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To begin with this lesson about the Curriculum approaches and design for the Bachelor of
Technical Vocational Teacher Education (BTVTEd).

In this program it aims to develop highly competent that gives a combination of training,
skills, experience and motivated teachers in technical and vocational education in their area of
specialization, we comprehensive read and understand the lesson before we teach and transfer
information to our beloved students.
Combining the concepts of curriculum there are Definitions of terms, Nature and the purpose
or the Vision and Mission of the school/Universities why they should have those policies to
be follow.
In Curriculum approaches, as a facilitator we enable the learners to develop their full
potentials to continuing the lifelong learning as well as to develop the critical thinking
through the process of clear understanding maybe it can be situational or not, but the
importance is to develop the way you think not only in classroom setting.
In outcomes-based approach and behavioral approach, the local colleges and universities
strictly should follow those provisions/policies and standards needed or the one who supervise
if they follow or not. We should observe too the behavior of our students, so that we should
know the Humanistic approach referring to the individual’s behavior, because if we noticed
some behaviors of your students’ is wrong, you have an idea of what his/her inner feelings
and as a teacher what should you do. These one is the ingredients needed to accomplish a
specific task in curriculum implementation as we evaluating the learning outcomes as the
students’ change of behavior

In Article 4 it said that Experimental learning courses are intended to provide students with
practical learning experiences in which they can observe or reflect those experiences they had
to achieve the information from the teacher in actual school setting, but today we can’t apply
the actual setting in school but we can continuously learn.
In Article 5 of the Curriculum it said that Sample Curriculum is specifies the learning
standards, lessons, assignments, and materials used to organize and teach a particular course.
Learning standards it occurs the written descriptions of what students expected to know about
subject and the learning progressions is the sequence of knowledge and skills of the students
that the one expected to learn as they process.
The pedagogical content is aiming to develop the wide range of skills to facilitate and
evaluate the learning among diverse types of students in the variety of learning environments.
What I mean is the framework of understanding that describes the kinds of knowledge needed
by the teacher to be an effective pedagogical practice in the field of technology-enhanced
learning the environment.

When I read the Article 6 it includes the managerial approach which is technical vocational
teacher education shall be organized the administrative and instructional unit such as college,
institute, school, department or division of education.
The Dean is the one who supervise the teachers and carries a regular teaching load in
accordance with the institutional policy, assist in the budget preparation and financial
management of the college and dean plans a program of the curriculum development with the
assistance of qualified faculty members.

Based on the Commission on Higher Education the Curriculum Designed for Bachelor of
Technical Vocational Teacher Education it has 3 Curriculum designs there are: Subject-
Centered Curriculum, Learner-Centered Curriculum and the Problem-Centered Curriculum.
Curriculum design means a design plan for learning that requires the purposeful, sequencing
of the lesson and the content knowledge we want students to acquire.

The Subject-Centered Curriculum is referring what is written on the textbooks and it focusing
on certain processes, strategies, or life-skills, such as problem solving, teamwork and decision
In Article 3 it said that the General Provisions for Curriculum Design has a minimum set of
desired program outcomes, Learner Centered Curriculum they explore the knowledge gain
from his family history or local environment and this aspect of the learners they learn from
In Section 4 of the Article 3, Curriculum Design allowed to provide and demonstrate on how
the teacher show his/her willingness to teach and give information for those students listening
when the discussion starts. It includes the curriculum delivery, but before that let us know
first the meaning of Curriculum Delivery.
The Curriculum Delivery is designed to meet the needs of the range of students within each
year level as well as those with disabilities and other particular needs. In short the curriculum
delivery is delivered by the teacher to the students is termed as taught Curriculum, talking the
students into consideration, and they decided how the students can achieve the intended
learning outcomes.
So that Curriculum Delivery is the way if the students understand what the facilitator/teacher
said and the students can say or react if they did not understand the lesson or the students can
ask his/her questions to the teacher and some of the teachers if the student’s ask them about
the discussion they prove that they listening but they have a question to clarify and in terms of
the way of the teacher speak loud or weak voice or explain the lesson faster it could not
clearly understand too the lesson.

If the students can explain or defend the topic you assign to him the result is, he is gaining
knowledge from you, because he can stand alone and explain the topic very well. As a teacher
you made your part to improve and develop your student for his/her future. Setting goal or
objectives is one of the main idea in curriculum requirements.

Submitted by: Gregorio, Maria Cristina P.

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