong CCB 0 0.245
DNBW DLC SG5xLong CNOOC 0 0.134
DLQW DLC SG5xLong CapLand 0 0.23
DCLW DLC SG5xLong CityDev -0.02 0.4
DOXW DLC SG5xLong DBS 0.025 1.69
DTNW DLC SG5xLong Galaxy 0 0.162
DRWW DLC SG5xLong Geely -0.003 0.05
DNEW DLC SG5xLong Genting -0.001 0.094
DVOW DLC SG5xLong HKEx -0.04 0.705
DZLW DLC SG5xLong HSBC 0.02 1.49
DEKW DLC SG5xLong KepCorp -0.005 0.315
DUZW DLC SG5xLong OCBC 0 0.455
DSYW DLC SG5xLong PetChina 0 0.044
DHYW DLC SG5xLong PingAn -0.045 1.325
DGRW DLC SG5xLong SGX -0.025 0.475
DSIW DLC SG5xLong SIA 0 0.375
DSAW DLC SG5xLong Sands 0 0.305
DMQW DLC SG5xLong SingTel -0.02 0.245
DSNW DLC SG5xLong Sunny -0.005 1.915
DANW DLC SG5xLong Tencent -0.05 1.91
DDWW DLC SG5xLong UOB 0.02 1.675
DLAW DLC SG5xLong Venture -0.005 0.53
DFHW DLC SG5xLong Wilmar 0.005 0.425
DGAW DLC SG5xLongGeely A -0.01 0.31
CIQW DLC SG5xLongHSC200714 0 1.11
CIUW DLC SG5xLongHSI200714 0 1.44
CIOW DLC SG5xLongMSG200714 0 2.27
DSBW DLC SG5xLongTencent A -0.01 0.33
DASW DLC SG5xShort AAC 0 0.18
DAAW DLC SG5xShort AIA 0.025 0.42
DWBW DLC SG5xShort CCB 0 0.675
DKUW DLC SG5xShort CNOOC 0 0.106
DKFW DLC SG5xShort CapLand -0.003 0.161
DCSW DLC SG5xShort CityDev 0 0.305
DFFW DLC SG5xShort DBS -0.025 0.645
DSCW DLC SG5xShort Galaxy -0.005 0.3
DQDW DLC SG5xShort Geely 0 0.132
DMPW DLC SG5xShort Genting 0 0.34
DVVW DLC SG5xShort HKEx 0 2.4
DYAW DLC SG5xShort HSBC 0 2.25
DPIW DLC SG5xShort KepCorp 0.005 0.215
DJWW DLC SG5xShort OCBC 0.005 0.425
DTAW DLC SG5xShort PetChina 0 1.135
DCPW DLC SG5xShort PingAn 0 0.17
DGSW DLC SG5xShort SGX 0 0.225
DSLW DLC SG5xShort SIA 0 0.395
DSSW DLC SG5xShort Sands 0 0.55
DDIW DLC SG5xShort SingTel 0.002 0.141
DSVW DLC SG5xShort Sunny -0.003 0.067
DQTW DLC SG5xShort Tencent 0 0.305
DBZW DLC SG5xShort UOB -0.005 0.645
DGOW DLC SG5xShort Venture 0.001 0.099
DNXW DLC SG5xShort Wilmar 0.002 0.084
DXUW DLC SG5xShort YZJ 0 0.072
CIPW DLC SG5xShortHSC200714 0 0.465
CITW DLC SG5xShortHSI200714 0 0.525
CIXW DLC SG5xShortMSG200714 0 1.03
DDJW DLC SG5xShortTencent A 0.055 1.295
DABW DLC SG5xShortVenture A 0.03 1.18
CPTW DLC SG7xLongHSC210114 0 0.117
9HSW DLC SG7xLongHSC210723 0 0.76
CPRW DLC SG7xLongHSI210114 -0.003 0.165
JYIW DLC SG7xLongHSI210723 0.005 0.63
KDVW DLC SG7xLongHSI220225 0.03 1.08
CPVW DLC SG7xLongMSG210114 0.005 0.78
GDEW DLC SG7xLongMSG220225 0 2.47
CPUW DLC SG7xShortHSC210114 0 2.13
CPSW DLC SG7xShortHSI210114 0.01 1.25
CPWW DLC SG7xShortMSG210114 -0.02 1.64
KUX DLF 0 0.185
D01 DairyFarm USD -0.28 6.65
BLR Darco Water Tech 0 0.25
CEDU Dasin Retail Tr 0 0.855
BKW Datapulse Tech 0 0.21
BTF Debao Property^ 0 0.061
D03 Del Monte Pac -0.001 0.131
P34 Delfi 0 1.2
BQO Delong 0 6.98
D11 Design Studio^ 0 0.086
MT1 Dragon^ 0 0.004
BKV Dukang^ 0 0.091
CZ4 Dutech 0 0.2
5SO Duty Free Intl 0 0.155
CHBW Duty Free Intl W220513 0 0.001
NO4 Dyna-Mac 0 0.101
D6U Dynamic Colours^ 0 0.156
BWCU EC World Reit 0 0.735
UQ4 EMAS Offshore 0 0.05
42O EMS Energy 0 0.022
5RC ES 0 0.026
J91U ESR-REIT -0.005 0.535
1C0 ETC Singapore 0 0.018
LIW Eagle HTrust USD 0 0.655
5CT EcoWise -0.001 0.027
5HG Edition 0 0.005
42Z Eindec 0 0.027
E16 Elec & Eltek USD 0 1.5
BIX Ellipsiz 0 0.38
S44 EnGro 0 0.955
R14 Eneco Energy 0 0.058
IWKW Envictus W221128^ 0 0.006
