NEF Advanced Grammar Checker PDF

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Clive Oxenden Christina Latham-Koenig New Crm og LaCie oa ENG This Grammar Checker: ; revises the grammar from New English File Upper-intermediate includes full grammar tables and revision exercises prepares students for New English File Advanced 1A question formation T Can you drive? Whyare you crying? 2. Where do you lve? Did you go out ast nih? | 3 Why dit you ke the in Isnt this beatil poce? | 4 What are they talking about? Whereis she from? 5 Who lives this house? How many people came othe pars? 5 {6 Could you tell me where this bus goes? Do yo kowow if he’s coming? 1 Tormake questions with modal verbs and with tenses where there isan auxiliary verb (be, have, ete) invert the subject and the modal / auxiliary verb 2. With the present and past simple, add do / does or did . before the subject you expect somebody to agree with you, ngbnaxO ovild ninan medic I 3. We often use negative questions to show surprise oF when « Welte tetheqution word andthe pepsin Sf ol thal le afb gain dor « Ue eee Epa wy i eae ates eae bar ales ae et OY Cl nw Sa ee ++ You can use if or whether after Can you tell me, Do you know, etc., e.g. Can ject aaa auxiliary verbs TA Do you speak French? 3 A Toved the film. ‘A Thaven' finished yet. Hesa doctor and so is his wife 4A Lwent toa psychic yesterday. | A Mlmake the dinner. | 5A You didat lock the door! A Silvia isnt coming. 6 You wont forget, will you? Your wife B Sodid | B Did yout B Yes, 1do, Quite well 2 like dogs, but my husband doest’t Jim's coming, but Anna isnt B Neither have L B Will you? That’ great! B 1 did lock it | promise B She is coming I've ust spoken toher. | * in speak Italian, can't she? 4 to make echo questions to show interest, 5 to show emphasis in a positive sentence. With the present / past simple, add dof does / did before the main verb. With other auiliares stress the auxiliary verb. 6 to make question tags. Use a postive question tag with a negative verb and a negative ‘question tag witha positive verb. Question tags are often used simply to ask another pron tae wih ou eg. 2 tice days? Ia this case the question tag Use auxiliary verbs (do, have, etc.) or modal verbs (can, must, et, 1 in short answers, instead of answering just Yes / No. 2 to avoid repeating the main verb / verb phrase, eg. I like dogs but my husband doesn (like dogs). {3 with so and neither to say that something isthe same. Use so + auxiliary + subject with a positive verb, and neither (or nor) + auxiliary + subject with a is said with falling intonation, i. the voice goes down + Question tags can also be used to check something you think is true, eg. Shes a ‘painter, isnt she? In tis case the question tag 1s said with rising intonation, as ina normal negative verb yes/no question. 1c present perfect (simple and continuous) present perfec simple: have /has + past participle _ presen perfect continuous have / has + been + verb+ ing 1 ve Geen to Aust, Have you ever broken 1 Ho lang have you bee singe hs! ve een working ee or your lg two months 2 Wevejust phoned the doctor 2 havent been sleeping wel cet ts been raining on an ofl day: Tye already finished my uch 3 ve been shopping all morning. Im exhausted 3 Ith the best book I've ever read. ‘A Take your shoes off. They're filthy. Ws the first time we've dome this, B Yes, I know. I've been working in the garden, 4 My sisters hada baby! Look, Pve cut my finger. m heehee 5 T've known her since I was a child, (Une the present perfect continous Saebbedthe ob Beate moet 1 with How long? and for / ice with action verbs to say that an action started in 6 How many of his books have ou read? the past ands still happening now. |S ahaa nat hei is wee 2 frrepened cos pci hate esion og adr. Freeclaim 3 continous actions which have just inished (but which have presen resus). ‘Use the present perfect simple 1 totalk about past experiences when you dont say present perfect simple or continuous? ‘when something happened 2 with already just and yet 5 with superlatives and he fst second, ls time ee 4 forfinished actions (0 time is spciied) which are ‘connected in some vay with the present. ‘with How long? and for / since wth non-action ‘ers (= verbs not usually wed in the continuous Ton, eg be, have, know, ike, ete) to say that something started in the past andi stil true now. 6 when we ay / ask Row much many we have done tor how fet we have done something upto now 1 Weve lived / We've been living in this town Since 1980, ‘We've been living ina rented fat for the last two months, 2 We've painted the kitchen. We've been painting the kitchen. With How long..? and for! since you can often use the present perfect simple or continuous. However, we often prefer the present perfect continuous for shorter, more temporary actions. The present perfect simple emphasizes the completion of an action (= the painting is finished). The present perfect continuous emphasizes the continuation of an action (= the painting is probably not finished. 