Leveraging MIMO in Wide-Area Networks

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Leveraging MIMO in Wide-Area


Z.Vamsi Krishna (3/4 ECE) CH.Avinash Kumar (3/4 ECE)

GIET,Rajahmundry GIET,Rajahmundry
vamsikrishna34@gmail.com avinashkumarch@gmail.com

In wireless mobile radio Digital communication using MIMO
communication, there is an endless quest for (multiple-input multiple-output) or also
increased capacity and improved quality. called volume to volume wireless links is
Within this area, we have during the last years emerging as one of the most promising
studied ways to utilize antennas with multiple research areas in wireless communications.
elements in an intelligent way. In MIMO wireless research has key
communication theory, MIMO refers to radio applications in the future high-speed high-
links with multiple antennas at the transmitter spectrum efficiency wireless networks (3G
and the receiver side. Given multiple and beyond). Progress in MIMO research
antennas, the spatial dimension can be poses interesting challenges in the areas of
exploited to improve the performance of the modeling (of mobile MIMO wireless
wireless link. The promise MIMO has shown channels), information theory (coding,
in the wireless LAN field, combined with channel capacity and other bounds on
recent advances in client device technologies, information transfer rates), signal
have prompted much exploration of wide-area processing (signaling and modulation
MIMO Application. design, receiver algorithms), and finally the
In the following paper, along with a design of the wireless fixed or mobile
brief overview of Wide-area MIMO networks that will incorporate those MIMO
application, we highlight interference and links.
limited scattering as the most important A growing number of current
differences and recommend key and prospective wide-area wireless
considerations in Implementation. Digital network operators are adopting strategies
communication using MIMO (multiple-input that include mobile broadband access and
multiple-output) or also called volume to rich
volume wireless links is emerging as one of multimedia services. These strategies
the most promising research areas in wireless present significant challenges to their
communications. MIMO wireless research has
key applications in the future high-speed high- wireless networks — requiring large
spectrum efficiency wireless networks (3G and improvements in network capacity,
beyond). Progress in MIMO research poses subscriber data rates, range, and coverage
interesting challenges in the areas of modeling quality in order to build and sustain
(of mobile MIMO wireless channels),
information theory (coding, channel capacity viable business models. The potential
and other bounds on information transfer performance gains offered by smart
rates), and signal processing (signaling and antenna technologies such as MIMO are of
modulation design, receiver algorithms). increasing interest to operators as
they grapple with these challenges to
network economics. The promise MIMO
has shown in the wireless LAN field,
combined with recent advances in client
device technologies, have prompted much
exploration of wide-area MIMO
In a radio (or acoustic)
communication system, MIMO refers to
links for which the transmitting end as well 3. Defining MIMO Technology
as the receiving end is equipped with Smart antenna deployments in
multiple antenna elements. The transmit commercial wide-area networks to date
antennas on one end and the receive have used
antennas on the other end are jointly
“combined” in such a way that the quality multiple antennas only on the base station
(Bit Error Rate) or the rate (Bit/Sec) of the side of the link, with a single antenna
communication is improved. As such, on the client device, due largely to
MIMO techniques fall under the general significant cost sensitivity on the subscriber
category of the so-called “smart antennas”
end. As pressure to improve wide-area
network economics has continued to rise,
2. REVOLUTIONARIZING THE and as increased chipset integration for
DATA TRANSFER client devices has reduced the marginal
MIMO systems are revolutionarizing the cost of adding smart antenna processing
way we transmit data. MIMO has there, interest in solutions with smart
promising applications in:
antennas on both ends of the link has risen
• Indoor wireless LANs as well. Multiple antennas at both
• Wireless local loop ends allow for many new transmission
techniques that are not possible in
• Metropolitan voice/data wireless
networks (UMTS, EDGE, systems with multiple antennas at only one
4Generationnetworks) end, with additional performance
• Very-high-speed fixed and mobile gains in many situations
wireless (point to multipoint) We start with the simplest
• Acoustic communications case. Consider a system with a single
antenna at each
• Broadcast systems (HDTV etc.)
end of the link. Although the signal is
MIMO systems are not your conventional transmitted in all directions (typically
smart antennas system!
