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How are these lines reflective of Bernal’s Works as “social commentaries

and bold reflections on the existing realities of the struggle of the Filipino.

“I used to say, it is always important to face the truth. Now I realize

we should not let the truth blind us to a point where it dehumanizes.
At times falsehood makes a better servant and can do humanity
more good. But whatever we’re given, truth or falsehood, reality or
illusion what matters is how we use it”. – says the town priest
during a sermon having changed his mind about the miracle.

“When something terrible happens, we blame it on a curse. When

something good happens, we give credit to the heaven, to the Virgin,
we say it’s a miracle! I have something to confess. There are no
miracles. It is all inside us… We make miracles ourselves… We
pronounce the curse… We create the gods…”

“She died to remind us what a sinful world it is. Let us go back to the
shrine and pray for her soul. We must sustain her faith. Let us be
devoted to the Blessed Virgin., – talks one of her confidants.”

 These are some moral lesson from the film “HIMALA” Bernal’s work
focus at the illogical decisions impoverished people make for the sake
of being devout. It reflects how we disgrace ourselves once we fail to
question our most cherished beliefs. Bernal’s work tries to enlighten us
that there’s no such a miracle because miracle doesn’t exist unless we
do something to make it happen. We make miracles in ourselves, we
make our own curse, everything is under our control, or on how we
deal with it. I can’t really say what’s in it for us whenever we hold on to our own
faiths, but there is this divine feeling of satisfaction whenever we accomplish something
in relation to our faith that strengthens our bonds with things that can’t be seen.

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