BQD Envictus^ 0 0.12
L23 Enviro-Hub^ 0 0.024
5MQ Epicentre 0 0.018
5G1 EuroSports Gbl 0 0.18
BDF Excelpoint -0.01 0.47
5ME Ezion 0 0.043
BSHW Ezion W200424 0 0.001
GXYW EzionHldg W200412 0 0.001
5DN Ezra 0 0.011
F99 F&N 0 1.73
CRJW FJ Benjamin W210405^ 0 0.003
F10 FJ Benjamin^ -0.001 0.031
AXXZ FPTrea b3.65%220522# 0 1.018
D8DU FSL Trust^ 0 0.057
BFT Fabchem China^ 0 0.138
5FL Falcon Energy^ 0 0.027
5TJ Far East 0 0.143
Q5T Far East HTrust -0.005 0.675
O10 Far East Orchard 0 1.18
BDU Federal Int 0 0.22
5F4 Figtree 0 0.115
AW9U First Reit -0.01 1.06
EB5 First Resources -0.01 1.59
ADN First Sponsor 0 1.29
QNHW First Sponsor W240530 0 0.088
JRCB FirstSponsor3.98%S2PCCS# 0 1.295
F03 Food Empire -0.005 0.5
I5H Forise Intl^ 0 0.003
OAJ FortressMinerals 0 0.22
F25U Fortune Reit HKD -0.2 9.02
F31 Fragrance -0.001 0.127
ND8U Frasers Com Tr 0.01 1.64
J69U Frasers Cpt Tr 0.02 2.75
ACV Frasers HTrust 0 0.715
BUOU Frasers L&I Tr 0 1.2
BWQU Frasers L&I Tr AUD 0 1.3
TQ5 Frasers Property -0.01 1.75
E28 Frencken -0.005 0.69
F13 Fu Yu 0 0.22
508 Fuji Offset 0 0.315
5KT Fujian Zhenyun 0 0.149
BTY Full Apex^ 0 0.405
AWK Fuxing China 0 0.78
QS9 G Invacom^ 0.001 0.13
G41 G K Goh 0.005 0.84
41T GCCP 0 0.011
CKW GDR Cheng Mei US$S 0 0
TK4 GDR DoosanInfraUS$ A 0 0
TK3 GDR DoosanInfraUS$ R 0 0
CQC GDR Kakao Corp US$ A 0 0
CQD GDR Kakao Corp US$ R 0 0
AAI GDR PJSC GazpromUS$S 0 0
RQ9 GDR Youngone US$ S 0 0
5VP GDS Global 0 0.35
595 GKE 0.001 0.05
B16 GL 0.005 0.785
O87 GLD US$ 0.61 141.97
G20 GP Industries 0 0.59
BLU GRP^ -0.003 0.17
43A GS Hldg 0.005 0.41
BDX GSH 0.02 0.41
41F GSS Energy 0 0.069
AWS GYP Properties^ 0 0.145
5IG Gallant Venture 0 0.119
G13 Genting Sing 0 0.905
RE4 Geo Energy Res 0 0.148
586 Global Dragon 0 0.076
B73 Global Inv 0 0.137
BLW Global Palm Res 0 0.15
AYN Global Testing 0 0.49
E5H Golden Agri-Res 0 0.245
AUE Golden Energy -0.005 0.168
5PC Goodland -0.001 0.187
G50 Grand Banks 0 0.235
JLB Grand Venture 0 0.22
G07 Great Eastern -0.06 23.3
Y06 Green Build^ 0 0.11
G11 Guoan Intl 0 0.016
F17 GuocoLand 0.04 2.05
PU6D HBC ADR US$ 0 4.85
1B1 HC Surgical 0 0.56
BTG HG Metal 0 0.2
AVX HL Global Ent 0 0.36
588 HMI 0 0.725
K3FD HNP ADR US$ 0 25.76
P7VU HPH Trust SGD -0.01 0.235
NS8U HPH Trust USD -0.006 0.168
H15 HPL 0.01 3.49
CHZ HRnetGroup 0 0.6
IUYW HSI23600MBePW191030 0 0.023
MMQW HSI23600MBePW191230 0 0.065
ZUVW HSI24000MBePW190927 0 0.001
JKVW HSI24400MBePW191030 -0.003 0.037
MECW HSI24600MBePW191230 0 0.091
QOHW HSI24800MBePW190927 -0.001 0.003
XIVW HSI25200MBePW191030 -0.001 0.064
YJMW HSI25400MBeCW190927 0 0.225
W5MW HSI25600MBePW190927 -0.002 0.016
YT9W HSI25600MBePW191128 0.002 0.126
PCAW HSI25800MBeCW191030 0 0.184
KMPW HSI26000MBePW191030 0.001 0.102
OGAW HSI26200MBeCW190927 0 0.169
ZFHW HSI26600MBeCW191030 -0.005 0.115
FEMW HSI27000MBeCW190927 -0.006 0.021
FGNW HSI27200MBeCW191230 0 0.127
56AW HSI27400MBeCW191030 -0.005 0.064
LGMW HSI27600MBePW191230 0 0.2
X5VW HSI27800MBeCW191128 0 0.085
MJWW HSI28000MBePW190927 -0.17 0.23
PDSW HSI28000UBePW191230 0 0.47
HHMW HSI29000MBeCW190927 0 0.001
YJFW HSI29000UBeCW191230 0 0.081
YVSW HSI29800MBeCW190927 0 0.001
W4JW HSI30000UBeCW191230 0 0.046
VBGW HSI30600MBeCW190927 0 0.011
