Study - Id60364 - State of Health in India

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State of health in India


Table of Contents
Table of Contents

01 Key indicators
Life expectancy in India 1800-2020 02
Crude birth rate in India 2008-2018 03
Death rate in India 2018 04
Total fertility rate of India 1880-2020 05
Infant mortality rate in India 2019 06

02 Health assessment
Health risk assessment among Indians 2019 by gender 08
Health risk assessment among Indians 2019 by select city 09
Body mass index India 2019 by socio-economic group 10

03 Family planning and prenatal care

Number of births by type in India FY 2015-2020 12
Table of Contents

Adopters of family planning by methods of contraception in India 2020 13

Pregnant women registered for ANCs in India 2019-2020 by state 14

04 Immunizations
Children immunization in India 2020 by type 16
States with highest number of polio vaccinations in India 2019 17
States with highest number of measles vaccinations in India 2020 18
States with lowest number of BCG vaccinations in India 2020 19

05 Lifestyle diseases
Share of respondents with diabetes India 2017-2019 21
Average blood pressure levels among Indians 2019 by gender 22
Share of respondents with heart problems India 2019 by age group 23
Table of Contents

06 Mental health
Share of mental disorders among adults India 2017 by classification 25
Number of suicides India 1971-2018 26
Opinion on rising health and mental issues among young Indians 2019 27

07 Spotlight on COVID-19
COVID-19 confirmed, recovered and deceased cumulative cases in India 2020 29
COVID-19 cases in Indian states November 2020, by type 30
Share of districts in COVID-19 zones India 2020 by state 31
Cumulative COVID-19 tests India 2020 32

Key indicators
Life expectancy (from birth) in India from 1800 to 2020*
Life expectancy in India 1800-2020


Life expectancy in years





Note:1800 to 2020
Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 34.
2 Source(s): UN DESA; Gapminder; ID 1041383 Key indicators
India: Birth rate from 2008 to 2018 (per 1,000 inhabitants)
Crude birth rate in India 2008-2018

20 19.42
18.98 18.63 18.33 18.08 17.86
Birth rate per thousand population



2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Note: India; 2008 to 2018; crude birth rate

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 35.
3 Source(s): World Bank; ID 976945 Key indicators
India: Death rate from 2008 to 2018 (in deaths per 1,000 inhabitants)
Death rate in India 2018

8 7.72 7.6 7.49 7.39 7.31 7.25 7.21 7.19 7.2 7.21 7.23
Deaths per 1,000 inhabitants

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Note: India
Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 36.
4 Source(s): World Bank; ID 580178 Key indicators
Total fertility rate in India, from 1880 to 2020*
Total fertility rate of India 1880-2020





Fertility rate






1880 1885 1890 1895 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 1930 1935 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020

Note: India; 1880 to 2020

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 37.
5 Source(s): Various sources; UN DESA; Gapminder; ID 1033844 Key indicators
India: Infant mortality rate from 2009 to 2019 (in deaths per 1,000 live births)
Infant mortality rate in India 2019

50 47.3
45 43
40 38.8
35 33.1
Deaths per 1,000 live births

30 28.3





2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Note: India
Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 38.
6 Source(s): World Bank; ID 806931 Key indicators

Health assessment
Health risk assessment among Indians as of 2019, by gender
Health risk assessment among Indians 2019 by gender

Healthy Unhealthy



Share of users





Men Women

Note: India; 2019 ; cross-section of 5,000,000 users; across 16 cities among GOQii app users
Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 39.
8 Source(s): GOQii; ID 1117473 Health assessment
Health risk assessment among Indians as of 2019, by select city
Health risk assessment among Indians 2019 by select city

Share of users

Healthy Unhealthy

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120%

Kolkata 31% 69%

Chennai 34% 66%
Mumbai 36% 64%
Bhopal 37% 63%
Pune 37% 63%
Bhubaneshwar 38% 63%
Hyderabad 38% 62%
Bengaluru 38% 62%
Lucknow 39% 61%
NCR Delhi 40% 60%
Ahmedabad 41% 59%
Surat 41% 59%
Patna 43% 57%
Chandigarh 43% 57%

Note: India; 2019 ; cross-section of 5,000,000 users; across 16 cities among GOQii app users
Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 40.
9 Source(s): GOQii; ID 1118810 Health assessment
Body mass index among Indians as of 2019, by socio-economic group
Body mass index India 2019 by socio-economic group

Share of respondents

Underweight Normal Overweight

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 110%

SEC A1 10% 45% 32%

SEC A2 18% 48% 27%

SEC A3 23% 53% 17%

SEC B 31% 48% 14%

SEC C 33% 51% 13%

SEC D 36% 45% 14%

SEC E 42% 44% 10%

Note: India; 2019 ; cross-section of 5,000,000 users; across 16 cities among GOQii app users
Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 41.
10 Source(s): GOQii; ID 1119481 Health assessment

Family planning and prenatal care

Number of births in India between financial year 2015 and 2020, by type
Number of births by type in India FY 2015-2020

Home births Institutional deliveries


20 18.83 18.72 19.17

Number of births by delivery type




2.66 2.35 1.99 1.61 1.4
FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020*

