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Environmental Pollution 267 (2020) 115409

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Human health risk assessment of some bottled waters from Romania*

Thomas Dippong a, *, Maria-Alexandra Hoaghia b, Cristina Mihali a, Elena Cical a,
Mihai Calugaru c
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, North University Centre at Baia Mare, Faculty of Science, 76 Victoriei Street, 430122, BaiaMare, Romania
INCDO-INOE 2000, Research Institute for Analytical Instrumentation, 67 Donath Street, 400293, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
c ^nca
Research Centre for Instrumental Analysis, 1 Petre Ispirescu Street, Ta beşti, 077167, Ilfov, Romania

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The paper presents the quality status of 14 brands of bottled water, with sources of groundwaters from
Received 29 February 2020 different mountain areas alongside the Carpathian Mountains from Romania. A number of 12 physico-
Received in revised form chemical parameters (ammonium, bicarbonate, electrical conductivity, carbonate, chemical oxygen de-
8 August 2020
mand, chloride, nitrate, nitrite, pH, sulphate, total hardness, turbidity), 9 metals and metalloids (Li, B, Na,
Accepted 10 August 2020
Available online 1 September 2020
Mg, Al, K, Ca, Sr, Ba) and 17 heavy metals (V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, As, Mo, Ag, Cd, In, Tl, Pb, Bi)
were determined and studied. The quality status, the potential contamination and the health risk
assessment of bottled waters were assessed, by using the drinking water quality index, the heavy metal
Bottled water
pollution index, the heavy metal evaluation index, the degree of contamination and the human health
Heavy metals risk indices. Hierarchical cluster analysis was applied, indicating similarities among the studied bottled
Health risk waters based on their metal content. The Piper diagram reveals that the majority of bottled water
Quality index samples fall into the Ca, Mg, Na, K, Cl, SO2 2 
4 , CO3 , HCO3 categories. The quality of bottled waters based
Pollution indices on the indices results indicated marginal, poor and very-poor quality status of the studied water samples,
Piper diagram while the health risk assessment indices presented potential risks at aluminium, chloride and nitrate for
the inhabitants who used those water samples with the purpose of drinking. The pollution indices with
respect to metals generally reflected a low pollution status. This study represents the first attempt in
assessing the overall quality of some bottled water collected from the mountain area, Romania, likewise
assessing the comprehensive human health risk due to several chemical elements determined in water in
amounts around and exceeding the maximum allowable concentrations. This research can be useful for
development of potential strategies for risk control and management in the field of drinking water.
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction indicating significant challenges in the system modelling, respec-

tively in the quantification of sustainable management of water
Globally, in the last decay, the use and demand of bottled water resources (Chang et al., 2017). The chemical composition of
has been increasing, which rises concerns regarding the quality of groundwater is influenced and altered by the fast development of
the bottled water and also the used packaging material (most used society (urbanism, industrialization, mining activities, radioactive
polyethylene terephthalate (PET) playing an important role as an activities, domestic and agricultural sources), and also by natural
adequate barrier against humidity, oxygen and carbon dioxide processes (volcanism, weathering of rocks, evaporation processes)
(Chapa-Martínez et al., 2016). Sources for the bottled water are implicitly affecting the human health and the natural environment.
represented by groundwater (13%e30% of the total freshwater Pollution refers to changes in the biological and physico-chemical
volume). The groundwaters are sources of drinking water for more characteristics of all water bodies, groundwater as well, such as
than 50% of the population worldwide (Chen et al., 2016). the increase and presence of diverse hazardous materials (heavy
Groundwaters (aquifers) are complex and heterogeneous systems metals, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, nitrates, nitrogen, chloride)
and pathogens (Qiao et al., 2020; Udhayakumar et al., 2016).
Due to its polarity, water has the capacity to suspend, dissolve,
This paper has been recommended for acceptance by Eddy Y. Zeng. absorb and adsorb many different compounds, therefore contam-
* Corresponding author. ination could appear (Deeba et al., 2019).
E-mail address: (T. Dippong).
0269-7491/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 T. Dippong et al. / Environmental Pollution 267 (2020) 115409

According to Zhao et al. (2020), one of the most significant parameters, such as 26 elements (including elements as Li, B, V, Ga,
pollution of the environment, respectively of the water sources are Mo, Ag, In, Tl, Bi Sr, Ba which were not sufficient studied in other
represented by the heavy metals, due to their serious toxicity at low studies) for different 14 bottled water brands from Romania; (II).
levels, persistence ability, biomagnification and bioaccumulation. Applying for the first time a quality, pollution and risk assessment,
Sources of heavy metals are the municipal emissions (coal burning by using comprehensive indices, offering scientific evidence and
and exhaustion gases) for Zn and Ni, while the metal industry basic data (water environment risk management and water pollu-
(emissions and discharges) and sewerage are sources of B, Co, Cu, tion prevention) regarding the 14 bottled waters brands.
Ag, Cd (Xiao et al., 2019; Belkhiri et al., 2017; Chen et al., 2016; Devic This study is significant and valuable from the point of view of
et al., 2014). environmental protection, identifying diverse and toxic metals in
Heavy metals could cause health problems after accumulating small and high amounts in the content of the groundwater
into the body system through the food chain, water ingestion, presuming potential effects on the human health trough ingestion.
inhalation, epidermal absorption (Zhao et al., 2020; Belkhiri et al., The study is important for research in medicine, offering informa-
2017). As results, severe implications and different disorders may tion regarding the concentration of each type of water, creating
appear (cardiovascular and skeletal diseases, infertility and perspectives for future studies on effects on organs or even iden-
neurotoxicity) (Chabukdhara et al., 2017; Chang et al., 2017). tifying some diseases.
Chemical carcinogens caused about 90% of the cancer cases (Zhao
et al., 2020). These substances could enter into human organisms 2. Materials and methods
through the drinking water ingestion pathway.
A source for drinking water has to be free of pathogens and its 2.1. GIS distribution of bottled water site
quality has to be identified with the help of physico-chemical and
biological parameters (Chabukdhara et al., 2017). In order to assess Geostatistics is used in spatial distribution of contaminated
the quality of a proper drinking water source, different mathe- drinking water sources with heavy metals; starting with the sam-
matical tools are used all over the world, such water quality index pling sites, those methods became one of the modelling methods
or heavy metal pollution index. For example, the arithmetic used in sustainability studies and water resources management
drinking water quality index (DWQI(A)) and DWQI convert the data (Belkhiri et al., 2017).
regarding the water quality into numerical expressions, indicating A number of 14 bottled water brands (AP1-AP14, AP- Apa
the quality status of water sources (Ponsadailakshmi et al., 2018). Potabila meaning Drinking Water) which utilize the groundwater as
Heavy metal pollution indices (HPI) are efficient tools in assessing source of drinking water, distributed in all mountain areas from the
the pollution status, based on the heavy metal contents Romanian Carpathian Mountain Chain were collected in this study
(Ghaderpoori et al., 2018). The importance of these methods is (Fig. 1).
given by the possibility to convert quantitative data into qualitative The origin of bottled water is significant to be established and
data, improving the quality assessment of water and offering clues assessed, as well as the natural conditions of the parent water in
regarding the degree of contamination. order to control the quality of water for market regulators. The
The Romanian inhabitants from rural and urban areas use natural sources of waters confirm the similarities between the
groundwater and bottled water as sources of drinking water. The bottled waters (Dotsika et al., 2010). Generally, groundwater is the
groundwater originates from alluvial deposits and presents high source for bottled waters, which is pumped or directly bottled at
amounts of nitrogen compounds due to agricultural activities the source. In order to make accurate interpretation via the data
(Dippong et al., 2019; Hoaghia et al., 2019). Thereby, the ground- regarding the quality of water, a significant role is played by the
water ecosystems and the human health must be frequently information regarding the hydrogeology and geology of the West-
assessed, by monitoring the heavy metals content and other ern and Eastern Carpathian Mountains from Romania. Precipitation
chemical contaminants (Belkhiri et al., 2017). In this direction, in infiltrates through the fault system to the granite or altered rocks
order to evaluate the potential human health risk, the chronic daily feeding the primary aquifer. As water flows deeply, aquifers are
intake (CDI) through water ingestion and the hazard quotient (HQ) enriched by minerals (Petrovic et al., 2010). The Romanian Carpa-
are calculated. thians are part of the Carpathian Mountains Chain, situated in the
Multivariate analysis is widely used in assessment of complex Central and Eastern Europe. The groundwater sources originate
data (differentiation and classification of waters with different from all three main divisions of the Carpathians: Orientali Carpa-
composition based on major trace elements and/other chemical thians (volcanic mountains, such as Oas, Gutai, Calimani, Gurghiu
parameters) (Belkhiri et al., 2017; Devic et al., 2014). Among the and Harghita Mountains; characterized by a complex structure
different multivariate techniques, cluster analysis (CA) has become mostly made up by siliciclastic, calcareous and limestones), Occi-
accepted in classifying the samples by indicating different degrees dentali Carpathians (having mosaic structure represented by
of similarities based on their chemical characteristics. limestone, conglomerate, volcanic and crystalline rocks) and Mer-
There are several studies regarding the chemical composition of idionali Carpathians (are typical Alpine chain with the highest
spring and mineral bottled water from Romania, such as Konczyk peaks from the Romanian mountains represented by Moldoveanu
et al. (2019) or Carstea et al. (2016). Although the requirement for Peak- 2544 m; characterized by complex structure generally made
the drinking water obtained by the supply systems is increasing in up by metamorphic rocks and deeply eroded structures). The main
Romania, there are regions in the country where the inhabitants rock formations are represented by crystalline, metamorphic and
have no access to a drinking water source except the bottled water. also volcanic rocks (Negm et al., 2020; Stefanescu et al., 2006). In
These findings represent only a small part of the study research; the volcanic areas the geological formations are represented by ancient
drinking water obtained by the supply system is an important so- rocks (proterozoic) and newer rocks (neogene). The ancient rocks
lution from the economical part of view as well (the price of 1 L of are represented by sedimentary rocks such as sandstone, lime-
bottled water is comparable with the price of 1 m3 of drinking stone, marl, clay while the igneous rocks are basalt, granite, and
water). volcanic tuffs. The new rocks are the product of volcanic activities of
The novelty and originality of the study consists on the volcanic mountains: flows of andesitic pyroclastic breccias, dacitic
following specific aspects: (I). Developing and improving a chem- intrusions, dioritic and microdioritic lava (Ion et al., 2019). The
ical model based on the distribution of significant physico-chemical rocks hosting the aquifers used as water sources for bottled
T. Dippong et al. / Environmental Pollution 267 (2020) 115409 3