1A a Order the words to make questions. friend knovn long best have How you your How long have you known your bestfriend? you emails send ever Do theatre the was time you to the When last went if Could supermarket here you a me near tells there Junch usually Who the cooks out do going Who like you with 6 in dorit evenings you What doing the like 7 jacket to would What you kind like buy of 8 you time film know finishes Do what the ta ga 'b Complete the questions. Where did you goon holiday ast year? (you / go) How often pizza? (you / eat) Who Great Expectations? (write) Could you tell me how much 2 (one ticket / cost) What after I left? (happen) your trip to Rome last weekend? (you / enjoy) What kind of music 2 (Steve / usually listen to) Who ‘Mia’ mobile phone? (steal) Do you know when __? the post office / close) Where your sister tonight? (you / meet) Can you tell me where 2 (she /live) 1B a Complete the mini-dialogues with an auxiliary verb. A You didrit remember to buy coffee. B Idd Ws in the cupboard, 1A Itshot today, iB Yes, iS boiling. ‘A So you didnt go to the lecture? BI go to the lecture, but [left early 3 A What did you think of the performance? B Tom liked it, but 1. T thought it was awful, A Lwouldrit want to bea millionaire B Neither L A David doesnt like me. B He like you. He thinks you're very nice. ‘A Helen has had a baby. B she? I didn't know she was pregnant! ‘A Will your brother be at the party? B No, he He away this week. 8 A [canit come tomorrow. B 6 you? Why not? b Complete the conversation with auxiliary verbs. ‘A You're Toms sister, arent you? B Yes,1! ‘A. This is a rubbish club, ?__it? B It? okay. Iquite like the music. A‘ your hate it! B Oh! you been here before? A Yes16 Itwas better when I came. heard this D] before. B Neither’ 1. ‘A So® you go out a lot then? B Quite alot, but 1! go to places like this. No! usually either. B Tilovea drink ‘A So2__ 1, Wheres the bar? 1c Circle the correct form of the verb, Tick () if both are correct. Have you ever(@ied)/ been trying caviar? b Complete the sentences with the present perfect simple or continuous. 1 Hes lived | He's been living here for two years. Tye bought __ a new car. Do you like it? (buy) 2 Your mother has phoned / has been phoning you three times 1 We Dave and Julia for years. (know) already today! 2 You look tired. properly? (you / 3 The kde ane exhieunted because teva ¢ theyive Geen running sleep) . around all day. 3 Rowe her chores so she can't go out 4. She hasnt seen | She hasn't been seeing the new Harry Potter Abul octane 2 They live in New Alle yet: York now. (they / move) 5 Tve never met / I've never been meeting his girlfriend, have you? 5 How long together? About a year? 6 We've learned ! Weve been learning English all our lives. (Daisy and Adam /Tive) 7 Tve tidied | Tve been tidying the shed all afternoon. Ive nearly 61 time to make lunch, Shall we go 10 finished. Shell be here soon. She’ just left / She’ just been leaving home, How long have you had / have you been having your computer? ‘Oh no! Someone has left /has been leaving the window open. to a restaurant? (not have) We for so long! Do you think were lost? (walk) my biscuits? There aren't many leftt (you /eat) adjectives as nouns, adjective order nationalities 48 1 The English are famous for drinking a, The Dutch make wonderil cheers. The Chines invented paper 2. The Argentinian inverted the tango The Greeks ar ery extrovert. 3.‘The Turks drinks lot of fe. The Poles pla to bsketball 1 You can use he with the nationality adjectives eich end in-sh- Yq can use He, The man, te. (Lethe subject ofthe aus) + ir sid beloved et {10+ kav (fob) or perect ianiive (ee to have bse) 3B future perfect and future continuous fare perfect wil have + past participle future continaons wll be + verb + ing Ti have finished the article by Friday, so T'emailtto you then) [Dont phone betwen 7.00 and 800 aswel be having supper hen “They have bil the new terminal nei month time This hme next week be ying on the beach, 7 Use the fature perfect wo sty something wil be nished + Use the future continuous to sy that an action willbe Defore «certain time inthe ftir in progres ata certain time nthe ature Thistense fequeatly used with the time expressions by Sona : Saturday! March 2030, rin fo weeks} month e Vic ence eee ey + Biy+a ime expression ~ a the atest. With in you can sy in or decided, Pl be going tothe supermarket later | 3C conditionals and future time clauses (with all present and future forms) zero conditional Ifyou haven't been to London, you haven't lived. If you want tobe it, you have to do exercise every da your muscles ache every day, you are probably doing too much exercise first conditional + To talk about something which is always true or always happens as a result of something els, use if+ present simple, and the present simple inthe other clause. + You can also use the present continuous or present perfect in ether clause. fature time clauses Ifthe photos are good, PU send them to you. If you're not going, I'm not going to go citer. If Thaven't come back by 9.00, start dinner without me Til be ready as soon ax Fve had a shower, Wel probably be watching the Cup Final when you arrive. Were not going to go out until the rain has stopped. {'m not going to work overtime unless I get paid. Til have finished in an hour ifyou don't disturb me, + You can use any present tense in the ifelause (present simple, continuous or perfect) and any future form (will, going 1o, Future perfec, future continuous) or an imperative in the other clause, “Take your umbrella in ease it rains + When you are talking about the future, use a present tense ate these expressions: 1s sont as, when, until, unless, before, afer and in case. This can be any present tense, eg. present simple, present continuous, present perfect. + We use in case when we do something in order to be ready for future situations / problems. Compare the use of f and in case: Tiltake a jacket ifs cold. = [wont take one if is not cold, ‘Il takea jacket in case its cold. = Tl take a jacket anyway because it might be cold. 3A a Rewrite the sentences in the passive (without by...) The police caught the burglar immediately ‘The burglar was caught immediately 1 Police opened the road when it was safe, | ‘The road, 2 Somebody has stolen my camera. My camera... 