Note: India; FY 2015 to FY 2020

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 42.
12 Source(s): HMIS (India); ID 659283 Family planning and prenatal care
Adopters of family planning across India from April to June 2020, based on methods of
contraception (in millions)
Adopters of family planning by methods of contraception in India 2020

Family planning adopters in millions

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5

Condom users* 4.14

Oral pill users* 2.97

IUD insertions 1.28

Sterilisation 0.62

Tubectomy 0.61

Vasectomy 0.01

Note: India; April to June 2020

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 43.
13 Source(s): HMIS (India); Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (India); ID 659799 Family planning and prenatal care
States with the highest number of pregnant women registered for antenatal checks across India
from April 2019 to June 2020 (in 1,000s)
Pregnant women registered for ANCs in India 2019-2020 by state

Number of registered checks in thousands

0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800

Uttar Pradesh 1,569.56

Bihar 904.86
Maharashtra 540.29
Madhya Pradesh 496.87
Rajasthan 460.46
West Bengal 450.48
Gujarat 350.23
Karnataka 285.38
Tamil Nadu 272.85
Jharkhand 237.8
Andhra Pradesh 215.6
Telangana 210.9
Delhi 199.82
Assam 196.39
Odisha 191.91

Note: India; as on June 12, 2020

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 44.
14 Source(s): HMIS (India); Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (India); ID 660332 Family planning and prenatal care

Number of children vaccinated across India between April to June 2020, by vaccine type (in
Children immunization in India 2020 by type

Number of children vaccinated in millions

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Measles 5.88

DT(dose 2) or DPT 5 5.77

Polio (OPV3) 5.73

BCG* 5.41

Vitamin A (1st Dose) 3.77

DPT3** 3.5

Tetanus Toxoid (TT10) 2.54

Tetanus Toxoid (TT16) 2.43

Vitamin A (5th Dose) 2.26

Vitamin A (9th Dose) 2.18

Note: India; April to June 2020; among children aged 1 and 16 years old
Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 45.
16 Source(s): HMIS (India); ID 659143 Immunizations
Indian states and union territories with the highest number of polio vaccinations from April to
December 2019 (in millions)
States with highest number of polio vaccinations in India 2019

Number of vaccinations in millions

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0

Uttar Pradesh 3.72

Bihar 2.03
Maharashtra 1.46
Madhya Pradesh 1.21
West Bengal 1.03
Rajasthan 0.96
Gujarat 0.82
Karnataka 0.8
Tamil Nadu 0.61
Andhra Pradesh 0.61
Jharkhand 0.56
Odisha 0.51
Telangana 0.46
Assam 0.44
Chattisgarh 0.4

Note: India; April to December 2019; Among children up to a year old

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 46.
17 Source(s): HMIS (India); ID 660265 Immunizations
Indian states and union territories with the highest number of measles vaccinations as of April 2020
(in millions)
States with highest number of measles vaccinations in India 2020

Number of vaccinations in millions

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5

Uttar Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh
West Bengal
Tamil Nadu
Andhra Pradesh

Note: India; As on April 17, 2020; Among children up to a year old

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 47.
18 Source(s): HMIS (India); ID 660236 Immunizations
Indian states and union territories with the lowest number of BCG vaccinations from April to June
States with lowest number of BCG vaccinations in India 2020

Number of vaccinations
0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000

Meghalaya 20,823
Himachal Pradesh 20,617
Tripura 11,546
Puducherry 11,135
Manipur 9,794
Chandigarh 5,380
Nagaland 5,103
Mizoram 4,558
Arunachal Pradesh 4,482
Goa 4,476
Dadra & Nagar Haveli 2,157
Sikkim 1,494
Daman & Diu 1,189
Andaman & Nicobar Islands 855
Lakshadweep 215

Note: India; April to June, 2020; Among children up to a year old

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 48.
19 Source(s): HMIS (India); Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (India); ID 659953 Immunizations

Lifestyle diseases
Share of respondents with diabetes across India from 2017 to 2019
Share of respondents with diabetes India 2017-2019



Share of respondents





2017 2018 2019

Note: India; 2017 to 2019 ; cross-section of 5,000,000 users; across 16 cities among GOQii app users
Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 49.
21 Source(s): GOQii; ID 1119400 Lifestyle diseases
Average blood pressure levels among respondents in India in 2019, by gender
Average blood pressure levels among Indians 2019 by gender

Systolic Diastolic


119 120
Average blood pressure levels


75 77




Women Men

Note: India; 2019 ; cross-section of 5,000,000 users; across 16 cities among GOQii app users
Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 50.
22 Source(s): GOQii; ID 1119362 Lifestyle diseases
Share of respondents with heart issues across India in 2019, by age group
Share of respondents with heart problems India 2019 by age group

Share of respondents
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

Teens (below 19 years old) 4.2%

Young adults (20-29 years old) 6%

Adults (30-44 years old) 6.2%

Older adults (45-59 years old) 20.1%

Seniors (60 years and above) 32.1%

Note: India; 2017 to 2019 ; cross-section of 5,000,000 users; across 16 cities among GOQii app users
Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 51.
23 Source(s): GOQii; ID 1123509 Lifestyle diseases

Mental health
Share of mental disorders among adults in India 2017, by classification
Share of mental disorders among adults India 2017 by classification

