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Final Essay/Research Paper and Presentation

Final Essay: For the final essay of this unit, you will be able to choose any topic from the Word

War 1 unit.

1. Topics can be on Archduke Franz Ferdinand, or trench warfare, or specific countries and

why they were allied together.

2. Use outside sources to back up any claims you have, and make sure they are cited properly

with the essay in APA format.

3. This paper can be anywhere from 5 to 10 pages long with Times New Roman size 12 font,

and double spaced in APA format.

4. Make sure you have works cited page at the bottom of your essay. This works cited page will

not count toward the page count.

Final Presentation: For the final presentation, you will present your research paper to the class.

1. Make a powerpoint with the main points you will be presenting to the class. The first slide

should be explaining what you are presenting on and why.

2. The powerpoint can be as many slides as you would like, make sure pictures are added to give

visual aid to events and or people you are talking about.

3. Work on your delivery of the presentation. You will be graded on how you speak, and answer

questions. You may bring up notecards up to present with you. Reading off the board too much

will cause a loss of points.

4. Be able to answer questions from the class. After doing research on this topic, you should be

able to answer most questions given to you, as well as be able to give your own personal

opinions if asked.

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