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University area Zurich Center

"Pavilion in the Park"

Project competition in open procedure

Answering questions
October 22, 2020


Place of job advertisement Office

Area Management University Area
Zurich Center Neumühlequai 10
8090 Zurich

Table of contents

1 Fragenbeantwortung ................................................................................................................. 4
1.1 Occasion and Ausgangslage ............................................................................................ 4
1.2 Verfahren ........................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Procedure and dates Projektwettbewerb .......................................................................... 5
1.4 Wettbewerbsaufgabe ........................................................................................................ 5
1.5 Rahmenbedingung ............................................................................................................ 8
1.6 Unterlagen ....................................................................................................................... 14
1.7 Grundlagen ...................................................................................................................... 17

2 Supplementary Arbeitsunterlagen ......................................................................................... 19


1 Answering questions

The following questions were received in the context of the question and answer session of the
project competition "Pavilion in the Park" in due time by 12 October 2020 and are answered below.

1.1 Occasion and starting position

Question 1: Wieso wurde die Idee des Pavillons (Agora) im Weissbuch nicht
weiterverfolgt? Antwort: The Agora was always understood as a placeholder.
According to the decision of the tax
In order for the final design of a pavilion, a project competition must be carried out
by the project committee.

Question 2: Is the existing White Book to be understood as a landscape guide? What is

the role of the already designed idea of the agora / the depicted architectural
Antwort: The White Book is to be understood as a set of rules for quality assurance (see
also White Book, page 13). The idea already drafted is irrelevant; the previous
concept of the Agora cannot be pursued further in this form.

Question 3: Welche Grundsätze der Agora sind in der Planung zu berücksichtigen?

Antwort: The Agora was the name of the lively meeting place in the park, where the
In this sense, it is not a campus institution, but a building block that benefits the
neighborhood as a whole.

Question 4: When is the preliminary project of the park shell expected to start? (Da-
Antwort: The park shell will be deepened and worked on in the future with the road
project Rämi-/Gloriastrasse. The preliminary project is expected to start in the
first half of 2021.

Question 5: What use was in the house, which is to be demolished with the number
84 and still stands 5: in the pavilion area?
Antwort: Currently, a day nursery is located Antwort: there.

Question Are 6: there any plans, floor plans and sections of the existing house
including all basement floors which are to 6: be demolished?
Antwort: Yes, there are such plans, but they are not relevant because the building
cannot / should not be Antwort: preserved due to the future course of the

Question 7: Can the existing building also exist, be 7: renovated and converted?
Antwort: Cf. answer to question 6.

1.2 Procedure
Question 8: According to Section 2.5 Eligibility to participate, one must be a
provider of architectural, design and planning services with residence or business
domicile in Switzerland or in a signatory state to the GATT/WTO Agreement (...)
As I understand it, a SIA membership or a recognition of foreign diplomas (REG)
is not necessary? An architect with a foreign dip- lom and residence in
Switzerland can participate 8: in this competition?
Antwort: No SIA membership or similar recognition is required. Anyone who is resident or
domiciled in Switzerland or a signatory state to the GATT/WTO Agreement on
Public Procurement is entitled to participate, provided that this state grants
reciprocal rights (see competition program, item 2.5).

Question 9: Muss ein angestellter Architekt eine Arbeitgeberbescheinigung

vorlegen? Antwort: No, no employer's certificate is required.

Question 10: Why are the authors of the preliminary project not eligible to vote in the jury?
Antwort: The aim of the tendering body is to ensure that the Antwort: approach is as
neutral as possible and independent of the preliminary project.

1.3 Procedure and dates Project competition

Question 11: Is it possible to transfer the sum of 200 CHF deposit fee for the application
model in Eu- ros?
Antwort: No, the deposit fee must be transferred Antwort: in CHF.

Question 12: The competition program states that the model kit will be sent by mail. Can
you confirm that the delivery is also possible outside Switzerland (EU member
states). If so, are there any additional costs associated with delivery outside of
Antwort: The delivery of the model insert to eligible participants (see competition program,
item 2.5) is also possible outside Switzerland. The costs of postal delivery will be
borne Antwort: by the body issuing the invitation to tender.

Question 13: If it will not be possible to travel to Switzerland to hand over the documents due
to Covid-19, may we send them?
Antwort: Yes (see also competition program, point 3.5).

Question 14: The short portrait must be submitted by January 8, 2021. However, in accordance
with Section 6.2.5, it must also be transferred to the USB stick, which will already be
handed in on 18 December 2020. Which date is binding?
Answer: The short portrait must be submitted by January 8, 2021 at the latest. If the short
portrait is submitted after December 18, it must be submitted on a second USB
stick / CD.

