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Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (2016) 1168–1179

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Analytical modeling of eddy current brakes with the application

of time varying magnetic fields
Kerem Karakoc a,∗, Afzal Suleman a, Edward J. Park a,b
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Victoria, P.O. Box 3055, Victoria, BC V8W 2Y2, Canada
Mechatronic Systems Engineering, School of Engineering Science, Simon Fraser University, 250-13450 102nd Avenue, Surrey,
BC V3T 0A3, Canada

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Eddy current brakes have a number of potential advantages, i.e. contactless operation, faster
Received 28 January 2013 response, reduced number of components and easy implementation of various controllers.
Revised 3 May 2015
However, the braking torque generation is limited at low speeds. Here, to increase the braking
Accepted 17 July 2015
torque generation, time varying field application is studied. A new analytical model is derived
Available online 26 July 2015
for in-depth theoretical analysis and future controller design purposes. The braking torque
Keywords: generated is calculated using magnetic vector potential and eddy currents. Then, this model
Brake-by-wire was validated using an accurate finite element model. Results show that the braking torque
Eddy current brakes increases with the application of time-varying fields.
Time-varying magnetic field Crown Copyright © 2015 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Analytical modeling
Maxwell’s equations

1. Introduction

With the advancements in electronics, the “x-by-wire” concept is introduced to the automotive industry by replacing the
mechanical components of a device with electrical counterparts in order to improve their performance. Such an improvement
was also introduced to the braking technology by means of electromechanical brakes (EMBs).
Eddy current brakes (ECBs) [1–3] are one of the examples of EMBs and they are introduced as potential alternatives to con-
ventional hydraulic friction brakes. Fig. 1 shows a schematic of the ECB concept. When current is applied to the coil (3) on the
stationary electromagnet (1), a retarding force will be generated due to the interaction between the magnetic field applied and
the eddy currents induced on the surface of the highly conductive rotating disk (2) that is attached to the driving shaft (4).
Braking performance improvements such as faster response time, easy controller implementation, reduced number of com-
ponents and wiring, contactless operation, silent braking, no material wear due to friction, natural capacity to imitate an anti-lock
braking system (ABS) for automotive applications, etc., can be achieved with ECBs. However, limited braking torque generation
of current ECBs at low rotational speeds prevents the utilization of ECBs as a stand-alone system in a wide range of practical
The first model of eddy currents generated on a rotating disk was published by Smythe [4]. Smythe defined the relationship
between applied external magnetic field and induced fields due to eddy current generation on the surface of a rotating disk using
Maxwell–Ampere Law, Faraday’s Law and Gauss’ Law. His results demonstrated that eddy currents cause demagnetizing fields
on electromagnets that oppose the applied field and this results in a variation in the eddy current distribution.

Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 250 721 8662; fax: +1 250 721 6051.
E-mail addresses: (K. Karakoc), (A. Suleman), (E.J. Park).
S0307-904X(15)00411-4/Crown Copyright © 2015 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
K. Karakoc et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (2016) 1168–1179 1169

Fig. 1. Eddy current brake (ECB) concept.

