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Inversiunea (omisiunea lui IF) in fraza conditionala

(tip 2) If I were you, I wouldn't get involved. --- Were I you I

wouldn’t get involved.
Should I be you, I wouldn't get involved.

(tip 3) If I had known, I would have said something. – Had I known

I would have said something.
If I had known, I would have said something. --- Should I have
known, I would have said something.

(tip 1) If you (should) see him again, walk the other way. Should
you see him again, walk the other way.

tipurile 1+2 --- Should + S + vb….

tipul 3 --------- Should + S + have vb3…..

if not = unless

If you do not let me out I don’t want to eat dinner. --- Unless you
(do) let me out I don’t want to eat dinner.

but for = daca nu era/daca nu ar fi fost

If it hadn’t been for Helen I wouldn’t have taken a great mark at

the exam. ---- But for Helen I wouldn’t have taken a great mark at
the exam.

If it wasn’t/weren’t for you my life would be useless. --- But for you
my life would be useless.

Inversiuni cu IF

I. Rewrite the conditional clause in The government would act to save the
inverted form using should: pound………….
1.If she arrives late again, she could face
disciplinary action. …………….., she III. transform the sentences using
could face disciplinary action. inversion with had:
2.Tell Paul to give me ring if you happen 1 If it wasn't for this appalling weather,
to see him. we could have gone out.
Tell Paul to give me a ring …………………………………………...
……………………………….. ….. , we could have gone out.
3.If you're interested, there's a good play 2. We would have been here earlier if it
on at the theatre tonight.………… , there's hadn't been for the traffic jams.
a good play on at the theatre tonight. We would have been here earlier
4.We can always employ extra staff if they ……………………………………………
need arises. ..
We can always employ extra staff 3. If it hadn't been for those extra lessons,
……………………………………. he would never have passed the exam.
5.If you need any more information, don't …………………… , he would never have
hesitate to contact me. passed the exam.
……………………………… , don't 4. Somehow I'd be doing alright if it
hesitate to contact me. wasn't for the nights. (Abba song)
Somehow I'd be doing alright
II. Rewrite the conditional clause in ……………………….
inverted form using were: 5.If it wasn't for his help, we'd never have
1.If he was more sensible, he would see managed.………………………….. , we'd
what the problem was.…………… , he never have managed.
would see what the problem was.
2.We would have to look for another IV. Rewrite the conditional clause in
partner if they refused to cooperate. inverted form:
We would have to look for another 1.If you bump into Mike at the conference,
partner……………. give him my regards.…………………..,
3.If you were promising us early delivery, give him my regards.
we could perhaps increase our order. 2.If we offered you the position, when
…………………………. , we could would you be able to start?
perhaps increase our order. …………….. , when would you be able to
4.If such a situation came about, the start?
company could go bankrupt. 3.If she had passed her driving test, she
………………………. , the company could hire a car.
could go bankrupt. ……………………………….. , she could
5.The government would act to defend the hire a car.
pound if it was necessary. 4.If it wasn't for Peter's advice, I don't
know how we would have managed.
…………………….. , I don't know how 3. If I'm not there when you arrive, please
we would have managed. ask for my assistant.
5. If they hadn't gone to the same ……………………………….., please ask
university, they might never have met. for my assistant.
……………………….. , they might never 4. If she hadn't failed that exam, she
have met. wouldn't still be at university.
6. She might have found him rather …………………….. , she wouldn't still
attractive if he wasn't such a prig. be at university.
She might have found him rather 5. If the company was prospering, we
attractive……………….. would be able take on more staff. But, as
7. If Sam's not in the office, he's probably you know, that is not the case.
in the coffee room. ……………………………….. , we would
…………………….., he's probably in the be able take on more staff. But, as you
coffee room. know, that is not the case.
8. If it hadn't been for Samantha's brilliant 6. We can meet inside the cinema if it
idea, this success story would never have happens to be raining.
happened. We can meet inside the cinema
……………………………….. , this ……………………………….. .
success story would never have happened. 7.We think it would be better if the
candidate reapplied after gaining some
V. Rewrite the conditional clause in more experience in the field.
inverted form: We think it would be better
1. He would be there now if he hadn't ……………………………….. after
missed his train. gaining some more experience in the field.
He would be there now 8.We could have had serious PR problems
……………………………….. if it hadn't been for the excellent way
2. We could expand our operations if the Martin handled the press.
current climate wasn't so difficult. We could have had serious PR problems
We could expand our operations ……………………………….. Martin
…………………….. handled the press
Alte exerciții cu inversiuni

Exercise 1 - Fill the gaps using the words below. 

has · before · than · audience · then · was - started · will · can · did
· so many · had
1. Hardly ever ………. an athlete won so many medals in such a short time.
2. Little ………. we realise what a social faux-pas we had committed.
3. Scarcely ………. the match started when the trouble began.
4. Only by standing on tip-toe ………. I able to see anything at all.
5. Seldom can an ………. have heard a better interpretation of this symphony.
6. Hardly had the controversial opera ………. when people began to walk out.
7. Only if we leave now ………. we be in time to catch the train.
8. Never have I seen ………. people turn out for this event.
9. Rarely ………. a remark have been more ill-judged.
10. Only ………. did it become clear what the extent of the damage was.
11. Barely had we had time to pack up the picnic things ………. the heavens opened
12. No sooner had we asked for a quieter room room, ………. we were given one.

