Lap Dance (Sakusa Kiyoomi X Reader)

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Lap Dance (Sakusa Kiyoomi x Reader)

You sat on your bed waiting for Sakusa Kiyoomi—your husband to come home. For the
past months he had done nothing but practice with his MSBY Black Jackals team—even
though the next season for V.League is yet to come—come home, then work on some
papers that’s still related with volleyball and then repeat. Your friends could completely
see that the long hours were eating away at him, and that was getting into your nerves.

Whenever his mind is completely focused on his work, you are completely ignored. But
tonight, you are gonna change his routine, his mind and this cycle he established ever
since. Everything was all in place and all that’s missing is Kiyoomi.

You took one last glance to your wrist watch—the beautiful black Versace Medusa Chain
watch Kiyoomi gave as his birthday present for you—knowing that your wait is about to
end. When the hand struck 10 o’clock in the evening, the front door opened. He was
always right on time and schedule, aside from being an absolute hygiene conscious it’s
one of his personality that made you fall in love with him after all. Waiting for a few
minutes while Kiyoomi settles himself, you looked over the reflection of yourself over
the mirror.

You are wearing a tight (Favorite color) blouse with some of the buttons undone, just
enough to show your cleavage, since you’re a big tease when it comes to things like this
you didn’t want him to expect anything this early, and a pair of tight (Favorite Color)
jeans that matches your tight blouse. With one last glance, you ruffled your (Hair
Length), (Hair Color) locks, applied a dark shade of red lipstick and grabbed a certain
item on the nightstand, and headed towards your husband’s office.

Approaching the room, you noticed that his door war slightly open. You knew he doesn’t
like it when he is being disturbed especially when he is reviewing his recent game plays
and performance, but you grabbed the door knob and turned it. He was leaning on his
desk while watching his first game with MSBY Black Jackals against Schweiden Adlers,
against Ushijima Wakatoshi. Acting like it was normal, you strode across the room and
made your way behind him.
“What are you doing, (First Name)?” he half-grumbled with his eyebrows furrowed.
Maybe it was because he’s having a hard time on how he could do a strategy for him to
settle things with the Adlers most especially with Ushijima, the person he deemed as his

"Hmm? Nothing..." you purred, placing your hand on his smooth and muscled
shoulders, gently you began to massage it. He immediately tensed up under your touch,
it’s been months that he didn't touch you so you thought that it was just normal.
Unbeknownst to you, he's already turned on a bit but tried his bestest not to show it you.

"This don't feel like... nothing." He growled, slowly starting to relax.

In response you let out little chuckle and kissed the base of his neck, causing him to
straighten up. You let your hands continue their work on his shoulders, rubbing it up
and down his shoulders and back while your mouth worked around his neck. You pulled
back when you felt his shoulder shrugged you off.

"I know well when you’re up to something (First Name)." He turned his attention back
to the computer screen. "I don't have time to deal with you today, I'm busy with my

Not liking the idea of being ignored for almost months, you grumbled and made your
way to his side. Bending over a bit you connected your soft and red lips to his, causing
him to lean back just enough for you to crawl on his back.

“You have another job that requires your attention, Mr. Sakusa Kiyoomi,” you purred
and whispered in his ear, your hot breath tickling his ear which sent little shivers down
his spine.

Wrapping your hands in his, you continued to carefully maneuver them behind his back.
Everything was going well according to your plan, except for a sudden tightness on his
wrists. The shock that raced over his body made his lazy-looking eyes to awaken,
revealing his shocked and surprised raven orbs that was priceless as you grinned up at
"You really need to relax and just have faith on your team, my dear husband~" you
cooed smirking up at him as you stood up.

"(First Name)..." he hissed, ”Get me out of here, now."

"No~pe." You smiled back at him as you stepped back to gaze your handiwork. You
pushed your tied victim's chair against the wall.

"(First Name), I'm telling you. Untie me or el―" Kiyoomi was cut off from his speech
when a sensual and slow music started to play.

You made your way back to him, kissing him quickly before pulling back again. Your
hands entwined with his hair, pulling back gently, so that he was looking up into your
(Eye Color) orbs, you whispered, "Just relax and enjoy the show." Making his raven orbs
to glisten with so much confusion.

Until you backed up again, slowly, lazily yet sexually unbuttoning your top, just one
button every few seconds, while moving your hips in circle. Standing in between his legs,
you leaned forward, resting your hands against his shoulders for support, you stuck your
butt up, letting him get a good view of your curvy, hypnotizing and tantalizing body. You
brought your (Breast Size) up close to his face, and red hues dusted his cheeks making
you to chuckle in a very seductive way. You took the tie he was wearing in your mouth
and loosened it carefully before taking it off completely.

