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P.O. Box 8692 Roxas Avenue, Isabela City, Basilan Province, 7300 Philippines

Name :_____________________________ Date : ________________

Strand/Section:_____________________________ Output No. : Six (6)
"remember your own faults, before you mention the faults of
I- Objectives: others ."

a. Define the Sunnah of ProphetProphet Muhammad

b. Know and understand the importance for Muslims of the teachings, deeds and sayings of
the Prophet.
c. Appreciate the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad.

Values Integration:
Truth and Unity

II- Preliminary Activities

A. Prayer

" Allahumma 'innee 'a' oothu bika minal-hammi walhazani, wal'ajzi walwakasali,
walbukhi waljubni, wal ahda 'id-dayni wal ghalabatit-rijaal".

Oh Allah, I seek refuge in You from grief and sadness, from weakness and from laziness, from
miserliness and from cowardice, from being overcome by debt and overpowered by men (i.e,

Write your prayer on the space provided below:


B. Review

Last week, our topic is all about The Opposition and The Hijrah of Prophet Muhammad, it is the
journey of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Yathrib which was
later renamed by him Medina. The Hijrah kindled the light of hope in the hearts of the early
Muslims who set a shining example for all Muslims, in every generation, to emulate. The Hijrah
not only reshaped-socially and politically-the Arab Peninsula, but also had its impact on
worldwide civilizations.

III- Exposition of the subject matter

The Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad

What is Sunnah?

 Sunnah (Arabic: ‫ ُسنَّة‬, sunnah, plural Arabic: ‫ ُسنَن‬sunan [sunan]), also sunna or sunnat, is
the Arabic word for traditional customs and practices. In the Islamic community it refers
to the traditions and practices of the Prophet Muhammad, that constitute a model for
Muslims to follow.
 Sunnah is separate from Hadith (the verbally transmitted record of the teachings, deeds
and sayings of the Prophet by some of his assumed companions) and Sunnah is what all
the Muslims of Prophet Muhammad's time, evidently saw and followed and passed on
to the next generations, without any doubt.
 In the pre-Islamic period, sunnah was used to mean "manner of acting", whether good
or bad. During the early Islamic period, the term referred to any good precedent set by
people of the past, including both Muhammad,and his companions.In addition, the
Sunnah of the Prophet was not necessarily associated with hadith.

Daily Sunnah's of Prophet Muhammad

 For Muslims, Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) is the perfect example
in the light of which they could lead and live their lives. Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu
Alayhi Wa Sallam) was the walking Quran, therefore, any action which He undertook in
His life would be the reflection of Quran, hence, those Muslims who wish to grow closer
to Islam and adopt its preaching try to follow the Sunnah of Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi
Wa Sallam).
 When it comes to special events in life, like performing of Hajj, Eid or any other
occasional event Muslim try to do it in accordance with the Sunnah of Muhammad
(SallAllahu Alayhi Wa Sallam). However, there are other Muslims as well who have a
higher and stronger faith and who wish to grow as close to Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi
Wa Sallam) as possible, this is why in their daily lives they try to incorporate the Sunnah
of Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi Wa Sallam).for more information go to the link and

What were the main teachings, deeds and sayings of Prophet Muhammad?

 Muslims believe the Prophet Muhammad has been chosen by Allah to give a universal
message to all humanity. The message is that Allah is one and he is the God of all. God is
to be worshipped by all. God is the final judge.
 Muslims should make a serious effort to learn the teachings of the Prophet (pbuh) and
abide by the Holy Qur’an, which was revealed to him. They should emulate his behavior
and realize the importance of tawhid (monotheism) with which he began his message,
as shown in Allah’s direction in the Holy Qur’an: “Say (Muhammad), I pray unto Allah
only, and I ascribe to Him no partner.” (Surah Al-Jinn 72:20).
 Most important, we should take Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as our role model. We
should follow his guidance in all things, large and small. Almighty Allah has blessed this
Ummah by preserving the Sunnah and Sirah of His messenger. Despite the passage of
time, both remain with us, unchanged. They provide a living example of the life of the
Prophet (pbuh). They also instill love and respect for him in the hearts of Muslims. Allah
says in the Holy Qur’an: “Indeed in the Messenger of Allah, you have a good example
to follow.” (Surah Al-Ahzab: 33:21).
 If we love the Prophet (pbuh) and believe in his message, we have to follow him in
everything we do and refrain from doing anything that would bring discredit to a great