3 The cleaners are cleaning his house. | His house... 4 Welllhold a meeting next week. A meeting 5 The inspector fined me for travelling without a ticket. L 6 They can arrest you for drink-driving. | You. 7 She thinks someone was following her last night. 8 They had sold the house a long time ago] ‘The house. She thinks she... REVISION Fite 3 b Rephrase the sentences to make them more formal, People think the murderer is a woman. It is thought that the murderer is a woman, The murderer is thought to be a woman, 1 Police believe the robbers are local men It. The robbers... 2 People say the muggers are extremely dangerous. I. The muggers. 3 Police think the burglar entered through an open door. It. The burglar 4 Police think the killer is hiding nearby. U.. Thekiller. 5 Lawyers expect that the tral will lst three months. I.. The trial a Complete the sentences using the future perfect or future continuous. The film starts at 7.00, I will arrive at the cinema at 7.15. When I arrive at the cinema, the film will have started , (start) 1 The plane to Rome takes off at 9,00 and lands at 10.30. At 10.00 they, to Paris. (fly) 2 I save €150 every month. By the end ofthis year, I £€1800. (save) 3 L usually leave my house at 7.30. The drive takes about an hour. At 8.00 tomorrow I to work. (drive) 4 Our meeting starts at 3.00. You can't ring me after 3.00 because we a meeting. (have) 5. Amy is paying for her ca. The last payment isin February. By March she for her car (pay) 6 His last exam is on May 31st. By the beginning of June he his exams. (finish) 3C a Circle the correct form. Don't worry, Rob(will have passed)/ has passed the exam © if he’ studied hard enough 1 If im not feeling / 1 won't be feeling better tomorrow, T'm going to take the day off 2 James won't be going / doesnt go to work next week, because he going on holiday. 3 Dorit call Chloe now, It late andl she'l sleep be sleeping, 4 The police can stop your car if you aren't wearing / won't be wearing a seat bet, 5 If were lucky, weil have moved / weve moved house by Christmas. 6 Ifplants arent looked after, they die / will have ded. b Complete the dialogue with verbs in the future continuous or future perfect. A. Well, it looks like the weather is going to be very different in the 22nd century. B What do you mean? A Well they say wellbe having much higher [Me temperatures here in Madrid, as high as 40°C, [Ott ‘And remember, we !_ nextto [YO the pool, we ? every day in those | GuapPe conditions. Parts of Egypt > by |doubl 2150 because of the rising sea level. They say the number of forest fires 4 bythe |87W middle of the century too, so even more people [4 Out 5 into the cities looking for work, |7¥°0 Big cities 6 ‘even busier by then, ‘Can you imagine the pollution? But fossil fuels like coal and oil” by then anyway, so nobody will have a car Someone $ anew method of transport, so we ® around in clectric hovercraft or something! ‘Complete the sentence with a time expression from the list. Til call you 4S.00m @5 | get back. 1 He will lock the door he goes tobed. | rep 2 They're taking umbrellas __ it rains. 3 Lily will work from home tomorrow before her boss needs her in the office if 4 TLeall you arrive in London. | incase(x2) 5 Do you want to eat the play? unless 6 Tl make a cake have time. wa 7 Well take sandwiches wwe get hungry. |“M™ 8 They'll be in the park teatime, 4A unreal conditionals second conditional sentences: f+ past simple, would / wouldn't + infinitive 1 If there was a fire inthis hotel, it would be very difficult to escape wouldnt live in the country if| didnt have a car 2 If you weren't making so much noise, I could concentrate better. 3 If were you, 1 make Jimmy wear a helmet when he’ eyeling. 1 Use second conditional sentences to talk about hypothetical or improbable situations in the present / future. 2 In the fclause you can also use the past continuous, n the other clause you can use could or might instead of would, eg Ifyou weren't making so much noise, I could concentrate better, 3 With the verb be you can use was or wer for I, he, and she in the fclause, eg, Ifhe was / were here, he would know ‘what to do, However, in conditionals beginning IfT were you... to give advice, always use were. third conditional sentence: f+ past perfect, would / would have second or third conditional? = petri 7 Ifyou studied more, you would probably pass T Ifyou had studied more you would fave done Beier in the exams. theca wouldnt have been late hadn't overslep 2 Ifyou had studied more, you would probably 2. He would have died ifhe hadn't been wearing a helmet. [If they had known you were coming, they might have stayed longet |_E have passed the exam, cose s STi i contin bceaerw alksbou'atypotichal pen” con ea eclinmaiee 2= Me ee NE AE ene eee em 2 You can also use the past perfect continuous in the if clause. You can use [AA We sometimes mix second and third condiionals ] Bore eras see ae foes Ie 4. Ne somating ond nd ir contol pe le roe 4B past modals matt might Icon‘, et. + have + past participle should + have + past participle ied bea peed eens taicaTpilienaeet gee Try hoo hae tld you cir 2 Sondody migtineaclerereaktonenyooweecetigetie won| | Wesegen tet wx, Weshoulds wen ocwoial in anon aoa Ho age eeeaaas cae {_theycavthaveseenus.ttvasoo dak“ a Pan ng ng ee en ear Bicumoce ingen nei I ease you tc ste ea cing Eppa oc wes toe 2c Sa A. The opposite of must have is cant have NOT must have. 2 Use might may hove when you think it possible that something happened for was tue. You can also use could have with ths meaning, eg The could have Stolen you wale! when you