In the conventional terminology, smart within a 120º sector), a particular wireless
antennas refer to those signal processing channel may only have two dominant
techniques using the data captured by paths, as illustrated in Figure 1. We show
multiple antenna elements on one end only here an example of an elevated base
(on the receive side: single input multiple
output –SIMO, or on the transmit side: station communicating with a mobile
multiple input single output – MISO) and handset (or more generically, a “client
combining them in order to offer a more Leveraging MIMO in Wide-Area Networks
reliable communications link in the
presence of adverse propagation conditions 3device”, since it could be a mobile
such as multipath fading and interference. computing platform) down at street level,
Those techniques have been heavily studied where the bulk of the received signal comes
for over 15 years now as hinted by the from reflections off neighboring
impressive body of literature devoted to
them buildings. This corresponds to a single-
input single output (SISO) channel.
. MIMO systems retain all the
properties of SIMO/MISO systems, since [Note that in the industry’s chosen
in some sense the optimization of the nomenclature, “input” and “output” are
transmitting and receiving antenna defined in these terms from the frame of
elements is carried out in a superset of that reference of the channel itself, rather
of SIMO/MISO. In reality, MIMO systems
offers advantages which go far beyond that than the perspective of the devices on either
of conventional smart antennas. end.Figure 1
coherently in the same way as for the
SIMO case. This approach is used widely
in PHS and HC-SDMA systems with
multiple antennas on the base station side,
for both receive (working in SIMO mode)
and transmit (working in MISO mode).
Providing multiple antennas at both ends of
the link corresponds to a MIMO
(multiple-input, multiple output) scenario.
In this case, we can exploit the two
paths much more efficiently — as we
illustrate in Figure 2.
Here we can introduce the simplest and
currently most common form of smart The transmitter can
antennas. If the receiver has more than one Leveraging MIMO in Wide-Area Networks
antenna, it can intelligently combine
4 weight its antennas so that one stream of
the signals from the different antennas and information, shown in blue, is sent
recognize that the signal indeed is
along the first path (i.e., spatial signature)
arriving from two main directions. It can do and another stream of information,
this because the two paths have
shown in orange, on the other path. Since
different spatial characteristics or different the receiver also has multiple
spatial signatures. Since the receiver
antennas it can separate the two streams by
recognizes that there are two different detecting that they have different
spatial signatures, it can combine the
spatial signatures
signals from the two antennas such that
they add coherently resulting in a
stronger combined signal. This corresponds
to a single-input [to the channel],
multiple-output [from the channel] (or
SIMO) scenario and this is the well known
case of receiver diversity. Receive diversity
is used widely in 2G and now 3G
cellular networks on the base station side of
the link.
If instead the transmitter has
multiple antennas while the receiver has
only one
Figure 2
antenna, the signal still travels along the
A. In this case, two entirely different data
same paths since the physics are the
streams can be sent,
same (the buildings are still there). This
potentially doubling the data rate seen by
corresponds to a multiple-input
the subscriber. This offers a material
advantage in the best case over what can be
(MISO) scenario. The main difference
achieved with MISO or SIMO
compared to SIMO is that the
processing alone. This MIMO advantage
combining has to be done at the transmitter
can be achieved without requiring extra
instead of the receiver. By
bandwidth or power. The multi-path
weighting the transmit antennas
propagation which generally impairs the
appropriately, the two paths can be made to
add performance of single-antenna links is
instead exploited in the MIMO case to
increase the channel efficiency and quality. two focused on individual link performance
and the third on overall network
It is important to understand that
MIMO systems exploit multi-path performance:
 Increased data rate. The previously
provided that these spatial dimensions exist described technique (illustrated in
in the propagation environment. In Figure 2) is usually referred to as spatial
the figures above, there are four antennas multiplexing. For channels with a
and only two dominant paths. Hence, rich scattering environment it is possible to
increase the data rate by
in this case only two data streams can be transmitting separate information streams
formed even though there are four on each antenna. Using
antennas. Therefore, the performance of sophisticated receiver technology, the
MIMO is closely related to the multipath different streams can be separated and
decoded. For example, using four transmit
richness of the environment where the and four receive antennas, four
system is employed. Fortunately, in times the capacity of a single antenna
many environments there is enough system can be achieved.
