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Planter & Tree-Guard - Bike Rack » Public Recreational Facilities PUBLIC LANDSCAPE STREET FURNITURE | Pavement - Seat - Rest Pavilion - Drinking Fountain Riz OS SMI HLDESICN PUBLISHING #83 PLANTER & ‘TREE-GUARD PoE he SEAT Pry REST PAVILION BIKE RACK EE nase PUBLIC. RECREATIONAL PAVEMENT FACILITIES HR ASKER Planter & Tree-Guard - Bike Rack » Public Recreational Facilities PUBLIC LANDSCAPE STREET FURNITURE | Pavement : Seat - Rest Pavilion - Di ing Fountain PREFACE Public Realm What happens when we cross the threshold of our house and immerse ‘ourselves in the public realm? Can we extend that domestic feeling Into public space allowing the possibility of intimacy, of encounter and integration? ‘There are many appreciations of what public space is. Spanish architect Juli Capella defines public space as a great “U" being the "U" the place defined by ks roads and fades in which pubic life goes by ‘Asa South American architect and designer | prefer refering to It asthe urban (0° adding to roads and fagades the concept of roof which, materialised by the tree canopies or through the presence of the sky shapes this great container to inhabit, which ipublic space, Public space Is strongly bound to a city’s cultural identity, to its history, to its traditions: the urban elements and communitarian support systems play ‘an important role in the definition of that identity, qualifying i, whichever the scale Through tepetition and interaction the urban elements and supports create a wide varlety of services that perform as a background for urban life From micto architecture to pavement patterns to rest elements and urban fittings they conform a sensible fabric of facilities and establish a physical communication with all the community. They constitute a sensible skin where the community inhabits This skin has the mark of history as an active factor, footprints of materials, technology and vse, all define the mark of past and present and as such superimpose in permanenty evolving spatial and temporal contests. Mankind changes socially, and so do rites and ways of celebrating encounters, communion or even solitude. As interpreters of the new “urban tribes" and their socal rites, we must adapt to their necessities and delve into the particularities of ther behaviour The enjoyment of an exterior urban space as a counter balance to the Intensity of urban life allows us to reformulate the well-known concept of teach type of urban elements, We are therefore inclined to reimagine public flements asa flexible and neutral open suppor system. “Thus, the elements and objects should lose their enunciation and become ‘more oriented towards the use and quality ofthe site and its corresponding appropriation, instead of particular elements with recognisable illustrative ames and a pre-established images or typologies. The result could be the reinterpretation or tangible representation ofa vet to reunite, to rest, to take refuge, to relax Social rites define choreographies, relationships between space and time, and its the job of us designers to attempt to interpret them, Designing in the city requires from us a great challenge In interpreting tne required scale of intervention. The city’s support system can be conceived either fem a generic or particular perspective [Addressing the city implies on the one side a most global approach which Involves active supports oriented towards the construction of urban mobility and connectivity, and on the other side, a more particular approach, where supports are of a passive nature and interpret the social structure in terms of community and neighbourhood scales. The urban intervention, far from being a rational and abstract operation, should be based on an anthropological approach founded upon the idea of inhabiting landscape either in an individual ora communitarian mannet Exploring the basic conditions of inhabiting a natural or urban landseape as Inamitor game, landscape collides with us inhabiting our on body. Diana Cabeza LLL ‘Wrap Planter Promenade of Light Lena Nuevo Centro Cultural - Mega-Treepots 30-61 (0-CityRack Bike Garden Ske Racks Pitin ‘Meandre Bikedispenser Tye of ground Square of Knowledge Superien Bikers Rest 21 Blancos Swing Gullver Table Joao Melreles Park Avenue ‘The Pool| Place Emille-Gamelin Schoolyards Various Localities, Quebec, Canada Levinson Plaza, | ‘Mission Park Arenaboulevard & ‘Amsterdamse Poort Kemagergade Damsterdiep |) 4 The Longest Bench |) Bench 1000em | limp 126 Chelsea Bench 70 Pergolasat BuztintxuriSquare 216 Musclebench 29 Melbourne | )2 scale Numérique (Digital Break) 220 Utban seat 0 Patrmonialbench 74 Lamuneca 22 Wanderest 32 Pomigoa 175 Conex 229 Delta set PiticGrove 178 Sheltee 280 CiyBench 25 Skysong 230 BromxRiverView 139 Strawberry Tree Black Bistot 122 182-241 Arts BlockEntvance Deck Rest Pavilion Urbanédge 150 242-247 Snakeseating 52 Metropl Parasol 54 : / Drinking Fountain YL Steet Sofas 5 WonderWall 00 TopograficoBench 56 Mermatelsiy 08% Periscoplo drinking Fountain 228 wacko Wed Weds igi GPublicFountain 228 EqualBench 44 Molo 204 os om MarineSeres\68 Tram stop 208 Wrap Planter Promenade of Light Lena Nuevo Centro Cultural - Mega-Treepots Trees and Tree-guards Ml) Se Wrap Planter Mar A. Reigelman Il was commissioned to design decorative planters as part ofthe multi-million dollar Eucld Corior Project. The shape of the planters animates the ridged streetscape and the design suggest he paper wrapping that surrounds a bouquet of Rowers purchased toma sueet vendor" wanted tote every Cleveland pedstiana ash bouquet of fowers sys Reiger, The