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Chapter 5

Absorption in Plate and

Packed Towers

Part (1)
Pressure Drop
 Pressure in packing is an important consideration in design of a tower
 Empirical correlations are available for various types of packing based on experimental
data and used to determine pressure drop in the gas flow
Pressure Drop in Random Packing Figure 10.6-5

G: superficial gas velocity, ft/s

G: gas density, lbm/ft3
G  GG / G
L: liquid density, lbm/ft3
: kinematic viscosity, L/(L/62.4) centistokes
L: liquid viscosity , cp
GL: liquid mass velocity, lbm/(s.ft2)
GG: gas mass velocity, lbm/(s.ft2)
Fp: packing factor, ft-1
Fp is determined empirically See Table 10.6-1 for Fp values for different packing
Pressure Drop in Structured Packing
See Table 10.6-1 for Fp values
for different packing

Units are same

Flooding Pressure Drop in Packed and Structured Packing

 It is important for proper design to be able to predict the flooding pressure drop in
towers and, hence, the limiting flow rates at flooding

The limiting pressure drop at flooding can be determined using the following
empirical equation:
Pflood : in in.H2O/ft height of packing
Pflood  0.115Fp0.7
Fp : packing factor, ft-1, from Table 10.6-1

 Can be used for packing factors from 9 to 60

 Gives prediction for flooding within ±15%

 For packing factor of 60 or higher, the pressure drop at flooding can

be taken as 2.00 in.H2O/ft
Procedure for determining limiting flow rate and tower diameter
1. Select proper packing, random or structured, giving Fp value
2. Select suitable GL/GG ratio along with total gas flow rate
3. Calculate pressure drop at flooding (= 0.115Fp0.7), or take it as 2.0 in H2O/ft if
Fp is 60 or over
4. Calculate the flow parameter, and using the pressure drop at flooding and use
either of the previous two figures, read the capacity parameter from the plots
5. Use the capacity parameter to determine the value of GG, which is the
maximum value at flooding
6. Use suitable % of flooding value of GG for design to obtain a new GG and GL.
The pressure drop can also be obtained from the figures.
7. Knowing the total gas flow rate and GG, the tower cross-sectional area and ID
can be calculated
Approximate design factors to use:
 For random packing: use tower diameter/packing size =10/1 or greater
 For absorption: design the tower with 65 – 70% of the gas flooding velocity
 For distillation and structured packing: use 80% of the gas flooding velocity
Example 10.6-1: Pressure Drop and Tower Diameter for Ammonia Absorption
Ammonia is being absorbed in a tower using pure water at 25oC and 1 tm abs pressure.
The feed rate is 1440 lbm/h (653.2 kg/h) and contains 3.0 mol% ammonia in air. The
process design specifies a liquid-to-gas rate ratio GL/GG of 2/1 and the use of 1-in metal
Pall rings (random packing).
a) Calculate the pressure drop in the packing and gas Gas Out
mass velocity at flooding. Using 50% of the flooding
velocity, calculate the pressure drop, gas and liquid
flows, and tower diameter Pure Water In
b) Repeat (a) above but use Mellapak 250Y structured

 The gas and liquid flows in the bottom of the tower
are the largest, so the tower will be sized for these flows.

Assume that approx. all the ammonia is absorbed. Gas In

3 mol% Liquid Out
- The gas average mol wt is 28.97(0.97) +17(0.03) = 28.61
- The weight fraction of ammonia is 0.03(17)/(28.61) = 0.01783
(MW)P (28.61)(1 atm)
G = = =0.07309 lb m /ft 3

RT (0.7302 ft 2 .atm/lbm .o R)(77+460)

Assuming the liquid is dilute:
L = 0.8937 cp, L = 62.25 lbm/ft3,  = L/L=0.8963 cstk

From Table 10.6-1: for 1 –in, Pall rings, FP = 56 ft-1 (packing factor).

Pflood  0.115Fp0.7  0.11 56  1.925 in. H2O/ft packing height


The flow parameter for Fig. 10.6.5 is:

 GL / GG  G / L   (2 /1)(0.07309 / 62.25)0.5  0.06853


Using Fig. 10.6.5, a capacity parameter is (ordinate) of 1.7 is read off the plot:

1.7  vG  G /( L  G ) FP0.5 0.05  vG  6.663 ft/s


 G G  vG G  0.487 lbm /(ft 2 .s) at flooding

Using 50% of the flooding velocity for design: GG = 0.5 (0.487) = 0.2435 lbm/(ft2.s)

→ GL = 2 (0.2435) = 0.487 lbm/(ft2.s).

