2021 Intercede Booklet

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senior pastor


Greetings in Christ, Brothers and Sisters in the Lord!

2020 has been a challenging year, and I look forward with all of you to the year 2021, a

There is no better way to start this year of hope than to begin with our churchwide Prayer
and Fasting. As we look back at the year that was, I suggest that more than highlighting
the negative aspect of the pandemic, let us begin to see with our hearts the faithfulness,
kindness, and love of our Heavenly Father – YAHWEH, the Sovereign God who doesn’t
cease to be in control despite the many twists and turns of life.

As we begin this year with Prayer and Fasting, let us look into prayers recorded in the
Scriptures. These prayers will inspire all of us to call upon God and lift up all our concerns,
fears, and intentions to Him.

While we do not know what 2021 has in store for us, we know this truth: our GOD is
good, abounding in love, steadfast, faithful, all-powerful, all-knowing, ever-present, and
ultimately HOLY. Let us draw near to Him and have our hearts transformed, our minds
renewed, and our spirits uplifted as we all INTERCEDE.

Praying with all of you in Christ,

Dr. Peter Tan-Chi

What is prayer? 1
What is fasting?
Why should we fast?
What are the different kinds of fasting? 2
Starting and breaking your fast 3
Suggestions for prayer
table of contents

Day One: Pray for the Nations 6

Day Two: Pray for the Church 8

Day Three: Pray for the Family/Relationships 10

Day Four: Pray for Health/Healing 12

Day Five: Pray for the Youth/Singles 14

Day Six: Pray for Personal Breakthrough 16

Lord’s Supper Guide 18

Prayer List 19
Thank you for joining I N T E R C E D E !
Christ’s Commission Fellowship’s bi-annual prayer and fasting weeks are held every start and middle of the year
for us to express our dependence on God and recalibrate ourselves to His will.
As we fast and pray, study and apply His Word, and gather together from Monday to Saturday for corporate
worship and prayer, let us confidently bring our needs to Him, the God who is the same yesterday, today, and
forever (Hebrews 13:8).

To help us prepare for the prayer and fasting week

here are some answers to common questions and
Why should we fast?
some practical tips. God expects us to fast.
Whenever you fast, do not put on a gloomy
What is prayer? face as the hypocrites do, for they neglect their
appearance so that they will be noticed by men
Prayer is conversing and communing with God and when they are fasting. Truly I say to you, they have
listening to Him for the purpose of aligning our will their reward in full. But you, when you fast, anoint
to His. We come before God in the name of Jesus, your head and wash your face.
based on His Word (the Bible), and guided by His – Matthew 6:16-17
Holy Spirit. When we pray, we worship Him, pour our
hearts out in thanksgiving to Him as our Heavenly Jesus said “Whenever you fast”, not “If you fast.”
Father, bring to Him our needs and the needs of This means that fasting, like prayer, is not an option.
others, and ask that His Kingdom come and His will Fasting is part of the Christian life.
be done in our lives (Matthew 6:9-13; 1 John 5:14-15;
John 16:23-24; Jude 20). Jesus fasted.
And after He had fasted forty days and forty
What is fasting? nights, He then became hungry. – Matthew 4:2
Fasting is the voluntary abstinence from food for a Before Jesus’ ministry, He fasted for forty days.
specified duration of time to feast in God’s presence. He knew He needed spiritual strength to fulfill His
This may require repentance from sin and a healthy purpose. Fasting makes us physically weak but
expression of remorse, to earnestly seek God’s spiritually stronger and more prepared to do God’s
will, and to be more intimate with God as we spend work.
extended time in reading His Word and in prayer.
Foregoing something essential such as food, allows The early church fasted.
us to express how sincere and determined we are
in aligning ourselves with God’s heart by humbly Then, when they had fasted and prayed and laid
seeking His answers to our questions, praying for their hands on them, they sent them away.
His provisions for our needs, and asking for spiritual – Acts 13:3 (see also Acts 14:23)
breakthroughs. The Church fasted for Saul (Paul) and Barnabas.
Later, Paul and Barnabas appointed leaders in
While modern-day Christians may also fast (abstain)
various churches, fasting and praying before
from other things like entertainment, sports, and
commending these leaders to the Lord.
social media, abstaining from food is the typical
expression of fasting in the Bible because we can
survive our entire lives without many things but Fasting demonstrates humility
we cannot go on forever without food. Fasting is a before God.
demonstration of our dependence on God and His But as for me, when they were sick, my clothing was
pleasure more than what sustains our physical life sackcloth; I humbled my soul with fasting; and my
(Nehemiah 1:4, 9:1; Esther 4:3; Daniel 9:3; Joel 2:12; prayer kept returning to my bosom.
Matthew 6:16-18; Acts 13:2; Isaiah 58). – Psalm 35:13 (See also 1 Kings 21:27-29; Ezra 8:21)

