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Coach Carter’s Leadership

Leaders always have a vision. In Coach Carter, Ken Carter's vision was to give the team a

better future away from crime. He emphasis's the fact that he's had first hand experience

with troubled youths as he mentions most of his teammates in high school ended up

either in prison or dead. Ken Carter wishes to implement change. He wants his players to

overcome the educational system they are in that are designed for them to fail.

As leaders one of our roles is to drive change and improvements, often this involves

changing culture. People are often resistant to this type of change, and as we look to push

through our ideas it can make us unpopular. But we need to hold the course, we should

never look to shirk the task or dilute what we are looking to achieve just to be popular.

In the film Coach Carter wanted to make a change to the lives of the people on the

basketball team and believed he knew the best approach to do this. Initially this didn’t

make him popular with the players, as he demanded that they sign contracts about their

behavior as players, students, and as men. But he knew this was in their best interests and

in the end they would thank him.

Coach Carter believes that his players are student athletes, with the emphasis on student

first. So when his students fail to meet the academic levels they have agreed to, he

cancels basketball practice and games until they meet the required level. This creates a

conflict between him the players, their parents and the school board, but even still he

stands his ground, committed to what he believes.

As leaders we need to increase teamwork and foster a strong team spirit to really achieve

our collective potential. We need the better players to help coach the other players to

make them better, rather than just letting them rely on the skills of the better players.

This really comes through in the film when at the end because of their strong team spirit

the team works collectively to help ensure that everyone reaches the same educational

level, with the stronger students coaching those in need of help, with the result that

everyone in the team achieves the desired educational level, which will give them a

chance of a college place.

When his team members fail to honor their contracts, their coach isn’t afraid to take

action. Although his teams are now winning, Carter stops the team playing until every

student’s grades meet the minimum standard.

Gathering his team for a ‘clear the air’ discussion, Carter listens to how they feel and

explains his reasons. He encourages them to aim higher in their lives, and challenges

them to work harder for a better life.

Carter’s move meets resistance from every angle: his team, parents, teachers and the

School Board. But he is willing to risk his job to make a better future for his students.

It’s that power of conviction that ultimately wins over his students. As a result, they take

responsibility for helping each other improve their academic scores.

Carter ensures his team take this on board by stopping everyone from playing – academic

achiever or not. He’s teaching that successful teams win because of team rather than
individual performance: you’re only as good as your weakest link, and successful teams

work for each other.

Coach Carter is about having a vision of change and seeing it through in the face of

resistance. Carter’s strength of belief draws people in, winning respect and loyalty.

And unlike many films, there’s no perfect sporting ending. Instead, the victory is off the

court, in the way the team has come together and grown – changing both their outlook

and their future.

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