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Genting Sanyen Power Sdn Bhd

Doc Number: Created by Dept: Action by Dept: REV : 0

1-GSP-82-3-E-003_0 Maintenance Maintenance Derived from:
Dept Dept
Valid for: O&M GSP
Prepared by : Checked by: Approved by:
Wong Kok Loon Chok Yin Thong Sailesh Chander
ECI Engineer Maintenance Manager Senior Manager

Title :

Lead-Acid Battery Inspection


1. Objective

2. Area of Application

3. Reference Document

4. Terminology, Definitions, Abbreviations

5. Responsibilities

6. Tools & Equipments

7. Procedure

8. Enclosures

Title : Lead-Acid Battery Inspection Rev 00 Page 1 of 3

File: 1-GSP-82-3-E-003_0-Lead-Acid Battery Inspection.doc
Genting Sanyen Power Sdn Bhd

Responsible Rev
1. Objective

1. To establish standard engineering preventive maintenance

procedure to determine condition of the lead-acid battery that is
being used as back-up supply in the plant.

2. To ensure the batteries are in good condition, adequate battery

water level and healthy electrolyte density

2. Area of Application

Maintenance Department

3 Reference Document


4 Terminology, Definition, Abbreviations

5 Responsibilities

ECI technician is responsible to carry out the job.

ECI Supervisor is responsible to verify the data collected after the

job and highlight to the ECI Engineer if there is discrepancies

ECI Engineer is responsible to validate the collected data and

initiate action if required.

6 Tools & Equipments

Checklist, multimeter, turbidity meter, demin/distilled water

Title : Lead-Acid Battery Inspection Rev 00 Page 2 of 3

File: 1-GSP-82-3-E-003_0-Lead-Acid Battery Inspection.doc
Genting Sanyen Power Sdn Bhd

Responsible Rev

7 Procedure
1. Check all battery water level and top up the level with demin
water if necessary. Record the battery(s) that have been topped
2. Check the density of the acid electrolyte using the hydrometer.
Record the readings onto the checklist. Close back the cover
3. Check wire termination, tighten if required
4. Measure battery voltage of each single block and the total
connected block using multimeter and record the readings.
5. Check Battery Charger condition.

8 Enclosures

Checklist ref: GSP-ECI-PM-003_0

Title : Lead-Acid Battery Inspection Rev 00 Page 3 of 3

File: 1-GSP-82-3-E-003_0-Lead-Acid Battery Inspection.doc

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