planters are deslgned fr seasonal plantings that enhance the vial character of Euclid Avene in downtown Cleveland Trough ts ‘ongoing downtown beautician programme, LAND studi at taken theleston the design and instalation of the platings There are over 200 wap planters currently in Downtown Cleveland, The planters ate made of steel reinforced concrete and are DESIGN COMPANY ——_—DESIGNTEAM PROIECTARCHTECT LOCATION Tennis Vike Tanti. reali Rober oorsk.Zels Roba Roane Zoe loner. Uc Promenade of Light medium bench smell bench medium table smalltable cycle stands DESIGNER Lena ichez Architects have developed LENA, a lrge-volume planter with an outer diameter of 250 em, based on the ett af a slanted cone, sectioned by We Hon-paall planes. The suTace ofthis cas stone product With 2 mld cid etch features a deep grooved reli, highlighted bya play of light and shadow that. 13 pesonalty Too swith he ay ‘atthe to, and LENA-cosed inthe reverea poston. In beth pavement nd. When the interior confine with 2 wat without eo BIKE RACK (O--CityRack Bike Garden Bike Racks Pit in Meandre Graz Bikedispenser Tyre Emploded View CENERAL DIMENSIONS Locarion PHOTOGRAPHER elo 27 Rene, lr 23 renee Naw Ye The O Bikerack was designed and devel Cityracks International Design Comps Department of Transportation ofthe City of Ne York held in 2008, The O Bikerack was vvarded 3rd place emong hundreds of entre rom allover the word Two prototypes 8 for the ofthis design ar stil in use in New York City today and theres nthe US. ar considering adopting ‘The © Bikerack provides sever! point of contact Between the bikerck an! the bike frame to facitate locking up to tw bicycles using standord ofthe shel fcks and chain bikerack ring at diferent points and heights, provieing plenty of leblity forthe uset This feature allows the biker to make sure nobody Ie going to steel parts ofthe Bike whi tock tothe barack, I DESIGN COMPANY Bikedispenser ‘he Bkedispenser isa fully automated, space-saving storage and dispensary system for bicycles. It was developed to increase ease-oF accessibility to those business areas ying within three Mlometes of commonly used public vansportaton junctions. Although the initial trget-users fr the Bikedlspenser ae Indeed commuters ts ease-of-use, simplicity adaprabilty and cost-eciveness make i applicable to 2 multitude of receational Purpows. Compxct an Simple The Bikedispensr i the mest compact storage system for blyces in th world, with specially designed bicycles positioned a mere 16cm apart from ‘acheter This makes the cost forthe system an amazing 70% lover than other known automated biyce stonge systems. securty Exch users entity i connected to an elactoni 1D tag (FO) lcsted within the bleyle. This has ben shown to greaty reduce problems in terms of theft and vandalism, in contest tothe infamous 1970s Amsterdam Wie Fietsenplan (White Bicycle Plan, which was a ttally anonymous system. This succesful approach caret used by OY Fs (Dtch Rl and Cal Bike (Deusche Be. vironmental Benefits The Bkedispensrcaptallseson the lca ofthe bye a the missing, ial nk inthe commurers mabilty cain The conta idea Is wo create beter slteratives to those imperfect solutions currently ln use (euch a public transpartation ar card), Consumer reluctance to ute bicycles to close the ‘mabilty chain le avercoms by the Blkedispenser hacause of ts ease-of-use, the avalablty af a good bicycle at al times and the elimination of the nett cary oleng bicycles on public wansportaon. TheBikedspeser aes very ltl space, nd an even be placed under he ground PUBLIG RECREATIONAL FACILITY, Off-Ground Square of Knowledge: ‘Superkilen Bikers Rest 21 Balangoires swing GulliverTable Joao Meireles Park Avenue | Desover Jorsnercmnon ere 9006 Off-Ground Working assumption B1 Seating faites in public areas sum up to gid benches, whete comfort isnot often a priority (and in most cases the opposite isthe case). here arene alternative ways siting even nese ates and pats where weld ater telacandsit more confor Working assumption #2: Pay is fre, and is infact freedom. Play is essential to out well-being. Ply is mainly associated with children, paying elements publ space, prolded ae always scale downto iss Working assumption #3: Pl ing things in the public realm isthe most demacatc incarnation of design it ree and accessible for al This where The designers tec the opportunity of» residency pariod in the Dangh Ar Vorehops during spring 2013, to ty anc come up with a project that aime ‘ofl whet sso obvious ising fom our publi spce In short Of-ground ae playful seating elements. Of- ground is about up-scaling paying elements combined with seating alternatives; hanging floating winging, laying - one sie fs al. Each senting elament can be enily shifted between alow set,» hammock andl 2 swing. and change according to the user's needs, Sustainability is always integrated inthe way of thinking and designing, in his case using rejected fireshoses a aw rater forthe sats. The Off ground installation shows a liferent appreach tothe way public spaces perceived and used, basing the design an a tue and anal need, but implamenting 2 solution tha is functional and playful. Of ground festures this summer in two lactions in Copenhagen: a the DAC. Danish ciecture ene and at Cer iy fF ound’ the bain award winning dasignats le Staschnow and Gite Nygoard gt BEL |) wnoscarearourect cuent | Square of Knowledge ‘The Master Plan for the campus of the University of Twente clusters exiting and new buldings,rearanges the tatfc svucture accordingly and creates a new entry, The bases for the new rangement ate te sructure ofthe landscape and the use ofthe ‘ological