were geting off the tran. 3: Use can have when you ate almet sure something dst happen or that itis imponsbe You can aso wse couldnt have verbs of the senses took fel smelt / sound | taste 1 She looks tired That smells good! These jeans dont fee comfortable 2 He look ike his father This material fees ike silk, This tastes ike ea, not cote. 3 She looks as if she's heen crying It smells a if something's burning It sounds as fit’ raining 1 Une lok fel te. + adjective 2. Use look fel e+ ke + noun. [feet can also mean want would like I dot fl ike going ou 3 Use look ik t+ as f+ case + Yucan use like ras hough instead ofa fg I sounds ike as though it ining : T donit want to go ou. 4A a Complete with a suitable form of the verb in brackets. Ife fade broken his lg, he would have played (not break) 1 yous drink f youl asked, (buy) ia Bea b Complete using a second or third conditional I didn't wait another minute. I didnt see you. If [a waited another minute, J would have seen you. 2 IfMaria tobed so late she wouldnt have been 1 Latke missed the train. He arrived late atthe party so tired. (not go) If Luke hadnit missed the train, 3 Ifyou me the money, Il be able to go. (lend) ep ecea Gris ton muchos She Gs Ikandso/conoentrate 4 If someone’ wallet, Fd give itt the police. (find) es Wetulit inecon Hive cuikite makalitie Se ily 3 Itstarted snowing. We didn't keep on walking. tdi re ie didnt buy the jac nt ft her properly. 6 tf1_—___plants more, 1 towater them. Millie would have bought the jacket if. (ike / remember) 5 dont drive to work. I haven't got a car. 7 You the news if you hadnt stayed in bed. (hear) [4 drive to work if 8 Ifthey more outgoing, theyd have more friends. 6 Matt doesnt speak Italian fluently. He wont get the job. (be) If Matt spoke Italian fluently, 4B a Rewrite the bold sentence with must / might (not) / can't + b have + verb. ‘Fm sure I left my umbrella at home. I don't have it now. Tmust have left my umbrella at home. Pm sure Holly has read my text message. I sent it hours ago. Ben is crying. Perhaps he's had an argument with his girlfriend. Sam and Ginny had a map. I'm sure they haven't got lost ‘You went to school yesterday? Thats impossible. It was Sunday! Pm sure John didn't see you, You know he wasnt wearing his lasses 6 Maybe Lucy has a new car. I saw her driving a Mercedes! 7 Perhaps Alex wasn't very ill. After all, he was only off for 8 cone day. ‘They didnt come to our party I'm sure they forgot about it. Respond to the first sentence using should / shouldn't hhave + a verb in the list. buy eat go stay invite learn save ‘A Sue isin bed with a stomach ache B She shouldn't have eaten’ so much chocolate cake. 1 A Wecouldsit understand anybody in Berlin. B You some German before you went 2A I've finished all of my chocolate already. B You some for later. 3. A Rob was late because his train was delayed. B He by car, i's sometimes faster 4A Amanda was rude to everybody last night. B You her. She so mean. 5 A You cant even carry all your shopping bags! B Iknow! | so many things. 6 A Tom looks really tied, B Iknowh ‘out all night before work, 4c a Circle the correct form. Your boyfriend looks (looks like)a rugby player. You've gone abit green. You look / look as ifa bit sick! ‘What’ for breakfast? It smells smells like pancakes. I think Sue and Paul have arrived. That sounds / sounds like their car. Have you tried the cake? It tastes as if tastes itis homemade. Are you OK? You sound J sound as ifa bit tired Can you put the heating on? It els / feels lke a freezer in here! You both look / look like very happy. Congratulations! These shoes fel / fel lke real leather. Lets go to bed. It looks FTooks as ifthe fireworks have finished. 10 Can you close the window? Something outside smells / smeils ike nasty a Match the two halves of the sentence. 1 That group sounds like A an artis. 2 Those boys look B very tuneful 3 She looks like C expensive 4 That guitar sounds D it’s cooked. 5 He looks asi E abit too ripe 6 Your new car soundsasif 1 F REM. 7 Your new jacket feels G like their father 8 This apple tastes Hit needs salt 9 It smells as if I flowers. Jit already broken, K he needs a drink. 10 Your perfume smells like 11 This rice tastes as if gerunds and infinitives ‘tbs followed bythe gerund and verbs followed bythe infinitive 1 Tenjoy listening to musi. {couldnt help laughing. 2 want to speak to you. They can afford to buy a new car. 3 Itmight rain tonight. would rather eatin than go out tonight. + Wen one ve allows ater the ist verb determines the farm of the second “This can be the gerund (verb + -ing) or the infinitive (with or without to). 1 Use the gerund afer ceinin verbs and expressions eg. ad, avoid, con fel, ct sad erry on: dey enon any. fnsh geo for ane inves mind mis posipne practi. isk, op sue. 2. Usethe infinitive (wth afer certain verbs and expressions eg agree, prea be able, afford ct wa, decide, expe, happen have) Hp ar mana fron en proms fs, som ach eoeeee a 3 Ue the infinitive (without) fer modal verbs, eg com may, might, mus, Soul had beter, id rather and after the verbs make ade [ A tutte asin, makes fllewed bythe infinitive with fo, Compare fy toss mites us work hard At schol wee mad te weer a urform, | A. Some verbs can be followed bythe gerund or infinitive (with fo) with no ange of meaning. eg ei, tart conte A. Tike, ove, hate and prefer can also be used with cither, but the gerund is | more common when you ae tlling general andthe infative when | goatee ocean Compare sng none [Est is a ieee ac pel _verbs that cam be followed by cither gerund or infinitive with a change of meaning T Remember to lock the door. [remember going to Venice asa child 2 Sorry, forgot to do it. Tl never forget seeing the Taj Mahal. 