1.4 Competition task

1.4.2 Competition Perimeter
Question 15: To what extent can the "Arrangement area Pavilion" be changed (e.g. towards
Answer: The arrangement area Pavilion cannot be changed. The area is fixed in such a way
that the pavilion appears as a house in the park on the one hand and on the other
hand can still develop a visual presence towards the street. The pavilion forms a
kind of 'echo' in the park towards the forum square. In addition, the flow of people
is guaranteed by the designated requirement area.

Question 16: Why can the "Pavilion arrangement area" not be as large as the proposal in
the White Paper?
Answer: In the White Book stand, the Forum Project UZH with its open space was not yet
known. The location of the requirement area pavilion reacts to this place as
'opposite in the park'.

Question 17: Can the building itself be located slightly outside of the "Arrangement Area
Pavilion"? You indicate that the location is schematic.
Antwort: No. Cf. answer to question 15.

Question 18: Can the canopy of the pavilion protrude from the "arrangement area pavilion"?
Until how far?
Antwort: No. Cf. answer to question 98.

Question 19: Do projecting structures such as canopies also have to be in the perimeter
marked in red?
Antwort: Cf. answer to question 18.

Frage 20: Wie viele Quadratmeter weist die Fläche des Betrachtungsperimeters auf?
Antwort: According to working document A3.3 the viewing perimeter has an area of
6'058 m2.

1.4.3 The Park Bowl: The surroundings of the pavilion

Frage 21: Sind Änderungen des bestehenden Vorprojekt möglich? Wenn ja welche?
Antwort: The existing pre-project provides the framework in which the pavilion will move.
and is considered to be set in this sense and at the pre-project stage. The geo-
metries of the seating steps, the concrete position of the trees, the concrete
formulation of the lighting can still change slightly in the further course of the
project planning. In particular, the project in the immediate vicinity of the pavilion
may be subject to changes due to the project.

Question 22: Is it possible to change the landscape planning surrounding the building site
depending on the concept?
Antwort: Cf. answer to question 21.

Question 23: Is the Park Bowl project adaptable in the pavilion area? (e.g. seat steps, tree
Antwort: Cf. answer to question 21.

Question 24: Is the design of the parking shell predetermined or why are the space design
features included in the plaster model?
Antwort: Cf. answer to question 21.

Question 25: Can the level of the perimeter pavilion be raised / heaped up 449 m above sea
Antwort: The heights are given Antwort: at pre-project level.

Question 26: Are bridges or footbridges allowed to be outside the "arrangement area
pavilion" as a supplement to the Park Shell project?
Antwort: No.

Question 27: Would it be possible to cover the second front cushion? If not, why not?
Antwort: It is important that the park shell appears green as a continuation of the park,
which now blends much more strongly into the urban space, and in contrast to
Forumsplatz. Therefore the second front cushion is not chaussiert. If these
conditions are met in a proposal with a second cushion in the chaussian style, this
is conceivable.

Question 28: What material are the walls and seat stairs made of? Can a material concept
of the parking shell with more precise specifications be delivered as
"Chaussierung", "Asphalt", etc.?
Antwort: At this point in time, no precise material concept can be given. The materialization
depends on the stock in the near environment. The walls and seat stairs will be
made of post-treated concrete or sandstone, the coverings of the park shell of
natural stone (type not yet defined) and Chaussierung (not yet specified).

Question 29: Which natural stone should be used for the pavement and the bands of the park
What other materials and plantings are planned by the landscape architects?
Antwort: Cf. answer to question 28: The types of planting are not yet defined, in any case
it will be a matter of trees in a dense position.

Question 30: In the "Situation Preliminary Project Park Shell with Open Space Concept"
"green cushions" and natural stone bands are shown and described in the WB
program. Are these precisely defined areas changeable in position and dimension
as well as in connection with the pavilion's composition? If not: the arrangement
area for the pavilion overlaps two/several types of pavement and the associated
topography with stair bands: how is this to be understood for the location of the
pavilion? How should the pavilion react to any fixed guidelines/geometric
arrangement of "green cushions/gravel covering", natural stone bands and stair
treads etc.?
Antwort: Cf. answer to question 21

Question 31: "The pavement belt within the arrangement area receives the same material as
the rest of the parking shell and should not be perceived as a special location. At
the same time, a "pavilion" with high architectural and exterior quality is required
in this area. How exactly should the pavilion and any fixed exterior design be
Antwort: Cf. answer to question 21: The new building is to be a pavilion in the park; its
surroundings are the park and not a separate environment.

Frage 32: Können die Kiesflächen verändert / vergrössert werden?

Antwort: Cf. answer to question 21.

Question 33: How high are the masts, lines and lighting of the VBZ and the lighting
concept? What is the maximum height in light for the pavilion so that these
installations are not affected?
Answer: The lighting concept in the parking shell has not yet been defined in terms of
exact heights. The bracing of the lighting net does not have to lead necessarily
over the pavilion, so that there are no restrictions.