Fig. 1. Location map of the studied bottled waters.

drinking water are usually carbonate rocks (limestone, calcareous there is no technology for neutralize and eliminate many of those
conglomerates), pyroclastites, andesites, detrital sedimentary de- metals from the sources of waters used by the inhabitants for the
posits, sandstones or crystalline shale (Feru, 2012). drinking purpose. Natural neighbour interpolation was used in
The brands of bottled waters as well as their sources and data order to obtain the distribution maps. The interpolations algorithm
regarding the geochemistry (details regarding the beds of different applies weights to the closest subset of input samples to a query
rocks of the studied bottled waters samples) are presented in table point (Dippong et al., 2019). The geographic information system
5. (Supplementary material). Generally, the quality of water is (GIS) was used for obtaining the spatial distribution maps of the
influenced by the geological structure (Petrovic et al., 2010). physico-chemical parameters. The maps delineate the areas with
The bottled waters (volumes of 2.0 and 2.5 L) were bayed from low and high amounts of concentrations of the chemical parame-
stores in April, May and July of 2019. Samples were transported and ters. ArcGIS software was used for interpolation and elaborating the
kept at low temperature to the laboratory until the chemical spatial distribution maps (Dippong et al., 2019). This method does
analysis. Before the analysis, the bottles were homogenised and not extrapolate minimum and maximum values, which means that
transferred into clean beakers. Water was filtered by using 0.45 mm the values represented on the maps fit in a minimum-maximum
acetate cellulose filters in order to determine the elements and ratio of the parameters. Also, it highlights growing and lowering
anions. Distribution maps were used in order to show the varia- values of the parameters into coloured areas around the sampling
tions of chemical parameters (11 physico-chemical parameters and sites. For each map, the true north and the scale (constant elements,
13 elements) specific for diverse areas of the Romanian Carpathian such as the legend, and variable elements, such as the minimum
Mountains. The maps were elaborated by using ArcGIS software. and maximum values of each indicator) were represented.
We used the mean values for each brand of bottled water (obtained
from the three lots collected in the three months), due to the 2.2. Experimental methods
purpose of the study which was to analyse in a detailed manner as
many physico-chemical parameters as it could; also, comparing A number of 12 physico-chemical parameters (ammonium, bi-
diverse water brands that could offer more information regarding carbonate, electrical conductivity, carbonate, chemical oxygen de-
the water quality and about the potential effects on health. No mand, chloride, nitrate, nitrite, pH, sulphate, total hardness,
temporal distribution was followed, because the aim was to high- turbidity), 9 elements (Li, B, Na, Mg, Al, K, Ca, Sr, Ba) and 17 heavy
light the critical maximum and minimum values with direct impact metals (V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, As, Mo, Ag, Cd, In, Tl, Pb, Bi)
on human health. We consider the obtained results regarding the were analysed. A variety and relatively high number of elements
metal content novelty and interests for other research studies. The was studied with the aim of creating a vision concerning the
main reason why such a consistent number of elements were possible effects of elements on the quality of water. On the other
studied is due to the dependence of the quality of water to the hand, we could consider Li, Sr and Ga as elements presented for the
technological processes of purification and bottling. Nowadays, first time, so contributing to the originality of the paper. The quality
4 T. Dippong et al. / Environmental Pollution 267 (2020) 115409

