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MODALS 38. Perhaps it was late.

39. It is necessary for him to go there. He………..
I. Rephrase the following statements: 40. It is advisable for young people to practice sports. Young
1. I'm sure he didn't stay in this room because it’s too clean. 41. It is possible that they are playing football now.
He... They…………
2. I’m sure he hasn't written that letter. He can't ... 42. It is possible that George will not come this afternoon.
3. I can't have met Peter before. I’m sure… George………
4. I’m sure she didn’t say anything like that. She couldn‘t … 43. He is certainly lying in his bedroom. He………..
5. They couldn’t have visited us on Monday because we were 44. They didn't do it. It is impossible. They………..
in London then. I’m sure…. 45. Why didn't you tell the truth. You………..
6. I wonder who this man is. Who ... 46. It is possible to be snowing in the mountains. It …….
7. He promised to write to me soon but it's possible he's lost 47. I wouldn't smoke so much if I were you. You………..
my address. He promised to write to me soon but he 48. He is so late! I'm sure something has happened to him.
might………… Something……..
8. It's possible that she was lost. She may well …… 49. I recommend going to Brighton for a week. You……….
9. It's possible that your telephone was out of order 50. It's typical of Steve to lose his keys! Steve would……..
yesterday. Your telephone……. 51. I suppose Kate is quite well off. Kate …..
10. It's likely that she'll be late again. She …… 52. I'm as happy as possible at the moment. I couldn't………
11. He'll probably marry Joan. He ……. 53. If I were you I'd take up jogging. I think………….
12. He was absent from school today. It is possible for him to 54. Do we have to leave so early? Need…………….
be ill. He ………… 55. Our worrying so much was a waste of time.
13. There is a chance of rain this evening. It ………… We…………….
14. He can't be her nephew as she has no brothers or sisters. 56. It's just not possible for the cat to have opened the fridge!
It's ……… The cat………
15. Inflation is likely to increase again this month. It's 57. It would have been possible for Helen to give us a lift.
probable …….. Helen………
16. Whose calculator is this? Perhaps it's Joe's. / Whose 58. It's possible that the last person to leave didn't lock the
calculator is this? It may………………. door. The last person to leave….
17. It's possible he was killed in the accident, but we're not 59. School uniform wasn't compulsory when I was a student.
certain yet. He ……… I………….
18. I don't remember what she looks like, although it's 60. I'm sure you had a good time at the party. You
possible that I've seen her picture. / I don't remember what must………
she looks like, although I ... 61. Luckily it wasn't necessary for Jim to take the exam
19. I can't find my notebook. Perhaps I've lost it. / I can't find again. Luckily Jim……….
my notebook. I may ... 62. Why didn't you tell me you were ill? You…………
20. I didn't tell him about the wedding but it's just possible he 63. It's not necessary for you to wear a uniform.
overheard our conversation. / I didn't tell him about the You…………
wedding but he might ... 64. I wouldn't wake her up if I were you. You………..
21. Where's my sandwich? Perhaps the dog ate it when you 65. By law, all rear-seat passengers are obliged to wear seat-
went to your room. / Where's my sandwich? The dog may ... belts. By law, seat-belts………
22. Surley the theatre is full already. The theatre ... 66. It's possible that Mary and Helen have not heard from the
23. She looks so young! I don’t believe she’s over forty. She bank yet. Mary and Helen……….
looks so young! She can't ... 67. It's impossible that we stayed in the same hotel, in that
24. It's impossible that it's already after midnight. It can't ... case. We…
25. There's no light in the window. I'm sure they aren't at
home. / There's no light in the window. They ... II. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in
26. I'm sure she is not British. She doesn't understand a word capitals, and so that the meaning stays the same:
of English. I’m sure…
27. It is possible for him to be late. He…………. 1. I expect this beach will be deserted. SHOULD
28. Perhaps Ann was not informed about what had happened. ……………………………………………………..
Ann… 2. This climb is possibly dangerous. COULD
29. It is unlikely that she believed it. She………… ……………………………………………………..
30. Perhaps he is watching TV. He…………. 3. Arthur is sometimes really irritating! CAN
31. I am quite sure he forgot to tell me to come. He…………. ……………………………………………………..
32. Probably it was already late. It…………… 4. How about going to the theatre instead? COULD
33. It is impossible for her to arrive on time. She…………… …………………………………………………………
34. Perhaps John is busy today. John…………… 5. Do you want me to turn off the oven, or not? SHOULD
35. Is is necessary for us to leave at once. We…… ……………………………………………………………….
36. It is possible for him to leave for Australia. He…… 6. I don't think Harry is likely to resign. WOULD
37. Perhaps they were right. They……. ………………………………………………………