Scheiber [5,6] also studied the effects of magnetic field on a moving conductor, however he worked with the assumption
of low magnetic Reynolds number, which allows for the effect of the induced fields to be neglected. In [6], using the magnetic
potential of the generated eddy currents, Scheiber calculated the braking torque using the total eddy current power input to a
rotating conductor.
Wiederick [7] defined a relationship between the eddy currents and the induced voltage due to the applied magnetic field in
terms of the electrical resistance of the pole projection area (PPA) that he obtained using empirical data. Heald [8] then revised
Wiederick’s model using Coulomb’s Law to obtain the surface charges and the induced electric field in the PPA.
Studies mentioned above were limited to the low rotational speeds of conductors. Wouterse [9] published his theoretical
work on eddy current generation at high rotational speeds. The author’s results were comparable to the results of Scheiber and
Smythe in the low speed region. Subsequently, Simeu and Georges [10] and Barnes et al. [11] used Wouterse’s model in order to
design ECBs.
In addition, Burais et al. [12], Peterson [13] and Conraths [14] investigated the eddy current generation on rotating conduc-
tors using finite element analysis (FEA). More recently, Lee and Park [15–18] studied the eddy current generation on rotating
conductors when DC field is applied and they verified their model using experimental analysis.
While in the above previous studies, it was assumed that time invariant magnetic field (i.e. DC) is externally applied to
rotating conductors; Lee and Park [15] proposed and investigated the use of a sinusoidal field (i.e. AC) to increase ECB braking
torque generation capacity at low speed region. In [15], the braking torque generation on a 3 PPA ECB configuration was studied
using numerical methods. While it was proposed by Lee and Park [15], the explicit use of AC fields to improve an ECB’s braking
torque at low speeds has been studied and published by our research group in our previous work [19]. In [19], with the help
of an accurate finite element model (FEM) of an ECB, the use of alternating magnetic fields with fixed and variable frequencies
in various waveforms was investigated at both low and high speeds. The results demonstrated that frequency modulated time
varying fields improve the braking torque significantly. In [20], the same model was used to calculate and optimize braking torque
generation with eddy current brakes. Unlike the current work presented in this paper, in [20], a multi-PPA ECB configuration was
optimized under the application of triangular alternating fields with varying phase angles. This optimization was specifically
done for automotive applications and results show the effects of interference between the induced fields at neighboring PPAs.
In order to understand the underlying physics behind eddy current generation by means of time varying (i.e. AC) field applica-
tion and to design and implement a model-based nonlinear controller for the ECB as a subsequent work, an analytical modeling
is carried out in this paper. Eddy currents generated by AC magnetic fields have been previously modeled analytically on var-
ious surfaces that are stationary, e.g., in order to study the power loss in electronic components [21,22] or to find defects on
conducting sheets in structural health monitoring (SHM) applications [23].
Yannopoulos-Lascaratos and Tegopoulos [24] modeled the eddy currents generated in a stationary cylindrical shell of infinite
length when there is alternating magnetic field is present. The authors used the Maxwell’s equations and appropriate boundary
conditions to solve for the fluxes and the associated loss as well. The authors also obtained numerical solution to the same
problem using Gauss–Laguerre method and this model was used to validate the analytical model along with experimental data.
A similar work was published by Sathuvalli and Beyazitoglu [25]. In that work, the Lorentz forces on a conductive sphere
placed in alternating (sinusoidal) magnetic field was calculated. The authors expressed the eddy currents generated in terms
of the source functions and also accounted for the skin effects. In addition to the analytical model, a numerical model was also
obtained and a procedure was given to determine the magnetic pressure distribution on the surface of a liquid metal droplet.
Unlike the above works, Siakavellas [26] studied the eddy current generation on the surface of conductive plates of different
shapes using shape dependent factors such as equivalent resistance of the plate and the total circulation current. Using Siakavel-
las’ model, it is possible to estimate the eddy currents generated on the surface of the conductor plate using the shape dependent
parameters the author defined; however, the accuracy strongly depends on the shape of the plate. Finally, the author suggested
improvements with the consideration of the principle of minimum energy dissipation and Siakavellas validated his analytical
model with numerical analysis.
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Similar to Sathuvalli’s work, Lohofer [27] studied the eddy current generation as well as the vector and scalar potentials on a
conducting sphere exposed to the time-varying magnetic fields. Lohofer’s study showed that there is no radial component of the
eddy current density in the sphere. This model can be used as a contactless inductive measurement of electrical conductivity of
metallic melts, since the impedance and the power absorption of the sphere can be obtained using this model.
In a more recent study, Sinha and Prabhu[28] investigated the eddy current generation on conductive plates. The authors
investigated the eddy current generation on the vacuum chambers of an accelerator. Their analytical model uses a potential term
that is used to define the field terms and using this model, the power losses can be calculated at different frequencies as well as
the magnetic force acting on the plate due to the interaction between applied and induced fields.
In the studies mentioned above, the eddy currents are modeled on various types of surfaces that are stationary with the
consideration of time varying magnetic field application. However, in this paper, in addition to the effects of time varying field
application, the eddy currents are modeled on a rotating (i.e. non-stationary) circular plate. This paper forms the first part of
our work where the effects of the application of time varying fields are studied for in-depth theoretical analysis, which will be
followed by a model-based nonlinear control design work in the future. Herein, the eddy current distribution over the rotating
disk is calculated using the potential terms and by rearranging the governing Maxwell’s equations, a well-known form called
the Helmholtz equation is obtained. This equation is then solved using proper boundary conditions to find the eddy current
distribution as well as the braking torque generated when time varying magnetic fields are present.
This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, the analytical model for an ECB is presented in detail. In Section 3, using
the FEM of our previous work [19], the proposed analytical model is validated for time varying field applications. Finally, in
Section 4, the results from Section 3 are discussed in detail.