The Prophet (pbuh) has taught us:

 how we should treat the less privileged among us. He never tired of urging us to help
the weak, the needy and women. Work hard and share with other workers, even if your
work is digging in the ground or removing rubble, and be happy in carrying out the tasks
you are performing in order to show your humility.
 Do not use abusive or rude language, even in jest. Do not direct evil deeds at any of your
brothers or sisters. Let politeness and propriety in speech be your way of life. Be
merciful to people and to animals. Be unafraid to speak the truth, even if it is against

This is what the Prophet (pbuh) taught us. Of all the prophets, there is none whose life has
been as open to scrutiny as that of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).We owe it to ourselves to
learn everything about him. Can there be a more ennobling experience than to follow the
example of a man who was sent by God as an example for all of humanity?

The deeds and sayings in the life of Muhammad – known as Sunnah – are considered a model
of the life-style that Muslims are obliged to follow. Recognizing Muhammad as God's final
messenger is one of the central requirements in Islam, which is clearly laid down in the second
part of the Shahada (ٌ‫ش>> َها َدة‬ َ , "Testimony" or proclamation of faith): Lā ilāha illā l-Lāh,
Muhammadun Rasūlu l-Lāh (ِ‫سو ُل ٱهلل‬ ُ ‫ ُم َح َّم ٌد َّر‬،ُ‫اَل إِلَ ٰـهَ إِاَّل ٱهلل‬, "There is no god but God, Muhammad is
the Messenger of God"). The Quran, in passages such as 3:132, 48:29 and 66:1, often uses the
words "messenger" and "prophet" (such as ar-Rasūl (‫سو ُل‬ ُ ‫اَل َّر‬, "The Messenger") or Rasūl Allāh (
ِ‫سو ُل ٱهلل‬
ُ ‫ر‬,
َ "Messenger of God") for Muhammad, and asks people to follow him, so as to become
successful in this hayāt (ٌ‫ َحيَاة‬, 'life') and al-Ākhirah ( ُ‫اَآْل ِخ َرة‬, the Afterlife.


 The Sunnah refers to the sayings and practices of the Prophet Muhammad and is
the second source of knowledge for Muslims.
 Muhammad is considered to be a perfect model. This sunnah can be seen at prayer
time or Salat - whilst the Qur’an explains when and how one should pray, Muslims
use the example of Muhammad to know what words and movements to use during
prayer.The sunnah refers to the habits, practices, words, and decisions of the
Prophet Muhammad in Sunni Islam.
 The sunnah is spiritually important to Muslims as a guide to living, as the Qur’an
contains numerous injunctions to believers to follow the example of Muhammad.
IV- Activity

I- Essay. Is the Sunnah important to Islam? Write Yes or No,support your answer.State at
least 1-3 paragraph.


II- Choose at least one daily Sunnah's of Prophet Muhammad,explain briefly.


V- Closing Prayer

Allaahumma 'a'innee 'alaa thikrika, wa shukrika, wahusni 'ibaadatika.

O Allah, help me to remember You, to give You thanks, and to perform Your worship in the best

Write your closing prayer on the space provided below:


Reminders: If you have clarifications, suggestions, comments or questions please do not forget
to write it.




Consultation can be done through e-mail (

number( TM 09754756517 ), ( TNT, 09518789714 ) Facebook/Messenger (Nasiba A. Amilin)

Blessed Day!

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