indicators, as well as the constituents of bottled water samples correlation between the analysed metals. CA was formulated based
were analysed using standard procedures. The pH and the electrical on the Ward-algorithmic method and the Euclidean distances were
conductivity (EC) were determined immediately after opening the employed for measuring the distance between the water samples
bottles. The EC was measured with WTW INOLAB 740 conductivity in the multidimensional space of metals content. This is a widely
meter according to SR EN 27888-1997. pH was measured following used method in the cluster analysis of environmental data with
the standardized method SR ISO 10523-2012, using HI 253 Hanna correlated variables (Belkhiri et al., 2017). The data were statisti-
Instruments pH meter, equipped with a combined pH electrode. cally analysed using the Statgraphics software and Excel facilities.
Turbidity was determined with a WTW turbidimeter according to Due to significant departures from a normal distribution of metals
SR EN ISO 7027/2001 method. Bicarbonate (HCO 3 ) and carbonate concentrations in the bottled water samples, before the cluster
3 ) anions according to the methodology described by the analysis a logarithmic operator was used.
American Public Health Association APHA (American Public Health
Association APHA, 1992). The total hardness (ht) was determined by
EDTA titrimetric method in the presence of the complexometric 2.4. Drinking water quality index (DWQI) and the arithmetic
indicator Eriochrome Black T according to SR ISO 6059-2008. DWQI(A)
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) was established by SR EN ISO
8467-2001 method. Chloride anion (Cl) was analysed by precipi- The DWQI (Drinking Water Quality Index) and the arithmetic
tation titration according to ISO 9297-2001. Ammonium (NHþ 4 ) was DWQI(A) represent efficient mathematical instruments in convert-
analysed by a standardized spectrophotometric method according ing significant data quantities (regarding the water quality) into a
to SR ISO 7150-1:2001 using a Specord 50 Analytik Jena UV-VIS number, reflecting an objective quality status of drinking water or
spectrophotometer (detection limit of the method is 1.0 mg/L). Ni- bottled water (Ponsadailakshmi et al., 2018). This methodologies
trates (NO 3 ) were analysed by SR ISO 7890-3-2000 spectrophoto- were calculated in four steps: 1. selection of the chemical param-
metric method with sulfosalicylic acid in alkaline medium. The eters with significant impact to health and potability affinity; 2.
concentration of nitrites (NO 2 ) was measured according to SR ISO sub-index development, where different units of the physico-
6777-2002, using a Specord 50 Analytik Jena UV-VIS spectropho- chemical indicators are converted to a common scale and for
tometer. Concentrations of sulphate anion (SO2 4 ) were measured each and every chemical indicator a rating value (0e100) is given,
with a Perkin Elmer Lambda 25 spectrophotometer in comparison established by comparison with the acceptable limits according to
with the standard sulphate solutions. The detection limits for the Romanian Law 311 from 2004; 3. weightage assignment for the
anions were: 2.0 mg/L for HCO 3 ; 0.2 mg/L for SO4
and Cl; physico-chemical indicators, calculated according to equation (1);
0.02 mg/L for NO3 and 0.4 mg/L for NO2 . 4. the last step is represented by the use of the aggregation func-
Elements were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass tion, which groups the weight factors and sub-indices of all
spectrometry using a Perkin Elmer NexlON 300S Inductively physico-chemical parameters, by using the aggregation index (Ai)
Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) following a stan- calculated with the help of the group physico-chemical parameters
dardized protocol (SR EN ISO 15586-2004). For the extraction of (GQ1-4), as equation (2) shows (Ponsadailakshmi et al., 2018;
elements, Suprapure 65% HNO3 (Merck) and ultrapure water Boyacioglu, 2007):
(Merck Millipore) were used. Calibration was performed with
multi-elements calibration standards (starting from a Multi- Wt
W ¼ Pn (1)
i¼1 ðWt Þi
element standard solution, 1000 mg/L, Merck) prepared by serial
dilutions of the stock solution. Quality assurance of analytical data
was realized by using internal standards for the control of signal where, W represents the weight factor of the chemical indicator, Wt
drifts. Also, accuracy was established by measuring quality control is the temporary weight and n represents the total number of the
samples immediately after calibration and after every ten samples. chemical parameters; the values were adapted according to
The detection limits of metals were 0.25 mg/L for Al and K, 0.9 mg/L Ponsadailakshmi et al. (2018).
for Ga and Li, 1.0 mg/L for Cu and Mn, 1.1 mg/L for Sr, 1.25 mg/L for Fe; nh i nh i nh i
1.5 mg/L for Ba, 2.0 mg/L for As, Ag, Bi, Cd, Crt, Co, In, Mo, Ni, Pb, Tl, Zn Ai ¼ ðGQ 1Þ0:147  ðGQ 2Þ0:132  ðGQ 3Þ0:206
and V and 2.5 mg/L for B, Ca, Mg, Na. nh io (2)
All the reagents were high purity (Merck). Ultrapure water was  ðGQ 4Þ0:279
used for reagent preparation and analysis. Each sample from each
brand was analysed for the same physico-chemical parameters where, GQ 1 ¼ ½ðSIpH Þ0:180   ½ðSIEC Þ0:200   ½ðSINa Þ0:200  
(ammonium, bicarbonate, electrical conductivity, carbonate,
½ðSICl Þ0:200   ½ðSISO4 Þ0:220 
chemical oxygen demand, chloride, nitrate, nitrite, pH, sulphate,
total hardness, turbidity), elements and metalloids (Li, B, Na, Mg, Al, h 0:188 i h i h i
K, Ca, Sr, Ba) and heavy metals (V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, As, GQ 2 ¼ SIHCO3  ðSITh Þ0:188  ðSICa Þ0:188
Mo, Ag, Cd, In, Tl, Pb, Bi). The measurements of each standard so- h 0:188 i h i
 SIMg  ðSIFe Þ0:250
lution or sample were realized in triplicate. Standard solutions
were used for quality control of the determination of elements and
h 0:213 i h 0:213 i h i
anions both for calibration and checking. Blank test were carried GQ 3 ¼ SINO3  SINO2  ðSIMn Þ0:191
out for each parameter and each set of samples. h i
 ðSIZn Þ0:191
2.3. Cluster analysis
h i h i h i h i
Cluster analysis (CA) was performed to group the water samples GQ 4 ¼ ðSICd Þ0:228  ðSICr Þ0:228  ðSICu Þ0:158  ðSINi Þ0:158
that show similarity regarding the metals content. Cluster analysis h i
was performed both in Q-mode and in R-mode. Q-mode CA was  ðSIPb Þ0:228
performed to identify clusters of similar sites on the basis of simi-
larities within a class, whereas R-mode CA was used to show the
T. Dippong et al. / Environmental Pollution 267 (2020) 115409 5

   indicated by the Contamination factor (Cf), which are calculated by

Ai using equations (8) and (9) (Biswas et al., 2017; Backman et al.,
DWQI ¼ Ai þ 10   0:5 (3)
Min þ Max 1998):

n X
DWOI:ðAÞ ¼ ðSIi  Wi Þ (4) Cd ¼ Cf (8)
i¼1 i¼o

In this study, DWQI and DWQI (A) were computed with the help
of two different equations (3) and (4), according to Cude (2001) and Cf ¼ 1 (9)
Ramesh et al. (2010), in order to avoid misinterpretation of the
results. The minimum and the maximum quality among the four where, CA is the measured concentration of the heavy metal and CN
GQ is represented by Min and Max, which were applied in order to is the MAC of the heavy metal, according to the Romanian
optimize any environmental conditions and the deviation with Ai. Legislation Law 311/2004, regarding the drinking water (Biswas
The drinking water quality status, according to the DWQI scores et al., 2017).
is classified into six categories, such as: excellent (DWQI ¼ 95e100), The Cd classifies the water into one of three pollution degrees,
good (DWQI ¼ 85e94), fair (DWQI ¼ 75e84), marginal namely low (Cd < 40), medium (Cd ¼ 40e80) and high (Cd > 80)
(DWQI ¼ 60e74), poor (DWQI ¼ 59-40) and very-poor (DWQI< 40) (Biswas et al., 2017; Bhuiyan et al., 2010).
(Ponsadailakshmi et al., 2018).