Calculate the tower pressure drop at 50% of flooding :

The new capacity parameter ( vG  G /( L  G ) FP  ) is 0.5 (1.7) = 0.85

0.5 0.5 0.05

Using this value of 0.85 and the same flow parameter, 0.06853:

P = 0.18 in. water/ft is obtained from Fig. 10.6-5

The tower cross-sectional area = (1440/3600 lbm/s)/(0.2435 lbm/(ft2.s)) = 1.6427 ft2

Ac   / 4  D2  D  1.446 ft  0.441 m
- Assume that approx. all the ammonia is absorbed , the amount of ammonia in the outlet

liquid is 0.01783 (1440) = 25.68 lbm/h

- Liquid flow rate is 2 × gas flow rate → the total liquid flow rate is 2(1440) = 2880 lbm/h

→ The flow rate of the pure inlet water = 2880 - 25.68 = 2854.32 lbm/h

b) Repeat (a) above but use Mellapak 250Y structured packing:

→ D = 1.241 ft

Note: the tower with structured packing uses about 25% less cross-sectional area.
Design of Plate Absorption Towers
 The process flow diagram is the same as the countercurrent multiple stage process
 In absorption, solute A is diffusing through a stagnant gas B and then into a
stagnant fluid C
Example: absorption of acetone (A) from air (B) by water (C)
 Moles of inert air and moles of inert water maintain constant
If V’: kg mol inert air (B)/s L’: kg mol inert water (C)/s V1, y1 L0, x0

Overall material balance on component A 1

 x   y   x   y 
L'  0   V '  N 1   L'  N   V '  1  Vn+1, yn+1 n
 1  x0   1  y N 1   1  xN   1  y1 
Ln, xn
A balance around the dashed box gives
 x   y   x   y 
L  0   V '  n1   L'  n   V '  1 
 1  x0   1  yn1   1  xn   1  y1  VN+1, yN+1 LN, xN
This is an operating line for the absorption which similar to the one previously
presented for countercurrent contact. Thus, same graphical solution can be used
Example 10.6-2: Absorption of SO2 in a Tray Tower
A tray tower is to be designed to absorb SO2 from an air stream by using pure water at
293 K. The entering gas contains 20 mol % SO2 and that leaving 2 mol% at a total
pressure of 101.3 kPa. The inert air flow rate is 150 kg air/h.m2, and the entering water
flow rate is 6000 kg water/h.m2. Assuming an overall tray efficiency of 25%, how many
theoretical trays and actual trays are needed? Assume that the tower operates at 293 K.
V1, y1 L0, x0
(1) Calculate the molar flow rates:
V'= (150/29) = 5.18 kg mol inert air/h.m2 2
L'= (6000/18.0) = 333 kg mol inert water/h.m2. Vn+1, yn+1 n Ln, xn
(2) Referring to the figure: n+1

yN+1 = 0.20 (Entering Gas from the bottom 20 mol % SO2 ) N-1
y1 = 0.02, (2% leaving in the gas ) N
x0 = 0. (pure liquid ) VN+1, yN+1 LN, xN
(3)Substituting into overall material balance equation and solving for xN.

 0   0.2   xN 
  5.18
0.02 
333   5.18   333 
1 0   1  0.20   1  xN   1  0.02 
 xN  0.00355
(4) Substituting into operating (dashed) line eq., using V' and L' as kg mol/h.m2
instead of kg mol/s.m2.

 0   yn 1   x 
  5.18
0.02 
333   5.18   333 n 
1 0   1  yn 1   1  xn   1  0.02 
(5)In order to plot the operating line, several intermediate points will be
calculated. Setting yn+1 =0.07 and substituting into the operating equation,

 0.07   xn   0.02 
0  5.18   333
 
  5.18 
 1  0.07   1  xn   1  0.02 
Hence, xn = 0.000855. To calculate another intermediate point, we set yn+1 = 0.13,
and xn is calculated as 0.00201.
(6)The two end points and the two intermediate points on the operating line are
plotted in Fig.10.6-8, as are the equilibrium data from Appendix A.3.

