Exercises: 1. Match The Words/expressions With Their Definitions

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1. Match the words/expressions with their definitions:

1. professional A. In communication situations, a person who
communication G. simultaneously sends and receives messages

2. public distance J. B. Distorted views of another race, ethnic group

or culture

3. non-verbal C. A group of people that one must persuade to

communication I. reach his/her goal

4. Resume H. D. Another person’s statements or actions used

to give authority to what the speaker is saying

5. sender- receiver A. E. Something that stands for something else

6. Stereotypes B. F. A type of belief about how one should behave

7. target audience C, G. Communication that is connected with

business professions/ occupations

8. Symbol E. H. A summary of a person’s professional life

written for potential employers

9. Testimony D I. Information we communicate without using


10. Values F J. The distance zone, the distance more than 12

feet (3.5 m), used for public speaking

2. Fill in the gaps with the suitable word or phrase:

1. What’s the new/last/final/actual price of this book?

2. The next meeting should be tomorrow/ cancelled planned/ as soon as possible/ private/
open/ on-line/ face-to-face..

3. This computer has a revolutionary new software/ hardware/ design/ logo.

4. We think the book stand at the exhibition was the most interesting/ visited/ seen/ observed/

5. Our company has recorded/ registered/ planned/ reached a big increase in sales this year.

6. We think the design is a bit weird/ old/ different/ too modern.

7. Where does the conference take/ place?

8. How could the product’s/life’s/ service’s/delivery/ order quality be improved?

9. They are trying to find out the root/ source/ origin of the problem.

10. The new documents have to be approved/ seen/ verified/ signed/ stamped/ accepted/
written by the management.

11. How many introductory courses/ elements/ lectures/ seminars/ lessons/ workshops are

12. This computer is used mainly on our accounting/ it/ x department/ office/ school/ company/
house/ bureau .

13. Is maintenance included/ in the price?

14. What’s the main purpose/ advantage/ disadvantage/ reason in using a video projector?

15. Would another software version be better/ usefull/ slower/ worthy?

16. All teachers should implement/ have/ use/ give/ deliver/ offer/ fallow/ attend/ an
introductory training course.

17. The old computer has been replaced/ overtook/ by a newer, faster one.

18. The error was caused by a person/ coms problem/ mole/ in our office.

19. When will the new pc/phone/siite/collection/software/game be available?

3. Find questions for these answers:

a) Do you think the conference was succes

Yes, it was a successful conference.

b) Who can use it?

It can be used by any speaker.

c) Where are u working

In the foreign language department.

d) _You know someone whe can resolv my car problem?

You should speak to the Dean about that.

e) __________________________________________________________________
At five o’clock.

f) Why did you leave the conference/ Why did u fall asleep during the conference
Because the conference wasn’t interesting enough.

g) What tiye of bibliography should we use in writing this project.

We could use foreign bibliography.

h) Do you want to go out

I’m sorry, I’m too busy right now.

i) Do you know this peson.

I have never met him.

j) _Why do you use it?

I think this is the best way to solve things.

k) _Why did u leave the meeting/ Why did you two break up?
Because communication failed.

l) _Have you been to the new restaurant/ pictures/ cinema lately?

Yes, last week-end.

m) _Have you eaten mici somewhere else in the world?

No, only in Romania.

n) _When was the last time you applied for a job?

That was two years ago.

o) _Can I have a raise? How much should we increase our capital/ revenues/ sales/ profit
Well, we could increase it by 10%.

p) _When cai I buy the ne device?

It is available next week.

q) _Why I am alone on zoom?

Another date was arranged for the meeting.

r) _Can we repaint the Univ.?

We could, but we don’t thing the Rector will be happy about it.

s) _Why have you hired him?

Because he has excellent skills and expertise in this area.

t) _Why you aplly for school in Barcelona?

I think we could learn a lot there and it’s not very expensive.

