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Gregorio E.

Baccay III, DPA

Think Out Loud


Mocha Uson’s controversial award

Recognition is a very positive word that entails responsibility and high degree of commitment. Just
recently there was a buzz over social media regarding the award given to Presidential Communications
Assistant Secretary Margaux “Mocha” Uson by the University of Sto. Tomas Alumni Association,
Incorporated. Said award was the Thomasian Alumni Award for Government Service. Criticisms were
hurled against Secretary Mocha citing her dubious track record, sheer incompetence, irresponsibility,
stupidity and even corruption. Worst, some awardees were keened on returning the awards they received
should the association fails to rescind the award given to ASec Mocha. One strongly-worded Facebook post
by a Filipino-American novelist Bino Realuyo, “Uson’s award is an insult to all UST alumni who believe
upholding one of the pillars of strong democracies –veritas (truth).” Because of these issues, ASec Mocha
returned the award to the association prior to leaving for India as part of President Duterte’s delegation.

So what is the truth, by the way? Did the UST Alumni Association err in its decision to bestow the
award to ASec Mocha? Were the detractors correct in their criticisms against her? Was the action of ASec
Mocha in returning the award correct? The pillar of strong democracy is truth, but when we accuse of
someone without factual basis, it is mere accusation and cannot withstand court rigors if not supported
with evidence. The criteria for the award: a graduate of the University of Sto. Tomas and working for the
House of Representatives, Senate, judiciary or executive. Based on the two criteria, Mocha Uson was
qualified because she was an alumnus of the institution, a graduate of BS Medical Technology course in
1998 and is working in the government under the executive branch. I admired the position of the alumni
association for not getting back the award. The association is distinct from the university, therefore has the
process of its own, but sadly, the alumni president resigned as he was put under question.

The right to give and the right to rescind belong to the association which gives the award. Since
alumni officers were duly elected to represent the entire alumni of the university then their decision as a
collegial body is deemed the decision for the entire alumni body. The right of every alumnus to question
the decision of the alumni officers shall be reserved in a proper forum not over a platform where the world
knows. Compassion, competence and commitment are the three core values of the university. In criticizing
a fellow alumnus, where is compassion? ASec Mocha may have flaws but her sincerity of serving the
people with compassion, competence and commitment is evident. The accusations hurled against her for
spreading fake news should be channeled in a proper forum. Prove in court all accusations against her
before telling the world that she’s not fit for the award. However, in fairness to her detractors, they could
have felt why for all UST alumni working in government, she was the one accorded to such honor despite
all her misgivings. Their standards perhaps are different to that of the alumni association as they were
driven by their egos, pride and circumstances to go against it.

As for Asec Mocha, returning the award was an act of courage where public interest reigns over
selfish interest. Good job, you made the right move! Recognition is not on earth and for people to approve
because the true recognition rightfully comes from God, in heaven. Let God recognizes what you do and a
heavenly plaque of award be given unto you. Above all, Madame Assistant Secretary, please prove them all
wrong by living out the Thomasian core values every day.

Finally, let me leave a quote to ponder, “Be careful with your words, they can only be forgiven, not
forgotten.” What do you think?

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