potenti ofthe vater management ‘Te Square of Knowledge s the fist step inthis development: centred around the square are the buildings for Research & Education. The square is focused on the interaction between students nd staff. The space is lg and open for events. A tent structure connects the vious buildings and gives shelter ‘The backdrop of tres and evergreen hedges combined with Informal mestingsin small goups In the second phase, the square will be completed, with for to-adaep pondthat spat ofthe cooing system, PHoToGRAPHER a tie Eee ‘The Poo! | Place Emilie-Gamelin ‘Schoolyards Various Localities, Quebec, Canada Levinson Plaza, Mission Park Arena Boulevard & Amsterdamse Poort Komagergade Damsterdiep DESIGN cOWPANY TEAM Michel Lengevn Mélone Monat, Josée Labelle, Mathieu Coscvet sia tenet Nrparscae Lonescope scntect Emile tettendvilemue, Cloude Counover, Gece Bisons Fen The Pool | Place Emilie- Gamelin Public wimmming pools in Montres are Il islands of life, movement and refreshment. Thay ae the these of summer, a place trast te Montrea’s hot and humid urban reality. In summer 2017, 2 veal swimming poe! was et up at Place Emilie large publi plaza in the centre ofthe ety. Equipped with playful furniture rem the swimming po its pines an enormous hopscotch cour, numerous chess bosrds and giant instalation i designed to accommodate lage crowds during festivals and special events including the organise by Le partenariat cu Guster des Spectackes, for velonation and Aus@NH-aNie cue AREA Locarion PHOTOGRAPHER Ferencit auquaie:cesspeciacs «2.470 m= ———Martec{auebec.Conaca —_eque Ménerstucin, Mrparsoas, vncert Lemay Levinson Plaza, Mission Park Rae : ede SS ie = ee OS ode Chk SL ~ SS SEAT The Longest Bench Bench 1000m limp ‘Muscle Bench Urban Seat Wanderest Delta Street ityBench Bronx River View Bistrot Art Block Entrance Deck Urbantdge Snake Seating XXL street sofas ‘Topografico bench Radium Equal Bench Marine Series Chelsea Bench Melbourne Patrimonial bench Portiqoa Picnic Grove DESIGNER PROJECT INTIATORS STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS —_PRCJECT NANASERS AND QUANTITY SURVEYORS The Longest Bench ‘The Longest Bench in Britin was opened 9 the bliin Littehampron, West Sussex onthe 3008 sty 2010. The bench seats over 300 people slong Lictichampton’s promenade, overlooking the town's award-winning Blue Flog beach Designed by Studio Weave, the structure Sinuously travels along the promenade, meandering around lampposts, bending behind bins, and ducking down inte the round to allow access between the beach and the Green, Like 9 seaside boordvalk the Longest Bench rests gontly om its habitat end adapts to ts surroundings wile like charm bracelet it connects and defines the promenade as & ‘whole, undetining eas 2 collection of special places that can be added to throughout is Hsia = Notes * The completed phase one structure measures 324m following the cures ofthe structure) and seat over 200 ad The full length target would reach 621m Aftiowing the curves ofthe suucture),seting ‘var 600 ct, Oo c,o” @ rere O,e,e ©. O | met aty te — . eae bbe Longestdench Bead Diagram € UV S S S — = U < o co R=1:50 Kluge (00D cm wo studio ia * vied gat “Bench 100m is the nw project that hasbeen crated by "odelAt Studio" fom Serbian collaboration with Faculty of Technical Seances in Novi Sadana the Municipality of Dinitevarad. The project was cated 3s apt af eseatch ofthe influence of architectural instalations such as "coun intervention in public ocean its rv trough the cretion of benchmark points places of sociation. ian experimental spi insallations see funture prima intended for open pub spaces autition abet but ake i spe patil sel thet vsaly dominates ‘he vesandmaker pea atnophaeforsoalshg The fom objects achieve by paramenic computer modeling, nd then vanslted into physical form. The structure was made of wooden sas, wth iterating togled fund empty paces tich were combined with internal lghtng that gives an interesting ght effects The structure 10m ong, ‘xt ves pots fading or extension depends the place wher stands e a Nf I | DESIGNER DESIGN COMPANY MATERIAL ‘imp (dumpling) i 2 funny, convenient, flexible piece of furniture ctrying a modern way of thinking ana erated Kl i m p Dele come shoes te peers epee tyre meter eels ec In one of ts main postions, Kimp resembles a treditona park bench oa ofa at home. Rotting the bench creates new and unexpected ors confortabefor sting, kaning or justin, Muscle Bench I DESIGNER DESIGN COMPANY PHOTOGRAPHER Morethanaconeapt Ubon Set isa new opportunity ores the urbonpedestin ress Lian Seats ae lightweight, sturdy and stackable products designed tobe placed on the ant-parkng poles ‘This chair allows the creation of cafés ephemeral islets exchange and participate in the confor f lif for resident and pedestins eis mounted in an instant In the Ife ofthe city, the comfort of urban spaces helps to improve the quay of fe andthe emancipation of soil lations. Unban Seatis acest of Damian ARES. developed by the agency Le Plan PHOTOGRAPHER nla raoen| | DESIGNER Wanderest ‘The Wanderest i 9 203t or laaner that attaches to existing circular or ‘ectagona amp posts situated around rest homes and retvement vilages. In order to keep the increasing elderly population heathy and mobile they need to do regula light exercise, Walking isan easy and costefiient ‘way to keep active but the elderly offen need t break thet walk up into ‘manageable distances with small intervals to rest Lamp posts are on idea resting point because they ate a equal intervals along the footpath every the ler 10 makelttothenea resting spot ‘The identical panels ae