2.7. Human health risk assessment

2.5. Pollution indices (heavy metal pollution index (HPI) and heavy
metal evaluation index (HEI)) A straight and short pathway of the toxic chemicals into the
human or animal body are the inhalation, food chain and dermal
The overall quality of the drinking water with respect to heavy contact (Demir et al., 2015; Muhammad et al., 2011). For non-
metals was indicated by using pollution indices, such as the heavy carcinogenic risk, the hazard quotient (HQ) can be calculated, as
metal pollution index (HPI), heavy metal evaluation index (HEI) and equation (10) shows:
the degree of contamination (Cd) (Ghaderpoori et al., 2018;
Sobhanardakani, 2016; Prasanna et al., 2012). The HPI is calculated CDI
HQ ¼ (10)
with the help of equations (5) and (6), as it follows: RfD
i¼1 Wi  Qi C  DI
HPI ¼ Pn (5) CDI ¼ (11)
i¼1 Wi BW

Mi ð  ÞIi where, CDI represents the chronic daily intake through water
Qi ¼  100 (6) ingestion, RfD is the oral toxicity reference dose, C is the concen-
Si  I i
i¼1 tration of the chemical indicator (mg/L), DI is the daily intake (2 L/
day) and BW indicates the body weight (72 kg). The HQ results
where, n is the total number of the heavy metals concentrations, Wi specify if the exposed individuals are safe or could be exposed to
represents the unit weightage and Qi the sub-index of the ith in- health risks (HQ > 1.0) (Demir et al., 2015; Muhammad et al., 2011).
dicators. The sign ( Þ specifies the numerical variances of the two
values, overlooking the algebraically meaning. The monitored
heavy metals are represented by Mi, while Ii and Si signify the ideal 3. Results and discussion
and the maximum allowable concentrations (MACs) of the heavy
metals. The HPI values reflect the pollution status with respect to 3.1. Spatial distribution analysis
heavy metals, classifying the water samples into three pollution
categories, such as high (HPI> 100), indicating a source of water Table 1 exhibited the physico-chemical parameters (ammonium
with no drinking purpose; second category is the threshold risk - NHþ 
4 , bicarbonate - HCO3 , electrical conductivity - EC, carbonate -

(HPI ¼ 100) and the third category is the low pollution (HPI < 100) CO3 , chemical oxygen demand - COD, chloride - Cl, nitrate - NO


(Ghaderpoori et al., 2018). nitrite -NO 2

2 , pH, sulphate -SO4 , total hardness - ht, turbidity - T,

This index offers as well a water quality grade based on the the elements (Li, Na, Mg, Al, K, Ca, Sr, Ba) and the heavy metals (Mn,
heavy metals contents, according to the study of Edet and Offiong Fe, Cu, Zn, Ga). The B, V, Cr, Co, Ni, As, Mo, Ag, Cd, In, Tl, Pb, Bi). The
(2002) and Biswas et al. (2017); it can be calculated by using amount of contaminants present in the water sample was generally
equation (7): low. Thus, the drinking water samples show values higher than the
MACs only for few parameters and few cases (bolded in Table 1).
HC The standardized skewness and kurtosis indicated whether the
HEI ¼ (7) water samples have a normal distribution. CO2 3 were found only in
AP2, with an amount of 88 mg/L. Fig. 2 shows the distribution maps
for the quality of the bottled water (EC, COD, pH, T, ht, chloride,
where, HC and HMAC are the obtained concentrations and the MAC  þ  
4 , HCO3 , NH4 , NO3 , NO2 , Cu), while Fig. 3 indicates the distri-
of the studied heavy metal. HEI results indicate low (HEI < 40),
bution maps for the metal content (Li, Na, K, Ca, Mg, Ba, Sr, Al, Ga,
medium (HEI ¼ 40e80) or high (HEI > 80) degree of pollution
Fe, Mn, Zn).
(Biswas et al., 2017; Bhuiyan et al., 2010).
The pH distribution (Fig. 2a) characterizes the biological and
chemical processes and showed values between 6.65 and 8.03
2.6. The degree of contamination (Cd) (except AP2, situated in the northern part of the country, which has
a 9.52 pH, exceeding the MAC), indicating that the waters are
The Cd summarizes the combined effects of heavy metals, neutral and weak basic. A different pH values as 7.0, could be caused
6 T. Dippong et al. / Environmental Pollution 267 (2020) 115409

by the hydrolysis of strong base salts, weak acids and dissolved




mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L



gases (carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide and ammonia)

(Chabukdhara et al., 2017). The pH has the ability to influence most

of the chemical and biological reactions, but no direct impacts on

the human health (Adimalla and Qian, 2019; Udhayakumar et al.,




2016). The dissolved carbon dioxide, forming the carbonic acid in




a water system, determines the pH (Udhayakumar et al., 2016).





Generally, the pH values increase with the altitude from weak acid




to weak base. So that sample AP1 localized at the lowest altitude

has a pH of 6.65, while sample AP13 situated at the highest altitude







(almost 1200 m) is characterized by a pH of 7.88.

A significant characteristic of water is represented by the EC,










Ca mg/L Sr

helping measuring the ionic amounts. A high value of EC indicates a

high amount of total dissolved solids and salinity (Adimalla and
Qian, 2019). A high value for the EC (Fig. 2b) was found in the

adjacent mountain area of the Carpathian Mountain Chain (AP8


mg/L mg/L

101 and AP10 characterized by EC ranging from 585 to 691 mS/cm),


directly proportional to the total dissolved matter. EC depends on



Na mg/L Mg mg/L Al

the mobility, relative and total concentrations of ions and their

availability (Shah et al., 2019; Udhayakumar et al., 2016). A high
Quality index parameters, metals and heavy metals characteristics and summary statistics of the studied bottled water samples from groundwater sources.


value for the EC is the effect of geochemical processes and



anthropogenic activities and is the result of salts enrichment in

water, due to the evaporation process followed by dilution caused
by the infiltrated rain water in the groundwater (Chabukdhara

et al., 2017; Adimalla and Qian, 2019). A high value of EC in-




NTU mg/L

creases the values of the quality index, giving the water unsuitable



purpose for drinking (Shah et al., 2019).




The COD (Fig. 2c) represents an indicative measurement of


organic matter and inorganic oxidic compounds such as nitrites,

min 5


sulphur and ferrous salts (Dippong et al., 2019; Li et al., 2020). The
4 mg/L ht

MAC ¼ Maximum allowable concentration in drinking water, according to Law 311/2004 and NGU Report 2012.073.

high COD values in samples AP7 and AP10 are result of the
organically and inorganically leaching from contaminated under-

layers, leading to groundwater contamination, thus to contamina-



tion of the bottled water (Brenton-Deval et al., 2019; Varol, 2020).


Suspended matter (fine inorganic particulate, micro-organisms,



suspensions) gives the turbidity of water (Dippong et al., 2019). The

3 mg/L NO2 mg/L pH

turbidity (Fig. 2e) is the reduction of transparency due to the

presence of particulate matter, such as clay or slit, finely divided



organic matter, plankton or other microscopic organisms. Due to

the attachment of the microorganisms to the particles, the low
values of the turbidity indicated a reduced microbial contamination
degree (WHO, 2011). Generally, the turbidity distribution for
COD mg/L Clmg/L NO




studied bottled waters is uniform and low, except for AP11, which
exceeded twice the MAC, probably caused by organical or inor-




ganical particles of colloidal matters. A high value of turbidity





(presence of suspended matter e support for germs) could be a

source for epidemiological hazards. This parameter is influenced by
high volumes of precipitations, by carrying the deposited sedi-

ments through the water body.


