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WEEK 1 (01.012019 – 04.01.


*01.01.2019- New Year Holiday


School SMK Tong Hua, Subject English

Form 1A Number of 16
Date/ Day 2 January 2019 Time/ Duration 08:20a.m.-09:20a.m.
(Wednesday) (60 minutes)
Subject English
Remarks Orientation
Task Given -

School SMK Tong Hua, Subject English

Form 1B Number of 22
Date/ Day 2 January 2019 Time/ Duration 09:20a.m.-10:20a.m.
(Wednesday) (60 minutes)
Subject English
Remarks Orientation
Task Given -


School SMK Tong Hua, Subject English

Form 1B Number of 22
Date/ Day 3 January 2019 Time/ Duration 08:20a.m.-09:20a.m.
(Thursday) (60 minutes)
Subject English
Remarks Orientation
Task Given -


School SMK Tong Hua, Subject English

Form 1A Number of 22
Date/ Day 4 January 2019 Time/ Duration 09:20a.m.-10:20a.m.
(Friday) (60 minutes)
Subject English
Remarks Sukan Tara
Task Given -

School SMK Tong Hua, Bintangor Subject English

Date/ Day 3 January 2019 Time/ Duration 07:20a.m.-08.20a.m.
(Thursday) (60 minutes)
Form/No. of Students 5B/ 14 Main Skill(s) Focus Writing
Theme People Topic Qualities of a Great
Teacher (Article)
Learning Outcomes 1.0 Language for Interpersonal Use
1.1 Make friends and keep friendships by
a. taking part in conversations and discussions;
2.0 Language For Informational Use
2.3 Present information to different audiences by:
a.writing recounts, descriptions, explanations, speeches, reports, and
b.responding to questions orally and in writing;
c. composing, revising and editing drafts; and checking accuracy of
spelling, punctuation and grammar;
Learning Objectives By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Write an article of at least 200 words on the topic “Qualities of a Great
Teaching Aids & 1. PowerPoint Slides (Famous People)
Resources 2. Rubrics on Essay Writing
Thinking Skills/ 1. Creative Thinking Skills •providing idea
I-Think 2. Bloom’s Taxonomy
Differentiation Length of the essay
Learning Outline
Pre-Lesson 1. Teacher and students do self- introduction.
2. Teacher briefs on the Form 5 syllabus.
3. Teacher briefs on the format of SPM English subject.
While-Lesson 1. Students think of their admirable teacher and brainstorm on the reasons.
2. Students share answers with their friends.
3. Teacher distributes the rubric of essays to students.
4. Students take note of the format of an article.
5. Teacher explains on the way to compose an article.
6. Students compose the essay.
7. Teacher provides guidance to the students on essay writing.
Post-Lesson 1. Students recap on the ways to compose an article.
Number of students achieved the learning objective(s):_________
Strength(s), Weakness(es) & Intervention Plan(s):  

School SMK Tong Hua, Bintangor Subject English

Date/ Day 3 January 2019 Time/ Duration 10:40a.m.-11.40a.m.
(Thursday) (60 minutes)
Form/No. of Students 5A/ 21 Main Skill(s) Focus Writing
Theme People Topic Qualities of a Great
Teacher (Article)
Learning Outcomes 1.0 Language for Interpersonal Use
1.1 Make friends and keep friendships by
b. taking part in conversations and discussions;
2.0 Language For Informational Use
2.3 Present information to different audiences by:
a.writing recounts, descriptions, explanations, speeches, reports, and
b.responding to questions orally and in writing;
c. composing, revising and editing drafts; and checking accuracy of
spelling, punctuation and grammar;
Learning Objectives By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Write an article of at least 150 words on the topic “Qualities of a Great
Teaching Aids & 1. PowerPoint Slides (Famous People)
Resources 2. Rubrics on Essay Writing
Thinking Skills/ 1. Creative Thinking Skills •providing idea
I-Think 2. Bloom’s Taxonomy
Differentiation Length of the essay
Learning Outline
Pre-Lesson 1. Teacher and students do self- introduction.
2. Teacher briefs on the Form 5 syllabus.
3. Teacher briefs on the format of SPM English subject.
While-Lesson 1. Students think of their admirable teacher and brainstorm on the reasons.
2. Students share answers with their friends.
3. Teacher distributes the rubric of essays to students.
4. Students take note of the format of an article.
5. Teacher explains on the way to compose an article.
6. Students compose the essay.
7. Teacher provides guidance to the students on essay writing.
Post-Lesson 1. Students recap on the ways to compose an article.
Number of students achieved the learning objective(s):_________
Strength(s), Weakness(es) & Intervention Plan(s):  

School SMK Tong Hua, Bintangor Subject English

Date/ Day 3 January 2019 Time/ Duration 11:40a.m.-12.40p.m.
(Thursday) (60 minutes)
Form/No. of Students 2A/17 Main Skill(s) Focus Speaking
Language/Grammar Vocabulary
Theme Health and Environment Topic Environmental
Speaking 2.1- Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly
Content Standard on familiar topics
Speaking 2.3- Use appropriate communication strategies
Learning Standard Speaking 2.1.2 - Ask for and respond appropriately to simple suggestions
Speaking 2.3.1- Keep interaction going in longer exchanges by checking
understanding of what a speaker is saying
Learning Objectives By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Ask for and respond appropriately to simple suggestions by giving 2
suggestions on recycling.
2. Keep interactions going in longer exchanges by checking understanding of
what a speaker is saying by carrying out a role play with their shoulder
Moral Values Love the Environment; Cooperation
Teaching Aids & 1. PULSE 2 Textbook
Thinking Skills/ 1. Creative Thinking Skills - providing idea, showing cause-effect relationship
I-Think 2. Critical Thinking Skills - classifying
3. Bloom’s Taxonomy
Pedagogical 1. Constructivism
Strategies 2. Multiple Intelligence (Verbal Linguistic, Interpersonal)
3. Contextualism
Differentiation -
Learning Outline
Pre-Lesson 1. Teacher welcomes the students and carries out self-introduction session.
2. Teacher introduces PULSE 2 and CEFR.
3. Teacher introduces the theme and topic of today’s lesson.
While-Lesson 1. In pairs, students discuss with their partner on their knowledge about
2. Students brainstorm on the things that can be recycled and classifies the things
according to the colour of recycle bins.
3. Students brainstorm on other ways to save the environment.
Post-Lesson 1. Students discuss on the importance of keeping environment clean.
Number of students achieved the learning objective(s):_________
Strength(s), Weakness(es) & Intervention Plan(s):  