2. Analytical modeling of AC-based ECB

In this section, the eddy currents generated on the surface of a rotating conductor is modeled using the vector and scalar
potential terms. Along with the constitutive relations (Eqs. (6) and (7)) and Lorentz force law (Eq. (5)), Maxwell’s equations (Eqs.
(1)–(4)) are used to describe the field terms in terms of sources as follows:
∇ ×H=J+ , (1)
∇ ×E=− , (2)
 · D = ρ, (3)

 · B = 0, (4)

F = q(E + v × B), (5)

D = ε E, (6)

B = μH, (7)

where B is the magnetic flux density, H is the magnetic field intensity, E is the electric field, D is the displacement flux density,
J is the current density, F is the Lorentz force, v is the linear velocity of a point on the conductor surface, q is the electric charge
particle, ρ is the charge density, μ is the magnetic permeability and ε is the electric permittivity of the medium.
When the disk rotates, eddy currents are generated on its surface according to Faraday’s Law (see Eq. (2)) due to the applied
external magnetic field. An electric field will be generated when there is a change in the magnetic flux due to motional effects
(i.e. rotation of the conductor) and/or transformer effects (i.e. alternating field application). For the basic ECB problem, a domain
shown in Fig. 2 was selected. The outer circular shape represents the conductor disk and the inner rectangular region is the PPA
(pole project area), i.e. the area that the external magnetic field is applied onto.
Eq. (5) is used to solve for the Lorentz force when there is a particle moving in external magnetic and electric fields. Using
this relation, the eddy currents generated due to external electric fields and magnetic fields can be defined for the 2-D domain
shown in Fig. 2 as:

J = σ (E + v × B), (8)

where σ is the conductivity the rotating disk. As the next step, using its divergence free nature (see Eq. (4)), the magnetic field is
expressed in terms of the curl of a vector that is known as the magnetic potential vector, A, i.e.

B = ∇ × A. (9)

Also, the electric field term can be written in terms of a scalar potential (i.e. ϕ ) as follows:
E = −∇ϕ − . (10)
K. Karakoc et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (2016) 1168–1179 1171

Fig. 2. Basic ECB domain considered for simulating the eddy current generation.

After defining the magnetic terms, Eqs. (1) and (3) can be rewritten using Eq. (8) as well by defining the following potential
terms, which are the potential representation of the Maxwell’s equations:
∂A ∂D
∇ × (∇ × A) = μσ −∇ϕ − + v × (∇ × A) + μ , (11)
∂t ∂t
∂∇ · A ρ
∇ 2ϕ + =− . (12)
∂t ε
After obtaining the above potential equations, it is necessary to make a number of assumptions to solve these equations
analytically for finding the vector and scalar potentials. The assumptions that are used for simplifying Eqs. (11) and (12) are as
• It is assumed that the conductive disk is made of aluminum, thus the electric permittivity (ε ) and the magnetic permeability
(μ) are assumed to be equal to that of the vacuum’s.
• As for the external magnetic flux density, a uniformly distributed sinusoidal field with a magnitude B0 is applied in perpen-
dicular to the surface of the conductor disk:

B = B0 sin (t )k, (13)

where  is the angular frequency of the applied external field, and k represents the unit vector along the direction perpen-
dicular to the surface of the rotating conductor disk.
• Since the magnetic flux density follows a sine curve, the electric field (see Eq. (2)) will follow a cosine curve and the magnetic
potential (see Eq. (9)) will follow a sine curve:

E = Ex cos (t )i + Ey cos (t )j, (14)

A = Ax sin (t )i + Ay sin (t )j, (15)

where Ex and Ey are the x and y component of the electric field, respectively, and Ax and Ay are the x and y component of the
magnetic vector potential, respectively.
• It is assumed that the current penetrates through the whole thickness of the conductor and it is uniformly distributed across
the cross section, i.e. there are no skin effects on the conductor. Note that this assumption makes it possible to eliminate any
variation in the field variables along the conductor thickness and the problem can be effectively simplified to a 2-D problem.
As a result of this assumption, Eq. (8) can be revised as follows:

J = σ d(E + v × B), (16)

where d is the thickness of the conductive disk.