Humility lets us experience God’s grace. When
we humble ourselves in prayer and turn from our
What are the different kinds of
wicked ways, God promises to hear us and answer fasting?
us according to His perfect will.
There are probably as many ways to fast as there
Fasting makes us sensitive to are ways to pray, but these four ideas are a starting
the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Normal fast
Jordan and was led around by the Spirit in the
wilderness for forty days, being tempted by the In a normal fast, a person goes without food for a
devil. And He ate nothing during those days, and predetermined amount of time. Water is allowed
when they had ended, He became hungry. and necessary. Extreme care should be taken with
– Luke 4:1-2 (See also Acts 13:2, long fasts (more than a week), especially if there
Matthew 17:21, Mark 9:29) are underlying medical conditions. It is prudent
to consult your physician if you are planning to
We are prone to forget our priorities. Fasting is a embark on a long fast.
visible reminder that God takes precedence over all
our needs. Fasting lifts up matters at hand to God
who is able to do awesome works that will bring Him Partial fast
great glory. In a partial fast, a person only eats certain kinds
of food for a period of time or have just one to
Fasting brings about personal and national two meals a day. In the Bible, Daniel and John the
spiritual revival. Baptist maintained a certain diet during their fasts.
The 18th Century preacher John Wesley had only
And My people who are called by My name humble bread and water for many days as his fast.
themselves and pray and seek My face and
turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from
Juice fast
heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
– 2 Chronicles 7:14 This is a partial fast specifically restricted to only
So I gave my attention to the Lord God to seek
Him by prayer and supplications, with fasting,
sackcloth, and ashes. Object fast
– Daniel 9:3 It is possible to fast from something other
Fasting prompts revival to an individual and to the than food. Some decide to fast from watching
country. It brings forth a stirring that will heal, change, television, using social media, or using the
and prepare us for greater things in God’s kingdom. computer outside of work or school. The key is to
replace the time spent on that activity with time
Fasting is good for our health. devoted to the Lord. For married couples, this
could mean abstaining from physical intimacy to
Fasting improves our physical condition. Many focus on prayer (1 Corinthians 7:5).
impurities in the body are burned up when the body
is denied food, thus, clearing the mind, cleansing,
and healing the body. Even people who are
underweight who fast for spiritual purposes have
been known to gain weight after completing their
fasts. Many Bible teachers say that a three-day fast
is especially beneficial for spiritual cleansing and
also for breaking addictive habits.
(“What Does the Bible Say About Fasting?”,
Christ Unlimited Ministries, www.bible.com)

Starting and
breaking your fast
suggestions for prayer
It is important for you to start and end your
fast gradually. Start cutting down on your food As we go through a number of Scripture
intake, especially those with caffeine (coffee, passages for the next few days, we can learn
tea, softdrinks) days before you fast. More to pray through Scripture by using the following
importantly, pray in advance for God to sustain
you physically, mentally, and spiritually during
your fast. For the first few meals after your fast,
do not immediately go back to your normal
food intake. Taking soft food in moderate
amounts is best to allow your body to adjust
A doration
and get back to its normal digestion. We worship God for who He is, what He has
done, and what He will continue to do. We
focus on His greatness and acknowledge His
presence in our lives. We declare that His glory
and pleasure are more important than our
Precautions concerns and needs.