Question 34: Are the masts, lines and lighting of the VBZ definitive or can their position be
Antwort: The locations of the pylons can beAntwort: changed in the further planning
while retaining the existing concept.

Question 35: The lighting is solved with pillars and hanging lights. How high are these?
Antwort: The exact dimensions are not yet given. The principle is explained in the section
(see Working Document A5.3 Illumination Concept).

Question 36: Are the light sources for the network of the braced luminaires already determined?
If yes, a corresponding product sheet can be given to the participants.
Antwort: The illuminants are not yet specified.

Question 37: Among the working documents you will find the "Lighting Concept Park Bowl".
Rope pendant luminaires are proposed for the pavilion area. In the operational
concept, the seating area in the outdoor areas should be illuminated. How are the
specifications from the lighting concept and the operating concept to be
coordinated? Can the specifications from the lighting concept be
adapted/complemented with rope pendant luminaires in the area of the pavilion?
Antwort: The coordination takes place in the further project processing. The specifications
can beAntwort: adjusted/supplemented in the pavilion area.

Question 38: To what extent are plans from the pre-project phase, e.g. lighting planning, still
Antwort: Cf. answer to question 21 ff.

Question 39: How certain is it that the Park Bowl project will be built in a line around the new
"flows" or the forms are executed as shown in the preliminary project situation
plan - see working document A5?
Antwort: Cf. answer to question 21 ff.

1.5 General conditions

1.5.1 Requirements of the project Operating concept and room program
Question 40: "The design and commissioning of the interior fittings, furnishing etc. is
carried out according to LSZ specifications and is not part of the competition".
Question: Does this mean that no concept for interior materials is required?
Antwort: The interior design determines LSZ with the future operators. The participants of
the competition can optionally submit a concept for materials in the interior to
concretize Antwort: their design idea.

Question 41: "The pavilion should be open and robust for different user concepts. What do
you mean by this?
Antwort: The building will be constructed for an operating period of at least 50 years. If
the needs of the building's use change, it should be possible to change the use
and concept of the building.

Question 42: Does the pavilion have to be a wooden building?

Antwort: No, it does not necessarily have to be Antwort: a wooden building.

Question 43: Can it be specified exactly in which program units (rooms) the respective
100% workstations are or will be located?
Answer: Yes, it can be assumed that the 100% workstations are located exclusively in the
guest room. The adjoining rooms office (kitchen), waste disposal, storage, etc.
are not permanent workplaces.

Question 44: Does the office need daylight?

Answer: Cf. answer to question 43. In principle, the provisions of the UGZ apply. The
office necessarily requires daylight if it is used as a permanent workplace.

Question 45: In the room program the point Office is indicated. However, no information on
office workplaces is entered, but kitchen appliances. Is this information incorrect?
Is there an Office? Is Office the kitchen?
Antwort: Office in the catering area means the kitchen / dishwashing area. No separate
office is to be planned for the size of the operation (mobile office / laptop,
possibly a cabinet for delivery bills / printer).

Question 46: How big is the kitchen? This is not included in the Auflistung? Or is Office the
Antwort: Cf. answer to question 45: The preparation of the meals takes place in the office.
According to the room program, 14m2 are required Antwort: for this.

Question 47: How should the warehouse be divided if it has a cold storage and a freezer?
50:50 ?
Antwort: Depending on the final operating concept, approx. 3m2 cold storage room /
approx. 3m2 deep-freeze room, approx. 9m2 dry storage.

Question 48: Does the waste disposal room have to be next to the kitchen?
Antwort: No, it is not mandatory. However, the disposal should be arranged logically for
the catering staff and not beAntwort: accessible via the guest room.

Question 49: Regarding the disposal concept, are the containers in the disposal room or outside
the premises?
Antwort: The containers are to be placed in the waste disposal room and should only
beAntwort: left outside on the day of waste collection.

Question 50: Should the waste area be integrated into the pavilion or should containers be
positioned outside?
Antwort: The containers are to be placed in the waste disposal room / pavilion and should
only beAntwort: outside on the day of waste collection.

Question 51: Can the serving counter with the bar be one room (50m2 + 10m2 = 60m2)?
Antwort: Yes, the output counter can or should (also from personnel resources) form
Antwort: a room with the bar.

Question 52: Does the counter need to be able to function outdoors?

Antwort: Yes, the output counter or a separate output window should also work Antwort:
to the outside.

Question 53: Does the delivery to gastronomy take place via the storage room?
Antwort: No, the delivery should not take place via the storage room, because the m2 are
calculated for the storage space requirements.

Question 54: To what extent is the delivery in the variant shown fixed?
Antwort: Exits and entrances result from the traffic routing in Gloria- and Rä-
mistrasse and are fixed in Antwort: principle.

