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Name: ____________________________________ Date:23-30 OCT 20

Grade and Section: __________________________ Score: __________

Learning Objectives: Describing Characteristics, Strengths, Weaknesses, and Kinds of Quantitative


Read the Instruction/s CAREFULLY

Part I: Circle the letter of the correct answer. Strictly No Erasures and Alterations. Erasures and
Alterations Means WRONG.

_____1. A research design that allows the researcher to control the situation and identifies the cause and
effect relationship between variables.
a. Experimental design c. Non-experimental
b. Inquiry d. Numerical data

_____2. A type of research that makes you focus your mind utilizing statistics that involve collection and
study of numerical data
a. Quantitative research c. Research hypothesis
b. Qualitative research d. Research hypnothesis

_____3. This summarizes the main idea or ideas of your study. It condenses the paper’s main ideas/ideas
into few words
a. Title c. Research
b. Research title d. Variable

_____4. He stated that quantitative research approach primarily follows the confirmatory scientific
method because its focus is on hypothesis testing and theory testing.
a. Hamza (2015) c. Cagay and Co (2020)
b. Antwi and Hamza (2015) d. Leavy (2017)

_____5. Quantitative research values breadth, statistical descriptions, and generalizability.

a. Hamza (2015) c. Maquited and Sarona (2020)
b. Antwi and Hamza (2015) d. Leavy (2017)

_____6. The following are the standards or criteria of quantitative research according to Baraceros
(2016), EXCEPT:
a. Numerals and statistics c. Random sampling as the most not preferred
b. Mathematically based methods d. Control or manipulation of research
conditions by the researcher

_____7. The following are the strengths of quantitative research according to Prieto (2017)
a. Valid way of concluding results c. The bigger number of the sample of a
b. Experiments in quantitative design population, the more reliable and valid are
filter out external factors the results or generalizations
d. All of the Above
_____8. The following shows the importance of quantitative research, Except:
a. Shows precise reliability and c. Existing theories or hypotheses can
objectivity be tested
b. Can use statistics to specified a d. Complex problem can be reduced
finding and restructured to a limited
number of variables
_____9. Find the Independent Variable (IV) of the research title: A researcher would like to know a
description of how parents feel about the K to 12 program implementation
a. K to 12 program implementation
b. Description of how the parents feel/ feeling of parents
c. A researcher would like to know about the K to 12 program implementation
d. How parents would like to know a about the K to 12 program implementation
_____10. Find the Dependent Variable (DV) of the research title: A researcher would like to know a
description of how parents feel about the K to 12 program implementation
a. K to 12 program implementation
b. Description of how the parents feel/ feeling of parents
c. A researcher would like to know about the K to 12 program implementation
d. How parents would like to know a about the K to 12 program implementation

Part II: Check only 5 words in the lists below which can operate as variables in any research study (5pts).

____ skills ____ weight ____ height

____ economic status ____ marital status ____ academic grades
____ mental pictures ____ family income ____ ghost

Part III: The picture below shows particular situations in our school. Write your observations and your
possible research title in a picture in the column provided. (5pts)

Observations : ___________________________________________________________
(2pts) ___________________________________________________________

Possible Research Title : ___________________________________________________________

(3pts) ___________________________________________________________

Good luck and God Bless! 😊 😊 😊

Answers Key:
1. A
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. D
6. C
7. D
8. B
9. A
10. B

Part III

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