Dragons Importance in Astrology

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Astrology: Dragons throughout the ages - Dragons

importance in Astrology.

Chinese astrologers refer to the Moon's Nodes as the Dragon's Head and Tail and give it
tremendous attention as to the placement in the natal chart. Sadly, practical modern
astrologers tend to ignore its very existence and in the process, lose a wealth of valuable
information. To my knowledge, the Dragon, in itself, holds as much, if not more, facts and
power than the entire complexity of a whole astrological chart! This article give you the
knowledge to understand the Dragon in your personal horoscope.

Caput Draconis, Cancer, astrological chart, Virgo, Leo, Dragon’s Head, Taurus, Astrology, Scorpio, Head of the Dragon,
Draconis, Gemini, Capricorn, Dragon in your personal horoscope, Tail of the Dragon, yin, Libra, yang, Pisces, North Node
of the Moon, Aquarius, Aries, Sagittarius, Cauda Draconis, Moon's Nodes as the Dragon's Head and Tail, constellation of
Draco, Big and Little Dippers

Astrology: Dragons throughout the

ages - Dragons importance in

Sir Isaac Newton wrote "for every action, there is an equal and
opposite reaction". We are what we think, having become what we
thought. This statement emphasizes that for every thought or action,
there will be an effect. This is what I call the "Universal Law", the
cause and effect of the yin and yang recognized and accepted as the
LAW OF KARMA. Modern Astrology classifies the Dragon's Head and
Tail as the South and North Nodes of the Moon. To my knowledge,
the Moon is, just by herself, quite responsible for the daily fate of the
world and directly affects the weather and nature's forces at work.

Obviously, the waxing and waning periods of our closest satellite will
produce the daily process of the tides. The lunar cycle is 28 and half
days, which is the same as a woman's cycle. Thus, women will have
a physical and spiritual response as we all will be responding
subconsciously to the word, "LUNATIC". The scientific community is
only aware of tremendous activity in the time of a Full Moon, but
they still have no clue as to the tremendous information behind it.

The police force and the hospital emergency rooms are also unusually
busy at these times. The Moon's subtle power is not yet understood
by the scientific community but is wisely used by the aware farmer.
However, many years of tedious observation have shown me that she
is undeniably affecting the human psyche and our response to life.
Without opposing forces at work (positive/negative), there would be
no reaction, thus, no life possible on both the spiritual and physical
planes. Our so-called "dead" satellite is very much alive, and
vigilantly observing her whereabouts will make man grow steadfastly
into a genius in predictive astrology.

The Dragon's Head

The North Node of the Moon is a positive energy, a form of "wheel of
fortune", pushing the soul toward a new self-realization and sure
happiness. Chinese astrologers refer to the Moon's Nodes as the
Dragon's Head and Tail and give it tremendous attention as to the
placement in the natal chart. Sadly, practical modern astrologers
tend to ignore its very existence and in the process, lose a wealth of
valuable information. To my knowledge, the Dragon, in itself, holds
as much, if not more, facts and power than the entire complexity of a
whole astrological chart!
I found the essence of the Dragon's secrets to be a major
contribution for success or failure in one's life. Many famous people
and the ones that have made history, for good or for worse, have an
obvious relationship with it.

