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Clean Cows Mean Less Mastitis cow and in her environment was a good predictor of

Mastitis caused by environmental pathogens is the the occurrence of coliform mastitis. A more recent
most significant udder health problem facing the study noted that, in four study herds, the lowest
dairy industry in North America. The rate of new incidence of mastitis occurred in the herd with the
infections is directly related to the number of bacte- cleanest cows and the most satisfactory beds.
ria that the teat end is exposed to, and several studies The hygiene scoring method described below is one
have made associations between clean housing, of several that have proven effective as a tool to ob-
clean cows and lower bulk tank somatic cell counts. jectively evaluate and monitor cow cleanliness with
A 1992 study found that an index of environmental the objective of reducing udder health problems.
sanitation based on the amount of manure on the source: N.B. Cook & D.J. Reinemann, Proc NMC Ann Mtg 2007

How To Use The Hygiene Scoring Card

This hygiene scoring system has been devel- 1 is no manure present. Score 2 is minor splash-
oped to use on farm as a trouble shooting tool ing of manure near the teats. Score 3 is distinct
to quantify hygiene on a farm, and as a monitor plaques of manure on the lower half of the ud-
to assess improvements in hygiene manage- der and Score 4 is confluent plaques of manure
ment. encrusted on and around the teats. Manure may
be transferred to the udder either by lying on a
How many cows? filthy surface or by resting the udder on a manure
Aim to score all cows in a small (<100 cows) herd contaminated lower leg.
or at least 25% of the cows in each pen in a large
(>100 cows) herd. Score in each of three zones: Flank and upper leg
lower leg, udder and flank and upper leg. Score Score 1 is no manure. Score 2 is minor splash-
each zone separately. Scores 3 and 4 show a ing of manure. Score 3 is distinct plaques of
level of poor hygiene which is unacceptable. manure with hair showing through, and Score 4
Therefore, calculate the proportion of scores 3 is confluent plaques of manure. This zone maybe
and 4 for each zone scored. contaminated either by lying on a filthy surface
as would occur in a poorly managed stanchion
Scoring guide barn stall, or by a manure encrusted tail swishing
Lower leg around the rump area.
The scoring system aims to track the amount
of manure present and the distance it extends Benchmarks
proximally up the leg. Score 1 is little or no ma- Benchmarks suggested in the table below are
nure above the coronary band. Score 2 is minor based on scores from 20 Wisconsin herds.
splashing above the coronary band. Score 3 is
distinct plaques of manure above the coronary Percentage of Scores 3 or 4
band, but with leg hair visible. Score 4 is a solid Flank &
plaque of manure extending high up the leg. Lower Upper
Typically stanchion/tie stall cows have clean Leg Udder Leg
legs. Freestall cows have a higher degree of leg Freestall Barn
contamination from walking through manure Mean Score 54 20 17
filled alleyways. Best Score 24 5 6
Stanchion Barn
Udder Mean Score 25 18 26
Observe the udder from the rear and the side if Best Score 9 0 5
possible. The presence of visible manure near
the teats is a risk factor for udder infection. Score source: N.B. Cook, University of Wisconsin-Madison


Devised by N.B. Cook, University of Wisconsin-Madison

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