injection moulded from a recycled Wood Plastic Composite This sustinable material is curable, cheap and rotresitet he seats nstalled at a perching height and attached either directly with & botterclamped on witha steel sap. ‘The Wanderest panels can be ured on many diferent structures including fit surfaces, This means i could be uted in aretswnete you have te wat for shorepaiod of ime uch a banks ang hota. ‘he design has won several prestigious awards such as an IDA Design Award, NZ Best Design Award and was a finals inthe Intemational Dyson wos Snatan ows, Son Fenounet Dain Mate vel, Cebwath Carat Cty Caunct I | aatist DESIGN COMPANY PROJECT DIRECTOR ccuew Carat City Counetdentitied Data street as 2 ew public space inthe Canton area ofthe city that was in need of renewal The space was canted by closing a slip road and was newly landscaped to give more space beck to the pedestrian, The brief was to design 9 seating Feature that would provide # focal point in the space and encourage local people to use i fly, increesng the average “éwal time, The artists designed 3 double seat that has an inside and outside edge soit can be used on either side. ‘The design results in a socal space inside the acs for those whe know one another and 2 tore private outer ac for those wanting to sit ontheira, ‘The seat consists of two C-shaped forms that Intriock atthe back and connect tothe central foundation through a single foot. The seating atoms ve cantlavered out fom the cent, ‘aperng ina shallow "Vt the ends. Fabricated fom sheet steal the sructure forme a sable 1nd rigid platform srhile appearing slender tnd lightweight, On the undetsige ofthe ares isa series of blue LED lights that come on at 3 orm at right and emphasising its seul sping enven the space _—_-.. at > tengete von Sa ihe ‘eet Nena Det Steet ish tit are DAR Design Limited treme, eunaiaunnta DAR Design Limited alin St Anwork, Cardi DESIGNER DESIGN COMPANY Bistrot ‘completely new concept for public seating. Ideal for a quick meeting, a snack, of to send messages from your laptop, the increased seating area is truly comfortable, even when you'e wearing a Sut. Thanks to is compact siz, is suitable even for tight spaces. In combination with a table it can be used to create an interesting setup for autdoor refreshment. With a tugged steel frame and a seating area or table top made from high pressure laminate, t optionally can be decorated witha pattern or graphic design. I DESIGN COMPANY PRODUGER LOCATION UrbanEdge == Ss Seattle, WA June 1, 2012) - Gustafson Guile Nichol (GGN) Is pleased to announce the inttoduction of UbanEdge, a collection of landscape ring and furitue elements for urban spaces. The furnishings espond tothe demand for mote outdlor public spaces with an interest in less formal, moe welcoming and fective use of scarce avaliable urban locations. Urbandge is at) for designers to create unique yet funcional ste defining edges and ‘uansouming inactive comers into outward-oranted stings that interface with the urban fare. constructs places fr orienting and ‘owgansing, resting and reflecting, meeting and gtestng, people watching and taking inthe view. It cn be used to create curbside stonat tops and eles along sidevslks where people step in and out ofthe flow to develop niches and focud soca setting? within larger spaces: and to enrich experince in outdoor spaces with dynamic and kinetic furniture elements thet sul the way we Imoret tod, The UrbanEage family members are the MAX Tels: JESSIE Ral; GUS Planter OLLIE Sm Height Seat: ane STELLA Tebl Frames inclase the tells ral sytem and planet. The core slament are the seating and table paces that lve within defined epaces| nd cate the cnte enhancing the experience of place Seat: SOPHIE Large Seat; BERNIE Sar ibang’ elements ate mulifaceted and work together in various combinations. The sue of furnishings was created by designers for designers, and focuses onthe functionality of spices and the faclation of a wide range of activites. The diferent pleces can be combined in inventive ways to activate outdoor setings and provide multiple opportunities fr people to interact with in the same space overtime. Urbane sa dynamic resource for maximising under-leveraged sites, designing vibrant. integrated urban settings and renting asenseof pace, DESIGNER COLLABORATOR Locarion I Snake Seating BRERA READE AAW THER Om Oe Ot ble LEAR ahh ot bbihhhbhbhhhth bbb B- Leb bb bebe hob h th th bbe hh Gs esd dddddddddadddddd adi ideaaaat ae ee me Oe eer ewe aac e aa Oe Raa o wee wae eb aaceeaen CE nea ee BOSE O RS ZHeSESdaeganessassnaeneeseggs a ae em PRA R WAR AAR AARAR BRAD sone Saaenageensgcacganasas B-CAGRA ADS AAG AST ARR DARE EEERESS STAC CRT ECE RT ROR E TEER ERE CET EEL B-CLGGUGE GREE ESTEE EOE EGGEE AO mOTORGATER ARCHER AD OERG GRAD ARaS Future for multiple unctions The sculptural aspect of the project reflects the decorative ‘ements of he sumounding facades In order to oer the possibilty of multiple uses. the snake project le designed lke along ergonomic morphing evolving fr example from bench to platform, The successive assembly of cifferent profiles r-forming the formal evolution of the seat cractas« kinetic efect which pape up the large pedestrian crossings ‘on the squore, The three lage snake project semicircles give the possiity of reconstucting an architectural pattern an the scale ofthe square, over the years by moving them, They are accompanied by additional fied patts designed around the pedestrian entrances tothe underground cor park. These pats fer, amongst athe functional addition, a space designed for bicycle storage Mette planimetc adustment Pyramidl