While there are benefits in fasting, some

should not fast without professional medical C onfession
supervision. For example: We ask God to search our hearts. We admit
• Persons who are physically too thin and confess our sins to Him. We ask for His
forgiveness and claim His promise to cleanse us
• Persons who are prone to eating from all unrighteousness. We pray for the Holy
Spirit to fill, strengthen, and empower us to flee
• Those who suffer from weakness or temptations and turn away from sin.
• Persons who have been diagnosed with T hanksgiving
certain ailments that require continuous
We thank God for His grace and faithfulness in
providing for all our daily needs, no matter how
• Pregnant and nursing women big or small. We thank Him for the circumstances
• People taking prescription medication He is allowing us to go through knowing that He
is our very present help in time of need. Most
Consult your doctor before you begin your of all, we thank Him in advance for how He will
fast. Be aware that some doctors may answer our prayers according to His perfect will.
not have been trained in this area so their
understanding of it may be limited.
S upplication
We humbly bring before God who hears our
requests and our prayers of others. We express
our dependence on Him who is our Strength,
Healer, Provider, Protector, Comforter, Guide,
and Friend.

journal your way
through 6 days of prayer and fasting:

A. We encourage you to write your reflections on your

physical journal or even on your phone, tablet, or
laptop via your built-in notes app.

B. Alternatively, you may fill out the P&F Booklet Digitally on the
notes section provided after each daily devotion by:

Opening the Prayer & Fasting Booklet in Adobe

Acrobat or Adobe Reader.

Click Fill & Sign in the right pane.

Choose the Fill and Sign option and use the
specific tools and options displayed in the toolbar
to type your reflections in the blank spaces

I am thankful to God for the following:
Recount the blessings of God in your life and list them down in adoration and thanksgiving.

I will continue to pray by faith for God to:

Humbly ask the Lord for pertinent requests that you commit to pray and trust Him for.

D AY O N E , J A N U A R Y 1 1


NEHEMIAH 1:3-11 1. What was the first thing that Nehemiah did
And they said to me, “The remnant there in the upon hearing of the news of Jerusalem’s
condition? (v4)
province who survived the captivity are in great
distress and disgrace, and the wall of Jerusalem is 2. How did Nehemiah address God in his
broken down and its gates have been burned with prayer? (v5)
fire.” 3. What did Nehemiah confess to God?
When I heard these words, I sat down and wept
and mourned for days; and I was fasting and praying 4. What was God’s promise if they repent and
before the God of heaven. 5 I said, “I beseech You, follow His ways? (vv9-10)
O Lord God of heaven, the great and awesome God, 5. How did Nehemiah conclude his prayer?
who preserves the covenant and lovingkindness for (v11)
those who love Him and keep His commandments,
let Your ear now be attentive and Your eyes open
to hear the prayer of Your servant which I am praying A P P LY I T:
before You now, day and night, on behalf of the sons
of Israel Your servants, confessing the sins of the Upon seeing the condition of Jerusalem in
sons of Israel which we have sinned against You; I ruins, Nehemiah, the Israelite cupbearer to the
and my father’s house have sinned. 7 We have acted Persian King Artaxerxes, took time to pray and
very corruptly against You and have not kept the fast so that God would rebuild the walls.
commandments, nor the statutes, nor the ordinances The previous year impacted a lot of people’s
which You commanded Your servant Moses. 8 plans, relationships, businesses, and dwelling
Remember the word which You commanded Your places. As we start the new year, let’s take the
servant Moses, saying, ‘If you are unfaithful I will time to pray, fast, and seek God’s power to
rebuild what was ruined.
scatter you among the peoples; 9 but if you return
to Me and keep My commandments and do them, Like Nehemiah, we have the opportunity to
though those of you who have been scattered were intercede for our government leaders, to do
in the most remote part of the heavens, I will gather our part, and to be used by God in a mighty
way for our nation and the rest of the world:
them from there and will bring them to the place
where I have chosen to cause My name to dwell.’ 10 1. When I hear of problems in the country
They are Your servants and Your people whom You or around the world, do I grumble and
redeemed by Your great power and by Your strong blame or do I weep and pray? How can
my prayers unto God rebuild the current
hand. 11 O Lord, I beseech You, may Your ear be
situation of our country?
attentive to the prayer of Your servant and the prayer
of Your servants who delight to revere Your name, 2. Am I fulfilling my God-given roles as a
good citizen of this nation? In what way can
and make Your servant successful today and grant
I contribute to nation-building?
him compassion before this man.”
3. By faith, I will do my part by…
Now I was the cupbearer to the king.
Set Simple, Measurable, Appropriate, Realistic,
Time-bound (SMART) commitments

