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Class : 5 th Date:

Name of the student................................ Subject : English

I. Write the meanings for the following :

1. Farm -
2. Mending -
3.Strutted -
4. Hay -

II .Write the Opposites :

1. Wet x
2. Firmly x
3. Tiny x
4. Warm x

III .What were the following doing :

1. Prem -
2. Pappu’s mother -
3. Anil and Amar -

IV .Write verb forms :

V1 V2 V3 V4
1. See
2. Forget
3. Escape

V. Give one word substitute:

1. An enclosed area where pigs are kept ------------------
2. An area surrounded by farm building ------------------
3. Dried grass used for animals as food -------------------

VI. Give one word answers:

1. Where did Pappu and Neeta go ?
2. What did pappu’s father do ?
3. Who was milking the cow ?
4. What did Neeta pick up ?
5.What was the task given to Pappu & Neeta ?
VII. A sentence has two parts -------------------- and ------------------

VIII. Choose the correct answer :-

1.{ ’ } is known as (Apostrophe/comma)

2. Pappu’ s father -( contraction/possession )

3. I ’ll go to school-( contraction/ possession)

IX. Fill in the blanks:

1. Pappu and Neeta forgot to close the --------------------------------

2. The donkey saw the gate of the wheat field open, so he --------------------------
in to the farmyard.

X. What did Pappu and Neeta find in the barn ? :

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