pedestal water and residue evacuation Voile oad and metal supeetrcture Modular asembly Thinfld Caer fares DeSiGNER PRODUCTION AND COMMERCIALIZATION DEVELOPMENT TEAM Topografico Bench ‘Sinuous, unsymmetical and regula, his bench undulating surface sides like the arth, gies lke wet sand and draws watermaths 2s nasil damp surface thot aches in tight ot tn Fixing It can be simply placed or fined with chemical oF mechanical anchors Award: Good Design Label granted by the National Design Plan ofthe Agente Misr of Industry on 2012 side-ouida in the same div o in combinations ofboth Re curenty avalable in black and brown ae. DIMENSION Row Rata Rrargervont i bosch nfrest eachoest Flow Arospemerrt of beaches we and wthost eck I DESIGNER DESIGN COMPANY MANUFACTURER MATERIAL, LocATION PHOTOGRAPHER Marine Series ‘The MatneSressBesbane-ased designer Alevander testi’ test venture into the eld fsuest and parkland frie The designs take inspkation fiom the aesthetics and craftsmanship of xy yachts, combining sleek lines and cutting-edge materials to foum convortable ating arangemens and refuse bine that afer the verctlty of macula design, Te ange of benches have been designed to cantilever like the bow of a alin boat, complimenting the vessels mood in Sanctuary Cove’ adjacent Marina inthe Gold Caos, Ausvaa thrmofoimed DuPont Corian finshed in Snow White, selected forts UY stably and corrosion resistance, 316-grade stainless steel hasbeen ‘sad othe garbage andrecycling bins aswel as the saat ng in nde Lo ensure resistance a stalns nd cmon, ‘The goal was not only to compliment the local siroundings, but algo to enhance the ia enti ofthe matin and tou centre evelopment through the design oa seriesof street fuiture which responds tothe content and ifs within a sevside community. Patrimonial Bench This piece of urban furniture was designed especialy for the historical centre of the Cty of Buenos Aes itis made of precast concrete with an off white incorporated colour aggregate, typical of turmof ne century Buenos les farades With or without backrest and the base unit measuring 1.40 metre long, I is possinle to install individual units r assemble a long continuous row of benches. Furthermore, as benches with of without Backrests can also be combined for approach from either side very singular configurations may be obtaine. DESIGNER PRODUCTION AND COMMERCIALZATION DEVELOPNENT TEAM st backrest wéchou! backeust ZZ EzAa=__ row with backract REST PAVILION ‘Metropol Parasol Wonder Wall Mercurial Sky Wind Shelters Moto Tram Stop Pergolas at Buztintruri Square Escale Numerique (Digital Break) LaMuneca Cortex Sheltree Skysong Strawberry Tree Black I DESIGNER DESIGN COMPANY cueN Metropol Parasol om by J MAYER Hb Sev,» place of centfestion an most fascinating cultural des TIMER: MODEL, STRUCTURE PRINCIPAL EXTERIOR PRINCIPALINTERIOR MATERIAL PHOTOGRAPHER I DESIGN COMPANY MATERIAL Wonder Wall Locamion AREA PHOTOGRAPHER The Wonder Wasa zero waste pavilion that reuses materials in a new way to extaoenat functions and delight thus engaging and Inspng the hese ang mings of a to rethink Singapore The proposed prion seeks to embody the dulity between the two realm, with ts permesble skin. The undulating web neptes Curiosty and amazement a wal At crtin angles, the membrane looks almost solid tke 2 wal, and when ane maves along the Wonder Wall, 2 moire’ effact i created due to the double tteding stound the structure, Wen viewed onthe perpen the membrane seems totally transparent anc merges withthe swetounding bulking: and londsape. The zero waste and build ability stietegy was developed around {we highly rapid deployable and re-useable sytem. The fist is the main structure, composed of bor truss systems developed for the Formula One Might race and the Nations! Day Parade ‘Te second isa polymer mesh developed for slope contrat that thas unique atibutes that enhance the sabllty and Interaction fof the space, the membrane and ite landscape system can be se-tlised around Fort Canning for slope and erosion conta ‘The zero waste strategy considered time, materials, cost and the afterife ofthe elements. The box truss syster,inelving the 00, takes 9 maximum of approximately seven days to deploy. ‘The membrane takes» maximum of approximately thre days to be ten to fiteen days. The cellular membrane once taken down can be reused for the folowing: Fort Canning Mills othr teas that requie slope protection and stabilzation; Donate to a neatby ‘ourtty whose viloge / farmland has basn affete ty sll erosion ftom slopes; The steel box-truss once taken down will be re-used In other commercial events along with the future National Day parades A I | DESIGNER PHOTOGRAPHER Wind Shelters Following an open RIA competion the fm were commissioned to design two rotating wind shelters for Blackpool's newly regenerated South Shore Promenade The shelters are designed to rotate according = to the prevaling wind dation to shield the occupants fom the elements. The shape was born out af 2 stilton ofthe hey required elements a vane, which wil ur the structure, anda bal that wil shelter the inhabitant from tha wind. Extansive tasting and development work was eriad ou 0 stalin the performance of the shelters. The culminated inthe manufacture ofa ul zea working protetype. The final shelters ate 6 mates tall and manufectured from resilient “Duplex” stainless steal. They sit on metre ameter turntables, which corporate dampers tocontol the speed of ation I LANDSCAPEARCHITEST _DESIGNCOMPANY LOCATION AREA PaoTaGRAPHER space has the power to attract to guide or even ir all ofthese, but most of lt caste oppor cites is opening to public along