LKAW HSI31000UBeCW191230 -0.014 0.017
6HZW HSI31200MBeCW191230 0 0.027
5VS Hafary 0 0.155
BLH Hai Leck 0 0.5
5VJ Halcyon Agri 0 0.46
DM0 Hanwell 0 0.2
PH0 Hatten Land 0 0.1
H02 Haw Par 0.01 13.66
40B HealthBank 0 0.031
5NG Healthway Med -0.001 0.024
5OR Heatec Jietong 0 0.037
5DP Heeton 0 0.44
5PD Hengyang Petro 0.03 0.171
H17 Hi-P -0.01 1.16
5JK Hiap Hoe 0 0.79
510 Hiap Seng^ -0.005 0.04
5PO Hiap Tong 0 0.067
H13 Ho Bee Land 0.04 2.33
J2T Hock Lian Seng 0.01 0.35
H20 Hoe Leong^ 0 0.002
H30 Hong Fok -0.01 0.82
CTO Hong Lai Huat -0.003 0.197
H22 Hong Leong Asia -0.005 0.575
S41 Hong Leong Fin 0 2.61
H78 HongkongLand USD 0.02 5.72
BBP Hor Kew^ 0 0.14
5EV Hosen 0 0.031
H18 Hotel Grand 0 1.29
H12 Hotel Royal 0 3.02
BLS Hotung Inv 0.01 1.54
KI3 Hu An Cable^ 0 0.009
H16 HuanHsin^ 0 0.014
41B Huationg Global 0 0.135
BMH Hupsteel 0 1.19
H19 Hwa Hong 0 0.31
600 Hyflux 0 0.21
N2H Hyflux 6% CPS# 0 65.37
BTWZ Hyflux 6% PerCapSec# 0 0.5
1J5 Hyphens Pharma 0 0.2
5I4 ICP Ltd -0.001 0.007
5TN IEV -0.001 0.022
AIY IFAST -0.02 1.04
I49 IFS Capital 0 0.22
Q0F IHH 0 1.84
571 IP Softcom 0 0.004
AZA IPC Corp 0.005 0.315
42N IPS Securex 0 0.036
UD1U IREIT Global 0.005 0.76
QL2 IS ASIA BND S$D 0.04 15.1
QL3 IS ASIA HYG S$D -0.04 14.28
O9P IS ASIA HYG US$ 0.01 10.41
QK9 IS MS INDIA S$D 0.56 11.67
I98 IS MS INDIA US$ 0.38 8.49
I07 ISDN -0.005 0.22
40T ISEC 0.005 0.355
5WF ISOTeam 0 0.225
42C IX Biopharma 0.001 0.2
5HT Imperium Crown 0 0.015
I4R Inch Kenneth 0 0
5JS Indofood Agri 0 0.325
LSCW Informatics W240821^ 0 0
BOU Informatics^ 0 0.055
I26 InnoPac^ 0 0.002
M14 InnoTek -0.01 0.44
5GI Interra Resource^ 0 0.028
KUO Intl Cement^ 0 0.023
I06 Intraco 0.025 0.26
J0T Inv Beve Biz EURO S 0 0
I15 Isetan 0 5.1
BEW JB Foods -0.01 0.645
VFP JCG Investment 0 0.002
W4QW JCG W201029 0 0.001
1J4 JEP 0 0.15
1J6W JEP W191220 0 0.073
EG0 JES Intl 0 0.026
J36 JMH USD -0.03 55.26
J37 JSH USD 0.18 31.68
J17 Jackspeed^ 0 0.127
J03 Jadason^ -0.001 0.033
5OI Japan Foods 0 0.43
UD2 Japfa 0.005 0.48
C07 Jardine C&C 0.07 30.87
5PF Jason Marine 0 0.134
FQ7 Jasper Inv^ 0 0.004
1J7 Jawala 0 0.21
C8R Jiutian Chemical 0 0.012
E9L Joyas Intl 0 0.002
NHD Jubilee 0.027 0.117
TOQW Jubilee W200301 0 0.004
42R Jumbo 0 0.38
504 KLW 0 0.004
5I1 KOP 0 0.077
578 KS Energy^ 0 0.013
ER0 KSH 0.005 0.465
EB7 KTL Global^ 0 0.045
XCF KTMG 0 0.171
K29 Karin Tech 0 0.33
1A0 Katrina 0 0.164
BNE Kencana Agri^ 0 0.101
5TT Keong Hong 0 0.435
A7RU Kep Infra Tr 0 0.525
XYGW KepCorp MBeCW191101 0 0.005
UPQW KepCorp MBeCW200601 -0.002 0.064
CMOU KepPacOakReitUSD 0.005 0.755
BN4 Keppel Corp -0.02 6.08
AJBU Keppel DC Reit 0.04 2.11
K71U Keppel Reit 0 1.25
K03 Khong Guan 0 1.97
5G2 KimHeng Offshore 0 0.045
1D0 Kimly 0 0.22
554 King Wan 0.007 0.095
5MZ KingsmenCreative 0.005 0.5
5TI Kitchen Culture 0 0.083
BJZ Koda 0 0.605
K75 Koh Bros 0 0.22
5HV Koh Eco 0.001 0.052
1F9W Koh Eco W211112 0 0.002
KHDW Koh Eco W230925 0 0.008
5DL Koon 0 0.042
5VC Kori 0 0.295
VL6 Koufu 0 0.74
5OC Koyo Intl 0 0.069
SK3 KrisEnergy 0 0.03
CDXW KrisEnergy W240131 0 0.003
CDVZ KrisEnergy z240131 0 0.153
BJL LCT 0.07 0.52
41O LHN 0 0.12
BEI LHT 0 0.53
1H8 LY Corp 0 0.187
AYB Lafe^ 0 0.65
5EL Lasseters Intl 0 0.035