Question 55: Do the deliveries for the café take place several times a day at different times
or within a certain period?
Antwort: Deliveries must be able to take place Antwort: several times a day at
different times.

Question 56: What kind of vehicle does the café deliver?

Antwort: Different suppliers will deliver with different vehicles (up to 28t). Also disposal
vehicles of ERZ for container emptying are to be included.

Frage 57: Soll ein zusätzlicher Stellplatz für Lieferanten im Aussenbereich geplant werden?
Antwort: Yes, a parking and turning area for suppliers is desirable.

Question 58: How large must the covered exterior space be?
Antwort: The outside area should have a capacity of 80-100 seats (100-150m2). 50 per
cent of the outside seats shall be covered.

Frage 59: Wie viele Sitzplätze im Aussenraum sollen mind. gedeckt sein?
Antwort: The aim is to cover 50 percent of the outside seating.

Question 60: May there be more outside seats than required?

Antwort: The number of WC units gives the maximum possible number of (inside/outside)
seats. The specifications of the UGZ apply (guest toilets in restaurants /
gen/ugz/building consultation/building permit/specialized subjects/work safety and
health protection/guest toilets.html). In addition, outdoor seating can be planned
(without obligation to consume, clearly demarcated, different materialization). As
supplementary working document A6.4 we provide the PDF, Gästetoiletten in
Gastwirtschafsbetrieben. You can obtain this from 23 October 2020 on

Frage 61: Dürfen Aussen-Sitzplätze ausserhalb des «Anordnungsbereich Pavillon» sein?

Antwort: No, the outside seats belonging to the gastronomy should be in the
and a reasonable distance to the pavilion.

Question 62: May covered seats be suggested everywhere within the viewing perimeter?
Antwort: No. Cf. answer to question 61.

Question 63: "Sun protection at the windows Sunshades are provided for outside areas.
Question: Is therefore no further sun protection necessary / possible on the
outside facade?
Antwort: The conception of the sun protection is part of the task and linked to the design /
placement of the building body. A sun protection on the outer facade is

Question 64: Is there a preferred sun protection concept for both glazed facades and for the
outer seating area? The 7th point of the operating concept is
"Sun protection at the windows, parasols are provided in the outside area".
Antwort: The conception of the sun protection is part of the task and linked to the design /
placement of the building body. A partial roofing of the exterior area is preferred,
which can Antwort: also serve as sun protection for the interior.

Frage 65: Kann die Überdachung im Aussenraum temporären Charakter aufweisen?

Antwort: No. The roofing of the exterior space serves to provide some of the seating
to make it rain and sun proof. The roofing should be robust and easy to handle.
A fixed installation is desired.

Question 66: An area with consumption compulsion is mentioned as an "important part" of

the task. In the operational concept / room program 75 or 80 - 100 seats and 100
- 150 m2 in the outdoor area are specified in this context. Is the consumption
obligation meant for the designated seats and the declared area or for a
wider/narrower outdoor area. If for a wider/narrower exterior area: how large is
this area to be designed? If the area "con- sumption constraint" differs from the
seats / areas specified in the operational concept, under what conditions is it to be
taken into account and, for example, distinguished from non-consumption areas in
terms of design?
Answer: The obligation to consume applies to all the seats (80-100) managed / furnished by
the gastronomy or the 100 - 150m2 indicated as outdoor area in the room

Question 67: Where are the chairs and tables for the outdoor seats stored?
Answer: The area should have seating all year round. The storage of chairs and tables that
are not needed is not done on site (external storage of the future operators).
Chairs and tables should be secured overnight.

Question 68: Are there any visual requirements for the ZüriWC that need to be considered in
the planning?
Antwort: The requirements of the UGZ (ZüriWC Masterplan / https://www.stadt-zu- Antwort: apply. The
Zü- riWC is equipped using prefabricated modules without any further design
options in the interior. The ZüriWC signet must be placed outside. It is possible
to double the outside door. We provide the PDF, Masterplan ZüriWC, as
supplementary working document A6.3. This can be obtained from
from 23 October 2020.

Frage 69: Können die Gäste-WC mit den ZüriWC zusammengefasst werden?
Antwort: No, they cannot or may not. The requirements of the UGZ Frage 69:
Können die Gäste-WC mit den ZüriWC zusammengefasst werden? Antwort:

Question 70: Do I need an IV toilet for the guest toilet if I already have an IV toilet at the
Antwort: Yes, there is an IV toilet for the guests and an additional one at the ZüriWC. The
requirements of the UGZ or the Conference for the Disabled of the Canton of
Zurich (BKZ) apply.

Question 71: Can the guest WC be accessed from the outside?

Antwort: No, the guest WC facilities must be accessible from the interior.

