Advanced Unit 1 Answers Study Guide

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Unit 1: Introduction to Georgia STUDY GUIDE

Where to find: 5 Regions Map

1. Label the following on the map: 5 Regions, Fall Line, the Savannah River, the St. Mary’s River, the
Chattahoochee River, & the Barrier Islands.

2. Two hemispheres GA is located in: Northwestern

3. Continent GA is located on: North America

4. Corner of the U.S. GA is located in: Southeastern

5. Capital of GA: Atlanta

6. Which region is the following located in?

a. Atlanta: Piedmont

b. “Carpet Capital of the World”: Ridge & Valley

c. Cloudland Canyon: Appalachian Plateau

d. Barrier Islands: Coastal Plain

e. Start of the Appalachian Trail: Blue Ridge

7. Explain how the Fall Line influenced population growth throughout GA’s history:

Settlers often stopped at the Fall Line instead of unload their goods & go around the falls. Therefore, we
have four sizeable cities on the Fall Line. Factories would harness the waterfalls for hydroelectric power.
Because of the difficulty of crossing the Fall Line, it took a while for people to continue moving
northward in our state.
8. List three of GA’s top grossing agricultural products (not livestock):

Peanuts, pecans, blueberries, spring onions, soybeans, cotton, corn

9. List three companies based in Atlanta:

Delta Airlines, CNN/Turner Broadcasting, Coca-Cola, Home Depot, Chick-fil-a, Georgia-Pacific

10. List the four transportation systems: Roads, Rail, Water, Air

11. List GA’s two deep water seaports: Savannah & Brunswick

12. Nickname Georgia is given in the entertainment industry: “Hollywood of the South.”

13. List three reasons the entertainment industry is attracted to Georgia:

a. Location diversity: We have a wide range of geography with the five regions of GA. We have
mountains, the ocean, hills, flatlands, canyons, forest, etc. We have just about every setting/location you
could want for film/T.V.

b. The GA government provides tax breaks for the production companies, so it is much cheaper to film

c. We have a mild climate which can allow for more days of filming & will help keep production costs
lower. We also have four seasons which leads to a variety of choices for filming.

14. List two positive impacts the entertainment industry has on the state of Georgia and its people:

a. Jobs – wages for people to spend, more taxes paid = better services for all of us. Creates jobs for

b. $9.5 billion economic impact – they have to purchase supplies, rent, employ people, etc.

15. List three positive impacts the 1996 Olympic Games had on Georgia:

a. Centennial Olympic Park attracted investment in nearby housing and hotels.

b. Number of conventions held in Atlanta grew and so did tourism.

c. 7,500 new hotel rooms, restaurants, sidewalks, signs, trees, lighting, public art, housing, improved
pedestrian environment, new sports facilities, or replaced/upgraded.

16. What is GA’s overall climate? Humid & mild

17. Industry most affected by GA’s climate: Agriculture

18. Why does GA’s climate attract business to the state? GA has a consistently mild climate that keeps
operating costs low

19. Describe the impact our climate has on agricultural production: GA is able to have several growing
seasons & a variety of crops

20. Primary function of GA’s barrier islands: Protect beaches from erosion
21. How do interstate highways benefit GA’s economy? They connect GA’s deep water ports, airports, &
railroads, which allows goods to be moved quickly & efficiently to national & international markets.

22. What is the economic impact the 7 Wonders has on GA? The tourism they generate provides
revenue for Georgia & employment for many people. It’s also much cheaper for Georgians to visit these
sites instead of traveling to another state. This keeps their tourism dollars within the state.

23. List three benefits of GA’s lakes/rivers.

a. Provides drinking water & water for other household needs. Without this water, we could not survive
& would lose many modern day conveniences.

b. Provides homes & food sources for animals & plants.

c. Provides a transportation system for goods & people.

d. Generates hydroelectric power for citizens.

e. They cool reactors at nuclear power facilities.

f. They provide recreation for people which boosts the economy.

24. Our unofficial state motto is “Wisdom, Justice, & Moderation.” Which branch of government does
each word apply to & what does it mean?

a. Wisdom:

Branch: Legislative Meaning: In making state laws

b. Justice:

Branch: Judicial Meaning: In making fair decisions

c. Moderation:

Branch: Executive Meaning: In administering laws

25. What are the ten themes of social studies, with definitions and 1 example.

Theme Definition Example

Conflict and Change When there is conflict between or Civil War led to the
within societies, change is the emancipation of slaves

Movement and Migration The transition of people and ideas Oregon Trail-people moved out
and the effect on all societies west in search of gold and a
involved better life

Distribution of Power Distribution of power in The Constitution divides our

government is a product of existing government into 3 branches
documents and laws combined with different powers in each.
with contemporary value and

Individuals, Groups, and Institutions The actions of individuals, groups, Hitler affected Jewish society
and/or institutions affect society through the intended
through intended and unintended consequences of the Holocaust.

Technological Innovation Technical innovations that can lead Atomic bomb innovation led to
to penalty, both anticipated and the deaths of thousands in
not deliberate, for a society. Japan.

Beliefs and Ideals A society’s beliefs and ideals USA believes in democracy,
influence societal, political and therefore we have a democratic
economic decisions style of government.

Production, Distribution, and The manufacture, spreading, and Production of Coca Cola in ATL,
Consumption use of goods/services produced by distributed all across the state,
the society are affected by the and then consumed by the
location, customs, beliefs, and laws people. It is produced more in
of the society.
GA because we believe COke is
better than Pepsi. :)

Rule of Law Rule of regulation influences the Speed limit laws regulate our
actions of citizens, establishes driving.
procedures for making policies, and
restrictions the power of

Location The setting of places and events Location of the Fall Line led to
that affect a society’s economy, city developments there
culture, and development. because they could not traverse
the water falls.

Conflict Resolution Societies resolve conflicts through The conflict over where to have
legal procedures, force, and/or Georgia’s capital city led to it
compromise. being moved 5 times.

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