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er,strguil.furalrwEtrruy W
6oldltnr lor Enlllrh t rchlrt

Level3 r Advanced

HowmanyIntemet{elaiedcrlmescan you thlnk of?

Whichof theseare llkelyto re3ultIn the perpetrator'beingsentto pri3on?
' someonewhodoessomething harmful,illegsl,or dishonest

Wrltothe koywordsfrom the artlclonext to tho deflnltons.

conlemptof court defendant grlevousbodilyham (GBH) trial

,urol proceedlngs rctrled

1. on6of a groupof 12ordinarymombersof thopublicwhojudg€a courtcas6

someonewho has been actused of a cfimo and is on trid

J. be crimeof notdoingwhata iudgein a courtof lawhasorderedyouto do

whehorsomeonels guiltyor Innocent

4. frteproc€ssof examinhga cas6In a clurt of lawanddecldlng

5. thecrimeofattackingsomeffevidentlyandcausingveryseriousiniuries

6. whena crimeis heardandiudgedIncourtagain

7. he actlonstaken,usuallyin court,to settea legalmafter

Ecquit allegation sppeal custodielsentenc€

oath susp€ndedsentence verdicl

d. to fomellv ask a court ot law lo chanae its decision

9 . a punishment
in whichsomeoneis sentto prison
1 0 . dme that someone wlll have to spend in prlson only lf hey commlt anoher cdme wihin a fixed period

1 1 .a formalpromise, onemadeIna coudof hw

wrongor illegaleventhoughhis hasnotbeenprovod
12. a statement

1 3 . a verb(usuatly
usedin he passiveform)tc stateofficially is notguiltyof thecrimehey were
hat someone
acorsed of

1 4 .an officialjudgment made in a court

o Mocmillu Publisbe! Ltd20l2

NEWS LESSONS I tus jdlod ovd onlim 6@b / Advmcc4

g uirftrriilnil gglf.r y ----wp
&sflry ,GOm
Solutlorr lor Englbh T!rchln!

Level3 r Advanced
Jurorjailedover online research 9 Judgesau hercounsel, ChadesParry,hadmade
Uniwrsity a pl6ato thecourlto be mercifulandimposea
monthslot tusoardlingqiminal defedant wttilo suspended senlence. Rejeclingtheplea,Judge
saidtherewas no sjlficient basisfor sJspension.
Ou6n Bowcott 10 Hesaidothorjuforslfero obviously concsmed
23January2012 asjumrswere
lo ensur€thattheirresponsibililies
pmperly dbchaeed.ll alsodemonstrates thal
A brmeruni\rsrsity
leclut€rwho caniedoutonline th6yhadfulVunderstood the prohibitionagainsl
resaarchabouta criminal
defsndantwhiteseMng useof inlemel.-.Herconduclin visiting
asa iurorhasbeenjailedforsix monlhs. inleme4rapeatedlywasdirecllyconlrary to hsr
oathas I jumr.'
Theodora Dallas,34,whoteughtpsychologyat
thoUni\ersityof Bedfordshirc,
wasfoundguilty 11 Dellas,slreadysuspendedbylhe university,
ofcontemptof courtbythreehighcourtjudges. no./resignedherpostatlhe maincampusin
LordJudge,lhe LordChiefJustice. Lulon.Thecourthadproviouslyheardthatshe
rvasa womanof'goodcharadef,andlhatshe
Thocasehighlighls thegruryimpmblemcourts hadgaineda degr€einthe U( havirEanived
facain ensuringjuors do nolusethe inlernet
1o fromGreecsas a 19yearoH.
casesin an orawhenlookingup hds
one @mpul6rseomsan increasingly 12 Ina heeringlastweelqshesail shehadbeen
natufalinstincl. checkinglha meaning of gl'.iewrcbodilyham
onlhe inl€mellhenaddedtheword'Luton'to
Dallas,whoconductod herrssearch al home, a seardrwhichproduced a newspaper reporl
wasa jurorinth6trialat LulonCrownCourtin mentioningthatMedlock hadpreviously faced
JUV2011.Shatoldmombers olthe iurywhat an allegation
of rape.ll showedheh8dbeen
shehadbund outaboutlhe debndant,Barry acquitlodoflhe chargsandincluded information
Medlodqwhowasontrialbr causinggrievous notdisclosed durjnghistrial.
bodilyharm.Thejudgehadto haltthe cas6aner
whathadoccuned,thoughMedlock to lhejudges,
13 In a writtenwitnessstatement
wesewnluallyrelrisl andfoundguilty. Dallasadmitted thatSometimesmygraspof
English is notthatgood'.
Dallaswillservethreemonthsandbe on licencg
forlheremainder oftheterm. 14 'l didnolunderslanC thatI couldmakenosearch
onlha inlemel.'Dallasexolained. 'l hadno
Contempl poceedingswerelaunched bythe intentional allof prejudicing
thejuryin anyway.
AttomeyGeneral,DominicGrieve.Thejudges I hadnointention ofdisobeying whatthejudge
to appealbntshecan said.I reallyapologizo.I n6\Erlhoughl itwouH
nonethelesseppvdirEcllylochallenge causesuchdisruolion.'
lhs decision.
15 Th6courlhead thatshehadsuffered deorsssion.
TheLod ChiefJusticssaidDallas,whowasin il omergedlhatDallashadcaniedoutinlernet
cou( forthehearing,heddeliberatetydisobeyed |asearch whilejuroc wereconsilering
notto search their\€rdicl.
theinlemalard add€d:Tha damageto the
ofiustbois obMous.' 18 Judgeacknoillodged thatsuchcasesposeda
relatilelynoveldilemma br thecourls.'\ffeare
Sonlencing Dallas,hosail: 'Misus6ofthe lryinglo produce a simpleformulafor uso,'he
internetby a iuroris ahuaysa mostserbus said.Thb b a r€lativelynewarea.'
inegularityandan efiec{ivecuslod;al
virluallvinevitable.' waspassed,Grielesau:'l iake
nopieasurein bringirE

