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Mean Stack-Sample-1

Bod y-parser in nodejs is used during.
a. File handling.
b. Networking.
c. Processing http requests.
d. None of the above.

The object of javascript that represents the html page seen in the browser is
a. page
b. webpage
c. document.
d. window

var x = { } here x is an ;
a. array
b. string
c. object
d. none of the above

addEventListener in javascript is used to
a. to register a function for an event.
b. to define a new event.
c. Used to notify events.
d. none of the above.

To remove properties and methods to an existing object in JavaScript, we use
a. remove
b. delete
c. properties cannot be removed for an object.
d. None of the above.
to find one string in another string in javascript we can use
a. search
b. locate
c. find
d. None of the above

Floating points in javascript is indicated by
a. Float
b. Double
c. Number
d. None of the above.

The object to know os type supported , we need to use
a. Platform object
b. System object
c. navigator object
d. document object.

var x =”hello”;”z”; alert(, will print
a. hello
b. z
c. hello.z
d. None of the above

Javascript alert function is defined in
a. window object
b. document object
c. alert object
d. none of the above.

Bootstrap is an example of
a. client-side library
b. server-side library
c. can be used in client side or server side.
d. None of the above.

$("h1.pqr"). focus(function () {
}); In this code, pqr is
a. element
b. class
c. id
d. all the above.

let arr = ["k", "h", "i"];
delete arr[2]; , this will remove
a. k
b. h
c. i.
d. will tell 2 is not found in the array.

The function used to specify context during a function call in javascript, is
a. this
b. apply
c. context
d. config

In jQuery, $(#hello”). load('/abc/hello.html'); is an example of
a. ajax call
b. creating an alias for hello.html
c. the current page gets replaced with hello.html
d. none of the above.
jQuery.fn.methodName in jquery is used to
a. create a plugin
b. use a plugin
c. both create and use
d. none of the above.

var x = require("fs"); , this line is in node js is
a. creating a module fs
b. using a module called fs
c. creates a function called fs
d. none of the above.

NodeJs features are
a. Single Threaded
b. Non Blocking
c. Asychronous
d. All the above.

Npm in nodejs is a
a. library
b. package manager
c. function
d. class.

To run a function after 20 seconds only once,, in NodeJS we use the function
a. setInterval;
b. setTimeOut
c. setAfter
d. None of the mentioned
Which of the following is a not a global object in NodeJS
a. __dirname
b. Process
c. Console
d. None of the above.

The module used in web applications in NodeJS typically is
a. express
b. body-parsser
c. both express and body parser.
d. none of the above.

app.use(express.static(‘def'));this line means
a. .def is a folder, relative to which files will be served directly
b. def is a file where you will keep only static variables of javascript
c. def is a js file name, which will lead to static files.
d. None of the above.

req.query.z, in Nodejs, here z is a
a. parameter name
b. parameter value
c. Z is a uri
d. none of the above.

Which of the following is false in angular.
a. Angular is used for presentation layer.
b. Angular uses nodejs runtime.
c. Angular has got database api to access database..
d. None of the above.
Template in angular refers.
a. Html page.
b. Css
c. Testing
d. None of the aove.

ng c help, in command prompt, in angular creates
a. help screen is shown.
b. help is a project name
c. help is a component
d. none of the above.

Q.No. 28
templateURL is found in angular inside the file
a. component
b. service.
c. Model.
d. None of the above.

Function called by default when class is called in angular is
a. ngstart
b. ngOnInit
c. ngboot
d. none of the above

{{}}, is used for, here name will be variable typically found in
a. component
b. service
c. class
d. model
<input (blur)="f1($event)">, this line is written in
a. app.component.ts file
b. app.component.html file
c. app.component.js file
d. None of the above.

{ path: 'contact', component: ContactComponent },this syntax in angular is found
a. Service.
b. Model.
c. Component
d. All the above.

map((response) ⇒ response.json()).
subscribe((data) ⇒ console.log(data))
}, The following line is written in angular in
a. In the html file
b. in the css file
c. in module.ts file.
d. None of the above.

Q. No34
ng generate class ok is an example of
a. Angular CLI
b. @component
c. Data Binding
d. None of the above.

Grouping components, directives, pipes, and services are called in angular
a. library
b. package
c. module
d. none of the above
To format string into uppercase we can use a
a. pipe
b. filter
c. capitalize
d. None of the above

typically the code for http request for REST based calls in angular are written in.
a. Service
b. Component
c. html
d. None of the above.

Functions that modify JavaScript classes in angular are called
a. ChangeAgents
b. Decorators
c. Modifiers
d. None of the above.

<li *ngIf="status">,here ngIf is an example of
a. directive
b. pipe
c. component
d. none of the above.

QNo 40.
To call the server for data by supplying some input argument we need in Angular.
a. HttpService
b. HttpClient
c. AjaxClient
d. None of the above.

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