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Mock interview 3

21 Sept 2020

Advance payment against bond

Additional material advance payment

Contra referendum rule application

Any ambiguity in the Contract the party

Prevention princilple.

Employers are advised to follow standard form of contract

Severability clause

Arbitration : what are the prerequisites u have to mention in the

1. Institutional rules to follow
2. Timeframe within which the party can go for arbitration

Line Manager: signed the Contract.

What is the problem foresee of his signature
Legal representative
Voidable contract

Setoff provision in the subcontract

Setoff provision why is it particular to include

When will recommend to have mid tender interview

Additional information to the tenderers

Why should we call for tender meeting

Necessity for tender meeting
When u use Construction management procurement route
Time is a constraint then

Form of tender what are information

Form of tender will take precedence, tender bond attached, the

power of attorney can be seen

All tenderers withdraw submit the tender

Call all tenderers for a meeting and enquire the reason

MEET principle in tender

Project Financial Control

Cost variance report:

Cost report
Contingencies: risk, benchmark

How to price the risk in the register

Reason behind loss of productivity

Front loading: EOT Contractor

If that item is omitted from scope, it will be risk

Double handling: material moved to multiple places

How to make NRM2 to make it popular

Risk in their tender price

Rate breakdown of all BOQ items

Any additional works can be valued easily
What is the disadv of SOR

Construction technology:
Harbour: Concrete or corrosion.

Chillers or District cooling

Fireproofing of steel

Ways to eliminate waste:

site waste management plan

Raft foundation: soil stability

How do you overcome a cashflow issues due to variations

On account payment

Use contingencies

Commercially successful project or not

Based on the profitability

PC rate item

Contract Adminstration
Waiver of subrogation Clause in insurance
Additional premium

Bose cherry pick the rates hight items and advise to descope, is
there a serious thing
Quantum merit principles
LOI issued and no terms to value the measuements

Good faith in construction

Party to contract cannot benefit from their default
Say an example

Prevention principle

Fast track arbitration:

Adobe arbitration

Arbitration & litigation

What can be dispute u can go for arb or litigation

Accounting principle
Profit and loss statement
Long term strategies: 5yrs

Internal client & External client

Effective communication and Efficient communication

How to prepare for the negotiation meeting

DAB in fidic

What is the ideal team size

How to ensure non discrimination in team

Data management
How ensure that ur subordinate will not leak confidential
Data encryption and data transfer

Diff bet hazard and accident

Principles of RICS

Client is involved in money laudering

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