(7) The operating line is somewhat curved.

The number of theoretical trays is determined
by stepping off the steps to give 2.4.

(8) The actual number of trays is

2.4/0.25 = 9.6 trays  10 trays
Design of Packed Towers for Absorption
Derivation of operating -line
V2, y2 L2, x2
For the packed tower shown in the drawing where solute A is
diffusing through a stagnant gas and then into a stagnant fluid, the
overall material balance on component A:
 x2  '  y1  '  x1  '  y2 
L 
  V    L    V  
 1  x2   1  y1   1  x1   1  y2  V, y L, x
L' k mol inert liquid/s, V ': k mol inert gas/s
x and y are mole fractions of A in liquid and gas
Note that: L'and V ' are constant throughout the tower, V1, y1 L1, x1
but L and V are not constant.
A balance around the dashed line box gives the operating line equation
 x  '  y1  '  x1  '  y  • Gives curved line on the x-y
L   V    L    V  

1  x   1  y1   1  x1  1  y  • Can also be written in terms of p1

 for dilute x and y  (1-x) = (1-y)  1.0 y1/(1-y1) = p1/(P-p1)
L' x  V ' y1  L' x1  V ' y  slope L’/V’ is constant  op. line is straight line
Absorption: V  L solute Stripping: L 
y1 (tower bottom)

y2 (top)
y2 (top)  x  '  y1  '  x1  '  y 
L'    V    L    V  
1  x   1  y1   1  x1  1  y 
y1 (bottom)
x2 x1 x1 x2
y1 (tower bottom)

y2 (top)
y2 (top) L x  V y1  L x1  V y
' ' ' '

y1 (bott)
x2 x x1 x1 x
Limiting and Optimum L′/V′ ratio V2, y2 L2, x2
In absorption processes:
 V1, y1 are generally set y2 is set by designer
x2 is fixed by process requirements
The objective is to have minimum L′ under such conditions
Remember slope of operating line = L’/V ’
 Minimum slope  Gives minimum L V 1, y 1 L1, x1
This can be done by moving the operating line, so that
it touches the equilibrium line at point P
 At point P, liquid flow L’ is a minimum at L’min P
Substitute y1 and x1max into the op. line eq. → L’min Eqm. line
Op. line for minimum
 Optimum L’/V’
depends on economic balance: y2 liquid flow
 Too high L’/V’  large tower diameter
 Small L’/V’  high tower  costly
x x1 x1 max
 Typical value for optimum liquid flow L'  1.5L'min x2
V2, y2 L2, x2
In stripping processes:
 L2, x2 are generally set x1 is set by designer
y1 is fixed by process requirements
The objective is to have minimum V ’ under such conditions
Remember operating line (slope = L’/V ’ ) should be below eqm line
 Maximum slope  Gives minimum V
V1, y1 L1, x1
This can be done by moving the operating line,
so that it touches the equilibrium line at point P
y2 max
 At point P, gas flow V is a minimum at V
’ ’
 Typical value for optimum gas flow: Op. line for
Eqm. line minimum
V  1.5V
' '
gas flow
op. line
Remember minimum flow corresponds to x2
infinite number of trays x
Analytical Equations for Theoretical Number of Stages
 These are similar to the ones for calculating the number of stages in
countercurrent stages.

 For stripping section: transfer of solute  x  ( y1 / m) 

ln  2 (1  A)  A
A from phase L to phase V: x  ( y1 / m)
N  1 
ln(1/ A)

 For absorption section: transfer of  y1  mx2  1  1

ln  1   
solute A from phase V to phase L: y  mx2  A  A 
N  2
ln( A)

Where A = L/mV But, L and V change from top to bottom

 Calculate A1 = L1/m1V1 at bottom and A2 = L2/m2V2 at top
Then determine average A using:
A  A1 A2
 To Solve for L′min:
1. Plot yA vs xA.

2. Draw the equilibrium line.

3. Draw a straight line from (x2,y2) to intersect the equilibrium line at (x1 max ,y1) or a
straight line tangently to the equilibrium line to give x1 max.