3 Liried to open the window. ‘Try calling Miriam on her mobile. 4 You need to clean the car. ‘The ear needs cleaning. ‘+ Some verbs can be followed by the gerund or infinitive (with to) with a change of meaning. Remember + infinitive = you remember fist, then you do something. Remember + gerund = you do something then you remember it 2 Forget + infinitive = you didn't remember to do something, Forget + gerund = you did something and you wont forget it. Iris more ‘common in the negative. 3 Try + infinitive = make an effort to do something. Try + gerund = experiment to see if something works, 4 Need + gerund isa passive construction, ‘eg, The car needs cleaning =’The car needs to bbe leaned. NOT needs fo clean. used to, be used to, get used to used to did't use to + in BEtET Ts get wed a + eral used to drink five cups of coffee a day, but now I only drink tea 1 Carlos has lived in London for years. He's When I lived in France asa child used to have croissants for breakfast. used to driving on the elt I didnt recognize him. He didnt use to have a beard 1+ Use used 1 / dit use to + infinitive to talk about past habits or repeated actions or situations / states which have changed. A. used 10 doesrit exist in the present tense. For present habits, use usually + Vm not used to sleeping with a duvet. ve always slept with blankets. 2A I cant get used to working at night. I feel tired all the time, B_ Dont worry. You'll soon get used to it. the present simple, eg, I usually walk to work. NOT I wse 0 walk to work) j + You can also use would to refer to repeated actions in the pas. When Tlived ‘Use be used to + gerund to talk about a new situation which is now familiar or less strange in Pane ava cid woul always en croisants for breailst But youcant 2 Use get used fo + gerund to talk about a new tse would with non-ation verbs NOT I didn't recognize him. He wouldnt situation which is becoming familar or less strange. epee tard «+ You cant use the infinitive ater be get used NOT Heb used to dive om the ef 5C reporting verbs structures after reporting verbs + After speci reporting verbs, there are thre diferent grammatical pater [1 ode offered to dive me tothe airport +10 infnive 2+ person 10+ infinitive 3+ ing form {promised not to tll anybody ue aise apologize for 2 The doctor advised met have ars. te aed Seucsbot {persuaded ny sister not to go out with George fie comince somebody admit 3 Toungea se beagle | | promise something encourage (nat todo Namesb for “The pale accused Kar of tealng the car threaten ime |, fomching dey «To report what oer people have said, you can remind ecommend use uy ora specific verb eg, TM drive jou othe tall reget port war sus Jude said he would drive me tothe airport Jude offered to drive me tothe airport. 7 Inga senior we the nega afinive (te be) rte neve ‘gerund (no being) eg, He reminded me not tobe at. She regretted not going tothe party. 5A a Complete with the gerund or infinitive of a verb from the list. b Circle the correct form. Your hair needsGuting)/ to cut. It's really long! call not come do get go goout know talk tidy wait work I suggested calling 4 taxi so we wouldn't be late. 1 Are you busy? I really fancy 2 Ifyou carry on tonight. —, the teacher will get very angry with 1 Tremember to see / seeing the Statue of Liberty and thinking, “Wow!” 2 Dont forget to call calling your parents. I’ their anniversary. 3 Have you tried to read / reading novels in English? you. ‘ 3 Weil beter some shopping before the party tonight, A a 4 Tim very busy: Leantt keep for you. 5 I woke up in the night because I had forgotten 5 She tends upset when other people don't listen, to turn / turning my light oft 6 We decided to the garage. 6 Their house needs to paint / painting before they 7 Td rather tonight. I cant really afford to go out. , ansellit . Tait wait home for Christmas! 7 Did you remember to send / sending me your 8 9. He keeps on 10 Do you happen the time? late at work, on a big, important project. 8 Tried to learn / learning the guitar last summer, but I'm not very musical! 5B a Right (V) or wrong (X)? Correct the wrong phrases. She isnt used to have a big dinner in the evening. % isn't used to having 1 Nowadays I usetogo to the gym every day: 2 After travelling in China we got used to drink tea with, every meal. 3 Sorry, Fm not used to staying up this late during the week 4 There used tobe fields over there, before they built all those houses. 5 Paul used to having a beard and be in a rock band. He’ so serious now! 6 A [don’t think I could travel so far to get to work: B Its OK really. Luse to it now, Did you used to eat meat, or have you always been a vegetarian? 5C a Complete with the gerund or infinitive of the verb in brackets. ‘They advised me —_!0 buy _a new car. (buy) Jamie insisted on __ forthe tickets. (pay) Lauren agreed with us after dinner: (go out) | armed Jane home on her own, (not walk) Jacob admitted The doctor advised Lily ‘Our boss persuaded Megan project was finished. (not leave) Freya accused me of asking. (take) apologized to Evie for remember) bar of chocolate. (steal) smoking. (give up) before the her car without to call her (not b Complete using a reporting verb from the I b Complete with used t0, be used fo, or get used to and the verb in brackets. es Spanish so he #1sed to driving on the ight. (drive) 1 Thave to early to go running, (getup) 2 Ifyou train for the marathon, you'll have to healthily. (eat) 3 Nathan e: such difficult choices. (not make) 4 When I lived inthe countryside I my weekends walking in the hills. (spend) 5 Jasmine has three children so she busy! (be) 6 Ididnt recognize you! You lasses, didn't you? (wear) 7 Lregeet this haircut: 1 very long hair. (have) ‘Amelia is very spoilt.he_____ her things. (not share) and the verb in brackets, dleny ask offer remind refuse suggest threaten She said to me, Tl take you to the station’ She offered t0 take (‘ake) me to the station. 