scattering and multipath to support several  Improved quality of service
through diversity. Conversely, by
parallel data streams. transmitting the same signal over multiple
Results from information theory antennas over multiple symbols,
suggest that the system capacity, which the reliability of the transmission can be
improved instead of the data rate.
represents an upper bound on the data rate, Essentially, this technique provides space-
grows linearly with the number of time diversity by sending multiple
antennas (under certain channel copies of signal over different antennas and
assumptions and holding total power time instants. This technique of
constant) if spreading or coding the information
symbols over both space and time is
multiple antennas are used at both ends. called space-time coding.
The capacity for the 8 x 8 MIMO system
(i.e. with 8 antennas on each  Achieving a mix of both higher
data rate and improved quality of
end of the link) can be up to eight times the service through interference mitigation.
capacity of a single antenna system. Another alternative exploitation
Especially for high-data-rate services such of the spatial dimensions in a MIMO
as true broadband access, system, suitable to more interference rich
IPTV, and large file transfers, where environments, is optimizing the distribution
limited bandwidth poses a severe problem, of radio energy in the system
overall, to minimize creation of and
Leveraging MIMO in Wide-Area Networks sensitivity to co-channel interference in
the network. As with the
5MIMO techniques are a promising
MISO system, the multiple spatial channels
solution. Increasing levels of component
are used by the base station to
Integration in client devices of the past few create a coherent combination of energy at
years have significantly reduced the the client device. They are used
by the client device to improve its effective
marginal cost of adding multi-antenna
sensitivity in those spatial
processing on the subscriber end of the
‘directions’ (as in a SIMO system),
link, making consideration of MIMO reducing the power required on transmit
applications more practical in many by the base station. The reverse is done on
uplink. The base station and
client device work automatically in concert
4. EXPLOITING THE CHANNEL to reduce the level of interference
in the system.
In Due to the large performance gains
Principle, three main ways of exploiting the shown in that initial application, MIMO
channel have been proposed, the first techniques have quickly left the research
labs and into WLAN products.
5. Early MIMO Success with WiFi Limited scattering:-The wide-area
The most widely publicized scattering environment can in some
implementations of MIMO have been in cases be limited with only one or
fixed, local area two dominant paths. For instance, if there
is line-of-sight (LOS) there is only one
Wireless environments where the primary dominant propagation path which
benefit of MIMO is to increase limits the use of spatial multiplexing
Individual client device throughput. In techniques.
particular, WLANs (a.k.a. WiFi networks)
Interoperability:- In a wide-area network,
in home and enterprise applications exhibit all the users need to
several characteristics that make communicate with the base stations
them ideal candidates for initial adoption of seamlessly throughout a large network
MIMO: (spanning both geographies and operators),
which makes interoperability a
 Rich scattering. necessity.
 Independent deployment Solutions such as those outlined
 Limited interference. above that use spatial
The successful deployment of MIMO in multiplexing or space-time codes require
WiFi demonstrates that the potential protocol changes that can increase
the time-to-market for MIMO solutions
Performance improvements made possible
significantly in the wide-area domain.
by MIMO are real. The fact that it has
moved from promising lab results to WiFi These factors make adoption of
products in just a few short years MIMO more challenging in a wide-area
suggests a tempting opportunity for
operators of wide-area wireless networks to than in WiFi. New solutions that account
for the specific properties of a large,
replicate this success.