• Displacement currents are assumed to be negligible at low frequencies.
• The Coulomb gauge condition (∇ · A = 0) is adopted so that unique potentials as the solution to the above equations can be
obtained. With the inclusion of this condition, it is assumed that the instantaneous source terms can be used to calculate the
potentials that are then used to calculate the field terms through differentiation.
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• Since the external field is dominant over any residual or induced fields at low frequencies over the surface of the conductive
disk, the effects of such fields are ignored. In order to realize a model with no induction fields, a laminated electromagnet
core is utilized instead of a soft ferromagnetic core. According to this assumption, the external flux density is the only source
of the magnetic vector potential, i.e.
∇ × A = B0 sin (t )k. (17)
Eqs. (11) and (12), then, can be simplified using the above assumptions, and the resulting potential equations are:
∇ A = μσ d ∇ϕ +
− v × ( B) , (18)
∇ 2ϕ = − . (19)
Note that Eq. (19) does not have any time-based operation (i.e. differentiation or integration). The same equation is also used to
define the scalar potential when there is a static (DC) magnetic field applied instead of a time varying (AC) one. Thus, the solution
of the scalar potential that is found for the DC application is also the solution to the AC application, as long as the charge density
defined for both cases are equal. In order to check for this condition, the total charge density is compared with the magnitude of
the charge density that exists when there is time varying field.
Since the displacement currents are set to be zero at low frequencies, steady current conditions are satisfied, i.e. the diver-
gence of the current density is equal to zero. Also, the divergence of the current density can be obtained using Eqs. (10) and (16)
as follows:
∇ · J = ∇ · σ d −∇ϕ − +v×B . (20)
Since the steady current assumption is valid, the term on the right hand side of Eq. (20) can be equated to zero and the Laplacian
of the scalar potential can be obtained using the Coulomb’s gauge and the final assumption in the above list, i.e.
∇ 2 ϕ = ∇ · (v × (B)), (21)

ρ = ∇ · (v × (B)). (22)
Note that the Laplacian of the scalar potential is equal to the charge density.
Similar to Eq. (19), Eq. (22) also does not have any time-based operations. Thus, it is clear that the charge density does not
change in the presence of the DC or AC magnetic fields. Since the magnitudes of charge densities are the same for both cases,
it is concluded that the scalar potential that is solved for DC magnetic field application is also the solution to the AC magnetic
field application under the listed assumptions. Thus, in this paper, in order to solve for the magnetic vector potential, the scalar
potential derived with the application of the DC magnetic field is used.
Once the scalar potential is known, Eq. (18) can be rewritten as follows:
∇ 2 A − μσ d = μσ d(∇ϕ − v × B). (23)
Since the time dependence is known for the magnetic potential vector (see Eq. (15)), the time derivative of this term can easily
be calculated, which can be expressed in terms of the magnetic potential itself as shown below:
∂ A  A cos (t )
= . (24)
∂t sin (t )
Being able to present the derivative term in terms of the potential itself makes it possible to rewrite Eq. (23) in a known form
that is called the inhomogeneous Helmholtz equation:
∇ 2 A + λA = −φ, (25)
where λ is the square of a constant called wavenumber that is positive and φ is a given vector field that is a function of the field
terms and the material constants. For the ECB problem defined by Eq. (23) along with Eq. (24), these terms (λ and φ) can be
described as follows:
 cos (t )
λ = −μσ d , (26)
sin (t )
φ = μσ d(−∇ϕ + v × B). (27)
Note that the inhomogeneous Helmholtz equation represented in Eq. (25) is in a vector form. This equation then can be separated
into two parts: one for the x component and the other for the y component of the magnetic vector potential, i.e.
∇ 2 Ax + λAx = −φx , (28)

∇ 2 Ay + λAy = −φy , (29)

where φ x and φ y are the first and the second (x and y respectively) components of the vector φ.
K. Karakoc et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (2016) 1168–1179 1173

Fig. 3. PPA moving in externally applied field.