Share of adults
0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16%

All mental disorders 14.3%

Idiopathic developmental intellectual disability 4.5%

Depressive disorders 3.3%

Anxiety disorders 3.3%

Other mental disorders 1.8%

Conduct disorder 0.8%

Bipolar disorder 0.6%

Autism spectrum disorders 0.4%

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder 0.4%

Eating disorders 0.3%

Schizophrenia 0.3%

Note: India; 2017

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 52.
25 Source(s): Lancet; ID 1125252 Mental health
Number of suicides in India from 1971 to 2018 (in 1,000s)
Number of suicides India 1971-2018


140 134.6 135.59 135.45 134.8 133.62 134.52

131.67 131.01 129.89

120 113.91
Number of suicides in thousands






1971 1992 2000 2005 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Note: India; 1971 to 2018

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 53.
26 Source(s): NCRB (India); ID 665354 Mental health
Opinion on increasing health and mental issues among Indian youth in 2019
Opinion on rising health and mental issues among young Indians 2019



Share of respondents





10% 7%

Agree Disagree No opinion Dont know/cant say

Note: India; May 22 to May 25, 2019*; 18-21 years; 1,455; across Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai, Kochi, Lucknow, Indore and Guwahati.
Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 54.
27 Source(s): Outlook India; Karvy Insights; ID 1050127 Mental health

Spotlight on COVID-19
Cumulative of the coronavirus (COVID-19) confirmed, recovered and deceased numbers across
India from January 29 to November 12, 2020
COVID-19 confirmed, recovered and deceased cumulative cases in India 2020

Confirmed Recoveries Deaths





Number of cases







May 11
Mar 11

Sept 25
Aug 10
Jan 29

Jun 29

Sept 4
Feb 10
Feb 13
Feb 16
Feb 19
Feb 22
Feb 25
Feb 28

Apr 10
Apr 13
Apr 17
Apr 20
Apr 23
Apr 26
Apr 29

Jun 3
Feb 1
Feb 4
Feb 7

Jul 20

Oct 16
May 14
May 17
May 20
May 23
Apr 1
Apr 4
Apr 7
Mar 14
Mar 17
Mar 20
Mar 23
Mar 26
Mar 29

Nov 5
May 2
May 5
May 8
Mar 2
Mar 5
Mar 8

Note: India; January 29 to November 12, 2020; daily cases until May 25.
Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 55.
29 Source(s): Johns Hopkins University; GitHub; Various sources; COVID-19 Tracker India; ID 1104054 Spotlight on COVID-19
Number of the coronavirus (COVID-19) cases across Indian states and union territories as of
November 12, 2020, by type
COVID-19 cases in Indian states November 2020, by type

Number of cases

Confirmed Active Recovered Deceased

0 500,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 2,000,000 2,500,000 3,000,000 3,500,000 4,000,000

Andhra Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
Uttar Pradesh
West Bengal

Note: India; as of November 12, 2020

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 56.
30 Source(s): Various sources (State bulletins, official handles); COVID-19 Tracker India; ID 1103458 Spotlight on COVID-19
Share of districts under different coronavirus (COVID-19) zones across India as of April 19, 2020,
by state
Share of districts in COVID-19 zones India 2020 by state

Share of districts

Red zone Orange zone Yellow zone Green zone

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120%

Andhra Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
West Bengal
Madhya Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh
Himachal Pradesh

Note: India; as of April 19, 2020

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 57.
31 Source(s): Livemint; ID 1114402 Spotlight on COVID-19
Cumulative number of samples tested for the coronavirus (COVID-19) across India from April to
November 2020 (in 1,000s)
Cumulative COVID-19 tests India 2020


Number of samples tested in thousands

100,000 92,254.93
60,000 54,097.98
40,000 31,742.78
20,000 14,381.3
1,523.21 2,134.28
1,854.25 2,512.39
2,227.64 4,103.23
130.79 229.43
181.03 383.99
258.73 830.2
716.73 1,046.45
902.65 1,437.79
Apr 11

Nov 11
May 11

June 10
June 17
June 24

Sept 10
Sept 17
Sept 24
Aug 10
Aug 18
Aug 27
Sept 4
Aug 3
Jun 3
Apr 10

Apr 12
Apr 13
Apr 14
Apr 15
Apr 16
Apr 17
Apr 18
Apr 19
Apr 28
Apr 29
Apr 30

July 20
July 27

Oct 15
Oct 22
Oct 29
May 10

May 12
May 13
May 14
May 15
May 16
May 17
May 18
May 19
May 20
May 21
May 22
May 25
Apr 9

Oct 2
Oct 8
July 1
July 8

Nov 5
May 1
May 2
May 3
May 4
May 5
May 6
May 7
May 8
May 9

Note: India; April 9 to November 11, 2020

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 58.
32 Source(s): Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (India); COVID-19 Tracker India; Various sources (State bulletins, official handles); ID 1113465 Spotlight on COVID-19

Life expectancy (from birth) in India from 1800 to 2020*
Life expectancy in India 1800-2020

Source and methodology information
Life expectancy in India was 25.4 in the year 1800, and over the course of the next 220 years, it has increased
Source(s) UN DESA; Gapminder to almost 70. Between 1800 and 1920, life expectancy in India remained in the mid to low twenties, with the
largest declines coming in the 1870s and 1910s; this was because of the Great Famine of 1876-1878, and the
Conducted by UN DESA; Gapminder
Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918-1919 , both of which were responsible for the deaths of up to six and seventeen
Survey period 1800 to 2020 million Indians respectively; as well as the presence of other endemic diseases in the region, such as smallpox.
From 1920 onwards, India's life expectancy has consistently increased, but it is still below the global average.
Region(s) India

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by UN DESA; Gapminder

Publication date June 2019

Original source World Population Prospects 2019, Online Edition

Website URL visit the website

Notes: *All data given is an average of the preceding five year period.