D AY O N E , J A N U A R Y 1 1


• Intercede on behalf of our country —

including our leaders, that we may all seek
the Lord over the issues that continually
encroach upon our nation.
Pray for our leaders to serve with integrity,
wisdom, faithfulness, protection and
- The President, Vice President,
Cabinet Members and advisers
- The Senators and Congressmen
- The Chief Justice and all justices
- The Military and Police force
- The Local Government and
Barangay officials
Pray for major national issues:
- Alleviation of COVID-19, proper
crisis-management, and economic
- Graft and corruption, drugs, forced
labor, human trafficking
- Ungodly values, moral decline,
materialism, idolatry
- Economic hurdles, traffic problem,
bills and laws that are against God’s
word and will
- That more Filipinos from all walks
of life be saved and for them to
develop a genuine reverential fear
of the Lord.
• Lift up a prayer for the world—including
other nations and governments, that we
may all depend on the Lord to thwart the
spread of the COVID-19, to carry us through
the adverse effects on the world economy,
and to enable medical advancements for
the health and protection of all.

D AY T W O , J A N U A R Y 1 2


ACTS 4:23-31 1. Why were Peter and John arrested?

When they had been released, they went to their (Chapter 3:1-10; 4:1-22)

own companions and reported everything that the 2. How did the church respond in this
situation? (v23-24)
chief priests and the elders had said to them. 24 And
when they heard this, they raised their voices to God 3. What was their main concern as they lifted
their burdens to the Lord? (vv25-27)
with one mind and said, “Lord, it is You who MADE
THE HEAVEN AND THE EARTH AND THE SEA, AND 4. What were they asking specifically from
God? (vv28-30)
EVERYTHING THAT IS IN THEM, 25 who by the Holy
Spirit, through the mouth of our father David Your 5. What transpired after their prayer? (v31)
servant, said,



AND THE PEOPLES PLOTTING IN VAIN? Having gone through opposition for the
miraculous healing of a lame beggar, Peter and
THE KINGS OF THE EARTH TOOK THEIR STAND, John reiterate that only Jesus could do such
a thing and that salvation can be found in Him
AND THE RULERS WERE GATHERED TOGETHER alone (Acts 4:12). Their resolve is to obey God
rather than men (4:19-20).
The pandemic could have just as easily
For truly in this city there were gathered together hindered the work of spreading the Gospel,
against Your holy servant Jesus, whom You anointed, but in reality, God has used it to advance His
redemptive plan for the world and for His
both Herod and Pontius Pilate, along with the people.
Gentiles and the peoples of Israel, 28 to do whatever
As we pray and seek God as one church, we
Your hand and purpose predestined to occur. are likewise empowered to continue in the
And now, Lord, look at their threats, and grant it Great Commission:
to Your bond-servants to speak Your word with all 1. In what way have difficult situations
confidence, 30 while You extend Your hand to heal, hindered me from the calling to make
and signs and wonders take place through the name disciples who will make disciples? How can
I overcome these challenges?
of Your holy servant Jesus.” 31 And when they had
prayed, the place where they had gathered together 2. How am I fulfilling my role as a faithful
witness so that people around me can
was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy and experience the salvation that is freely
Spirit and began to speak the word of God with given by Jesus Christ?
boldness. 3. By faith, I will continue to serve God
Set Simple, Measurable, Appropriate, Realistic,
Time-bound (SMART) commitments

D AY T W O , J A N U A R Y 1 2


• Let us pray for our church, Christ’s

Commission Fellowship, to continue in
magnifying the Lord by making disciples
who will make disciples of all nations.
Intercede for our leaders that the Lord
may indeed sustain His servants and grant
them wisdom how to navigate through the
upcoming year:

- Our Senior Pastor Peter Tan Chi, his wife

Deonna, and their entire family
- For all Elders, Pastors, Leaders and their
- CCF Staff, Workers, Ministry Heads,
- For disciplers and disciples to grow in
Christlikeness as they fulfill the Great
- For God to use Go Viral to reach more
people with the Gospel of Christ

• Intercede for the various CCF satellites,

ministries, and Dgroups all over the country
and the world to continue serving the Lord
in steadfastness and faithfulness.