Question 72: Do the WC facilities of the ZüriWC have to be accessed via a covered area?
Antwort: No.

Question 73: Is the WC facility to be connected to the bistro or should it be able to be

operated independently with outside access? Or is only the ZüriWC provided for
this purpose?
Antwort: For guests of the bistro, separate guest toilets are provided according to the
room program. Access must be via the guest room. It must be possible to use
the additional toilets independently of the opening hours of the restaurant and
they must be Antwort: accessible from outside.

Question 74: Can it be assumed that the ZüriWC will function completely independently of
the pavilion operation in terms of time, space and operation/maintenance?
Antwort: Yes, see answer to question 73.

Frage 75: Muss ZüriWC von aussen zugänglich sein?

Antwort: Yes, see answer to question 73.

Frage 76: Muss ZüriWC zwingend in das Gebäude integriert werden?

Antwort: Yes.

Question 77: Must the ZüriWC be installed in the 140 m2 Nutzfläche

integriert werden? Antwort: Yes.

Question 78: To the ZüriWC, what is the space required for the service room?
Antwort: The total space requirement of ZüriWC is stated Antwort: as 11m2. The
modules are specified in the room program Pavilion. More detailed structural
information is available in the ZüriWC master plan.

Question 79: How many bicycle parking spaces are desired?

Antwort: The number of bicycle parking spaces depends, among other things, on the
utilization and type of use of the building. See detailed information in the parking
regulations at As
a supplementary working document A6.5 we provide the Parking Ordinance. You
will be able to obtain this from 23 October 2020 on

Question 80: Are bicycle stands allowed to be outside the "arrangement area pavilion"?
Antwort: Yes, the bicycle parking spaces should be easy to find, arranged in a reasonable
proximity to the pavilion and must be harmoniously integrated into the overall
concept of the parking shell / sidewalk area. Cf. answer to question 79.

Question 81: Should bicycle parking spaces be planned within the specified red competition
perimeter or can they be located further out?
Antwort: Cf. answer to question 79 and question 80.

Question 82: Do bicycle parking spaces have to be roofed?

Antwort: No, the bicycle parking spaces should not be covered. Cf. answer to question 80.

Question 83: For object labeling, is there a name for the café?
Antwort: The name is determined by LSZ with the future renting party. Suggestions for
the design and placement of the signalling are welcome. Building costs

Question 84: Is the budget of CHF 3-4 million really "only" earmarked for the new pavilion?
Antwort: Yes, the construction costs of the pavilion are expected to Antwort: amount to
approximately CHF 3-4 million (including interior finishing and operating
equipment, including VAT) (see competition program, point 5.1.2). Building and planning law

Question 85: Are there any other guidelines for the design of parks from the city of Zurich in
addition to the information sheets mentioned above? If so, which ones?
Antwort: No, there are no other general guidelines for the task of releasing.

Question 86: Cantonal regulations specify a green roof area and "must be complied with".
The urban guidelines do not provide for this? What applies? If the cantonal
regulations are violated, is this a criterion for exclusion?
Antwort: The cantonal design plan regulates the legal requirements for green roofs in
Art. 16. These regulations take precedence over the municipal building and
zoning regulations and must be observed.

Question 87: What is the regulation for green roofs on pitched roofs?
Answer: According to the approval practice of the building section of the City of Zurich,
roofs with a slight inclination of up to 10° are considered flat roofs and must be
greened in accordance with the requirements of Art. 16 of the cantonal GP.
There are no greening regulations for more steeply inclined roofs.

Question 88: Are the building dimensions limited length x width x height?
Antwort: According to the regulations of the Cantonal Design Plan (Art. 11 Para. 2), the
pavilion in the park may have Antwort: a floor area (GF) of no more than 200
The BZO does not make any specifications regarding the height and floor area
of the pavilion. In principle, a single-storey pavilion is to be assumed.

Question 89: What is the maximum height and room height of the pavilion?
Antwort: Cf. answer to question 88: A room height as generous as possible is
advantageous for the guest room. The ventilation system must be taken into

Question 90: According to the online GIS the plot is located in an "Archaeological Zone".
What are the requirements for this?
Antwort: No archaeological finds are to be expected in the area of the park shell. On the
part of archaeology, there is an interest to accompany Antwort: the
dismantling of the reservoir.

Question 91: At what height is the groundwater table in relation to the planning of a
Antwort: Cf. answer to question 88: The arrangement of areas in the basement should
be avoided for cost reasons. Due to the groundwater map, no restrictions
regarding groundwater levels need to be considered.

Question 92: Is it allowed to build a part of the basement, e.g. only technology?
Antwort: Basically - also for reasons of cost - a single-storey pavilion can be assumed. Cf.
answer to question 89.