LS9 Leader Env^ 0 0.013
Q0X Ley Choon 0 0.015
L03 Lian Beng -0.01 0.5
5TR Libra 0 0.035
1D3 LifeBrandz -0.002 0.004
BRE Linc Energy 0 0.089
BAZ Lion Asiapac 0 0.42
A78 LionGold 0 0.001
D5IU Lippo Malls Tr -0.01 0.23
O6Z Lonza 0 79.97
5IE Lorenzo Intl^ 0 0.016
F1E Low Keng Huat 0 0.45
L19 Lum Chang 0 0.35
L09 Lung Kee Bermuda 0 0.6
BKK Luxking 0 0.39
L46 Luzhou Bio-Chem^ 0 0.008
P60 Lyxor Asia US$ 0.19 5.91
P58 Lyxor ChinaH US$ -0.08 15.75
H1N Lyxor EM Mkt US$ 0.58 11.53
G1N Lyxor MSIndia US$ 0.98 18.34
N14 M Development^ 0 0.002
A27 MDR 0 0.002
ZXJW MDR W191217 0 0.001
NKNW MDR W210617 0 0.001
N6DD MFG ADR US$ 0 2.99
M11 MFG Integration -0.004 0.083
1B0 MM2 Asia 0 0.21
F3V MMP Resources^ 0 0.003
40U MS Hldgs 0 0.055
NPW MSC 0 0.27
5QR MSM Intl 0 0.039
M05 MTQ 0 0.205
CRWW MTQ W230417 0 0.05
N5YD MTU ADR US$ 0 5.1
F86 MYP 0.002 0.092
41S Magnus Energy 0 0.001
TY3 Maiwai Fund USD S 0 0
M04 Man Oriental USD -0.05 1.43
L02 Manhattan Res^ 0.011 0.034
BTOU ManulifeReit USD 0 0.91
N2IU Mapletree Com Tr 0.02 2.29
ME8U Mapletree Ind Tr 0.05 2.49
M44U Mapletree Log Tr 0.02 1.63
RW0U Mapletree NAC Tr 0.03 1.34
CQLW MarcoPolo MarW230129 0 0.004
5LY MarcoPolo Marine 0 0.017
M12 Maruwa Yen1k 0 0
5OX Mary Chia 0 0.075
M15 Matex Intl 0 0.01
5UF Maxi-Cash Fin 0.001 0.127
SJY MeGroup 0 0.175
OTX Medinex 0 0.265
546 Medtecs Intl -0.002 0.034
5DS MegaChem 0 0.33
M30 Meghmani SDS 0 0.55
1H4 Memories 0 0.07
5MS Memstar Tech 0 0.001
5NF Mencast^ 0.009 0.06
EE6 Mercator Lines 0 0.019
5RF Mercurius 0 0.05
DU4 Mermaid Maritime -0.001 0.066
5DX Metal Component 0 0.017
V3M Metech Intl 0 0.142
M01 Metro 0.005 0.94
MV4 Mewah Intl -0.005 0.24
5DD Micro-Mechanics 0.02 1.68
5EN Midas 0 0.192
CNE MindChamps 0 0.55
AWO Mirach Energy^ -0.001 0.192
M03 Miyoshi 0 0.036
5WJ MoneyMax Fin 0 0.134
5WE Moya Asia 0 0.063
AWZ Multi-Chem 0 0.725
MF6 Mun Siong Engg^ 0 0.038
PJX Murata Yen1k 0 0
T8GS N514100H 191001 0 93.44
AFVS N515100S 200701 0 103.445
BJJS N516100Z 211001 0 90
BZKS N517100F 220401 0 94.1
CMHS N518100E 230201 0 92.1
PH1S NA12100N 420401 0 101
BJGS NA16100H 460301 0 96.02
B07 NGSC^ 0 0.002
TKYW NKY 19000MBePW200313 0 0.086
PWMW NKY 20000MBeCW200313 0 0
VM8W NKY 21500MBePW200313 0 0
GYKW NKY 22500MBeCW200313 0 0.08
Y0JW NKY 25000MBeCW200313 0 0
N02 NSL 0.015 1
K3MD NTES ADR US$+ 0 48.76
OM0S NX11100X 210601 0 90
R1MS NX13100H 230701 0 90
AFUS NX15100Z 250601 0 90
BJHS NX16100F 260601 0 103.501
CMGS NX18100A 280501 0 101.2
6SUS NY05100N 200901 0 92.1
7PMS NY07100X 220901 0 90
3UJS NY09100H 240901 0 90
T8FS NY14100E 290701 0 110.294
7QQS NZ07100S 270301 0 92.1
OL9S NZ10100F 300901 0 101.6
R1NS NZ13100V 330901 0 110
BJIS NZ16100X 360801 0 102
8YLS NZ19100S 390701 0 0
N4E Nam Cheong 0 0.008
G0I Nam Lee Metal 0 0.375
5IF Natural Cool 0 0.054
42D NauticAWT 0 0.015
5UJ Neo 0 0.4
N01 NeraTel 0 0.275
5QY Net Pacific Fin 0 0.022
CJLU NetLink NBN Tr 0.005 0.895
BMT New Silkroutes 0.005 0.225
N08 New Toyo -0.012 0.166
5FX New Wave 0 0.006
5GF Nico Steel^ 0 0.004
G3B Nikko AM STI ETF 0.01 3.29
MBH NikkoAM SGD IGBond ETF 0 1.039
COI NikkoAM-STC A_REIT US$ 0.009 0.941
CFA NikkoAM-STC Asia REIT 0.008 1.294
N32 Nippecraft 0.002 0.03
1G6 No Signboard 0 0.055
CGP Noble 0 0.081
