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Luminus Education - Assignment Brief

Medical Department Diploma

Student Name

‫نور مازن جبعيتي‬

Noor jabitee

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Ar En
Course Number and Title
Unit Assessor Name

Nawal Alhassan
Academic Year
Assignment number & Title
The properties of fatty acids
Issue Date (1st Submission)

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Submission Format:

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You are to submit an A4 word-processed document. The choice of font face, font size and line
spacing are left to your discretion. However, as a professional report, clarity and readability
are critically important. you must study the fatty acids topic carefully to found your answers

Unit Learning Outcomes:

Define the two types of fatty acids

 List five names of saturated fatty acids and determine their formula and common

 List four types of unsaturated fatty acids and determine their names, formula and
common names

Determine the physical and chemical properties of fatty acids

Assignment Brief and Guidance:

Fatty acids are very important in our life. Fatty acids bind with glycerol alcohol to give fats,
which are the food and energy source. Fatty acids are liberated freely in the blood as a
result of the metabolic processes, and they may be of benefit and are important nutritional
supplements for the health of the body and may be harmful and pathogenic.
In this assignment, you will be required to compare the physical and chemical properties of
the fatty acids and identify them in detail

Task- 1
The following table include nine- fatty acids, complete the table to compare these fatty

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Fatty Types C-atom Commo Solubilit Solid Can be Oxidize
acids numbers n names y or hydrogenatio or not
liquid n or not

Acetic acid Saturated CH3- vinegar Soluble in liquid No No

fatty acid COOH acid water

Butyric acid Saturated C3H7- Butter soluble solid No No

fatty acid COO Acid in wate
Caproic Saturated C5H11- Caproic soluble solid No No
acid fatty acid COO aci in wate

Palmitic Waxe C15 H31- palm soluble No No

acid COO acid in wate

Stearic acid Saturated C17H35- wax acid soluble solid No No

fatty acids COO in water
Oleic acid Mono CH3- olive insoluble liquid Yes Yes
unsaturate (CH2)7- acid. in wate
d fatty acid CH=CH-
Linoleic Di CH3- linen insoluble liquid Yes Yes
acid unsaturate (CH2)4- acid in wate
d fatty acid CH=CH-
Linolenic Tri CH3- cannabis insoluble liquid Yes Yes
acid unsaturate CH2- acid in wate
d fatty acid CH=CH-
Arachidonic Tetra CH3- peanut insoluble liquid Yes Yes
acid unsaturate (CH2)4- acid in wate
d fatty acid CH=CH-

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Task- 2
Justify the following sentences:
1- The acetic acid is a liquid, although it is a saturated acid Acetic acid is liquid at room
temperature because it has low molecular weight
2- The butyric acid is a liquid at room temperature
3- The palmatic acid is insoluble in water the fatty acids with long- chain (more than 6
carbon atoms) are insoluble in water
4- The arachidonic acid can do linolenic with 3- H2 molecules while the oleic acid do
that with 1- H2 molecule Poly unsaturated fatty acids like linoleic acid,
linolenic acid, and arachidonic acid are essential fatty acids
5- The iodine number of arachidonic acid is equal 4 because it contains four
double bonds with 20 carbon atoms and common name’s is peanut acid
6- The olive oil is liquid at room temperature The unsaturated fatty acids are
liquid at room temperature
7- The bees wax is solid at room temperature The saturated fatty acids are solid
at room temperature.

Task- 3
A- Write formula for the following
1- Saturated fatty acid formula contain 36 carbon atoms Waxes C36- COOH
2- Saturated fatty acid contain 35 hydrogen atoms in R-
Setaric acid C17H35-COOH
B- Bonas
Sample of linoleic acid 100 g, calculate the iodine number
If you know the molecular mass of C= 12 g/mole, H= g/mole, O= 1 g/mole,
I= 126 g/mole

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I wish to you do the best
Ms. Nawal Alhassan

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