1 Pre-Board 2020-21

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PRE-BOARD 2020-21
Class X
Time allowed: 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 80
General Instructions:
1. This paper is divided into two parts: A and B. All questions are compulsory.
2. Separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary. Read these instructions
very carefully and follow them.
3. Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions.

Part A (40 Marks)

READING (20 marks)
1. Read the passage given below:
The Bandipur Forest fire, the 2016 Uttarakhand forest fire and many such cases are believed to be man-made
disasters. This gives birth to an endless blame game between the government and the local population. Tribals
depend mainly on the forest for their livelihood. As per reports, over 60% of the rural communities depend
on the forest directly – for both timber and non-timber forest produce.
Some of the cultivation practices, in particular shifting cultivation practiced mostly in the North-eastern parts
of India, are under immense scrutiny, since it is believed to be extremely detrimental to forest cover. Before
1865, forest dwellers could utilise all of the forest resources without any restriction, however, the British
Rulers in August 1865 introduced various guidelines restricting such unsupervised use of forest resources,
based on the report by the then Superintendent of forests in Burma. The National Forest Policy of Government
of India, 1952 is the extension of the same 1865 act, which states that the claims of the communities residing
near forests should not override national interest. This was done in order to protect the forests from incessant
exploitation; thus, cultivation and other related activities were allowed only in unclassified forest land.

Although this seems like a legit policy to protect forests, however, in reality, on one hand the Government
has been earning huge revenues, but on the other, condition of the native communities is deteriorating. This
is a classic example of a great policy, but poor execution. For example, in West Bengal, the argument of the
locals is that, they, being the natives of the forest have all rights to use the forest produce. The localities were
finally asked to vacate the forest, the forest officials on the other hand blamed the localities for the destruction
of wildlife and wilds vegetation. All of this has given rise to another problem, wherein the locals, in the pretext
of taking revenge from the forest officials, intentionally torch the forests. Considering all these issues, in 2014,
the government introduced the National Mission for Green India, which aims at protecting and enhancing the
forest cover of the country by involving the local communities in planning and decision-making of the same.
Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority (CAMPA) was introduced in 2014,
to check the usage of unspent money raised by the central and the state governments. To check the money
realized by the government in diverting the forest land, a bill called the Compensatory Afforestation Fund
Bill (CAF) was passed in 2015. This bill itself was marred with various setbacks, which were a result of hasty
planning. One of the most important examples of the failure of CAF was when Kudremukh Iron Ore Company
limited (KIOCL) which had been exploiting the rainforests of the Kudremukh hills (Karnataka) from 1980-
2005, tried to compensate for such massive loss of ecology by planting a huge number of trees. The problem
with such large-scale afforestation was that the trees planted were non-native, hence causing more harm than
good. The Central Government is also providing assistance to the State Governments under the centrally
sponsored scheme – the National Afforestation Program (NAP) “for regeneration of degraded forests and
adjoining areas through people’s participation.” The allocated budget for the same in 2015 was Rs.2,500 crore.
However, reports suggest that the NAP has not been very successful, owing to the fact that despite huge
budget allocation, 40% of the forests in the country are still degraded. Source: SBS
During the British rule, fires were controlled by removing forest litter like dry leaves and twigs along the
forest lines during the summer season. This would prevent the fire from spreading to the other parts of the
forest. This plan is way too simple to be applied to forests which range widely in terms of size. Keeping that
in mind a National Master Plan for Forest Fire Control has been established which aims to: Prevent fires by
educating the people about the same and increasing people participation in Joint Forest Fire Management.
Early detection and warning system through a well-co-ordinate system of observation points, efficient ground
patrolling and communication network. Increase emphasis on training, research, and education. A good plan,
but most of it was executed only on paper. Forests fires have in fact increased over the years. Disaster
management teams and the forest officials have also not been effective. Oftentimes, such cases have no
solutions and lead to a lot of blame games. The need of the hour is to regularly keep track of the state of the
forest through images taken from satellites, increased ground staff and establishing a relation between the
officials and the tribal people for increased co-operation to avoid such incidents in the future.

