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Quinie T.

Asperin Mythology and Folklore


--TROY --

Based on what I have watched, the movie was full of grievances and self-centeredness because
they kill for power and for superiority. Some characters fight and sacrifice for the sake of family and
country. With its amazing actors, breath taking fighting scenes and costumes, I can say that this movie
deserves respect.

In all of the characters, I liked Hector not because he’s handsome but he’s a responsible prince,
an understanding, loving brother to Paris and a faithful husband to his wife. He accepts responsibilities
even though he didn’t chose them for him. He never made any complain to his father about his duty.
Hector made the conscious decision to accept his fate and play the role which he was destined for. Like
when he killed Achilles’ cousin he knows that Achilles would take revenge for the boy, then Hector
accepted it willingly to the extent that he knows it would be his last battle.

There are many causes of Trojan War, one of it and the most significant and influential was Helen
of Sparta. He wasn’t just a normal Spartan or a Greek woman. She was the most beautiful and desirable
woman alive, no wonder Paris fell in love with her. When Helen ran away with Paris to Troy she
abandoned her country and her people, and also his husband, Menelaos. For me, she is self – centered,
Troy wouldn’t be in chaos if she doesn’t ran away with Paris. She should have thinks that there are many
innocent people in Troy that will be killed because of her.

If there’s one thing that I learnt about this movie, it is that Revenge can cause (Even) greater
suffering. Hector who mistakes Patroclus (as all of the Greeks did as well) confronts and wounds him
fatally. When his helmet is taken off his true identity is revealed. Hector surprised as he has no other
choice but to take his life anyway. After the death of Patroclus by Hector, Achilles is infuriated and
challenges the Crown Prince to a duel in which he (Achilles) kills his foe. War causes great suffering to
those involved but revenge is no remedy. Vengeance did not bring Patroclus back and all that was
accomplished by Achilles avenging him was for another man to be sent to Hades.

Many times in life you might feel that someone has done you wrong. Holding a grudge is only
going to make things worse. Hatred consumes the one who hates. You should aim for your goal and not
stand still in life. Hatred and wanting to get even for something can hold you back. I’m not saying that
you should let everything go and let injustice reign but that you should not allow your mind to stall.

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