7. I'm sure this isn't the way to Norwich. CAN'T 2. I haven't _____ sleep very well recently.
……………………………………………………….. 3. Sandra ______ drive but she hasn't got a car.
8. It would be all the same if we gave up now. MIGHT 4. I can't understand Martin. I've never ______ understand
……………………………………………………………… him.
9. I'm sure that's Marion. WILL 5. I used to ______ stand on my head but I can't do it now.
…………………………………… 6. I can't see you on Friday but I ______ meet you on
10. Jim keeps giving me presents. WILL Saturday morning.
………………………………………….. 7. Ask Catherine about your problem. She might ______ help
11. It makes no difference if we call it off. MAY you.
12. Don't bother lying to me. HAVE IV. Complete the sentences with can, can't, could,
……………………………………………………………….. couldn't + one of these verbs: come, eat, hear, run,
13. That is not typical of Helen's behaviour. WOULDN'T sleep, wait
14. It would be impossible to tell Sally the truth. 1. I'm afraid I ______ to your party next week.
POSSIBLY 2. When Tim was 16, he was a fast runner. He ______ 100
……………………………………………………………… meters in 11 seconds.
15. It wasn't very nice of you not to invite me to your party. 3. Are you in a hurry?' 'No, I've got plenty of time. I ______.'
MIGHT 4. I was feeling sick yesterday. I ______ anything.
………………………………………………………. 5. Can you speak up a bit? I ______ you very well.
16. Thank you very much for buying me flowers. 6. 'You look tired.' 'Yes, I ______ last night,'
…………………………………………………………. V. Complete the sentences using could, couldn't or
17. It wouldn't have been right to let you do all the work on was/were able to.
your own. COULDN'T
………………………………………………………… 1. My grandfather was a very clever man. He ____ speak five
18. I don't believe that you have lost your keys again! languages.
CAN'T 2. I looked everywhere for the book but I ______ find it.
…………………………………………………………….. 3. They didn't want to come with us at first but we ______ to
19. Mary was a talented violinist at the age of ten. COULD persuade them.
…………………………………………………………. 4. Laura had hurt her leg and ________ walk very well.
20. Perhaps they didn't notice the tyre was flat. MIGHT 5. Sue wasn't at home when I phoned but I ______ contact
……………………………………………………………… her at her office.
21. They escaped possible injury when the car crashed. 6. I looked very carefully and I ______ see a figure in the
HAVE distance.
………………………………………………………………. 7. I wanted to buy some tomatoes. The first shop I went to
22. The results are expected tomorrow. KNOW didn't have any but I ______ get some in the next shop.
……………………………………………………. 8. My grandmother loved music. She ______ play the piano
23.A visa wasn't necessary after all. NEED very well.
…………………………………………………. 9. A girl fell into the river but fortunately we ______ rescue
24. Apparently someone has borrowed the cassette player. her.
HAVE 10. I had forgotten to bring my camera so I ______ take any
…………………………………………………………. photographs.
25. The weather here is sometimes really awful! CAN
…………………………………………………………….. VI. Complete the sentences. Use could or could have + a
26. I expect this film will be good. SHOULD suitable verb.
27. It's typical of you to say that! WOULD 1. A: What shall we do this evening?
……………………………………………. B: I don't mind. We _____ to the cinema.
28. You are supposed to have finished by now. SHOULD 2. A: I had a very boring evening at home yesterday.
…………………………………………………………. B: Why did you stay at home? You ______ to the cinema.
29. I don't believe you have spent all the money I gave you! 3. A: There's an interesting job advertised in the paper. You
SURELY ______ for it.
………………………………………………………… B: What sort of Job is it? Show me the advertisement.
30. Do you want me to phone them back? SHOULD 4. A: Did you go to the concert last night?
………………………………………………………… B: No. We ______ but we decided not to.
5. A: Where shall we meet tomorrow?
III. Complete the sentences using can or (be) able to. Use B: Well, I ______ to your house if you like.
can if possible; otherwise use (be) able to.
VII. Use can, could or to be able to in the following
1. George has travelled a lot. He _____ speak four languages. sentences, at the requested tense:

14. Cred că avem voie să ne uităm prin aceste reviste.
1. I am sure you _____ manage it all right. 15. Nu am avut voie sa intram in laboratorul de chimie fara
2. We hoped he ______________ get at the truth soon. halate (gowns) albe.
3. He said she was reliable because she ________ handle 16. Pot sa ma uit si eu la fotografiile tale?
every situation. 17. Pot să iau stiloul tău, te rog?
4. She was sorry she _________ talk to him because he had 18. Vei avea voie să conduci după ce împlineşti 18 ani.
already left. 19. El poate că va fi de acord cu această propunere.
5. When you ___________________ start working on the 20. Ei nu au avut voie să folosească dicţionare la examen.
new project? Next week, I hope. 21. Se poate ca ea sa aiba dreptate.
6. How did you manage to get here on time? I 22. Pot să aştept aici?
________________ catch the plane. 23. Nu cred ca poti folosi acest calculator, este parolat.
7. Did you manage to get safely home? The car skidded but I
___________________ to avoid an accident.
8. Can you use a typewriter? No, I ___________ (not), but I
_____________ use one in a month time.
9. I wonder if you could help me mend this cassette recorder?
I __________ help you tomorrow if you like.
10. He stood embarrassed and ____________ say a word.
11. I knew she _____ always __________ calm him down.
12. He had been fired and ___________ even pay the rent.
13. The doctor said that I ______________ get out of bed in
a couple of days.
14. I knew he always _______________ stand on his own
15. I was tired but I _____________ sleep.
16. Have you seen my bag? I __________ find it.
17. Ann doesn’t know what to do. She ________ decide.
18. Catherine got the job because she _______ speak five
19. He was speaking very quietly. I ____________ hear him.
20. I ____________ to speak a little German in a few weeks.
21. I hope she ______________ cheer herself up.
22. I wasn’t hungry yesterday, I ___________ eat my dinner.
23. When I was young I ______________ to run very fast.
24. I had a party last week but Paul and Jenny _________
25. ___________ you open the door, please?

VIII. Translate into English using can or be able to, may

or be allowed to:

1. Refuz să cred că a fost atât de nesăbuit încât să rupă

2. Te rog să mă laşi în pace! Sunt şi eu în stare să fac aşa
ceva fără să mă ajute nimeni.
3. După o clipă de ezitare, a spus că va putea pregăti totul
în câteva zile.
4. Chiar crezi că ea este în stare să interpreteze rolul
5. Nu puteam rosti nici un cuvânt. Eram atât de surprins că
rămăsesem fără glas.
6. Unde poate fi Dan la ora aceasta?
7. Mike nu răspunde la telefon. Poate că deja este în
8. Maria a refuzat să meargă cu noi în excursie săptămâna
viitoare. Nu pot să cred. Adoră excursiile.
9. Nu se poate să fie atât de bătrân; arată mult mai tânăr.
10. Aş putea aştepta aici ? Sigur că da.
11. Jack nu putea fi atât de nepoliticos.
12. Ramona nu a putut veni la sedinta saptamana trecuta.
13. Ai fi în stare să te aperi singur într-o asemenea situaţie?

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