543 Noel Gifts Intl -0.01 0.21
N33 Nomura Yen1k 0 1.99
MR7 Nordic 0 0.265
5HC Ntegrator Intl -0.001 0.006
AZT NutryFarm^ -0.006 0.093
O39 OCBC Bank 0.04 10.95
KXWW OCBC Bk MB eCW191202 0 0.015
LYVW OCBC Bk MB eCW200102 0 0.049
WQCW OCBC Bk MB eCW200302 0 0.071
WOYW OCBC Bk MB eCW200806 0.002 0.069
TXSW OCBC Bk MB ePW191202 0.001 0.04
UQXW OCBC Bk MB ePW200302 0 0.032
W8BW OCBC Bk MB ePW200701 0 0.063
584 OEL 0 0.003
S3N OKH Global^ 0 0.016
5CF OKP 0 0.205
LJ3 OUE -0.01 1.5
TS0U OUE Com Reit -0.02 0.525
5WA OUE Lippo HC 0 0.06
1B6 Ocean Sky Intl 0 0.063
9CWW Ocean Sky W210806 0 0
579 Oceanus^ 0.001 0.004
O32 Olam Intl 0.07 1.89
5ML Old Chang Kee 0.005 0.745
1H2 Olive Tree 0 0.083
5SY OneApex 0.005 0.165
O08 Ossia Intl^ 0 0.105
AJ2 Ouhua Energy^ 0 0.014
RQ1 Overseas Edu 0 0.29
5UX Oxley -0.005 0.305
BJFZ Oxley MTN 5%b191105 -0.006 1.007
BTNZ Oxley MTN b5.15%200518 0 1.009
5AI P5 Capital 0.001 0.024
IX2 PEC 0 0.58
BYI PHIL AP DIV REIT US$ 0.004 1.089
BDA PNE Industries 0 0.76
U6C POSH -0.015 0.11
QS0 PRINCIPAL ASEAN40 S$D -0.06 13.14
M62 PRINCIPAL ASEAN40 US$ -0.02 9.56
P5P PRINCIPAL S&P AP DIV US$ 0.016 0.902
5WD PS Group 0 0.117
BLL PSL^ 0 0.063
K3OD PTR ADR US$ 0 72.86
P11 Pacific Andes 0 0.022
P15 Pacific Century 0 0.335
T8V Pacific Radiance 0 0.104
1C5 Pacific Star Dev 0 0.11
5EW Pan Asian 0 0.019
P36 Pan Hong 0.004 0.104
AZY Pan Ocean 0 5.49
P52 PanUnited 0.02 0.335
O9E Parkson Retail^ 0 0.023
C2PU ParkwayLife Reit -0.01 3.06
596 Pavillon^ 0 0.012
BTM Penguin Intl 0 0.56
40S Perennial Hldgs -0.02 0.54
BSKZ Perennial n4.55%200429 -0.001 1.015
BFK Pharmesis Intl 0 0.205
ADJ Pine Cap 0 0.001
1J1W Pine Cap W230506 0 0.001
AYD Plastoform^ 0 0.013
5PI Plato Capital 0 0.11
5BI Polaris 0.001 0.002
5AE Pollux Prop 0 0.028
BCY Powermatic Data 0.01 1.87
OXMU Prime US ReitUSD 0.015 0.92
BVQ Procurri 0 0.305
583 Progen 0 0.037
OYY PropNex 0 0.5
K6S Prudential USD 0 15
QC7 Q&M Dental 0 0.49
Q01 QAF 0.005 0.75
5I0 QT Vascular 0 0.003
BCV Qian Hu^ 0 0.13
1G1 RE&S Hldg 0 0.16
T13 RH PetroGas 0 0.038
RF1U RHT HealthTrust 0 0.018
NR7 Raffles Edu 0 0.078
LUY Raffles Infrastructure^ 0 0.4
BSL Raffles Medical -0.01 1.02
K22 Raffles United^ 0 0.066
NEX Reclaims Global 0 0.235
5EC Reenova Investment^ 0 0.003
UV1 Regal Intl^ -0.002 0.013
I11 Renaissance United^ 0 0.001
5DW Renewable Energy 0 0.022
5MM Resources Prima 0 0.026
RCU Revez 0 0.24
5WH Rex Intl -0.001 0.084
5G4 Rich Capital 0 0.003
AP4 Riverstone -0.035 0.93
E8Z Roxy-Pacific -0.01 0.38
BDN Ryobi Kiso 0 0.13
GACW S&P 2400MBePW190920 0 0.018
IPKW S&P 2600MBePW191220 0 0.072
DDMW S&P 2800MBePW191220 0 0
GSTW S&P 2850MBeCW190920 0 0.62
X2WW S&P 3000MBeCW191220 0 0.23
JPCW S&P 3100MBeCW191220 0 0.134
S58 SATS 0.09 4.87
5PL SBI Offshore 0 0.061
S61 SBS Transit 0.05 4.12
BAI SEVAK 0.02 2.85
S68 SGX -0.1 8.4
K3DD SHI ADR US$ 0 56.4
566 SHS -0.002 0.167
AJHW SHS W191216 0 0.002
C6L SIA 0.14 9.24
SQ1B SIA 3.03% 240328XB 0 1.03
S59 SIA Engineering 0.06 2.57
BHK SIIC Environment 0.005 0.245
HNTW SIMSCI 340MBePW191231 0 0.144
XNRW SIMSCI320MBePW190930 0 0.079
ENBW SIMSCI400MBeCW190930 0 0.26
42G SK Jewellery 0 0.095
1J0 SLB Dev 0 0.115
AWE SP Corp 0 0.505
D07 SPDR DJIA US$ 0.35 271.04