Back to statistic

34 References
India: Birth rate from 2008 to 2018 (per 1,000 inhabitants)
Crude birth rate in India 2008-2018

Source and methodology information
This statistic depicts the crude birth rate in India from 2008 to 2018. According to the source, the "crude birth
Source(s) World Bank rate indicates the number of live births occurring during the year, per 1,000 population estimated at midyear." In
2018, the crude birth rate in India amounted to 17.86 live births per 1,000 inhabitants.
Conducted by World Bank

Survey period 2008 to 2018

Region(s) India

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics crude birth rate

Published by World Bank

Publication date October 2020

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: The crude birth rate indicates the number of live births occurring during
the year, per 1,000 population estimated at midyear. Subtracting the crude
death rate from the crude birth rate provides the rate of natural increase,
which is equal to the rate of population change in the absence of migration
[...] For more information visit our Website

Back to statistic

35 References
India: Death rate from 2008 to 2018 (in deaths per 1,000 inhabitants)
Death rate in India 2018

Source and methodology information
The statistic shows the death rate in India from 2008 to 2018. In 2018, there were about 7.23 deaths per 1,000
Source(s) World Bank inhabitants in India.
Conducted by World Bank

Survey period 2008 to 2018

Region(s) India

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by World Bank

Publication date October 2020

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: According to source: "Death rate, crude (per 1,000 people)"

Back to statistic

36 References
Total fertility rate in India, from 1880 to 2020*
Total fertility rate of India 1880-2020

Source and methodology information
The fertility rate of a country is the average number of children that women from that country will have
Source(s) Various sources; UN DESA; Gapminder throughout their reproductive years. From 1880 until 1970, India's fertility rate was very consistent, and women
of this time had an average of 5.7 to six children over the course of their lifetime. In the second half of the
Conducted by UN DESA; Gapminder
twentieth century, the fertility rate dropped considerably, and has continued to drop in the 2000s. This decrease
Survey period 1880 to 2020 in the rate of fertility follows a common correlation between quality of life and fertility, where the fertility rate
decreases as the standard of living improves. In 1947, after almost a century, the Indian independence
Region(s) India movement finally achieved its goal, and India was able to self rule. From this point onwards, Indian socio-
economic improvements led to a decreased fertility rate, which is expected to fall to 2.2 in 2020.
Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by UN DESA; Gapminder

Publication date June 2019

Original source World Population Prospects 2019

Website URL visit the website

Notes: *All data given is an average of the preceding five year period.

Back to statistic

37 References
India: Infant mortality rate from 2009 to 2019 (in deaths per 1,000 live births)
Infant mortality rate in India 2019

Source and methodology information
In 2019, the infant mortality rate in India was at about 28.3 deaths per 1,000 live births, a significant decrease
Source(s) World Bank from previous years. Infant mortality as an indicator The infant mortality rate is the number of deaths of children
under one year of age per 1,000 live births. This rate is an important key indicator for a country`s health and
Conducted by World Bank
standard of living; a low infant mortality rate indicates a high standard of healthcare. Causes of infant mortality
Survey period 2009 to 2019 include premature birth, sepsis or meningitis, sudden infant death syndrome, and pneumonia. Globally, the infant
mortality rate has shrunk from 63 infant deaths per 1,000 live births to 27 since 1990 and is forecast to drop to 8
Region(s) India infant deaths per 1,000 live births by the year 2100. India`s rural problem With 32 infant deaths per 1,000 live
births, India is neither among the countries with the highest nor among those with the lowest infant mortality rate.
Number of respondents n.a. Its decrease indicates an increase in medical care and hygiene, as well as a decrease in female infanticide.
Increasing life expectancy at birth is another indicator that shows that the living conditions of the Indian
Age group n.a.
population are improving. Still, India`s inhabitants predominantly live in rural areas, where standards of living as
Special characteristics n.a. well as access to medical care and hygiene are traditionally lower and more complicated than in cities. Public
health programs are thus put in place by the government to ensure further improvement.
Published by World Bank

Publication date October 2020

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: n.a.

Back to statistic

38 References
Health risk assessment among Indians as of 2019, by gender
Health risk assessment among Indians 2019 by gender

Source and methodology information
As per the results of a large scale survey in 2019, over 70 percent of Indian women and 59 percent Indian men
Source(s) GOQii were found to be unhealthy. The health risk assessment took into account multiple health aspects like nutrition,
lifestyle, physical activity levels, immunity, disease affliction and others to draw this conclusion. Overall, the
Conducted by GOQii
south Asian country had a high share of people with diabetes and heart problems.
Survey period 2019

Region(s) India

Number of respondents cross-section of 5,000,000 users

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics across 16 cities among GOQii app users

Published by GOQii

Publication date January 2020

Original source GOQii India fit report 2020, page 33

Website URL visit the website

Notes: The Health Risk Assessment was based on the responses filled by the
users of app detailing their current lifestyle.

