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Welcome to this case study!

Here I'll show you the details of a simple campaign that I

used to generate over $10,000 in commissions in less than
a week.

But before I go further and start showing you how I did that, I
want to be transparent and say that I cannot guarantee in
any way that you'll be able to get the same results just by
reading this case study.

You may get different results or even no results at all.

The purpose of this document is to show you how I did it and

hopefully help you figure out how you can run some profitable
campaigns as well, but I am just sharing the information and
your results (good or bad) are 100% your responsibility.

That being said, let me explain what type of online advertising

campaign allowed me to get such impressive results...

It was a CPA campaign.

CPA stands for cost-per-acquisition and it's an advertising

model where you can promote offers that will pay you a
commission when you generate a lead.

It means that you don't necessarily have to get someone to

buy a product in order to get paid.
Often times, you can get someone just to register for a free
service, install an app or even submit a zip code and BOOM!
You get a commission!

Promoting this type of offer tends to be much easier for

beginners than promoting any other type of product that
requires people to pull their credit card and buy something for
a commission to be generated.

So, if you're looking to build a simple internet marketing

business that doesn't require a lot of technical and selling
skills, this may be something to consider.

Let me show you some examples of CPA offers...

Converts upon a free registration

Converts upon a free registration

Converts upon an email submit

Converts upon an app install

When you're promoting offers like the ones above, here is

how it works:

1. You get your affiliate link for promoting an offer

2. You get people who might be interested in that offer to

click your link

3. If the perform the desired action (e.g. free registration,

app install, etc), you earn a commission

It's really as simple as that when you're a CPA affiliate.

Pretty nice, huh?

For you to get access to CPA offers you need to join CPA
networks as a publisher.
Here are some examples of good CPA companies:

You go to the network's website, submit an application as a

publisher and then you'll be able to access their offers and get
your affiliate link as soon as your account is approved.

Ok, now I want to show you a successful CPA campaign from

start to finish.

It will show you how simple it is to promote CPA offers

successfully and it will also give you a good idea on how to
build some campaigns yourself.

I chose an online game to promote called Warframe.

Warframe is a popular online game and they had an offer on

the CPA networks that was paying $2.50 for a free sign up.

It means that all I had to do was to send people to the sign

up page via my affiliate link and I would get $2.50 for each
form submission.

Here is the offer's registration page:

Before clicking the "play free now" button

After clicking the "play free now" button

Promoting this type of offer is usually a very simple task and

it's normally possible to get an increase in payout after
sending the first leads.

Also, $2.50 is not a bad payout for a free registration (short

form) as you'll see in the next pages.

Promoting CPA offers is quite simple, you just need to drive

cheap traffic to the offer and give them a nice reason to

When promoting gaming offers a nice strategy is to use

Facebook ads to promote the game to people who like other
similar games.

Even if you have no experience with Facebook ads, I am sure

that you have already used Facebook yourself and you've
seen other people's ads there.

There are many different ad formats available, but the most

popular ones are the news feed ads.

The news feed ads are sponsored posts that people see when
they're checking their feed... the sponsored post normally
shows up among the other normal posts and the only
difference is that it has a small "sponsored" on the top left,
which people normally don't even notice.

If you don't have a Facebook Advertising account, you can

create it here:

It's free and rapid to set up.

Anyway, back to the campaign...

There is a very simple strategy for promoting games on
Facebook that's based on targeting the fans of other similar

So, I went to Google and searched for "Warframe similar

games" and rapidly found a few options.

After looking at some forums and discussions by gamers (I

am not a gamer myself, so I always like to make some
research and see what people are saying about the games I
am promoting), I found out that Borderlands 2 was a very
similar, but slightly worse game, which is perfect.

I had my strategy: to promote Warframe to Borderlands 2

fans on Facebook and show them a few reasons why they
should play Warframe instead of the game they were
currently playing.

It tends to be very simple to do it, because most gamers will

sign up just out of curiosity, just to see if the game you're
promoting is indeed better than the one they've been playing.

Here is how the campaign should flow:

People see the ad on Facebook and click it => people go to

the landing page and click the link => people go to the offer
and register to play the game ($$$)

The landing page is an intermediate page where I pre-sell the

offer. I basically tell people why they should register for the
game (it normally works much better than sending people
straight to the registration page).

It's possible to promote these free registration offers using

just a bridge page, a one-page website with some information
on why they should play the game I am promoting over the
game they currently like.

You can create your page using Wordpress, any site building
out there, freelancers from Fiverr, etc... Really up to you. It
shouldn't be a major challenge.

I created a very simple page as you can see here:

The fun thing is that I don't create any content for the landing
I just get an image from the game I am promoting on the
internet and I copy and paste some positive stuff that gamers
are saying on forums, blogs, review sites, etc about my

For example, if someone says that the game I am promoting

has a much better "PvP mode" than the game my audience is
currently playing, I'll just put something like this on the
landing page:

Experience a much better PvP mode with {games_name}

than with any other game

And that's it.