Multi-cell network are necessary.
6. THE CHALLENGE FOR WIDE- Successful implementations of
The same performance benefits that
enabled the successful adoption of MIMO Networks will share two key attributes:
in Interference suppression:- In the wide-area
WiFi products do make MIMO a good case the additional degrees of
potential candidate for the mobile freedom available through the antenna
environment in wide-area wireless. arrays at both ends of the link should be
used at least in part to reduce interference.
However, the mobile, multi-cell
environment Interference mitigation at both the
transmitter and receiver can dramatically
is fundamentally different from the WiFi reduce network interference compared to
radio environment in some ways that systems with only interference rejection at
one end.
make a straightforward deployment
Robust solutions:-. Solutions can be
Interference:- The wide-area environment developed that account for a limited
experiences significant levels of number of dominant propagation paths.
interference due to dense deployments and Significant performance gains can still be
large cells. In such achieved through coherent combining at
environments, rejection of interference and both the transmitter and Receiver even in
high throughput are both channels with limited scattering. Recent
necessary. Hence, in order to extend research shows that even for channels with
MIMO’s WLAN success to wide-area only one dominant propagation path, the so
networks and mobile broadband data called key-hole channels, substantial gains
services, new MIMO solutions are can be achieved using smart antenna
necessary that take into account both Techniques at both ends of the link.
interference and data rate.
7.MIMO FOR WIDE-AREA based cellular networks (UMTS and beyond).
NETWORKS Of course MIMO currently has limitations
A solution that balances interference such as extra RF cost and the larger size of
rejection and throughput can be achieved in multiple antenna transmitters and receivers.
However, progress in RF integration as well
the following way. The base station ever increasing production volumes suggest
calculates combining weights for its the barriers will fall soon.
array that minimize interference from the
base station point of view. Similarly, The performance gains provided by MIMO
techniques show great promise of
the mobile terminal uses its antenna array
to minimize interference from the fueling the next chapter in the ongoing
revolution in wireless communications.
handset point of view. Since no special
coding in the link is required at either the Already MIMO equipment is providing
performance gains to the WiFi market and
base station or the client device, the MIMO
processing can be implemented and wide-area networks will soon be next.
However, the radio environment in a
operated completely independently on each
device. The result is a selforganizing Leveraging MIMO in Wide-Area Networks
and self-optimizing system that continually wide-area, mobile wireless system is very
adapts to the changing different from the WiFi domain, with
interference environment and to the interference posing the most significant
changing service needs of the user. The challenge. Fortunately, there are widearea
independence of each end of the link in this MIMO solutions available now based on
MIMO approach provides robust adaptive antenna processing that
performance even in the case of a provide tremendous gains over single-antenna
heterogeneous network or one in an systems. These solutions balance
upgrade interference and throughput requirements by
transition — where not all base stations and exploiting through multiple
client devices are equipped with antennas the spatial dimensions inherent in
multiple antennas. Single-antenna the channel. A significant portion of
endpoints simply participate using SIMO these gains can be achieved without changes
(in to protocols and can be deployed in
transmit) or MISO (in receive) channels the near future. Hence, wide-area MIMO
with their multi-antenna counterparts. applications may be closer to realization
The overall network benefit of this than is generally understood.
interference-minimizing MIMO approach
would 10. REFERENCES
be an increasing function of the penetration 1. “Electromagnetic waves and radiating
of multi-antenna devices in the systems” by EDWARD JORDAN &
3. www.arraycomm.co.in
MIMO systems are currently
considered for application in second
generation broadband wireless fixed cellular
networks. In those systems, they have been
shown to seriously improve the economics of
deployment, thanks to the increased coverage
and data rates MIMO can offer. The next
great application of MIMO is undoubtedly
the next generation broadband mobile packet-

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