In order to solve these two Helmholtz equations, λ, φ x and φ y have to be known and proper boundary conditions have
to be defined. From Eq. (26), it is clear that λ is a known time function and φ is a function of the scalar potential, velocity
of the rotation and the externally applied field. The only unknown in this equation is the scalar vector potential, however, it
was previously shown that the solution for the electric potential in the presence of a DC field is also the solution to the time
varying field application. Thus, the results obtained in [16] are adopted here to solve the time varying magnetic vector potential.
Note that the negative divergence of the scalar potential needs to be calculated in order to solve the Helmholtz equation. From
Eq. (10), it is clear that when there is no time variation, the electric field is equal to the negative divergence of the scalar potential.
In [16], the electric fields due to the charges accumulated at the borders of the PPA due to the Lorentz force that separates the
charged particles are derived using an analogous method to calculate the magnetic pole density at the surface of a permanent
magnet. In Fig. 3, the PPA, moving in an externally applied magnetic field, is shown. As PPA moves in the externally applied field,
the Lorentz force causes separation, which will result in the accumulation of charge densities at the edges. Using these charge
densities, the electric field can then be calculated. Eqs. (30) and (31) show the x and y components of the electric field distribution
within the PPA with respect to a frame that is located at the left bottom corner (point O) of the PPA.
   a − y  y 
B0 w a−y
ExDC = −(b + 2r)tan−1 + (b − 2r)tan−1 − (b + 2r)tan−1
4π b−x x b−x
+ (b − 2r)tan−1
4x2 + 4y2 4a2 + 4x2 − 8ay + 4y2
+ (0.5a)log , (30)
(4b2 + 4x2 − 8bx + 4y2 )(4a2 + 4b2 − 8bx − 8ay + 4y2 + 4x2 )
    x  x  
B0 w b−x x−b
EyDC = − (2a)tan−1 + (2a)tan−1 − (2a)tan−1 + (2a)tan−1
8π a−y a−y y y