1 Ryan said, ‘Lets go for a walk? Ryan (go) for a walk, 2 ‘T wont eat meat any more’ said my daughter. My daughter (cat) meat any more. Sam neighbour told him, Tl call the police if t happens again: Sams neighbour (call) the police. 4 The children said, ‘We didnt write the letter? The children __ (write) the letter. 5 Simon said to me, ‘Would you like to go on holiday with me?” Simon (go) on holiday with him. 6 Molly said to Jack, ‘Dont forget to have your hair cut? Molly (have) his hair cut articles basic rules: a/ an / the, no article ‘My neighbour has just bought a dog The dog is an Alsatian, He got into the car and drove to the ‘Town Hall ‘Men are better at parking than women. I dont like sport or classical music I stayed at home last weekend. Use a/ an when you mention somebody [something for the first time or say who ‘what somebody / something is. ‘Use the when it clear who / what somebody / something is eg it has been Institutions (church, hospital, school, et.) ‘My father’ in hospital. They are building a new hos With prison, church, school hospital, and university, just thinking about the building, use a or the ‘geographical names tc. dont use an article when you are thinking about the institution and the normal purpose itis used it for. Ifyou are 1 Tunisia isin North Africa, 2 Selfridges, one of Londons biggest department stores, is in Oxford Street 3 Lake Vietoria and Mount Kilimanjaro are both in Affica. ‘The River Danube flows into the Black Sea. 5 The National Gallery and the British Museum are London tourist attractions + We don’t normally use the with: Ist cours continents eons ending with the name of county / continent i eg, North America, South East Asia, islane states, provinces, towns, and cites ‘ Sceptions th USA he UR Unted King the Netherlands the Cech Republi ‘mentioned before ris unigue). isa seis pis sep ad 1 oie cae ee S Dai ile sacri bo enka — Taner with pial and uncomtable ore, crn 3 fndiial Peurai aod lke stessiheat doce ertipvtows fio > We tcmmaly oe che eit Senet at (eth e 4 omit ana ver encase and idan groups 5 he mists of hese aemas bebciopeetor sel stk uncountable and plural nouns “uncountable nouns plural and collective nouns T The weather war ee, barat Te wast mach Wala 1 Your othe are iy! Puta pa The senery is beautiul here, butts spied byl the rubbish people leave of Some ceo trousers on. 2 Webought some new furnitare for the pen Thasatovey piece offurnitare. | | > Quemaffane very fice 3 Iron is used for building bridges. 1 Arms ins, etc.), belongings, Lose io buya pew roe, My ol one boken, dlthes Manners ousins sors ‘The following nouns ae always uncountable: behaviour, ralfic, weather, accommodation, trousers | shoris are plural nouns health, progress, scenery, rubbish, work, politics (and other words ending in is, eg athletes, with no singular. They need a plural economics). verb and cant be used with a /an. + They always ncd a singular verb they dont have plurals, and they cant be used with aan.» If they consist of two parts, eg 2. These nouns ar also uncountable: furniture, information, advice, homework, research, news, scissors trousers, shorts, they can be luck, bread, toast, luggnge, equipment. Use a piece of to tall about an individual tem. used with a ir of or some. 3 Some nouns can be ether countable or uncountable, but the meaning changes onthe 2 Crew, police, staf ae collective Ica oro = the thing sed to press clthes Other examples ase buses, paper figt, Hous and eft toa group of people time, space. quantifiers: all / every, etc. all, every, most T All animals need food, AI Truit contains sugae Al (of) the animals in this 20 look sad. The animals al looked sad 2 Everybody is here. Everything is very expensive 3 Most people live i cite Most ofthe people i this class are women 4 Allofus work hard and most of us come to cass 5 very room has a bathroom. L work every Saturday Use all oral (the + a plural or uncountable oun, All= in general il (of) the = specifi Allcan be used before a main ver (and ater be). 2 Alleait be used without anoun. Use everything! everybody ‘singular verb, eg, Everything is very expensive 3. Use most to say the majority. Mos = general Mast of= specif 4 Weofien use al most of+ an object pronoun, eg. al of us, most of them, al of yous mos of 5. Use every + singular countable noun to m ‘They need a plural ver, ——EE 1 Is there any mill 2 Isthere any food? But none of we are hang. 3 Come any weekend! Anyone can come 1 Cae no + noun anda verb or any + noun + [= web Woeierto zero quantity, Aycan also be used without a noun, 2 Ueno nove ovals vo 20 gun. You can also use none of» pronoun / noun 3 Use any (and anything, anyone, tc.) and a +) verb to mean it doesn't mater when, who, ete both, neither either T Both Perse and Marie Curie were scents, Neither Pierre teas / were aware ofthe dangers of radiation ‘ui wanted to study ether physics oF mathematics. In the end she studied both subjects atthe Sorbonne in Pais 2 She and her husband both won Nobel prizes, * Use both, either, and nether wo talk about two people thingy actions, ct bath = A and Bs ether ~A oe B; pither= not A-and not B. 1 Usea veri. The ver i plural with both, and ether singular oe plural with neither 2 When it cesta the soja can lobe sed re 3 Weorten use bot / either / neither + of + object pronoun, eg 1s, them, et or ofthe + noun, REVISION FiLE 6 6A a Circle the correct article. b Complete with the or (-) James bought(a)/ the / (~) new suit at the weekend, ‘They're going tothe _ USA to visit their family. 