Frage 93: Führt die Planung eines Untergeschosses zum Ausschluss des Wettbewerbes?
Antwort: The planning of a basement floor does not lead to the exclusion of the
advertising. However, it is recommended not to arrange areas in the basement for
cost reasons.

Question 94: Should the room program preferably be accommodated on one floor (ground
floor) or is accommodation on several floors conceivable?
Antwort: Cf. answer to question 89 and question 92.

Question 95: Is a building supported on columns considered "single-storey"?

Antwort: Whether a building supported on columns is considered single-storey depends
on the appearance of the building.

Question 96: Can the individual room areas also be divided into several small pavilions?
Antwort: No, the catering areas are to be accommodated Antwort: in a pavilion.

Question 97: The traffic construction line in the area of the parking shell along the Rämi-
and Glori- astrasse must be adhered to. However, the traffic construction line
lies outside the "A- order area pavilion". What does this line have to be observed
for then? What do you think you have to observe?
Antwort: For the completeness of the basics, the traffic construction line has been
submitted Antwort: as a working document.

Question 98: How many centimeters may the traffic construction line be exceeded by a
Antwort: If applicable, yes. The dimensions for building projections are regulated in the
Planning and Building Law Art. 99 ff. The prerequisite is that the Civil
Engineering Office of the City of Zurich will not claim the traffic construction line
in the near future. This will be specifically checked at the time of the building

Frage 99: Gibt es weitere wichtige baurechtliche Bedingungen welche zu beachten sind?
Antwort: All conditions relevant to building law are described in the competition
program, point
5.1.4 Building and planning law, recorded.

1.5.2 Park / Monument Conservation

Question 100: What are the requirements of the preservation of historical monuments?
Antwort: With regard to conditions, the information provided in accordance with the
competition program, Section 5.2 Park / Monument Preservation, must be

Question 101:Can you provide a list of the existing tree species, especially the shooters?
Antwort: Due to the changed height of the park shell compared to the current situation, no
existing trees can be preserved in the observation perimeter. The trees shown in
the park shell are therefore exclusively new plantings. The "Gutachten Park"
(A4.1), which is part of the working documents, gives on page 39 hints about the
protection worthiness of the trees in the adjacent Gloria Park.

Question 102: Can you provide a list of planned / new tree species to be planted?
Antwort: Cf. answer to question 28.

Question 103: Are there trees on the construction site for the pavilion worthy of protection or
are they new plantings?
Antwort: These are new plantings.

Frage 104:Ist es korrekt, dass der heutige Baumbestand in der Umgebung abgerissen wird?
Antwort: Yes.

Question 105:Can the number of trees within the arrangement area be reduced or
Antwort: The number of trees can be slightly reduced or increased, in any case the new
building should appear Antwort: as a pavilion in the park.

Question 106:Can the position of the trees in the pre-project (project perimeter) be
Antwort: Yes.

Frage 107:Ist der Standort der neuen Bäume zwingend zu berücksichtigen?

Antwort: Cf. answer to question 105 and question 106.

Question 108:Is the proposed placement of trees in the rootstocks verpflichtend?

Can the area around the new pavilion be adapted?
Antwort: Cf. answer to question 105 and question 106.

Question 109:Which tree species are proposed by the landscape architects within the
perimeter of the observation area?
Antwort: Cf. answer to question 29

Question 110: In addition to the positioning of the trees on the first green cushion, is the
number also variable? Which distances have to be kept to the trees?
Antwort: Cf. answer to question 105 and question 106. There are no special spacing

1.6 Documents

1.6.1 Working documents for the participants

Question 111: The traffic construction line in working document A3.2 is not identical with
the traffic construction line shown in working document A5.1. Which one
Antwort: The relevant traffic construction line can be foundAntwort: in working document

Question 112: I cannot open the DWG-file A5.1 (situation pre-project parking shell with
free space concept zept.dwg). Is there an old version so that I can open it with
my computer?
Antwort: We are pleased to provide you with the working basis A5.1 in the version 2013-
2017 as supplementary working document A5.4. You can obtain Antwort: this
from 23 October 2020 on

Question 113: The DWG-files "Situation pre-project parking shell with open space concept
Situation- plan.dwg", "Delimitations of observation perimeter_ arrangement area
Pavil- lon_ model application.dwg", "Traffic construction lines area parking
shell.dwg" etc. are not importable in all CAD-programs. Please always provide all
DWG files as DXF (like the document "261-zuerich-gds.dxf").
Answer: We are happy to provide you with the working basis A3.2, A3.3 and A5.1 as
DXF in the respective folder as a supplementary working document. You will
be able to obtain these on from 23 October 2020.