D AY T H R E E , J A N U A R Y 1 3

R E A D I T:

EPHESIANS 3:14-21 3. According to verses 20-21, what is God

able to do and what is the purpose behind
For this reason I bow my knees before the it?
Father, 15 from whom every family in heaven and
on earth derives its name, 16 that He would grant
you, according to the riches of His glory, to be A P P LY I T:
strengthened with power through His Spirit in
Every family has been heavily challenged
the inner man, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your
throughout the events of last year. For some,
hearts through faith; and that you, being rooted and the lockdowns added relational tension and
grounded in love, 18 may be able to comprehend family conflicts.
with all the saints what is the breadth and length and 1. How can God redeem what is seemingly
height and depth, 19
and to know the love of Christ broken or strained in my relationships?
which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled This prayer from Paul helps to see that
up to all the fullness of God. winning our loved ones for Christ starts on
our knees.
Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly
beyond all that we ask or think, according to the
2. Am I fervently praying for my family? How
power that works within us, 21 to Him be the glory can I be more intentional in sharing the
in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations love of Christ with them?
forever and ever. Amen.

3. Am I doing my part in cultivating a Christ

centered family? As a parent, how can
I build a godly legacy now? As a son
or daughter, how can I honor and love
M E D I TAT E O N I T: my parents and relatives? How can my
relationships reflect the love of Christ?
1. What is the Apostle Paul’s posture in his
prayer? (v14)
4. By faith, I will cultivate better relationships
2. What does each of Paul’s petitions mean?
(vv16-19) Set Simple, Measurable, Appropriate, Realistic,
Time-bound (SMART) commitments
- Being strengthened with power in the inner
man (v16)
- Letting Christ’s presence dwell in the heart
through faith (v17a)
- Being rooted and grounded in love (v17b)
- Comprehending the love of Christ (breadth,
length, height, and depth) (v18)
- Being Filled with the fullness of God (v19)

D AY T H R E E , J A N U A R Y 1 3


Ask God to use you as a channel of His love

unto your relatives and family members:
- To be a better and more Christ-like
family member, spouse, parent,
child, etc.
- To steward our families and our
home in the ways of the Lord
- To be exhibit the fruit of the Holy
Spirit in our life: love, joy, peace,
patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness, and self-
control (Galatians 5:22-23).
- To glorify and praise God in
all things, even in the difficult
relationships in our families

• Let us confess our tendency to take our

families for granted, to ignore conflicts
or relational tensions, as well as our
unforgiveness towards those who have
hurt us, especially in our family.
• Take the opportunity to pray with your
family: encourage and appreciate
one another for their good qualities
and actions. Take the time to ask one
another: “how can I improve?” then lift
each other up to the Lord.


D AY F O U R , J A N U A R Y 1 4


MATTHEW 8:5-13 1. What was the centurion’s reason for

5 And when Jesus entered Capernaum, a centurion meeting with Jesus? (v6)

came to Him, begging Him, 6 and saying, “Lord,

2. How did the centurion address Jesus?
my servant is lying paralyzed at home, terribly What did the centurion call Him? (vv5-
tormented.” 7 Jesus *said to him, “I will come and 8)
heal him.” 8 But the centurion replied, “Lord, I am
3. What was Jesus’ response to the
not worthy for You to come under my roof, but just
centurion’s request? (v10)
say the word, and my servant will be healed. 9 For I
also am a man under authority, with soldiers under 4. What did Jesus mean by what He said
me; and I say to this one, ‘Go!’ and he goes, and to in vv11-12?