On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer ANY TEN questions from
the twelve that follow. (1*10=10)

i. This article regards Forest fires as manmade disasters due to human

i) irresponsibility
ii) greed
iii) carelessness
iv) revenge

(a). i & iii (b). ii & iv (c). i & iv (d). iii & iv

ii. What are the most important causes of forest fire?

a) tourists and deforestation
b) wild animals and human conflict
c) deforestation and human greed
d) tribal interference and revenge.

iii. Prevention of forest fires can best be summed up by which proverb?

a) United we stand, divided we fall
b) Actions speak louder than words
c) All that Glitters is not Gold
d) Always put your best foot forward.

iv. The article mentions various policies of the government in order to check the exploitation of the forest.
Which one of the following comments on its effectiveness?
a) It is not effective as a forest fire often leads to planting of non-native trees not suitable in
that particular climate.
b) Very effective as people started planting variety of trees.
c) Ineffective policies
d) Cannot be determined
v. The National Forest Policy of Government of India 1952 is a good plan but it was executed only on
papers because:
a) Policy is not properly planned.
b) Forest fires have increased over the years.
c) Forest fires have reduced over the years.
d) People should be more aware of the policies.

vi. Select which one of the following is NOT a man-made disaster?

a) Mining Accidents
b) Biological attacks
c) Fires
d) Volcanic Eruptions

vii. Why do tribals depend on forest for livelihood?

a) Sustainable Development
b) Forests provide food, fodder and shelter
c) Forests provide air to breathe
d) Forests are an important part of eco-system.

viii. Shifting cultivation is defined as: -

a) Keeping and grazing animals on natural pastures.
b) Farming practiced on the same piece of land year in, year out.
c) A mixture of growing of crops and rearing of animals.
d) The agricultural land is abandoned after its’ fertility declines until native flora overtakes it.

ix. National Forest Policy 1952 states that: -

a) Communities residing in forests have total claim on forests.
b) Interests of communities residing nearby forests should not override national interest.
c) Communities can have interests in surrounding forest areas too.
d) None of the above

x. Why is the condition of native communities deteriorating after the National Forest Policy of 1952?
a) Natives are not allowed to use forest produce for their livelihood
b) Natives are being dragged out of forests.
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

xi. The forest officials blamed the locals for: -

a) Destruction of wildlife and vegetation
b) Natives were torching the forest fires.
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

xii. Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority (CAMPA) was introduced to:
a) to check the usage of unspent money raised by the central and the state governments
b) To provide money to central government and state government.
c) To protect tribal communities
d) To compensate tribal communities.

2.Read the passage given below and on the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer ANY TEN
questions from the twelve that follow. (1*10=10)

i. Which state recorded the lowest sewer death according to the map?
a) Chhattisgarh
b) Tamil Nadu
c) Goa
d) Gujarat
ii. In how many cases has Gujarat paid the compensation, according to the report?
a) 234
b) 7
c) 162
d) 227

iii. Why do workers involve in manual scavenging despite the risk involved?
a) Lack of money & poverty
b) It is a traditional job for some communities.
c) They are compelled by their masters or landlords
d) To get rich

iv. Though prohibited by law, why does this practice still prevail in many states?
a) To trouble the downtrodden section
b) Absence of an effective monitoring system to ensure compliance of law.
c) Poverty & lack of employment
d) Lack of good governance.
v. What is the expansion of NCSK?
a) National Council of Student Karyasabha
b) National Commission for Safai Karamcharis
c) National Council for Security Karyakram
d) Nature Council for Scientific Karyakram
vi. In how many cases has Tamil Nadu NOT paid the compensation, according to the report?
a) 234
b) 7
c) 162
d) 227
vii. In how many cases has Gujarat NOT paid the compensation due to various reasons, according to the
a) 48
b) 31
c) 79
d) 162
viii. Which steps has NOT been taken by the government to uplift the people engaged in manual scavenging?
a) Providing skill development training
b) Providing cash subsidy
c) Forming several committees
d) Creating job opportunities
ix. Which state has the highest number of victims who are yet to receive compensation?
a) Gujarat
b) Tamil Nadu
c) Uttar Pradesh
d) Maharashtra
x. How many people are engaged in manual scavenging in Uttar Pradesh?
a) 53598
b) 29923
c) 35397
d) 19385
xi. How many people have been given cash assistance according to the survey?
a) 53598
b) 35397
c) 19385
d) 29923
xii. As per the provisions of Employment as Manual Scavengers and their rehabilitation Act 2013, which
committee has NOT been formed: -
a) District Vigilance Committees
b) State monitoring committees
c) State Commissions for Safai Karamcharis
d) National Commission for Safayi Karamcharis