High chloride content (Fig. 2g) was observed in more populated








areas, inducing a salty taste, as in sample AP11. Groundwater is rich

4 mg/L HCO3 mg/L EC

in chloride due to the content of salts in the rocks and sediments,

precipitations or due to the use of CaCl2 in roads defrosting. In cases

of low alkalinity and high chloride content, the corrosion of water











enhances electrical conductivity. Sample AP11 is characterized by a

high value of chloride (133 mg/L), which could corrode the iron
pipes or plates, affect the crops and could induce laxative effects if it
Altitude m NHþ


is consumed (Adimalla and Qian, 2019). Furthermore, people with

kidney and heart diseases may be affected by a drinking water rich
in chloride (Udhayakumar et al., 2016).



Sulphate is a significant water quality indicator, especially when





high amounts could induce negative effects on human health, such


as laxative effects, respiratory disorders, gastric cancer, birth mal-


Table 1



formations of arterial hypertension in cases of high concentrations


of nitrates (Chabukdhara et al., 2017; Varol, 2020). The highest

T. Dippong et al. / Environmental Pollution 267 (2020) 115409 7

Fig. 2. Distribution maps for the pH (a), EC (b), COD (c), Cu (d), T (e), ht (f), Cl (g), SO2  þ  
4 (h), HCO3 (i), NH4 (j), NO3 (k) and NO2 (l) content.
8 T. Dippong et al. / Environmental Pollution 267 (2020) 115409

Fig. 3. The Li (a), Na (b), K (c), Ca(d), Mg(e), Ba(f), Sr(g), Al(h), Ga(i), Fe(j), Mn(k), Zn(l) distribution maps for bottled water samples from groundwater sources.
T. Dippong et al. / Environmental Pollution 267 (2020) 115409 9

amounts of sulphates were found in AP8, situated in a mountain bicarbonate and calcium, resulting HCO3eCa type of waters
area. Samples AP8 is characterized by a noticeable amount of sul- (Frengstad et al., 2010). High concentrations of HCO3 (AP11-
phate, having as source the input of sulphur due to the volcanic 755 mg/L) and Ca (AP12e22.8 mg/L) are due to the weathering of
activity (Frengstad et al., 2010). Sources for sulphates are also sul- calcium feldspars in magmatic rock sand limestone (Petrovic et al.,
phate minerals and gypsum solution, while for the rest of the water 2010).
samples are the medicinal and high mineralised waters (Fugedi A nitrogen source could be the intense use of fertilizers in the
et al., 2010 and Petrovic et al., 2010). agricultural activities (difference in fertilizer application rate and
The total hardness of water is given by the amount of calcium, pesticides), organic degradation of the waste and infiltration of the
magnesium, bicarbonates, carbonates and sulphates, having the untreated waste water directly into the soil texture, hydrological
ability of increasing the boiling point of water (Udhayakumar et al., conditions (rainfall) and local pedo-climatic variability (Devic et al.,
2016). A ht value was found in sample AP11, which can be consid- 2014). On the opposite side, enrichment with ammonium, nitrate
ered a very hard water (88.6 d), while samples AP2, AP3 and AP7 and nitrite occur due surface pollution; certain nitrogen com-
have a lower ht than 5 d, being considered soft waters, while me- pounds are characterized by sensitivity at oxidation throughout
dium ht characterized the rest of the samples. The ht content could different processes, which make differences between the bottled
lead to other hard soluble compounds which could cause deposits water, such as between AP2, AP4, AP8, AP10 or AP11 (Fugedi et al.,
in plastic flasks, but also in ceramic containers from which the 2010). The high amount of NHþ 4 indicated that the origin of water is
water is consumed. represented by areas rich in oil and gas resources (Petrovic et al.,
An unpleasant taste of water is given by a high value of ht, 2010). Ammonia results after incomplete degradation of nitrogen
causing deposits of salt at the bones, kidneys, hypertension, stroke, compounds (Dippong et al., 2019). Generally, the ammonia content
osteoporosis, and colorectal cancer (Dippong et al., 2019; Adimalla is lower than the MAC; AP12 presents the highest concentrations of
and Qian, 2019). Long exposure to hard water could lead to car- ammonia which could induce negative health effects, because it
diovascular disorders, parental mortality or cancer (Chabukdhara could easily react with chlorine, reduce the free chlorine and form
et al., 2017). Sources of high ht are represented by industrial and chloramines (WHO, 2011). AP8 presents the highest nitrate content
urban waste waters or rock leaching, which could lead to foaming (Fig. 2), exceeding the MAC, which by consumption reduces the
or calcium carbonate deposits in the metal installations (Nedeau oxygen from water. Sources of nitrates are represented by agricul-
et al., 2003). Soft waters have a low buffer capacity, and could be tural activities (use of animal wastes, fertilizers) and domestic
more corrosive in metal installations (WHO, 2011). practices (septic tanks leakage, household waters) (Adimalla and
Calcium has important properties in bone growth. Sources of Qian, 2019). A high amount of nitrate causes hypertension, can-
calcium in water are represented by limestone, but also by indus- cer, congenital malformations, thyroid disorders and goitre
trial discarded and waste waters (Udhayakumar et al., 2016). A high (Dippong et al., 2019). Sources of nitrite are chemical and animal
amount of calcium (in case of AP12) increasing the pH up to 7.55, manure fertilizers, degradation of organic waste, industrial dis-
acting like a buffer (un-carbonated water) against carbonated wa- charges and leaching from waste deposits (Chabukdhara et al.,
ters (Frengstad et al., 2010). Magnesium is another element with 2017). A lower concentration of nitrite is reflected in a short
important benefits, ensuring the well-functioning of cells in the range distribution. The mineralization of organic compounds is a
enzyme activation, although a high amount of magnesium has source for nitrites, which could action as raw material in the protein
negative effects on the human body, such as laxative effects, nausea synthesis or other nitrogen compounds (Dippong et al., 2019).
or even paralysis (Udhayakumar et al., 2016; Adimalla and Qian, A high amount of metals (Fig. 3) in groundwater has different
2019). Also, high amount of Mg could help in preventing diverse sources, such as the landfill discharges, urban leakage, contami-
diseases, such as heart arrhythmia, hypertension, nervous system nated surface waters, chemical fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides
and endocrinologic diseases and in regulation of the levels of blood leakage (Belkhiri et al., 2017; Chang et al., 2017; Huang et al., 2008).
sugar (Petrovic et al., 2010). Mg is present in a relatively high Some of the metals are considered essential for human health, yet
amount (AP6 - 11 mg/L), due to minerals transferred from the use for consumption of water characterized by a poor-quality
groundwater sources or anthropogenic activities (use of chemical could lead to different health problems, and the use for irrigation
fertilizers, household effluents, due to the serpentine) (Petrovic could lead to reduction in agricultural productivity (Devic et al.,
et al., 2010; Dinelli et al., 2012; Devic et al., 2014). 2014). Other contamination causes with heavy metals are the
In most of the regions, bottled waters have a relatively high anthropogenic activities amplified by natural factors, such as pre-
amount of bicarbonates, due to the natural dissolution of rocks and cipitations, geology, slope and water withdrawal, solid waste and
soil (Devic et al., 2014), while sulphates and chlorides are lower different strong polluted areas leaching (Deeba et al., 2019; Belkhiri
than the MACs. et al., 2017; Chang et al., 2017; Cadar et al., 2015). The levels (in
Dissolved CO2was distributed among the weak acids of the terms of mass concentration) of metals in the bottled water sam-
carbonate system, as reaction R1 indicated; the HCO 3 is the most ples that were tested herein, showed the following sequence:
frequent anion in water, and indicated the ionization (dissociation) Ca>Mg>Na>Sr>Ba>Fe>Li>Ga>Al>Mn>K>Cu>Zn. All metals pre-
in CO2, as the most important proton source. Reaction R2 indicated sented large variability due to natural and anthropogenic causes.
the release of Ca2þ and HCO 3 in the groundwater. The alkalinity has The presence of heavy metals (Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Sb, Pb) is due to the
two main sources, namelly the disolved CO2 and CO2 3 content anomalies caused by the interactions between the water and the
(Albu et al., 1997). The CO2 3 hardness is given by the sum of the plumbing system, especially in the cases of Pb and Ni, which are