neal Jnange the mood of person. The goa of Molo fora community to meet, for people t rex st in the town centre, builing range of culural activites and become the culture nede ofan Es Tram Stop intrastructre has been Dui, using the ol rails ofthe local tran, Ths line connect ll the towns of the coast, ending in Denia a nother cy ofthe prouace whete ships departure to ia, This stop isthe cent tage ofa new ine ofthe ram that inks The construction ofthe Tram Stop was an opportunity to bring back a stolen space tothe city: to turn a traffic ete into Through a fractal access system deformed in each side to ciel the existing tee, the ravers can ave in frontal ay (ver the platforms, two empty boxes (36m long, 3m wide 2.5m high) create a floating void slightly ove the traveller heads. matches the size of the tain, creating an intermediate scale between buildings and urban elements. There is no dfrence between structure and envelope, neither between The holes reduce the weight es increase the resistance to the surfaces Light and at pass though, smoothing the shadow and generating soft brezein summer months -enight the boxes ae tanned int two gat mp Benchs ae spread over the garden close tothe vegetation and the paths, creating a pubic place overlaying the quiet ofthe seated people ond the movement ofthe people walking, cuenT cconstRueroa RSS ee pO Si SL DESIGN COMPANY ——_-PROVECT TEAM cues La Muneca \Wnatever culture fashion i part of, whatever time and pace Ie refers ois essence finds Its roots in the characterehe of the human body. Only the being’s dimensions and proportions matter. Its peculiarities, is flaws, is disadvantages are sublimed by creation and become the assets the basis, the nourishing roots of fashion. They structure its path, define its substance, and guide its Function. Static and stil when unworn, fshion transforms itself it evolves in space once inhabited, I also shelters und te bain fashion, ees unt hen, comes ave proouen Locarion AREA PHOTOGRAPHER [After going across thin plant screen, people slowly walk down through the flowers andthe soil. An interna World is revealed its sot curves cocoon and {ule them. The plants afer as many smells as they do colouts. They wrap sttucturing signal. Further below, shatter from any hazard, they are taken in ‘the centre ofthe symbol and, unscathed they contemplate Floor Bick seatched coat white roa Mca Sel un urralia canvas pint Plants: Panicum Viegatum, Miscanthus Giganteus, Lupinus Polyphylus, Santelina C., Phornium spp, Lotus Berthelot, Muhlenbergia Capillans, Penisetum Seraceum, Tagetes rect, Dimorfoteca, Senecio inertia, Chalota Echalote, Suxus Sempervirens, Argyranthemun Blanco, Stipa Tenulssima, Santon Chomseypaniens I DESIGN COMPANY CLIENT Locavion PHOTOGRAPHER Shoe for Arbres en mires (Un ight on Tees Festival Facing an important public square in Geneva, Sheltee is one of the winning erojecte of the citys annual Light and Tres Festive, which tok pace in December 2012 ding the pre-Chixns paid ‘The project was designed based on a simple observation. n the summer trees offer shelters fo protect fom the rin or the sun In he winter unfortunstey, they cont full ‘hair ole to reinein their ability to shelter a thay lot theives. In Ines Design, umbrellas were created to offer shelters to protect fom the same things. Sheltre thus ‘hybrid project resulting in an instaltion alfay between tre and an umbrol which slows the tees uit ole of shetr during herein into dys, ‘The umbrella ist from below the structure by LED light sources. The colours change gradient, which were chosen according tothe natura colour evolution of tre leewes. The sMractre and the bench af st underneath it. The wie of meta allows forthe structure notte contrat too much andto ret cars DRINK FOUNTA Periscopio Drinking Fountain G Public Fountain, ll DESIGNER PRODUCTION AND CONMERCIALIZATION DEVELOPMENT TEAM Periscopio Drinking Fountain Urban drinking fountain based on the re-use of (al Mc Cattaneo lh Fortin: Embedded on in-situ concrete base Fe} DIvENSIONS DESIGNER Locarion PHOTOGRAPHER le Rencene atch alrod Sala tat cee G Public Fountain G PUBLIC FOUNTAIN G Public Fountain isthe winning proposal in the Competition for people and even dogs! The main volume Is sunk and dinamysed Belgrade New Public Drinking Fountain organised by City of Belgrade, with two symetrical folded plates which alrect the low of wate. The Secretariat for Usiities ana Housing Services and Belgrade Waterworks geometry of the folded plates s making a small water game by and Sewerage. The drinking fountain is designed inthe form of a Cyrille narrowing and expanding the form of waterfalls. The drinking fountains letter G (7), hence its name. Thanks to Its shape, the G Public Fountain completly madefrom stainless see ls accessible to vatloue users, from adults and children to disabled tl INDEX Mark A. Reigelman II ‘Mati A Reigeiman i ¢ on inemationally recognted Brooklyn-based arist specialising in site-specific ‘oduct design, stations and public at. He intent ' toreshope cxpect of the uban landscape in oot 10 provide frech interpretations of local history and ‘choracier. By favoutng the process of resecrch and ‘eccatztion over promoting pesonal artiste agencies, Raigelman has a unique body of work posed between abstraction ond literal representation, guided by o clear conceptuct foundation, 8y questioning eected qualties and Identes hs work ‘able fo convey ideas, generate conversations, and premote novel. yet ‘enouing. engagements win fe cucience. Reigelmans wotk has been ‘e¥ibied in public spaces. galletas and rruseusre actess the courty Including the Museurn of At and