x +y2 2 2
a + b − 2bx + x − 2ay + y
2 2
+ (2r)log
b2 + x2 − 2bx + y2 )(a2 − 2ay + y2 + x2 )
a2 − 2ay + y2 + x2 a2 + b2 − 2bx + x2 − 2ay + y2
+ blog , (31)
(b2 + x2 − 2bx + y2 )(x2 + y2 )
where r is the distance between the center of the conductive disk and the center of the PPA (see Fig. 2), a and b are the width and
the height of the PPA, respectively, and w is the angular velocity of the rotating disk. For the rotating conductor, the velocity at
any point can be written as follows:
b a
v = −w ∗ y− i+w∗ x+r− j. (32)
2 2
The electric field terms, ExDC and EyDC in Eqs. (30) and (31), respectively, cannot be used directly as they represent the instan-
taneous field terms and do not vary with time. Faraday’s Law can be used in order to identify the variation of these field terms
with time. According to Faraday’s Law, if the external magnetic flux density is expressed using a sine function as in Eq. (13), then
the electric field term has to be expressed using a cosine function as shown in Eq. (14). Thus, for the current analysis, the electric
field terms are used as shown below.
E = ExDC cos (t )i + EyDC cos (t )j. (33)
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Then, using Eqs. (13), (32) and (33), the φ term can be expressed as follows:
ExDC cos (t ) wB0 (x + r − a/2) sin (t )
φ = μσ d + . (34)
EyDC cos (t ) wB0 (y − b/2) sin (t )
As the next step, the Helmholtz equation is solved using Green’s theorem by defining boundary conditions [29]. The borders of
the PPA that defines and limits where the externally applied flux density is are the primary boundaries to the AC problem. Since
it is assumed that the externally applied flux density is applied only within the PPA, we can assume that the magnetic vector
potential term is zero at the boundaries. This ensures that the flux term is zero outside the PPA. Then, the corresponding solution
to the Helmholtz equation is as follows
a b a  d
Ax(y) = φx(y) (ζ , η) G(x, y, ζ , η) dη dζ + Ax(y) (0, y) G(x, y, ζ , η) dη
0 0 0
BC dζ
ζ =0
a  d b  d
− Ax(y) (b, y) G(x, y, ζ , η) dη + Ax(y) (x, 0) G(x, y, ζ , η) dζ
BC dζ 0
BC dη
ζ =b η=0
b  d
− Ax(y) (x, a) G(x, y, ζ , η) dζ , (35)
BC dη
where η and ζ are the integration variables and {…}BC represents the boundary conditions at the corresponding edges of the
PPA. Also, note that Eq. (35) is solved twice to obtain the x and y components of the magnetic vector potential separately, with
the corresponding values defined for φ and λ. In addition, the green function G that is selected to solve the above problem is
given below.
∞ ∞
1   sin ( pn x) sin (qm y) sin ( pn ζ ) sin (qm η)
G= , (36)
ab m n p2n + q2m − λ
pn = , (37)
qm = . (38)
Note that once the boundary conditions are implemented in Eq. (35), the magnetic vector potential solution can be derived as
a b
Ax(y) = φx(y) (ζ , η) G(x, y, ζ , η) dηdζ . (39)
0 0
Before deriving the final solution and carrying out braking torque calculations, the boundary of the conductive disk has to be
accounted for. So far, the analytical model solves for the magnetic vector potential in a PPA on an infinitely long conductive disk
and in order to account for the actual boundary at the edge of the conductive disk, the method of images is used. This method is
used to replace a boundary in front of a source with an imaginary source located on the other side of the boundary, as shown in
Fig. 4.
In Fig. 4(a) and (b), the image sources for an electric charge and a magnetic dipole are presented, respectively. Assuming that
these sources are placed in front of conductive surfaces, the field components can be calculated by replacing the surface with the
image of the source as shown in the figure. Note that the magnitudes of the primary source and the imaginary source and the
distances between the conductor surface and the sources are the same for both sources. Although they look similar, the major
difference between the electric and magnetic sources in terms of the application of this method is that the normal component
of the field to the surface of the conductor is reversed for the magnetic source.
In order to use the method of images, the cylindrical coordinates of the rotating disk needs to be transformed into a linear
space using conformal mapping techniques. In [16], the same method was used to implement the boundary conditions at the
edge of the conducting disk. Unlike [16], where the image of the electrical charges is obtained to find the electric field distribution,
however, the magnetic potential term (similar to magnetic dipoles) is the primary source in our problem and the image that is
defined to implement the conductive disk’s boundary condition is realized according to Fig. 4(b).
A similar procedure to the one presented in [16] was carried out to find the imaginary sources herein. After carrying out the
conformal mapping, the location of the imaginary sources outside the conductive disk can be found and the net magnetic vector
potential is calculated using the following relations:

Ax,net = A(x ) (x, y) − A(x ) (x, y),

p i
( p) (i)
Ay,net = Ay (x, y) − Ay (x, y), (41)

A(x ) (x, y) = −A(x ) x(i) , y(i) ,
i p
K. Karakoc et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (2016) 1168–1179 1175

Fig. 4. Method of images, (a) electric charge, and (b) magnetic dipole.

A(y ) (x, y) = −A(y ) x(i) , y(i) ,
i p

R2 (−b/2 + r + x)
x(i) = −r + , (44)
(−b/2 + r + x)2 + (y − a/2)2
(i) b R2 (−a/2 + y)
y = + , (45)
2 (−b/2 + r + x)2 + (y − a/2)2
and R is the radius of the conductive disk. Note that the negative sign in Eqs. (42) and (43) results from the fact that the primary
source is a magnetic term and the normal component of the image is in the opposite direction to the normal component of the
primary source.
Once the magnetic vector potential is obtained using the equations presented above, the braking torque is calculated using
the following formula:

Tb = rP × (J × B)dS, (46)

where Tb is the braking torque and rP is the position vector. In this equation, the magnetic flux density is known and the only
unknown is the eddy current density. In order to find the eddy current density, Maxwell–Ampere Law is used. We can replace
the field term in Eq. (1) with the magnetic vector potential as follows:
(∇ × (∇ × Anet )) = J . (47)
Also note that the displacement current term is zero due to low frequency application assumption. Using the above relation for
the eddy current generated over the surface of the conductive disk, Eq. (46) can be rewritten and the braking torque can be
calculated for the specific externally applied magnetic flux density (i.e. B).

