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Essay 1

Some people say you don’t need much money to be happy. What do you think? Obviously,
money is necessary to cover our basic needs, but apart from that do people need money to be

Money is needed to have our basics, food, water, dwelling and in some countries for education
and health. Leisure can be considered as a necessity too, because not socializing can be
dangerous for health, so people need some money to meet up with friends.

Having the latest gadgets would be seen unnecessary, but what could happen if no one
wanted the forefront technologies? That technologies couldn’t have evolved into the gadgets
people use every day.

Which is the limit of money people need to be happy? It seems to be the cash necessary to
have a comfortable life and nowadays it can be having a car, a computer and a smartphone.

In my opinion people need the money have a comfortable life, but it can’t make you absolutely

Essay 2
What are the most important things we need to do to make friends? Making friends is not
impossible if you know some hints.

Firstly, to make friends is important to meet people and keep in touch with them, for example
talking with them every week by social networking. The main topic of your conversation can be
what you have done this week and interesting thing that had happened. In addition, you can
ask them their opinion about trending topics.

Secondly, you should always tell the truth, because is the only way your friend can trust you
and you can trust him.

Thirdly, you shouldn’t be shy. You should meet more people if you want to make friends. For
example going to more parties and enjoying with everyone there.

To sum up, making friends is easier than you think. You only have to meet people, tell the truth
and have fun with them.

Essay 3
Smoking is responsible for many health problems throughout the world, but is it so serious to
forbid smoking?

Most of the cases of lung cancer are caused by smoking. Its’ really dangerous because cancer is
due to smoking for a long time and it can produce another sort of cancer and heart disease.

Moreover, the people who don’t smoke are involved by that too because of the passive
smoking. It’s breathing the air with cigarette smoke, and this can’t be easily avoided because
many people smoke in the street or on the beach.

Furthermore, cigarettes are made to be very addictive at the point that some people can’t live
without smoking.
To sum up, smoking is a large issue of society, but smoking shouldn’t be forbidden because it
would create new illegal businesses and the people who are addicted would struggle to stop it.
To solve this matter, young people should be aware of the consequences of smoking.

Essay 4
Is it better to do things with other people or to do them on your own? It has their advantages
and disadvantages, but what would you prefer?

At school and college, students have to make projects in group, that projects usually count less
than the classical individual exams. In that projects, normally, there is a person who works
harder than the others and teachers want students to make projects in group without telling
them how to work in group.

In sports, if you are in a team playing football and the rival team scores a goal the fault is for all
the team not just for you. But, if you are in a swimming competition and you lose, the fault is
yours. Playing in a team is really enjoyable because you make friends and learn how to work
with people that you don’t get along with.

To sum up, team working is better because you can improve your ideas with your partners
ideas and increasing the number of group projects it will increase the efficiency. And according
to sports is well how it is.

Essay 5
Is it good that some parents teach their children at home instead of sending them to school? It
seems to be weird to have your parents as teachers, but maybe it has some advantages.

The first of all, having a parent as a teacher can be useful because you are the only student to
focus in, so can receive more attention from your teacher. Otherwise, parents are not usually
specialized teachers such as the teachers of high schools and they are less experienced too.

Furthermore, it can be an issue for making friends, because you are alone at class and children
can not play with other kids in the break.

Besides, having the same teacher for years can be boring and demotivate students because
sometimes a student is taught by a teacher that makes him love the subject or hate it.

In conclusion, parents teaching their children is a dreadful idea because they are not
specialized as professional teachers, the children don’t make friends and the subjects taught
by the same teacher every year makes it dull.

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