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Nama : Cantika Sasqia Putri

Kelas : ​IX(9​)​-G
No Urut : ​4

Bunga Mendowe

Orientation​ :
Bunga Mendowe is the name of a princess from Uluwai, Tana Toraja Regency who ran
away from her family and left her hometown when her parents were about to marry a young
man she didn't know. On his escape, he came to a kingdom called Pangbarani. In that area,
he was allowed to stay by the royal family. At that time, the king's son named Cinangki Wale
was attracted to the beauty of the Mendowe Flower. However, Bunga Mendowe did not love
the young man. Because of his love, the young man threatened to create a mess if he didn't
marry Bunga Mendowe. Finally, Bunga Mendowe was forced to accept the young man's
proposal. Another reason, because Bunga Mendowe feels indebted to the King (Cinangki
Wale's father) who has given permission to live in that area.

The wedding of Cinangki Wale and Bunga Mendowe was held and was very lively. However,
the two partners' life journey did not give happiness for Bunga Mendowe. Bunga Mendowe is
often left behind for days and even months by her husband who visits neighboring countries
to trade, fulfilling his penchant for gambling and cockfighting. In fact, it took days for her
husband to come home. As a result of being often left behind, Bunga Mendowe felt lonely.

Complication​ :
Once upon a time, Bunga Mendowe saw a young man and fell in love with him. The young
man was named Janggu Rara. Bunga Mendowe also tried to find a way to get acquainted
with him until one day his efforts were successful. After being loved again, Janggu Rara also
fell in love with him. Develop a very close relationship. The relationship between Bunga
Mendowe and Janggu Rara was kissed by her husband, Cinangki Wale. Cinangki Wale was
very angry and then sentenced Janggu Rara in a very sadistic and barbaric way. Janggu
Raa was burned by a burning fire. Seeing this incident, Bunga Mendowe, who could not bear
to see her lover being treated like that, Bunga Mendowe then jumped into the flames to
accompany her lover's death. Finally, the two of them died together in the flames that burned
until their bodies turned to ashes.

Resolution​ :
Thanks to the power of God and the prayers of their parents, the two ashes then
transformed into Human who was more handsome and beautiful than before. Both of them
later lived, married, and lived happily. The Pangbarani community agreed that the two of
them would be appointed leaders of the area. Under the rule of the two of them, the land
became prosperous and prosperous.

One day, Bunga Mendowe returned to her hometown in Uluwai with the intention of visiting
her parents. Arriving in that Town, he did not get happiness, but sadness because his father
had died. It is said that his father's death was due to lingering grief because Mendowe
Flowers went somewhere leaving the palace with no direction of direction. Bunga Mendowe
also felt so devastated and guilty about the incident that she fell ill. Not long after, he died.
Her husband then asked that Bunga Mendoee's body be brought to Pangbarani to be buried
there. After Bunga Mendowe died, Janggu Rara also felt very sad because he was left
behind by his wife he loved so much. Due to prolonged grief, Janggu Rara fell ill and died
following his wife into the afterlife.

Something strange happened, after the death of the two. The caterpillars that come out of
their graves visit each other even though the place is very far away. Seeing this incident,
palace officials took the initiative to unite the two bodies in a cave. Since then, the
caterpillars have not looked what they usually see.

Coda​ :
From the story about this affair emerges a belief that marriage without love should be
avoided because the effect is very bad in the future for yourself and the cheating family.

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