Registration Statement: Hlurb MC No. Series of 200 - Form No. 001 Annex

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Series of 200___
Form No. 001
Annex _____

(For Corporation)

I, _______________________________, Filipino of legal are, single/married,

with postal address and residence at _______________________________________,
after being sworn to in accordance with the Law do hereby depose and state the

1. That I am the _________________________ of __________________________

with postal address at ______________________________________________.

2. That the name and address of the Directors, Officer of

__________________________________________________ are as follows:

3. That the general character of the business being conducted by

______________________________ is _____________ with a capitalization of
________________________________ (P ______________ ) broken down as
Authorized _____________________ (P _________________ )
Subscribed ____________________ (P _________________ )
Paid up ________________________ (P _________________ )

4. a. That the corporation is both the owner and developer of certain parcels of land
hereinafter called _________________________________________ situated at
_______________________________________ and covered by TCT Nos.
______________________________________ comprising an aggregate area of
________________ sq.m.; or

b. That the said corporation is the developer of certain parcel(s) of land

hereinafter called ____________________________________ situated at
______________________________ and covered by TCT No.(s)
_________________________________ comprising an aggregate area of
(Delete which is not applicable)

5. That our authorized broker(s) shall be __________________________________

6. That is our capacity as owner and/or developer, we bind ourselves to comply with
all the rules and regulations pertaining to this project and shall be held
responsible for all the facilities, improvement infrastructures and similar form of
development hereon.

_________________________________ ________________________________
(Date) (Place)



(If No. 4b applies)


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this _______ day of __________, Affiant

exhibiting before me his/her Community Tax Certificate No. __________________
issued at ______________________ on _______________.

Doc No. ______

Page No. _____ Notary Public
Book No. _____
Series of ______

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