another, ‘Come!’ and he comes, and to my slave,

5. How was the centurion’s servant
‘Do this!’ and he does it.” 10 Now when Jesus heard healed? (v13)
this, He was amazed and said to those who were
following, “Truly I say to you, I have not found such
great faith with anyone in Israel. 11 And I say to you
that many will come from east and west, and recline
at the table with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the There are many people around us who are
kingdom of heaven; 12 but the sons of the kingdom sick and hurting. But just like the centurion,
will be thrown out into the outer darkness; in that we must practice child-like faith to trust upon
Christ and lift up in prayer those who may not
place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” be able to lift themselves up.
13 And Jesus said to the centurion, “Go; it shall be God is still doing the impossible and today He
done for you as you have believed.” And the servant looks upon those who humbly depend on Him
was healed at that very moment. who say: “Lord, I am unworthy, but just say the
word and your servant will be healed…”
1. Do I believe in the power and authority
of Jesus to do the impossible? Like the
centurion, do I approach Him with deep
humility, total dependence, and simple
2. How is my faith today, is it wavering in
worry over my situation or pleasing in the
sight of my Savior?
3. Like the Centurion, I WILL intercede
humbly before Christ for those who are
sick and more importantly, in need of
salvation. By faith, I will pray for….
(mention each person by name)

D AY F O U R , J A N U A R Y 1 4


Let us confess our unworthiness before the

Lord for the times that we relied on our own
resources and reasoning, rather than run to
Him first and foremost.
• As we pray for healing – whether for
ourselves or for others – let us trust God
to heal according to His will, His time
and His way. Let us pray with childlike
faith—believing that God is Able. He is
the same Healer yesterday, today, and
• Pray for good health from the Lord
as we do our part in eating properly,
sleeping adequately, and doing regular


D AY F I V E , J A N U A R Y 1 5


COLOSSIANS 1:3-12 1. What is the Apostle Paul praying and giving

We give thanks to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus thanks for? (vv3-5)

Christ, praying always for you, 4 since we heard of

2. How did the Colossian believers come
your faith in Christ Jesus and the love which you have to know of the word of truth, the Gospel?
for all the saints; 5 because of the hope laid up for (v6-7)
you in heaven, of which you previously heard in the
word of truth, the gospel 6 which has come to you, 3. What is Paul persistently praying for? How
can we be filled with the knowledge of His
just as in all the world also it is constantly bearing
will in spiritual wisdom and understanding?
fruit and increasing, even as it has been doing in you (v9)
also since the day you heard of it and understood
the grace of God in truth; 7 just as you learned it from 4. What should we do to walk in a manner
Epaphras, our beloved fellow bond-servant, who is a worthy of the Lord? (v10)
faithful servant of Christ on our behalf, 8 and he also
5. What is the result of Paul’s prayer? (vv11-12)
informed us of your love in the Spirit.
For this reason also, since the day we heard of it,
we have not ceased to pray for you and to ask that
you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all A P P LY I T:
spiritual wisdom and understanding, 10 so that you will
Many of the youth today are lured into trends,
walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him ideologies, platforms, and movements that
in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and may hinder them from experiencing God’s
increasing in the knowledge of God; 11 strengthened grace and purpose for their lives.
with all power, according to His glorious might, for the The youth need stalwart examples of faithful
attaining of all steadfastness and patience; joyously men and women whom they can follow like
Epaphras and Paul who exemplify their faith in
giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to how they live.
share in the inheritance of the saints in Light.
1. How am I doing my part in reaching out to
the younger generation? Like Epaphras,
can I be an instrument to impact the
youth and bear fruit among my spheres of
2. In what way am I walking in a manner
worthy of the Lord? Have I been faithful
with the opportunities, relationships, and
resources that God has entrusted to my
3. By faith, I will reach out to the youth
Set Simple, Measurable, Appropriate, Realistic,
Time-bound (SMART) commitments

D AY F I V E , J A N U A R Y 1 5


Let us petition God for our youth (children,

teen-agers, young adults) regarding such
areas as:
• Excellence in school/work
• Healthy family relationships
• Victory over addictions (drugs,
pornography, digital addiction)
• Sexual purity and self-control
• Overcome depression, anxiety, and
suicidal thoughts
Beginning this week, I will be intentional in
reaching out to, encouraging, and praying
with and for a younger person.