1 AJ The (~) washing machine we bought last week is 1 Tthink Rhodes is part of Greece. Its an island in broken already. Mediterranean. 2. We were tired so we stayed ata / the / (-) home. 2 The longest river in the European Union is River 3 Llove reading a / the / (-) comics Danube 4 Sarah has to get up at 6 a.m. so she's gone to a/ the f (-) 3. We didn’t have time to climb Eiffel Tower when we bed early. were in Paris. 5 My boyfriend rides @/ the /(-) motorbike. aavih-wakat eostana W qua abi Guaertba tie 6 Its sowing, so the cide arent going ta / the (-) 8 se OG aaa ea aE 7 Take the first right after a the / (~) town hall and keep ‘i Elsnets pest othe; momntein rangi 8 Her ex-boyfriend isin a/ the (-) prison now. He wast 6 Aitca’ largest ake is called_ Lake Victoria very nice 7 Westayed at __ Hotel St Jacques when we visited Pais. 9 People are complaining because the council have refused __§ ‘There an interesting exhibition on at National to build a / the / (-) new playground. Portrait Gallery. 10 No one is allowed to enter a /the / (-) cinema after the 9 Hebrides are islands off the coast of Scotland. fil ps started, 10 I've always wanted to visit___ China 6B a Right (7) or wrong (X)? Correct the wrong phrases. _b Circle the correct form. Tick (W) if both are correct. (Our accommodation istit satisfactory. 7 The traffic((sY are awful during the rush hour. The news are good. X The news is 1 We had a beautiful weather last weekend 2 They've got some lovely furnitures in that shop. 3 My father gave me apiece of advice that I will never forget. 4 Athletics is/are really fun to watch. Ym wearing a pair of/ some jeans and a T-shirt. Harvey's clothes look / looks a bit dirty ‘The flight crew try / ries to keep the passengers happy. She told me some /a piece of useful information in our meeting. Is that bottle made of glass / a glass? I think I'l have a / some time this evening to sort it out The police has arrested the criminals. Ted to buy a new shorts for my holiday. 6 The staffis very rude in that restaurant. 8 He’ gota / some good news for you about your birthday. 7 Your glasses are really dirty. You need to clean them. 9. We've made a lot of progresses / progress inthis meeting. 8 The homeworks were too easy for us! 10 I'm finding it harder to see. I need a new glasses / pair of glasses 6c a Circle the correct word(s) b Complete the second sentence so that it means the same Weve eaten Gil mp) all cake as the first. Use the bold word. 1 Most of / Most my closest friends went to my school, like meat. ike fish too. ike both meat and fis both 2 Tim afraid there's no / none room in the fridge 1 We could go to France. We could go to Spain, either 3 All/ Everything is ready for the show. I'm really ‘We could go excited! 2 I didn't swim in the sea. You didn't swim in the sea. neither: 4 Most | Most of people enjoy dancing, but for some swam in the sea. its too embarrassing. 3 Tthink the concert son Friday ~ but perhaps ion Saturday. either 5 She teaches English all/ every Tuesday night. The concert is . 6 We haven't got no any milk for breakfast. 4 One of my sisters could speak when she was one 7 Any / None of us want to go home. We've had a So could the other one. both peaitine when they were one, 8 New (Anja in coc t6 the pai 5 My mother doestit smoke. My brothers don't smoke. neither - smoke, 7A structures after wish wish + past simple, wish + would wouldn't Twish Twas taller! My brother wishes he could speak English better. 2. Twish the bus would come. 'm freeing. wish you wouldn't leave your shoes there. 1 almost fell over them 1 Use wish + past simple to talk about things you would like to be different inthe present / future (but which are impossible or unlikely). ‘= After wish you can use was or were with she, she, and it, I wish I were taller Use wish + person / thing + would to talk about things we want to happen, or stop wish + past perfect Twish you had told me the truth wish I hadn't bought those shoes ‘Use wish + past perfect to talk about things that happened or didat happen in the past and which you now regret [A You can also use f only instead of wish with these tenses, eg. only happening because they annoy A You cart use would fora wis out yoursel, eg, NOT I wish I would, ‘the bus would come. If only T hadnt bought those shoes | 7B clauses of contrast and purpose clauses of contrast clauses of purpose 1 Although the weather was terrible, we had a good time. Tent to work even though I was ill [like Ann though she sometimes annoys me. 2. Inspite of / Despitehis age, he is still very active. ‘being 85, he is still very active the fact that he’ 85, hei ill very active T Twent tothe bank to inorder to talk to my bank manager. soasto 2. T went to the bank fora meeting with my bank manager. 3 I went to the bank so that I could take out some money. 4_Lvsrote it dovsn so-as mot to forget it. Ge eels Race rp ited Be op errr phe mute eames a EEG tee iar nducndic airer Seales Tied boat tagh cia alfa ee Mera en [A Dorit use of with despite NOT Despite ofthe rain. + Use to, onder to, 50a to, fr and 0 that to express purpose. 