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About 80 percent of the time This new growth is still classified as

prostate cancer cells metastasize, prostate cancer because the cancer
or spread, they will spread to first developed in the prostate.
bones, such as the hip, spine, and
pelvis bones. You may notice new or different
symptoms once you have bone
It can be by direct invasion or by metastases.
traveling through your blood or
lymphatic system. Having bone metastases will
change your treatment options,
Metastatic prostate cancer is prognosis, and outlook.
considered advanced prostate
cancer. As you begin to consider your next
steps, it’s important to know that
Once relocated, the cells begin to you have many options.
grow and form new tumors.
What are the symptoms?

• Difficulty urinating Bone metastasis

• Bloody urine or semen
• Erectile dysfunction After the cancer cells spread to the
• Painful ejaculation bones, You may experience:
• Swelling in pelvic area or legs
• Fatigue Bone pain
• Unexplained weight loss Weak bones, increasing your risk
for fractures
Spinal cord compression and
related weakness or numbness
High blood calcium levels
Stiffness or pain in the hip, thighs,
or back
What are the symptoms?

These symptoms can cause severe What’s the outlook?

discomfort and disability.
No cure for metastatic prostate cancer is
Spinal cord compression can result in nerve currently available, but new therapies are
damage, which can lead to muscle extending life beyond what was possible a
weakness or paralysis, numbness in the legs few years ago.
or arms, or loss of control of bladder and
bowel functions. In general, your long-term outlook and life
expectancy will depend on

In general, your long-term outlook and life

expectancy will depend on factors like:

age, overall health, including other

conditions you have, the extent of the
metastases, grade of the tumor, Gleason
score, prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels,
the types and response to treatments you

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