3 Read the extracts given below and attempt ANY ONE, by answering the questions that follow.
A. All through the night, Lencho thought only of his one hope: the help of God, whose eyes, as he had been
instructed, see everything, even what is deep in one’s conscience. Lencho was an ox of a man, working like
an animal in the fields, but still he knew how to write. The following Sunday, at daybreak, he began to write
a letter which he himself would carry to town and place in the mail. It was nothing less than a letter to God.
i. Lencho thought of his one hope as: -
a) He wanted to be rich.
b) He wanted to buy more land.
c) All his crops were ruined due to hailstones.
d) He lived all alone on the hill top.
ii. Lencho was an ox of a man. What does it mean?
a) Was master of an ox.
b) Was an illiterate.
c) Was a hard-working strong man.
d) Was a weak and dependent man
iii. Lencho needed the help of God as:
a) He knows everything about man and helps him.
b) Lencho worshipped him a lot.
c) Lencho donated a lot to God.
d) He loved him the most.
iv. Find out a word from the passage which means the same as ‘subconscious’:
a) Conscious
b) Conscience
c) Instructed
d) Both a and b.
v. What type of conflict does the chapter highlight?
a) conflict between nature and humans
b) conflict among humans
c) conflict among God and nature
d) both 1 and 2
B. The most fascinating thing of all was the bus that travelled between her village and the nearest town. It passed
through her street each hour, once going to the town and once coming back. The site of the bus, filled each time
with a new set of passengers, was a source of unending joy for Valli.

Day after day she watched, and gradually a tiny wish crept into her head and grew there: she wanted to ride on
that bus, even if just once. This wish became stronger and stronger until it was an overwhelming desire. Valli
would stare wistfully at the people who got on or off the bus when it stopped at the street corner.

i. How many times did the bus pass?

a) Once in half an hour
b) Once in an hour
c) Once in four hour
d) Once a day

ii. What was the source of unending joy for Valli.

a) Call of the ice cream vendor
b) Smell of mouth watering sweets
c) Fight of the children
d) Sight of the bus with a new set of passenger

iii. What crept in Valli’s mind?

a) Tiny wish to roam

b) To ride the bus

c) To have an adventure
d) All of the above

iv. Which word does ‘never ending’ correspond to?

a) Fascinating
b) Set
c) Unending
d) Source

v. What was the most fascinating thing for Valli .

a) Watching the bus
b) Dancing in the rain
c) Gossiping with children
d) Cooking new recipes

4. Read the extracts given below and attempt ANYONE, by answering the questions that
follow. (5x1)

(A) The way a crow,

Shook down on me.
The dust of snow ,
From a hemlock tree

i. The Hemlock here stands for ?

a) Sorrow
b) Excitement
c) Happiness
d) Peace

ii. Name the Poet

a) Robert Frost
b) Carolyn Wells
c) Sarojini Naidu
d) Adrienne Rich

iii. Hemlock tree contains _____ ?

a) Thick branches
b) Poisonous seeds
c) Beautiful flowers
d) Sweet fruits

iv. What does the poem signify?

a) No creature is insignificant
b) One should remain happy
c) Simple actions can have great importance
d) One should remain ignorant

v. Give the rhyme scheme.



(B) What is the boy now, who has lost his ball.
What, what is he to do? I saw it go
Merrily bouncing, down the street, and then
Merrily over—there it is in the water!
No use to say 'O there are other balls':
An ultimate shaking grief fixes the boy
As he stands rigid, trembling, staring down
All his young days into the harbour where
His ball went.

i. Who is the poet of the poem ‘The Ball Poem’?

(a) Sylvia Plath
(b) W.B Yeats
(c) Robert Frost
(d) John Berryman.

ii. The boy who has lost ball is in the state of_________.
(a) extreme happiness
(b) excitement and energetic
(c) shock and grief
(d) shock and fear.

iii. According to the poet, what is the child learning?

(a) to bear loss
(b) to take care of things
(c) to be responsible
(d) to be careful

iv. Name the literary device used in “Merrily bouncing, down the street, and then Merrily over — there it
is in the water!”
(a) Metaphor
(b) Simile
(c) Alliteration
(d) Anaphora

v. The line ‘No use……… other balls’ means that:

(a) the boy can’t buy other balls
(b) the boy won’t accept any other ball other than his own
(c) the boy won’t buy other balls.
(d) the other balls will be more attractive than his own.

5. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to complete the note about the
Wangala Festival of Meghalaya. (3x1)
The Wangala (i) festival for the Garo in Meghalaya, Assam and Nagaland. It is a post-harvest festival-
(ii)-the end of the agricultural year. It is popularly known as ‘The Hundred Drums’ festival. During
the signature dance, the leading warrior-(iii)-with synchronized dance steps and specific hand-head
(i) a) is important
b) are an important
c) was the important
d) is an important
(ii) a) being celebrated for marking
b) celebrated to mark
c) celebrated to marking
d) being celebrated for mark

(iii) a) leads the youngsters

b) is lead the youngsters
c) was leading the youngsters
d) had leads the youngsters

6. Read the dialogue between Ankit and his mother and complete the passage that follows: - (1*3)

Ankit’s mother asked (a) ……………………………. . Ankit replied that (b)…………………. . His mother
then enquired (c) …………………………………. . Ankit again replied that he had kept it in his pocket.