S27 SPDR S&P500 US$ -2.82 298.75
T39 SPH 0.03 2.11
S63 ST Engineering -0.03 3.89
DRX ST Group Food 0 0.265
DQFW STI 2700MBePW190930 0 0.008
XMSW STI 3000 MBeCW190930 0 0
PDRW STI 3000MBePW200228 0 0.048
W7PW STI 3100MBeCW200228 0 0
UNAW STI 3100MBePW191231 0 0.049
RGOW STI 3300MBeCW200228 -0.001 0.056
1YUW STI 3300MBePW191231 0 0.089
OQOW STI 3400MBeCW191231 0 0.037
SBSW STI 3600MBeCW191231 0 0
ES3 STI ETF -0.002 3.2
BHU SUTL Enterprise 0 0.54
M1GU Sabana Reit 0.005 0.455
5DO Sakae^ 0 0.09
E6R Samko Timber 0 0.024
S56 SamuderaShipping -0.004 0.146
1C3 Samurai 0 0.865
S46 San Teh 0 0.28
1E3 Sanli Env 0 0.175
580 Santak 0 0.095
BRD Sapphire -0.003 0.067
U77 Sarine Tech 0 0.27
CRPU Sasseur Reit -0.005 0.79
528 Second Chance -0.005 0.24
43B Secura 0.004 0.05
TYUW SembMar MBeCW191001 0 0.005
WJOW SembMar MBeCW200601 0 0.024
U96 Sembcorp Ind 0.03 2.18
S51 Sembcorp Marine 0 1.26
5BS Sen Yue -0.002 0.025
S69 Serial System 0 0.079
IW5 Seroja Inv^ 0 0.071
40R Serrano 0 0.031
AWM Shanghai Turbo 0 1
S07 Shangri-La HKD 0 8.29
OV8 Sheng Siong 0 1.15
BJW Shinvest -0.06 1.78
1F0 Shopper360 0 0.14
STP Silkroad Nickel 0.01 0.19
5CP Silverlake Axis -0.005 0.46
URR Sim Leisure 0 0.199
B7K Sin Ghee Huat 0.01 0.23
BKA Sin Heng Mach 0.005 0.265
A26 Sinarmas Land -0.005 0.225
5UN Sincap 0 0.006
S35 Sing Inv & Fin 0 1.41
5H0 SingHaiyi -0.001 0.09
5IC SingHoldings 0 0.39
S45U SingIndexFund 0 2.22
5OT SingMedical 0 0.325
Y45 SingMyanmar 0 0.09
S08 SingPost 0.025 0.945
S49 SingReinsurance 0 0.285
S19 SingShipping -0.005 0.285
Z74 SingTel -0.01 3.17
Z77 SingTel 10 -0.02 3.16
9SDW SingTelMBeCW191101 -0.007 0.025
SHGW SingTelMBeCW200406 0 0.024
1D8 Singapore O&G -0.005 0.355
40V Singapore-eDev 0 0.042
5WG SingaporeKitchen 0 0.12
5HH Sinjia Land 0 0.028
T4B Sino Grandness -0.001 0.046
AD8 Sino Techfibre 0 0.09
5EK SinoCloud 0 0.001
X06 Sinopipe 0 0.13
C9Q Sinostar Pec 0.005 0.205
5LE Sitra 0 0.008
S7P Soilbuild Const -0.007 0.052
BUPW Soilbuild ConstW210715 0 0.02
SYYW Soilbuild ConstW240729 0 0
SV3U SoilbuildBizReit -0.01 0.525
5MD Soon Lian 0.001 0.052
5KI Soup Restaurant 0 0.161
BQP Southern Pkg 0 0.4
40E Spackman 0.001 0.013
564 Spindex Ind 0 0.99
S23 Spura Finance 0 0.88
NC2 Sri Trang Agro -0.02 0.485
H07 Stamford Land -0.005 0.48
S29 Stamford Tyres 0 0.245
AYL Star Pharm^ 0 0.45
CC3 StarHub 0.02 1.32
40D Starburst 0 0.37
43MW Starburst W210614 0 0.115
P40U StarhillGbl Reit -0.01 0.75
5UA Starland 0 0.092
S85 Straco 0 0.755
S20 Straits Trading 0.01 2.09
BRR StratechGroup^ 0 0.066
AAJ SunMoonFood^ -0.003 0.043
A7S SunVic Chemical^ 0 0.022
BHQ Sunningdale Tech 0 1.23
5GD Sunpower 0.015 0.45
S71 Sunright 0 0.38
581 Sunrise Shares 0 0.026
BKZ Suntar Eco-City^ 0 0.295
T82U Suntec Reit 0 1.93
QF6 Swee Hong^ 0 0.003
BGK Swiber 0 0.109
BEV Swing Media Tech 0 0.46
ADP Swissco Hldg 0 0.052
V2Y Synagie -0.004 0.136
5UO Sysma 0.002 0.179
PA3 TA 0 0.192
CGOW TA W220520 0 0.003
T15 TCIL HK$ 0 2.29
M1Z TEE Intl -0.004 0.043
CTMW TEE Intl W201030 0 0.002
S9B TEE Land 0.012 0.143
T55 TIH 0 0.25
42L TLV 0 0.072
N6FD TM ADR US$ 0 80.62
T18 TPV Tech -0.005 0.645
KUH TSH 0 0.205
T09 TT Intl 0 0.014
K1Q TTJ 0 0.25
500 Tai Sin Electric -0.005 0.325
5G3 TalkMed 0 0.515