4. Calculate L′min from:

 x2  '  y1  '  x1max  '  y2 

L 
  V    Lmin    V  
 1  x2   1  y1   1  x1max  1  y2 

Example 10.6-3: Minimum Liquid Flow Rate and Analytical Determination
of Number of Trays
A tray tower is absorbing ethyl alcohol from an inert gas stream using pure water at 303 K
and 101.3 kPa. The inlet gas stream flow rate is 100.0 kg mol/h and it contains 2.2 mol %
alcohol. It is desired to recover 90% of the alcohol. The equilibrium relationship is y = mx
= 0.68x for this dilute stream. Using L = 1.5 Lmin, determine the number of trays needed.
Do this graphically and also using the analytical equations.
Solution V 2, y 2 L2, x2
 The given data are :
y1 = 0.022
x2 = 0
V1 = 100 kg mol/ h
m = 0.68
(1) V′ =V1(1-y1) = 100(1-0.022) = 97.8 kg mol/h V1, y1 L1, x1
(2) moles of alcohol/h in V1 are 100-97.8=2.2
(3) Removing 90%  moles A/h in outlet gas V2 is 0.1(2.2) = 0.22
(4) V2=V`+0.22=97.8+0.22=98.02
(5) y2= 0.22/98.02= 0.00244
(6) The equilibrium line is plotted in figure (10.6.12) along with x2,y2and y1
(7) The operating line for minimum liquid flow rate Lmin is drawn from y2,x2 to point
P, touching the equilibrium line where X1max = y1/m = 0.022/0.68=0.03235
8. Substituting and solving for Lmin,

 x   y   x   y 
L'  2   V '  1   L'  1   V '  2 
 1  x2   1  y1   1  x1   1  y2 
 0   0.022  '  0.03235   0.002244 
L'min    97.8    L min    97.8  
 1 0   1  0.022   1  0.03235   1  0.002244 
Lmin  59.24 kg.mol / h
9. L′=1.5Lmin=1.5(59.24) = 88.86 kg mol/h
10. Using L` in the overall material balance equation and solving for the outlet
concentration , x1 = 0.0218
11. The top operating line now is plotted as a straight line through the points y2,x2 and
y1,x1 .
12. An intermediate point is calculated by setting y=0.012 in operating line equation
and solving for x= 0.01078. plotting this point shows that the operating line is very
linear . This occurs because the solutions are dilute
13. The number of theoretical trays obtained by stepping them off is 4.0 trays
 Analytical Solution:

The total flow rates are:

V1 = 100, V2 = V′/(1-y2) = 98.02, L2 = L′ = 88.86, and L1 = L′/(1-x1) = 90.84

A1 = L1/mV1 = 1.336

A2 = L2/mV2 = 1.333

A  A1 A2  1.335

 y  mx2  1  1 
ln  1 1    
 y2  mx2  A  A 
N  4.04
ln( A)
Design method for packed towers using mass-transfer coefficients
 Because of difficulties in measuring interfacial area A m2 between phases L and V and
k’x, k’y, K’y and K’x experimental measurements in packed tower yields a volumetric
mass-transfer coefficients which combines interfacial area and mass-transfer coefficient:

k’ya = kg mol/(s.m3 packing.mol frac) or, K’ya = kg mol/(s.m3 packing.mol frac)

k’xa = kg mol/(s.m3 packing.mol frac) or, K’xa = kg mol/(s.m3 packing.mol frac)
a: interfacial area in m2 per m3 volume of packed section, m2/m3 L2 V2
 Total material balance for a packed column which provides
continuous contact between the phases, as shown in the figure, can
be written as:
L1  V2  L2  V1 For any height z: L1  V  L  V1 L V
and for component A: L1 x1  Vy  Lx  V1 y1 dz
or: y  L x  V1 y1  L1 x1 General form of the operating
L+dL V+dV
V V line equation
 If material balance is made over a differential volume shown by the
shaded area in the figure:
dV  dL and for component A: d{Vy}  d{Lx} L1 V1
The volume of packing in height dz is Sdz, and;
dA  aSdz S: cross-sectional area of tower, m2