The Dragon's Tail

The South Node of the Moon is a negative energy that is a form of
"karmic residue", dragging the soul toward his past
accomplishments, inner fears, and weaknesses. This build-up of
previous incarnations must be eliminated, and a chance is given to
you by the "Great Designer" to experience something other than fear
and dogmatic views. As a rule, we are all naturally attracted by the
Dragon's Tail. This is similar to a child wanting to stay home instead
of going to his new school, facing the cold weather, others and
refusing to progress with the rest of his class. There, at home, (Tail),
the soul feels secure and confident with what he knows best. In my
research, I have noticed that following the Dragon's Tail's commands
can only lead its owner toward failure, pain, drama, and indeed, may
lead to death. In some extreme cases, the Dragon's Tail causes the
soul to lead other people into its own dark past life residue, (David
Koresh), thereby hurting the innocent, trusting souls who follow
them. Sometimes, for specific karmic reasons, the Dragon's Tail can
be used positively, thus having produced gifted musicians such as
Bach and Schubert, born with the Dragon's Tail in Libra.
Here, the soul's past life musical work comes to fruition for others to
enjoy or learn from. God has allowed these "geniuses" to use their
previous life's work for the benefit of mankind, and they were able to
accomplish wonders at an early age. The location of the Dragon's Tail
is where all of your weaknesses will be coming from. You have been
there. You have done that. You have learned those lessons. God will
not help you there and if not aware of the Dragon's Head which is
promising opportunities, you will end up striving either for financial or
emotional security.
Sometimes, unexpected experiences such as an accident or the use
of chemicals (drugs/alcohol/medication) will cause the soul to be
drawn back into his past life residue. The occurrence is somehow
shocking, vivid and very believable. Thus, the soul mistakenly
"receives messages from a higher level" based on his past life
residues and firmly believes it. The purification and progress of the
soul can only be found on the "next" experiences promised by the
location of his Dragon's Head by house and sign of the zodiac. Armed
with such a powerful knowledge, one is able to detect fiction from
reality and make a difference between divine information and pure

The awareness of someone's Dragon's Head and Tail is a real

contribution to detect the plain truth about the dynamics involving
the working of the psyche. This work was not done to diminish
anyone's integrity but to clarify their astral relationship with God and
the Universe. We all are children of this magnificent galaxy, and
there is a reason for every one of us to be.

Dragons Through the Ages

There have been many depictions of dragons in all kinds of folklore,
mythology, and fiction. They have been depicted with wings or
without, with scales or leathery skin, with legs and without.
Sometimes they seem to be a horrible evil that must be wiped from
the face of the earth, at other times they are mankind’s protector
and savior and, even more bizarre, they have been portrayed as
whimsical, bumbling cartoon characters. But no matter what the
situation is with dragons, they are suffused with power. This may be
why we are alternately drawn to and repelled by them. Man is well
known for trying to destroy all that he fears and does not
understand; dragons certainly fall squarely into this category. That
may be why the famed label “Here Be Dragons” was marked in the
territories not yet explored on old maps. But on the other hand, we
don’t want anybody to go anywhere we haven’t yet had the courage
to go lest they may claim for their own a land better than ours.
As I suffused myself with the study of The Dragon, I began to
understand this mythical creature’s lure and charm as well as the
untold power that he holds over our lives.
The Dragon appears twice in the heavens: once brightly as the
constellation of Draco, which is in the northern part of the sky and
curves between the Big and Little Dippers, ending in the Dragon’s
Head, which consists of four stars — the star a Draconis is a
stunningly bright double star. The other place he appears is known
almost entirely to Astrologers! Ancient Astrology called the North
Node of the Moon “Caput Draconis” or the “Head of the Dragon,” and
the South Node of the Moon “Cauda Draconis” or the “Tail of the
Dragon.” The word “Node” actually means “knot” or “complication,”
which is really very apt when applying them to your life.
Wherever your particular Dragon appears is a complication or puzzle
that you must solve in order to learn your life’s lesson and achieve
true happiness, that elusive little thing hidden deep inside containing
all of life’s mysteries. Throughout the coming chapter I will endeavor
to teach you what Dragon protects you and how you can harness his
or her energy to lift you to the pinnacle of success no matter what
path you have chosen to walk!!
The two different categories of Dragon are winged and wingless or
male and female. The wingless Dragon is yang dragon with Martian
energy or more male energy. These Dragons will give you great
courage and will protect you mightily from all dangerous activity.
They are the true pioneers of spirit, unafraid of anything physical,
gifted with tremendous energy. However, there is always a down side
to the up and we must look at both. These Dragons tend to be the
“Fire-Breathing” type, full of aggression and impatience. Ready to
charge into battle without all the facts leaving scars on their victims
as they bluster by with barely an apology. Since such a leadership
quality exists, so does a “me-first” attitude. Sharing and compromise
must be learned. A leavening needs to take place in these lives so
that they may reach their higher purpose.
Don’t dream, if you were gifted with all this extra power that you
don’t have a big work to do while you enjoy the fruits of the earth!
When you train your Dragon, the understanding and rewards of Love
will be yours.
The winged Dragon is a yin dragon with Venusian energy or more
female energy. These Dragons will give you great ability at diplomatic
relations as well as with the arts themselves and protect you fiercely
from spiritual pain. Business acumen and intuition belong to you.
Style, design, luxury and comfort are ingrained in your DNA. Your
physical energy may not be great, but your endurance is. Serenity is
your hallmark. Once again, there is a dark side to every bright, so
let’s take a look. These Dragons tend to be lax and lazy in their
approach to life; they are quite talented, but do not appreciate their
gifts. There are always power and control problems with these
dragons who may train a beautiful eye upon you; their ability to
wheedle is extreme, so that many times they get others to do their
work for them, using beauty or sex as a trade-off. There is too much
leavening here and that needs to be brought back down to earth. No
daydreaming, just hard work and facing reality if you really want to
reap the rewards. If you want the dragon of depression off your
back, you had better get up off the couch and start using the talent
that you were given, or that load that you carry will just keep getting
heavier. I know that it seems as if you have the harder lessons, but
you also have the greater rewards!! When you train your Dragon, the
understanding and attainment of security will be yours.

