Journal 5 - Capstone Project

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Anoop Randhawa

January 10, 2021

Weekly Journal - Capstone Project

Progress I have made during this past week:

(Don’t forget to provide a breakdown of time spent on each item listed)
● I created a plan/outline for my final presentation - 30 minutes
● I began putting together my final presentation (I have started to create the slides for the digital
presentation) - 1 hour
● I continued to learn ASL through the online lessons (I completed 4 lessons in total) - 5 hours

What I need to move forward with my Capstone (time, space, materials, contacts):
● I will need to spend more time working on putting together my final presentation
● I will have to meet with Stacy via a Zoom meeting and practice establishing and maintaining a
conversation in ASL
● I will have to ask for permission from Stacy to record one of our ASL conversations to add to
the final presentation
● Throughout the upcoming week, I will have to spend 5-7 hours to continue to complete my
ASL lessons

Obstacles I have encountered and how I’ve moved forward:

● Originally, I was planning to meet up with Brittany, my community connection, at school to
practice establishing and maintaining a conversation in ASL
○ However, Brittany was unable to help me practice this because she felt that she did
not have enough experience to have a conversation ​completely​ in ASL
○ This is one of my major goals for the project that I would love to achieve, so I had to
quickly find someone else to take Brittany’s place
■ I have contacted Stacy (my mentor from last year’s project), and I am hoping
we can arrange a few zoom meetings to practice
● But, I am still waiting for a response back from her
■ Right now, I am in a difficult situation because all I can really do is sit and
● I am hoping to receive a response back from Stacy at least by early
next week. Otherwise, I will just have to find someone else
● I don’t think this is a situation I could have prevented because I had talked to Brittany about
practicing conversations in ASL many weeks ago

Obstacles I can foresee in my next steps:

● As mentioned earlier, if Stacy does not get back to me by the upcoming Monday or Tuesday, I
will have to search around for someone else who could help me with this
○ This may be a difficult task because there’s not much time left to complete the
project, which means I will be asking people on a very short notice
● To make my job slightly easier, I will be asking Brittany if she has any connections to people
who are fluent in ASL
● Fortunately, if I do find someone, we can simply meet via virtual meetings rather than having
to decide on a location and then commute to that place

The skills I’ve used and what I’ve learned:

● This week, I have definitely utilized my communication skills
○ By sending well-written emails, I have been able to share information effectively and
ask questions respectfully
● I have also learned that I feel more confident and organized once I write things down for
○ For example, once I created an outline for my final presentation, not only did I feel
calmer but I felt more confident in my ability to create a final presentation that I will be
proud of

My goals and deadlines for next week:

● By Friday, January 15, 2021, complete five more ASL lessons
● If Stacy does not respond by Tuesday, January 12, 2021, I must contact other people who are
fluent in ASL and would be willing to assist me with reaching my goal
● By Saturday, January 16, 2021, complete 65% of my digital presentation
● Sometime next week, I will have to meet with someone via a Zoom meeting and practice
establishing and maintaining a conversation in ASL
● Continue to create schedules, use my planner, and avoid distractions to ensure that I
efficiently organize and use my time

My evidence of progress. This can include but is not limited to: diagrams, screenshots,
photos, videos, rough drafts, schedules, meeting notes, mind maps, etc.

● My outline for the final presentation:

● Screenshots of my online ASL lessons:


Total Hours Posted on Last Journal 26 hours and 55 minutes

Hours used since last journal entry 6 hours and 30 minutes


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