T12 Tat Seng Pkg 0 0.5
5CQ Tech Oil & Gas 0 0.071
561 Teckwah 0 0.44
5OQ Teho Intl 0 0.013
T41 TeleChoice Intl 0 0.19
TEKB Temasek 2.7% 231025XB# 0.003 1.035
58CW TencentMBeCW190926 0 0.015
GXVW TencentMBePW190926 0 0.005
Y92 ThaiBev -0.01 0.895
AWI Thakral -0.01 0.435
E27 The Place Hldg 0.002 0.023
AGS TheHourGlass 0 0.805
GNLW Thomson M W220424 0 0.005
A50 Thomson Medical 0 0.058
T14 Tianjin ZX USD 0 0.81
BFI Tiong Seng 0 0.215
BQM Tiong Woon -0.02 0.33
BHO Top Global 0 0.167
BVA Top Glove 0 1.58
S2D Tosei 0 9.5
T19 Transcorp 0 0.004
570 Transit Concrete^ 0 0.105
BCZ Travelite^ 0 0.113
5AB Trek 2000 Intl^ 0 0.081
42T Trendlines 0 0.078
CYW TrickleStar 0 0.295
5G9 Tritech -0.002 0.017
RC5 Triyards 0 0.084
T24 Tuan Sing 0.005 0.34
540 Tung Lok Rest 0 0.16
BFU Tye Soon^ 0 0.1
U05 UE P 0 1.9
JK8 UETF SSE50China -0.05 2.33
41A UG Healthcare 0 0.178
U06 UIC 0 2.84
558 UMS 0 0.62
EH5 UOA 0 0.705
U11 UOB 0.06 25.76
U10 UOB Kay Hian 0 1.2
NRRW UOB MB eCW191007 -0.003 0.011
QSXW UOB MB eCW200102 0 0.255
VX2W UOB MB eCW200106 0 0.188
HBXW UOB MB eCW200107 0 0.036
UBWW UOB MB eCW200120 0 0.099
RTRW UOB MB ePW191202 0 0.034
TSSW UOB MB ePW200107 0 0.112
EOYW UOB MB ePW200601 -0.002 0.113
U13 UOI 0 7
U14 UOL 0.09 7.47
BRS USP Group^ 0 0.035
1D1 UnUsUaL 0 0.275
CHJ Uni-Asia Grp -0.005 0.71
1F2 Union Gas 0 0.24
BLA Union Steel 0 0.315
U04 United Engineers -0.01 2.56
AZR United Food^ -0.05 0.07
43P United Global 0 0.47
BGO Universal Res 0 0.17
V01 VICOM 0.03 7.36
WPC Vallianz 0.001 0.104
PFYW Vallianz W191226 0 0.03
T6I ValueMax 0 0.29
BN2 Valuetronics 0 0.63
1F4 Vashion 0 0.001
1I3W Vashion W210311 0 0.001
V03 Venture 0 15.76
LSOW Venture MB eCW200302 0 0.132
40N Versalink 0 0.086
BIP Vibrant Group 0 0.144
BJD VibroPower^ 0 0.112
569 Vicplas Intl 0 0.07
557 Viking Offshore 0 0.004
1E7W Viking W220701 0 0.003
OMK Vividthree -0.004 0.134
E3B Wee Hur 0 0.225
BBT White Orchid Fund S 0 0
BDR Willas-Array 0.065 0.56
F34 Wilmar Intl -0.06 3.74
5F7 Wilton Resources -0.003 0.025
5CN Winas -0.002 0.031
W05 Wing Tai 0.02 2.07
1A1 Wong Fong Ind 0 0.148
1E6 World Class Gbl 0 0.15
B49 World Precision 0 0.21
ROKW XIAOMI MBeCW200103 0.002 0.058
UEAW XIAOMI MBePW200103 -0.003 0.071
BQF XMH^ 0 0.154
LF1 XT ASX200 US$ 2.26 39.76
KT4 XT CSI300 US$ 0.2 10.29
HD8 XT China50 US$ 1.99 36.94
IH0 XT E50 US$ 0.27 57.86
O9A XT MS SING US$ 0.072 1.455
IH1 XT MSAsExJp US$ -0.05 42.92
O9C XT MSBANGL US$ 0.056 0.956
J0O XT MSBrazil US$ -0.099 5.065
LG9 XT MSCHINA US$ -0.19 17.04
IH3 XT MSEurope US$ 0.71 67.01
LG8 XT MSINDIA US$ 0.53 11.61
KJ7 XT MSINDO US$ -0.05 15.51
LF2 XT MSJAP US$ 0.65 60.65
IH2 XT MSKorea US$ 0.83 64.41
LG6 XT MSMSIA US$ 0 11.43
O9D XT MSPAKIS US$ 0.02 0.965
N2E XT MSPHILS US$ -0.03 1.891
J0Q XT MSPacXJp US$ -0.04 6.25
J0R XT MSRussia US$ -0.009 3.103
LG7 XT MSTHAI US$ -0.31 27.19
HD7 XT MSTaiwan US$ 1.33 29.53
KF8 XT MSUSA US$ 0.49 82.23
J0P XT MSWorld US$ -0.01 6.38
HE0 XT Nifty US$ 7.22 157.8
HD6 XT S&P 500 -1x US$ -0.08 13.76
K6K XT S&P500 US$ -0.09 55.44
KT3 XT STGLDv US$ 1.47 32.39
KV4 XT SingGovBond SG$ -0.07 148.23
HD9 XT Vietnam US$ -1.14 30.86
1F1 Y Ventures 0 0.09
BPF YHI Intl -0.005 0.33
SO7 YZJ Shipbldg CNY 0 5.28
BS6 YZJ Shipbldg SGD -0.05 1