1 After, order to, and 0 a ous a infinitive 2 Useforbanouneg.fore mecting ‘A. You an also use or + gerund to describe the exact porpos ‘og This guid for leaning metal 5 Alters hat use a subject * modal verb (cam, could, would, a) 4 To expres negative purpose se so as not orn onder not tONOT not to You can ao uses het subject + would 5g Trae it down so that T would forge te TC relative clauses defining relative clauses non-defining relative clauses ‘won a prize, 2. Thats my neighbour whose dog never stops barking you about, (who) [ean talk t, That’ the drawer in which I keep my keys T Shes the woman who / that lives next door. Thats the book which / that 5 james is the man (who) I met at the party. That’ the shop (which) I told 5. She told me what she had seen, What | like best about London is the parks. T Myaunt, who doesn't like eats, was given kitten for Christmas, The palace, which was built in the 12th century, is visited by thousands of tourists 4. My sister the only person to whom I ean talk My sister’ the only person. 2 Adriana hasn't come to cass for wo ‘weeks, which isa bit worrying, 1 Arnon defining relative clause gives extra, + Use who, which, whose, whom, and what to introduce a defining relative clause, Le. a clause which gives essential information about somebody or Something 1 You can use that instead of who / which 2. Use whose to mean ‘of whe! or ‘of which: 3 When who or which are the object of the verb in the relative clause, you can leave them out 4 Aftera preposition, use whom for a person and which fora thing, ron essential information about a person or thing + In written English, this kind of clause is separated by commas, or between a comma and a fall stop. + You cant use that instead of who / which 2 Which can also be used to refer to the whole of the preceding clause In informal English, i is moze common to leave out the relative pronoun and [put the preposition after the ver. 5 Use what as a relative pronoun to mean ‘the thing’ or ‘things which, TA a Circle the correct form. I wish 1@as)’ would be thinner! My clothes don't fit me! wish had / would have curly bait! She wishes her family lived / would live in the same town, You're driving too fast [wish you stopped / would stop speeding. | wish it rained / would rain. My plants are all dying! James has been wearing that jumper for years. I wish he bought / ‘would buy some more clothes. 6 Amy wishes she knew / would know how to use a computer. 7 Tim too hot. I wish my flat had / would have air conditioning 8 Their music is loud. I wish they turned / would turn it down, b Write a sentence with I wish + past perfect. [ spent all my money last night and now I'm broke. ish T hadn't spent all my money last night. eft my wallet on the table and someone stole it. 2 Ididntt check my watch, so I missed my favourite TV programme. bought a house in the city, but I really miss the seaside. I dropped my phone last night, and now its broken, Unfortunately, [ was away for her birthday. 1 didn't have any sleep last night and now I'm really stressed. 7B a Complete the sentences with one word. ‘Were happy in our new house, rough _ there’ a lot to do, Rewrite the sentences. Despite playing badly, they won the match. 1 Camping was fun the weather. Even though they played badly, they won the match. 2 Carl hates karaoke, though he’s very good at singing. 1 We arrived at the station early o as not to miss the train. | We went shopping buy your birthday present. We arrived atthe station early so that... 4 Sandy made a note of the date so she could book 2 Despite earning very little, she loves expensive things, tickets later. Although. 5 My mother called the hairdressers in toccancel her 3 Everyone stayed late even though the music was bad, appointment. Everyone stayed late in spite of. 6 Ali passed his driving test in ofthe fact that he was 4 We enjoyed the picnic despite the rain. very nervous. ‘We enjoyed the picnic even though... 7 Angela took a jacket so not to get cold. 5 Ltold him I liked the music so that I wouldn't be rude. 8 though the waiter was rude, the meal was delicious. I told him I liked the music s0 as... 9 Lwent home change my clothes before I went out. 6 ‘The manager called a meeting so as to gret the new staf 10 boeing very late, he seemed calm and relaxed. ‘The manager called a meeting in order... 7 Right (%) or wrong (X)? Correct the wrong sentences. ‘There’s the man I met on the bus. 7 Shes the woman vho her daughter works with me. X whose daughter works... b Joi 1 This s the book I was telling you about 2 Is this the bus that goes to the city centre? a 3 She told her boss she was ill, that was absolutely true. 4 My daughter, that is very tall, wants to be a model, 3 5 The employee to who I spoke was very helpful 6 My flatmates always eat that I cook, 4 7 Red squirrels, which are found in the north of England, are very rare, 8 The man who suitcase disappeared is my brother. ‘ 9) Did you hear I just said? 10 ‘The chocolate what I bought last night is already gone! 7 jn the sentences with a relative pronoun. Be careful with the punctuation, I've just failed my driving tet. Its a pity. ve just failed my driving test, which is a pity His girlfriend is very clever. She’ a professor at the university. His girlfriend, ‘They sent us a Christmas card. This was a complete surprise. They. He vas trying to explain, I didn't understand. Tdidnt understand... I want to buy that car Its a Mini. The car I spoke to a police officer. She was very helpful ‘The police officer. We bought our computer years ago. It crashes all the time. Our computer I sawwa nice hatin a shop yesterday. It isnt there any more. The hat... 1ts to0 cold in my bedroom. This makes it impossible to sleep " = OXFORD (Great Carendon Suet, Onfoxd ona 6oP (Oxford Universit ress isa department of the University of Oxford IefutherstheUniversiy' objec excelence a nseath soi, and education by publishing worden Onford New York Avekland Cape Town Dar. 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