Design (NYC). Museum of Moen At (NIC), Cilohoena Cty Nkcourn of At Claveland Muzoum of At and the Shangha Misaum of Gless in China. Fr the past tree coreecuve yeas Aenericons ft the ts have recognised Relgalmanis publ at retalltors (Manifest Destiny, White Cloud and Wood Ple} a: beng arang the top 50 puble at instaottons in Nesth America. Mark & a member of tne Ametican Design Club (ArrDC) and co-founder of the New Yor oved ctealve colectve Al Stas and bi coat! public at elaborate Chapmanfeelgetman, Tonkin Liu Tonkin Liv is an award-winning architectural practice, whose work lencompesses architecture, art and landscape, They offer forwordhinking cients 0 design thot i fly tuned to the ploce iis sted, the people wha ull cocupy I and the cue tha euround Ht atthe te, Thi emphatic search for new begining: set out in ther book "ting Looking. Paying. Making’. published! in 1999, The unique storyteling ‘mathodelogy searchar for archalypas that wilirfern the proces of dain ftorninception to completion ging the pieject lasing resonance. Each project embacts the elatorehip fo nate, Serve pact: calebxats| changing weather and seosors, some evoke the power of nature os symbol, whist ether eruate form and performance, using lessons Io natu to rept ploneeting corsnucton tectniques. The preoccupation lath note iforrs the design process. whether rough biorcry or by {cig the eernents notre generously gies human beings fore, They ae intrested in doing what they have not done beers and het aim Ic almeye hose, to satay he mind end touch the hect Manuel Ruisénchez Manet Ruséncher sel up Rusdnchee Arqutectes, in Is present form. in 1997. The projects ef Rusénchez Arquitectes ate of @ vast variety of flck ond rman dficent'scaes. Sines it wos set up, the studio has won numerous competitions ef landscape, city planning and archiecte, Inthe a1ea of landscape, Rukéncher Arquteotee har executed great rumber of projects of o varying nature and scale. The studs ‘actly focutes on the Rareferrstion of the exitng bon fic: on he design of pubic space. bot in whan ond suburban areas: ond on the regenesaton of degrades areas, intervertions ore camied out In nahwot landicapes, ond special solutions are sometimes cought for "boxer ‘caer where utbon growth equies@ afferent approach FONDC noe: span ate ratonsirrra FU TD Gf office, FUNDC = Fusion & Union Neeaed by HUGS Disipines of Croat, ox they understand that any product "tom 4 book o acy’ needs be tected wih 0 multidlsciplinayy appreach through the Coordination fiom start ef al echnioa and arc fs maceecry FUNDC har been anarcied In numatous occeslone with architects ‘and tsben plonring prizes, ond hoe developed other lage secte ubon projects n The Nethetanch Uersterdam and Eindhoven) and France le Other teased werk fo be emphasised isthe R13 bulking in China. butt Irsde he Pax of Aetectue of sltnua Ciy: prolect cuted by Chinese cris A Weine! and Sins architec Herzog & de Meuron. Ignacio Ciocchini Jgnacto Clocehin is an aword-ninning Industri! Designer specialised in sieet funiture product, Utban design. and public space design. He foe President of Design at Bryant Patk Corporation ain see! Parnerstip, and Chelsea Improvernent Company, three leading Business Improvement Disticts in New York Ciy. As @ design consuitant, Cieechini works wit gavemment agencies fronspertetion authorties. teal estate developers (ard crchitoche fire tha have an irtorectn adcing custom product fo ‘hel projacs. Clocchinis designs have been nehced In exits athe Copper Hew Nelonal Design Museum in New Yo City, The Autodesk Design Gallery in San Franclice, and The Guangenou Design Week in hina mmcité ‘rmeité net only @ supplier of Hgh-queity sheet funiture, the company 6 ko @ pare to al fea who want fo create something special nih public spaces. Mayor of cites of ci sizes In he mountains or coostal ‘F005, ochteck of smal tears and lange desir instions. constuction comparies of local o Harsnational importance ~ they addtess all of ‘hem ih he aim of achiev the pertect project tthe begining, there balvays @ designer sketch, a mete intention The strong taom of expetancad and eckccted protestional cracte etong, igh-qualiy product. Eficient functionally, careful praceesing and otcable cost ore the mein parometes that hey mont throughout he pcos, Madetn dtlgn and dlsinciva expression represent @ constant standard of rci6, ‘They combina the very best mate, which are futhor continucusiy tesied. They draw flor two sources cn the one hand, fem the years of ‘hat experiance. and on the hs. fom consiont efor’ to upgrade the materi. Only he best wl pas trough a sieve. Functon, drabilly ond cf couse price ore what mater moet Cy publé spaces ae foscnating plooes where pecple mast Histon Moradavaga Moredavage Is a collective bbain fram the collaboration of [| architects Mantted Eco ond Peato Cavaco Leto, Working since 2008 around the keues of \vocont spaces. derelict buldiyg ond the activation ofthe pubic aim. the scope of ite activty lies in the inforsactcn between architecture, Att ond design. Through tne we of ‘performative objects of active Infervenions such as social worshops, kdeas compettions cr orchitectusc happenings. Moradavaga's main goa is to bing a ite bit of suprise Info people's everyday Ife. making them lock at space ftom oferent espectives and oppreciate ts potent! while provicing new tool for thermo expire and cotvate STORE MUU design studio = 1997 Unite “STORE MAY fer desi the surcuncings. £2007 Estabkhed “store MU design suc" in Tokyo, 2008 Registered office of architect. lppet keno: Mester of arctitectue, Hotel uri, Tokyo. 