3 and HCO3 , which could be removed by precipiation or boiling. particularly soluble in acid water (Dinelli et al., 2012). The highest
The carbonates content depends on the pH, temperature, cations, variability was found for Fe, Sr and Ba (above 250%), while Zn, Mg
dissolved CO2 and dissolved salts (Shah et al., 2019). an K displayed the lowest coefficients of variation (80% for Zn and
about 100% in the cases of Mg and K).
H2 O þ CO2 %H2 CO3 %Hþ þ HCO þ 2
3 %2H þ CO3 (R1) Lithium is the lightest alkali-metal element and it is used as a
reactive salinity tracer and as water/rocks interactions (Frengstad
et al., 2010). The lithium amount decreases with the increase of
CaCO3 þ H2 O þ CO2 %Ca2þ þ 2HCO
3 (R2)
the altitude, so that sample AP12 at altitude 610 m has a lithium
Limestone influences the water properties by enriching it with content of 225 mg/L, samples AP1 (altitude 280 m) has 83.7 mg/L Li
10 T. Dippong et al. / Environmental Pollution 267 (2020) 115409

and sample AP13 (altitude of 1200 m) has 1.17 mg/L Li. Micas and waste leaching (Devic et al., 2014). The high amount of Fe (AP12-
amphiboles are typical mineral hosts for Li (AP 13), while schists 293 mg/L) and Mn (AP12, 55.8 mg/L), exceeding the MACs are results
and granites enrich the water with Li as well (AP1 and AP12) of the presence of basic rocks or due to the granite rocks weath-
(Frengstad et al., 2010). The high content of Li in these samples ering (Petrovic et al., 2010). The atmospheric exposure leads to
indicated strong water/rock interactions. Almost all the Li con- oxidation of the ferrous iron to ferric iron, imprinting a brown-red
centrations in water were low, except in AP1 that showed a high colour to the water (WHO, 2011). The exposure to Mn could affect
content of Mg and also characterized by one of the highest electric the nervous system, inducing muscular pains, weakness, anorexia,
conductivity values, and AP12 that contains high concentrations of apathy, slow speech, emotional facial expression, trembling, slow
Ca and Fe. motion of arms and legs (Michalke and Fernsebner, 2014). AP12 has
The most dominant cation in water is represented by sodium, the highest Mn content, exceeding the MAC, followed by AP9 which
which is an imperative nutrient and extremely important in the presents a metallic taste and a specific odour of mud, easily
domestic use of water and in agricultural activities. Sources of so- confused with H2S.
dium are represented by the weathering processes or by geological Main sources of Cr, Cu and Zn are the smelting and mining ac-
structure represented by alkali feldspar. Though, it presents nega- tivities, machinery and electroplating industry, while for Ni and Zn
tive effect to people with circulatory, renal or cardiac illnesses or the agricultural activities (the use of fertilizers) (Mazhar and
vomiting and hypertension if it exceeds the thresholds Ahmad, 2020; Zhao et al., 2020). Generally low Cu concentrations
(Udhayakumar et al., 2016; Adimalla and Qian, 2019). Sodium dis- were measured with the highest concentration obtained for AP9,
tribution (Fig. 3b) is relatively uniform. The highest values were due to its mobility influenced by the P content and pH. A declining
obtained in AP3, suggesting a water-aquifer strong interaction, trend of the Cu mobility is due to the increase of P, and an increased
caused by the direct cation exchange between the groundwater and mobility for Cu is due to the decrease of the pH (Turner et al., 2016).
the clay fraction of the aquifer or caused by infiltration of septic Gastrointestinal stress, kidney and heart disorders are generated by
tanks and dissolution of the soil salts of silicate weathering (due to high Cu content (Dippong et al., 2019; WHO, 2011).
anthropogenic and agricultural practices, poor drainage, evapora- An essential element is represented by Zn, characterized by a
tion) (Shah et al., 2019). Water rich in sodium is characterized by a high mobility in the surface environments (Dinelli et al., 2012). The
significant number of micro-components, due to the acidic igneous zinc distribution (Figure 3l) is uniform for all samples, with the
intrusions near by the water source and due to the rich minerali- highest amount obtained for AP7 and AP9. High zinc content could
zation processes (Petrovic et al., 2010). The presence of Na (AP3 - give to the water an astringent taste and induce opalescence.
10.3 mg/L) is due to the water-rock interactions (alkaline volcanics) Although it plays a main role in physiological, metabolically and
as well. growing processes, as one of the essential microelements it could
Potassium has a uniform distribution (Fig. 3c), which does not be toxic to the organisms in high amounts (Mazhar and Ahmad,
exceed the MAC; the highest values were obtained for AP1, AP11 2020; WHO, 2011). Agriculture practices (wheat and rise cultures)
and AP12, caused by anthropogenic activities, especially animal are sources of the Zn enrichment, due to its lack of absorption, by
manure used as fertilizers and human wastes (Devic et al., 2014; using micronutrients based on ZnSO4 (Mazhar and Ahmad, 2020).
Huang et al., 2008). The presence of potassium in water is due to
natural processes and water pollution, although potassium amount 3.2. Cluster analysis
is lower as the sodium amount because of the low solubility and
higher resistance to clay formation and weathering (Udhayakumar In Fig. 4a and b cluster diagrams are presented, as a statistical
et al., 2016). tool for the classification of complex data based on their similarity
Strontium (Sr) is a natural element, ubiquitous in the environ- or their difference in Q-mode as spatial distribution and also in R-
ment and occurs in water, food, air, and soils (Jo Melnyk et al., 2019). mode as resemblance between the characteristics of metals con-
Strontium in water is toxic when the concentration surpasses the centration in water. The Ward method was used in the clustering
limit of 7000 mg/L due to its ability to substitute calcium in bones. analysis for clusters generation, based on the R-mode Euclidian
The toxicity is considered more dangerous especially when the Ca distance. Fig. 4c shows the distribution of location of bottled water
water content is low. All the water samples have lower Sr content samples while Fig. 4d shows their total metal content.
than the MAC (WHO, 2011). AP8 has the highest Sr amount of Thus, four main clusters were established: C1- which includes 6
360 mg/L, as a result of human activities or natural processes (rock elements grouping waters with a medium content of minerals from
and soil weathering). the North-Western, North-Eastern and Curvature Carpathian
Ga plays no decisive role in the biological cycle, has moderate Mountains areas (Fig. 4c), C2 with 6 elements which groups the
toxicity and has no MAC (WHO, 2011). The presence of colloids waters characterized by a low content of minerals (Fig. 4d), located
enriches the water with Ga, while the water-rock interactions in North-Eastern and South-Eastern parts of Romania, and C3
(amphiboles, micas, schists) and the granite intrusion enrich the which contains a single element, water AP9 being the richest water
water with Li and B (AP12) (Dinelli et al., 2012; Frengstad et al., in Ca and Cu. C4 contains only AP12 characterized by a high amount
2010). of salts, especially Ba, Ga, Mn and Fe salts. Both clusters C1 and C2
AP12 is characterized by high Ba content, higher than the MAC, included 42.86% of the bottled water samples while C3 and C4
with natural sources such as granite (igneous rocks), alkaline included 7.14% of samples.
igneous, volcanic rocks and manganese (rich sedimentary rocks) As is indicated in Table 2, the waters included in cluster C1 are
and lower pH (WHO, 2011). richer in metals than those included in cluster C2, characterized by
According to Fig. 3, generally the water samples present uniform metals with low amount. The water samples included in cluster C3
distribution for Al, except AP9 (77 mg/L), which is characterized by had the highest content of Ca, Cu, Na, Zn, Al and Fe compared to the
the highest Al content. A possible source of Al is the water treat- other groups. The water samples from cluster C4 is distinguished by
ment plant, due to the use of adjective agent based on aluminium the highest concentrations of Li, Fe, Mn, Ba, Ga and K.
sulphate. R-mode cluster analyses showed 2 groups: C1 containing 9
The distribution of iron and manganese is normal (Fig. 3j and k), metals at low to medium level, some of them strongly correlated:
but in AP12 the MACs are exceeded; the high amounts have three (Ba linked to the pair Ga-Li); Mn linked to Sr and to K and the group
possible sources, namely the industrial effluents, sewerage and of Cu, Zn and Al. C2 groups 4 metals found at relative high levels,
T. Dippong et al. / Environmental Pollution 267 (2020) 115409 11