Smiling, you stood back up and threw your shirt on the floor, revealing your (Favorite
Color) lacy bra that fits your (Breast Size) breasts, like it was molded by a goddess.
Watching him squirm, you couldn't erase that devious grin on your face. You knew that
one of your best features were your hips, and with that tight jeans, you knew that they'd
be complete knock out to your squirming husband. Slowly and seductively, you moved
your hips in a figure eight. You could feel that his raven eyes were glued on your body
causing a smirk to linger on your face. Really wanting to get into it, you started rubbing
your body, roaming your own hand on your own, just like how you'd like him do to you.
You started moving along with the music's beat, turning in small circles, while caressing
your chest, working down to your sides, right above your hot spot, similar to the way you
put on lotion. As you reached the waistband of your jeans, you unbuttoned it.
Now that your back was facing him, you turned your head, giving him the best seductive
and naughty grin that you could muster. The hunger and lust in his raven eyes, the
heavy, shallow breathing, and the big bulge in his pants were all for sure are indications
that he was so seduced by you at the very moment.

Never breaking eye contact, you leaned forward, hovering your butt just above his
crotch, you slid your jeans down your round rump before discarding them onto the
floor, showing him your matching panties. You placed your hands on his thigh for
balance on your next move. You began to work your ass around his aching beast in
circles. It was a sudden switch to an up and down motion, like you were riding him in a
reverse cow-girl, grinding up against his hardened member that got him going.

“(First Name)…” Kiyoomi moaned, thrusting his hips up, “Get me out this, or—“

“Or what?” you mockingly said as you enjoy the sight of a helpless Saksua Kiyoomi, a
promising rookie to the MSBY Black Jackals and MVP recipient at Japan National
Collegiate Volleyball Championship.

Nothing could beat nor surpass the amazing view in front of you. The incredible,
talented volleyball player who’s considered as one of the top three aces of Japan, tied to
a chair, panting like a wild beast over your body. However, the look that suddenly
appeared in his eyes made you to almost stop completely.

The sudden sound of something that is being ripped echoed in the whole room. Your
eyes widened when that smile of his that he only shows when he's on the court appeared
on his face as he held up the ripped piece of clothing. His desire, lust and hunger for you
was so clear on his face, you didn't have much time to wonder when you found yourself
laying on top of his desk.

"Oh," you smiled up innocently at him biting your lip which excites him even more.

"Oh?" he growled back, his hands roaming around your body sexually, "You've been a
very bad girl, maybe I should give you some punishment, Sakusa-(Last Name) (First
Name)?" he purred, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine. "Distracting me on
my work and teasing me like that..."
With one swift motion, he had removed your matching underwear and had them
discarded on the floor. With you laying naked in front of him on top of his desk made his
manhood to twitch, from hunger, lust and excitement. You could feel his calloused
hands grip your sides. However, instead of a sudden thrust you expected you would feel,
you felt two fingers gently rubbing your folds, getting up slightly on the desk, you could
see him kneeling down in-between your thighs, his hot breath making your already wet
and hot core even more wet. Seconds later his hot and wet tongue began to work your
folds, licking and sucking your clit once in a while and thrusting his tongue in and out of

"Omi~" you moaned out as your hands found its way on his raven colored hair, gripping
it gently.

"Yes? What is it, (First Name)?" he asked calmly yet a devious smirk lingering on his
face as he pulled away.


"Please, what, (First Name)?" you could feel his grin against you.

"Put it in~!" you whined, rubbing his beast with your foot.

But before you could whine again, he thrust his way all the way inside you. You let out a
loud scream of pleasure. You could tell by the way he thrusts you, you could say that you
are not the only one who's impatient. His thrust were fast and powerful and desperate,
almost inhuman. The desk beneath you were creaking and shaking in time with your
motions. You could feel his hands grab your sides once more for more leverage as he
pulled you closer to him. It wasn't long before you were both moaning each other’s
name, filling the entire room with it. The tightening in your abdomen made you thrash
desperately for sweet release. It was just a few more thrust and you came, screaming and
moaning in nothing but pure pleasure and ecstasy. Kiyoomi’s hot and creamy seeds
filled you just after you came.

He wrap his arms around you and carries you to a door that leads to the bedroom the
two of you shared. He laid you down gently as he hovered over you, catching you off
guard as he brush his fingers over your clit in purpose making you twitch and once more
cum signaling that your still turned on. He gave you a sinful yet seductive smirk before
he wrapped his lips against yours, dragging you into a heated fight for dominance.

The next morning, you awoke by the sun's ray beaming through your window, while
being encased in a warm and protective embrace, under your still sleeping husband's
arms. You shook him gently, he let out a long and a bit loud yawn before he kissed you
on your cheeks and pecked you on your lips.

"Good morning..."

"Good morning," you smiled. "Don’t you have a meeting with the boys today?”

He smiled as his knuckles caressed your soft cheeks, "They'll be fine... plus I know what
it is that I have to do. Everyone in the team are all promising players."

You smiled and snuggled closer to him, inhaling in his manly scent that makes you to
fall on him even more.

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