a) what makes him so sad
b) what made him so sad
c) why was he sad
d) why was he so sad
a) Someone has stolen his purse.
b) Someone had stolen his purse.
c) Someone stoled his purse.
d) Someone has stole his purse.

a) Where he had kept it
b) Where did he keep it
c) Where were it kept
d) Where did he kept it
7. Fill in the blanks by choosing correct options for ANY FOUR of the six sentences given below:
(i) The television isn’t working. It_________ damaged during the move.
(a) Must have been
(b) Must be
(c) Must
(d) Should
(ii) You _________ be kidding! That can’t be true.
(a) Have to
(b) Ought to
(c) Should
(d) Must
(iii) Someone at the stable ___________ the horses every morning.
(a) Groom
(b) Grooms
(c) Grooming
(d) Will groom
(iv) Both of my pencils __________ an eraser.
(a) have
© having
(d)would have
(v) Either string beans or brocolli __________ my favourite vegetable.
a) Is
b) Am
c) Are
d) Were
(vi) ___________ he know the answer?
(a) Does
(b) Don’t
(c ) Will
Section- B
WRITING (2*5=10)
8. Attempt ANY ONE of the following in 100-120 words. (5 marks)
(A) Write a letter to the editor of a National Daily about the problems that India faces because of brain drain.Also
give some suggestions to stop this.Write a letter in about 100-120 words.Take help from the points given below too.
*flow of intelligence from developing to developed countries
*Good job
*Attractive salaries
*Better living standard
*scope for promotion
(B)You are Khushi/Tanishk staying at 3/16 Ramesh Nagar. You are disturbed to see that a beautiful park in your
area has been converted into dumping ground by the builders of the construction sites. The labourers throw all the
debris in that park. With the result children are not able to play and people cannot take morning or evening walk.
Despite several complaints to the authorities by RWA, no action has been taken so far. As a responsible citizen
write a letter to the editor of the Times of India, Delhi, showing your concern and divert the attention of the
concerned authorities towards it.

9. Attempt ANY ONE of the following in100-120 words. (5 marks)

(A) The bar graph shows the circulation of news papers in 10 languages. Write a paragraph analysing the given

(B) A Local daily published an article stating that “Home schooling is better than traditional schooling.” Write a
paragraph to analyse the given statement. You could think about what alternative explanations might weaken the
given conclusion and include rationale/ evidence that would strengthen/ counter the given argument.


10. Answer ANY TWO questions in 20-30 words each, from (A) and (B) respectively.
(A) (Any two) (2*2=4)
i. Why according to Anne, is writing a diary really a strange experience?
ii. Bring out the theme of the poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo?’
iii. What is meant by apartheid? How did it prevail in South Africa?
(B) (Any two) (2*2=4)
i. For what unusual reason is Bholi sent to school?
ii. How is ‘The Proposal' a great comedy?
iii. Why did Madam Loisel leave the Ball in hurry? What does it show about her character?
11.Answer ANY TWO questions in 40-50 words each, from (A) and (B) respectively.
(A) (any two) (3*2)
i. Would you agree that the depths of oppression’create ‘height of characters’? How does Mandela illustrate
ii.What’s the deep(er) meaning given in the poem ‘Fire and Ice' ?
ii. Discuss the importance of proper upbringing with reference to the poem Amanda by Robin Klein?
(B) (any two) (3*2)
i. In life people who easily trust others are sometimes made to look foolish. One should not be too trusting.
Describe how Oliver Lutkins made a fool of the young lawyer.
ii. In the light of the chapter, ‘Madam Rides the Bus’, how far would you agree that ëducation is really an eye
iii. How did the mother trick the young seagull into flying?

12. Answer ANY ONE of the following in 100-120 words. (5*1)

(A) Imagine yourself to be Kisa Gotami. You learnt a very important lesson recently from Gautam Budha. You plan
to capture all the events as and when they occurred in the form of dialogues.
(B) Read the extracts given below and comment on the difference in the nature of the characters.
(a) Wanda did not sit there because she was rough and noisy. On the contrary, she was very quiet and rarely said
anything at all. And nobody had even heard her laugh out loud. Sometimes she twisted her mouth into a crooked
sort of smile, but that was all. Nobody knew exactly why Wanda sat in that seat…..(THE HUNDRED DRESSES )
(b) To enhance the image of this long-awaiting friend in my imagination, I don’t want to jot down the facts in this
diary the way most people would do, but I want the diary to be my best friend, and I am going to call this friend
13. Answer ANY ONE of the following in 100-120 words. (5*1)
(A) “He was the most trusting person I have ever met”. Do you agree with this remark of Hari Singh about Anil?
Give reasons.
(B) “Richard Ebright had all the ingredients required for the making of a scientist.” Explain.

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