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Written Exam 3 - Units 1 - 5

Name & Surname : .......................................................... Class : .......................................................

Student ID Number : .......................................................... Date : .......................................................
School : .......................................................... Result : .......................................................

A Listen to the lives of two comedians on the radio show and check ( ) the correct column.
Track 5 (10 POINTS)
Which comedian...? Jim Carrey Whoopi Goldberg
1 earned money for his/her family.

2 has many famous books.

3 became popular in 1985, in the color purple

4 started his/her career at the age of 15.

5 is a supporter of black people

6 is well-known for his/her face expressions while acting.

7 was nominated for Oscar after the year 1985

8 did his/her way to Hollywood when he/she was 21.

9 likes a popular music band a lot.

10 won a Golden Globe Award for his/her role in 1998 film.

B Listen to the regrets of five speakers who C Circle the best alternative in each sentence.
were talking in a street interview. Match (5 POINTS)
each sentence below with a speaker. 1 Do you have any superstitious/hopeful
Track 6 (5 POINTS) beliefs? Do you believe the number 13
is unlucky for example, or do you avoid
1 I wish I hadn’t sent him a message. walking under a ladder?
2 I envy/wish her ability to talk confidently in
front of public.
2 If only I hadn’t married early.
Speaker 3 After his last failure in his attempt to break
the World record, the sportsman was eager
3 I wish I hadn’t said YES. /reluctant to commit a second attempt for
Speaker the record.

4 He didn’t regret/support what he had done,

4 If only I had quit smoking before.
even after his best friend was harmed
Speaker because of the accident he caused.

5 I wish I had slept less. 5 I don’t fully disagree/agree with you, but
Speaker you may be right at some points.

D Rewrite the sentences below using the prompts given. (10 POINTS)
1 Sam left his job because he had had a fight with the boss. (after)
............................................................................................................................................ .

2 Antony was resting on the sofa when the earthquake hit the city. (while)
............................................................................................................................................ .

3 When Simon was a teenager, he played online games a lot. (used to)
............................................................................................................................................ .

4 The mother tiptoed upstairs after the baby had slept. (before)
............................................................................................................................................ .

5 Before the Maggie went to Portugal, she had tried to learn some Portuguese. (after)
............................................................................................................................................ .

6 When the phone rang, I had felt asleep. (after)

............................................................................................................................................ .

7 I had decided to invite Kattie to the cinema then I called her. (before)
............................................................................................................................................. .

8 Marta didn’t play any video games in her childhood. (use to)
............................................................................................................................................ .

9 Antony was reading a novel when he heard a bizarre noise.(while)


10 The thief broke into the house while the family was sleeping through. (when)

E Match the words in the box with their definitions. There is ONE EXTRA WORD in the box!
»» habit »» previous »» recover »» typical
»» communication »» commerce »» promote »» individually
»» interact »» attentively »» occasion
1 ........................ (adverb): not together, alone

2 ........................ (adjective): having the same characteristics.

3 ........................ (noun): something that you do often or regularly

4 ........................ (noun): activity of buying and selling, trade

5 ........................ (noun): exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium

6 ........................ (verb): communicate or be involved directly

7 ........................ (adjective): occurring before in time or order

8 ........................ (verb): return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength

9 ........................ (adverb): very carefully

10 ........................ (noun) [C]: a special gathering or event

F Read the text and choose the best alternative. (20 POINTS)

I’ve got two colleagues, Any and Sylvia. We 1.... friends two years ago. The week before the incident. On
that day, Andy 2.... so different. She 3.... to Sylvia and me during the meeting. Therefore, we asked what
happened, but she said there was nothing wrong. Sylvia and I 4 .... to have coffee together after work so
that we could talk with her. While we 5.... coffee and chatting, Andy 6.... to cry loudly. We tried to calm her,
but she 7.... us. After she 8.... crying, we 9.... to make her tell what 10.... . She told us that she was suspecting
her husband because he 11.... home late all the week. She also added that he wasn’t giving attention to
her. She said ‘You know we enjoy 12.... time together and don’t want 13.... away. However, we don’t see
each other like we 14.... before. You know girls I 15.... away from him without my working life, but now
everything is different. Sylvia and I listened to her without interrupting, and then told her to ask about this
to her husband.
Andy replied ‘Girls I saw a diamond ring in his bag yesterday. I wish I 16.... inside it but I saw. I guess we 17....
our marriage.’
She then showed a photo of the ring on her mobile phone, Sylvia and I looked at the phone and burst into
a laughter at the same time. Andy was staring at our faces because she didn’t understand why we were
Sylivia said’ Andy please have a look at the photo in detail. What are you seeing?’
‘Are you kidding me? A ring which had been bought for my husband’s girlfriend!’ Andy replied.
‘The girl’s name is probably Andy then, because inside the ring it is written Andy!’ I said.
To make a long story short, our friend Andy 18.... jealous of herself all the week!
We laughed and laughed together.
Andy then said ‘I 19.... trust in my husband anymore. I feel very guilty of suspecting him! If only I 20....