For NB = 0 (Ex: Gas absorption)

op. line
k y'
NA   y AG  y Ai  yAG  Eqm.
(1  y AG ) iM -kx/ky line

 x
 x Ai  x AL 
(1  x A ) iM y*
Multiplying by dA and setting dA = aSdz xAL xAi x*
k y' a k x' a
N A dA   y AG  y Ai Sdz   x Ai  x AL Sdz
(1  y A ) iM (1  x A ) iM
where NA dA = kg mol A transferred/s in height dz, which could be d(VyAG) or d(LxAL)
k y' a
 d (Vy AG )   y AG  y Ai Sdz
(1  y A ) iM k x' a
and d ( Lx AL )   x Ai  x AL Sdz
(1  x A ) iM
 V'   y  '  (1  y ) dy  ydy 
d {Vy}  d  y  V 'd   V  
1  y  1  y   1  y 2

' dy 
V dy dy
V  2 
  V
 1  y   1  y  1  y  1 y
Vdy k y' a Note that subscripts A, G
  y  yi Sdz and L are dropped
1 y (1  y ) iM
Repeating same procedure for liquid phase, where L’ = L(1 - x):
Ldx k x' a
  xi  x Sdz
1 x (1  x) iM
z y1
V dy
Upon integration:
 dz  z  
0 y2
k y' aS 1  y  y  yi 
(1  y )iM
z x1
L dx
 dz  z 

k x' aS 1  x  xi  x 
(1  x)iM
In a similar manner, the final equations can be derived using overall coefficients:
y1 x1
V dy L dx
z 
K y' aS 1  y  y  y* 
z  K x' aS 1  x  x*  x 
(1  y )*M (1  x)*M

Simplified Design Approaches

1. For dilute system, which is most of the cases in engineering, gas and liquid flows do
not change significantly along the tower  L, V and mass transfer coefficients can be
taken outside the integral.
2. The terms (1 – y)iM/(1 – y), (1 – y)*M/(1 – y), (1 – x)iM/(1 – x), and (1 – x)*M/(1 – x) can
be taken outside the integral and average values at top and bottom of tower are used
(often these are close to 1.0 and can be dropped)

 V (1  y )iM  y1
dy  L (1  x)iM 
z '
 k y aS 1  y

 avg

y  yi
z '
 x
k aS 1  x

 avg

xi  x

 V (1  y )*M  y1
dy  L (1  x)*M 
z '
 1 y

 y  y*
z '

  x*  x
 K y aS  avg y2  x
K aS 1 x  avg x2
For dilute mixtures (x, y < 0.1) with straight operating and
straight equilibrium lines
Equilibrium line: y *  mx  c
@ 1: y1*  mx1  c y2*  y1*
@ 2: y2*  mx2  c x2  x1
Operating line: L( x  x1 )  V ( y  y1 ) x  ( y  y1 )  x1
V 
Equilibrium line equation then becomes: y *  m  ( y  y 1)  x 1   c
L 
y2 y2
For dilute mixtures: dy

dy   V 
y y * y1
y1 y  m  (y  y 1)  x 1   c
L 


mV mV
y1 y y y1  mx1  c
y2 L L


 mV  mV
 1   y  y1  mx1  c
 L  L
1  mV / L  y2  (mV / L) y1  mx1  c

dy 1
  ln
y1 y  y* 1  mV / L  1  mV / L  y1  (mV / L) y1  mx1  c
1 1  mV / L  y2  (mV / L) y1  mx1  c
 ln
1  mV / L  y1  mx1  c
Note that, y1*  mx1  c
y2  (mV / L)( y1  y2 )  y1*

dy 1
 ln
y1 y  y *
1  mV / L  y1  y1*

Also: m  y2  y1
* * L y2  y1
and 
x2  x1 V x2  x1
mV y2*  y1*  mV  y2  y1  y2*  y1*  y2  y2*    y1  y1* 
 , and 1   
L y2  y1  L  y2  y1 y2  y1
Hence, y2
y2  y1 y2  y1*  y2*  y1*


y 
y*  y 2  y *
2    y1  y1
 ln
y1  y *

y2  y1 y2  y2*
 ln
  
y2  y2  y1  y1
* *
 y1  y1*
 y  y2*    y1  y1*  y2
( y2  y1 )

