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3 amazing tools to make you

a better copywriter

“My LinkedIn posts weren’t getting any views or shares. So I tried Tam’s tools to improve my
writing. Amazingly my next post got 6k views and tons of engagement. Since then, one article
has even brought in a £22,000 project. These tools definitely work.”
- A. Lloyd. Luxury Lloyd
3 amazing tools to make you a better copywriter
Here are three of my favourite tools to instantly help you write better emails, headlines, website copy, blog posts,
reports, letters, marketing materials -- and just about anything you can think of.

They’re all 100% FREE, super easy to use and will improve writing skills the more you use them.

Let’s dig in!


Ever googled your competitors to see what they’re up to? To see how they present their services and sell their
products online?

No shame in that! (Even the most experienced copywriters do it). And as Jean-Luc Godard said: “It’s not where
you take things from – it’s where you take them to.”

“Imitation is not just the sincerest form of flattery - it’s the sincerest form of learning.”
― George Bernard Shaw

Here’s how to use

1) Visit
2) Login and click the Inspire tab.
3) You now have a searchable database of millions of companies you can use to inspire and inform your
writing projects.
4) Search by type of business, then drill down to the type of page you’re interested in: home page,
services, pricing etc. You can even filter by level of traffic.
5) Find out how your competitors are positioning themselves, their pricing, strategies, designs, copy tone,
voice, messaging -- in one handy dashboard.
3 amazing tools to make you a better copywriter

2) Hemingway App

Hemingway App is like having your very own personal editor and writing instructor.

This genius tool improves the readability of your writing by making it simpler and easier to understand. It does
this by measuring your words by grade level. And, contrary to what you might think, the lower the grade level, the

Which is why I always say: imagine you’re writing for school children. This is going to make your writing simpler,
crisper and easier to understand. Don’t believe me? Ernest Hemingway’s writing style is around 4th to 6th grade
reading level.

Simply drop in your text, follow the coloured prompts and BINGO… tighter, brighter, more readable copy in

Hemingway App is my number one go to tool for removing adverbs and the passive voice. In other words,
it removes sluggish, amateurish writing that drives nobody to action.

Go and play!
3 amazing tools to make you a better copywriter

3) Headline Analyzer

A superb tool that’s as fun as it is useful.

Pop your headline, tweet or email subject line in the box. Press ‘Analyze Now’. Watch as CoSchedule gives you a
score based on structure, grammar and readability.

Your goal is to get the right balance of power and emotion in your headline – to compel your reader to take
action. Aim for a score higher than average.

A great way to write headlines that are more likely to get clicked, opened, read and shared.

BONUS EXERCISE: Refresh Tired & Out Of Shape Copy Using These 3 Tools

Grab an old blog post or any piece of YOUR WRITING.

1) Copy and paste the text into Hemingway App and follow the prompts to improve readability.

2) Now test the headline in Headline Analyzer. Can you improve the score by switching a few words around?
The higher the score, the more likely your piece is going to get read.

3) Check out how people in your industry are writing about similar topics by running a search on What are they doing well (and not so well) that you use to improve your copy? Could you
simplify your copy or add more detail? Etc.

Now compare your original piece of copy with your new one. Is it improved?

The more you use these tools, the better you will get at writing over time. Remember: everything
you do builds on everything you do.

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