suspicious of him. ’

1 6 11 16
a become a started a was coming a haven’t looked
b have become b have started b came b hadn’t looked
c became c had started c is coming c didn’t look
d were becoming d was starting d has come d wasn’t looking
2 7 12 17
a seemed a wasn’t hearing e to pass a are ending
b have seemed b hadn’t heard f pass b will end
c was seeming c didn’t hear g passing c are going to end
d seems d didn’t use to hear h passed d ended
3 8 13 18
a didn’t use to listen a has stopped a being a was
b wasn’t listening b had stopped b been b has been
c hadn’t listened c was stopping c be c had been
d haven’t listened d used to stop d to be d used to be
4 9 14 19
a planned a tried a were doing a won’t lose
b was planning b had tried b used to do b haven’t lost
c had planned c have tried c have done c am not losing
d have planned d were trying d had done d am not going to lose
5 10 15 20
a had drunk a was happening a have never been a haven’t felt
b have drunk b had happened b was never b hadn’t felt
c are going to drink c have happened c never used to be c didn’t feel
d were drinking d used to happen d am never going to be d wasn’t feeling

G Look at the words in bold in the text and match them with the words below. (5 POINTS)
1 worth remembering:....................... 4 behaving a particular group of people differently
from the others:.....................
2 tiring:.......................
5 decisive, strong-willed:.......................
3 effective way of speaking:.......................

Martin Luther King, Jr. : ‘I have a dream…’

Today there are equal rights for all the people under the law in the USA. However, this was not the truth
in the past, especially for African-Americans. In the U.S. blacks, namely African-Americans didn’t have
equal rights.
Life was very challenging for them. They were labeled in the society. “Blacks Not Allowed”, “Whites Only”
signs were putting them away from the social life.
Two important memorable incidents caused King to step into the action. On March 2, 1955, a 15-year-
old girl didn’t give up her seat to a white man on the and Claudette Colvin was taken to jail. On
December 1, 1955, 42-year-old Rosa Parks was going home after an exhausting day. She was sitting in
the “colored” section of the bus. However, there were many white men standing, so they wanted Parks to
give up her seat. Parks didn’t give her seat and again she was arrested and fined $10.
Martin Luther King, Jr., a black minister living in Montgomery, Alabama, couldn’t stand those
discriminations. He organized many peaceful protests to support the rights of the black people. He was
also arrested because of those protests he organized. However, he was determined. Nothing changed
his way. In 1963, he gave his unforgettable speech in Washington, D.C.
Here is a small part from his speech:
‘I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged
by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream ... I have a dream that
one day in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of
interposition and nullification, one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able
to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.’
After this attention-grabbing speech in 1964 blacks were equal with the whites legally. His skillful
rhetoric also contributed to the equality among society.

H Look at the underlined words in italic and write what do they refer to: (5 POINTS)

1 them:....................... 4 my:.......................
2 she:....................... 5 they:.......................
3 he:.......................

I Answer the question below according to the information in the text. (10 POINTS)
1 How was the life for African Americans in the past in the USA? Give examples.

2 Why was Claudette Colvin put into the prison?


3 What does the writer mean with the expression ‘colored section of the bus’?

4 What did the King do after the inequalities?


5 Why do you think King’s speech affected many people?


J Write a whole biography of Steve Jobs using the prompts given. (20 POINTS)
Useful expressions to help you write:
Early life Career
1 born February 24, 1955 / San Francisco, 1 successful American businessman and
California, United States inventor
2 be adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs / be like
2 start his computer career / Atari computers
real parents
3 Paul / machinist / fix cars as a hobby 3 meet / Steve Wozniak / Atari computers
4 one sister / Patty 4 Wozniak / invent / the first Apple I computer
5 do experiment / his father’s garage / in his / 1976
childhood. 5 Jobs / Wozniak / Ronald Wayne / set up Apple
6 attend a school / California computers
7 graduate from high school / 1972 6 design the first Macintosh / 1984
8 go to Reed College / Portland, Oregon / 1972 7 Jobs leave Apple / 1985
9 excellent test results / successful education
8 Later / found / NeXT computers.
10 marry / 1991 / three children
9 return to Apple / 1996
11 die / October 5, 2011 / Palo Alto, California,
United States / Pancreatic Cancer 10 introduce iTunes and iPod
11 introduce the iPad / 2010

Steve Jobs was born...................................................................................................................





















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