For this next part you must refer to the charts of the Dragon using
your birth date to find out which particular Dragon’s power you can
harness as well as their metals and colors.

Dragon's Head location by the year

1900 to 1949
January 1, 1900 to December 28, 1900 = Sagittarius
December 29, 1900 to July 17, 1902 = Scorpio
July 18, 1902 to February 4, 1904 = Libra
February 5, 1904 to August 23, 1905 = Virgo
August 24, 1905 to March 13, 1907 = Leo
March 14, 1907 to September 29, 1908 = Cancer
September 30, 1908 to April 18, 1910 = Gemini
April 19, 1910 to November 7, 1911 = Taurus
November 8, 1911 to May 26, 1913 = Aries
May 27, 1913 to December 13, 1914 = Pisces
December 14, 1914 to July 2, 1916 = Aquarius
July 3, 1916 to January 19, 1918
January 20, 1918 to August 9, 1919 Sagittarius
August 10, 1919 to February 26, 1921 Scorpio
February 27, 1921 to September 15, 1922 Libra
September 16, 1922 to April 4, 1924 Virgo
April 5, 1924 to October 22, 1925 Leo
October 23, 1925 to May 12, 1927 Cancer
May 13, 1927 to November 28, 1928 Gemini
November 29, 1928 to June 18, 1930 Taurus
June 19, 1930 to January 6, 1932 Aries
January 7, 1932 to July 25, 1933 Pisces
July 26, 1933 to February 12, 1935 Aquarius
February 13, 1935 to September 1, 1936 Capricorn
September 2, 1936 to March 21, 1938 Sagittarius
March 22, 1938 to October 9, 1939 Scorpio
October 10, 1939 to April 27, 1941 Libra
April 28, 1941 to November 15, 1942 Virgo
November 16, 1942 to June 3, 1944 Leo
June 4, 1944 to December 23, 1945 Cancer
December 24, 1945 to July 11, 1947 Gemini
July 12, 1947 to January 28, 1949 Taurus
January 29, 1949 to December 31, 1949 Aries
1950 to 1999
January 1, 1950 to August 17, 1950 Aries
August 18, 1950 to March 7, 1952 Pisces
March 8, 1952 to October 2, 1953 Aquarius
October 3, 1953 to April 12, 1955 Capricorn
April 13, 1955 to November 4, 1956 Sagittarius
November 5, 1956 to May 21, 1958 Scorpio
May 22, 1958 to December 8, 1959 Libra
December 9, 1959 to July 3, 1961 Virgo
July 4, 1961 to January 13, 1963 Leo
January 14, 1963 to August 5, 1964 Cancer
August 6, 1964 to February 21, 1966 Gemini
February 22, 1966 to September 10, 1967 Taurus
September 11, 1967 to April 3, 1969 Aries
April 4, 1969 to October 15, 1970 Pisces
October 16, 1970 to May 5, 1972 Aquarius
May 6, 1972 to November 22, 1973 Capricorn
November 23, 1973 to June 12, 1975 Sagittarius
June 13, 1975 to December 29, 1976 Scorpio
December 30, 1976 to July 19, 1978 Libra
July 20, 1978 to February 5, 1980 Virgo
February 6, 1980 to August 25, 1981 Leo
August 26, 1981 to March 14, 1983 Cancer
March 15, 1983 to October 1, 1984 Gemini
October 2, 1984 to April 20, 1986 Taurus
April 21, 1986 to November 8, 1987 Aries
November 9, 1987 to May 28, 1989 Pisces
May 29, 1989 to December 15, 1990 Aquarius
December 16, 1990 to July 4, 1992 Capricorn
July 5, 1992 to January 21, 1994 Sagittarius
January 22, 1994 to August 11, 1995 Scorpio
August 12, 1995 to February 27, 1997 Libra
February 28, 1997 to September 17, 1998 Virgo
September 18, 1998 to December 31, 1999 Leo