Back to statistic

39 References
Health risk assessment among Indians as of 2019, by select city
Health risk assessment among Indians 2019 by select city

Source and methodology information
As per the results of a large scale survey in 2019, 62 percent of Indians were found to be unhealthy. About 69
Source(s) GOQii percent of people in the eastern city of Kolkata were found to be unhealthy, while the city of Jaipur had about 55
percent of unhealthy residents. The health risk assessment took into account multiple health aspects like
Conducted by GOQii
nutrition, lifestyle, physical activity levels, immunity, disease affliction and others to draw this conclusion. Overall,
Survey period 2019 the south Asian country had a high share of people with diabetes and heart problems.

Region(s) India

Number of respondents cross-section of 5,000,000 users

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics across 16 cities among GOQii app users

Published by GOQii

Publication date January 2020

Original source GOQii India fit report 2020, page 33

Website URL visit the website

Notes: The Health Risk Assessment was based on the responses filled by the
users of app detailing their current lifestyle.

Back to statistic

40 References
Body mass index among Indians as of 2019, by socio-economic group
Body mass index India 2019 by socio-economic group

Source and methodology information
As per the results of a large scale survey across India in 2019, the SEC E group had the highest proportion of
Source(s) GOQii underweight respondents. The deficit of intake of right nutrition to satisfy the energy requirements of the body
leads to underweight problems in the lower socio-economic groups.
Conducted by GOQii

Survey period 2019

Region(s) India

Number of respondents cross-section of 5,000,000 users

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics across 16 cities among GOQii app users

Published by GOQii

Publication date January 2020

Original source GOQii India fit report 2020, page 51

Website URL visit the website

Notes: Socio-economic classification in India is based on various parameters like

educational qualifications of the chief wage owner in the household and
the number of assets owned (out of a pre-specified list of 11 assets).
Based on this it is further divided into twelve groups- A1, A2, A3, B1, B2,
C1, C2 [...] For more information visit our Website

Back to statistic

41 References
Number of births in India between financial year 2015 and 2020, by type
Number of births by type in India FY 2015-2020

Source and methodology information
In fiscal year 2020, over four million children in India were born through institutional deliveries, and a little over
Source(s) HMIS (India) 277 thousand were home births. The overall data shows a growing trend of institutional deliveries at hospitals or
primary health centres, compared to ones at home. This indicated an improvement in India`s efforts at improving
Conducted by HMIS (India)
maternity care facilities. Childbirth assistance However, this does not guarantee proper care and attention to the
Survey period FY 2015 to FY 2020 millions of expectant mothers each year in this south-Asian country. In the first half of 2020, over 112 thousand
women in the state of Uttar Pradesh were reported to have given birth at home . Of these, only about 16
Region(s) India thousand women delivered with the help of skilled birth attendants . Decline in maternal mortality In order to
improve these metrics, the government has established the world`s largest network of grass root healthcare
Number of respondents n.a. workers for pregnant women. This has helped reduce the maternal mortality rate by a considerable margin over
the last two decades. From about 471 pregnancy-related deaths for every 100,000 live births in 1995, the
Age group n.a.
country`s maternal mortality ratio has gone down to 174 in 2015 .
Special characteristics n.a.

Published by HMIS (India)

Publication date June 2020

Original source RCH report - India

Website URL visit the website

Notes: *As on June 12, 2020. India's financial year begins in April and ends in
March. For example, FY 2017 started in April 2016 and ended in March
2017. Values have been rounded. Note: Previous editions of the report
have been accessed for this data.

Back to statistic

42 References
Adopters of family planning across India from April to June 2020, based on methods of
contraception (in millions)
Adopters of family planning by methods of contraception in India 2020

Source and methodology information
Condoms were the most popular form of contraception in India between April and June 2020, with over four
Source(s) HMIS (India); Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (India) million users. Apart from that oral pills and IUD insertions were the other popular family planning methods for
Indian couples in the measured time period.
Conducted by HMIS (India); Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (India)

Survey period April to June 2020

Region(s) India

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by HMIS (India); Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (India)

Publication date June 2020

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: * Freely distributed. Note: Provisional figures for the period from April to
June. India's financial year starts in April and ends in March. For example,
FY 2018 started in April 2017 and ended in March 2018, Values have
been rounded.

