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of Printed Pages : 8 2464 7 I ECO-002

Term-End Examination, 2019
ECO-002 : Accountancy-I
Time : Two Hours] [Maximum Marks : 50
Weightage : 70%

Note : Answer any four questions including Question Number

1 which is compulsory.

1. Attempt any two questions from the following 47+7=14]

(a) Define Accounting and state its limitations.

(b) Who are interested in accounting information ?

What are their needs ?

(c) State the most commonly used instruments of

credit. Which are the various parties to a Bill of
Exchange ?

(d) What are the different types of cash books used

in business ? Explain the use of any one of these.

ECO-002/30000 (1) [P.T.O.]

2. (a) Identify the types of errors which are usually
committed in the process of accounting. [4]

(b) Rectify the following errors assuming that a

Suspense Account had been opened :

(i) A purchase of Rs. 8,000 from 'B' on credit

was debited to him.

(ii) An amount of Rs. 300 received from Mr.

C was debited to his account.

(iii) A credit sale of Rs. 500 to Ramesh was

credited to his account.

(iv) A sale of Rs. 3,000 to Goel was debited

to his account as Rs. 8,000.

Pass necessary rectifying journal entries. [8]

3. Rohan and Sohan entered into a contract to construct a

building for Rs. 40,00,000. Rohan and Sohan contributed
Rs. 20,00,000 and Rs. 15,00,000 respectively. They
agreed to share profits and losses in the ratio of 4 : 3. It
was decided that the work will be looked after by Rohan
who will be paid 5 per cent commission on contract price
in addition to his share of profits. Rohan purchased the

ECO-002/30000 (2)
necessary materials for Rs. 32,00,000 and paid
Rs. 90,000 for expenses. Rohan also contributed building
materials from his own stock worth Rs. 2,00,000.
Rs. 50,000 remained to be paid for wages. Sohan took
over the stock of materials for an agreed valuation of
Rs. 1,60,000. The building was completed and the
contract money was duly received. Show the Joint Venture
Account and Sohan's Account in the books of Rohan
assuming that the outstanding wages were paid by
Rohan. [12]

4. (a) Explain briefly the Self-Balancing System of

Accounting. Also state its advantages. [6]

(b) What is Single Entry System ? Distinguish it from

Double Entry System. [6]

5 (a) Distinguish between Capital Reserve and

Revenue Reserve. [4]

(b) Mohan and Sons purchased a machine for Rs.

50,00,000 on April 1, 2013. The machinery was
depreciated at 10 per cent under the straight line
method. On April 1, 2016, they changed the
method of depreciation from straight line method

ECO-002/30000 (3) [P. T.0.]

to written down value method without changing
the rate and effective from the beginning. Show
the Machinery Account from April 1, 2013 to March
31, 2017. [8]

6.. (a) Show how will you deal with the following items
while preparing the final accounts of a non-trading
concern : [4]

Donation when purpose is not mentioned.

(ii) Receipts for Tournament Fund.

(b) From the following particulars, draw up a General

Ledger Adjustment Account in the Debtors
Ledger : [8]

Opening Balance 12,200
Credit Sales 37,200
Cash received from Debtors 20,050
Sales Returns 3,170
Discount Allowed 1,300
Bad Debts Written-off 3,710
Allowances 420
Bills Receivable Received 1,300
Bills Receivable Dishonoured 500

I tAtat-002

ITOff traf1T, 2019

if q, tivica# cuPluti
t•r.4.-002 : ftir
: 2 Rua' %/tRebt-iN afk : 50
VX51 : 70%

: ?vet arT fkft4q 1 -q4 rr9. 1:figrr

klAcrl 47-Ift z GA-40 k!

1. 1;4-ARE! 4 Rral wal z971*.i :


(a) 4 crftwErr tift7 mr tictir Aztrall

zAt?!. 4*1

(b) t41 qicil 4 ititt T ? dh i qzfr alT4F1-45110


(c) eifircdT Q4t4 4 1 t44r4 m-trt TAgr 4PAg!

kr- 141;4-1ti fd -f tiker (Parties) *1 ?

ECO-002/30000 ( 5 ) [P.T.O.]
(d) (24.1cItli4 4 31:141. f4f#9. A- "TT ct)

4itztf cA.1-#t ? #
awErr TIrm1

2. (a) #urT9' Ti ritzrr ti Ai; criqtr )R

aTRM z--gr ti '''I [4]

(b) 111-1 gu,f i \3.cicI taIdi (suspense A/c) tt -OT

TRIT 4r, i*-ARgci a-igtfit ,T140 Afeall
Rk9* tritq :

(i) B 8,000 14q1 11-4T 31117

31:ft 4tr'4 4tri ITZfri
(ii) C AM 0 300 71% 3* NI;
tftE Trti

(iii) t 500 31T 104 3* NI cl

4 it-6 i4)qi Trzrri
(iv) tro t 4441 7TT 3,000 f4T4

gef 4 8,000 R)4-ii 7411


3 c1qi *69 4 40,00,000 4 7T 1:149.

47it 4 TI)-69. 51)41.: 20,0(7,000
1 I 15,00,000 Wil-e4 4 3 i al -147

4 wiz; r foizrilq7 -6 .ffzir N

ECO-002/30000 (6)
kgriTru izrifif f33t~ mil- 43
t 3-T-Orqf 8"ffir Apr tif 5% Wtre47 t W:f
4 TM-9'
#gff 4 32,00,000 air4FfT 1:1T 1133fT
itzif MIT 90,000 s. wig tTT-d71:45M tuff
4 2,00,000
t IT49' Tffigfir Glrf4 tt/Ict) ;RT9' ti 50,000
Retk-ir*iti g 94 47 1:frff i 1,60,000
t lzrzic girl 949 . frrfrrr \*"
Ipt rrra. t Trzrn t g-(?r 4 Tizp ucrm-gr
MIT t-eff tom' itm-471 zff 4i'f'q Wrzfr
rV Trd1' *9' ArTi itzfr Trzin [12]
4. (a) izr-1 i?fiffr guilt ti #817 4
anwr tf* Tfir ufrt 51 tfq1[6]
(b) rr-tt kfr Tforrt ? td--ff kir WIrit zfg
it-fr Agin fif9 - ?
5. (a) t4fTra
s . Tiqzf alTzfTrff tiziti 4 aT9--i. 4-d1471[4]
(b) lilgff 73 itff 4 1 atm, 20131 50,00,000
I 1141-1 nzr f4fir t
GT-1-frr( 10 grdm
tIpigrti mrcrr Trzrn
1 aft, 20161 3-41#
itfrr t mr9 . trz giftra. r f
r irkzfr
t iffgrff 4
tlft-449. Tet 1041
1 G-Ttg, 2013 # 31 lift 2017
c ,fir rft9t 1?irdr kz1R- ftzfri
( 7) [P.T.O.]
6. (a) ITT

1717 GMT 1*-1kNci TT-a ttr Pi : [4]

(i) qff tt -Egf *471 Wet eslilql TU1

(ii) t ttq ATV tfilttl

ttl(77 # ?Mqlt At 7T `til4ii-44

\yR tp-ilasym (G.L. Adj. No ;t41( titq

gr(ftwg &fiET
\Stilt UZE
•-lqlt (debtors) # ATTI . 7ft (-1c+A)
ftwzr grcrEit
aTTia. VIA. (discount allowed)
W3I (Bad Debts W/O) 3,710

ATV r TIPzr ci (B/R) 1,300

3T9T-4.12M. r 51-Fi ita- (B/R)

ECO-002/30000 (8)

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