2000-2006 Nien sete te Registered architect Datuk to Mester of Engiteting, Hose un, Tyo. Reghteted c¥l engines Keha3 Thee men ~ Vile Jehe, Margus Tiibrmann ene! Terms Lutk ~ eslobished (OU Kehas in 2009, Thelr idea war to cteate In Estonia the fest design ‘company managing entire ptoducton ond sales chain. The areas of Lachiy of Kaha’ inckide design of ann product: production and sales, design management and provson of design services. Curenty the ‘corrpany errpiogsskpeorte. The tee men esiclshed Kehod to moke he word @lbeter place "We: hove ambitions, courage and eweence to create big things: change your ond cur ony fantsies, hes ond needs ino tangible Herre” Many OF their product are designed for outdoor ure. fan item is capable to endure such condtion, It's capable to attend them al in much flandler conaiters. Al helt podicts are mace h bale hat they ce the Fighting! Springtime Springtime is @ cieative foree hot ereotes exciting SPringtime ® erenierend cers ‘hing produce bande and expotences inthe fe of sstanable rraoty spar eqdpmer eter puble eign, cenure elec, iene proaus and bond devon Tne te baxedn Aten and have their tentacles ail over the globe. Springtime (1995) provides Hise pict remcvausien Gog cvseinied Chat hoy eter treed dea ~ a syeig ot coraricton, (otis datn lfc daign nd pod cin hed oe oy wok togeher ceed wh tpecue no tr. Ts way. ey re theo pote hot clr wih racy fe rrovoton hey need — mm Stoleg to producton Bere perks ented ow het Papeete eoutllnovaion (Over the veo. Spinatime hes been onarded itn many deslan avercs booth in The Nethefands and inlenationaly. Spingiime fs member of the Dutch Designes Aesociton (BNO). Jason Flannery Jason Flannery joined the Forns-+Surtaces Design Studlo in 2004. He holes @ BFA in Incustied Design ftom the Rhode bland School of Design. ‘Some of his contours to the Forme +Suface’ product line nelude the Ike Garden Duo Bench, ond kright and Apextorrils of product, LODEWUK BALJON landscape arc! LODEWIJK BALJON landscape: ‘architects’ work demonstrates the importance of the context, both time ‘ond place. the hitory of the sito @ staring point fer he futue, Erheneng the characte of he placa, corrbined with on anaiyicalfteaiment of the programms forrs the bass of the eign, LODEWYK landschapsare The octites cf the fem ange fom the gerden fo the cy. interest the ‘complety oF the stuaton and the prograrrme, ond inition from the cfs and clas cepect & me binaing component in the project. |Anaising the given situation and programme, researching the centaxt ‘ond ft potential, and sketching Ne consequences, result in on integra plan, where a pose capects fall patecty together BIG - Bjarke Ingels Group BIG - Blake Ingels Group bs « leading Infemetional pormership of architects, eiignes, bulder and tines operating Win the fee of rchtectue, bani, research and development. The office 's ourenty involved In @ large number Cf projects throughout Europe, Nerth ‘Amica ond Aéia BIG architecture emerges out of @ careful anal ‘of now contemporary Ife constantly evolves and changes, not least ‘cus to ts Infuance cf mutioutaal exchange, global eeanen tone ‘ond comnmurication technologies that together requite now woys of ‘orchitecturel and urban organisation. BiG k led by pammes — Bite Inge, Andtecs Kok Pedasen, Finn Nenice, Dowd Zale, Joab Lange, Theencs CClvsitfewen ane Managing Peres, Sheele Maly Sagocrd and Ka Une Bergmann th offess in Copenhagen ond New York In al ther actors ‘hoy iy to move the Focus from the its datas fo he BIG pict. Studio MA.A&D Studdo MAARD ic a daxign ond architecteso 5 7 UY DLO irre by Mer terrten for octet cred twee nto commnce ons VAT AN tolcbostons wiih he eign are coche flee His work spane orn product design. mainly focusing on public space furniture and spaces 1 larger ecale otchirecture recuwsing en me evelopment of matey and production He tery beleves in design and cxchitectue coming om the needs ot people ond never wots wih fabricators of tends and plecsing curent styles. Further more he also beliaves that atthe mement ihe neade of people equa he neeck of he ervtorment. No question greeter han sustaindolty for or genettion. TORAFU ARCHITECTS Foundod in 2004 by Keict Suzino end Shinya Kerrura, TORAFU ARCHIIECTS errploys a working approach asad on architectural thinking. Worke by the duo inode ders rengs of produc for architectural design to Interior design for shogs. extibtten space design, product design spatial installations and fim making. Amongst some of their mains works are “Template In Closko’, “Nk TLove’. "House in Kohoku', “aivase* an ‘Gullver Table". “ght Loom {Canon Milano Selene 20117 was awarded the Grand Pize of he Ell Design Award. Published in 201 were the “aiwere book’ and “TORAFU ARCHTECS 2004-201 Idea + Proce” (by UUISU SHUPPANYSHA CO, LID) ond h 2012, apletue book ted TORE 'sSmal Cit Planing” oy Helborsha Lire AND-RE AND-RE is mullcscipinary Portugatbased office, wih a global intemationa! action, dedicated to the study, research and practice of archiectwe, design and ort The firm i rected by the pamer architec’: Brune Ande and Fronctice Salgado Ré. The ‘genees of heir create ident ioe a spt cf coretant demand. Tha rectors or the recut hard wo reprtion, vill eng encouragement of active ming that doubt and question the peradigre of realy, magiring atancie conta, allowing then band ‘he comes cf rnevation and ga beyan AND. onproaches main kause wth feeh split hnoverve methods and ‘open-minded pesonally Ihe ofce hos been stenginering is peston in ‘he emergent rcitectue panorama. adopting an active cic posture before eteblehed corte, The goal to pusue and maintain posite

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