Question 114: The plan "traffic construction line" apparently consists of only one line and
does not have any reference point(s). In its present form, the plan cannot be
located either in the plan of the official cadastral survey (A3.1) or in the plan
"Preliminary project parking shell" (A5.1). Can the plan bases A3.1, A3.2 and
A5.1 be issued by the WB-issuer as one document and in accordance with each
Antwort: We would be pleased to provide you with the working base A3.1, A3.2 and A3.3 in
one document as a supplementary working document A3.7. You will be able to
obtain Antwort: these on from 23 October 2020. You can locate the
document with the planning basis A5.1 or A5.4, using the boundary model use as
reference object.

Frage 115:Kann den Teilnehmern ein DWG-File der «Agora» zugestellt werden?
Antwort: No, no basics of the Agora are provided.

Question 116:Will participants still receive a template for the author sheet?
Antwort: No. The author sheet contains the companies or persons involved as well as the
addresses and postal/bank details. In order to guarantee anonymity, the author's
sheet must be handed Antwort: in a sealed envelope (write the password on
the outside of the envelope).

Question 117:Is a pipe register available for the area?

Antwort: Yes, we would be pleased to provide you with a work cadastre as a
supplementary working document A3.8. You can obtain Antwort: this from 23
October 2020 on

Question 118: Can you indicate crosswalks (crosswalks) through Gloriastrasse and
Rämistrasse? Where are crosswalks planned, respectively where may the
adjacent street be crossed?
Antwort: In the Gloria- Rämistrasse there are no crosswalks, the streets are crossed
Antwort: over the central islands.

Question 119: Can participants be given the planting and materialization concept for the
park shell?
Antwort: Cf. answer to question 28.

Question 120: Is it possible to receive a 3D file of the master plan in DWG /DXF format?
Antwort: No.

Frage 121:Gibt es eine 3D Modell von der Situation?

Antwort: No.

Frage 122:Können Sie die ZüriWC Grundlagen als DXF / DWG zur Verfügung stellen?
Antwort: No, DXF/DWG cannot be provided. As a supplementary ar-
With the help of the A6.2 document we provide you with the basics of the
ZüriWC. You will be able to obtain these on from 23 October 2020. It is
important to note that the working documents contain the basics of solitaires.
However, it is necessary to plan with an installation. However, the surfaces and
modules can be used.

Question 123: We do not match the contour lines on the model photo and the contour lines
or elevation nodes on the site plan. Is it correct to design on the basis of the
elevation nodes of the plan, or are we free in the design of the terrain, or do the
contour lines in our design model application have to correspond to the contour
lines of the base model?
Antwort: Only the contour lines, which are submitted as supplementary working document
A3.6, are relevant. See answer to question 124.

Question 124:Can you provide the model construction plan of the immediate vicinity,
including contour lines and heights of the houses, so that you can build a
working model yourself?
Antwort: As a supplementary working document A3.6 you will receive the contour lines of
the model construction plan (without height information of the houses). These can
be obtained from from 23 October 2020 onwards. The volume model
1:200 is to be displayed on the model insert provided. The model insert will be
sent to you by mail after registration for a deposit fee (see competition program,
point 3.3).

Question 125:Is there a cut of the landscape architects with the planned course of the
terrain including demolition of the existing buildings, walls or basements?
Antwort: Yes, as a supplementary working document A5.5 you will receive a section with
the planned course of the terrain. You can obtain this from 23 October 2020 on The sectional view is to be understood as an illustration. For terrain
heights, the contour lines of the model construction plan, working document A3.6,
Antwort: apply.

Question 126: Regarding the deployment model and environment. Does the large model
already contain trees? Is it possible to provide a more detailed photo of the large
model with a corresponding detail?
Antwort: As additional working document A3.5 you will receive photos of the model trees
(sea moss / sea foam trees), which are used. These can be obtained from
Antwort: from 23 October 2020.

1.6.2 Documents to be submitted

Frage 127:Gibt es eine Layoutvorgabe für die Pläne im Format A1 quer?
Antwort: No.

Question 128:Are the two A1 plans to be submitted hung one above the other at right
angles to the assessment?
Antwort: Probably yes. The concept for the suspension of the plans has not yet been

Question 129:Is it allowed to replace the situation in 1:200 by a situation in 1:500 in the
submission plans or does this lead to exclusion from the competition?
Antwort: The site plan with exterior design is to be submitted on a Antwort: scale of 1:200.

Question 130:Is it necessary to show the demolition of the existing building in the 1:200
situation plan?
Antwort: No.

Q 131:Must the lighting be shown in the plans?

Antwort: The lighting can, but does not necessarily have to be shown in the plans. It is
important that the "parking shell" lighting concept (see Working Document A5.3) is
not questioned or made impossible by the project proposal. Cf. answer to
question 33.