School SMK Tong Hua, Bintangor Subject English

Date/ Day 4 January 2019 Time/ Duration 07:20a.m.-08:20a.m..
(Friday) (60 minutes)
Form/No. of Pupils 5B/14 Main Skill(s) Focus Literature
Theme People Topic A Poison Tree
Learning Outcomes 1.0 Language for Interpersonal Use
1.1 Make friends and keep friendships by
a. taking part in conversations and discussions;
b. exchanging ideas, information and opinions on topics of interest.
2.0 Language For Informational Use
2.1 Obtain information for different purposes by
a. listening to spoken texts such as talks, speeches and viewing television,
documentaries and multimedia;
3.0 Language For Aesthetic Use
3.1 Listen to, read, view and respond to literary works by:
a. understanding and telling in one’s own words the story and poem heard
and read, and giving one’s own opinion of the text;
b. reciting poems with feeling and expression.
Learning Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Recite the poem with correct pronunciation and intonation.
2. Understand the meaning of the poem by answering 5 questions orally.
3. Respond to 3 open-ended questions based on the poems.
Moral Values Kind; Forgiveness
Teaching Aids & 1. PowerPoint Slides (A Poison Tree)
Resources 2. Video clip on A Poison Tree
3. Literature Textbook- “A Poison Tree”.
Thinking Skills/ 1. Creative Thinking Skills •providing idea
I-Think 2. Critical Thinking Skills •identifying main ideas
3. Bloom’s Taxonomy
Pedagogical 1. Constructivism
Strategies /CCE 2. Multiple Intelligence (, Visual-Spatial, Verbal Linguistic, Interpersonal)
3. Contextualism
Differentiation -
Learning Outline
Pre-Lesson 1. Pupils recall on the poems that they have learnt in Form 4.
2. Teacher shows a cartoon on anger, pupils talk about the cartoon.
While-Lesson 1. Pupils recite the poem. (Teacher gives guidance on the intonation and
2. By referring to a PowerPoint, teacher explains the meaning of each line.
3. Pupils underline the keywords of the poems and learn its meaning.
4. Teacher posts some questions orally to test pupils’ understanding.
5. Teacher posts few open-ended questions.
6. Pupils answer the questions on their exercise books.
Post-Lesson 1. Teacher randomly picks a pupil to retell the meaning of the poem.
Number of pupils achieved the learning objective(s):_________
Strength(s), Weakness(es) & Intervention Plan(s):  

School SMK Tong Hua, Bintangor Subject English

Date/ Day 4 January 2019 Time/ Duration 09:20a.m.-10:20a.m.
(Friday) (60 minutes)
Form/No. of Pupils 5A/21 Main Skill(s) Focus Literature
Theme People Topic A Poison Tree
Learning Outcomes 1.0 Language for Interpersonal Use
1.1 Make friends and keep friendships by
a. taking part in conversations and discussions;
b. exchanging ideas, information and opinions on topics of interest.
2.0 Language For Informational Use
2.1 Obtain information for different purposes by
a. listening to spoken texts such as talks, speeches and viewing television,
documentaries and multimedia;
3.0 Language For Aesthetic Use
3.1 Listen to, read, view and respond to literary works by:
a. understanding and telling in one’s own words the story and poem heard
and read, and giving one’s own opinion of the text;
b. reciting poems with feeling and expression.
Learning Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Recite the poem with correct pronunciation and intonation.
2. Understand the meaning of the poem by answering 5 questions orally.
3. Respond to 3 open-ended questions based on the poems.
Moral Values Kind; Forgiveness
Teaching Aids & 1. PowerPoint Slides (A Poison Tree)
Resources 2. Video clip on A Poison Tree
3. Literature Textbook- “A Poison Tree”.
Thinking Skills/ 1. Creative Thinking Skills •providing idea
I-Think 2. Critical Thinking Skills •identifying main ideas
3. Bloom’s Taxonomy
Pedagogical 1. Constructivism
Strategies /CCE 2. Multiple Intelligence (, Visual-Spatial, Verbal Linguistic, Interpersonal)
3. Contextualism
Differentiation -
Learning Outline
Pre-Lesson 1. Pupils recall on the poems that they have learnt in Form 4.
2. Teacher shows a cartoon on anger, pupils talk about the cartoon.
While-Lesson 1. Pupils recite the poem. (Teacher gives guidance on the intonation and
2. By referring to a PowerPoint, teacher explains the meaning of each line.
3. Pupils underline the keywords of the poems and learn its meaning.
4. Teacher posts some questions orally to test pupils’ understanding.
5. Teacher posts few open-ended questions.
6. Pupils answer the questions on their exercise books.
Post-Lesson 1. Teacher randomly picks a pupil to retell the meaning of the poem.
Number of pupils achieved the learning objective(s):_________
Strength(s), Weakness(es) & Intervention Plan(s):  

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