The Dragon’s Head in Aries:

You are dealing with a wingless Dragon that is very protective of your
body, especially of your head region. Yes, you may hurt it all right,
but the accidents and injuries that would cause death to most seem
to bounce off you. Your Dragon’s color is Red. Courage rides at your
side; you need only to raise your voice and the world will listen. Your
metal is Steel, and you must learn to be like this metal, letting petty
annoyances slide off while building an inner strength that will not be
broken. The more you take chances in life the luckier you will
become. Do not allow groups or partners to sway your thoughts;
stick to your lonely path and then you will have harnessed all the
power of your dynamic Dragon.
The Dragon’s Head in Taurus:
You are dealing with a winged Dragon that is very protective of your
monetary security. This does not mean that you will never see
poverty; as a matter of fact, many of you will be born into it. But you
must pull yourself away from this thought process. Your Dragon’s
color is Electric Blue. Discerning things of a deep and hidden nature
is your forte. Your metal is copper and very healing in nature. You
must learn to be like your Dragon’s metal, beautiful and healing,
while keeping a silent tongue when vitriolic sarcasm wishes to spring
forth. You must build things up, not tear them down. Stay away from
things that seem in any way criminal — even though it may seem
exciting for a moment, you will exact a high karmic price for your
action. You will have harnessed your Dragon when you learn truly
that Love conquers all.
Dragon’s Head in Gemini:
You have a wingless Dragon who is capable of flight. He is very
protective of your powers of thought and communication, as well as
your arms and lungs. This does not mean that you might not
encounter difficulties when learning; as a matter of fact, your
amazingly fast thought processes may fool people into thinking that
you are not quite normal. This is not true; it is part of your gift of
speed. Your Dragon’s color is Silver-Blue; that is the color that coats
your tongue and gives you the great gift of gab. Hence the term
“silver-tongued devil.” Your Dragon’s metal is Mercury and you must
learn to be like this metal, unmatchable, ever-changing, challenging
all common thought to see what lies beyond the edges. You will have
harnessed your Dragon when you learn that your own original
thoughts are worth more to the world than all the books you could
cram into a lifetime.
Dragon’s Head in Cancer:
You have a winged Dragon who is ferociously protective of your
actual home and security; she will also protect your stomach and, for
a woman, the womb and breasts. This does not mean you will never
suffer in these areas; in order to learn real security you must first
experience insecurities. Do not allow these insecurities to rule your
life or you will inhibit the warmth that should flow through you.
People will find you cold and distant. Your Dragon’s color in Silver-
White that twinkles like a fairy’s own dust and draws people in need
to you. Your Dragon’s metal is silver and you must be like this metal:
pure and true, in all your dealings quite sterling. You will have
harnessed your Dragon when you learn that nurturing is priceless in
value and nobility.
Dragon’s Head in Leo:
You have a Dragon who is wingless and extraordinarily protective of
your inner child as well the heart. He embodies leadership and
generously gives his gifts to you. This does not mean that you will
always feel the glow of pride upon your face; this is something that
you must build so that you know its true value. Your Dragon’s color is
Gold, giving you talents precious that the world will behold. Your
Dragon’s metal is also gold — you must learn to be like this metal,
shining and powerful while still containing within all the flexibility of a
great leader. These colors and metals are the things of kings and
when you learn to lead without ego and pride, you will have indeed
harnessed your Dragon’s power.
Dragon’s Head in Virgo:
You have a winged Dragon who sticks close by the earth. She is
extremely protective of your health and especially your intestines.
This does not mean you will never be sick; as a matter of fact, in
order for you to prize the productivity you delight in, you must suffer
a bit. Worries are your enemy and work your friend. Your Dragon’s
color is Green, and she bestows gifts with all plant things as well as
giving you the knowledge of herbal remedies. Your Dragon’s metal is
Aluminum and you must learn its qualities: usefulness as well as
beauty. This metal is flexible and can cover any situation from
extreme heat to extreme cold. While seemingly fragile, it will wound
the unwary. You will have harnessed your Dragon’s power when you
learn that logic and reason give more power than dreaming.
Dragon’s Head in Libra:
You have a wingless Dragon who fiercely protects your relationships
as well as the kidneys and low back. This does not mean you will
never suffer in partnerships; as a matter of fact, you will have to see
a few wrong ones before you know how to tell the two apart. Though
your better half may not come along until later, you will have then
learned the art of compromise. Your Dragon’s color is Royal Blue, and
he bestows the gifts of understanding law and great insight into
man’s motivations. Your Dragon’s metal is Brass, and you must learn
