Law & Society (LAW 2620) : Task 1 Consider Your Privilege' Questionnaire Questions

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Law & Society (LAW 2620): Task 1

‘Consider Your Privilege’ Questionnaire


If your parents worked nights and/or weekends to support your family, deduct a point.

If you are able to move through the world without fear of sexual assault, add a point.

If you can show affection for your romantic partner in public without fear of ridicule or violence, add a point.

If you have ever been diagnosed as having a physical or mental illness/disability, deduct a point.

If you came from a supportive family environment, add a point.

If you have ever tried to change your speech or mannerisms to gain credibility, deduct a point.

If your parents own the house you grew up in, add a point.

If you can easily find the kinds of hair products you need, add a point.

If you were embarrassed about your clothes or house while growing up, deduct a point.

If you can make mistakes and not have people attribute your behaviour to flaws in your racial/gender group,
add a point.

If you or your parents have ever gone through a divorce, deduct a point.

If you went to a selective and/or fee-paying school, add a point.

If you or a parent or sibling has ever been in prison, deduct a point.

If you felt like you had adequate access to healthy food growing up, add a point

If you are reasonably sure you would be hired for a job based on your ability and qualifications, add a point.

If you would never think twice about calling the police when trouble occurs, add a point.

If you feel comfortable being emotionally expressive/open, add a point.

If you have ever been the only person of your race in a classroom or workplace setting, deduct a point.

If you have ever been the only person of your gender in a classroom or workplace setting, deduct a point.

If you have ever been the only person of your class or socio-economic status in a classroom or workplace
setting, deduct a point.

If you have ever been the only person of your sexual orientation in a classroom or workplace setting,
deduct a point.

If you have financial support from your parents towards your university education, add a point.

If you get time off university or work for your religious holidays, add a point.

If you had a job during your high school and/or university years, deduct a point.

If you feel comfortable walking home alone at night, add a point.

If you have ever travelled outside the United Kingdom, add a point.

If you have ever felt like there was NOT adequate or accurate representation of your racial group, sexual
orientation group, gender group, and/or disability group in the media, deduct a point.

If you feel confident that your parents would be able to help/support you financially if you were going
through a financial hardship, add a point.

If you have ever been made fun of based on something that you can’t change, deduct a point.

If there were more than fifty books in your house growing up, add a point.

If you studied the culture or the history of your ancestors in school, add a point.

If your parents or guardians attended university, add a point.

If you have ever been unable to do something because your disability wasn’t accommodated, deduct a

If you ever went on a family holiday, add a point.

If you can buy new clothes or go out to dinner when you want to, add a point.

If you were ever offered a job or work experience because of your association with a friend or family
member, add a point.

If one of your parents was ever laid off or unemployed not by choice, deduct a point.

If you were ever uncomfortable about a joke or a statement you overheard related to your race, ethnicity,
gender, appearance, or sexual orientation but felt unsafe to confront the situation, deduct a point.

If you have access to a computer and the internet at home, add a point.

If you can easily find cosmetics that match your skin colour, add a point.

If you have had to shield from covid-19 due to the clinical vulnerability of either yourself or a family member,
deduct a point.

The final number will differ across the year group. You do not have to tell us your number, although
by all means discuss this exercise with your friends and peers. This exercise is just intended to
highlight how we all move through the world with different experiences, and to invite you to
consider what would be different if the law were to take this contextual variety into consideration.

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