BJV Yamada Green Res 0 0.33
R8P Yangi EURO S 0 0
NYHW YangzijiMBeCW200302 -0.002 0.018
Z25 Yanlord Land 0.04 1.24
Y03 Yeo Hiap Seng 0 0.9
42F Yinda Infocomm 0 0.015
5DM Ying Li Intl -0.001 0.106
Z59 Yoma Strategic 0 0.32
BKX Yongmao 0 0.76
AXB Yongnam 0.001 0.161
MR8 Yorkshine^ 0 0.48
T43 Yunnan Energy 0.001 0.159
AFC YuuZoo Networks 0 0.038
40W ZICO Hldgs 0 0.133
K3TD ZNH ADR US$ 0 18.07
5SR Zhongmin Baihui 0 0.685
5EG Zhongxin Fruit 0 0.021
LSHS s N519100A 240201 0 92
0 0
This sheet shows the breakdown of y
Total Total
Total Total Div of Total Div of year. The graphs will show the divide
Total Div of Gain/Loss of Gain/Loss of
Year Gain/Loss of Transactions Transactions the realised gains and losses portfoli
Transactions Transactions Transactions
Transactions USD HKD
2004 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 Instructions: No need! Data is pulled
2005 $251.70 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00
2006 $547.70 -$5.13 $0.00 $0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 A
2007 $378.00 -$153.94 $0.00 $0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00
2008 $578.16 -$215.50 $0.00 $0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $20,000.00
2009 $485.05 -$1,533.25 $0.00 $0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00

$ Dividends
2010 $2,637.08 -$872.57 $0.00 $0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00
2011 $3,727.84 $5,508.03 $153.28 -$663.47 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $10,000.00
2012 $6,571.55 $6,301.33 $176.30 -$564.83 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $5,000.00
2013 $7,882.17 $4,260.25 $77.05 -$2,418.49 $ 135.20 $ 36.54
2014 $10,787.24 $7,254.15 $101.02 $204.27 $ 675.98 $ 507.23 $0.00
2015 $11,092.63 $21,559.13 $126.19 $1,061.72 $ 101.71 $ 0.00 1 14 2
2016 $12,870.76 $35,951.35 $0.00 -$227.75 $ 0.00 $ 338.31
2017 $18,026.95 $64,356.62 $0.00 $0.00 $ 1,362.22 -$ 188.40 Total Div of T


$ Gains/Losses

Total Gain/Loss of T
heet shows the breakdown of your dividends collected and realised gains and losses by
he graphs will show the dividends for your home currency portfolio and USD portfolio, and
lised gains and losses portfolio.


tions: No need! Data is pulled from Mthly, Transactions and Transactiosn USD automatically

Annual Dividends Collected

$ Dividends

1 14 27 40 53 66 79 92 105 118 131 144 157 170 183 196209

Total Div of Transactions Total Div of Transactions USD

$ Gains/Losses

1 16 31 46 61 76 91 106 121 136 151 166 181 196 211

Total Gain/Loss of Transactions Total Gain/Loss of Transactions USD

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The next time you click on those cell there will be this constraint list.
Stock Category REIT Category Price Alert
USD to SGD Cash Register Money Flow
Dividend Hospitality 0.02 1.37670 Inflow
Growth Industrial HKD to SGD Outflow
Cold Storage Healthcare 0.17559
Archive Apartment
Cash Commercial
Cash Register Sub
Money Flow
Money Injection AED
Money Withdrawal AFN
Purchase of Asset ALL
Proceeds from Sale AMD
Dividend Income ANG
Interest Income AOA
Business Income ARS
Capital Return AUD

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