Name: Mahnoor Khan Roll - No. 051 (A) Subject: International Business

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Name: Mahnoor Khan 051 (A)

Subject: International Business

The product that I chose to sell was Hijabs. From past 5 years I regularly wear
hijab whenever I go out. I do have a huge collection of hijab. Many of my close
friends and relatives use to ask me from where do I purchase my hijab of
different variety. So I thought of selling hijab as there was a need present to
purchase them. So, I was able to sell 12 pieces of hijab.

The mechanism is used was direct selling as I sell the product to my close
friends and relatives so there was no need of creating any online platform for
this purpose and I was not involving in any business activity regarding selling
of hijab so I sell hijabs directly to those who wanted to buy hijab similar to

I didn’t face any big challenge while selling hijabs of convincing people to purchase that
from me. I identified the need and chose to sell this product that was desired by many of
people around me. The only challenge I faced was when I visited market to purchase hijabs
similar to mine some were out of stock so communicating other designs to the consumers was
a bit challenge as through picture it’s really hard to select the design and color you want to
purchase because those were not a professional photo but I still managed to sell few pieces of
hijabs successfully.

Learning outcomes:
Doing this activity, I learnt to identify the need and plan accordingly, how to tackle
challenging situation and take decision accordingly.

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