Chapter28 - Molecular Genetics PDF

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HKALE BIOLOGY | 28 Molecular Genetics | P.

Gene Expression and Protein Synthesis

1. 1993/IIA/1ai
Distinguish between codon and anticodon. (2 marks)

2. 1995/IA/4a
Distinguish between transcription and translation. (2 marks)

3. 1998/IIA/3
(a) Explain the features of the genetic code. (6 marks)

(b) Describe in detail the cellular processes that are necessary in the transfer and decoding of genetic
information for polypeptide synthesis.
(12 marks)
4. 2002/IIC/8
How do the molecular features of DNA make it an ideal material for the storage of genetic information?
Describe and explain how genetic information stored in DNA brings about the control of cellular
(20 marks)
5. 2003/IIA/3b
In the drought-resistant plant, a gene encodes a key enzyme in the biosynthetic pathway of this metabolite.
The nucleotide sequences of the drought-sensitive allele S and drought-resistant allele R are:
(i) What is the nucleotide sequence of the mRNA for S? (2 marks)
(ii) Using the universal codon table on the opposite page, determine the amino acid sequence encoded by
allele S. (2 marks)
(iii) How is allele R different from S? What difference would this make to the translated product?
(3 marks)
HKALE BIOLOGY | 28 Molecular Genetics | P.2

6. 2004/IA/9
The following table lists some significant historical events which show how scientists worked upon
previous findings to bring about the further development of biological knowledge:

Year Scientist Historical event

Found out that a non-lethal strain of bacteria on
1920s Fred Griffith incubation with a dead lethal strain would become
lethal. This character was inheritable.
Obtained an extract from the dead lethal bacteria
and treated this extract as follows:
(1) destroyed the protein in it
(2) destroyed the protein and RNA in it
1940s Oswald Avery
(3) destroyed the protein, RNA and DNA in it
He then incubated a portion of the extract after each
treatment with the non-lethal bacteria and tested the
resultant bacteria for their lethal effect.
James Watson Determined the molecular structure of DNA.
1953 and Francis

(a) Based on Griffith’s finding, suggest a question that Avery might have asked which led to his
experiment described above. (1 mark)
(b) Based on your biological knowledge, what could be the result(s) of Avery’s experiment?
(2 marks)
(c) Illustrate with one example how Watson and Crick’s finding has promoted the further development of
biological knowledge. (2 marks)

7. 2006/IIA/2a
DNA controls various metabolic processes in our body through encoding different types of proteins
synthesized in the cells.
The diagram below shows the process of transcription of a DNA strand, which encodes part of a

(i) According to the DNA sequence shown, deduce the mRNA produced. (1 marks)
(ii) Describe the process by which the mRNA obtained directs the synthesis of the polypeptide part.
(5 marks)
HKALE BIOLOGY | 28 Molecular Genetics | P.3

1. 1993/IIA/4
(d) Give two ways by which mutations may occur in
(i) genes.
(ii) chromosomes.
(4 marks)
(e) Suggest how induced mutations in man could be guarded against.
(2 marks)
2. 1994/IB/13d
Suggest a method for inducing mutation. (1 mark)

3. 2004/IC/13
Read the following passage and then answer the questions that follow.

(a) Apart from inhalation, describe another route by which the leaked chemicals could get into the human
body to cause the delayed health consequences. (lines 5-7) (3 marks)
(c) Assume that the children of the survivors born after the disasters had never been exposed to
radioactive nuclei, the leaked gas, and their residues; explain why these children showed a several-
fold increase in the variety of mutations in their somatic cells.
(3 marks)
(d) (i) Which type of mutation can best be determined by (2 marks)
DNA sequencing analysis?
chromosomal analysis using the light microscope? _____________
(e) Suggest two ways in which leaders of nations and enterprises can make use of additional resources to
safeguard human health from similar industrial disasters.
(2 marks)
(f) Write a short paragraph to discuss two applications of radiation technology in medical or biological
sciences and their associated potential health hazards (other than causing cancer).
(5 marks)
HKALE BIOLOGY | 28 Molecular Genetics | P.4

4. 2008/IC/13
(a) Sate two different types of agents that can induce gene mutations. (lines 1 – 2) (2 marks)
(b) Based on your knowledge of genetics, give two reasons to explain why most mutations do not result in
any important changes in body traits. (lines 2 – 3) (4 marks)

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