Back to statistic

43 References
States with the highest number of pregnant women registered for antenatal checks across India
from April 2019 to June 2020 (in 1,000s)
Pregnant women registered for ANCs in India 2019-2020 by state

Source and methodology information
The state of Uttar Pradesh had registered over 1.5 million women for antenatal checks, making it the leading
Source(s) HMIS (India); Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (India) state to administer these facilities in India between April 2019 and June 2020. Bihar and Maharashtra followed
with around 900 thousand and 540 thousand antenatal checks registered respectively in the measured time
Conducted by HMIS (India); Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (India)
Survey period as on June 12, 2020

Region(s) India

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by HMIS (India)

Publication date June 2020

Original source Performance Related to Maternal Health (ANC & Deliveries)

Website URL visit the website

Notes: India's financial year begins in April and ends in March. For example, FY
2017 started in April 2016 and ended in March 2017. Values have been

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44 References
Number of children vaccinated across India between April to June 2020, by vaccine type (in
Children immunization in India 2020 by type

Source and methodology information
As of June in the fiscal year of 2020, approximately 5.72 million children across India were administered the
Source(s) HMIS (India) Polio vaccine. In the same time frame, almost six million children were given the measles immunization vaccine,
the highest that year.
Conducted by HMIS (India)

Survey period April to June 2020

Region(s) India

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics among children aged 1 and 16 years old

Published by HMIS (India)

Publication date June 2020

Original source RCH report - India

Website URL visit the website

Notes: India's financial year begins in April and ends in March. For example, FY
2017 started in April 2016 and ended in March 2017. * BCG is Bacillus
Calmette Guerin ** DPT3 is Diphtheria,Pertussis and Tetanus Values
have been rounded. Note: Previous editions of the report have been
accessed for this data [...] For more information visit our Website

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45 References
Indian states and union territories with the highest number of polio vaccinations from April to
December 2019 (in millions)
States with highest number of polio vaccinations in India 2019

Source and methodology information
From April to December 2019, the state of Uttar Pradesh had the highest Polio immunizations administered, with
Source(s) HMIS (India) approximately four million infants vaccinated. Bihar and Maharashtra followed with two million and around 1.4
million infants vaccinated in the same time duration. The herd immunity threshold for selected global diseases as
Conducted by HMIS (India)
of 2013 can be found here .
Survey period April to December 2019

Region(s) India

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics Among children up to a year old

Published by HMIS (India)

Publication date April 2020

Original source Performance Related to Immunisation: Polio (OPV3)

Website URL visit the website

Notes: India's financial year starts in April and ends in March. According to the
source, data figures are provisional. Values have been rounded.

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46 References
Indian states and union territories with the highest number of measles vaccinations as of April 2020
(in millions)
States with highest number of measles vaccinations in India 2020

Source and methodology information
As of April 2020, the state of Uttar Pradesh in India had the highest number of measles immunizations
Source(s) HMIS (India) administered, with over four million infants vaccinated. The state of Bihar and Maharashtra followed with over
two million and 1.5 million measles vaccines administered in the measured time duration. The percentage of
Conducted by HMIS (India)
measles immunization among one year olds worldwide in 2018, based on region can be found here .
Survey period As on April 17, 2020

Region(s) India

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics Among children up to a year old

Published by HMIS (India)

Publication date April 2020

Original source Performance Related to Immunisation: Measles

Website URL visit the website

Notes: Values have been rounded. India's financial year begins in April and ends
in March. For example, FY 2018 started in April 2017 and ended in March

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47 References
Indian states and union territories with the lowest number of BCG vaccinations from April to June
States with lowest number of BCG vaccinations in India 2020

Source and methodology information
As on June of financial year 2020, the island territory of Lakshadweep in India had the lowest number of BCG
Source(s) HMIS (India); Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (India) immunizations among infants amounting to just 215 immunizations. This was followed by Andaman and Nicobar
islands and the union territory of Daman and Diu in the measured time period.
Conducted by HMIS (India); Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (India)

Survey period April to June, 2020

Region(s) India

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics Among children up to a year old

Published by HMIS (India)

Publication date June 2020

Original source Performace related to Immunisation: Bacillus Calmette Guerin

Website URL visit the website

Notes: Note: BCG is Bacillus Calmette Guerin, a common vaccine administered

to infants primarily against Tuberculosis. Values have been rounded.
India's financial year begins in April and ends in March. For example, FY
2018 started in April 2017 and ended in March 2018.

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48 References
Share of respondents with diabetes across India from 2017 to 2019
Share of respondents with diabetes India 2017-2019

Source and methodology information
As per the results of a large scale survey conducted across India, 12 percent of the respondents had diabetes in
Source(s) GOQii 2019. This was a significant increase in the share of people with diabetes compared to the previous years of the
survey. Overall, lifestyle diseases like diabetes, thyroid and blood pressure were seen to be rising among
Conducted by GOQii
Survey period 2017 to 2019

Region(s) India

Number of respondents cross-section of 5,000,000 users

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics across 16 cities among GOQii app users

Published by GOQii

Publication date January 2020

Original source GOQii India fit report 2020, page 55

Website URL visit the website

Notes: n.a.

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49 References
Average blood pressure levels among respondents in India in 2019, by gender
Average blood pressure levels among Indians 2019 by gender

Source and methodology information
As per the results of a large scale survey in 2019, Indian men had a slightly higher average blood pressure level
Source(s) GOQii compared to women at 120/77. The average blood pressure levels seemed to be directly correlated to age, with
a higher share of older adults in the country prone to hypertension.
Conducted by GOQii

Survey period 2019

Region(s) India

Number of respondents cross-section of 5,000,000 users

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics across 16 cities among GOQii app users

Published by GOQii

Publication date January 2020

Original source GOQii India fit report 2020, page 52

Website URL visit the website

Notes: n.a.