( y  y * ) LM 
2 dy
y2  y * 
ln 2
y  y* ( y  y * ) LM
y1  y1*

 Similar procedure can be adapted for the other integrals:

( x2  x1 ) x *
 x   x1  x1 

 where, ( x *
 x )  2 2
x*  x ( x*  x ) LM x2*  x2
x1 ln *
x1  x1

x  x2   xi1  x1 
( x2  x1 )

 where, ( xi  x ) LM  i2

xi  x ( xi  x ) LM x  x2
ln i 2
xi1  x1
( y2  y1 ) where, ( y  y )  y2  yi 2    y1  yi1 
i LM 

 y  yi1
y  yi ( y  yi ) LM ln 2
y1  yi1
Substituting these integrals in the four z-expressions in slide 27 gives assuming
that: (1 – y)iM/(1 – y) = (1 – y)*M/(1 – y) = (1 – x)iM/(1 – x) = (1 – x)*M/(1 – x)  1.0

 y1  y2   k y' az  y  yi LM  x1  x2   k x' az  xi  x LM
 y1  y2   K y' az  y  y* LM  x1  x2   K x' az  x*  x LM
Left side  kg mol absorbed/s.m2 by material balance
Right side  kg mol absorbed/s.m2 by rate equation for mass transfer

 V and L can be taken as average values between top and bottom:

V1  V2 L1  L2
V  L
2 2
General steps for calculating z using previous equations (see page 672)
1. Plot the operating line equation. Calculate Vav, and Lav.
2. If k’xa and k’ya are available, determine the interface compositions yi1 and xi1 at point 1
and point 2 using the procedure previously discussed using line P1M1 (see Example 10.4-1)
k x' a /(1  x) iM kx a y1 P1
slope   
k a /(1  y ) iM
y kya
yi1 M1
As previously shown, this involves trial and error
procedure. For dilute solutions, use: y*1 P
k x' a /(1  x1 ) y2 2
slope   '
k y a /(1  y1 ) yi2 M2
Similarly, use line P2M2 to determine yi2 and xi2
x2 xi2 x*2 x1 xi1 x*1
3. If K’ya is used  get y* 1 and y*2; if , K’xa get x*1 and x*2

4. Calculate (y – yi)M if k’ya is used. For K’ya, (y – y*)M is calculated. Similarly, if liquid
coefficients are used.
5. Calculate the column height z m by substituting into the appropriate equations (slide 31)
Example 10.6-4: Absorption of Acetone in a Packed Tower
Acetone is being absorbed by water in a packed tower having a cross sectional area of
0.186 m2 at 293 K and 101.32 (1 atm). The inlet air contains 2.6 mol % acetone and outlet
0.5%. The gas flow is 13.65 kg mol inert air/h. The pure water inlet flow is 45.36 kg mol
water/h. Film coefficients for the given flows in the tower are k’y a = 3.78 x 10-2 kg
mol/s.m3.mol frac and k’x a = 6.16 x10-2 kg mol/s.m3.mol frac. Equilibrium data are given
in Appendix A.3.

(a) Calculate the tower height using k’y a.

L2 V2
(b) Repeat using k’x a. x2 = 0 y2 = 0.005
(c) Calculate K’y a, and the tower height.

L'= 45.36 kg mol/h, V' = 13.65 kg mol/h

x1 = ? y1= 0.026
L1 V1
From Appendix A.3 for acetone-water at 293 K
At xA = 0.0333: yA = 30/760 = 0.0395
Mole fraction acetone Partial pressure of
in liquid, xA acetone in vapor, pA,
Hence, the equilibrium line is
0 0
yA = mxA or 0.0395 = m(0.0333) 0.0333 30
0.072 62.8
Then, y = 1.186 x. (plotted in Fig. 10.6-14) 0.117 85.4

Overall material balance on component A:

 x2  '  y1  '  x1  '  y2 

L 
  V    L    V  
 1  x2   1  y1   1  x1   1  y2 
 0   0.026   x1   0.005 
45.36   13.65 
  45.36 
  13.65  x1 = 0.00648
1 0   1  0.026   1  x1   1  0.005 
The points (y1 , x1) and (y2 , x2) are plotted in Fig. 10.6-14 and a straight line is
drawn for the operating line.