Fig. 4. Cluster analysis of bottled water samples from Romania: a) Q-mode cluster analysis of bottled water from groundwater samples based on their metal content; b) R-mode
cluster analysis of similarities of metal based on their level in the samples of bottled water from different areas; c) Distribution of analysed bottled water samples from Romania in
different clusters; d) Concentrations of metals in bottled water samples and the symbol of the cluster.

namely Ca eFe and Mg eNa. (structure, stratigraphy and tectonic) (Petrovic et al., 2010).
Piper diagram (Fig. 5), represents the average milli-equivalent
3.3. Piper diagram percentage of major anions (HCO2- 2-
3 -SO4 ) and cations (Ca -

Mg2þ). With the help of this graphical representation, differences

In a Piper diagram, similarities between waters with the same and similarities among the chemical parameters of waters are
origin (geotectonic unit) are impossible to find, due to the litho- studied. Also, waters are classified into specific chemical types and
logical diversity and geological properties of groundwaters the processes and hydrochemistry can be studied as well. Studied

Table 2
Average values of element concentrations in the clusters.

Ba Cu Ca Ga K Li Mg Mn Na Sr Zn Al Fe

mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L
Cluster C1
min 8.20 1.00 0.67 2.30 1.04 1.40 2.85 1.38 0.05 11.8 1.10 0.64 1.39
max 126 3.00 481 34.5 6.19 83.7 11.0 5.01 10.3 360 6.20 13.9 10.0
mean 36.7 1.70 82.2 10.2 3.52 21.4 7.02 2.24 2.73 145 2.73 3.15 5.02
Cluster C2
min 1.90 1.20 0.06 1.40 0.30 0.90 0.09 1.05 0.04 8.49 0.80 0.72 1.84
max 49.2 1.70 4.00 14.6 1.86 14.1 2.06 1.94 2.20 254 1.80 10.6 7.67
mean 12.8 1.50 1.53 6.48 0.87 3.92 0.98 1.53 0.91 74.0 1.30 3.04 4.69
Cluster C3 (AP 9)
8.50 16.7 705 2.50 2.53 1.20 1.48 39.3 2.80 38.4 6.70 77.2 17.5
Cluster C4 (AP 12)
896 1.40 22.8 121 10.1 114 0.12 55.8 0.05 4.87 2.70 6.97 293
12 T. Dippong et al. / Environmental Pollution 267 (2020) 115409

anions and cations are plotted into two ternary plots, projected up In this study 19 parameters were classified and grouped into
as a diamond (Mazhar and Ahmad, 2020; Shah et al., 2019). The four classes, namely G1 and G2, representing the potability groups
trilinear diamond diagram indicates that generally the samples are (G1-pH, EC, chloride, sodium, sulphate and G2 - ht, calcium, mag-
characterized as Ca2þ-Mg2þ-HCO2- 3 , concluding that alkalies nesium, iron, bicarbonates), G3 and G4, indicating the health in-
represent the majority of the samples (Mazhar and Ahmad, 2020). dicators (G3 - nitrate, nitrite, manganese, zinc and G4 - cadmium,
The Piper diagram shows the water type, with respect to certain cooper, chromium, lead and nickel). According to the DWQI results
chemical parameters (Ca, Mg, Na, K, Cl, SO2 2 
4 , CO3 , HCO3 ). Ac- (Table 3), all water samples are characterized as having a marginal
cording to the diagram, except sample AP3, which is a mixed Ca- drinking water status, which indicates that the threshold limits are
Na-HCO-3 type, the rest of the samples are characterized as Ca-Mg- sometimes exceeded (in the case of NO 3 , Mn, Fe, Zn), showing a
HCO 3 type (Fig. 5). The quality of water depends on diverse natural threatened quality (Ramesh et al., 2010).
factors, as soil atmosphere, nature bedrock, air precipitation and The highest values were obtained for samples AP3, AP5, AP13
topography (Shah et al., 2019). and AP14, indicating that certain samples present the best quality
The interactions between the water and rocks and the precipi- among the studied samples. On the other hand, samples AP8 has
tation of calcite are assessed by the chloride plot (Varde et al., 2019). the lowest DWQI value, due to the relatively high NO 3 content,
Water are enriched with calcium, due to the interactions among followed by AP11 (correlation with the high HCO 3 content) >AP9
water and rocks (dolomite or calcite), with magnesium due to the (correlation with the highest Cu and high Mn contents) >AP7
water-minerals (olivine and biotite) interactions, while sulphate (correlation with of the highest Zn concentration). Comparable data
derives after the dissolution of gypsum or pyrite (Varde et al., 2019). and interpretation are applied to water samples according to the
DWQI(A) results, with the only difference regarding the drinking
water quality status. The DWQI(A) results classifies the studied
3.4. Drinking water quality index- DWQI and arithmetical DWQI(A) water samples into two quality categories, namely poor and very
and pollution indices (HPI, HEI) poor-quality status (Table 3). Other studies indicated different
status, such as poor, very-poor, marginal, good and fair quality in
By using the drinking water quality indices, the quality of water India, excellent water in Turkey, although the increase of the pop-
is assessed, based on the series of important physico-chemical ulation induces a high amount of nitrates, nitrites, phosphorus, as
parameters for the drinking purpose of water, namely the bi- well as total coliform (Ponsadailakshmi et al., 2018; Boyacioglu,
carbonates, EC, pH, sulphates, turbidity, sodium, magnesium, po- 2007; Xing et al., 2020). According to the HPI, samples were clas-
tassium, calcium. The main purpose of this techniques is to indicate sified into two pollution classes: high and low pollution. From the
relevant and significant data regarding the suitability of the used first category, samples AP1 and AP12 take part, due to the high
water (agricultural, industrial or for the drinking purpose). In order value which exceeds 100; the high amount of Li and Fe lifted the HPI
to calculate the DWQI and the DWQI(A) each physico-chemical in- results. The rest of the samples were characterized by a low
dicator was assigned with a specific weight, based on their priority pollution status, with values ranging between 2.44 (AP14) and 29.3
(Shah et al., 2019). The maximum acceptable and negligible risk (AP11). The HEI and Cd values were ranging between 0.32 and 9.19
levels and the risk assessment standard level were presented.