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50 References
Share of respondents with heart issues across India in 2019, by age group
Share of respondents with heart problems India 2019 by age group

Source and methodology information
As per the results of a large scale survey conducted across India, a majority of the respondents who suffered
Source(s) GOQii from heart problems in 2019 were 60 years and above. Teens accounted for about four percent of the
respondents with heart problems, while young adults only accounted for six percent of the disease that year.
Conducted by GOQii

Survey period 2017 to 2019

Region(s) India

Number of respondents cross-section of 5,000,000 users

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics across 16 cities among GOQii app users

Published by GOQii

Publication date January 2020

Original source GOQii India fit report 2020, page 62

Website URL visit the website

Notes: n.a.

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51 References
Share of mental disorders among adults in India 2017, by classification
Share of mental disorders among adults India 2017 by classification

Source and methodology information
In 2017, every seventh Indian was affected by some form of mental disorder in varying degrees. Among all the
Source(s) Lancet classifications of mental disorders in India, idiopathic developmental intellectual disability followed by depressive
disorders, and anxiety disorders reflected the highest shares. By contrast, schizophrenia and eating disorders
Conducted by Lancet
represented the lowest shares. In a recent survey conducted in 2019, over 70 percent of the Indian youth agreed
Survey period 2017 that, today`s youth suffer from more health and mental issues than ever before . Yet, paradoxically, in a 2018
survey by Ipsos relative to the frequency of visiting or consulting with a mental health professional , more than 50
Region(s) India percent of the respondents reported to have never visited one. Disability adjusted life years DALYs or disability
adjusted life years is a metric used to quantify the overall disease burden which is the number of years that are
Number of respondents n.a. lost as a result of ill-health, disability, or premature death. One DALY is equivalent to the loss of one year of
health. In 2017, the highest share of total DALYs among adults in India were related to depressive disorders .
Age group n.a.
Interestingly, mental disorders with onset during adulthood reflected higher DALY rates in high and middle SDI
Special characteristics n.a. states compared to the low SDI states. For instance, the state of Tamil Nadu which is categorized as a high SDI
state reflected the highest DALY rate relative to depressive disorders. Risk Factors The study was able to
Published by Lancet quantify to an extent, a small fraction of risk factors, that were attributed to certain mental disorders. For
example, lead exposure as a risk factor accounted for almost 63 percent of all idiopathic developmental
Publication date December 2019 disorders among adults in India in 2017.
Original source The burden of mental disorders across the states of India: the global
burden of disease study, 1990 to 2017, page 151

Website URL visit the website

Notes: n.a.

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52 References
Number of suicides in India from 1971 to 2018 (in 1,000s)
Number of suicides India 1971-2018

Source and methodology information
Over 134 thousand deaths due to suicides were recorded in India in 2018. Furthermore, majority of suicides
Source(s) NCRB (India) were reported in the state of Maharashtra, followed by Tamil Nadu. The number of suicides that year had
increased from the previous year. Some of the causes for suicides in the country were due to professional
Conducted by NCRB (India)
problems, abuse, violence, family problems, financial loss, sense of isolation and mental disorders. Depressive
Survey period 1971 to 2018 disorders and suicide As of 2015, over 322.48 million people worldwide suffered from some kind of depressive
disorder . Furthermore, over 14 percent of the total population in India suffer from different forms of mental
Region(s) India disorders as of 201 7. There exists a positive correlation between the number of suicide mortality rates and
people with select mental disorders as opposed to those without . Risk factors for mental disorders Every
Number of respondents n.a. seventh person in India suffers from some form of mental disorder. Today, depressive disorders are regarded as
the leading contributor not only to disease burden and morbidity worldwide, but even suicide if not addressed. In
Age group n.a.
2018, the leading cause for suicide deaths in India was due to family problems . The second leading cause was
Special characteristics n.a. due to illness. Some of the risk factors, relative to developing mental disorders including depressive and anxiety
disorders, include bullying victimization, poverty, unemployment, childhood sexual abuse and intimate partner
Published by NCRB (India) violence.

Publication date January 2020

Original source Accidental deaths and suicides in India 2018, page ix

Website URL visit the website

Notes: Values have been rounded.

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53 References
Opinion on increasing health and mental issues among Indian youth in 2019
Opinion on rising health and mental issues among young Indians 2019

Source and methodology information
According to the survey, 71 percent of the youth respondents across India in 2019 agreed that the young people
Source(s) Outlook India; Karvy Insights suffered more health and metal issues than before. However, 19 percent of the youth disagreed that there was a
rise in mental and health issues than the previous years.
Conducted by Karvy Insights

Survey period May 22 to May 25, 2019*

Region(s) India

Number of respondents 1,455

Age group 18-21 years

Special characteristics across Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai, Kochi, Lucknow, Indore and

Published by Outlook India

Publication date June 2019

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: *The source specified that some of the survey was done on these dates.
Question as phrased by the source: Today's youth in India suffer from
more health and mental issues than ever before. Do you agree or
disagree? Figures may not not add up to 100 due to rounding off.