Has, did, had, was, audience, started, will, so many, can, then, before, than

Exercise 2 - Fill the gaps using the words below.

else · way · did · circumstances · nothing · such - nor · until · would
· account · only · even
1. At no time ………. he seem to realise what an idiot he was making of himself.
2. At no time before have I heard ………. great nonsense.
3. Nowhere ………. do they charge you so much for water
4. On no ………. should you miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
5. Under no ………. must this door be left unlocked.
6. Not ………. she apologises for what she said will I speak to her again.
7. Not ………. if they halved the price would I buy such a heap of old rubbish.
8. Not for all the money in the world ………. I do what you're suggesting.
9. Not ………. do I know you're wrong, but I can also prove you're wrong.
10. Neither was the food up to standard ………. was the service particularly good.
11. Everyone except me got soaked. Not for ………. do I always carry an umbrella.
12. No ………. am I going to jump into that icy cold water!

Did, such, else, account, circumstances, until, even, would, only, nor, nothing, way.

Exercise 3 - Make inverted sentences from the sentences given, using the words in

1. You shouldn't tell him about my trip to China. (On no

2. You are not going to get me to eat that! (No way
………………………………………………... !)
3. I have seldom seen such a brilliant goal. (Seldom
4. Such a hurricane has rarely happened in Hereford. (Hardly ever
5. I wouldn't want to hurt your feelings for all the world. (Not
6. They were never aware of the danger that threatened them. (At no time .
7. This must not leak out to the press. (Under ..
8. He wasn't rich and he wasn't handsome. (Neither .
9. We haven't often witnessed such artistry. (Rarely
10. The bridge collapsed as soon as we managed to get across. (No sooner
11. We were only able to cross the border by offering him a bribe. (Only
12. Immediately he opened his mouth he started complaining about everything. (Barely
……………... before .………..)

On no account should you tell him about my trip to China.
No way are you going to get me to eat that!
Seldom have I seen such a brilliant goal.
Hardly ever has such a hurricane happened in Hereford.
Not for all the world would I want to hurt your feelings.
At no time were they aware of the danger that threatened them.
Under no circumstances must this leak out to the press.
Neither was he rich nor was he handsome.
Rarely have we witnessed such artistry.
No sooner had we managed to get across than the bridge collapsed.
Only by offering him a bribe were we able to cross the border.
Barely had he opened his mouth before he started complaining about everything.
Exercise 4 - Make inverted sentences from the sentences given, using the words in

1. She has no idea what a surprise she's going to get. (Little ... know)
2. The bell had barely started to ring when the children rushed out of the classroom.
3. He didn't start his speech until there was absolute silence in the hall (Not ...)
4. We will only be able to accept your offer if we are offered free delivery (Only ...)
5. It is with good reason that Edinburgh is known as the Athens of the North (Not
for ...)
6. We have never been so well wined and dined in our lives (Never ...)
7. She didn't break the news of her engagement until after dinner (Only ...)
8. We weren't told that we would need our passports. (At no time ...)
9. They don't charge you as much for water anywhere else. (Nowhere else ...)
10. I wouldn't fly with them again even if they offered me a free flight. (Not
even ...)
11. We had barely entered the shop when an assistant jumped on us. (Hardly ...
when ...)
12. He is both charming and very rich. (Not only ..., but ... also ...)

Little does she know what a surprise she's going to get.
Scarcely had the bell started to ring when the children rushed out of the classroom.
Not until there was absolute silence in the hall did he start his speech.
Only if we are offered free delivery will we be able to accept your offer.
Not for nothing is Edinburgh known as the Athens of the North.
Never in our lives have we been so well wined and dined.
Only after dinner did she break the news of her engagement.
At no time were we told that we would need our passports.
Nowhere else do they charge you as much for water.
Not even if they offered me a free flight would I fly with them again.
Hardly had we entered the shop when an assistant jumped on us.
Not only is he charming, but he is also very rich.

5. Rephrase:

1. He entered as soon as she had left.

2. As soon as we reached the hotel it stopped raining.
No sooner
3. He never caught any fish.
4. He went out of the room only when the bell rang.
5. The captain will give a signal, then the troops will fire.
Not until the
6. I've never seen such an ugly place.
7. I immediately rushed to see them after Mary had phoned me the news.
8. She called them from the street, so they opened the window.
No sooner ___________________________________________________ they opened the
9. When he heard the bell, he immediately left the room.
10. Just as he walked into the room, someone hit him on the back of his head.
11. I had just left the room when I heard the phone ring.
12. As soon as he received the telegram, he packed a case.
13. As soon as he went to sleep he started to snore.
14. She had never eaten such hot food.
15. As soon as he had spoken, the doctor opened.
16. He had just gone out when the phone rang.
17. Someone called him from the office just after he had left.
18. It was the first time I had met such an attractive man.
19. As soon as he left, they all started shouting.
20. As soon as Susan got home, the phone rang.

21. Pary heard the motorcycles and started to shake at once.
22. As soon as Alice had arrived, her mother helped herself to a glass of whisky.
23. When he heard the hooters (klaxons), he knew he was in town.
24. Kath switched on the radio immediately after putting down the receiver.
25. He was shot just as he came out of the hotel.
No sooner

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