Dunlap, R. E., & Van Liere, K. D. (1978) - The "New Environmental Paradigm". The Journal of Environmental Education, 9 (4), 10-19

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Research Snapshot

Document 291066_4 Name Amitanshu Singh Date 3/1/2021

Article Title The “New Environmental Paradigm”

Article Dunlap, R. E., & Van Liere, K. D. (1978). The “new environmental
Citation paradigm”. The journal of environmental education, 9(4), 10-19.

In-text Dunlap et al., 1978

Article DOI https://doi.org/10.3200/JOEE.40.1.19-28
(if any)

Research Abstract (From the paper)

Research Design

Research Level Detailed Description

Type of research Structured and close ended questions

Dependent Variables NEP

Independent Variables GPS, EOS

Moderating Variables NA

Mediating Variables NA

Research Method Mail- Survey Method

Data collection method Hard copy Questionnaire

Sample Size 806 & 407

Sampling Technique Systematic- Probability

Respondents Female

Type of results Both

Data analysis technique Co-relations b/w 2 samples, factor analysis

Questionnaire availability Yes

Number of research Demographic: Households & organizations Model Variables: 2

Major References  nunnally, 1967: 83-94
 Buttel and Flinn, 1967: Buttel,1977
 nunnally, 1967: 79-83; 99
 Heise and Bihrnstedt, 1970: 114-118

Research Model (Snapshot of research model with constructs) if available


Hypothesis Framed

Sl. Hypothesis Findings

No (Accept/Reject)

Key Research Findings

 General public tends to accept the content of the emerging environmental

paradigm much more than expected.
 Both samples respond to NEP items in a relatively consistent fashion

Research Summary (Summarize the research study with main objective of the study and
research finding, Max. 2-3 lines)

We surveyed the level of public underwriting of the NEP and building up an instrument for
estimating it and understood the significance of additional investigation of NEP.

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