4. Choose the most appropriate verb (SAY / TALK / TELL / SPEAK):

1. Do you speak English?

2. Don’t tell her about our presentation.

3. Come here, we need to talk.

4. He said he would wait for me at the university.

5. To tell you the truth, I don’t remember much.

6. I have waited for an answer but she hasn’t said a word.

7. He told us that he was planning to buy a new laptop.

8. Did the manager speak at the conference?

9. We spent the whole evening talking about our childhood.

10. Do you know how to say goodbye in Romanian?

11. I cannot tell the difference between the two sisters.

12. Speak for yourself! My opinion is completely different.

13. Can you tell me the time?

14. We should talk James out of going to Syria.

15. He should pay it, it goes without saying.

16. My watch says 12 o’clock.

17. Please speak up, nobody can hear you!

18. People say “history repeats itself”.

19. Before signing I’d like to say it with my family.

20. Don’t talk back to your parents!

5. Choose the best answer:

a) How many languages do you speak?
speak / tell / say / talk

b) I am fluent in English, French and Spanish.

at / of / to / in

c) Which of the following is a synonym for your own language?

father tongue/ mother tongue/ brother tongue / sister tongue

d) Which one of the following expressions means “I understood very well”?

“He was speaking double Dutch” / “It was all Greek to me” / “It was as clear as mud” / “It was
as clear as crystal”

e) Eye contact, smiling, the posture, are all examples of ________ language.
animal / bodily / physical / body

f) When he ___________the speech at his graduation, he was extremely nervous.

did / told / made / said

g) Which of the following is not right?

Chinese / Japanese / Portuguese / Germanese

h) If you were in Amsterdam, what language would you hear?

Dutch / Deutsch / Hollandaise / Netherlish

i) ____________ is spoken in many countries such as: Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, United
Arab Emirates, Egypt, Qatar?
Arab / Arabian/ Arabic / Arabesque

j) Have you seen today’s newspaper? It ________ they have caught those burglars.
Writes / tells / talks about / says

6. Match the words with their meaning/s:

1. g assumption a. normal, typical, conventional

2. c attitude b. delay, hamper, hold back

3. e background c. approach, manner, point of view

4. i behaviour d. observe, see, notice

5. h belief e. experience, education, environment

6. j Boundaries f. vulgar, uneducated, dirty

7. f foul g. hypothesis, supposition, statement

8. b hinder h. conviction, principle, idea

9. a mainstream i. manners, actions, conduct

10. perceive j. limitations, restrictions, margins


7. Choose the best answer:

1. When introducing someone to a business partner, you should:

a. Repeat the names of the people involved twice, so they remember the names and their
b. Introduce yourself before introducing the two people;

c. Introduce the most important person first;

2. If you want to make a good impression on someone you meet for the first time, you should:

a. Be pleasant and focus on the reply of the interlocutors;

b. Be genuinely sincere and ask short questions about the firm.

c. Greet everybody and speak about yourself;

3. What problems may result in a business relationship due to poor listening skills?

a. Short term memory;

b. Broken relationships;

c. All of the above;

4. You’re entering an office with people involved in working; you should:

a. Walk into the room and stand there and wait to be helped;

b. Do your best and not draw attention to yourself;

c. Greet people by saying “Hello” to those working at the desk;

5. You need someone’s business card at an important conference. What do you do?

a. You create an opportunity and develop a reason for him to ask for your card, hoping he
will offer you his;

b. You offer him your card and ask for his;

c. You tell him you need his card so you remember his name;

6. Nervousness is a complex emotion that occasionally happens at work. When it does, the best
way to deal with it is to:

a. Find outlets to relief your nervousness, such as walking, reading; if you cannot resolve it,
ask for help;

b. Train yourself to deal with nervousness and do not express your feelings at work;

c. Speak your mind regularly, so you chill out;

7. Humour at work is:

a) A way to occasionally break the stress during a hard day;

b) A way to show you have the sense of humour and are a nice person;

c) All of the above;

8. For a successful business meeting, the number one priority is:

a. Creating tasks and accomplishing the agenda in the allotted time;

b. Taking notes and sending them to everyone after the meeting;

c. Making sure you have a good participation;

9. Small talk is important for conducting business because it:

a. Creates rapport with people and seem more accessible;

b. Gives people an insight into your personality;

c. All of the above;

10. If you are seating and someone comes and wants to shake your hand, you should:

a. Dismiss the handshake as an unnecessary formality;

b. Stand up and shake the person’s hand;

c. Raise yourself from the chair and shake the offered hand;