Question 132: If the traffic construction line and the pavilion arrangement area are not
completely shown in the 1:200 site plan, does this lead to exclusion from the
Antwort: The traffic construction line and the arrangement area are to be shown Antwort:
in the section of the situation plan. If the selected section does not show
the entire construction line or the entire arrangement area, this is permissible.

Question 133: Is it mandatory to display the floor plan in 1:100 in a standardized way?
Antwort: No. Only the site plan with the exterior design is oriented to the north.

Question 134:Will I be excluded from the competition if I don't show façade views? Can the
visualizations be shown here instead?
Antwort: All ground plans, sections and barrels necessary for understanding are to be

Question 135:How should the walls be shown in the plans 1:100?

Antwort: The walls in the plans 1:100 can be shown abstractly / schematically. The
representation of the walls can be Antwort: similar to the situation 1:200.

Frage 136:Gibt es eine maximale Anzahl Visualisierungen?

Antwort: No.

Question 137:Does the 1:200 model have to be white?

Antwort: Display is free. The basic model will be white as well as the deployment
model, which will beAntwort: sent to the participants.

Question 138:The display of the model insert is free, i.e. a colored insert can also be
Antwort: Cf. answer to question 137.

Frage 139:Dürfen oder müssen Bäume im Modelleinsatz dargestellt werden?

Antwort: It is recommended to display Frage 139:Dürfen oder müssen
Bäume im Modelleinsatz dargestellt werden? Antwort: the trees in model

1.7 Basics
Question 140: Will the Herzog & de Meuron project be built (especially the exterior design
towards Gloriastrasse) as the visualizations on the HGZZ website (
Antwort: The project is in the pre-project phase. At present it can be assumed that the
outdoor space design will be Antwort: implemented as shown.

Question 141:How is the new Herzog & de Meuron building materialized? What material is
used for the façade and which natural stone is used for the terrace?
Antwort: The project is in the pre-project phase. No final materialization has been made
Antwort: yet.

Question 142:How is the facade of the new hospital building from Christ & Gantenbein
materialized, which natural stone is used here?
Antwort: The project is in the pre-project phase. No final materialization has been made
Antwort: yet.

Question 143: Why is the basic model only available to participants from 16 November
2020? How can this be checked before then?
Antwort: The model is currently being developed and will be available to participants in
the information room Antwort: from November 16, 2020.

Question 144:From November 16, 2020 the basic 1:200 model will be available for
volumetric verification. Is there a schedule to ensure that anonymity and
project ideas are maintained?
Antwort: No. It is up to the participants to maintain anonymity. It is recommended that
participants go to the information room in pairs, so that someone can position
themselves at the entrance area and coordinate with possible other participants.
Due to the long opening hours, no bottlenecks are expected.

2 Supplementary working documents

The documents below will be made available to the teams as part of the question
answering process and can be obtained at

Pos. Working Document [A] Format

A1 Competition Program|Registration Form|Questionnaire Answer r
A1.1 Competition program e
A1.2 Annex I: Application form for participation in the g
A1.3 procedure Question Answer u
A2 Template Short Portrait Project Proposal
A2.1 Template for the short portrait of the project
proposal (2 pages A4) t
A3 Plan basics
A3.1 Cadastral survey data set, data model canton of Zurich
(DM01AVZH24) n

A3.2 Traffic construction lines along the Rämi- and Gloriastrasse; area s
"parking bowl"
A3.3 Demarcation of the observation perimeter, arrangement area
pavilion, model application
A3.4 Photo of the model insert 1:200
A3.5 Photo of the model trees Contour
A3.6 lines of the model construction
A3.7 plan
A3.8 Working bases A3.1, A3.2, A3.3 in one file Plant
A4 management cadastre
A4.1 Expert opinion Park
Expert opinion on the protection value of the park of the University
A5 Hospital Zurich, Vogt Landschaftsarchitekten AG, August 2012
A5.1 Pre-project "Park shell
Situation Preliminary project "Parkschale" with open space
concept, Studio Vulkan Landscape Architecture, Zurich, with
A5.2 projected new buildings
A5.3 "Forum UZH" and "USZ Campus MITTE1
A5.4 Diagram of pedestrian flows in the area "Park shell"
Lighting concept "Park shell
Situation Preliminary project "Parkschale" with open space
A5.5 concept, Studio Vulkan Landscape Architecture, Zurich, with
projected new buildings
A6 "Forum UZH" and "USZ Campus MITTE1" Version 2013-2017 Cut
A6.1 with the planned terrain

A6.2 Operating concept and room program

A6.3 Operational concept / spatial program Pavilion in the Park,
properties City of Zurich
Basics ZüriWC
Masterplan ZüriWC
Guest toilets in restaurants Parking



A7 Model use 1:200

Withdrawal for a deposit fee (see item 3.3); delivery is made
directly via the model maker Gnädinger Architektur-Modellbau,
St. Gallen

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