PUBLICATION - Important Internet

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The internet itself, could be a preference of raising the currency of education .

We may overheard the generation amidst revolutionary uttering that books are their
certain tools to search for something, an almost hyperbolized depiction of the thickest
books, which admit it or not, consciensing the present medium of todays.
However,Internet plays a crucial role to both educators and students. A click, and a pick, as
they say. It collines an individuals time management and effort.
Internet is vast. Starting from contemporary issues unto further answers for a student's
assignment. What an instant.Its ahead the traditional and complex way of studying.Its no
doubt.As Google being educations wide quiries,even its local websites. Where teachers may
look for an in depth way of teaching and increasing their skills
upon teaching students and students may broaden their minds capacity on discovering
intern and their current topics.
Internet is a profound tool preferred by the majority. As a matter of course, it is widely
accepted on different industries and professions.In researches, internet may increase the
potential of learners of todays to liberate their mindsets.
Perhaps, if internet could ruin someones life, the answer is in behalf of the societie's voice
unto it.
The incoming of internet, is not the incoming of shortcuts, for, its the incoming of


NAGA CITY being represented by _____________________., of legal age, single, Filipino, with office address at
__________________________ and OFFICIATING OFFICIALS being represented by JASON N. COLAMBO, of
legal age, Married, Filipino, with residence and postal address at Queborac Drive, Bagumbayan Sur, Naga City.

1. That the OFFICIATING OFFICIALS being represented by JASON N. COLAMBO who agreed to undertake
the BAGUMBAYAN SUR INTER-COLOR TOURNAMENT at the Bagumbayan Sur Covered Court,
Bagumbayan Sur, Naga City.
2. That the BARANGAY BAGUMBAYAN SUR shall pay the service of the Volleyball officiating officials for
______________________ (PHP _____) ONLY per GAME.
3. That the CONTRACTING PARTY (OFFICIATING OFFICIALS) shall render their services from March 23 -
29, 2020 with ___ games.
4. That this contract of service shall not establish employee – employer relationship between both
5. That this contract of service shall become binding and executor on both parties upon execution hereof.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereunto set their hands this ___ of ____________, 2020 at Naga City.

FOR THE BARANGAY ANTIPOLO: _______________________

SK Chairman


CTC No. ____________________
Date / Place: _________________

Republic of the Philippines)

City of Naga………………………) S.S.

BEFORE ME, on this ___ day of _____, 2020 in the City of Naga, personally appeared the following
persons exhibiting to me their Residence Certificate and Identification Card above, who are known to me to be
the same person who executed the foregoing instrument and have acknowledged that this is of their own
free, voluntary act and deed.

Doc. No. ;
Page No. ;
Book No. ;
Series of 2020.

The internet itself, could be a preference of raising the currency of education .

We may overheard the generation amidst revolutionary uttering that books are their certain tools to search for
something, an almost hyperbolized depiction of the thickest books, which admit it or not, consciensing the present
medium of todays.

However,Internet plays a crucial role to both educators and students. A click, and a pick, as they say. It collines an
individuals time management and effort.

Internet is vast. Starting from contemporary issues unto further answers for a student's assignment. What an instant.Its
ahead the traditional and complex way of studying.Its no doubt.As Google being educations wide quiries,even its local
websites. Where teachers may look for an in depth way of teaching and increasing their skills

upon teaching students and students may broaden their minds capacity on discovering intern and their current topics.

Internet is a profound tool preferred by the majority. As a matter of course, it is widely accepted on different industries
and professions.In researches, internet may increase the potential of learners of todays to liberate their mindsets.

Perhaps, if internet could ruin someones life, the answer is in behalf of the societie's voice unto it.

The incoming of internet, is not the incoming of shortcuts, for, its the incoming of revolutionary.

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