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10/march/2019 first season examination 2018-2019

Time: 160 min second year classes Radiation protection

Q1/ Define the following terms. (20 Marks)

1- Radioactive Half-life 2- Half Value Layer 3- Effective dose 4- Radiation protection

9- Radioactive decay:

Q2/ choose the correct answer. (Choose only 5) (20 Marks)

1- Double strand break in same rung of DNA ladder is

a- easy for the cell to repair.

b- normal for the cell to repair.

c- difficult for the cell to repair.

2- The occupational limit on effective dose is

a- 20 mSv per year, although it could be average over 5 years with a maximum of 50 mSv in
any one year but more than 100 mSv during 5 years
b- 20 mSv per year, although it could be average over 5 years with a minimum of 50 mSv in
any one year but not more than 100 mSv during 5 years
c- 20 mSv per year, although it could be average over 5 years with a maximum of 50 mSv in
any one year but not more than 100 mSv during 5 years

2- The limit for a woman who had declared pregnancy woman equivalent dose is
a- 2 mSv to the internal of the woman’s abdomen.
b- 2 mSv to the surface of the woman’s abdomen.
c- 2 mSv to the surface of the woman’s chest.

3- Thyroid (W T = 0.05) examination by x-ray (W R= 1) Measured Radiation Absorbed Dose Radiation

is 20mGy. The effective dose is

a- 0.5 mSv/h
b- 1 mSv/h
c- 2mGy/h

4- A radiation worker received a gonadal dose of 25 mGy over the course of a year. If 100% of this
dose was from a source emitting gamma radiation (W= 1), the equivalent dose is
a- 25 mGy
b- 25 mSv
c- 25 µSv
5- A person exposed 20 μGy/hr of fast neutrons (neutron energy 10 kev to 100 kev) and 2 μGy/hr
Alpha particles and 60 μ Gy/hr gamma radiation What is the total dose received if working for
three hours at the site?

a- 300 μSv/hr
b- 600 μSv/hr
c- 900 μSv/hr

Q3/ solve following questions. (20 Marks)

1- In CT scan control room there is have leakage 20 µSv/h what is the dose per scan
(If, every scan is 10 second)?

2- If an x-ray beam has an intensity of 1.2 mGy at 40 cm, what is the intensity of the
beam at 80 cm?

Q4/ Answer the following questions. (Choose only two) (20 Marks)

1- Write 10 equipment use for radiation protection.

2- What is the basic principle for radiation protection? And explain briefly.
3- Explain indirect interaction of ionizing radiation with DNA?

Nabaz Ahmed Saleem

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