to be like this metal: malleable and shapeable in the artist’s hands.
You must assume a pleasing shape and tone at all times, for you are
diplomacy on demand. You will have truly harnessed your Dragon’s
power when you learn that two heads are always better than one.
Dragon’s Head in Scorpio:
You have a winged Dragon who is uncompromisingly protective of
your things held in common with others; she also protects the sexual
organs in both a man and woman. This does not mean you will never
suffer loss in life, you may be touched by uncommon strife, but only
to understand the value of things not of man. Your Dragon’s color is
Shiny Black and Red, a warning to all that poison lurks for those who
have criminal quirks. She will give great gifts of power and insight so
that you may see your way clear even on a moonless night. Your
Dragon’s metal is Plutonium, and you must learn to be like this
explosive compound, ready to move toward every goal in an
uncompromising matter. There is only black and white in this world,
no place for naiveté, so you must reach for your goals with
confidence. You will have harnessed your Dragon’s power when you
learn truly that money cannot buy the most precious things in life.
Dragon’s Head in Sagittarius:
You have a wingless Dragon of untold mirth, who protects you
fiercely from all negativity as well as your low back and thighs. This
does not mean you will never be unhappy in these areas, for in order
for you to understand how to laugh at life, it must first deal you some
double whammies. Your Dragon’s color is a Bright Glowing Orange,
the color of honesty and truth, and to these ends you must always
endure. Your Dragon’s metal is Tin, and you must learn to be like this
metal: expanding your mind into all the places the world says are
impossible. You must teach us all the meaning of life. You will have
truly harnessed your Dragon’s power when you rise above the
prevailing trends to become a true individual.
Dragon’s Head in Capricorn:
You have a winged Dragon who savagely protects your career as well
as your knees and all bones in the skeleton. This does not mean that
high honor will come easily to you, lest you not truly aspire and
discipline yourself to achieve. Your success will come later but will be
much greater than those of your colleagues. Your Dragon’s color is
Deep Brown, bestowing the gift of integrity and sturdiness. This is a
sensible color to give you the right lift and look in the crowds where
you must travel. Your Dragon’s metal is Iron, and you must learn to
be like this metal: strong, unbending, bearing all the weight of the
structures it supports. You will have truly harnessed your Dragon’s
power when you learn to go out into the cold, cruel work world
without dependence on family or friends. You are the leader of the
future; take up your banner and fight.
Dragon’s Head in Aquarius:
You have a wingless Dragon who is capable of flight. He will fiercely
protect your wishes as well as your nervous system. This does not
mean you will receive every wish without forethought, for you must
nurture these ethereal things until they become a reality, and
thought is the very birth of a wish. Your Dragon’s color is Purple,
bestowing the gifts of genius and powers of persuasion over large
groups. You must learn the ways of the entire world before you can
find a remedy to its maladies. Your Dragon’s metal is Uranium and
you must learn to be like this explosive compound: infusing all those
you meet with the electricity of your spirit, so that we may all come
together without judgment or fear, creating a world all the better for
its differences. You will have truly harnessed your Dragon’s power
when you learn that “united we stand, divided we fall” is truly the
theme of your life.
Dragon’s Head in Pisces:
You have a winged Dragon capable of untold flights of fancy, yet
fiercely protective of your subconscious and creative flow, also the
feet. This does not mean you will never suffer in these areas; before
you can understand how to deal with creativity, you must first feel
the pain of the untalented. Your Dragon’s color is Aqua, the color of
the seas, sparkling in celestial beauty daring all people to plumb the
depths of this hidden world. Your Dragon’s metal is Platinum and you
must endeavor to be like this most precious of metals, for your
talents are rare and unique. People of your artistic stature are a gift
to this world, which lift us out of the mundane, into your imagination
and place of such immense beauty that makes mere mortals cry. You
will have truly harnessed your Dragon’s incredible power when you
learn to levitate yourself above the small details so you can have a
greater picture of where we all live and work.
These are your Dragons. May you always find yourself at their heads,
for the tail is not a place to ride? If you are finding life a very hard
toil with no hope of moving into the space of your dreams, then you
are riding backward, it seems. A Dragon is no easy thing to tame,
which is why we have a lifetime to learn how. Use your time wisely
lest you have to do it again!
Key words for a positive Aries Dragon's Head
You are a genius, an inventor, a leader and you spent time in the
You have plenty of desire and you were born with an adventurous
You have a lot of vitality, a good self -esteem and you are lucky.
You are true to yourself and with others.
You are intelligent and competitive
You take chances on anything.
You are magnetic and exciting