O l4amillan Plbli6hc8 Lrd 20 12

NEWS LESSONS / Jurcr jailed d'a oolirc 'lgrch I AdvaEed

e$aeguardianweekly oneWenulish Solutlonr fo. Englirh Tc.chlnI

Level3 r Advanced
animportafit message- By heradionMsDallas 2010 foundthaltwooul ofthreejurorsdo nolfully
haneda lrislwhir$wasnearcompletion ard asije underslandthe legaldiredionsgivenlo themby
fom thefinancialimplicatioRs,
heractionsresulbd judgeswhonthey.elireto consiisrlheirwrdids.
inlhe vidim inlhe casebeingforced10retumto
courtandgi\e evidencebr a secordtirn€. 20 Jurorsdeemedto havemisbehaved areregularly
beinggivsncustodialsentences.ln December
18 TherBc€nbolittledoubtlhatrepeated wamirgs 2011,MatthswBanks,19,wasjailedfortwo
weregi\Bnto lvlsDallasandh€rbllolvjurorsaslo weeksaflerhe prBlendedto besickandinstead
lhe pohibitiononcondudingreseachido thecas€ went1oa libst Endmusicalin Londonwhen
whidrtheyworatying. Onlythreeweeksearlier, hewassupposed lo beser$ngona
theSolktorGenenlpmsscuted julorJoanne Manchestarjury.
a lrialon Faceboo[a case
Ocladhn Nds & M€dia2012
m6ntioned bythsjudg€h hisdirgclionstothsjury.'
F Ft NHbhed in l?|e 6uadian.23l0ln2
19 Thedutiesimposed onjurorsarebecoming mora
A reportforths Minislryof Justicein

Answerthe questionsaccordingto ths Infom.ton in the articlo.

1. Theodora Dallaswas ontrialfor .-.

a. ... grisvousbodilyharm.
b. ... contemgtof court.
c. .., raog.

2 . MsDallasdidonlinoresearchintolh6 dafendant
... a1home.
D . ... at an intemetcaf6.
... in courlon hersmartphon8.

BarryMedlock wason trialfor ...

... grievousbodilyharm.
... conlemplof court.
... rapo.

1 . MsDallas wassenllo jailfor...

... lhr€emonths.
... sixmonths.
... threemonthswitha furlherthreemonthson licenceinlhe community.

Shesaidshehadcaniedoutthe researchb€cause..-
... shewantedto fnd outwhetherMedlock
hada crimlnalrecord.
o. -.. shswantedto lookupa legallerm-
... shecomesfromGreece.

O L{acmillan h$lishc6 L1d 2012

NEWS LESSONS/Jmrjailcd ovc. onlirE warch/Advam/

Solutionr lor Elglirh Tlrchir!

Level3 r Advanced

lrabh the verbson tlre left with tlre words on the right b makecollocationsfrom he arliclo.Discusstheir
meaningsand makeexamplosenlencesfor eachons.

1. tnd a. 0naJury
2. inwstigale b. ajury
3. challengs c. ofacharge
4. faco d. guilty
5. acquitted a. a decision
8. preiudice f. an allegation
7. halt g. rcsearch
8. givo h. evidenco
L conduct i. a lrial
10. consider J. C€SeS

11. servo k. 8 verdd

Completothe tablewith nounsand verbsrelatodto the u,ordEln the articlo.

nouns verbs nouns vsrDs

I trial 8. apologize
defendant o completion
3. app€al 10. disobey
4. acquitlal t1 allegation
occut 12. suspeno
6 research 13. invesligale
I implications 14. demonstrato

Doyou think that thejuror shouldhavebo€ns6nt b iail? Why?Why non

Wriloa letlsr to a newspapsror commenton an internstforumeithersupportingor opposingtho decision

b s6ndMs Dallasto jail.

Findout aboutthe Britishjury systemat

httu:i i/ww.directoov.ulden/CrimeJusticeAndTheLadJuryservice/DG_072707.
ls tho systomin your countrysimilar?

O Macmile Publishc6 Ltd 2012

NEWS I,ESSONS / Jwr iailcd ovq orli@ IEwh /Adveed ffi

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