Tb = rP × ((∇ × ∇ × Anet ) × B)dS. (48)
μ S

3. Validation of the analytical model

In this section, the proposed analytical model is validated with the finite element model (FEM) published in [19] and [20]. For
the validation purposes, since the analytical model neglects the induction effects by assuming a laminated electromagnet core,
the induction field terms are removed from the numerical model.
The domain selected for the problem is presented in Fig. 2 and the configuration that is adapted here is taken from Lee and
Park [16]. The configuration used for validation purposes is given in Table 1. Note that for the time varying field application, an
externally sinusoidal field is applied with a root mean square (RMS) magnitude of 0.3 T. Herein, this RMS magnitude of 0.3 T is
specifically selected in order to make the AC field application results comparable with the DC field application results presented
1176 K. Karakoc et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (2016) 1168–1179

Table 1
Specifications of the ECB configuration.

Radius of the disk, R (m) 0.05

Width of PPA, a (m) 0.02
Height of PPA, b (m) 0.02
Pole location distance, r (m) 0.0323
Thickness, d (m) 0.003
Material Aluminum
Conductivity, σ (S/m) 5.79E+07
Externally applied magnetic flux density, B0 (T RMS) 0.3

Fig. 5. Convergence plot.

in [16], which used a DC magnetic field of the same magnitude. This ensures that the same external energy input is supplied in
both cases.
Before starting with the validation, there is an important step that needs to be carried out. In order to solve the Helmholtz
equation defined in Eq. (25) for the AC field application in Section 2, a Green’s function is selected (see Eq. (36)). It is clear that
the selected Green’s function is an infinite sum of sinusoidal function in space dependent coordinates, x and y, as well as the
integration variables, ζ and η. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the convergence of this series to a solution as the parameters,
m and n, increase. In order to verify the convergence, a simple pilot study is carried out where the braking torque is calculated
for cases in which the parameters gradually increased. Note that for simplicity, the values assigned to the parameters, m and n,
are kept equal (i.e. m = n). For this convergence study, the configuration in Table 1 is used and the frequency of the externally
applied field and the angular rotation of the conductive braking disk were kept constant at 10 Hz and 100 rpm, respectively.
In Fig. 5, the variation of the braking torque with increasing m and n values is shown. From the figure, it is obvious that
converge is achieved as the values increase. Note that the variation between the calculated braking torques when m and n are set
to 40 versus 30 is 0.4%; however, when they are set to 50, as compared to 40, this variation goes down to 0.1%. Also, note from
computational point of view, as the length of the series increases, the time required to obtain a solution increases quadratically.
Therefore, for the subsequent simulations carried out in this section, the length of the series is set to 50.
For the main validation study, two different time varying field simulations are carried out. In the first case, the RMS braking
torque generation is calculated using both the FEM and the analytical model at a constant rotational speed and the effect of the
frequency variation in braking torque generation is investigated. For the second case, while the frequency of the applied magnetic
flux density is kept constant, the variation of the RMS value of the braking torque generation is plotted with respect to varying
angular speeds of the rotating disk in order to study their effect on the braking torque generation.
In Fig. 6, the variation in the braking torque generation with increasing frequencies is shown using both the analytical and
FE models. Note that the rotational speed of the brake disk was kept constant at 100 rad/s while the frequency varied. It can be
concluded that under the assumptions mentioned in the previous sections, for the relatively low frequency range shown in the
figure, the braking torque does not depend on the frequency as the models do not account for the induction terms. In addition,
at any given frequency, the difference between the analytical and FE models is around 10%. Note that the braking torque results
presented in this section are given in terms of the RMS values.
Next, the variation of braking torque with increasing angular velocities of the rotating brake disk is presented in Fig. 7. Note
that for this analysis, the frequency was kept constant at 100 Hz. Under the assumptions made previously to create the models,
the braking torque increases linearly with increasing angular velocities. From the figure, the difference between the analytical
model results and FEM results is found to be around 10% across all velocities as well.
K. Karakoc et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (2016) 1168–1179 1177

Fig. 6. Variation in braking torque with respect to the frequency of the externally applied magnetic flux density.

Fig. 7. Variation in braking torque with angular velocity of the rotating brake disk.

For both figures, it can be concluded that the trend of the variation in the results with increasing frequencies and increasing
angular velocities are the same for both the analytical and FE model simulations. In addition, the difference between these curves
is about 10% at any given frequencies or angular velocities; thus, it can be concluded that the results of analytical model and FEM
are in good agreement. Note that the reasoning behind the 10% difference and the nature of the variations in Figs. 6 and 7 are
discussed in detail in the following section.