11. If you are late for an appointment because you were called somewhere else, you should:

a. Call the receptionist and tell her you will be late;

b. Try to go to both meetings, even if you leave early and arrive late at the second;

c. Call the receptionist and reschedule the meeting for another day;

12. If you enter the office of a person you do not know, do you offer to shake her/his hand?

a. You introduce yourself first and then initiate a handshake;

b. No, you wait for him/her to shake your hand;

c. Yes – it is important to be a polite guest;

13. If you are in someone’s office, you initiate talking by:

a. Making comments about the office, the building, the surroundings;

b. Ask him/her specific questions about the firm;

c. Tell him/her about your own job;

14. If your telephone rings when you are at a business lunch, you:

a. Excuse yourself and leave the table;

b. Answer the call and try not disturb the others;

c. Turn your phone off and check your voice mail messages later;

15. If you were left in a waiting room for someone to collect you, what would you do?

a. Call your friends or business partners;

b. Use some time to relax;

c. Use that time to look over some document you have;

16. Sometimes, office gossip destroys carriers. If you only listen and not make comments:

a. You are as guilty as the other participants;

b. You are not guilty of gossiping;

c. You are just listening and not passing it on;

17. Criticism in the workplace is sometimes necessary. Therefore you should:

a. Criticise only people’s work and avoid personal criticism;

b. Give criticism privately and avoid embarrassing people;

c. Never criticise anyone;

18. If you’ve just been hired and approach a senior officer, do you initiate handshake?

a. You should only initiate it if the other person is a man;

b. No, you wait for the senior to do it;

c. No, if it is a woman;

19. Someone in an office sits in a wheelchair. When addressing, you should:

a. Offer to push his/her chair, as an act of politeness;

b. Sit down, so you are at the eye level of the person;

c. Behave normally;

20. Regarding corporate politics, it is best to:

a. Consider all people’s opinions and treat everyone fairly;

b. Let people know where you stand on issues and try to make the best decision;

c. Create relationships with people so as to function as a team.

8. Decide whether the following sentences are True or False:

1. The British are cold and unsmiling.

2. Americans are loud and noisy and ask stupid questions.

3. The Romanians are friendly and hospitable.

4. Western women have no morals.

5. Muslim women are emancipated.

6. The Japanese are very noisy and behave inappropriately.

7. The Germans are very efficient and organised.

8. The Spaniards are very friendly and relaxed.

9. The Americans always put their parents in nursing homes.

10. The French never get any work done.

9. Choose the right one:

1. You are in Japan. A business partner gives you his card. You should take it

a) your left hand

b) right hand

c) both hands

2. After receiving the card what do you do with it?

a) Read it and then put it away.

b) Read it and put it on the table during a conference.

c) Look at it attentively and then pass it to the other interlocutors to see it.

3. British communication style is................................................

a) straight with accompanied by eye contact

b) indirect without eye contact

c) indirect with full eye contact

4. In a business meeting with the Italians, you can expect them to......................

a) agree or disagree among them but not with you

b) criticise your arguments

c) report information but not discuss it

5. In a business meeting, you can expect the Korean to...................................

a) Agree and disagree with each other, but not with you.

b) Criticise your arguments.

c) Report information but not discuss.

6. In which of the following countries is it important to be on time for a business meeting?

a) Romania

b) Germany

c) China

7. You are making a series of suggestions and your Bulgarian counterpart keeps nodding his
head. Does this mean.......................

a) Yes, I agree completely.

b) Go on, I’m listening.

c) No, I don’t agree.

8. You are making a series of suggestions and your Japanese counterpart keeps nodding his
head. Does this mean...................................

a) Yes, I agree completely.

b) Go on, I’m listening.

c) No, I don’t agree.

9. You are talking to a German whom you have already met. You should call him

a) his first name

b) his surname

c) Mr + surname

d) his title

e) his title and surname

f) Mr + title +surname

10. In reply to a proposal, the Japanese say” That might be difficult.” What does it mean?

a) I can see a few problems which we need to solve before we decide.

b) No way.

c) I really like the idea, but I have to talk to my boss before.

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