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54 References
Cumulative of the coronavirus (COVID-19) confirmed, recovered and deceased numbers across
India from January 29 to November 12, 2020
COVID-19 confirmed, recovered and deceased cumulative cases in India 2020

Source and methodology information
India reported over 8.7 million cases of the coronavirus (COVID-19) as of November 12, 2020, with more than
Source(s) Johns Hopkins University; GitHub; Various sources; COVID-19 Tracker 8.1 million recoveries and about 128 thousand fatalities. The country has been reporting new cases of the virus
India every day since March 2, 2020. While the number of new cases has been growing, some patients who tested
positive under quarantine have made full recoveries. Why the curve matters The World Health Organization
Conducted by Johns Hopkins University; GitHub; Various sources
along with other global health authorities have repeatedly underlined the importance of "flattening the curve" to
Survey period January 29 to November 12, 2020 handle the novel coronavirus pandemic. What does it mean? Simply put, the idea is to reduce the number of
new cases over a long period to allow people to have better access to healthcare and recovery without infecting
Region(s) India others. If the current trend continues, the Indian health system would be overwhelmed leading to more deaths
than recoveries. The most important idea is to cut transmission rates by practicing social distancing and following
Number of respondents n.a. proper hygiene routines. Situation overview The western state of Maharashtra had the highest number of cases
since early March. In order to cope with the crisis better, the government was making contingency plans to
Age group n.a.
increase COVID-19 testing capacities of the country. At the same time, the country went into a total lockdown on
Special characteristics daily cases until May 25. March 25, making it the largest in the world , restricting 1.3 billion people. After further extensions, the country
was divided into red, orange and green zones. Red zones were designated hotspots and will not see any
Published by Johns Hopkins University; COVID-19 Tracker India relaxations in comparison to the areas considered less prone for the spread of the virus. Like other countries
across the world, restrictions were slowly being lifted to attempt building economic momentum. For further
Publication date November 2020 information about the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, please visit our dedicated Fact and Figures page .
Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: n.a.

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55 References
Number of the coronavirus (COVID-19) cases across Indian states and union territories as of
November 12, 2020, by type
COVID-19 cases in Indian states November 2020, by type

Source and methodology information
The south-western Indian state of Maharashtra reported the highest number of active coronavirus (COVID-19)
Source(s) Various sources (State bulletins, official handles) ; COVID-19 Tracker India cases of over 84 thousand as of November 12, 2020. Kerala and Delhi followed, with relatively lower casualties.
That day, there were a total of over eight million confirmed infections across India. For further information about
Conducted by Various sources (State bulletins, official handles) ; COVID-19 Tracker India
the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, please visit our dedicated Fact and Figures page .
Survey period as of November 12, 2020

Region(s) India

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by COVID-19 Tracker India

Publication date November 2020

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: n.a.

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56 References
Share of districts under different coronavirus (COVID-19) zones across India as of April 19, 2020,
by state
Share of districts in COVID-19 zones India 2020 by state

Source and methodology information
The Indian capital of Delhi had the highest share of districts, at about 27 percent, in the red zone as of April 19,
Source(s) Livemint 2020. Red zones marked districts having more than 100 confirmed cases of the coronavirus COVID-19.
Infections in Indian states Maharashtra confirmed around 13 thousand cases of the coronavirus (COVID-19) as
Conducted by Livemint
of May 4, 2020, with 548 fatalities and 2,115 recoveries. It was the leading state in terms of number of infections
Survey period as of April 19, 2020 , followed by the states of Gujarat and Delhi. The first case, however, was reported in late January in the
southern state of Kerala. Since then the spread of the virus has been consistent and the country is yet to see a
Region(s) India drop in the number of infections. COVID-19 in India India reported around 42.7 thousand cases of the
coronavirus (COVID-19) as of May 4, 2020. The country went into lockdown on March 25, the largest in the
Number of respondents n.a. world , restricting 1.3 billion people and extended until May 3, 2020. The lockdown had been until May 17, 2020.
Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by Livemint

Publication date April 2020

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: Note: The categorization of zones by the source differs from the Indian
government's categorization - Green zone: no cases Yellow zone: 1-20
cases Orange zone: 21-100 cases Red zone: more than 100 cases.

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57 References
Cumulative number of samples tested for the coronavirus (COVID-19) across India from April to
November 2020 (in 1,000s)
Cumulative COVID-19 tests India 2020

Source and methodology information
India tested over 121 million samples for the coronavirus (COVID-19) as of November 11, 2020. The number of
Source(s) Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (India); COVID-19 Tracker India; people infected with the virus was growing across the south Asian country and the government swung into action
Various sources (State bulletins, official handles) to curtail further spread of the outbreak. The country went into lockdown on March 25, making it the largest
lockdown in the world , restricting 1.3 billion people. After extensions of the lockdown, the country started easing
Conducted by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (India); Various sources (State
restrictions by dividing districts into red, orange and green zones. Furthermore, economic activities had slowly
bulletins, official handles)
begun to resume since the end of May. For further information about the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic,
Survey period April 9 to November 11, 2020 please visit our dedicated Fact and Figures page .

Region(s) India

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by COVID-19 Tracker India

Publication date November 2020

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: Values have been rounded for clarity.

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58 References

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