Fig. 5. Piper diagram for the drinking water samples.

T. Dippong et al. / Environmental Pollution 267 (2020) 115409 13

Table 3
Ai, Min-Max, DWQI, and DWQI(A), HPI, HEI and Cd results of studied water samples results of studied water samples.

Sample Ai Min-Max DWQI Drinking water status DWQI(A) Drinking water status HPI HEI Cd

AP1 27.6 45.7 73.4 marginal 63.5 poor 127 3.99 ¡9.01
AP2 27.5 45.4 72.9 62.2 22.3 0.93 12.1
AP3 28.1 46.6 74.8 64.4 22.2 1.01 11.9
AP4 28.1 46.6 74.7 64.4 4.26 0.59 12.4
AP5 28.1 46.6 74.8 64.4 3.92 0.39 12.6
AP6 28.1 46.5 74.7 64.3 3.52 0.74 12.2
AP7 27.3 45.0 72.3 63.2 3.43 1.42 11.5
AP8 22.7 37.3 60.0 57.9 very-poor 16.0 1.15 11.8
AP9 27.0 44.6 71.5 62.3 poor 28.4 2.88 10.1
AP10 27.8 46.2 74.1 63.4 7.02 0.62 12.2
AP11 26.6 44.7 71.3 59.7 very-poor 29.3 1.42 10.3
AP12 28.1 46.6 74.7 64.3 poor 211a 9.19a ¡3.81a
AP13 28.1 46.6 74.8 64.4 3.06 0.42 12.6
AP14 28.1 46.6 74.8 64.4 2.44 0.32 11.7
The highest values obtained for the pollution indices.

and 12.6 to 3.81, indicating a low degree of pollution. HPI results Table 4
were correlated with the HPI and Cd values. Other studies from Iran Risk indices (CDI, HQ) results.

and Malaysia characterized the studied water samples with low Chronic daily intake (CDI) Hazard quotient (HQ)
and medium pollution status (Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn pollution), the mg/kg-day
HPI and HEI results ranging from 28.9 to 53.9 (HPI) and 0.44e5.74 Min Max Min Max
(HEI) (Ghaderpoori et al., 2018).
Al 2*105 2.4*103 4.6*102 5.9
Ba 6*105 2.7*102 3.0*104 1.4*101
3.5. Human health risk assessment Cu 3*105 5.2*104 8.0*104 1.3*102
Fe 4*105 9.0*103 1.0*104 1.3*102
Mn 3*105 1.7*103 2.0*104 1.2*102
Human health risk was calculated for heavy metals, two nitro-
Sr 3.1*104 1.5*101 5.0*104 2.5e101
gen compounds and chloride, based on their toxically levels in Zn 2.4*102 2.1*101 7.9*102 6.9*101
considerable amounts and their imminent presence in the water NO¡2 6*105 2.5*104 2.1*102 8.2*102
composition, namely for Al, Ba, Cu, Fe, Mn, Sr, Zn, NO 
2 and NO3 . The NO¡3 4.9*103 1.54 3.1*103 9.6*101
reference dose (RfD) for the studied chemicals were used according Cl 2.1 *102 4.1 2.2*101 41

to EPA IRIS, list (1997): 0.0004 mg/kg-day for Al, 0.20 mg/kg-day for
Ba, 0.04 mg/kg-day for Cu, 0.70 mg/kg-day for Fe, 0.14 mg/kg-day
for Mn, 0.60 mg/kg-day for Sr, 0.30 mg/kg-day for Zn, 0.003 mg/kg-
day for NO 
2 , 1.60 mg/kg-day for NO3 and 0.10 mg/kg-day for Cl .
 A drawback of the study is the relative low number of samples.
The CDI for all metals were below 1.0 mg/kg-day, while for NO 3
Also, we did not take into account groundwater characteristics
and Cl, the maximum values were 1.53 mg/kg-day and 4.10 mg/kg- across the locations from which the groundwater samples were
day, for samples AP8 and AP11. The ascendant trend for the CDI collected. Possible local particularities or specific local pollution
based on the content of metals is the following Zn>Sr>Ba>- sources could also influence the pattern of distribution maps of
Fe>Al>Mn>Cu (Table 4). water characteristics. Additionally, some water characteristics
The HQ results indicated relatively high results for Al, Cl and especially the pH, nitrates and EC might vary due to influences from
NO 3 contents, results which exceeded the unity, showing a po-
weather factors such as precipitation, lack of precipitation and local
tential risk at the respective chemicals. Sample AP9 was charac- source of pollutants (such as agriculture practice, animal hus-
terized with the highest HQ values obtained for Al (5.94), Cu (0.01) bandry, use of fertilizers, erosion and weathering of rocks, munic-
and Zn (0.69) and for the sample AP8 at NO 3 (0.96). Sample AP2
ipal waters, household waters). The oxidability can be influenced by
was characterized with the highest HQ calculated for the the alluvium on the slopes of the Carpathian Chain caused by the
2 content (0.08) and the lowest HQ for Ba, Mn, Sr and NO3 , while
melting of the snow, abundant and successive precipitation, espe-
sample AP12 was presenting the highest HQ results at Ba, Fe, Mn cially in the rainy seasons.
and Sr. Samples AP13 and AP14 were characterized with the lowest While this study was based on a relatively low number of
HQ for NO 2 and Zn. Sample AP11 was considered the problematical
samples, we proposed that future studies should expand our
sample due to the highest HQ value for Cl, although it has the approach to larger number of water samples, validating and
lowest results for Al and for the nitrogen compounds. More than updating the distribution maps based on larger number of samples.
70% of the samples present considerable high HQ values, exceeding Such enhanced models represented by distribution maps of
the unity (HQ > 1.0), which indicates a potential risk at chloride, groundwater characteristics could be further validated with tests at
especially for sample AP11, which exceeded the unity almost forty intermediate locations.
times. Recent studies in Romania indicated potential health risks at Further investigation on the sources of these contaminants will
nitrates (values ranging from 0.003 to 4.058), but no risks at nitrite be carried out. Generally, the sources of contaminants in water are
and heavy metals, such as Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb and (values the rocks with which the groundwater interacts and also the sur-
below 1.0) (Hoaghia et al., 2019). Different studies from Pakistan rounding soil. Therefore, the water sources used for bottled waters
and Turkey indicated that studied drinking water sources are safe are analysed before starting the water extraction and from time to
for consumption, but also could present risk at As and Cu, due to time (usual monthly) during the exploitation of the water resource.
plumbing and pipe corrosion; the HQ values were lower than in The future tendencies will consist of the comparison between
Pakistan and ranging from 1.0 to 8.7, in Turkey (Demir et al., 2015; the bottled water and the drinking water obtained in centralized
Muhammad et al., 2011). systems.
14 T. Dippong et al. / Environmental Pollution 267 (2020) 115409

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