Key words for a negative Aries Dragon's Tail:

You are self centered with no valuable ideas involving others and a
low self-esteem
You are afraid of new people, you are insecure and accident prone on
the head
You are too impatient and demanding, you should forget the word
You will take a chance only if there is something to gain for yourself
You run out of energy of stamina
You are jealous and unsafe
You are dictatorial

Key words for a positive Taurus Dragon's Head:

You have faith in your abilities to make million of dollars or launch
any business
You are a genius with yours and other people's money
You are willing to work harder than anyone to get there.
You have plenty of great ideas to give away
You give with love and respect
You are creative and beautiful
You are financially secure

Key words for a negative Taurus Dragon's Tail:

You have a bad attitude with money; you would do anything against
the law to get it
You loose all you possessions and credit cards a few times
You are financially insecure and won't do a thing about it
You do not want to work and expect others to provide
You want to marry an older wealthy person only
You can't stop shopping no matter what
You will use sex for money

Key words for a positive Gemini Dragon's Head:

You know you are a “Messenger of the Gods" are a mental genius
and a proficient writer
You have plenty of mental and physical energy to spare looking for
the truth
You are joyful and you possess a gift of youth
You tell the truth and jokes at all the time
You like photography and music
You're versatile and curious
You speak French

Key words for a negative Gemini Dragon's Tail:

You lie, you are continually confused and you don't trust anyone
You avoid any and all direct and honest communication
You talk too much and don't listen to others
You have no opinion of your own
You are a lost "Jack of all trades"
You steal all from anyone
You are indecisive

Key words for a positive Cancer Dragon's Head:

You are a great cook, caring, loving with a great family life
You are a genius in the real estate
You own a beautiful home
You spend time with family
Children love you
You are a mystic
You are sensual

Key words for a negative Cancer Dragon's Tail:

You are smothering to all
You are in trouble with your family
You feel over anxious and get ulcer
You are too needy
You're often depressed
You are afraid of a career and responsibility
You're over emotional

Key words for a positive Leo Dragon's Head:

You have tons of physical and spiritual energy
You want to be world famous or a leader
You are honorable and true to yourself
You have an incredible self-esteem
You'll travel far to get opportunities
You are gifted and competitive
You're shining and magnetic

Key words for a negative Leo Dragon's Tail:

You'll not travel anywhere to get opportunities
You have dependency problems
You are lazy asking for heart trouble
You have a self destructive attitude
You refuse all responsibilities
You love shocking people
You are an egocentric

Key words for a positive Virgo Dragon's Head:

You are a genius with organization, a researcher
You are a real master in communication
You regenerate with plants and nature
You are a very valuable Public Relation person
You are health conscious
You are very spiritual
You are an artist

Key words for a negative Virgo Dragon's Tail:

You disclaim the values of the metaphysical
You are a traditionally educated mental snob
You know better than everyone around you
You are a fussy and picky perfectionist
You are extremely critical of others
Your working life is a mess
You are fanatical about diet

Key words for a positive Libra Dragon's Head:

You have "Savoir Faire" and are at ease with others
You attract an honorable and wealthy crowd
You are loving and refined and magnetic
You are a true diplomat
You have a positive self image
You are lucky with the law
You are good with words
Key words for a negative Libra Dragon's Tail:
You feel you have no real strengths with groups
You provide too much aid to the wrong partner
You allow yourself to be manipulated
You attract ineffectual people
You have been married a few times
You can't say no without guilt
You have no regard for the law

Key words for a positive Scorpio Dragon's Head:

You work for the law or medicine and achieve a high position
You are deep, mystical, refined and magnetic
You have a wealth of residual inner power
You have a will of steel and artistic ability
You know you are the eagle of the Zodiac
You are lucky with corporate endeavors
You are an incredible investigator

Key words for a negative Scorpio Dragon's Tail:

You are often jealous, resentful and dangerous
You are a masochist with a lust for death and drama
You use your metaphysical power the wrong way
You can't let go of people and you are secretive
You enjoy night and attract the wrong crowd
You hate the cops and you have gone to jail
You reject life

Key words for a positive Sagittarius Dragon's Head:

You are a great teacher and you travel the globe around
Your great works are published
You are lucky in gambling and with foreigners
You are a philosopher with a great love of animals
You use your inner knowledge of Indian philosophy
You know you are a real "Truth Seeker"
You are independent and courageous

Key words for a negative Sagittarius Dragon's Tail Your philosophy,

religion or your guru is the only right one
You won't change your mind, your views or your beliefs
You believe that animals are better than humans
You won't challenge what has been written
You are afraid of pursuing real education
You have been religiously poisoned
You think you are above the law

Key words for a positive Capricorn Dragon's Head

You run your own business or you are a great architect

You are practical, honest, down to earth and spiritually elevated
You have a position of power and respect in your career
You are wise, organized and your attract responsibilities
You have been working for Uncle Sam. all your life
You are gifted with politics in all its facets
You make time for your home life

Key words for a negative Capricorn Dragon's Tail

You are a snob, cold and calculated
You have trouble with government
Your knees and stomach hurt
You use and abuse others
You're often depressed
Your career is a mess
You're self-serving

Key words for a positive Aquarius Dragon's Head

You are an inventor, a computer genius
You work for television, radio promoting the new age
You have a great interest in UFO as well as science and investigation
You are born an astrologer
You service the world with an important mission in your heart
You are a gifted communicator, speaker and you write unusual books
You travel the world with a considerable message

Key words for a negative Aquarius Dragon's Tail

You are afraid of flying and enclosed places

You only dream about your wishes
You can’t make a commitment with love
You attract wrong friends and weird people
You are too independent or pursue too many lost causes.
You are afraid of success and responsibilities

Key words for a positive Pisces Dragon's Head

You are a successful actor or artist
You are gifted in astral projection (like Nostradamus)
You understand mankind's experiences and their differences
You are compassionate, spiritual and active in charity work You are a
great care taker of the world (Edgar Cayce)
You are involved to protect the environment
You find yourself in your psychic power
Key words for a negative Pisces Dragon's Tail

You are addicted to chemicals including Dr. Prescriptions

You read too much negative material and fear the "end times" are
You can't stop complaining and you are afraid of everything
You are a religious fanatic or deceived by a "guru"
You spend life in your own dream world
You use sickness to avoid responsibility
You waste your precious talents and gifts

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