Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Science Grade 9: The Learners Demonstrate An Understanding of

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Semi-detailed Lesson Plan in Science Grade 9

The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
1. the type of bonds that carbon forms that result in the diversity of carbon compounds.
The learners should be able to …
 explain how the structure of the carbon atom affects the type of bonds it forms;
 Recognize the general classes and uses of organic compound.


At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
 Differentiate organic compound by inorganic compound
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Carbon Atoms and Organic Compounds
1. Aquino, M., Madriaga, E., Valdoz, M., Biong, J., Science Links 9 Worktext for Scientific and
Technological Literacy, Revised Edition, ©2015, pp.
2. Moros, E., et al., Practical Science 9, © 2018 by Diwa Learning systems Inc., pp. 144-152
3. DepEd Learning Materials and Teaching Guide for Science 9
Materials: Book, Activity Sheets, Learning Material and Teaching Guide Science 9
Time Frame: 4 days (1 hour per day)
Values Integrated: Cooperation, Responsibility
Science Processes: Inferring
Science Concepts:
 Organic – is derived from the word organism.
 Organic Chemistry – a branch of chemistry that deals with the study of carbon and its
derivatives, regardless of source.
III. Learning Activities
A. Daily Routine
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
B. Review of the Past Lesson: Recall carbon atoms
C. Introduction: Begin the lesson by writing “organic”, inorganic”, and “compound” on the
board. Ask the students to create a concept map. Branching off the sides will be the
students understanding of the word.
D. Presentation of the Lesson:
 Show pictures of organic and inorganic compound. On the board let the students
classify them according to its proper group.
 Let them identify each household products and its important uses1
 Show a video clips about organic and inorganic compounds.
 Based from the video presented, ask the students to differentiate organic
compounds from inorganic compounds
E. Application:
 Construct the structure of hydrocarbons assigned using marshmallows, raisins
and toothpicks. The marshmallows will be the hydrogen atoms, raisins should be
the carbon atoms, and toothpicks will be the bond.
F. Generalization:
The teacher will ask the following question:
 What is organic compounds? How is carbon compound differ from inorganic
IV. Evaluation:
Answer the question. (5 points)
 Why carbon so special compared to other elements?

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