D AY S I X , J A N U A R Y 1 6


HABAKKUK 3:1-6 1. What did Habakkuk hear that made him

A prayer of Habakkuk the prophet, according to afraid? What did the prophet ask of God?
(v2, 16)
LORD, I have heard the report about You, and I was 2. What can you learn about God’s attributes
afraid. and actions in verses 4 to 6?
LORD, revive Your work in the midst of the years, 3. How did Habakkuk deal with the
In the midst of the years make it known. impending situation? (v16)
In anger remember mercy. 4. What do these lines convey or represent?
God comes from Teman, (v17)
And the Holy One from Mount Paran. Selah
- the fig tree does not blossom
His splendor covers the heavens,
- no fruit on the vines
And the earth is full of His praise. - the yield of the olive fails
His radiance is like the sunlight; - the fields produce no food
He has rays flashing from His hand, - the flock disappears from the fold
And the hiding of His might is there. - no cattle in the stalls
Before Him goes plague, 5. What is Habakkuk’s resolve at the end of
And plague comes forth after Him. his prayer? (vv18-19)
He stood and caused the earth to shudder;
He looked and caused the nations to jump. A P P LY I T:
Yes, the everlasting mountains were shattered,
The ancient hills collapsed. The prophet Habakkuk lived through the fall of
His paths are everlasting. the nation of Israel through foreign conquest
and invasion. Despite the very difficult
season, the prophet learns to trust in God
HABAKKUK 3:16-19 and surrender the outcome to His sovereign
I heard, and my inner parts trembled;
At the sound, my lips quivered. The breakthrough that God grants is not
necessarily one of physical or material
Decay enters my bones,
progress but spiritual: a shift in our heart’s
And in my place I tremble; focus and reliance.
Because I must wait quietly for the day of distress,
For the people to arise who will attack us. 1. When I am in the midst of challenges, do I
17 run away from God or do I process it with
Even if the fig tree does not blossom,
Him? How can I redirect my focus towards
And there is no fruit on the vines, the Lord amidst the challenges that I face?
If the yield of the olive fails,
And the fields produce no food, 2. Even when there is no breakthrough in
sight, will my worship of and trust in God
Even if the flock disappears from the fold,
remain constant? What would it look like
And there are no cattle in the stalls, for me to surrender my future to the Lord?
Yet I will triumph in the LORD,
3. By faith, I will continue to trust in the Lord
I will rejoice in the God of my salvation.
The Lord GOD is my strength,
And He has made my feet like deer’s feet, Set Simple, Measurable, Appropriate, Realistic,
And has me walk on my high places. Time-bound (SMART) commitments

D AY S I X , J A N U A R Y 1 6


• Take the time to cast our burdens unto

the Lord: any discouragement, anxiety,
guilt, regret, or fear that gets in the way
of our relationship with God.

• Confess and ask forgiveness for sins,

shortcomings, and any bondages or
addictions; seek God’s restoration in our
lives as we repent and surrender.

• Ask the Lord for a personal

breakthrough in seeking God’s wisdom
and counsel for our lives; let the Holy
Spirit provide a spiritual revival for you,
with renewed strength and zeal to
follow Him.


Lord's Supper Guide
R E A D : 1 Corinthians 11:23-29

Why are we celebrating What should be our attitude before

the Lord’s Supper? partaking in the Lord’s Supper?
• It is a symbolic meal that was instituted by our • We should have a thankful and grateful attitude as
Lord Jesus as a vivid reminder of what He has we look back and look forward.
done for us. We are to celebrate it often and • Look back and thank our Lord Jesus for:
remember Jesus by “proclaiming His death until
He comes” (verse 26). And this is done through - His free gift of salvation and for forgiving our
the Lord’s Supper. sins
- His attributes (faithful, forgiving, gracious, holy,
• Before Jesus broke the bread and passed the
loving, unchanging)
cup, the passage says that Jesus gave thanks
(verse 24). Jesus gave thanks for the opportunity - Who He is in our lives (Lord, Master, Savior)
to serve us by giving His body and blood for our - Blessings like our family (spouse, children,
sakes! parents, siblings), providing for our needs, etc.
(i.e., count our blessings)
What do the bread and the wine (in - Opportunities to serve Him and His people
our case, the juice) symbolize? (family, friends, church)
• The bread is a reminder of the body of Jesus • Look forward and thank our Lord Jesus for the
which was nailed to the Cross (verse 24). blessing of being alive today, and for the gift
of relationships (biological and spiritual family,
• The juice is a reminder of the blood of Jesus friends, Dgroups)
which was shed for us in the New Covenant
- How He will answer our prayers
(verse 25).
- How He will walk us through this pandemic
• We do not teach that the bread literally becomes (individually, as a family, as a nation)
the body of Christ nor do we say that the wine or
juice literally turns into His blood. - The promise that one day He will return
• Take some time to reflect
• Instead, we declare that these elements are just
representations of our Lord – who He is and what
He has done.
• To partake of these elements, therefore, is a PA R TA K E O F T H E B R E A D A N D J U I C E
symbolic expression of our faith in Him and His A N D C LO S E I N P R AY E R
finished work.