The approximate slope at (y1 , x1) is,

k x' a /(1  x 1 ) 6.16 102 /(1  0.00648)

slope   '  2
 1.60
k y a /(1  y 1 ) 3.78 10 /(1  0.026)

Plotting this line through (y1 ,x1) , the line intersects the equilibrium line at yi1 = 0.0154
and xi1 = 0.0130. Also, y*1 = 0.0077.

Calculate a more accurate slope, the preliminary values of yi1 and xi1 will be used in
the trial-and-error solution.
(1  yi1 )  (1  y1 ) (1  0.00648)  (1  0.026)
(1  y)iM    0.979
ln[(1  yi1 ) /(1  y1 )] ln[(1  0.0154) /(1  0.020)]

(1  x1 )  (1  xi1 ) (1  0.00648)  (1  0.0130)

(1  x)iM    0.993
ln[(1  x1 ) /(1  xi1 )] ln[(1  0.00648) /(1  0.0130)]
slope = -1.62
operating line

yi1 0.016


y*1 0.008 equilibrium line

y*2 0
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.012 0.014
x2 xi2 x1 xi1
Fig. 10.6-14: Location of interface composition for example 10.6-4.
k x' a /(1  x1 )iM 6.16 102 / 0.993
slope   '  2
 1.61
k y a /(1  y1 )iM 3.78 10 / 0.929

Hence, the approximate slope and interface values are accurate enough.

For the slope at point y2, x2:

k x' a /(1  x2 ) 6.16 102 /(1  0)

slope   '  2
 1.62
k y a /(1  y2 ) 3.78 10 /(1  0.005)

The slope changes little in the tower.

Plotting this line, yi2 = 0.0020, xi2 = 0.0018, and y*2 = 0.

( y1  yi1 )  ( y2  yi 2 ) (0.026  0.0154)  (0.005  0.0020)

( y  yi ) M    0.00602
ln[( y1  yi1 ) /( y2  yi 2 )] ln[(0.026  0.0154) /(0.005  0.0020)]
Calculate the total molar flow rates in kg mol/s:
V' 13.65 / 3600
V1    3.893 103 kgmol / s
1  y1 1  0.026
V' 13.65 / 3600
V2    3.811103 kgmol / s
1  y2 1  0.005

V1  V2 3.893 103  3.811103

Vav    3.852 103 kgmol / s
2 2
L'  L1  L2  Lav   1.260 102 kgmol / s
Part (a) Calculate the tower height using k′y a
( y1  y2 )  k y' az ( y  yi ) M
3.852 103
 (0.026  0.005)  (3.78 10 2 ) z (0.00602)
 z  1.911m
Part (b) Calculate the tower height using k′x a

( xi1  x1 )  ( xi 2  x2 ) (0.013  0.00648)  (0.0018  0)

( xi  x) M    0.00368
ln[( xi1  x1 ) /( xi 2  x2 )] ln[(0.013  0.00648) /(0.0018  0)]

 x1  x2   k x' az  xi  x LM

1.260 102
(0.026  0.005)  (6.16 102 ) z (0.00368)
 z  1.936 m

This agrees part (a) quite closely.

Part (a) Calculate the tower height using K′y a

(1  y1 )  (1  y1 )
(1  y )M 
ln[(1  y1 ) /(1  y1 )]

(1  0.0077)  (1  0.026)
  0.983
ln[(1  0.0077) /(1  0.026)]
the slope changes little in the tower

 Calculate the overall mass-transfer coefficient K’y a at point y1 ,x1:

1 1 m'
 '  '
K y a /(1  y )M k y a /(1  y )iM k x a /(1  x)iM

1 1 1.186
 
K y' a / 0.983 3.78 10  2 / 0.979 6.16 10  2 / 0.993
 K y' a  2.183 10  2 kgmol / s.m3 .molfrac.
( y1  y1 )  ( y2  y2 )
( y  y )M 
ln[( y1  y1 ) /( y2  y2 )]
(0.026  0.0077)  (0.005  0)
  0.01025
ln[(0.026  0.0077) /(0.005  0)]
( y1  y2 )  K y' az ( y  y  ) M
3.852 10 3
(0.026  0.005)  (2.183 102 ) z (0.01025)
z  1.944m

This is in agreement with parts (a) and (b).

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