I don't even need to know what PvP is... if gamers are saying
it is an important advantage that the game I am promoting
has over the game I am targeting, I'll just use it.

It's cool to do this because...

... first, you don't need to know anything about the offer
you're promoting as you're just copying everything;

... second, your copy won't sound too salesy, it will be more
like a from-gamer-to-gamer thing and people will be more
likely to trust what you're telling them.

Landing page done, so time to go to Facebook and set up a


When running this type of campaign I like to create very

targeted campaigns on Facebook.

It's possible to do it with 3 simple steps:

1. Set up a simple fan page (takes literally 5 minutes or less)

2. Make a post on the fan page promoting the landing page

(not the affiliate link directly)

3. Promote the post so that Facebook will show it to

thousands of people

I already had a general fan page that I used to use for my

gaming campaigns before promoting Warframe, but you'll
probably need to create one if you decide to run a campaign
yourself, so i'll briefly explain how it is done.

Step 1 - Fan page

This is pretty simple as you just need a basic fan page set up
with no content in it. No one will be really interacting with the
fan page, just with the ad itself, so you don't have to make
your fan page look professional or anything.

Just go to and create a new

page about games.

Just use a general gaming related name such as Gamer's

Empire, Top Online Games, etc... anything general like that.
You can choose any category that you think is a good fit (not
really relevant) and then just go through the steps by hitting

Upload a cover and profile pics, just general images that you
get on the internet and that's it.

You don't need to add any content to your page or do

anything else.

Step 2 - Promotional post

The second step is to make a promotional post on the fan

page promoting the offer.

The post should be made based on the angle of the campaign.

So, my post was focused on comparing Warframe with

Borderlands 2. See:
The key is to keep it simple and try to make it sound not too
salesy... it has to look like a from-gamer-to-gamer thing.

If you pay attention to the ad copy you'll see that I incentivize

people to like and comment. The reason why I do it is
because Facebook has a metric called relevance score.

The relevance score basically measures people's interactions

with your ad and determines how relevant your ad is for the
audience you're targeting.
The more interactions/engagement the more relevant is the
ad... and the more relevant is the ad the cheaper will be the
campaign as Facebook rewards relevant ads with lower
(sometimes much lower) costs.

Step 3 - Promote the post

The last step is to promote the post so that Facebook will give
it a lot of exposure and many people will see it.

It's possible to simply click the "Boost" button on the post,

but the best way to do this is to go to the ads manager and
create an advertising campaign to generate post engagement.

If you still don't have a Facebook ads account, you can create
one here:

Once you create your account, click on "Create ad" and start
configuring your campaign.

Below is how I set up the campaign for promoting

As you can see, I started bidding $0.11 per post engagement
(likes, clicks, comments, shares, etc).

However, after the ad got a nice relevance score it wen down

to $0.02!

That's always the key on Facebook, to get a high relevance


Also, it's relevant to mention that my audience size was

230,000. It means that the campaign was very specific and I
had a really targeted audience.

It's also important, because if the campaign is too broad it's

hard to keep relevance high.

I let the ad run and kept monitoring the metrics.

Some ads don't get a god relevance score, sop we have to kill
them and create new ones.

Some landing pages didn't get click-throughs to the offer, so

we have to tweak or even replace them.

The ad, landing page and targeting that I showed you above
turned out to be a winning combination and generated over
$10,000 in commissions for me in just 5 days:

$10,265.00 in revenue

The ROI was superb as well... check out the costs after the
same period of time:

$710.82 in advertising costs

However, it's important to keep in mind that not every

campaign turns a positive ROI. So, if you see that people are
not engaging with the ad or landing page or even not
completing the offer, just test something different.

Normally, we need to test 3 - 5 campaigns investing around

$50 - $100 in each one to find a winner.

But once we find the winning combination it rakes in

thousands of dollars!

Also, it's obvious that not all the clicks came from the
advertising campaign.

After Facebook starts giving the post exposure, many people

interact and share it and Facebook itself also gives it a lot of
organic exposure.

As a consequence, the post gets many views, likes, clicks, etc

that are free and not a results of the paid campaign.

It happens with pretty much any campaign and it's what

allows a simple campaign get such powerful results.
Well, I hope you enjoyed this case study.

It shows how simple CPA can be for people who have the
right blueprint to follow.

If you'd like to learn more about CPA marketing and get more
case studies, reports, video training, etc, just join my free
mastermind group:

>> Click here to join Wealthy Minds 100% free <<

You can also follow me on social media for additional tips:

Facebook: click here

YouTube: click here

Blog: click here

Thank you!

William Souza

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