Prayer List

The Nations 4. CCF Elders, Pastors, Dgroup leaders, church planters,

missionaries, campus workers, staff members and
1. Global revival – that the world would realize their need volunteers (passion in serving God, holiness, good
for salvation in Jesus Christ and that Christ-followers health and protection, spiritual growth and intimacy
would proclaim the Gospel to all the nations. with the Lord, to be controlled and empowered by
2. For the stop of the spread of COVID19 and other the Holy Spirit, to be people of moral excellence and
strains, that governments would implement the best integrity)
measures and solutions to reduce the rate of infection 5. For the CCF Go Viral campaign to be effective in
and casualties caused by the virus. reaching out to people and continuing Jesus’ Great
3. For governments throughout the world to help maintain Commission of making disciples. That all CCF members
peace and order; that despite losses and failures, would take part in continuous multiplication, reaching
people will still behave in an orderly and respectful out to their families/relatives, circle of friends, and
manner​. networks with the Gospel.
4. Pray for CCF Beyond and our mission partners to be 6. That CCF members will be people devoted to prayer
protected from infection, and to use the opportunity of 7. Reach the young generation through Elevate campus
the current crisis to spread the gospel and make even ministries in high schools, colleges, and universities
more disciples of Christ. across the nation

The Philippines Family

1. The President, Vice President, Cabinet Members, 1. For a Christ-centered family
and their advisers 2. Husbands to love their wives and be the spiritual
2. The Senators and Congressmen leaders of their homes
3. The Chief Justice and the all justices 3. Wives to respect and submit to their husbands
4. The Military and Police force 4. Fathers and mothers to be models of Christ-like
5. The local government officials down to the barangay behavior to their children
officials 5. For parents to be intentional in discipling their children
6. For public officials to serve with integrity, wisdom, to know and love God
faithfulness, God’s protection, and guidance 6. Children to obey, honor, and respect their parents
7. For corrupt officials to be exposed and brought to 7. For forgiveness and restoration of relationships —
justice that family members live harmoniously with love and
8. For righteousness, justice, peace, and economic respect, serving God and others together
prosperity 8. Salvation of household and relatives
9. For more Filipinos from all walks of life to be saved and
for them to develop a genuine reverential fear of the Personal Breakthrough
Lord 1. Spiritual revival – know God more intimately, live to
10. For major national issues (drugs, graft and please God and honor Him
corruption, forced labor and human trafficking, family 2. Develop Christ-like character by being filled with the
fragmentation and absentee parents, moral decline, Holy Spirit and the fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace,
idolatry, materialism, ungodly values, pornography, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness,
sexual promiscuity, rise of HIV, teenage pregnancies, and self-control)
gender confusion, screen addiction, traffic problem,
3. Physical healing and living a balanced life (keep
and for bills and laws that are being proposed/that have
increasing in wisdom, stature, in favor with God and
passed which are clearly against God’s word and will)
The Church 4. Breakthrough over sins and bad habits

1. Lives of all CCF leaders and members to be Finances

characterized by love for God and others, purity and
holiness, humility and brokenness, integrity 1. Freedom from debt
2. Faithfulness to fulfill God’s mission for CCF (to honor 2. Good stewardship of God’s money and financial
God and to make Christ-committed followers who will blessings
make Christ-committed followers) 3. Tithe regularly and be generous
3. Pastor Peter Tan-Chi and his family (holiness, intimacy 4. Business, professional, and career growth
with the Lord, wisdom and power to lead the CCF
discipleship movement, to be Spirit-filled at all times) Other Personal Prayer Items

share your story
Share your answered prayers.

Post online
E-mail us testimonies@ccf.org.ph

ccfmain ccf.org.ph Ortigas East, Ortigas Ave.

info@ccf.org.ph cor. C5 Road, Pasig City
ccfmainTV (02) 8866 9900

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