4. Discussion

The results of the analytical model and the FEM simulations were given in Section 3 when there is variation in frequency and
angular velocity. These results presented in Figs. 6 and 7 show that the models are generally in good agreement in terms of the
variation of the braking torque with respect to the AC field frequency and rotating disk velocity. The difference is calculated to be
around 10% in the braking torque generation across the frequency and velocity ranges investigated in this paper. Below, a number
of reasons that cause this difference are discussed in detail.
In order to understand the source of this error, the analytical and FE modeling procedures must be considered again. The
analytical model was created using a number of assumptions that made the problem vary slightly from the one solved using the
FEM. Although the effects of the displacement currents are minimal at the low frequency region, the field equation used for FEA
accounts for the displacement currents, whereas the analytical model assumes that they are negligible.
Apart from this, the major source of the error is the last assumption made in the analytical modeling procedure. This as-
sumption states that the externally applied flux density is the only field term that exists on the surface of the conductor, thus
any field term over the surface of the conductive disk due to the applied flux density is not included in the solution. Although
the magnitude is significantly lower than the externally applied field, the residual field opposes the external flux density and
1178 K. Karakoc et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (2016) 1168–1179

Fig. 8. Comparison between braking torques generated with AC and DC field applications.

therefore reduces the amount of the braking torque generation. On the other hand, the FEM accounts for the residual magnetic
flux term that is generated due to the application of the externally applied flux density. Use of this assumption explains the main
reason behind the higher braking torque results calculated using the analytical model.
One last source of the error is the numerical integration carried out to solve Eq. (48) for the braking torque using the analytical
model. Since the equation is heavily dependent on the space coordinates, x and y, a numerical integration method is used to
calculate the surface integral. It uses a solver that calculates the regional integrations over surfaces. However, when there is a
circular area involved, it is harder for the solver to converge due to the curved nature of the edges of the domain and, therefore,
the solver assigns an uncertainty value depending on the tolerances defined to identify the accuracy of the solution. Also, note
that since this is a numerical integration, the computational effort increases with tighter tolerances. Herein, for the braking
torque calculations of the ECB, the tolerances were adjusted so that the uncertainty is no more than 1% of the result obtained.
As the last step, the effect of the time varying field application is studied in this paper. The calculated braking torque using the
proposed analytical model of this work and the torque generated when DC field is applied using the analytical model in [15] are
compared at various rotational speeds in Fig. 8. It is clear from the figure that the braking torque increases with the application
of AC field and from the results, the change corresponds to over 40% increase for the given configuration, which assumes that the
electromagnet core is laminated (thus there is no induction fields generated to oppose the external field on the core). Therefore, it
can be concluded that the application of the time varying field results in an increased braking torque in both low and high speed
regions, as well as that there is a potential for the ECB to be used as a stand-alone brake actuator for certain vehicular applications.
Although the above results show its potential, in order to realize the stand-alone ECB, the generated braking torque has to
be enough to stop a vehicle. Considering the torque amount presented in Fig. 8, it can be concluded that the brake configuration
has to be improved significantly in order to generate more braking torque. This can be achieved by optimizing the applied
field characteristics (i.e. frequency and magnitude), geometric variables (i.e. diameter, thickness, width and height of the PPA),
material properties, number of PPAs (i.e. multiple PPAs) and introducing phase differences to the AC field applied at each PPA [30].
As a follow up to the current work, an experimental study will be carried out to validate the analytical and numerical methods
presented in this paper, the braking torque generation capacity of the ECB will be maximized with optimization techniques and,
using the proposed analytical model, a closed-loop brake controller will be designed and tested for the ECB-installed passenger

5. Conclusion

In this paper, the effects of time varying (i.e. AC) field application on the braking torque generation of an ECB are studied. In
order to calculate the braking torque, an analytical model is derived, which was then validated using an accurate FEM. The results
of this study show both models are in good agreement, within about 10% error. In addition, the reasoning behind this error along
with the physical nature of the variations of the braking torque with respect to the AC frequency and the angular velocity of
the rotating disk was discussed in detail. Finally, our analytical results showed the application of the time varying field indeed
increase the braking torque generation capacity of an ECB.


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